4.1. Evaluation of Datasets and Approaches
There were three harvester–operator combinations in the study. All selected harvester operators had experience in cutting windfalls caused by previous catastrophic windstorms—particularly the Asta storm—in the summer and autumn of 2010 in eastern Finland. This was prioritized to make sure that the cutting work of each operator was efficient with the windfalls used in the study (cf. [
31]). Numerous earlier forest work studies have been carried out to analyze the effect of the harvester operator on performance, and many studies have emphasized that there is a significant correlation between the work experience and skills of an operator and his/her productivity in forest machine work (e.g., [
75]). For instance, Purfürst and Erler [
74] have found out that together, the stem volume and the operator explain 84% of the total overall variation in cutting productivity, and the operator alone explains 37% of the variance. Previously, Brzózko et al. [
31] emphasized the effect of a harvester operator on cutting productivity at wind-damaged harvesting sites in Poland. Brzózko et al. [
31] observed that operators’ operational experience under different windthrown harvesting conditions may be the most significant factor affecting cutting productivity.
Data for this study were captured manually by a video camera to record the cutting work in the wind-damaged and undamaged standing tree stands. The time and motion study was conducted by analyzing the video material using the analysis tool, with which a video clip was browsed and the work element boundaries were determined. The record for each work element could be double-checked and edited afterwards using the recorded time signature in the video clip. The analysis tool was applicable and workable. It can be concluded that the data collection method and analysis process used were the only possible data processing procedures that would work for our study where the cutting conditions with windfalls were not normal and the work cycle of the cutting work was unpredictable and complex due to the diversity of damage caused by windstorm in the study stands.
In the study, the total data included 1529 wind-damaged and undamaged standing stems, and the final study material for the modelling of stem processing time was 1088 clear-cutting trees. The size of the study material was relatively large compared to the study material of earlier clear-cutting time studies completed in the 2000s. For example, the clear-cutting data in the study by Nurminen et al. [
76] included 636 stems, and the data in the study by Dvořák [
30] included 631 processed trees. There are some other larger sets of cutting data of clear cuts but they are mainly long-term follow-up studies, such as the study by Spinelli et al. [
77] in which the data included 15,366 trees. Further examples include the research by Gerasimov et al. [
78] in which 4.3 million stems were cut, and the research by Eriksson and Lindroos [
62] which had a dataset of more than 12,000 clear-cut stands.
The study material consisted mainly of Norway spruce-dominated stands with relatively minor windstorm damage caused by the low-pressure windstorms in autumn and at the end of the year when the ground was not frozen. Windstorm damage for Finnish forests has often occurred in November and December in the 21st century. Gardiner et al. [
2] reported that in Europe the most damage to forests is caused by winter storms (occurring from November–January). In our study, there were also only a small number of seriously damaged stems and only a few broken stems (damage types 1C and 1D; 8–20 stems) by harvester operator, respectively. Moreover, the uprooted trees had fallen in parallel arrangements (cf. [
11]) and there was little difficult accumulation of windfall trees. Therefore, the stem processing functions for each damage type by study operator were not modelled. The damage types 1A–1D and 2 were also combined and the stem processing models with all windfalls for each operator conducted. This could be explored in the future with a greater amount of study data.
4.2. Evaluation of the Main Findings
This study results revealed that when cutting windfalls in clear cuts, the moving and miscellaneous time spent increases significantly (76% and 157%, respectively) compared to the time required for cutting undamaged standing trees. In the study by Szewczyk et al. [
35], in the mature post-disaster stands, the share of moving time averaged 19% of the total effective time, and it was higher by almost 100% than in normal stands of undamaged standing trees. The share of moving time was, on average, 18% of the total effective time consumption in the clear-cutting stands of windfalls in this study. On the other hand, Dvořák [
30] reported that the amount of time taken for the harvester to travel into a new position averages 30% of the total work operation time with windfalls.
