Fire Behavior Simulation from Global Fuel and Climatic Information
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Fuel Dataset
- A global fuelbed map (Figure 2), with a spatial resolution of 10 arc seconds (approx. 300 m at the Equator), based on land cover and biomes information, and
- A database that includes the parameters of each fuelbed that affect fire behavior and effects.
2.2. Climatic Data Source
2.3. Slope
- Slope class (SP) 1: 0% slope assigned in FCCS (for slopes between 0 and 5%),
- Slope class (SP) 2: 30% slope assigned in FCCS (for slopes between 5 and 45%),
- Slope class (SP) 3: 70% slope assigned in FCCS (for slopes higher than 45%).
2.4. Fuel Moisture Content
- 0: clear sky, less than 10% cloud cover,
- 1: scattered clouds, between 10 and 50% cloud cover,
- 2: broken clouds, between 60 and 90% cloud cover, and
- 3: overcast, 100% cloud cover.
- D1L1: 10 h FMC < 5.5%
- D2L2: 5.5% ≤ 10 h FMC < 8.5%
- D3L3: 8.5% ≤ 10h FMC < 10.5%
- D4L4: 10 h FMC ≥ 10.5%
2.5. Wind Speed
- Wind Class (WC) 1: 0–1.0 m·s−1 (0–2.24 mph). Assigned to 1.0 mph in FCCS.
- Wind Class (WC) 2: 1.0–2.5 m·s−1 (2.24–5.59 mph). Assigned to 4 mph in FCCS.
- Wind Class (WC) 3: 2.5–5 m·s−1 (5.59–11.18 mph). Assigned to 7 mph in FCCS.
2.6. Fire Behavior
3. Results
3.1. Environmental Conditions
3.2. Fire Behavior
4. Discussion
4.1. Environmental Conditions
4.2. Fire Behavior
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Strip | Longitude | UTC | Forecast Time | Step |
Lon1 1 | 180–135 W | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lon2 | 135–90 W | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Lon3 | 90–45 W | 6 | 0 | 6 |
Lon4 | 45–0 W | 9 | 0 | 9 |
Lon5 | 0–45 E | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Lon6 | 45–90 E | 15 | 12 | 3 |
Lon7 | 90–135 E | 18 | 12 | 6 |
Lon8 | 135–180 E | 21 | 12 | 9 |
Variable Name | Variable Code | Units | Other Information |
10 m U wind component | 165 | m·s−1 | Instantaneous at time step. |
10 m V wind component | 166 | m·s−1 | Instantaneous at time step. |
Total Cloud Cover | 164 | Fraction of cover (0–1) | Instantaneous at time step. |
Snow Depth | 141 | m of water equivalent | Instantaneous at time step. |
Total Precipitation | 228 | m of water | Accumulated since the forecast time to the step. |
2 m Dew Point | 168 | °K | Instantaneous at time step. |
2 m Temperature | 167 | °K | Instantaneous at time step. |
FMS Code | FMS Description | Fuel Moisture Content (%) | |||||
Herb | Shrub | Crown 1 | 1 h | 10 h | 100 h | ||
D1L1 | Very low dead FMC, fully cured herb | 30 | 60 | 60 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
D2L2 | Low dead FMC, 2/3 cured herb | 60 | 90 | 60 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
D3L3 | Moderate dead FMC, 1/3 cured herb | 90 | 120 | 120 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
D4L4 | High dead FMC, fully green herb | 120 | 150 | 150 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Environmental Scenario | FMS Code 1 | Wind 2 | Slope 3 | Environmental Scenario | FMS Code 1 | Wind 2 | Slope 3 |
1111 | D1L1 | WC1 | SP 1 | 3311 | D3L3 | WC1 | SP 1 |
1112 | D1L1 | WC1 | SP 2 | 3312 | D3L3 | WC1 | SP 2 |
1113 | D1L1 | WC1 | SP 3 | 3313 | D3L3 | WC1 | SP 3 |
1121 | D1L1 | WC2 | SP 1 | 3321 | D3L3 | WC2 | SP 1 |
1122 | D1L1 | WC2 | SP 2 | 3322 | D3L3 | WC2 | SP 2 |
1123 | D1L1 | WC2 | SP 3 | 3323 | D3L3 | WC2 | SP 3 |
1131 | D1L1 | WC3 | SP 1 | 3331 | D3L3 | WC3 | SP 1 |
1132 | D1L1 | WC3 | SP 2 | 3332 | D3L3 | WC3 | SP 2 |
1133 | D1L1 | WC3 | SP 3 | 3333 | D3L3 | WC3 | SP 3 |
2211 | D2L2 | WC1 | SP 1 | 4411 | D4L4 | WC1 | SP 1 |
2212 | D2L2 | WC1 | SP 2 | 4412 | D4L4 | WC1 | SP 2 |
2213 | D2L2 | WC1 | SP 3 | 4413 | D4L4 | WC1 | SP 3 |
2221 | D2L2 | WC2 | SP 1 | 4421 | D4L4 | WC2 | SP 1 |
2222 | D2L2 | WC2 | SP 2 | 4422 | D4L4 | WC2 | SP 2 |
2223 | D2L2 | WC2 | SP 3 | 4423 | D4L4 | WC2 | SP 3 |
2231 | D2L2 | WC3 | SP 1 | 4431 | D4L4 | WC3 | SP 1 |
2232 | D2L2 | WC3 | SP 2 | 4432 | D4L4 | WC3 | SP 2 |
2233 | D2L2 | WC3 | SP 3 | 4433 | D4L4 | WC3 | SP 3 |
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Pettinari, M.L.; Chuvieco, E. Fire Behavior Simulation from Global Fuel and Climatic Information. Forests 2017, 8, 179.
Pettinari ML, Chuvieco E. Fire Behavior Simulation from Global Fuel and Climatic Information. Forests. 2017; 8(6):179.
Chicago/Turabian StylePettinari, M. Lucrecia, and Emilio Chuvieco. 2017. "Fire Behavior Simulation from Global Fuel and Climatic Information" Forests 8, no. 6: 179.
APA StylePettinari, M. L., & Chuvieco, E. (2017). Fire Behavior Simulation from Global Fuel and Climatic Information. Forests, 8(6), 179.