2.2. CBM and MRV for REDD+
CBM can become the backbone for a nested structure for REDD+ particularly if the following conditions are met: firstly, national monitoring systems need to include the appropriate infrastructure for data registration, storage and processing; secondly, standard procedures for monitoring practices are required to create a consistent and transparent system; and thirdly, the communities and public offices managing MRV systems need to benefit from collaboration by creating win-win conditions [
23]. Local information produced through CBM can help to increase the detail of the information of national systems (
i.e., geographical data, emissions factors and information of carbon stocks) and can help to evaluate the impact of specific management practices; there are specific opportunities to engage CBM in monitoring systems by hiring local brigades to intensify official inventory programmes and through information sharing from forest management plans, on-going forest carbon projects and projects working with other certification schemes [
CBM can be helpful to understand and address local drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and also to provide information on changes in carbon stocks and forest areas [
23]. There are experiences indicating that communities can monitor forest carbon stocks by undertaking local inventories using GPS and hand-held computers with accurate levels similar to those from professional foresters (e.g., [
23]). For example, projects in Tanzania and Nepal have shown that villagers are able to use a GPS accurately [
25]; this is less time consuming and more reliable than using a compass [
In addition to data gathering, CBM schemes can include participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) as a tool for monitoring forest carbon stocks and forest area [
27] and also to monitor deforestation and forest degradation [
28]; through PGIS, maps can be constructed in a collaborative process involving indigenous researchers, cartographers and GIS specialists (e.g., local knowledge can be gathered from elders, hunters, women and all relevant members of a community) [
28]; however, usually these processes are conducted by technical staff from NGOs or academia and thus the know-how is not resident in the communities.
In many cases, local people contribute in CBM by collecting data, but for various reasons information is often processed outside the community. These correspond to the first classes of monitoring schemes described by Danielsen
et al. [
8]. However, there are cases in which PGIS has been implemented locally thus transferring additional skills to local actors. For instance, in the Siaya district of Kenya, a PGIS project was established to monitor the impact of brick-making industry on forests [
29]; spatial data was processed on-site at the Ugunja Community Resource Center. In order to implement such a local system, a number of issues had to be addressed first (
i.e., unreliable electricity supply and unsuitable computing equipment, technical services and economic resources to run the laboratory). In order to succeed, the project needed predictable funding to pay for the personnel. Another important aspect was related to technical capacities; it was necessary to develop solid skills to accomplish the objectives of the project. Volunteer trainees learned to collect data, develop databases, design maps and use a GPS. Additionally, they learned more complex tasks such as downloading and converting GPS data, and planning, design and management of GIS databases. The project enabled the community to gather strong evidence linking brick-making and declining forest areas [
29]. At national level, countries face different challenges to build capacities for the integration of CBM into MRV systems [
23], this is also true at sub-national levels given the heterogeneity of communities and degrees of involvement of local actors in forest management.
With regard to existing and potential sources of local information, there are various opportunities to integrate CBM into NFMS and MRV for REDD+ [
24] since these systems require information on forest areas and carbon stocks with high levels of resolution and frequent updating. First, there is the information that communities can gather as part of public programmes, this includes hiring communities to establish inventory plots as part of national or regional forest inventories following standardized protocols (
public programmes); the motivation of the communities to gather the information in this case will be linked to the external benefits from public programmes. This overlaps with scheme of type II in the classification of Danielsen
et al. [
8] (scheme with lower involvement of communities). The second option is the information that communities gather and use as part of their management of natural resources motivated by the potential to access direct benefits (e.g., timber, non-timber forest products (NTFP), environmental services) (
local interest); depending on the skills of the local actors and often on the involvement of external allies (e.g., NGOs). These activities may range from types III to V in the classification of Danielsen
et al. [
8] where communities play more active roles but may not necessarily follow standard monitoring procedures. The third option for integrating local data into national systems relates to the information collected during participation in private incentive schemes such as carbon markets or certification programmes (e.g., organic, certified timber) [
24]. In this case, communities participate to receive an external benefit, building upon local management practices and following standardized monitoring protocols (
private incentives); as in the previous option, depending on the skills of local actors, in these schemes they can engage in more activities and may correspond to types II to IV in the classification by Danielsen
et al. [
8]. The main differences between these three cases are the motivations for participation and the methods used to gather the information. In order to integrate the information of the last two options into national systems, it is necessary to reach agreements with local actors who formally own the information [
2.3. REDD+ in Mexico
Prior to COP 16 in Cancun, Mexico prepared a document to define its Vision on REDD+ [
30]; two years later in November 2012, CONAFOR published a draft version of its national REDD+ strategy (ENAREDD+ in Spanish) [
31], and a revised draft was circulated around a Technical Consulting Committee (CTC) for comments (July–August 2013). The ENAREDD+ draft [
31], establishes that REDD+ implementation will involve a broad sustainable rural development approach, with a landscape focus aligned to the principles of the strategy and with social and environmental safeguards. In line with the General Climate Change Law, the draft of the strategy states the target of reaching zero carbon losses in original ecosystems by 2020; it also aims to reduce emissions from degradation, increase the areas under sustainable management and those regenerating naturally, as well as to conserve and enhance carbon stocks.
