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Variables Associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Hesitancy Amongst Patients with Neurological Disorders

Arash Ghaffari-Rafi
Kimberly Bergenholtz Teehera
Tate Justin Higashihara
Frances Tiffany Cava Morden
Connor Goo
Michelle Pang
Cori Xiu Yue Sutton
Kyung Moo Kim
Rachel Jane Lew
Kayti Luu
Shaina Yamashita
Catherine Mitchell
Enrique Carrazana
Jason Viereck
2,4 and
Kore Kai Liow
Department of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Brain Research, Innovation and Translation Lab, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Co-first authors.
Infect. Dis. Rep. 2021, 13(3), 763-810;
Submission received: 15 June 2021 / Revised: 24 August 2021 / Accepted: 25 August 2021 / Published: 30 August 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Viral Infections)


Introduction: Given that the success of vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) relies on herd immunity, identifying patients at risk for vaccine hesitancy is imperative—particularly for those at high risk for severe COVID-19 (i.e., minorities and patients with neurological disorders). Methods: Among patients from a large neuroscience institute in Hawaii, vaccine hesitancy was investigated in relation to over 30 sociodemographic variables and medical comorbidities, via a telephone quality improvement survey conducted between 23 January 2021 and 13 February 2021. Results: Vaccine willingness (n = 363) was 81.3%. Univariate analysis identified that the odds of vaccine acceptance reduced for patients who do not regard COVID-19 as a severe illness, are of younger age, have a lower Charlson Comorbidity Index, use illicit drugs, or carry Medicaid insurance. Multivariable logistic regression identified the best predictors of vaccine hesitancy to be: social media use to obtain COVID-19 information, concerns regarding vaccine safety, self-perception of a preexisting medical condition contraindicated with vaccination, not having received the annual influenza vaccine, having some high school education only, being a current smoker, and not having a prior cerebrovascular accident. Unique amongst males, a conservative political view strongly predicted vaccine hesitancy. Specifically for Asians, a higher body mass index, while for Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHPI), a positive depression screen, both reduced the odds of vaccine acceptance. Conclusion: Upon identifying the variables associated with vaccine hesitancy amongst patients with neurological disorders, our clinic is now able to efficiently provide ancillary COVID-19 education to sub-populations at risk for vaccine hesitancy. While our results may be limited to the sub-population of patients with neurological disorders, the findings nonetheless provide valuable insight to understanding vaccine hesitancy.

1. Introduction

While the United States (US) Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several vaccines to address coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), only an estimated 58–69% of US adults plan to get vaccinated [1]. Given that a vaccine’s success relies on extensive uptake within the community, there is impetus to conduct public outreach and vaccine education for patients at risk for vaccine hesitancy [2,3,4]. To efficiently address hesitancy, a comprehensive understanding of populations at risk across major sociodemographic and disease strata should first be developed.
Given Hawaii’s unique status as a minority-majority state, with the US’s largest share of multiracial citizens, the population serves as an ideal backdrop for identifying the drivers of vaccine hesitancy amongst historically underserved patients (i.e., Asians, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (NHPI), etc.) [5]. Moreover, regarding disease subsets, with neurological disorders being the leading cause of years of life lost and years lived with disability, as well as being associated with high risk for severe COVID-19, there should be heightened efforts to protect such a vulnerable subgroup [6,7,8]. Hence, to judiciously expend clinic resources in providing vaccine education and outreach, a quality improvement (QI) survey was conducted at a large Hawaii multidisciplinary neuroscience institution, with the goal of identifying the patient subsets at risk of vaccination hesitancy.

2. Methods

For this QI study, a telephone survey of Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience (HPN) adult (18 years and older) patients was conducted between 23 January 2021 and 13 February 2021 to identify populations at risk for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy or declination—patient subsets requiring greater HPN clinic resources for vaccine counseling. Deemed a QI survey, institutional review board exemption was attained from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Office of Research Compliance. At survey onset, participants provided verbal informed consent after the disclosure of survey objectives, risks, and benefits, as well as assured anonymity; all data were deidentified. No incentive for participation or survey completion was provided. The survey followed reporting guidelines of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (, accessed on 22 January 2021).

2.1. Survey Instrument

The survey was developed after consultation with a cross-functional work group of patients, clinicians, and ancillary healthcare providers. Survey questions emphasized sociodemographic and medical data readily attainable by HPN staff, from electronic medical records or via routine in-clinic pre-appointment questionnaires (i.e., surrogate variables which may readily identify high-risk patients for vaccine hesitancy/declination, therefore requiring time-investment by HPN for auxiliary COVID-19 vaccine counselling). The ten-minute survey explored variables potentially predictive of vaccine hesitancy, based on prior research or emerging speculation amongst the consulted work group [9,10,11,12].
Participants responded to a structured and scripted survey of 13 questions, including: whether the patient had been counselled on COVID-19 vaccination by a physician; the primary source of COIVD-19 information; perceptions of vaccine safety and severity of COVID-19 illness; whether the patient believes herself/himself to have a medical condition making COIVD-19 vaccination unsafe; history of annual influenza vaccination; history of testing positive for COVID-19; self-identified race/ethnicity; work status; highest level of education; marital status; and political views (Appendix A). Cases characterized as complete interviews required a 100% response rate to the crucial question (Do you plan on getting the COVID-19 vaccine?) and 80% for all other questions; partial interviews differed only in that 50–79% of other questions required responses; break-off was defined as either nonresponse to the crucial question or less than 50% response to all other questions [13]. Only data from complete and partial interviews were included for statistical analysis. Participants were provided with the opportunity to terminate the survey at any time and decline to answer any question. Primary caregivers were permitted to assist in participant interviews when appropriate.

2.2. Study Population and Data Collection

Participants represented a random sample of the patients who had visited HPN at least once between 1 January 2019 and 1 January 2021. With four campuses (Honolulu, Kailua, Waikele, and Kona), the entire state of Hawaii serves as the patient catchment area for HPN (one of state’s largest multidisciplinary neurosciences clinical care and research centers, with over 20,000 patient visits annually) [14,15]. Utilizing a 5% margin of error and 95% confidence interval, an optimal sample size of 361 was calculated [16]. A total of 1494 randomly selected patients were called, with 363 providing survey responses.
For all participants telephoned, sociodemographic data were collected from the most recent patient visit’s electronic medical records. Variables included age, insurance type, race, sex (female or male), and Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code of the patient’s residence. By linking ZIP codes to data attained from the US Census Bureau, 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (, accessed on 22 January 2021), ZIP code served as a proxy measure for median household income, the population size of the patient’s municipality, and estimates of poverty in the patient’s municipality (i.e., percentage of all people, 18–64 years, and 65 years and over, whose income in the past 12-months was below the poverty level). The population size of the patient’s ZIP code was converted into a geographic classification established by the US Census Bureau: populations of 50,000 or more people were designated as urban; less than 50,000 to at least 2500 as suburban; and less than 2500 as rural. Median household income was coded into income quartiles, with quartile cut-offs tabulated for the baseline HPN population. Participant insurance type (Medicare, Medicaid, private, or military insurance) was classified according to criteria of the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (Rockville, MD, USA) for the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (, accessed on 22 January 2021) [17,18]. Self-identified race was stratified as: White, Black, Asian, NHPI, and Native American or Alaskan Native (NAAN)).
For participants who provided complete or partial surveys, comorbidity data from the most recent visit were collected. Cardiovascular variables included body mass index (BMI; kg / m 2 ), dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus (type I or II), hypertension, coronary artery disease or prior myocardial infraction, peripheral vascular disease, congestive heart failure, history of atrial fibrillation or flutter, cerebrovascular accident (stroke or transient ischemic attack), and smoking status. Smoking status was classified as never (less than 100 cigarettes over lifetime), current, or former (current/former: 100 or more cigarettes over lifetime), per the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Health Interview Survey, Adult Tobacco Use (, accessed on 22 January 2021).
The psychiatric variables collected included: history of any Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition disorder, alcohol use disorder, and illicit substance use disorder (i.e., methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, opioids, hallucinogens, and marijuana) [19]. Patients were also characterized as having a positive or negative screen for depressive disorder and alcohol abuse/dependance. Depression screening was conducted via the Patient Health Questionier-2 (PHQ-2), a two-question module validated to assess depression; a score of three or greater was deemed positive, with major depressive disorder likely [20]. Alcohol drinking habits were assessed by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C)—a validated version of the World Health Organization’s ten-question screen for harmful drinking patterns; scores of at least three for women and at least four for men were deemed positive for harmful drinking [21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. PHQ-2 and AUDIT-C scores were available for all patients, from the most recent clinic visit, as the institute’s standard protocol requires these questionnaires to be completed during patient intake [15].
Comorbidity data for general medical conditions were also collected, including: peptic ulcer disease, liver disease (patients with cirrhosis), connective tissue disease, chronic pulmonary disease, hemiplegia, dementia, moderate/severe renal disease (severe: on dialysis, post-kidney transplant, or with uremia; moderate: creatinine > 3 mg/dL), history of solid tumor (localized or metastasized), autoimmune disease, thyroid disease, and musculoskeletal disorder. A cumulative comorbidity status was calculated for each participant, via the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), which, accounting for the type and number of comorbidities, provides a patient’s estimated survival at 10 years [28,29,30].

2.3. Statistical Analysis

Primary analysis utilized nonparametric testing, as assumptions of normality were not met by quantile–quantile plots and histograms. Continuous variables were assessed by the independent Wilcoxon rank sum test, while categorical variables by either the Pearson’s chi-squared test or the Fisher’s exact test of independence, with Haldane–Anscombe correction [31,32,33,34,35]. Nonparametric continuous variables were presented as the median and interquartile range (IQR, 25th percentile and 75th percentile). Categorical data were expressed as the odds ratio with the 95th percentile confidence interval; for a particular variable’s strata, each odds of the odds ratio represented the odds of accepting vaccination compared to declining it. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression, with Firth’s correction, was performed to identify variables independently associated with vaccine acceptance [36]. After regression diagnostics, variables for the multivariable analysis were chosen by stepwise selection using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), with the final model selected by the McFadden’s pseudo- R 2 and the lowest AIC [37,38,39,40]. All tests were two-tailed and used an alpha level of 0.05 for deeming statistical significance. Analyses were conducted through R Statistical Software (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) [41].

3. Results

3.1. General Sample Characteristics

From the 1494 randomly telephoned patients, 915 were non-contacts and 363 respondents (357 complete responses, two partial, and four break-offs; Figure 1). Including partial surveys, there was a response rate of 0.24, a cooperation rate of 0.62, a refusal rate of 0.147, and a contact rate of 0.388 [13]. Demographic breakdown of participants (complete and partial surveys) and non-participants can be found in Table S1.

3.2. Patients with Neurological Disorders: Entire Cohort

Between 23 January 2021 and 13 February 2021, 81.3% of HPN participants stated that they would accept a COVID-19 vaccination in the survey (Table 1). Patients accepting vaccination (61.50, IQR: 47.00, 72.00) were significantly older (7.00, 95% CI: 3.00, 12.00; p = 0.003). After stratification by sex and race, females declining vaccination were younger than male counterparts (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7). Patients on Medicaid had a significantly lower odds for vaccination (0.42, IQR: 0.22, 0.82; p = 0.007), while those from the third income quartile had greater odds for vaccination (2.31, IQR: 1.10, 5.33; p = 0.003).

3.2.1. Medical Comorbidities

Participants with dyslipidemia (2.02, IQR: 1.11, 3.76; p = 0.021) or musculoskeletal disorder (1.92, IQR: 1.07, 3.49; p = 0.027) were at significantly increased odds for vaccination (Table 6). Meanwhile, drug use was associated with a significantly decreased odds for vaccine acceptance (0.32; IQR: 0.11, 0.96; p = 0.030). Overall, patients with higher Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) scores (i.e., lower 10-year survival estimates [%]) were more likely to accept vaccination (p = 0.002).

3.2.2. Survey Responses

Participants whose primary source of COVID-19 information was from traditional media had a greater odds of vaccine acceptance (1.82, IQR: 1.02, 3.28; p = 0.042), contrary to those whose primary source was social media (0.26, IQR: 0.11, 0.63; p = 0.001; Table 2 and Table 3). Odds of vaccine acceptance were significantly lower for those perceiving the vaccine as not safe (0.087, IQR: 0.038, 0.19; p < 0.001) or COVID-19 as not a severe illness (0.21, IQR: 0.094, 0.49; p < 0.001). Patients with a self-perception of a preexisting medical condition believed to make the vaccine unsafe were also at reduced odds for vaccine acceptance (0.20, IQR: 0.11, 0.37; p < 0.001). Those who did not receive the influenza vaccine within the past year had reduced odds of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance (0.20, IQR: 0.11, 0.36; p < 0.001). If not able to work, the odds of vaccine acceptance were significantly lower (0.46, IQR: 0.23, 0.93; p = 0.026). Participants with only a high school degree had lower odds of vaccine acceptance (0.37, IQR: 0.20, 0.71; p = 0.002), while those with a graduate degree had increased odds (3.60, IQR: 1.25, 14.19; p = 0.01). Regarding political views, political liberals had increased odds of vaccine acceptance (2.20, IQR: 1.02, 5.18; p = 0.048). Relative to Whites, Hispanics (0.30, 95% CI: 0.090, 0.97; p = 0.044) and NHPIs (0.48, 95% CI: 0.24, 0.95; p = 0.034) had significantly decreased odds for vaccine acceptance (Table 8 and Table 9).

3.2.3. Multivariable Logistic Regression

Multivariable analysis identified additional predictors of vaccination (Table 8 and Table 9). Patients who were current smokers had lower odds of vaccination (0.22, 95% CI: 0.049, 0.95; p = 0.042). Meanwhile, patients who had undergone a cerebrovascular accident had increased odds for vaccine acceptance (24.75, 95% CI: 1.84, 333.64; p = 0.016).

3.3. Female Patients

When examining female participants (Table 2, Table 4 and Table 6), regarding political views, those identifying as liberal presented with the greatest odds for vaccine acceptance (4.10, 95% CI: 1.30, 17.18; p = 0.009).

3.4. Male Patients

When examining male participants (Table 2, Table 4 and Table 6), insurance, race, history of a solid tumor, BMI, and illicit drug use were uniquely significant. Males identifying as NHPIs had decreased odds (0.34, 95% CI: 0.13, 0.89; p = 0.022) for vaccine acceptance. Meanwhile, males with a history of a solid tumor had a decreased odds (0.22, 95% CI: 0.057, 0.87; p = 0.019). From the multivariable analysis (Table 8 and Table 9), political conservatives had significantly decreased odds for vaccine acceptance (0.00, 95% CI: 0.00, 0.50; p = 0.034).

3.5. White Patients

Amongst white patients (Table 3, Table 5 and Table 7), those with illicit drug use (0.19, 95% CI: 0.049, 0.75; p = 0.009) presented with significantly decreased odds of vaccine acceptance.

3.6. Asian Patients

Amongst Asian patients (Table 3, Table 5 and Table 7), insurance and BMI were identified as statistically significant variables. Asians with military insurance were at decreased odds of vaccine acceptance (0.055, 95% CI: 0.0011, 0.57; p = 0.005). Meanwhile, in multivariable analysis, the adjusted odds of BMI (0.88, 95% CI: 0.78, 0.99; p = 0.032) was lower for patients accepting vaccination.

3.7. Native Hawaii or Other Pacific Islander Patients

For NHPI patients (Table 3, Table 5, Table 7 and Table 9), the PHQ-2 depression screen and history of a solid tumor were identified as statistically significant variables. NHPIs with positive depression screen (0.12, 95% CI: 0.016, 0.76; p = 0.010) or solid tumor (0.15, 95% CI: 0.020, 0.89; p = 0.017) were at decreased odds of vaccine acceptance.