Depending on the stem volume (0.3–1.5 m3) of removal in the clear-cutting stand, the average stem processing time of windfalls was 15–37% higher than that of undamaged standing trees. In particular, the time utilized for steering out the boom and grabbing increased significantly with all harvester operators. On average, the total effective time consumption of cutting with windfalls was 23–49% higher than that of the undamaged standing trees. The results further illustrated that the average effective hour productivity of cutting with windfalls is 19–33% lower than the cutting of undamaged standing stems in a clear cut. Thus, our research produced new understanding of the effects of windstorm damage on cutting productivity in Finnish coniferous forests.
The earlier salvage logging studies have highlighted that cutting of windfalls takes more time, and cutting productivity is lower than cutting in normal fellings. For instance, Szewczyk et al. [
35] reported that the duration of a harvester operation cycle in stands with windbreaks is 28% longer in mature stands in comparison with normal forest stands. Kim et al. [
79] studied the effect of downed trees on harvesting productivity in beetle-killed stands. Their study showed that the productivity of the feller-buncher is significantly affected by the number of downed trees. The feller-buncher’s average cycle time was 7.0 s tree
−1 when only standing trees were cut and bunched, whereas it took 13.2 s tree
−1 when the bunch included one or more downed trees [
79]. Dvořák et al. [
37] revealed that the time consumption of cutting with broken stems increases by 7% compared to cutting of normal stems, and the increase is 33% during the cutting of fallen trees in Norway spruce stands. Furthermore, Dvořák [
30] reported that the productivity of harvesters in salvage felling operations decreases by 11% upon cutting a stem volume of 0.07 m
3 and up to 28% with a stem volume of 2.2 m
3. Brzózko et al. [
29] suggested that the cutting productivity at a wind-damaged harvesting site is 40–60% lower than cutting under similar natural (i.e., normal) conditions.
This study presented new information related to time consumption and productivity of cutting work in Norway spruce-dominated clear cuts of normal standing trees in Finland. The last comprehensive research in this respect in Finland was done over 10 years ago, in 2006 by Nurminen et al. [
76]. It can be assumed that during the last ten years, forest machine technology has rapidly progressed, such that modern harvesters are more effective as they are equipped with more powerful booms and hydraulic systems with larger pumps, flows and slewing torques, as well as more accurate control systems and high-quality ergonomics for the harvester operator (cf. Kare [
80]). When comparing the cutting productivity of normal standing trees in this study to the cutting productivity of Norway spruce in the study by Nurminen et al. [
76], it is noted that the cutting productivity in this study was higher when the stem size of removal was <0.76 m
3 (
Figure 8), and the opposite was found with larger spruce stems. The cutting productivities reported by Brunberg [
81], Jiroušek et al. [
82] and Eriksson and Lindroos [
62] are also quite close to the average cutting productivity level in the normal clear cuts in this study (
Figure 8).
Hence, on the basis of the results of this study, it can be concluded that a big leap has not necessarily been taken in the development of forest machine technology during the last ten years. Nevertheless, when comparing the results of different forest work studies, attention must be paid to the effect of the operator and his/her skills on his/her work performance in cutting operations [
75]. As the influence of the harvester operator on the cutting productivity in windthrown areas is significant [
31], it is very important that the skills of operators are superior for the purpose of cutting windfalls safety and effectively. Therefore, effective training and education for cutting windthrown areas for harvester operators at forestry schools is required. Moreover, there is a need for educational video material or guidelines for mechanized cutting in logging operations of windfalls.
Our study data also included larger-sized (diameter and volume > 1.5 m
3) trees, in comparison to typical Finnish logging conditions. Thus, the stem processing time consumption functions for larger Norway spruce stems could be modelled, and this enabled the investigation of the development of time consumption functions with larger stems. The stem processing time consumption functions indicated that when the stem size of removal is >1.5 m
3, the time consumption starts to increase (cf.
Figure 4). This in turn means that the cutting productivity starts to decrease (cf.