Based on a landscape approach, one of the objectives stated in the strategy is the integration of monitoring into the institutional arrangements at different scales. For this, activities to be implemented will be planned locally as means to create local governance schemes promoting the participation of communities, for instance via inter-municipal associations. In line with the texts adopted at the COP, the MRV system should consider the methods and guidance of IPCC [
33] and the implementation will follow three stages (
i.e., preparedness, implementation of actions and policies and full MRV). It has been established in local legislation that the National Forest and Soil Inventory, which is at the core of the NFMS in the country, will include the information of the MRV system and that this should be created within a period of three years, starting on June 2012 [
34]. The NFMS should be robust and include a transparent MRV system; it should promote local participation by exploring different approaches to improve community forest management while contributing to national systems. This system should be a tool to support land management at local level combined with different approaches of local monitoring to improve community territorial management.
In addition to the activities developed by the Alliance Mexico REDD+ there are other initiatives being undertaken in the country. In 2010, the Ministries of Environment of Mexico and Norway signed an agreement of understanding to develop activities related to REDD+ including the design of a MRV system (at least to a Tier 2 level), promoting South-South capacity building and the design of local incentives [
35]; the official name of the project is
“Fortalecimiento del proceso de preparación para REDD+ en México y el fomento de la Cooperación Sur-Sur” although it is usually known as the Mexico-Norway project. CONAFOR is also implementing a project in collaboration with the French Development Agency and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development funded by the Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF) of the European Union, to replicate the creation of local governance systems for REDD+ [
36]. The objective of the
LAIF project is to replicate the inter-municipal association scheme adopted in the EAA of Ayuquila River Basin in Jalisco in other watersheds and EAAs of high priority in order to build local capacities to link activities for rural development and sustainable forest management in REDD+ [
36]. The three initiatives are assessing a monitoring governance based approach in communities within the EAAs.
2.4. Activities Financed by the Alliance Mexico REDD+
In this context, the Alliance is providing resources for the implementation of REDD+ activities in 11 projects located within the EAA of Sierra Rarámuri of Chihuahua (2 projects), the Pucc-Chenes Mountain Range in Yucatan Peninsula (3 projects), the inner watersheds of Chiapas (3 projects) and forest based communities of Oaxaca (3 projects) (
Figure 1). These projects are implementing different activities to mitigate climate change including a wide variety of actors, strategies and scope. The projects were granted resources for three years based on competitive proposals submitted by different organisations that integrate local alliances for implementation.
Figure 1.
Early action areas. Alianza Mexico REDD+ (image provided by TNC).
Figure 1.
Early action areas. Alianza Mexico REDD+ (image provided by TNC).
The activities proposed in the projects can affect carbon emissions or removals in forests in many different ways. Strategies include some actions that are to be developed directly in forestland (
i.e., sustainable management of forest), some that take place off-forest (
i.e., improved agricultural practices, reforestation), others that involve a group of regional policies (
i.e., community land-use plans; environmental law enforcement), and/or a group of activities that can be oriented towards capacity building. It is recognised that action outside forested areas is necessary to address different drivers of deforestation and forest degradation (e.g., agricultural practices) (e.g., [
38]). Additionally, the activities to be implemented by each project can vary as regards the potential to provide information compatible with national monitoring systems (
i.e., activity data or information on forest areas, changes in area and management practices; and data on carbon stocks and stock changes for different reservoirs). In order to assess the potential of the projects to produce information to national systems, thus activities can be grouped into three general types that are described below.
Case A. Strategies that can produce geographical data (maps) but not data to quantify levels and changes in carbon stocks. Some REDD+ activities might have a diffuse effect on forest management, making it hard to predict the impact on carbon stocks; moreover, they may not initially include the implementation of carbon monitoring practices or targets to reduce emissions. Examples of such activities are the formulation of local land-use plans, general training on best agroforestry practices or the exclusion of cattle in forested areas. Local actors can produce activity data (i.e., area) and integrate it into a PGIS as part of project design and follow-up. Information could refer for instance to the areas of forest that have a local land-use plan, or the ejidos, communities and municipalities that have received training or the polygons where certain activities are being implemented. Such local geographical information could be integrated into the NFMS and identified accordingly as an extra stratum for analysis.
Case B. Strategies that can generate geographical data and some estimates of carbon stock changes. A second case would be the activities that in addition to geographical data could provide information on gains or losses in certain carbon stocks, though not through a comprehensive local forest inventory. Examples of these activities could be the installation of improved cook stoves (in which case, the reduction of fuel-wood extraction could be estimated based on usage) or the restoration of degraded forests by tree planting (for which calculations of biomass growth could be made). It is necessary to identify the specific data types that would need to be produced to identify suitable methods to estimate impacts of the strategies on carbon stocks, emissions or removals. In this case, the information on estimated stock changes in individual reservoirs could be included in national systems [
Case C. Strategies for which complete local information can be generated (Geographical & Carbon). This category corresponds to actions including the implementation of local, repeated, forest inventories, which include all the relevant carbon reservoirs. This would correspond to areas with commercial forest management plans or areas participating in carbon sequestration markets. The local forest inventory data could be combined with that of national inventories. This would however require that local inventories follow standardised protocols and the prescribed verification processes associated with the different schemes.