4. Discussion

4.1. Patients with Neurological Disorders: Entire Cohort

To judiciously allocate clinic resources for COVID-19 vaccine counseling, our neuroscience center sought to first identify patient populations exhibiting vaccine hesitancy. From the 359 patients with neurological disorders surveyed, 81.3% accepted vaccination in our cohort. Fifteen variables were found to be associated with vaccine hesitancy: age, insurance type, income quartile, dyslipidemia, illicit drug use, the presence of a musculoskeletal disorder, CCI, employment status, education level, political views, annual influenza vaccination status, source of COVID-19 information, perception of COVID-19’s illness severity, concerns about vaccine safety, and apprehension regarding a preexisting medical condition adversely interacting with the vaccine.

4.1.1. Race

Although the general cohort analyses did not reveal trends regarding race, subgroup analysis did. Male NHPI patients were at reduced odds of vaccination, while themselves, NHPI patients with a positive depression screen or history of a solid tumor were at reduced odds for vaccination. Given the inherent health disparities secondary to structural inequalities, enhanced outreach efforts should be extended to NHPI patients to ensure equitable opportunities for vaccination, particularly amongst those who are PHQ-2 positive, with a tumor history, or male [42,43].

4.1.2. Age

While patients with vaccine hesitancy were overall significantly younger, upon stratification, the trend was only observed amongst females and Whites. Hesitancy amongst younger females may reflect concerns regarding the COVID-19 vaccine adversely interacting with pregnancy, given the population’s lack of inclusion in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials—in spite of recommendations that the vaccination is not withheld from pregnant patients [44,45,46,47,48,49]. Therefore, amongst young patients with neurological disorders, those who are female or White should be targeted for vaccine counseling if appropriate.

4.1.3. Insurance Type

Likewise, Medicaid patients exhibited reduced odds of COVID-19 vaccination, paralleling observed trends for other vaccines, where patients on public insurance have reduced vaccination rates [50,51]. Medicaid patients represent a financially disadvantaged population, who experience reduced healthcare utilization secondary to not affording copayments, hence the lower COVID-19 vaccination odds may arise from financial concerns [52,53]. Upon demographic stratification, only amongst male Medicaid beneficiaries was vaccine acceptance reduced. Consequently, emphasizing the absence of cost for COVID-19 vaccination amongst the Medicaid population—with particular focus on males—could increase vaccine acceptance amongst the community.
Further subgroup analyses demonstrated trends amongst females and Asian patients. For females, Medicare patients were found to have significantly greater odds of vaccination, while among Asian patients, those with military insurance had reduced odds of vaccination, corresponding with reports of greater vaccine hesitancy amongst military personnel, arising secondary to distrust of the vaccine development process and concerns regarding vaccine safety [54]. Therefore, to increase vaccine acceptance amongst military members of Asian heritage, more resources should be expended to educate about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine and authenticity of the FDA approval process.

4.1.4. Income Quartile, Work Status, and Education Level

In contrast, patients in the third income quartile—the historical middle class—exhibited the greatest odds of vaccination [55]. The third quartile likely represents patients not only with greater COVID-19 exposure risk (i.e., work in healthcare or in contact with the general public), but also greater health literacy and reduced barriers to vaccination [56,57]. Accordingly, neurological patients not able to work (males particularly), thus having greater likelihood of isolation from the general public, or with only a high school education (specifically Whites and both sexes), were at reduced odds of vaccination, while those with a graduate degree exhibited greater odds of vaccine acceptance (particularly females and Whites). Therefore, limited resources would likely be best expended on counseling patients not able to work or with only a high school education.

4.1.5. Information Source: Traditional Media and Social Media

As education level and health literacy correlate with ability to discern misinformation, patients acquiring knowledge from sources prone to false information may be less inclined to vaccinate [57,58,59]. Indeed, patients—males in particular—utilizing social media as a primary source of COVID-19 information had reduced odds of vaccination, contrary to those relying on traditional media. Given the pervasiveness of misinformation on social media and that social media use is highly predictive for believing vaccines are unsafe, clinicians should seek to address a patient’s false misconceptions or direct patients towards reputable information sources [57,58,59,60].

4.1.6. Concerns of Vaccine Safety and Adverse Interaction with Preexisting Medical Conditions

Notwithstanding the information source, concerns regarding vaccine safety independently yielded a significantly reduced odds of vaccine acceptance; vaccine safety was the only variable to be statistically significant amongst all demographic strata (females, males, NHPIs, Asians, and Whites). Likewise, patients with the self-perception of a medical condition making vaccination unsafe (most evident amongst both sexes, Asians, and Whites) were at significantly reduced odds of vaccine acceptance, despite the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) authorizing COVID-19 vaccination for those with underlying medical conditions without contraindications (i.e., immediate allergic reaction to any vaccine components or severe allergic reaction to first dose) [61]. Hence, public health campaigns and physician counseling sessions should focus on alleviating vaccine safety concerns, as well as any individual patient concerns on vaccine interaction with suspected preexisting medical conditions.

4.1.7. Medical Comorbidities

While there were reduced odds of vaccine acceptance amongst those with the self-perception of a preexisting medical condition making vaccines unsafe, patients with more clinically diagnosed comorbidities (per CCI) were at greater odds for vaccine acceptance—in particular, amongst females and Whites. Independently, patients (Whites specifically) with dyslipidemia or musculoskeletal disorders were at greater odds for vaccination; while among Whites alone, hypertension increased odds of vaccine acceptance. Patients with dyslipidemia and hypertension potentially represent a cohort of patients who are already engaged in preventative practices (i.e., diet modification, statins, anti-hypertensives, etc.), and thus have an appreciation for the benefits that preventative healthcare can provide; these patients are therefore more willing to vaccinate against a preventable illness. Similarly, patients with musculoskeletal disorders suffer from physically debilitating illnesses which often impactfully respond to medications or lifestyle modifications, and therefore greater vaccination acceptance may represent these patients’ first-hand positive experiences with healthcare interventions.
Overall, healthier patients (lower CCI) are potentially demonstrating vaccine complacency, where the risk of vaccine-preventable disease is perceived as low and vaccines are therefore viewed as unnecessary [2]. Within the HPN cohort, the role of vaccine complacency was directly demonstrated, in that patients who did not believe COVID-19 to be a severe illness exhibited reduced odds of vaccination—in subgroup analyses, such was most evident amongst Whites, as well as both sexes. Therefore, vaccine education efforts should address vaccine complacency, particularly amongst healthier patients.
In contrast to the trend of patients with greater illness severity seeking vaccination, amongst the male subgroup, history of a solid tumor reduced odds of vaccine acceptance (likewise observed amongst NHPI patients). In studies of hematological cancers, vaccine hesitancy was most attributed to concerns that the vaccines were not appropriately tested among cancer patients, notwithstanding expert oncologist opinions advocating vaccination and the CDC omitting cancer as a contraindication [61,62]. Therefore, greater outreach should be undertaken by oncologists to advocate vaccination if appropriate, by allaying misconceptions amongst cancer patients [62].

4.1.8. Illicit Drug Use

Contrary to the other medical comorbidities, patients with illicit drug use (Whites specifically) demonstrated reduced odds of vaccine acceptance. Similar trends have been observed for the influenza vaccine and cancer screening, where patients with substance abuse disorder are less likely to attain preventative healthcare [63,64,65,66]. As a marginalized population, patients with illicit drug use are often detached from and mistrust the healthcare system—by extension, these patients may be more reliant on illegitimate information sources [67,68]. Therefore, when counseling patients with illicit drug use, emphasis should be placed on building trust and providing accurate COVID-19 information [67].

4.1.9. Influenza Vaccination Status

One variable which can be efficiently extracted from electronic medical records to identify patients requiring COVID-19 vaccine counseling is annual influenza vaccine status. Patients who did not receive the influenza vaccine in the past year were at reduced odds for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance (the trend evident amongst both sexes, Asians, and Whites). Hence, predictors of influenza vaccine hesitancy may be similar to those of COVID-19, including vaccine complacency or concerns regarding side effects [2,69].

4.1.10. Political Views

Regarding political views, neurological patients identifying as liberal were at greater odds for vaccine acceptance—amongst subgroup analyses, the trend was notable only among females. Such results demonstrate that, even in Hawaii, one of the more liberal states, COVID-19 vaccine acceptance remains highly politicized—as with the rest of the nation [70]. Therefore, patient education should seek to utilize neural apolitical sources for vaccine endorsement [70].

4.2. Strongest Predictors of Vaccine Acceptance

After conducting the univariate analysis, multivariable logistic regression was utilized to identify the strongest predictors of vaccine acceptance. For the overall cohort, seven variables were recognized: primary information source (social media use), concerns regarding vaccine safety, belief of COVID-19 to be a severe illness, self-perception of having a pre-existing medical condition making vaccination unsafe, education level (some high school), smoking status (current smoker), and history of a cerebrovascular accident. Current smokers and patients without a high school diploma were identified as having reduced odds of vaccination, and thus such populations require targeted intervention to mitigate potential health disparities from a lack of vaccination [71]. In contrast, patients who had experienced a cerebrovascular accident had greater odds of vaccine acceptance—these patients may be more inclined to engage with preventable health measures, secondary to having personally suffered a potentially avoidable life-altering illness [72].
Upon subgroup analysis, several unique trends were identified. After multivariable regression, only amongst females, Whites, and Asians, did concerns relating to vaccine safety, as well as self-perception of having a preexisting medical condition making vaccination unsafe, result in reduced odds of vaccine acceptance—therefore, if focused demographic-oriented interventions are applied, education on vaccine safety and side effects may be most impactful for females, Whites, and Asians. For both sexes, not having received the annual influenza vaccine significantly reduced odds of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance, yet only amongst males did the perception of COVID-19 as a non-severe illness or those identifying as politically conservative significantly reduce odds. Meanwhile, there were several variables resulting in reduced odds of vaccine acceptance, which were exclusive to certain racial groups: for Whites, having only a high school degree; for Asians, a greater BMI; and for NHPIs, a positive depression screen. Therefore, to conduct public outreach or patient counseling efficiently, there may be utility in focusing on specific variables depending on the sociodemographic group of interest.

4.3. Limitations

While the findings of this investigation may be extrapolated to other subpopulations, the results should be considered in the context of several limitations, including subset sample sizes. Inherently, generalizability could be restricted, as our population represents patients with neurological disorders from a single institution, as well as from a minority-majority state with unique sociocultural dynamics and differentially impacted by COVID-19. In Hawaii specifically, around the time of the survey (1 February 2021), the state had reported a cumulative 25,943 cases, 410 deaths, and 5.1% of the population had been vaccinated [73]. On 1 February 2021, there were 91 new cases, zero deaths within seven days, and a 2.1% positivity rate [73]. Given the lower rates of new cases at the time of surveying (relative to 21 August 2021: 671 daily cases, 8.3% test positivity, and nine new deaths within seven days) and the progression of COVID-19, our results may underestimate the current percentage of patients seeking vaccination [73,74]. Likewise, the variables representing disease hesitancy at the time of surveying may also have shifted and be dependent on daily case numbers and deaths [73,74].
Moreover, as participation was restricted to patients with a phone, the results may have been influenced by selection bias, in that more vulnerable subgroups (i.e., financially disadvantaged) could have been excluded. Finally, given the potentially polarizing nature of some survey questions, social desirability bias may have yielded participants providing responses which would be extrinsically viewed positively by others.

5. Conclusions

This QI survey provided our institution with actionable data, permitting for the efficient utilization of limited clinic resources, in providing vaccine counseling to at-risk patients with neurological disorders. In particular, patients with the following characteristics were recognized for being at risk of vaccine hesitancy (Table 10 and Table 11): not having received an annual influenza vaccine, a younger age, a higher CCI, illicit drug use, Medicaid insurance, and social media use for COVID-19 information. Meanwhile, uniquely reducing odds were observed amongst Whites, Asians, and NHPIs, for the following respective variables: high school degree, military insurance, and a positive depression screen. Moreover, amongst all subgroups, vaccine hesitancy appears to be associated with concerns that vaccines are not safe and the self-perception of a preexisting medical condition making the vaccine unsafe (expect among NHPIs). Therefore, focused counseling on allaying patient fears of comorbidity contraindications or vaccine safety may be most impactful. In summary, the investigation not only identified variables that increase the odds of vaccine hesitancy, but also recognized that amongst different demographic strata, there are unique variables at play.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Table S1: Comparison of patients providing complete or partial surveys (participants) to those who did not participate (i.e., non-response, declined, or break-offs). Relative to non-participants, Whites and married patients had a greater odds of survey participation; NAANs were at reduced odds of survey participation.

Author Contributions

Development: A.G.-R., K.B.T., T.J.H., F.T.C.M., E.C., J.V., K.K.L.; Data Collection: K.B.T., T.J.H., F.T.C.M., C.G., M.P., C.X.Y.S., K.M.K., R.J.L., K.L., S.Y.; Analysis and Interpretation of Data: A.G.-R., K.B.T., T.J.H., F.T.C.M., E.C., J.V., K.K.L.; Writing of Manuscript: A.G.-R., E.C., J.V., K.K.L. Resources: C.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

QI survey, with institutional review board exemption.

Informed Consent Statement

Consent to participate: Participants provided verbal informed consent after disclosure of survey objectives, risks, and benefits, as well as assured anonymity. Consent for publication: All authors approved the submitted manuscript version.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.


We would like to thank Ena Zhu as well as other staff at Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience for their time in providing valuable administrative support. We also thank Brendan Seto for assistance in data acquisition.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Thirteen-Question Quality Improvement Survey
Do you plan on getting the COVID-19 vaccine?
COVID vaccine received
Planning to receive as soon as available
Planning to receive within the year
Not planning to receive
Decline to answer
Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Decline to answer
What is your primary source of COVID information? Please listen to all of the options before answering.
Social media
Media news (TV, radio, articles)
Healthcare provider
Scholarly articles (including websites from CDC or other government agencies)
Decline to answer
Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
Decline to answer
Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
Decline to answer
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
Decline to answer
Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
Decline to answer
Have you tested-positive for COVID?
Decline to answer
With a single category, how would you define your race/ethnicity?
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American or Alaskan Native
Decline to answer
How would you define your work status?
Employed Full-Time
Employed Part-Time
Seeking Job Opportunities
Not able to work
Decline to answer
What is the highest level of education you completed?
Some high school
High school or GED
Trade School
Some college
Associate or bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate degree
Decline to answer
What is your marital status?
Decline to answer
How would you describe your political view?
Very Liberal
Moderately Liberal
Slightly Liberal
Slightly Conservative
Moderately Conservative
Very Conservative
Decline to answer


