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Peer-Review Record

Anthropogenic Microparticles in Sea-Surface Microlayer in Osaka Bay, Japan

J. Xenobiot. 2023, 13(4), 685-703;
by Mi Zhou 1, Hirofumi Yanai 1, Chee Kong Yap 1,2, Christina Emmanouil 3 and Hideo Okamura 4,*
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Reviewer 2: Anonymous
J. Xenobiot. 2023, 13(4), 685-703;
Submission received: 21 September 2023 / Revised: 24 October 2023 / Accepted: 4 November 2023 / Published: 7 November 2023

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The manuscript describes the results of a sampling program focusing on microplastic particles in Osaka Bay in the sea surface microlayer and below in the water column. The study is absolutely relevant and selected analytical are state of art. My major concern is the sampling design, with 9 samplings in the  bay at specific dates and positions over two years (Tab. S1). Apparently some positions were visited more than once even though GPS coordinates differed slightly as for 15 Sept. 2021 site 5 34 35.639N, where site 5 is 34 35.553N  on 5 Sept. 2022? What are the ranges (diameter) of a site? Why are data not shown as time-series when sites are visited more than once? Or  give a description of the variation at sites. It appears the water circulation is quite significant in OB with a tidal range of about 1 m, i.e. water is flowing in and out of OB, and is it reasonable to name st.2, 5, 6,7, and 8 as the navigational route in this context? I would assume that micro particle  concentrations would be higher at coastal stations, where the ships are located for a certain period of time for off and on-loading? This has also to be discussed more in detail. I would further recommend to keep Results and Discussion separated. Would make it more clear, and specifically the manuscript needs a strong revision of the English language.

49 Specify biological processes

54. All kinds? What kinds?

95-107. It's discussion.

108-115. There are no hypothesis!! 

122. Tidal range?

136 Specify the sampling design. Different dates and different positions?

263 Freshwater? From where?

269 Here are some hypothesis?

291 Yes, and why were hydrodynamic characteristics not included here? Stratification, plume front and turbulence? All these parameters are important and the reasons why I'm not convinced about the sampling design.

484 What are the components which explained 63.1% and 36.5% of the variances? Maybe I missed it?

Comments on the Quality of English Language

As mentioned English language must be improved.

Author Response

For research article



Response to Reviewer 1 Comments


1. Summary



Thank you for providing such valuable advices and Issues of extraordinary significance on our paper. Your questions pointed out the shortcomings of the paper. Based on your corrections, I will provide the following answers and explanations.



2. Questions for General Evaluation

Reviewer’s Evaluation

Response and Revisions

Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references?



Are all the cited references relevant to the research?



Is the research design appropriate?

Must be improved             

I have improved the content of research design, and the errors due to discrepancy of coordinate for one sampling site was pointed out. The reason of the selection of sampling site and rationality of sampling method was also illustrated.

Are the methods adequately described?



Are the results clearly presented?

Can be improved               

I have rephrased my explanation of the results.

Are the conclusions supported by the results?




3. Point-by-point response to Comments and Suggestions for Authors


Comments 1: My major concern is the sampling design, with 9 samplings in the bay at specific dates and positions over two years (Tab. S1). Apparently some positions were visited more than once even though GPS coordinates differed slightly as for 15 Sept. 2021 site 5 34 35.639N, where site 5 is 34 35.553N on 5 Sept. 2022?


Response 1: Thank you for pointing this out. I agree with this comment. I think you raised a very professional issue, as your comment, every sampling sites had been visited more than once. Because the berths of experimental ship cannot be ensured exactly at the same coordinate of latitude and longitude every sampling time, the latitude and longitude for one site were different at every sampling time, so that there must be some errors for the one sampling site. For site 5, the GPS coordinates are 34°35.639’N 135°14.259’E for 15 Sept. 2021 and 34°35.602’N 135°14.030’E for 5 Sept. 2022, respectively. The distance between the two GPS coordinates is about 358m. The method of calculation is shown as the following figure. And the distance of 1’ at different latitude and longitude can be found at .

And other sampling sites also had the same errors because the discrepancy of latitude and longitude at every sampling time. Thus, for one sampling site, even though the experimental ship was stopped at the same sampling site on by located by GPS, to the same sampling site, there was still an error about maximum 300 meters affected by sea current and tide.

This paragraph can now be seen at lines 229-237 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 2: What are the ranges (diameter) of a site?


