Changes of Chemical and Biological Properties of Distinct Forest Floor Layers after Wood Ash Application in a Norway Spruce Stand
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Site Description, Experimental Design, and Soil Sampling
2.2. Soil Analyses
2.3. Data Evaluation
3. Results
3.1. Base Cations
3.2. Soil Acidity (pH/KCl)
3.3. Soil Organic Matter
3.4. Soil Microorganisms
4. Discussion
4.1. Soil Chemical Properties
4.2. Soil Microorganisms
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Files
Supplementary File 1Acknowledgments
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
WA | wood ash |
OL | litter horizon |
OF | fragmented horizon |
OH | humic horizon |
FF | forest floor |
CP | control plot, WA fertilization: 0 t·ha−1 |
AP3 | amended plot, WA fertilization: 3 t·ha−1 |
AP6 | amended plot, WA fertilization: 6 t·ha−1 |
Resp | basal respiration |
Cat | catalase activity |
Rich | richness of the soil microbial community |
Div | functional diversity of the soil microbial community |
RDA | redundancy analysis |
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Ca | Mg | K | P | |
g·kg−1 | 120 | 12 | 36 | 8 |
Cd | Pb | Cr | As | |
mg·kg−1 | 3.49 | 30.27 | 39.05 | 9.01 |
Source of Variation | df | pH | Ca | Mg | K | C:N | BR | Cat | Rich | Div | df | C | N | FFm |
Horizon | 3 | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | 2 | ns | ns | * |
Treatment | 2 | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** | 2 | ** | *** | *** |
Horizon × Treatment | 6 | *** | *** | ** | *** | * | ns | ns | ns | ns | 4 | ns | ** | ns |
Error | 24 | 18 | ||||||||||||
Date 1 | 3 | ns | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ** | ** | 3 | ns | * | ** |
Date × Horizon 1 | 4 | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | ns | 6 | * | ns | ns |
Date × Treatment 1 | 6 | * | * | ns | *** | *** | ns | ns | ** | *** | 6 | ns | ns | ns |
Date × Horizon × Treatment 1 | 18 | *** | ns | ns | * | *** | ns | ns | ns | ns | 12 | ns | ns | |
Error (Date) 1 | 72 | 54 |
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Share and Cite
Gömöryová, E.; Pichler, V.; Tóthová, S.; Gömöry, D. Changes of Chemical and Biological Properties of Distinct Forest Floor Layers after Wood Ash Application in a Norway Spruce Stand. Forests 2016, 7, 108.
Gömöryová E, Pichler V, Tóthová S, Gömöry D. Changes of Chemical and Biological Properties of Distinct Forest Floor Layers after Wood Ash Application in a Norway Spruce Stand. Forests. 2016; 7(5):108.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGömöryová, Erika, Viliam Pichler, Slávka Tóthová, and Dušan Gömöry. 2016. "Changes of Chemical and Biological Properties of Distinct Forest Floor Layers after Wood Ash Application in a Norway Spruce Stand" Forests 7, no. 5: 108.
APA StyleGömöryová, E., Pichler, V., Tóthová, S., & Gömöry, D. (2016). Changes of Chemical and Biological Properties of Distinct Forest Floor Layers after Wood Ash Application in a Norway Spruce Stand. Forests, 7(5), 108.