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Figure 1. Sampled patients for survey.
Figure 1. Sampled patients for survey.
Idr 13 00072 g001
Table 1. Number of patients stratified by sociodemographic variables and comorbidities.
Table 1. Number of patients stratified by sociodemographic variables and comorbidities.
Total Participants per Category (Acceptance of Vaccine/Total Participants in Strata)
All PatientsFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Age292/359 (81.3%)158/195 (81.0%)134/164 (81.7%)128/149 (85.9%)79/97 (81.4%)58/78 (74.4%)
Female158/195 (81.0%) 73/86 (84.9%)40/53 (75.5%)30/38 (78.9%)
Male134/164 (81.7%) 55/63 (87.3%)39/44 (88.6%)28/40 (70.0%)
Median Household Income287/353 (81.3%)155/191 (81.2%)132/162 (81.4%)126/147 (85.7%)78/96 (81.3%)57/77 (74.0%)
Overall Poverty Level in Municipality287/353 (81.3%)155/191 (81.2%)132/162 (81.4%)126/147 (85.7%)78/96 (81.3%)57/77 (74.0%)
Poverty Level for Ages 18–64287/353 (81.3%)155/191 (81.2%)132/162 (81.4%)126/147 (85.7%)78/96 (81.3%)57/77 (74.0%)
Poverty Level for Ages 65 and Older287/353 (81.3%)155/191 (81.2%)132/162 (81.4%)126/147 (85.7%)78/96 (81.3%)57/77 (74.0%)
Geographic Origin Population Size287/353 (81.3%)155/191 (81.2%)132/162 (81.4%)126/147 (85.7%)78/96 (81.3%)57/77 (74.0%)
Geographic Origin
Urban153/190 (80.5%)87/107 (81.3%)66/83 (79.5%)66/76 (86.8%)47/59 (79.7%)28/40 (70.0%)
Suburban129/156 (82.7%)64/79 (81.0%)65/77 (84.4%)57/67 (85.1%)31/37 (83.8%)28/36 (77.8%)
Rural5/7 (71.4%)4/5 (80.0%)1/2 (50.0%)3/4 (75.0%)0/0 (NA)1/1 (100%)
Insurance Type
Medicare87/101 (86.1%)42/46 (91.3%)45/55 (81.8%)44/49 (89.8%)26/30 (86.7%)13/17 (76.5%)
Medicaid46/67 (68.7%)24/34 (70.6%)22/33 (66.7%)15/21 (71.4%)14/17 (82.4%)16/25 (64.0%)
Private114/140 (81.4%)70/88 (79.5%)44/52 (84.6%)44/53 (83.0%)35/44 (79.5%)25/31 (80.6%)
Military38/44 (86.4%)18/23 (78.3%)20/21 (95.2%)24/25 (96.0%)0/2 (0.0%)3/4 (75.0%)
Income Quartiles
Quartile 171/88 (80.7%)33/41 (80.5%)38/47 (80.9%)31/34 (91.2%)19/23 (82.6%)13/19 (68.4%)
Quartile 270/88 (79.5%)38/48 (79.2%)32/40 (80.0%)24/30 (80.0%)18/24 (75.0%)22/28 (78.6%)
Quartile 384/94 (89.4%)49/55 (89.0%)35/39 (89.7%)45/49 (91.8%)22/24 (91.7%)9/1 (81.9%)
Quartile 462/83 (74.7%)35/47 (74.5%)27/36 (75.0%)26/34 (76.5%)19/25 (76.0%)13/19 (68.4%)
Survey Questions
All PatientsFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Q1: Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Had Conversation67/79 (84.8%)44/49 (89.8%)23/30 (76.7%)30/33 (90.9%)18/21 (85.7%)11/13 (84.7%)
No Conversation225/280 (80.4%)114/146 (78.1%)111/134 (82.8%)98/116 (84.5%)61/76 (80.3%)47/65 (72.3%)
Q2: What is your primary source of COVID information?
Scholarly Articles/CDC/
US Governmental Agencies
56/66 (84.8%)35/42 (83.3%)21/24 (87.5%)31/34 (91.2%)4/6 (66.7%)10/12 (83.3%)
Friends/Family/Coworkers34/46 (73.9%)21/26 (80.8%)13/20 (65.0%)13/16 (81.3%)9/11 (81.8%)9/15 (60.0%)
Healthcare Provider13/15 (86.7%)7/9 (77.8%)6/6 (100%)6/7 (85.7%)3/4 (75.0%)4/4 (100%)
Traditional Media169/197 (85.8%)82/98 (83.7%)87/99 (87.9%)71/81 (87.7%)53/61 (86.9%)33/41 (80.5%)
Social Media16/28 (57.1%)10/16 (62.5%)6/12 (50.0%)5/8 (62.5%)9/13 (69.2%)2/5 (40.0%)
Q3: Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
Safe270/310 (87.1%)146/169 (86.4%)124/141 (87.9%)119/132 (90.2%)75/87 (86.2%)51/61 (83.6%)
Not Safe14/38 (36.8%)7/20 (35.0%)7/18 (38.9%)6/13 (46.2%)2/7 (28.6%)5/14 (35.7%)
Q4: Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
Severe271/322 (84.2%)]146/174 (83.9%)125/148 (84.5%)123/138 (89.1%)71/87 (81.6%)52/66 (78.8%)
Not Severe17/32 (53.1%)]10/19 (52.6%)7/13 (53.8%)4/10 (40.0%)7/8 (87.5%)5/11 (45.5%)
Q5: Do you have a preexisting medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
Preexisting Condition44/75 (58.7%)25/44 (56.8%)19/31 (61.3%)16/27 (59.3%)10/20 (50.0%)15/23 (65.2%)
No Preexisting Condition237/270 (87.8%)126/142 (88.7%)111/128 (86.7%)110/118 (93.2%)65/73 (89.0%)40/51 (78.4%)
Q6: Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
Received Flu Shot212/235 (90.2%)121/134 (90.3%)91/101 (90.1%)91/96 (94.8%)61/68 (89.7%)41/51 (80.4%)
Did Not Receive Flu Shot78/121 (64.5%)35/58 (60.3%)43/63 (68.3%)36/52 (69.2%)17/27 (63.0%)17/27 (63.0%)
Q7: Have you tested positive for COVID?
Tested Positive4/6 (66.7%)3/4 (75.0%)1/2 (50.0%)0/1 (0.0%)1/2 (0.0%)2/2 (100%)
Denied Positive Test287/351 (81.8%)154/190 (81.1%)133/161 (82.6%)128/148 (86.5%)77/94 (81.9%)56/76 (73.7%)
Q8: With a single category, how would you define your race/ethnicity?
White128/149 (85.9%)73/86 (84.9%)55/63 (87.3%)
Black9/9 (100%)2/2 (100%)7/7 (100%)
Asian79/97 (81.4%)40/53 (75.5%)39/44 (88.6%)
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander58/78 (74.4%)30/38 (78.9%)28/40 (70%)
Hispanic9/14 (64.3%)6/9 (66.7%)3/5 (60.0%)
Native American or Alaskan Native4/4 (100%)4/4 (100%)0/0 (NA)
Q9: How would you define your work status?
Employed99/118 (83.9%)52/65 (80.0%)47/53 (88.7%)40/46 (87.0%)28/34 (82.4%)20/24 (83.3%)
Homemaker12/16 (75.0%)11/15 (73.3%)1/1 (100%)10/12 (83.3%)1/2 (50.0%)1/1 (100)
Not Able to Work39/56 (69.6%)22/30 (73.3%)17/26 (65.4%)16/21 (76.2%)4/7 (57.1%)16/24 (67.7%)
Retired116/138 (84.1%)59/68 (86.8%)57/70 (81.4%)54/61 (88.5%)38/45 (84.4%)15/21 (71.4%)
Student8/10 (80.0%)5/7 (71.4%)3/3 (100%)1/1 (100%)3/4 (75.0%)2/3 (66.7%)
Unemployed16/19 (84.2%)8/9 (88.9%)8/10 (80%)7/8 (87.5%)3/3 (100%)4/5 (80.0%)
Q10: What is the highest level of education you completed?
Graduate Degree56/60 (93.3%)26/27 (96.3%)30/33 (90.9%)35/36 (97.2%)11/13 (84.6%)2/2 (100%)
High School Degree50/73 (68.5%)23/34 (67.6%)27/39 (69.2%)11/19 (57.9%)16/21 (76.2%)21/28 (75.0%)
Some College70/87 (80.5%)38/49 (77.6%)32/38 (84.2%)29/34 (85.3%)20/22 (90.9%)11/19 (57.8%)
Some High School12/15 (80.0%)8/8 (100%)4/7 (57.1%)3/4 (75.0%)4/4 (100%)4/5 (80.0%)
Trade School8/10 (80.0%)5/6 (83.3%)3/4 (75.0%)5/5 (100%)2/3 (66.7%)1/2 (50.0%)
Associate/Bachelor’s Degree93/108 (86.1%)57/68 (83.8%)36/40 (90.0%)45/50 (90.0%)25/32 (78.1%)18/20 (90.0%)
Q11: What is your marital status?
Divorced39/49 (79.6%)16/22 (72.7%)23/27 (85.1%)19/23 (82.6%)6/9 (66.7%)10/13 (76.9%)
Married157/190 (82.6%)81/99 (81.8%)76/91 (83.5%)74/83 (89.2%)43/53 (81.1%)24/33 (72.7%)
Single66/85 (77.6%)39/49 (79.6%)27/36 (75.0%)25/32 (78.1%)18/21 (85.7%)19/26 (73.1%)
Widowed28/32 (87.5%)22/25 (88.0%)6/7 (85.7%)9/10 (90.0%)12/14 (85.7%)5/6 (83.3%)
Q12: How would you describe your political view?
Conservative62/79 (78.5%)28/38 (73.7%)34/41 (82.9%)30/36 (83.3%)22/28 (78.6%)5/9 (55.6%)
Independent101/124 (81.5%)49/63 (77.8%)52/61 (85.2%)45/53 (84.9%)24/28 (85.7%)24/33 (72.8%)
Liberal90/100 (90.0%)53/57 (93.0%)37/43 (86.0%)44/47 (93.6%)20/21 (95.2%)19/22 (86.4%)
Comorbidities/Medical Conditions
All PatientsFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Body Mass Index263/325 (80.9%)140/178 (78.7%)122/148 (82.4%)117/138 (84.8%)72/90 (80.0%)51/67 (76.1%)
Dyslipidemia140/162 (86.4%)62/71 (87.3%)78/91 (85.7%)56/60 (93.3%)42/51 (82.4%)29/35 (82.9%)
No Dyslipidemia129/170 (75.9%)82/108 (75.9%)47/62 (75.8%)63/80 (78.8%)30/39 (76.9%)24/35 (68.6%)
Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus44/53 (83.0%)22/25 (88.0%)22/28 (78.6%)13/17 (76.5%)17/18 (94.4%)13/16 (81.3%)
No Diabetes Mellitus225/279 (80.6%)122/154 (79.2%)103/125 (82.4%)106/123 (86.2%)55/72 (76.4%)40/54 (74.1%)
Hypertension129/152 (84.9%)63/73 (86.3%)66/79 (83.5%)47/50 (94.0%)40/49 (81.6%)31/40 (77.5%)
No Hypertension140/180 (77.8%)81/106 (76.4%)59/74 (79.7%)72/90 (80.0%)32/41 (78.0%)22/30 (73.3%)
Coronary Artery Disease or Prior Myocardial Infarction (CAD/MI)
CAD/MI25/33 (75.8%)11/14 (78.6%)14/19 (73.7%)6/8 (75.0%)11/13 (84.6%)7/11 (63.6%)
No CAD/MI244/299 (81.6%)133/165 (80.6%)111/134 (82.8%)113/132 (85.6%)61/77 (79.2%)46/59 (78.0%)
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
PVD10/13 (77.0%)6/6 (100%)4/7 (57.1%)2/2 (100%)2/3 (66.7%)6/8 (75.0%)
No PVD259/319 (81.2%)138/173 (79.8%)121/146 (82.8%)117/138 (84.8%)70/87 (80.5%)47/62 (75.8%)
Smoking Status
Current Smoker23/33 (70.0%)13/19 (68.4%)10/14 (71.4%)9/14 (64.3%)4/5 (80.0%)8/12 (66.7%)
Former Smoker46/55 (83.6%)20/21 (95.2%)26/34 (76.5%)19/23 (82.6%)12/15 (80.0%)11/13 (84.6%)
Never Smoker197/241 (81.7%)110/138 (79.7%)87/103 (84.5%)90/102 (88.2%)55/69 (79.7%)34/45 (75.6%)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
CHF6/7 (85.7%)3/3 (100%)3/4 (75.0%)2/2 (100%)1/2 (50.0%)3/3 (100%)
No CHF262/324 (80.9%)141/176 (80.1%)121/148 (81.8%)117/138 (84.8%)70/87 (80.5%)50/67 (74.6%)
Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
Afib21/24 (87.5%)9/10 (90.0%)12/14 (85.7%)9/9 (100%)4/5 (80.0%)7/9 (77.8%)
No Afib248/308 (80.5%)135/169 (79.9%)113/139 (81.3%)110/131 (84.0%)68/85 (80.0%)46/61 (75.4%)
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
CVA45/50 (90.0%)23/24 (95.8%)22/26 (84.6%)19/19 (100%)10/13 (76.9%)14/16 (87.5%)
No CVA224/282 (79.4%)121/155 (78.1%)103/127 (81.1%)100/121 (82.6%)62/77 (80.5%)39/54 (72.2%)
Alcohol Use Screen
Positive Screen33/41 (80.5%)15/21 (71.4%)18/20 (90.0%)19/24 (79.2%)6/8 (75.0%)4/4 (100%)
Negative Screen234/289 (81.0%)129/158 (81.6%)105/131 (80.2%)97/113 (85.8%)66/82 (80.5%)49/66 (74.2%)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorder7/8 (87.5%)0/1 (0.0%)7/7 (100%)5/6 (83.3%)0/0 (NA)2/2 (100%)
No Alcohol Use Disorder257/319 (80.7%)142/176 (80.7%)115/143 (80.4%)111/131 (84.7%)71/89 (79.8%)51/68 (75.0%)
Depression Screen
Positive Screen25/33 (75.8%)12/15 (80.0%)13/18 (72.2%)10/11 (90.9%)9/11 (81.8%)3/8 (37.5%)
Negative Screen220/268 (82.1%)120/149 (80.5%)100/119 (84.0%)98/117 (83.8%)60/75 (80.0%)46/55 (83.6%)
History of Psychiatric Disorder
Psychiatric History110/133 (82.7%)67/82 (81.7%)43/51 (84.3%)57/64 (89.1%)22/27 (81.5%)19/27 (70.4%)
No Psychiatric History160/200 (80.0%)77/97 (79.4%)83/103 (80.6%)62/76 (81.6%)50/63 (79.4%)34/43 (79.1%)
Illicit Drug Use
Drug Use12/20 (60.0%)5/8 (62.5%)7/12 (58.3%)8/14 (57.1%)2/2 (100%)2/4 (50.0%)
No Drug Use252/306 (82.4%)137/169 (81.1%)115/137 (83.9%)108/123 (87.8%)69/87 (79.3%)50/62 (80.6%)
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
PUD19/21 (90.5%)10/11 (90.9%)9/10 (90.0%)9/10 (90.0%)7/8 (87.5%)3/3 (100%)
No PUD250/311 (80.4%)134/168 (79.8%)116/143 (81.1%)110/130 (84.6%)65/82 (79.3%)50/67 (74.6%)
Liver Disease
Liver Disease7/8 (87.5%)3/3 (100%)4/5 (80.0%)2/3 (66.7%)3/3 (100%)2/2 (100%)
No Liver Disease262/324 (80.9%)141/176 (80.1%)121/148 (81.8%)117/137 (85.4%)69/87 (79.3%)51/68 (75.0%)
Connective Tissue Disease (CTD)
CTD5/5 (100%)3/3 (100%)2/2 (100%)2/3 (66.7%)1/1 (100%)2/2 (100%)
No CTD264/327 (80.7%)141/176 (80.1%)123/151 (81.5%)117/137 (85.4%)71/89 (79.8%)51/68 (75.0%)
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary Disease39/46 (84.8%)23/28 (82.1%)16/18 (88.9%)19/22 (86.4%)7/8 (87.5%)9/11 (81.8%)
No Pulmonary Disease230/286 (80.4%)121/151 (80.1%)109/135 (80.7%)100/118 (84.7%)65/82 (79.3%)44/59 (74.6%)
Hemiplegia8/10 (80.0%)2/3 (66.7%)6/7 (85.7%)3/4 (75.0%)1/1 (100%)4/5 (80.0%)
No Hemiplegia261/322 (81.1%)142/176 (80.7%)119/146 (81.5%)116/136 (85.3%)71/89 (79.8%)49/65 (75.4%)
Dementia15/17 (88.2%)4/4 (100%)11/13 (84.6%)7/8 (87.5%)6/7 (85.7%)2/2 (100%)
No Dementia254/315 (80.6%)140/175 (80.0%)114/140 (81.4%)112/132 (84.8%)66/83 (79.5%)51/68 (75.0%)
Renal Disease
Renal Disease20/21 (95.2%)13/13 (100%)7/8 (87.5%)9/9 (100%)5/5 (100%)6/7 (85.7%)
