Identification of Early Biomarkers of Mortality in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: A LASSO-Based Cox and Logistic Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Population and Design
- Presence of acute respiratory failure;
- Blood samples obtained within 24 h of hospital admission.
2.2. Plasma Sample Collection and Biochemical Parameter Measurement
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
- Weekly Epidemiological Update on COVID-19–1 September 2023; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, 2023.
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SURVIVORS (n. 40) | NON-SURVIVORS (n. 40) | p- Value | |
Age | 77.5 [73–84] | 80.5 [76.7–86] | NS |
Sex (M/F) | 21/19 | 21/19 | NS |
Onset of symptoms (days) | 5.5 [2–7.7] | 8 [5–12] | <0.05 |
PaO2/FiO2 (ratio) | 281 [229–314] | 224 [166.5–252] | <0.0005 |
Admission to ICU n. (%) | 5 (12.5) | 10 (20) | <0.005 |
Orotracheal intubation n. (%) | 4 (10) | 8 (20) | NS |
Comorbidities | |||
Hypertension n. (%) | 24 (60) | 18 (45) | NS |
Diabetes mellitus n. (%) | 9 (22.5) | 4 (10) | NS |
Chronic kidney disease n. (%) | 3 (7.5) | 5 (12.5) | NS |
Chronic liver disease n. (%) | 2 (5) | 2 (5) | NS |
Biochemical parameters | |||
Creatinine (mg/dL) | 0.8 [0.7–1] | 1.0 [0.7–1.5] | NS |
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) | 81.5 [64.8–87] | 60 [35.2–84] | <0.05 |
AST (U/L) | 35 [26–52] | 38.5 [30–47] | NS |
ALT (U/L) | 25 [17.5–47.5] | 27 [21.0–37.2] | NS |
LDH (U/L) | 239.5 [159.8–315] | 325.5 [301–367] | <0.00005 |
CRP (mg/L) | 68 [36–126] | 78 [46–147] | NS |
Iron (mcg/dL) | 33.9 [24.6–53.6] | 35.1 [26.5–47.8] | NS |
Transferrin (g/L) | 1.5 [1.3–1.9] | 1.6 [1.1–1.9] | NS |
Transferrin sat. (%) | 16 [11.5–25.5] | 16 [11–26.5] | NS |
Ferritin (mcg/L) | 870 [495–1194] | 813.5 [504–1555.2] | NS |
Hematocrit (%) | 40.5 [34–43] | 39.0 [36–43] | NS |
Hb (g/dL) | 13.1 [11.2–13.7] | 12.5 [12–14] | NS |
Hepcidine (ng/mL) | 199.9 [114.7–244.6] | 188.2 [87.7–270] | NS |
RBC (1012/L) | 4.3 [3.8–4.7] | 4.2 [3.8–4.7] | NS |
RDW (%) | 13.5 [12.9–14.8] | 14.3 [13–15.8] | NS |
Platelets (109/L) | 212 [177.8–267.8] | 188 [137.5–232] | NS |
WBC (109/L) | 6.8 [5.2–9.9] | 6.5 [4.3–10.6] | NS |
Neutrophils (109/L) | 5.2 [4–7.1] | 5.3 [3.1–9] | NS |
Lymphocytes (109/L) | 0.7 [0.5–1] | 0.5 [0.4–0.9] | <0.05 |
Monocytes (109/L) | 0.34 [0.3–0.7] | 0.2 [0.2–0.4] | <0.05 |
Biomarker (pg/mL) | SURVIVORS (n. 40) | NON-SURVIVORS (n. 40) | p-Value |
IFNγ | 1.9 [0.5–7.5] | 1.6 [0.8–6.4] | NS |
IL-1β | 0.3 [0.2–0.5] | 0.2 [0.1–0.3] | <0.05 |
IL-1Ra | 995 [700–1792] | 1179 [765–2271] | NS |
IL-10 | 9.5 [4.7–20.5] | 16.2 [10.9–24.1] | <0.05 |
IL-22 | 16.5 [10.4–26.7] | 16.1 [10.5–42.6] | NS |
IL-8 | 6.9 [4.8–10.6] | 10.5 [8–19.1] | <0.005 |
IL-6 | 19.6 [7–44.9] | 29.2 [11.9–62.4] | NS |
TNF-α | 13.6 [11.3–16.1] | 14.8 [11.6–21] | NS |
Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Correlation | p-Value |
LDH | IL-10 | 0.6066 | 3.1 × 10−9 |
LDH | IFNγ | 0.3614 | 9.9 × 10−4 |
LDH | IL-6 | 0.3458 | 1.8 × 10−3 |
LDH | IL-1Ra | 0.3405 | 2.0 × 10−3 |
LDH | Hepcidine | 0.3333 | 2.5 × 10−3 |
LDH | CRP | 0.3228 | 5.7 × 10−3 |
LDH | IL-1β | −0.2760 | 1.3 × 10−2 |
LDH | Iron (Fe) | −0.2882 | 9.5 × 10−3 |
LDH | Lymphocytes | −0.3633 | 1.2 × 10−3 |
LDH | P/F | −0.7929 | 0.0 |
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Fratta Pasini, A.M.; Stranieri, C.; Di Leo, E.G.; Bertolone, L.; Aparo, A.; Busti, F.; Castagna, A.; Vianello, A.; Chesini, F.; Friso, S.; et al. Identification of Early Biomarkers of Mortality in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: A LASSO-Based Cox and Logistic Approach. Viruses 2025, 17, 359.
Fratta Pasini AM, Stranieri C, Di Leo EG, Bertolone L, Aparo A, Busti F, Castagna A, Vianello A, Chesini F, Friso S, et al. Identification of Early Biomarkers of Mortality in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: A LASSO-Based Cox and Logistic Approach. Viruses. 2025; 17(3):359.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFratta Pasini, Anna Maria, Chiara Stranieri, Edoardo Giuseppe Di Leo, Lorenzo Bertolone, Antonino Aparo, Fabiana Busti, Annalisa Castagna, Alice Vianello, Fabio Chesini, Simonetta Friso, and et al. 2025. "Identification of Early Biomarkers of Mortality in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: A LASSO-Based Cox and Logistic Approach" Viruses 17, no. 3: 359.
APA StyleFratta Pasini, A. M., Stranieri, C., Di Leo, E. G., Bertolone, L., Aparo, A., Busti, F., Castagna, A., Vianello, A., Chesini, F., Friso, S., Girelli, D., & Cominacini, L. (2025). Identification of Early Biomarkers of Mortality in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: A LASSO-Based Cox and Logistic Approach. Viruses, 17(3), 359.