Beyond Fuel Treatment Effectiveness: Characterizing Interactions between Fire and Treatments in the US
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Background
2.3. Assessing Fuel Treatment Regimes
2.4. Deriving Encounter Rates
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Treatment Type | Description |
Clearcut | The cutting of essentially all trees, producing a fully exposed microclimate for the development of a new age class |
Harvest | A general term for the cutting, felling, and gathering of forest timber. The term harvest was assigned to events where there was not enough information available to call them one of the two distinct types, clearcut or thinning |
Mastication | Means by which vegetation is mechanically “mowed“ or “chipped“ into small pieces and changed from a vertical to a horizontal arrangement |
Other mechanical | Catch all term for a variety of forest and rangeland mechanical activities related to fuels reduction and site preparation including: piling of fuels, chaining, lop and scatter, thinning of fuels, Dixies harrow, etc. |
Prescribed fire | Any fire ignited by management actions to meet specific objectives. A written, approved prescribed fire plan must exist, and NEPA requirements (where applicable) must be met prior to ignition. |
Thinning | A tree removal practice that reduces tree density and competition between trees in a stand. Thinning concentrates growth on fewer, high-quality trees, provides periodic income, and generally enhances tree vigor |
Treatment Unit Type | Number of Treatment Units | Total Treatment Unit Area | Mean Treatment Unit Size (25th, 75th Percentiles) |
Clearcut | 2847 | 29,729 | 10.44 (1.94, 12.47) |
Harvest | 7929 | 92,432 | 11.66 (1.50, 13.59) |
Mastication | 2209 | 38,465 | 17.41 (0.49, 14.73) |
Other mechanical | 29,173 | 473,957 | 16.25 (0.40, 9.50) |
Prescribed fire | 47,261 | 1,631,087 | 34.51 (0.29, 11.20) |
Thin-and-burn | 9397 | 107,311 | 11.42 (0.72, 12.36) |
Thinning | 37,667 | 431,869 | 11.47 (1.74, 13.13) |
Treatment Unit Size Class (ha) | Number of Treatments | Area Treated (ha) | Treated Area Burned (ha) | Encounter Rate (%) |
0–5 | 74,966 | 99,547 | 6331 | 6.8 |
5–10 | 21,809 | 158,899 | 9718 | 6.5 |
10–25 | 24,156 | 374,289 | 21,107 | 6.2 |
25–50 | 8125 | 281,081 | 15,543 | 6.8 |
50–100 | 3755 | 259,466 | 13,981 | 7.2 |
100–200 | 1753 | 244,308 | 11,783 | 8.1 |
200–500 | 1122 | 352,008 | 23,844 | 10.9 |
500–1000 | 503 | 352,731 | 23,907 | 15.5 |
1000–5000 | 276 | 498,034 | 61,382 | 21.4 |
>5000 | 18 | 184,486 | 28,690 | 50.0 |
Number of Times Treated | Number of Treatments | Area Treated (ha) | Treated Area Burned (ha) | Encounter Rate (%) |
1 | 85,337 | 2,178,223 | 152,405 | 5.2 |
2 | 32,955 | 461,365 | 42,889 | 7.9 |
3 | 12,143 | 126,897 | 17,985 | 11.3 |
4 | 3992 | 25,021 | 2206 | 13.3 |
≥5 | 2056 | 13,344 | 802 | 15.7 |
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Barnett, K.; Parks, S.A.; Miller, C.; Naughton, H.T. Beyond Fuel Treatment Effectiveness: Characterizing Interactions between Fire and Treatments in the US. Forests 2016, 7, 237.
Barnett K, Parks SA, Miller C, Naughton HT. Beyond Fuel Treatment Effectiveness: Characterizing Interactions between Fire and Treatments in the US. Forests. 2016; 7(10):237.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBarnett, Kevin, Sean A. Parks, Carol Miller, and Helen T. Naughton. 2016. "Beyond Fuel Treatment Effectiveness: Characterizing Interactions between Fire and Treatments in the US" Forests 7, no. 10: 237.
APA StyleBarnett, K., Parks, S. A., Miller, C., & Naughton, H. T. (2016). Beyond Fuel Treatment Effectiveness: Characterizing Interactions between Fire and Treatments in the US. Forests, 7(10), 237.