No Renal Disease249/311 (80.1%)131/166 (78.9%)118/145 (81.4%)110/131 (84.0%)67/85 (78.8%)47/63 (74.6%)
Solid Tumor
Tumor30/40 (75.0%)23/27 (85.2%)7/13 (53.8%)16/19 (84.2%)8/9 (88.9%)3/8 (37.5%)
No Tumor239/292 (81.8%)121/152 (79.6%)118/140 (84.3%)103/121 (85.1%)64/81 (79.0%)50/62 (80.6%)
Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune Disease19/22 (86.4%)14/16 (87.5%)5/6 (83.3%)9/11 (81.8%)5/5 (100%)3/4 (75.0%)
No Autoimmune Disease250/310 (80.6%)130/163 (79.8%)120/147 (81.6%)110/129 (85.3%)67/85 (78.8%)50/66 (75.8%)
Thyroid Disease
Thyroid Disease33/39 (84.6%)25/31 (80.6%)8/8 (100%)22/25 (88.0%)6/9 (66.7%)4/4 (100%)
No Thyroid Disease236/293 (80.5%)119/148 (80.4%)117/145 (80.7%)97/115 (84.3%)66/81 (81.5%)49/66 (74.2%)
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSK)
MSK159/186 (85.5%)85/99 (85.9%)74/87 (85.1%)79/86 (91.9%)37/46 (80.4%)30/39 (76.9%)
No MSK113/150 (75.3%)60/82 (73.2%)53/68 (77.9%)41/55 (74.5%)36/45 (80.0%)23/32 (71.9%)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (10-Year Survival Estimate)292/359 (81.3%)158/195 (81.0%)134/164 (81.7%)128/149 (85.9%)79/97 (81.4%)58/78 (74.4%)
Table 2. Survey question responses amongst the neurological patient cohort and stratified by sex: crude odds ratios.
Table 2. Survey question responses amongst the neurological patient cohort and stratified by sex: crude odds ratios.
All ParticipantsFemale ParticipantsMale Participants
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square/Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square/Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square/Fisher Exact Test
Q1: Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Had Conversation1.36 (0.67, 2.97)p = 0.462.46 (0.87, 8.61)p = 0.110.68 (0.24, 2.11)p = 0.60
No Conversation0.73 (0.34, 1.49)0.51 (0.15, 1.44)1.47 (0.47, 4.09)
Q2: What is your primary source of COVID information?
Scholarly Articles/CDC/US Governmental Agencies1.30 (0.61, 3.05)p = 0.601.21 (0.46, 3.55)p = 0.851.56 (0.42, 8.78)p = 0.77
Friends/Family/Coworkers0.58 (0.27, 1.32)p = 0.200.97 (0.32, 3.56)p = 1.000.33 (0.11, 1.09)p = 0.057
Healthcare Provider1.46 (0.32, 13.69)p = 1.000.81 (0.14, 8.28)p = 0.682.64 (0.38, 115.04)p = 0.48
Traditional Media1.82 (1.02, 3.28)p = 0.0421.40 (0.64, 3.13)p = 0.472.51 (1.02, 6.35)p = 0.044
Social Media0.26 (0.11, 0.63)p = 0.0010.35 (0.10, 1.26)p = 0.0970.18 (0.043, 0.72)p = 0.007
Q3: Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
Safe11.44 (5.20, 26.09)p < 0.00111.54 (3.82, 38.07)p < 0.00111.17 (3.44, 39.13)p < 0.001
Not Safe0.087 (0.038, 0.19)0.087 (0.026, 0.26)0.089 (0.026, 0.29)
Q4: Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
Severe4.66 (2.03, 10.65)p < 0.0014.64 (1.52, 14.06)p = 0.0034.60 (1.16, 17.66)p = 0.017
Not Severe0.21 (0.094, 0.49)0.22 (0.071, 0.66)0.22 (0.057, 0.86)
Q5: Do you have a preexisting medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
Preexisting Condition0.20 (0.11, 0.37)p < 0.0010.17 (0.070, 0.40)p < 0.0010.25 (0.092, 0.66)p = 0.002
No Preexisting Condition5.03 (2.69, 9.46)5.91 (2.51, 14.22)4.08 (1.52, 10.83)
Q6: Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
Received Flu Shot5.05 (2.78, 9.40)p < 0.0016.05 (2.63, 14.46)p < 0.0014.19 (1.70, 10.95)p = 0.001
Did Not Receive Flu Shot0.20 (0.11, 0.36)0.17 (0.069, 0.38)0.24 (0.091, 0.59)
Q7: Have you tested positive for COVID?
Tested Positive0.45 (0.063, 5.04)p = 0.680.70 (0.055, 37.83)p = 0.570.21 (0.0027, 17.11)p = 0.33
Denied Positive Test2.24 (0.20, 15.99)1.42 (0.026, 18.32)4.68 (0.058, 374.36)
Q8: With a single category, how would you define your race/ethnicity?
White1.65 (0.90, 3.08)p = 0.111.64 (0.74, 3.78)p = 0.261.69 (0.65, 4.80)p = 0.34
Black4.14 (0.64, 173.87)p = 0.230.97 (0.094, 48.27)p = 1.003.02 (0.44, 130.14)p = 0.48
Asian0.97 (0.52, 1.89)p = 1.000.64 (0.28, 1.51)p = 0.351.84 (0.62, 6.67)p = 0.35
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander0.56 (0.30, 1.08)p = 0.0790.87 (0.34, 2.43)p = 0.940.34 (0.13, 0.89)p = 0.022
Hispanic0.56 (0.30, 1.08)p = 0.170.46 (0.092, 2.97)p = 0.380.29 (0.032, 3.69)p = 0.20
Native American or Alaskan Native0.38 (0.11, 1.51)p = 1.001.96 (0.26, 88.11)p = 1.00NANA
Q9: How would you define your work status?
Employed1.31 (0.71, 2.49)p = 0.450.91 (0.41, 2.12)p = 0.972.18 (0.79, 6.98)p = 0.16
Homemaker0.68 (0.20, 2.99)p = 0.510.62 (0.17, 2.85)p = 0.490.46 (0.023, 27.26)p = 0.46
Not Able to Work0.46 (0.23, 0.93)p = 0.0260.59 (0.23, 1.70)p = 0.370.34 (0.12, 0.999)p = 0.04
Retired1.36 (0.76, 2.52)p = 0.341.87 (0.79, 4.82)p = 0.180.98 (0.41, 2.39)p = 1.00
Student0.92 (0.18, 9.12)p = 1.000.58 (0.090, 6.30)p = 0.621.38 (0.16, 64.72)p = 1.00
Unemployed1.25 (0.34, 6.87)p = 1.001.93 (0.24, 88.09)p = 1.000.90 (0.17, 9.12)p = 1.00
Q10: What is the highest level of education you completed?
Graduate Degree3.60 (1.25, 14.19)p = 0.016.71 (1.02, 284.34)p = 0.0332.54 (0.70, 13.99)p = 0.20
High School Degree0.37 (0.20, 0.71)p = 0.0020.38 (0.15, 0.97)p = 0.0350.37 (0.14, 0.95)p = 0.032
Some College0.88 (0.46, 1.75)p = 0.820.70 (0.30, 1.73)p = 0.501.23 (0.43, 4.01)p = 0.87
Some High School0.88 (0.23, 5.01)p = 0.743.75 (0.56, 159.74)p = 0.330.27 (0.043, 1.98)p = 0.11
Trade School0.88 (0.17, 8.74)p = 1.001.12 (0.12, 54.43)p = 1.000.65 (0.050, 35.39)p = 0.55
Associate/Bachelor’s Degree1.55 (0.80, 3.13)p = 0.221.24 (0.54, 3.03)p = 0.732.33 (0.73, 9.86)p = 0.73
Q11: What is your marital status?
Divorced0.87 (0.40, 2.08)p = 0.870.58 (0.20, 1.97)p = 0.441.32 (0.40, 5.70)p = 0.79
Married1.18 (0.67, 2.09)p = 0.641.11 (0.51, 2.43)p = 0.921.26 (0.52, 3.07)p = 0.71
Single0.73 (0.39, 1.41)p = 0.380.89 (0.37, 2.24)p = 0.930.57 (0.22, 1.60)p = 0.32
Widowed1.65 (0.55, 6.73)p = 0.481.83 (0.50, 10.09)p = 0.421.33 (0.15, 63.48)p = 1.00
Q12: How would you describe your political view?
Conservative0.63 (0.32, 1.30)p = 0.220.50 (0.19, 1.35)p = 0.181.09 (0.40, 3.30)p = 1.00
Independent0.78 (0.41, 1.51)p = 0.520.61 (0.24, 1.50)p = 0.321.44 (0.57, 3.89)p = 0.53
Liberal2.20 (1.02, 5.18)p = 0.0484.10 (1.30, 17.18)p = 0.0091.49 (0.53, 4.84)p = 0.56
Table 3. Survey question responses stratified by race: crude odds ratios.
Table 3. Survey question responses stratified by race: crude odds ratios.
White PatientsAsian PatientsNHPI Patients
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact Test
Q1: Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Had Conversation1.83 (0.48, 10.36)p = 0.501.47 (0.36, 8.79)p = 0.762.09 (0.39, 21.23)p = 0.50
No Conversation0.48 (0.047, 2.53)0.68 (0.11, 2.81)0.48 (0.047, 2.53)
Q2: What is your primary source of COVID information?
Scholarly Articles/CDC/US Governmental Agencies1.84 (0.48, 10.46)p = 0.410.41 (0.053, 4.92)p = 0.291.76 (0.32, 18.13)p = 0.72
Friends/Family/Coworkers0.65 (0.16, 3.94)p = 0.460.98 (0.17, 10.22)p = 1.000.40 (0.10, 1.64)p = 0.23
Healthcare Provider0.95 (0.11, 45.97)p = 1.000.64 (0.048, 35.67)p = 0.552.80 (0.36, 128.07)p = 0.45
Traditional Media1.29 (0.45, 3.72)p = 0.772.36 (0.71, 7.98)p = 0.181.80 (0.56, 6.00)p = 0.39
Social Media0.24 (0.042, 1.67)p = 0.0790.43 (0.099, 2.19)p = 0.240.20 (0.015, 1.86)p = 0.093
Q3: Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
Safe10.37 (2.57, 43.85)p < 0.00114.88 (2.15, 172.80)p = 0.0028.81 (2.14, 41.37)p = 0.001
Not Safe0.096 (0.023, 0.39)0.067 (0.0058, 0.46)0.11 (0.024, 0.47)
Q4: Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
Severe11.92 (2.51, 64.47)p = 0.0010.64 (0.013, 5.56)p = 1.004.35 (0.95, 21.01)p = 0.050
Not Severe0.084 (0.016, 0.40)1.57 (0.18, 75.46)0.23 (0.048, 1.05)
Q5: Do you have a preexisting medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
Preexisting Condition0.11 (0.032, 0.34)p < 0.0010.13 (0.034, 0.45)p < 0.0010.52 (0.15, 1.80)p = 0.36
No Preexisting Condition9.23 (2.90, 31.02)7.87 (2.22, 29.61)1.92 (0.56, 6.50)
Q6: Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
Received Flu Shot7.96 (2.55, 29.90)p < 0.0015.02 (1.48, 18.16)p = 0.0062.38 (0.74, 7.75)p = 0.16
Did Not Receive Flu Shot0.13 (0.033, 0.39)0.20 (0.055, 0.68)0.42 (0.13, 1.35)
Q7: Have you tested positive for COVID?
Tested Positive0.079 (0.0013, 1.56)p = 0.0530.23 (0.0028, 18.34)p = 0.341.43 (0.14, 72.07)p = 1.00
Denied Positive Test12.61 (0.64, 753.84)4.43 (0.055, 358.89)0.70 (0.014, 7.37)
Q9: How would you define your work status?
Employed1.14 (0.38, 3.84)p = 1.001.14 (0.35, 4.13)p = 1.002.09 (0.57, 9.73)p = 0.27
Homemaker0.81 (0.15, 8.13)p = 0.680.23 (0.0028, 18.58)p = 0.340.70 (0.036, 42.42)p = 1.00
Not Able to Work0.46 (0.14, 1.83)p = 0.300.28 (0.042, 2.10)p = 0.120.58 (0.18, 1.94)p = 0.45
Retired1.46 (0.51, 4.56)p = 0.601.52 (0.48, 5.16)p = 0.590.82 (0.24, 3.07)p = 0.94
Student0.33 (0.017, 19.97)p = 0.371.38 (0.16, 64.72)p = 1.000.68 (0.034, 42.12)p = 1.00
Unemployed1.16 (0.14, 54.72)p = 1.001.46 (0.17, 68.95)p = 1.001.40 (0.13, 72.89)p = 1.00
Q10: What is the highest level of education you completed?
Graduate Degree7.09 (1.05, 305.07)p = 0.0461.23 (0.23, 12.56)p = 1.001.38 (0.13, 69.80)p = 1.00
High School Degree0.14 (0.042, 0.50)p < 0.0010.62 (0.17, 2.59)p = 0.521.00 (0.30, 3.49)p = 1.00
Some College0.88 (0.27, 3.36)p = 1.002.56 (0.52, 25.08)p = 0.340.33 (0.094, 1.20)p = 0.092
Some High School0.46 (0.035, 25.19)p = 0.441.83 (0.23, 83.89)p = 1.001.35 (0.12, 70.55)p = 1.00
Trade School1.62 (0.22, 72.29)p = 1.000.43 (0.021, 26.38)p = 0.450.33 (0.0040, 26.62)p = 0.44
Associate/Bachelor’s Degree1.62 (0.52, 6.08)p = 0.520.68 (0.20, 2.36)p = 0.663.87 (0.78, 38.08)p = 0.081
Q11: What is your marital status?
Divorced0.75 (0.21, 3.39)p = 0.740.42 (0.078, 2.85)p = 0.361.18 (0.26, 7.45)p = 1.00
Married1.85 (0.66, 5.37)p = 0.280.96 (0.29, 3.02)p = 1.000.86 (0.28, 2.76)p = 0.98
Single0.49 (0.16, 1.60)p = 0.261.47 (0.36, 8.79)p = 0.760.91 (0.28, 3.14)p = 1.00
Widowed1.52 (0.19, 70.14)p = 1.001.43 (0.27, 14.40)p = 1.001.78 (0.18, 89.14)p = 1.00
Q12: How would you describe your political view?
Conservative0.62 (0.19, 2.23)p = 0.560.42 (0.091, 1.86)p = 0.310.36 (0.065, 2.08)p = 0.30
Independent0.69 (0.22, 2.20)p = 0.641.00 (0.23, 5.15)p = 1.000.78 (0.21, 2.80)p = 0.89
Liberal2.72 (0.70, 15.57)p = 0.174.29 (0.54, 197.79)p = 0.272.80 (0.64, 17.33)p = 0.22
Table 4. Sociodemographic variables for all patients with neurological diseases and stratified by sex: crude odds ratios.
Table 4. Sociodemographic variables for all patients with neurological diseases and stratified by sex: crude odds ratios.
All ParticipantsFemale ParticipantsMale Participants
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Vaccine Acceptance61.50 (47.00, 72.00)7.00 (95% CI: 3.00, 12.00)
p = 0.003
59.00 (45.00, 70.75)10.00 (95% CI: 3.00, 17.00)
p = 0.005
64.00 (52.25, 73.00)4.00 (95% CI: −2.00, 11.00)
p = 0.18
Vaccine Declination55.00 (39.00, 65.00)46.00 (34.75, 62.50)61.00 (46.00, 67.50)
Median Household Income
Vaccine Acceptance96,297 (79,074, 102,242)0.00 (95% CI: −3036, 5661)
p = 0.93
102,228 (79,506, 103,702)0.00 (95% CI: −5778 to 8697)
p = 0.84
93,034 (77,275, 102,242)0.00 (95% CI: −8697, 9208)
p = 0.97
Vaccine Declination93,034 (75,396, 110,939)94,541 (79,290, 110,939)92,678 (67,466, 110,939)
Overall Poverty Level in Municipality
Vaccine Acceptance0.056 (0.056, 0.096)0.00 (95% CI: −0.01, 0.01)
p = 0.92
0.056 (0.055, 0.091)0.00 (95% CI: −0.01, 0.01)
p = 0.59
0.056 (0.056, 0.096)0.00 (95% CI: −0.015, 0.0070)
p = 0.66
Vaccine Declination0.060 (0.049, 0.10)0.056 (0.049, 0.10)0.077 (0.049, 0.11)