Figure 5). These results were interesting because the average peak cutting productivity (75 m
3 E
0−1 -hour) with normal undamaged standing trees was achieved when the stem volume of removal was 1.77 m
3 in the clear cut. With windfalls, the peak productivity (63 m
3 E
0−1-hour) was attained when the stem size was 1.94 m
3. When cutting Norway spruce stems of 1.8–1.9 m
3 in Finland, the stump diameter (d
0) is typically around 51–54 cm, the diameter at breast height is (d
1.3) 40–43 cm, and the weight is more than 1500–1600 kg stem
The harvesters used for this study were typical logging machinery for clear cuttings in Finland. Their work weight was around 20 tonnes, the maximum feeding diameter of the harvester head was 62–75 cm, and the maximum delimbing diameter was 43–70 cm (
Table 1). Hence, it is a quite logical that when the stem size was around 1.8–1.9 m
3, the cutting productivity with the study harvesters met its high-peak level in these kind of logging conditions. When aiming to increase cutting productivity with a stem volume of more than 1.8 m
3 in Finnish coniferous forests, larger-sized harvesters are needed (e.g., John Deere 1470G, Logset 8H GTE, Ponsse Ergo 8w/Scorpion). Visser and Spinelli [
83] have also studied the shape of the productivity function for mechanized felling and felling-processing work in New Zealand and Italy. In the Italy tests, the maximum or peak productivity (39–47 m
3 E
0−1) was achieved when the stem size was 0.7–1.6 m
3. Correspondingly, the maximum productivity (252–280 m
3 E
0−1) was reached with a stem volume of 1.9–2.8 m
3 in the New Zealand tests. The different peak performance levels determined by Visser and Spinelli [
83] depended significantly on tree volume, the logging machinery used, and the function form applied (quadratic or exponential) in the research.
Forwarding of logs cut was not considered in this study. Bergkvist [
28] reported that there is no significant difference between the forwarding productivity of timber in windthrown and normal clear cuts. Consequently, in this study, the productivity functions by Eriksson and Lindroos [
62] were used to determine the productivity of forwarding in both normal and windthrown stands. The cutting unit costs were calculated to presuppose that the operating hourly costs of the harvester in cutting windfalls are 10% (i.e., 10.3 € E
15−1) higher than those for undamaged standing trees. The presumption had to be made because there is no accurate information regarding how much higher the operating hour costs of the harvesters are in windthrown forests.
Jaakkola [
51] demonstrated that when operating in windthrown stands, the cutting productivity is lower, the harvester and its boom and harvester head are under more stress because of pulling jammed windfalls, and consequently the repair and service costs are higher and the depreciation period of the harvester is likely shorter. Additionally, the consumption and costs of the guide bars and chains are higher when sawing frequently sandy stems and soil while cross-cutting fallen stems from their root system on the ground. The larger the harvester and its boom and harvester head that is utilized in windthrown stands, the easier it is to handle windfalls and the more effective the salvage cutting work is. Therefore, at windthrown cutting sites, it can be recommended to use larger harvesters and harvester heads than those in the normal harvester fleet. In this case, the relative stress for the harvester will be smaller in relation to its engine power and other performance properties.
Jaakkola [
51] also revealed that very commonly, the areas of windthrown stands are smaller than those of normal stands, and therefore relocation costs are also higher. On the other hand it must be noted that, when cutting windfalls, the harvesting sites of normal standing trees are often also joined with those of windthrown stands. As stated earlier, when there is no accurate information relating to the operating hourly costs of the harvester in windthrown stands, careful clarification of the cost calculation components is needed in further studies.
When applying the presumption used in the study (i.e., the operating hourly costs of the harvester are 10.3 € E
15−1 higher for windfall stands), the cutting costs of windfalls with a stem volume of 0.3–1.5 m
3 were 35–64% higher than those of undamaged standing trees in clear cuts. Furthermore, the logging costs of windfalls were 10–30% higher than those of undamaged stems. Consequently, this study reported lower relative logging costs in windthrown clear-cutting stands than the Trade Association of Finnish Forestry and Earth Moving Contractors, who have reported that the logging costs of windfalls are typically 30–70% higher than those of normal standing stems (cf. [
50]). However, it must be noted that all harvester operators in this study were highly skilled in windthrown cuttings. When the effect of the operator on cutting productivity is significant, especially under challenging harvesting conditions (e.g., [
69]), it can be assumed that if the harvester operators in the study had less experience in windthrown cuttings, the gap between the wind-damaged and undamaged standing trees in cutting productivity would have been greater.