Poverty Level for Ages 18–64
Vaccine Acceptance0.059 (0.049, 0.090)0.00 (95% CI: −0.0040, 0.0070)
p = 0.68
0.059 (0.049, 0.089)0.00 (95% CI: −0.01, 0.01)
p = 0.60
0.059 (0.049, 0.091)0.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 0.01)
p = 0.97
Vaccine Declination0.059 (0.049, 0.089)0.059 (0.049, 0.093)0.065 (0.049, 0.089)
Poverty Level for Ages 65 and Older
Vaccine Acceptance0.048 (0.042, 0.081)0.00 (95% CI: −0.001, 0.01)
p = 0.57
0.043 (0.042, 0.080)0.00 (95% CI: −0.004, 0.008)
p = 0.58
0.057 (0.043, 0.081)0.00 (95% CI: −0.018, 0.0040)
p = 0.81
Vaccine Declination0.051 (0.039, 0.093)0.051 (0.039, 0.088)0.050 (0.039, 0.11)
Geographic Origin Population Size
Vaccine Acceptance51,511 (28,737, 51,601)90.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 1974.00)
p = 0.11
51,511 (28,902, 51,601)90.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 3262.00)
p = 0.15
50,741 (27,914, 51,601)90.00 (95% CI: −1677, 4633)
p = 0.46
Vaccine Declination51,511 (33,084, 51,601)51,511 (41,463, 51,601)51,556 (25,307, 51,601)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Insurance Type
Medicare1.66 (0.85, 3.42)p = 0.1613.96 (4.86, 55.21)p < 0.0011.05 (0.42, 2.73)p = 1.00
Medicaid0.42 (0.22, 0.82)p = 0.0070.50 (0.20, 1.31)p = 0.160.35 (0.14, 0.94)p = 0.029
Private1.05 (0.59, 1.90)p = 0.970.88 (0.40, 1.93)p = 0.871.39 (0.54, 3.91)p = 0.61
Military1.56 (0.62, 4.73)p = 0.440.85 (0.28, 3.14)p = 0.985.19 (0.76, 223.73)p = 0.13
Income Quartiles
Quartile 10.95 (0.50, 1.87)p = 0.990.95 (0.37, 2.63)p = 1.000.94 (0.37, 2.56)p = 1.00
Quartile 20.86 (0.46, 1.68)p = 0.740.85 (0.35, 2.15)p = 0.850.88 (0.34, 2.52)p = 0.97
Quartile 32.31 (1.10, 5.33)p = 0.0292.30 (0.87, 7.21)p = 0.112.33 (0.73, 9.86)p = 0.16
Quartile 40.59 (0.32, 1.13)p = 0.110.59 (0.25, 1.42)p = 0.260.60 (0.23, 1.67)p = 0.37
Geographic Origin
Urban0.86 (0.48, 1.54)p = 0.701.02 (0.46, 2.26)p = 1.000.77 (0.31, 1.83)p = 0.65
Suburban1.18 (0.66, 2.12)p = 0.650.98 (0.44, 2.22)p = 1.001.03 (0.46, 2.33)p = 1.00
Rural0.57 (0.091, 6.10)p = 0.620.93 (0.088, 46.95)p = 1.000.22 (0.003, 17.97)p = 0.34
Female0.96 (0.54, 1.69)p = 0.98
Male1.05 (0.59, 1.85)
Table 5. Sociodemographic variables stratified by race: crude odds ratios.
Table 5. Sociodemographic variables stratified by race: crude odds ratios.
White PatientsAsian PatientsNHPI Patients
(25% IQR)
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Vaccine Acceptance63.00 (51.00, 72.00)9.00 (95% CI: 1.00, 17.00)
p = 0.040
64.00 (46.50, 76.50)5.00 (95% CI: −5.00, 14.00)
p = 0.32
56.00 (46.25, 68.00)8.00 (95% CI: −3.00, 18.00)
p = 0.16
Vaccine Declination55.00 (40.00, 64.00)61.50 (43.75, 67.75)46.00 (31.50, 62.75)
Median Household Income
Vaccine Acceptance102,242 (79,074, 102,242)0.00 (95% CI: −5661, 8697)
p = 0.54
98,384 (79,219, 104,431)0.00 (95% CI: −9208, 8697)
p = 0.99
92,321 (81,727, 102,242)0.00 (95% CI: −8697, 11,916)
p = 0.81
Vaccine Declination102,228 (79,506, 110,939)93,433 (80,172, 110,939)92,678 (64,866, 110,939)
Overall Poverty Level in Municipality
Vaccine Acceptance0.056 (0.056, 0.089)0.00 (95% CI: −0.0030, 0.010)
p = 0.42
0.056 (0.049, 0.086)0.00 (95% CI: −0.010, 0.011)
p = 0.59
0.077 (0.056, 0.10)0.00 (95% CI: −0.0070, 0.028)
p = 0.61
Vaccine Declination0.056 (0.049, 0.089)0.053 (0.049, 0.088)0.083 (0.049, 0.12)
Poverty Level for Ages 18–64
Vaccine Acceptance0.059 (0.058, 0.091)0.001 (95% CI: −0.004, 0.01)
p = 0.27
0.059 (0.049, 0.088)0.001 (95% CI: −0.006, 0.02)
p = 0.45
0.066 (0.049, 0.091)0.003 (95% CI: −0.01, 0.022)
p = 0.49
Vaccine Declination0.059 (0.049, 0.085)0.050 (0.049, 0.078)0.075 (0.049, 0.11)
Poverty Level for Ages 65 and Older
Vaccine Acceptance0.043 (0.043, 0.071)0.00 (95% CI: −0.003, 0.004)
p = 0.56
0.047 (0.039, 0.074)0.003 (95% CI: −0.004, 0.024)
p = 0.49
0.057 (0.042, 0.083)0.00 (95% CI: −0.004, 0.033)
p = 0.62
Vaccine Declination0.043 (0.039, 0.079)0.054 (0.039, 0.093)0.072 (0.039, 0.10)
Geographic Origin Population Size
Vaccine Acceptance51,511 (25,307, 51,511)90.00 (95% CI: −1677, 3163)
p = 0.47
51,511 (46,690, 51601)1470 (95% CI: 0.00, 5999.00)
p = 0.14
49,971 (14,856, 516,01)1630 (95% CI: −90.00, 19,079.00)
p = 0.17
Vaccine Declination49,834 (42,069, 51,601)51,601 (43,101, 55479)51,601 (29,899, 51,946)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact TestOdds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact Test
Insurance Type
Medicare1.69 (0.54, 6.30)p = 0.471.85 (0.51, 8.49)p = 0.411.18 (0.30, 5.70)p = 1.00
Medicaid0.34 (0.10, 1.23)p = 0.0891.15 (0.27, 7.00)p = 1.000.48 (0.15, 1.58)p = 0.27
Private0.71 (0.25, 2.06)p = 0.630.88 (0.27, 2.80)p = 1.001.81 (0.55, 6.60)p = 0.41
Military4.63 (0.67, 200.92)p = 0.200.055 (0.0011, 0.57)p = 0.0051.05 (0.079, 58.28)p = 1.00
Income Quartiles
Quartile 11.95 (0.52, 11.02)p = 0.411.13 (0.30, 5.26)p = 1.000.69 (0.20, 2.65)p = 0.73
Quartile 20.59 (0.19, 2.06)p = 0.480.60 (0.18, 2.25)p = 0.551.46 (0.44, 5.35)p = 0.68
Quartile 32.35 (0.71, 10.18)p = 0.213.11 (0.64, 30.15)p = 0.231.68 (0.30, 17.43)p = 0.72
Quartile 40.43 (0.14, 1.32)p = 0.140.68 (0.20, 2.53)p = 0.700.69 (0.20, 2.65)p = 0.73
Geographic Origin
Urban1.21 (0.43, 3.42)p = 0.870.76 (0.21, 2.47)p = 0.810.65 (0.20, 2.03)p = 0.56
Suburban0.91 (0.32, 2.58)p = 1.001.32 (0.40, 4.74)1.44 (0.46, 4.73)p = 0.66
Rural0.49 (0.037, 26.87)p = 0.46NANA0.72 (0.04, 43.18)p = 1.00
Female0.82 (0.27, 2.30)p = 0.860.40 (0.10, 1.33)p = 0.161.60 (0.51, 5.24)p = 0.52
Male1.22 (0.43, 3.65)2.51 (0.75, 9.88)0.63 (0.19, 1.96)
Table 6. Crude odds of vaccination by medical comorbidity for all patients with neurological disorders and stratified by sex.
Table 6. Crude odds of vaccination by medical comorbidity for all patients with neurological disorders and stratified by sex.
All ParticipantsFemale ParticipantsMale Patients
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Dyslipidemia2.02 (1.11, 3.76)p = 0.0212.18 (0.91, 5.67)p = 0.0911.91 (0.77, 4.78)p = 0.18
No Dyslipidemia0.50 (0.27, 0.90)0.46 (0.18, 1.10)0.52 (0.21, 1.30)
Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus1.17 (0.52, 2.90)p = 0.831.92 (0.53, 10.63)p = 0.420.78 (0.27, 2.64)p = 0.84
No Diabetes Mellitus0.85 (0.34, 1.91)0.52 (0.094, 1.90)1.27 (0.38, 3.76)
Hypertension1.60 (0.88, 2.96)p = 0.131.94 (0.83, 4.87)p = 0.151.29 (0.52, 3.21)p = 0.69
No Hypertension0.62 (0.34, 1.14)0.52 (0.21, 1.21)0.78 (0.31, 1.91)
Coronary Artery Disease or Prior Myocardial Infarction (CAD/MI)
CAD/MI0.71 (0.29, 1.91)p = 0.560.88 (0.22, 5.21)p = 0.740.58 (0.18, 2.27)p = 0.52
No CAD/MI1.42 (0.53, 3.46)1.13 (0.19, 4.64)1.72 (0.44, 5.71)
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
PVD0.77 (0.19, 4.50)p = 0.723.04 (0.44, 131.87)p = 0.480.28 (0.044, 2.02)p = 0.12
No PVD1.29 (0.22, 5.23)0.33 (0.0076, 2.30)3.59 (0.50, 22.67)
Smoking Status
Current Smoker0.50 (0.21, 1.26)p = 0.140.49 (0.16, 1.69)p = 0.280.53 (0.14, 2.53)p = 0.29
Former Smoker1.25 (0.56, 3.10)p = 0.705.50 (0.82, 235.56)p = 0.0810.67 (0.25, 1.97)p = 0.55
Never Smoker1.23 (0.63, 2.33)p = 0.600.83 (0.28, 2.19)p = 0.871.80 (0.70, 4.54)p = 0.24
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
CHF1.42 (0.17, 66.33)p = 1.001.49 (0.18, 69.45)p = 1.000.67 (0.052, 36.43)p = 0.56
No CHF0.70 (0.015, 5.97)0.67 (0.014, 5.68)1.49 (0.027, 19.38)
Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
Afib1.69 (0.48, 9.14)p = 0.592.26 (0.29, 102.19)p = 0.691.38 (0.28, 13.42)p = 1.00
No Afib0.59 (0.11, 2.08)0.44 (0.0098, 3.39)0.73 (0.075, 3.57)
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
CVA2.33 (0.87, 7.85)p = 0.126.42 (0.97, 273.63)p = 0.0511.28 (0.38, 5.58)p = 0.79
No CVA0.43 (0.13, 1.15)0.16 (0.0037, 1.03)0.78 (0.18, 2.61)
Alcohol Use Screen
Positive Screen0.97 (0.41, 2.57)p = 1.000.56 (0.19, 1.93)p = 0.412.22 (0.48, 20.93)p = 0.37
Negative Screen1.03 (0.39, 2.44)1.77 (0.52, 5.37)0.45 (0.048, 2.08)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorder1.69 (0.20, 77.30)p = 1.000.12 (0.00, 2.35)p = 0.103.40 (0.50, 146.59)p = 0.32
No Alcohol Use Disorder0.59 (0.013, 4.75)8.28 (0.43, 492.80)0.29 (0.0068, 2.01)
Depression Screen
Positive Screen0.68 (0.28, 1.86)p = 0.520.97 (0.24, 5.68)p = 1.000.50 (0.14, 1.99)p = 0.37
Negative Screen1.46 (0.54, 3.61)1.03 (0.18, 4.19)2.01 (0.50, 6.96)
History of Psychiatric Disorder
Psychiatric History1.20 (0.66, 2.22)p = 0.631.16 (0.52, 2.64)p = 0.841.29 (0.49, 3.68)p = 0.73
No Psychiatric History0.84 (0.45, 1.52)0.86 (0.38, 1.93)0.77 (0.27, 2.02)
Illicit Drug Use
Drug Use0.32 (0.11, 0.96)p = 0.0300.39 (0.072, 2.65)p = 0.190.27 (0.067, 1.19)p = 0.069
No Drug Use3.10 (1.04, 8.71)2.55 (0.38, 13.91)3.69 (0.84, 14.97)
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
PUD2.31 (0.53, 21.02)p = 0.392.53 (0.34, 113.26)p = 0.692.09 (0.27, 95.14)p = 0.78
No PUD0.43 (0.048, 1.87)0.40 (0.0088, 2.96)0.48 (0.011, 3.72)
Liver Disease
Liver Disease1.65 (0.21, 75.82)p = 1.001.49 (0.18, 69.45)p = 1.000.89 (0.084, 45.56)p = 1.00
No Liver Disease0.60 (0.013, 4.85)0.67 (0.014, 5.68)1.12 (0.022, 11.91)
Connective Tissue Disease (CTD)
CTD2.38 (0.33, 104.33)p = 0.701.49 (0.18, 69.45)p = 1.000.91 (0.088, 45.63)p = 1.00
No CTD0.42 (0.0096, 3.00)0.67 (0.014, 5.68)1.10 (0.022, 11.38)
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary Disease1.36 (0.56, 3.78)p = 0.621.14 (0.38, 4.16)p = 1.001.90 (0.41, 18.08)p = 0.53
No Pulmonary Disease0.74 (0.26, 1.79)0.88 (0.24, 2.63)0.53 (0.055, 2.47)
Hemiplegia0.94 (0.18, 9.26)p = 1.000.48 (0.024, 29.07)p = 0.481.36 (0.15, 64.89)p = 0.48
No Hemiplegia1.07 (0.11, 5.55)2.08 (0.034, 41.00)0.74 (0.015, 6.46)
Dementia1.80 (0.40, 16.63)p = 0.752.00 (0.26, 89.97)p = 1.001.25 (0.25, 12.31)p = 1.00
No Dementia0.56 (0.060, 2.49)0.50 (0.011, 3.84)0.80 (0.081, 4.00)
Renal Disease
Renal Disease4.97 (0.76, 209.52)p = 0.146.93 (1.10, 288.47)p = 0.0751.60 (0.19, 74.80)p = 1.00
No Renal Disease0.20 (0.004, 1.31)0.14 (0.004, 0.91)0.63 (0.013, 5.21)
Solid Tumor
Tumor0.67 (0.29, 1.62)p = 0.411.47 (0.45, 6.28)p = 0.680.22 (0.057, 0.87)p = 0.019
No Tumor1.50 (0.62, 3.40)0.68 (0.16, 2.20)4.53 (1.14, 17.51)
Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune Disease1.52 (0.43, 8.27)p = 0.781.77 (0.38, 16.83)p = 0.681.12 (0.12, 55.16)p = 1.00
No Autoimmune Disease0.66 (0.12, 2.35)0.56 (0.059, 2.65)0.89 (0.018, 8.43)
Thyroid Disease
Thyroid Disease1.33 (0.52, 4.06)p = 0.701.02 (0.36, 3.31)p = 1.003.82 (0.57, 163.30)p = 0.21
No Thyroid Disease0.75 (0.25, 1.94)0.98 (0.30, 2.77)0.26 (0.006, 1.76)
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSK)
MSK1.92 (1.07, 3.49)p = 0.0272.22 (0.99, 5.09)p = 0.0521.61 (0.65, 4.01)p = 0.35
No MSK0.52 (0.29, 0.93)0.45 (0.20, 1.01)0.62 (0.25, 1.53)
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Body Mass Index
Vaccine Acceptance27.02 (23.20, 32.02)1.09 (95% CI: −0.66, 2.79)
p = 0.22
25.82 (21.97, 30.99)0.48 (95% CI: −1.72, 2.45)
p = 0.64
28.46 (24.14, 32.55)2.81 (95% CI: −0.02, 5.76)
p = 0.052
Vaccine Declination27.56 (24.39, 33.13)25.45 (23.64, 31.11)31.05 (26.56, 36.31)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI)
Vaccine Acceptance3.00 (1.00, 4.00)1.00 (95% CI: 4.75 × 10 5 , 1.00)
p = 0.0019
2.00 (1.00, 4.00)1.00 (95% CI: 1.00 to 2.00)
p = 0.00021
3.00 (2.00, 4.00) 9.56 × 10 6   (95% CI: −1.00, 1.00)
p = 0.72
Vaccine Declination2.00 (0.00, 3.00)1.00 (0.00, 2.00)3.00 (0.25, 4.00)
10-Year Survival Estimate
Vaccine Acceptance77.48 (53.39, 95.87)5.72 (95% CI: 0.00, 8.15)
p = 0.002
90.15 (53.39, 95.87)8.15 (95% CI: 2.43, 18.39)
p < 0.001
77.48 (53.39, 90.15)0.00 (95% CI: −5.72, 8.15)
p = 0.72
Vaccine Declination90.15 (77.48, 98.30)95.87 (90.15, 98.30)77.48 (53.39, 97.69)
Table 7. Crude odds of vaccination by medical comorbidity stratified by race.
Table 7. Crude odds of vaccination by medical comorbidity stratified by race.
White PatientsAsian PatientsNHPI Patients
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Chi-Square or
Fisher Exact Test
Dyslipidemia3.75 (1.13, 16.21)p = 0.0181.39 (0.43, 4.50)p = 0.712.19 (0.63, 8.35)p = 0.26
No Dyslipidemia0.27 (0.062, 0.88)0.72 (0.22, 2.31)0.46 (0.12, 1.59)
Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus0.52 (0.14, 2.46)p = 0.295.19 (0.70, 232.08)p = 0.111.51 (0.34, 9.45)p = 0.74
No Diabetes Mellitus1.91 (0.41, 7.20)0.19 (0.0043, 1.42)0.66 (0.11, 2.95)
Hypertension3.88 (1.05, 21.71)p = 0.0281.25 (0.39, 4.01)p = 0.871.25 (0.36, 4.31)p = 0.90
No Hypertension0.26 (0.046, 0.95)0.80 (0.25, 2.58)0.80 (0.23, 2.80)
Coronary Artery Disease or Prior Myocardial Infarction (CAD/MI)
CAD/MI0.51 (0.082, 5.50)p = 0.341.44 (0.27, 14.64)p = 0.940.50 (0.11, 2.70)p = 0.53
No CAD/MI1.97 (0.18, 12.13)0.70 (0.068, 3.70)2.00 (0.37, 9.43)
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
PVD0.72 (0.069, 36.19)p = 0.570.49 (0.024, 30.32)p = 0.490.96 (0.15, 10.69)p = 1.00
No PVD1.39 (0.028, 14.51)2.04 (0.033, 41.35)1.04 (0.094, 6.69)
Smoking Status
Current Smoker0.27 (0.069, 1.15)p = 0.0611.01 (0.092, 52.89)p = 1.000.58 (0.13, 3.07)p = 0.47
Former Smoker0.82 (0.23, 3.71)p = 0.751.02 (0.23, 6.32)p = 1.001.95 (0.36, 20.10)p = 0.50
Never Smoker2.39 (0.80, 6.95)p = 0.120.98 (0.21, 3.75)p = 1.000.98 (0.25, 3.45)p = 1.00
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
CHF0.72 (0.069, 36.19)p = 0.570.25 (0.003, 20.18)p = 0.372.03 (0.23, 96.52)p = 0.68
No CHF1.39 (0.028, 14.51)4.03 (0.05, 326.77)0.49 (0.010, 4.29)
Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
Afib3.43 (0.51, 146.46)p = 0.331.00 (0.091, 52.11)p = 1.001.14 (0.19, 12.40)p = 1.00
No Afib0.29 (0.007, 1.95)1.00 (0.019, 11.00)0.88 (0.081, 5.33)
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
CVA3.95 (0.48, 143.59)p = 0.0770.81 (0.18, 5.13)p = 0.722.66 (0.51, 26.93)p = 0.32
No CVA0.00 (0.01, 2.06)1.24 (0.20, 5.66)0.38 (0.037, 1.96)
Alcohol Use Screen
Positive Screen0.63 (0.19, 2.46)p = 0.610.73 (0.12, 8.05)p = 0.662.76 (0.35, 126.66)p = 0.45
Negative Screen1.59 (0.41, 5.30)1.37 (0.12, 8.65)0.36 (0.0079, 2.87)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorder0.90 (0.093, 44.71)p = 1.00NANA1.33 (0.13, 67.55)p = 1.00
No Alcohol Use Disorder1.11 (0.022, 10.70)NA0.75 (0.015, 7.94)
Depression Screen
Positive Screen1.93 (0.25, 88.48)p = 1.001.12 (0.20, 11.76)p = 1.000.12 (0.016, 0.76)p = 0.010
Negative Screen0.52 (0.011, 4.05)0.89 (0.085, 5.00)8.11 (1.32, 62.02)
History of Psychiatric Disorder
Psychiatric History1.83 (0.64, 5.76)p = 0.321.14 (0.33, 4.60)p = 1.000.63 (0.18, 2.23)p = 0.59
No Psychiatric History0.55 (0.17, 1.57)0.88 (0.22, 3.04)1.58 (0.45, 5.51)
Illicit Drug Use
Drug Use0.19 (0.049, 0.75)p = 0.0091.04 (0.099, 52.80)p = 1.003.26 (0.22, 48.59)p = 0.25
No Drug Use5.30 (1.33, 20.39)0.96 (0.019, 10.08)0.31 (0.021, 4.56)
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
PUD1.63 (0.21, 75.24)p = 1.001.82 (0.21, 87.27)p = 1.002.03 (0.23, 96.52)p = 0.68
No PUD0.61 (0.013, 4.87)0.55 (0.011, 4.78)0.49 (0.010, 4.29)
Liver Disease
Liver Disease0.35 (0.017, 21.17)p = 0.391.56 (0.18, 73.95)p = 1.001.33 (0.13, 67.55)p = 1.00
No Liver Disease2.89 (0.047, 58.09)0.64 (0.014, 5.54)0.75 (0.015, 7.94)
Connective Tissue Disease (CTD)
CTD0.72 (0.069, 36.19)p = 0.570.51 (0.026, 30.74)p = 0.501.33 (0.13, 67.55)p = 1.00
No CTD1.39 (0.028, 14.51)1.96 (0.033, 38.66)0.75 (0.015, 7.94)
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary Disease1.14 (0.29, 6.62)p = 1.001.82 (0.21, 87.27)p = 1.001.53 (0.27, 16.08)p = 1.00
No Pulmonary Disease0.88 (0.15, 3.47)0.55 (0.011, 4.78)0.66 (0.062, 3.71)
Hemiplegia0.52 (0.039, 28.50)p = 0.480.51 (0.026, 30.74)p = 0.501.30 (0.12, 68.27)p = 1.00
No Hemiplegia1.92 (0.035, 25.35)1.96 (0.033, 38.66)0.77 (0.015, 8.54)
Dementia1.25 (0.15, 59.12)p = 1.001.54 (0.17, 75.19)p = 1.001.33 (0.13, 67.55)p = 1.00
No Dementia0.80 (0.017, 6.81)0.65 (0.013, 5.94)0.75 (0.015, 7.94)
Renal Disease
Renal Disease3.43 (0.51, 146.46)p = 0.332.68 (0.36, 119.73)p = 0.472.02 (0.22, 99.70)p = 1.00
No Renal Disease0.29 (0.0068, 1.95)0.37 (0.0084, 2.79)0.49 (0.010, 4.58)
Solid Tumor
Tumor0.93 (0.23, 5.49)p = 1.002.11 (0.25, 99.72)p = 0.680.15 (0.020, 0.89)p = 0.017
No Tumor1.07 (0.18, 4.33)0.47 (0.010, 3.97)6.69 (1.13, 49.16)
Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune Disease0.78 (0.14, 7.96)p = 0.672.68 (0.36, 119.73)p = 0.470.96 (0.071, 53.51)p = 1.00
No Autoimmune Disease1.28 (0.13, 6.93)0.37 (0.0084, 2.79)1.04 (0.019, 14.05)
Thyroid Disease
Thyroid Disease1.36 (0.35, 7.82)p = 0.770.46 (0.086, 3.16)p = 0.382.76 (0.35, 126.66)p = 0.45
No Thyroid Disease0.74 (0.13, 2.86)2.18 (0.32, 11.68)0.36 (0.0079, 2.87)
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSK)
MSK3.27 (1.09, 10.61)p = 0.0311.03 (0.32, 3.30)p = 1.001.30 (0.39, 4.37)p = 0.83
No MSK0.26 (0.083, 0.76)0.97 (0.30, 3.12)0.77 (0.23, 2.58)
Median (IQR)Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian (IQR)Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestMedian (IQR)Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Body Mass Index
Vaccine Acceptance27.46 (22.86, 31.60)1.78 (95% CI: −1.08, 4.46)
p = 0.23
24.66 (22.45, 28.97)1.52 (95% CI: −0.92, 4.98)
p = 0.25
31.08 (26.80, 37.37)3.45 (95% CI: −1.14, 8.37)
p = 0.17
Vaccine Declination25.24 (23.71, 27.25)25.45 (23.41, 32.30)34.40 (30.93, 42.06)
Charlson Comorbidity Index
Vaccine Acceptance3.00 (2.00, 4.00)1.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 2.00)
p = 0.022
3.00 (1.00, 4.00)1.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 2.00)
p = 0.25
2.00 (1.00, 4.00)0.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 2.00)
p = 0.32
Vaccine Declination1.00 (0.00, 3.00)2.00 (1.00, 3.00)2.00 (0.00, 3.25)
10-Year Survival Estimate
Vaccine Acceptance77.48 (53.39, 90.15)8.15 (95% CI: 0.00, 20.82)
p = 0.022
77.48 (53.39, 95.87)2.43 (95% CI: 0.00, 20.82)
p = 0.25
90.15 (53.39, 95.87)0.00 (95% CI: 0.00, 8.15)
p = 0.32
Vaccine Declination95.87 (77.48, 98.30)90.15 (77.48, 95.87)90.15 (71.46, 98.30)
Table 8. Univariate and multivariable analysis of variables associated with vaccine hesitancy for all patients with neurological disorders and patients stratified by sex.
Table 8. Univariate and multivariable analysis of variables associated with vaccine hesitancy for all patients with neurological disorders and patients stratified by sex.
Total PatientsFemale PatientsMale Patients
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Age1.02 (1.01, 1.04),
p = 0.003
1.02 (0.99, 1.06),
p = 0.18
1.03 (1.01, 1.05),
p = 0.006
1.02 (0.99, 1.04),
p = 0.21
Median Household Income1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.56
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.600
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.77
Overall Poverty Level0.19 (0.00, 44.58),
p = 0.55
0.30 (0.00, 218.85),
p = 0.72
0.068 (0.00, 1469.94),
p = 0.60
Poverty Level Ages 18–640.74 (0.002, 345.46),
p = 0.92
0.66 (0.00, 956.29),
p = 0.91
0.95 (0.00, 82118.96),
p = 0.99
Poverty Level 65 and Older0.007 (0.00, 1.70),
p = 0.077
0.045 (0.00, 49.04),
p = 0.38
0.00 (0.00, 2.31),
p = 0.076
Origin Population Size1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.29
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.15
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.99
Geographic Origin
UrbanReferent Referent Referent
Suburban1.16 (0.67, 2.00),
p = 0.61
0.98 (0.47, 2.06),
p = 0.96
1.40 (0.62, 3.15),
p = 0.42
Rural0.60 (0.11, 3.24),
p = 0.56
0.92 (0.097, 8.68),
p = 0.94
0.26 (0.015, 4.33),
p = 0.35
Income Quartiles
Third Quartile
(Middle Class)
Referent Referent Referent
First Quartile0.50 (0.21, 1.15),
p = 0.10
0.51 (0.16, 1.59),
p = 0.24
0.48 (0.14, 1.71),
p = 0.26
Second Quartile0.46 (0.20, 1.07),
p = 0.071
0.47 (0.16, 1.39),
p = 0.17
0.46 (0.13, 1.66),
p = 0.24
Fourth Quartile0.35 (0.15, 0.80),
p = 0.013
0.36 (0.12, 1.04),
p = 0.060
0.34 (0.095, 1.23),
p = 0.10
PrivateReferent Referent Referent
Medicaid0.50 (0.26, 0.98),
p = 0.042
0.62 (0.25, 1.52),
p = 0.29
0.36 (0.13, 1.03),
p = 0.058
Medicare1.42 (0.70, 2.87),
p = 0.33
2.70 (0.86, 8.52),
p = 0.090
0.82 (0.30, 2.27),
p = 0.70
Military1.44 (0.55, 3.77),
p = 0.45
0.93 (0.30, 2.83),
p = 0.89
3.64 (0.43, 31.06),
p = 0.24
Male1.05 (0.61, 1.78),
p = 0.87
Q1: Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Had ConversationReferent Referent Referent
No Conversation0.73 (0.37, 1.45),
p = 0.37
0.40 (0.15, 1.11),
p = 0.078
0.40 (0.15, 1.11),
p = 0.078
Q2: Primary source of COVID information
Scholarly Articles/
US Governmental Agencies
ReferentReferentReferent ReferentReferent
Healthcare Provider1.16 (0.23, 5.95),
p = 0.86
0.13 (0.01, 1.84),
p = 0.13
0.70 (0.12, 4.10),
p = 0.69
7.16 (0.00, 7.33 × 10 5 ),
p = 0.99
0.15 (0.00, 254.89),
p = 1.00
Friends/Family/Coworkers0.51 (0.20, 1.30),
p = 0.16
0.55 (0.075, 3.99),
p = 0.55
0.84 (0.24, 2.99),
p = 0.79
0.27 (0.058, 1.21),
p = 0.087
0.10 (0.00, 17.29),
p = 0.99
Traditional Media (TV News, Radio, Print Media)1.08 (0.49, 2.36),
p = 0.85
0.37 (0.077, 1.79),
p = 0.22
1.03 (0.39, 2.71),
p = 0.96
1.04 (0.27, 4.00),
p = 0.96
0.28 (0.002, 35.35),
p = 0.99
Social Media0.24 (0.087, 0.65),
p = 0.005
0.069 (0.01, 0.56),
p = 0.013
0.33 (0.091, 1.22),
p = 0.097
0.14 (0.027, 0.75),
p = 0.021
0.042 (0.00021, 8.43),
p = 0.99
Q3: Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
No0.086 (0.041, 0.18),
p < 0.001
0.16 (0.038, 0.71),
p = 0.015
0.085 (0.031, 0.23),
p < 0.001
0.081 (0.012, 0.54),
p = 0.009
0.087 (0.030, 0.26),
p < 0.001
0.67 (0.059, 7.67),
p = 0.71
Q4: Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
YesReferentReferentReferent ReferentReferent
No0.21 (0.10, 0.45),
p < 0.001
0.20 (0.030, 1.25),
p = 0.085
0.21 (0.079, 0.57),
p = 0.002
0.21 (0.066, 0.70),
p = 0.010
0.00 (0.00, 0.47),
p = 0.037
Q5: Do you have a preexisting medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
No5.06 (2.82, 9.10),
p < 0.001
10.25 (3.32, 31.69),
p < 0.001
5.99 (2.71, 13.21),
p < 0.001
9.21 (2.64, 32.20),
p = 0.001
4.12 (1.70, 9.99),
p = 0.002
3.09 (0.33, 28.55),
p = 0.063
Q6: Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
No0.20 (0.11, 0.35),
p < 0.001
0.067 (0.018, 0.25),
p < 0.001
0.16 (0.075, 0.36),
p < 0.001
0.24 (0.067, 0.89),
p = 0.033
0.24 (0.10, 0.55),
p = 0.001
0.00 (0.00, 0.60),
p = 0.037
Q7: Have you tested positive for COVID?
YesReferent Referent Referent
No2.24 (0.40, 12.51),
p = 0.36
1.43 (0.14, 14.11),
p = 0.76
4.75 (0.29, 78.24),
p = 0.28
Q8: With a single category, how would you define your race/ethnicity?
WhiteReferent Referent ReferentReferent
Asian0.72 (0.36, 1.43),
p = 0.35
0.55 (0.23, 1.29),
p = 0.17
1.13 (0.35, 3.73),
p = 0.84
2.54 (0.12, 55.07),
p = 0.14
Hispanic0.30 (0.090, 0.97),
p = 0.044
0.36 (0.079, 1.61),
p = 0.18
0.22 (0.031, 1.51),
p = 0.12
0.31 (0.003, 33.76),
p = 0.81
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0.48 (0.24, 0.95),
p = 0.034
0.67 (0.25, 1.78),
p = 0.42
0.34 (0.12, 0.93),
p = 0.035
0.46 (0.030, 6.86),
p = 0.066
Black8.87 (0.001, 1.07 × 10 5 ),
p = 0.99
1.17 (0.00, 3021.67),
p = 0.99
7.30 (0.00, 2.96   x   10 5 ) ,
p = 0.99
1.78 (0.006, 514.63),
p = 1.00
Native American2.33 (0.0024, 2306.47),
p = 0.99
6.89 (0.00, 8.86 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.99
Q9: How would you define your work status?
EmployedReferent Referent Referent
Unemployed1.02 (0.27, 3.86),
p = 0.97
2.00 (0.23, 17.44),
p = 0.53
0.51 (0.087, 2.99),
p = 0.46
Homemaker0.58 (0.17, 1.98),
p = 0.38
0.69 (0.19, 2.51),
p = 0.57
0.25 (0.00, 614.51),
p = 1.00
Not Able to Work0.44 (0.21, 0.93),
p = 0.033
0.69 (0.25, 1.89),
p = 0.47
0.24 (0.075, 0.78),
p = 0.017
Retired1.01 (0.52, 1.98),
p = 0.97
1.64 (0.65, 4.15),
p = 0.30
0.56 (0.20, 1.59),
p = 0.27
Student0.77 (0.15, 3.90),
p = 0.75
0.63 (0.11, 3.59),
p = 0.60
1.87 (0.00, 6.30 × 10 5 ),
p = 0.99
Q10: What is the highest level of education you completed?
Associate/Bachelor’s DegreeReferentReferentReferent Referent
Graduate Degree2.26 (0.71, 7.14),
p = 0.17
5.98 (0.70, 51.20),
p = 0.10
5.02 (0.62, 40.93),
p = 0.13
1.11 (0.23, 5.36),
p = 0.90
High School Degree0.35 (0.17, 0.73),
p = 0.005
0.79 (0.20, 3.12),
p = 0.73
0.40 (0.15, 1.06),
p = 0.066
0.25 (0.073, 0.86),
p = 0.028
Some College0.66 (0.31, 1.42),
p = 0.29
2.10 (0.51, 8.73),
p = 0.31
0.67 (0.26, 1.69),
p = 0.39
0.59 (0.15, 2.29),
p = 0.45
Some High School0.65 (0.16, 2.56),
p = 0.53
0.024 (0.0017, 0.35),
p = 0.006
10.40 (0.00, 2.45   x   10 5 ),
p = 0.99
0.15 (0.024, 0.91),
p = 0.040
Trade School0.65 (0.12, 3.33),
p = 0.60
2.43 (0.20, 28.85),
p = 0.48
0.96 (0.10, 9.08),
p = 0.98
0.33 (0.028, 4.01),
p = 0.39
Q11: What is your marital status?
MarriedReferent Referent Referent
Divorced0.82 (0.37, 1.81),
p = 0.62
0.59 (0.20, 1.72),
p = 0.34
1.13 (0.34, 3.76),
p = 0.84
Single0.73 (0.39, 1.38),
p = 0.33
0.87 (0.37, 2.05),
p = 0.75
0.59 (0.23, 1.51),
p = 0.27
Widowed1.47 (0.48, 4.48),
p = 0.50
1.63 (0.44, 6.04),
p = 0.47
1.18 (0.13, 10.56),
p = 0.88
Q12: How would you describe your political view?
Conservative0.83 (0.41, 1.68),
p = 0.60
0.49 (0.13, 1.85),
p = 0.29
0.80 (0.31, 2.04),
p = 0.64
1.07 (0.26, 4.34),
p = 0.92
0.84 (0.29, 2.47),
p = 0.75
0.00 (0.00, 0.50),
p = 0.034
Liberal2.05 (0.93, 4.54),
p = 0.077
0.66 (0.18, 2.38),
p = 0.52
3.79 (1.17, 12.28),
p = 0.027
3.46 (0.77, 15.47),
p = 0.10
1.07 (0.35, 3.26),
p = 0.91
0.40 (0.029, 5.53),
p = 0.090
Body Mass Index0.98 (0.94, 1.01),
p = 0.21
0.97 (0.91, 1.04),
p = 0.42
1.00 (0.95, 1.05),
p = 0.97
0.94 (0.89, 0.999),
p = 0.041
1.46 (0.97, 2.21),
p = 0.070
No DyslipidemiaReferent Referent Referent
Dyslipidemia2.02 (1.14, 3.58),
p = 0.016
2.18 (0.96, 4.99),
p = 0.064
1.91 (0.84, 4.37),
p = 0.12
Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
No Diabetes MellitusReferent Referent Referent
Diabetes Mellitus1.17 (0.54, 2.55),
p = 0.69
1.92 (0.54, 6.83),
p = 0.31
0.78 (0.28, 2.16),
p = 0.64
No HypertensionReferent Referent Referent
Hypertension1.60 (0.91, 2.82),
p = 0.10
1.94 (0.87, 4.34),
p = 0.11
1.29 (0.57, 2.94),
p = 0.54
Coronary Artery Disease or Prior Myocardial Infarction (CAD/MI)
No CAD/MIReferent Referent Referent
CAD/MI0.70 (0.30, 1.65),
p = 0.42
0.88 (0.23, 3.35),
p = 0.85
0.58 (0.19, 1.77),
p = 0.34
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
No PVDReferent Referent Referent
PVD0.77 (0.21, 2.89),
p = 0.70
12.66 (0.00, 1.52 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.99
0.28 (0.058, 1.31),
p = 0.11
Current0.51 (0.23, 1.16),
p = 0.11
0.22 (0.049, 0.95),
p = 0.042
0.55 (0.19, 1.58),
p = 0.27
0.24 (0.045, 1.29),
p = 0.097
0.46 (0.13, 1.65),
p = 0.23
Former1.14 (0.52, 2.50),
p = 0.74
2.51 (0.44, 14.38),
p = 0.30
5.09 (0.65, 39.57),
p = 0.12
8.35 (0.28, 251.03),
p = 0.22
0.60 (0.23, 1.55),
p = 0.29
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
No CHFReferent Referent Referent
CHF1.42 (0.17, 12.01),
p = 0.75
9.00 (0.00, 1.51 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
0.67 (0.067, 6.69),
p = 0.73
History of Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter (Afib)
No AfibReferent Referent Referent
Afib1.69 (0.49, 5.86),
p = 0.41
2.27 (0.28, 18.51),
p = 0.45
1.38 (0.29, 6.55),
p = 0.69
Cerebrovascular Accident
Yes2.33 (0.89, 6.13),
p = 0.087
24.75 (1.84, 333.64),
p = 0.016
6.46 (0.84, 49.58),
p = 0.073
11.10 (0.001, 1.36 × 10 5 ),
p = 0.99
1.28 (0.40, 4.06),
p = 0.67
Alcohol Use Screen (Positive AUDIT-C)
Negative ScreenReferent Referent Referent
Positive Screen0.97 (0.42, 2.22),
p = 0.94
0.56 (0.20, 1.57),
p = 0.27
2.23 (0.49, 10.22),
p = 0.30
History of Alcohol Use Disorder (DSM Diagnosed)
No Alcohol Use DisorderReferent Referent Referent
Alcohol Use Disorder1.69 (0.20, 13.98),
p = 0.63
0.037 (0.00 ,   2.58),
p = 0.99
12.61 (0.00, 622,517.45),
p = 0.99
Depression Screen (Positive PHQ-9)
Negative ScreenReferent Referent ReferentReferent
Positive Screen0.68 (0.29, 1.60),
p = 0.38
0.97 (0.26, 3.65),
p = 0.96
0.49 (0.16, 1.55),
p = 0.23
0.43 (0.047, 3.91),
p = 0.093
History of Psychiatric Disorder (DSM Diagnosed)
No Psychiatric HistoryReferent Referent Referent
Psychiatric History1.20 (0.68, 2.11),
p = 0.54
1.16 (0.55, 2.44),
p = 0.70
1.30 (0.53, 3.18),
p = 0.57
Illicit Drug Use
NoReferent Referent Referent
Yes0.32 (0.13, 0.82),
p = 0.018
0.39 (0.088, 1.71),
p = 0.21
0.27 (0.078, 0.92),
p = 0.037
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
No PUDReferent Referent Referent
PUD2.32 (0.53, 10.22),
p = 0.27
2.54 (0.31, 20.50),
p = 0.38
2.09 (0.25, 17.24),
p = 0.49
Liver Disease (i.e., Cirrhosis)
No Liver DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Liver Disease1.66 (0.20, 13.71),
p = 0.64
9.00 (0.00, 1.51 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
0.89 (0.096, 8.31),
p = 0.92
Connective Tissue Disease (CTD)
No CTDReferent Referent Referent
CTD11.18 (0.00, 4.04 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.98
9.00 (0.00, 1.51 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
3.62 (0.00, 7.08 × 10 8 ) ,
p = 0.99
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
No Chronic Pulmonary DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Chronic Pulmonary Disease1.36 (0.58, 3.19),
p = 0.49
1.14 (0.40, 3.25),
p = 0.81
1.91 (0.41, 8.82),
p = 0.41
No HemiplegiaReferent Referent Referent
Hemiplegia0.93 (0.19, 4.51),
p = 0.93
0.48 (0.042, 5.44),
p = 0.55
1.36 (0.16, 11.78),
p = 0.78
No DementiaReferent Referent Referent
Dementia1.80 (0.40, 8.09),
p = 0.44
10.85 (0.00, 1.90 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.99
1.25 (0.26, 6.00),
p = 0.78
Moderate to Severe Renal Disease
No Renal DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Renal Disease4.98 (0.66, 37.82),
p = 0.12
14.92 (0.01, 40,598.69),
p = 0.99
1.60 (0.19, 13.57),
p = 0.67
Solid Tumor (Localized or Metastatic)
No TumorReferent Referent Referent
Tumor0.67 (0.31, 1.44),
p = 0.30
1.47 (0.47, 4.57),
p = 0.50
0.22 (0.067, 0.71),
p = 0.011
Autoimmune Disease
No Autoimmune DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Autoimmune Disease1.52 (0.44, 5.30),
p = 0.51
1.78 (0.38, 8.21),
p = 0.46
1.13 (0.13, 10.02),
p = 0.92
Thyroid Disease
No Thyroid DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Thyroid Disease1.33 (0.53, 3.32),
p = 0.54
1.02 (0.38, 2.70),
p = 0.98
12.71 (0.001, 307,943.72),
p = 0.99
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSK)
No MSK DisorderReferentReferentReferent Referent
MSK Disorder1.93 (1.11, 3.35),
p = 0.020
2.08 (0.72, 6.00),
p = 0.18
2.23 (1.05, 4.70),
p = 0.036
1.61 (0.71, 3.67),
p = 0.26
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI)1.21 (1.05, 1.39),
p = 0.008
1.49 (1.18, 1.88),
p = 0.001
1.28 (0.87, 1.87),
p = 0.21
1.01 (0.84, 1.23),
p = 0.90
10-Year Survival CCI0.99 (0.98, 1.00),
p = 0.03
0.97 (0.95, 0.99),
p = 0.004
1.00 (0.99, 1.01),
p = 0.77
Table 9. Univariate and multivariable analysis of variables associated with vaccine hesitancy for patients with neurological disorders stratified by race.
Table 9. Univariate and multivariable analysis of variables associated with vaccine hesitancy for patients with neurological disorders stratified by race.
White PatientsAsian PatientsNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Unadjusted Odds Ratios
(95% CI)
Best Fit Model:
Adjusted Odds Ratios
Age1.03 (1.00, 1.06),
p = 0.049
1.05 (0.98, 1.13),
p = 0.16
1.01 (0.98, 1.04),
p = 0.43
1.02 (0.99, 1.05),
p = 0.14
Median Household Income1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.69
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.96
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.49
Overall Poverty Level 38.12   ( 0.00 ,   1.11 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.57
0.40 (0.00, 361,835.57),
p = 0.89
0.002 (0.00, 178.37),
p = 0.28
Poverty Level Ages 18–6453.11 (0.00, 3.08 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.56
7.23 (0.00, 2.62 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.80
0.0014 (0.00, 313.60),
p = 0.30
Poverty Level 65 and Older0.84 (0.00, 25,882.48),
p = 0.97
0.0019 (0.00, 99.69),
p = 0.26
0.00 (0.00, 11.22),
p = 0.12
0.00 (0.00, 1003.37),
p = 0.13
Origin Population Size1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.67
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.36
1.00 (1.00, 1.00),
p = 0.20
Geographic Origin
UrbanReferent Referent Referent
Suburban0.86 (0.34, 2.22),
p = 0.76
1.32 (0.45, 3.88),
p = 0.62
1.50 (0.53, 4.23),
p = 0.44
Rural0.45 (0.043, 4.81),
p = 0.51
NA 1.16 (0.00, 55,495.19),
p = 0.99
Income Quartiles
Third Quartile (Middle Class)Referent Referent Referent
First Quartile0.92 (0.19, 4.39),
p = 0.92
0.43 (0.07, 2.63),
p = 0.36
0.48 (0.079, 2.95),
p = 0.43
Second Quartile0.36 (0.091, 1.38),
p = 0.14
0.27 (0.05, 1.52),
p = 0.14
0.81 (0.14, 4.82),
p = 0.82
Fourth Quartile0.29 (0.08, 1.05),
p = 0.06
0.29 (0.05, 1.60),
p = 0.15
0.48 (0.079, 2.95),
p = 0.43
PrivateReferent Referent Referent
Medicaid0.51 (0.16, 1.68),
p = 0.27
1.20 (0.28, 5.10),
p = 0.80
0.43 (0.13, 1.43),
p = 0.17
Medicare1.80 (0.56, 5.80),
p = 0.33
1.67 (0.46, 6.03),
p = 0.43
0.78 (0.19, 3.26),
p = 0.73
Military4.91 (0.59, 41.08),
p = 0.14
0.071 (0.003, 2.01),
p = 0.99
0.72 (0.063, 8.20),
p = 0.79
FemaleReferent ReferentReferentReferent
Male1.22 (0.47, 3.16),
p = 0.68
2.54 (0.83, 7.78),
p = 0.10
2.79 (0.60, 12.97),
p = 0.19
0.62 (0.22, 1.75),
p = 0.37
Q1: Have you had a one-on-one discussion with a physician about the risks and benefits of receiving the COVID vaccination?
Had ConversationReferent Referent Referent
No Conversation0.54 (0.15, 1.98),
p = 0.36
0.68 (0.18, 2.61),
p = 0.57
0.47 (0.096, 2.36),
p = 0.36
Q2: Primary source of COVID information
Scholarly Articles/
US Governmental Agencies
Referent Referent Referent
Healthcare Provider0.58 (0.05, 6.57),
p = 0.66
1.50 (0.09, 25.39),
p = 0.78
9.62 (0.00, 1.74 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.99
Friends/Family/Coworkers0.42 (0.075, 2.36),
p = 0.32
2.25 (0.23, 22.14),
p = 0.49
0.30 (0.048, 1.88),
p = 0.20
Traditional Media (TV News, Radio, Print Media)0.69 (0.18, 2.67),
p = 0.59
3.31 (0.52, 21.13),
p = 0.21
0.83 (0.15, 4.53),
p = 0.82
Social Media0.16 (0.025, 1.03),
p = 0.054
1.13 (0.14, 8.88),
p = 0.91
0.13 (0.013, 1.39),
p = 0.09
Q3: Do you believe that vaccines are safe?
No0.094 (0.027, 0.32),
p < 0.001
0.039 (0.002, 0.91),
p = 0.04
0.064 (0.011, 0.37),
p = 0.002
0.065 (0.009, 0.47),
p = 0.007
0.11 (0.030, 0.39),
p = 0.001
0.0004 (0.00, 1.04),
p = 0.051
Q4: Do you believe that COVID is a severe illness?
YesReferentReferentReferent Referent
No0.081 (0.021, 0.32),
p < 0.001
0.032 (0.00, 2.51),
p = 0.12
1.58 (0.18, 13.74),
p = 0.68
0.22 (0.060, 0.84),
p = 0.027
Q5: Do you have a preexisting medical condition that you believe will make the vaccine unsafe?
No9.45 (3.30, 27.04),
p < 0.001
11.37 (1.01, 127.98),
p = 0.049
8.13 (2.59, 25.49),
p < 0.001
5.53 (1.41, 21.67),
p = 0.014
1.94 (0.65, 5.75),
p = 0.23
Q6: Have you received the flu vaccine within the last year?
YesReferentReferentReferent Referent
No0.12 (0.042, 0.36),
p < 0.001
0.12 (0.01, 1.58),
p = 0.11
0.20 (0.065, 0.59),
p = 0.004
0.41 (0.15, 1.18),
p = 0.098
Q7: Have you tested positive for COVID?
YesReferent Referent Referent
No39.44 (0.51, 3050.53),
p = 0.99
4.53 (0.27, 76.08),
p = 0.29
0.28 (0.00, 13,449.63),
p = 0.99
Q9: How would you define your work status?
EmployedReferent Referent Referent
Unemployed1.05 (0.11, 10.10),
p = 0.97
7.56 (0.00, 1.11 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
0.80 (0.070, 9.18),
p = 0.86
Homemaker0.75 (0.13, 4.29),
p = 0.75
0.21 (0.012, 3.93),
p = 0.30
0.32 (0.00, 2629.21),
p = 0.99
Not Able to Work0.48 (0.13, 1.80),
p = 0.28
0.29 (0.050, 1.62),
p = 0.16
0.40 (0.10, 1.57),
p = 0.19
Retired1.16 (0.36, 3.71),
p = 0.81
1.16 (0.35, 3.84),
p = 0.80
0.50 (0.12, 2.09),
p = 0.34
Student0.27 (0.00, 862.57),
p = 0.99
0.64 (0.057, 7.29),
p = 0.72
0.40 (0.029, 5.55),
p = 0.49
Q10: What is the highest level of education you completed?
Associate/Bachelor’s DegreeReferentReferentReferent Referent
Graduate Degree3.89 (0.43, 34.82),
p = 0.22
11.70 (0.01, 11181.86),
p = 0.99
1.54 (0.27, 8.64),
p = 0.62
0.64 (0.00, 5592.09),
p = 0.99
High School Degree0.15 (0.042, 0.56),
p = 0.005
0.036 (0.0015, 0.82),
p = 0.04
0.90 (0.24, 3.31),
p = 0.87
0.33 (0.061, 1.81),
p = 0.20
Some College0.64 (0.17, 2.42),
p = 0.52
0.64 (0.033, 12.27),
p = 0.77
2.80 (0.52, 14.99),
p = 0.23
0.15 (0.027, 0.85),
p = 0.032
Some High School0.33 (0.029, 3.84),
p = 0.38
0.027 (0.00, 6.18),
p = 0.19
12.81 (0.00, 2.34 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.99
0.44 (0.032, 6.19),
p = 0.55
Trade School2.29 (0.001, 4435.52),
p = 0.99
10.70 (0.0033, 34834.71),
p = 1.00
0.56 (0.044, 7.12),
p = 0.65
0.11 (0.005, 2.55),
p = 0.17
Q11: What is your marital status?
MarriedReferent Referent Referent
Divorced0.58 (0.16, 2.08),
p = 0.40
0.47 (0.099, 2.19),
p = 0.33
1.25 (0.28, 5.60),
p = 0.77
Single0.43 (0.15, 1.29),
p = 0.13
1.40 (0.34, 5.67),
p = 0.64
1.02 (0.32, 3.24),
p = 0.98
Widowed1.09 (0.12, 9.67),
p = 0.94
1.40 (0.27, 7.25),
p = 0.69
1.88 (0.19, 18.32),
p = 0.59
Q12: How would you describe your political view?
IndependentReferentReferentReferent ReferentReferent
Conservative0.89 (0.28, 2.82),
p = 0.84
0.074 (0.003, 1.58),
p = 0.096
0.61 (0.15, 2.46),
p = 0.49
0.47 (0.10, 2.15),
p = 0.33
0.047 (0.001, 2.75),
p = 0.14
Liberal2.61 (0.65, 10.47),
p = 0.18
0.21 (0.01, 3.61),
p = 0.28
3.33 (0.34, 32.27),
p = 0.30
2.38 (0.56, 10.01),
p = 0.24
0.01 (0.00, 5.12),
p = 0.15
Body Mass Index1.06 (0.97, 1.15),
p = 0.18
0.92 (0.84, 1.01),
p = 0.078
0.88 (0.78, 0.99),
p = 0.032
0.96 (0.89, 1.02),
p = 0.19
0.92 (0.73, 1.17),
p = 0.51
No DyslipidemiaReferent Referent ReferentReferent
Dyslipidemia3.78 (1.20, 11.90),
p = 0.023
1.40 (0.50, 3.94),
p = 0.52
2.22 (0.71, 6.87),
p = 0.17
28.54 (0.51, 1605.85),
p = 0.10
Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
No Diabetes MellitusReferent Referent Referent
Diabetes Mellitus0.52 (0.15, 1.79),
p = 0.30
5.25 (0.65, 42.43),
p = 0.12
1.52 (0.38, 6.12),
p = 0.56
No HypertensionReferent Referent Referent
Hypertension3.92 (1.09, 14.03),
p = 0.036
1.25 (0.44, 3.52),
p = 0.67
1.25 (0.42, 3.76),
p = 0.69
Coronary Artery Disease or Prior Myocardial Infarction (CAD/MI)
No CAD/MIReferent Referent Referent
CAD/MI0.50 (0.10, 2.69),
p = 0.42
1.44 (0.29, 7.17),
p = 0.65
0.49 (0.13, 1.95),
p = 0.32
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
No PVDReferent Referent Referent
PVD1.23 (0.00, 202,279.46),
p = 0.99
0.49 (0.042, 5.68),
p = 0.57
0.96 (0.17, 5.25),
p = 0.96
NeverReferentReferentReferent Referent
Current0.24 (0.07, 0.84),
p = 0.025
0.06 (0.003, 1.19),
p = 0.065
1.02 (0.11, 9.84),
p = 0.99
0.65 (0.16, 2.57),
p = 0.54
Former0.63 (0.18, 2.18),
p = 0.47
1.05 (0.046, 24.00),
p = 0.97
1.02 (0.25, 4.11),
p = 0.98
1.78 (0.34, 9.29),
p = 0.49
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
No CHFReferent Referent Referent
CHF1.23 (0.00, 202,279.46),
p = 0.99
0.24 (0.01, 4.08),
p = 0.33
13.57 (0.00, 2.32 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
History of Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter (Afib)
No AfibReferent Referent Referent
Afib10.41 (0.001, 133927.77),
p = 0.99
1.00 (0.10, 9.53),
p = 1.00
1.14 (0.21, 6.10),
p = 0.88
Cerebrovascular Accident
NoReferent Referent Referent
Yes12.50 (0.02, 8543.15),
p = 0.99
0.81 (0.20, 3.30),
p = 0.77
2.69 (0.55, 13.29),
p = 0.22
Alcohol Use Screen (Positive AUDIT-C)
Negative ScreenReferent Referent Referent
Positive Screen0.63 (0.20, 1.92),
p = 0.41
0.73 (0.13, 3.95),
p = 0.71
15.42 (0.00, 2.55 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.99
History of Alcohol Use Disorder (DSM Diagnosed)
No Alcohol Use DisorderReferent Referent Referent
Alcohol Use Disorder0.90 (0.10, 8.12),
p = 0.93
NA 9.66 (0.00, 8.59 × 10 9 ),
p = 0.99
Depression Screen (Positive PHQ-9)
Negative ScreenReferent Referent ReferentReferent
Positive Screen1.94 (0.23, 16.04),
p = 0.54
1.13 (0.22, 5.76),
p = 0.89
0.12 (0.024, 0.58),
p = 0.009
0.003 (0.00, 0.78),
p = 0.040
History of Psychiatric Disorder (DSM Diagnosed)
No Psychiatric HistoryReferent Referent Referent
Psychiatric History1.84 (0.69, 4.88),
p = 0.22
1.14 (0.36, 3.60),
p = 0.82
0.63 (0.21, 1.90),
p = 0.41
Illicit Drug Use
NoReferentReferentReferent ReferentReferent
Yes0.19 (0.06, 0.61),
p = 0.005
13.98 (0.39, 507.02),
p = 0.15
5.75 (0.00, 3.14 × 10 9 ) ,
p = 0.99
0.30 (0.039, 2.31),
p = 0.25
0.069 (0.00 ,   7.92 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.78
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
No PUDReferent Referent Referent
PUD1.64 (0.20, 13.63),
p = 0.65
1.83 (0.21, 15.91),
p = 0.58
13.57 (0.00, 2.2 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
Liver Disease (i.e., Cirrhosis)
No Liver DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Liver Disease0.34 (0.030, 3.95),
p = 0.39
9.76 (0.00, 1.67 × 10 8 ),
p = 0.99
9.66 (0.00, 8.59 × 10 9 ),
p = 0.99
Connective Tissue Disease (CTD)
No CTDReferent Referent Referent
CTD1.23 (0.00, 202,279.46),
p = 0.99
0.37 (0.00, 3684.10),
p = 0.99
9.66 (0.00, 8.59 × 10 9 ),
p = 0.99
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
No Chronic Pulmonary DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Chronic Pulmonary Disease1.14 (0.31, 4.25),
p = 0.85
1.83 (0.21, 15.91),
p = 0.58
1.53 (0.30, 7.91),
p = 0.61
No HemiplegiaReferent Referent Referent
Hemiplegia0.52 (0.051, 5.22),
p = 0.58
0.37 (0.00, 3684.10),
p = 0.99
1.31 (0.14, 12.55),
p = 0.82
No DementiaReferent Referent Referent
Dementia1.25 (0.15, 10.72),
p = 0.84
1.55 (0.17, 13.71),
p = 0.70
9.66 (0.00, 8.59 × 10 9 ),
p = 0.99
Moderate to Severe Renal Disease
No Renal DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Renal Disease10.41 (0.001, 133,927.77),
p = 0.99
12.88 (0.00, 4.88 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.99
2.04 (0.23, 18.28),
p = 0.52
Solid Tumor (Localized or Metastatic)
No TumorReferent Referent ReferentReferent
Tumor0.93 (0.25, 3.53),
p = 0.92
2.13 (0.25, 18.18),
p = 0.49
0.14 (0.030, 0.69),
p = 0.015
0.00 (0.00, 2.29),
p = 0.079
Autoimmune Disease
No Autoimmune DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Autoimmune Disease0.78 (0.16, 3.88),
p = 0.76
12.88 (0.00, 4.88 × 10 6 ),
p = 0.99
0.96 (0.093, 9.89),
p = 0.97
Thyroid Disease
No Thyroid DiseaseReferent Referent Referent
Thyroid Disease1.36 (0.37, 5.03),
p = 0.64
0.45 (0.10, 2.03),
p = 0.30
15.42 (0.00, 2.55 × 10 7 ),
p = 0.99
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSK)
No MSK DisorderReferentReferentReferent Referent
MSK Disorder3.85 (1.44, 10.29),
p = 0.007
8.44 (0.78, 91.37),
p = 0.079
1.03 (0.37, 2.88),
p = 0.96
1.30 (0.45, 3.81),
p = 0.63
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI)1.25 (0.97, 1.60),
p = 0.082
1.16 (0.90, 1.50),
p = 0.26
1.11 (0.86, 1.45),
p = 0.42
10-Year Survival CCI0.99 (0.97, 1.01),
p = 0.18
0.99 (0.97, 1.01),
p = 0.29
0.99 (0.98, 1.01),
p = 0.57
Table 10. Unadjusted odds of vaccine acceptance or hesitance amongst neurological patients.
Table 10. Unadjusted odds of vaccine acceptance or hesitance amongst neurological patients.
Vaccination Odds ReducedEntire CohortFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Believes Vaccine Not Safe
Self-Perceives Contraindicated Preexisting Condition
Did Not Receive Annual Influenza Vaccine
Believes COVID-19 Not Severe
Younger Age
Higher CCI
Illicit Drug Use
Solid Tumors
Depression Screen Positive
Medicaid Insurance
Military Insurance
Not Able to Work
Social Media
High School Degree
Vaccination Odds IncreasedEntire CohortFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Politically Liberal
Traditional Media
Graduate Degree
3rd Income Quartile
Medicare Insurance
Musculoskeletal Disorder
Table 11. Strongest predictors of vaccination acceptance or hesitance amongst neurologic patients, according to multivariable logistic regression.
Table 11. Strongest predictors of vaccination acceptance or hesitance amongst neurologic patients, according to multivariable logistic regression.
Vaccination Odds ReducedEntire CohortFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Believes Vaccine Not Safe
Self-Perceives Contraindicated Preexisting Condition
Did Not Receive Annual Influenza Vaccine
Believes COVID-19 Not Severe
Politically Conservative
Social Media
High School Degree
Some High School
Current Smoker
Higher Body Mass Index
Depression Screen Positive
Vaccination Odds IncreasedEntire CohortFemaleMaleWhiteAsianNHPI
Cerebrovascular Accident
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ghaffari-Rafi, A.; Teehera, K.B.; Higashihara, T.J.; Morden, F.T.C.; Goo, C.; Pang, M.; Sutton, C.X.Y.; Kim, K.M.; Lew, R.J.; Luu, K.; et al. Variables Associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Hesitancy Amongst Patients with Neurological Disorders. Infect. Dis. Rep. 2021, 13, 763-810.

AMA Style

Ghaffari-Rafi A, Teehera KB, Higashihara TJ, Morden FTC, Goo C, Pang M, Sutton CXY, Kim KM, Lew RJ, Luu K, et al. Variables Associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Hesitancy Amongst Patients with Neurological Disorders. Infectious Disease Reports. 2021; 13(3):763-810.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ghaffari-Rafi, Arash, Kimberly Bergenholtz Teehera, Tate Justin Higashihara, Frances Tiffany Cava Morden, Connor Goo, Michelle Pang, Cori Xiu Yue Sutton, Kyung Moo Kim, Rachel Jane Lew, Kayti Luu, and et al. 2021. "Variables Associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Hesitancy Amongst Patients with Neurological Disorders" Infectious Disease Reports 13, no. 3: 763-810.

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