Response 2: I have reconfirmed to emphasize this point. The experimental ship was located at the GPS coordinates. The electric cable and water collection tube was about 20 m, and the RDS was connected by a rope from the experimental ship with a distance about 12-15 m to collect the S-SML samples.


Comments 3: Why are data not shown as time-series when sites are visited more than once? Or give a description of the variation at sites.


Response 3: I have considered again to explain this point. Since there was no significant discrepancy of MPs abundance among time-series, the MPs abundance at one site was shown by the average data in order to facilitate intuitive comparison with data from other sites, and the discrepancy of MPs abundance among all samplings at one site was reflected by the error bar at Fig.S3.

Table S1 showed sampling date and GPS coordinates of every sampling, and Fig. S3 showed the average MPs abundance and the corresponding standard deviation at every sampling site. As the experimental design, we measured the average MPs abundance and the corresponding standard deviation at every sampling site, but the coefficient of variation of MPs abundance at every sampling site was large. The data shown as time-series is as the following figure. This figure contained the original data used for Figure 1. The X axis in this figure also displayed the date for each sampling.

Fig. 1 showed the average abundance of MPs among all different sampling times for every sampling site. However, notably, as shown in Fig. S3, fluctuation of MPs abundance among different samplings was extraordinarily large in S-SML both at S4 (ranging from 342 to 1070 items/kg with a CV of 105%) and S8 (ranging from 62.7 items/kg to 528 items/kg with a CV of 92%). This result may be due to the exchange of seawater through Akashi Strait in the western side of Osaka Bay. Freshwater inflow from all rivers on land to Seto Inland Sea has been reported to be approximately 14 km3 / year (38â…¹106 m3 / day), [36], 91% of which corresponded to seawater flows through Akashi Strait from Harimanada [37]. As such, original MPs accumulated at S4 and S8 might be diluted by fresh seawater flows and then transported to the eastern part of Osaka Bay, which led to the relatively lower MPs abundances. In total, among all sampling sites, MPs abundance in S-SML always showed larger CV values and presented more intense fluctuation than that in bulk water. At the bay center where all seawater circulation can flow through, CV value was 110% in S-SML and 36% in bulk water respectively. Thus, we can formulate a hypothesis that in the highly mobile and easy diffused S-SML, MPs abundance constantly changes and a large fluctuation is noted in the process of long-distance transportation and migration.

This paragraph can now be seen at lines 286-302 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 4: It appears the water circulation is quite significant in OB with a tidal range of about 1 m, i.e. water is flowing in and out of OB, and is it reasonable to name st.2, 5, 6,7, and 8 as the navigational route in this context?


Response 4: Thank you for pointing this out. I agree with this comment. Site 2 is located at the coastal area and site 8 is located at center of Osaka Bay. Site 5, 6, and 7 were selected as navigation routes because a lot of ship activities take place there, as shown in the following figure according to the maritime route system on the Google Map. The blue lines showed navigation routes. And all the sampling sites at coastal area, navigation routes and center were decided subjectivity by the authors, to the same sampling site, there was still an error about maximum 300 meters affected by sea current and tide due to the deviation of longitude and latitude coordinates.



Comments 5: I would assume that micro particle concentrations would be higher at coastal stations, where the ships are located for a certain period of time for off and on-loading? This has also to be discussed more in detail.


Response 5: Thank you for pointing this out. I will explain it in detail. Although (meth) acrylic binders can be soluble in water by hydrolysis of the silyl-ester bond [47], for most self-polishing antifouling paints, their antifouling ability mainly depends on the shear of seawater flow and is therefore poor in static seawater [50]. Hence, once hydrolysis of acrylic binders is prevented by biofilm covered on surfaces, APPs from shipyards by wind and rain runoff may persist in marine environments with low water flow. In particular, during the navigating process, as hydrolysis occurs, more hydrophilic ester bonds (-COO-) are exposed on the paint surface, which makes the resin on the paint surface brittle and easy to peel off [70]. The friction and collision between the hull and seawater may exacerbate the exfoliation of these resins. Once detached from the hull bottom, these resin fragments can remain in a relatively static water environment without further hydrolysis for long time, then break into APPs due to UV weathering and biodegradation. By contrast, ships locating at coastal areas are always in a static water environment, and the antifouling paints cannot be hydrolyzed due to the shear of seawater flow, thus the resins on surface of paints may not delaminate from the hull bottom. This leads to lower APPs abundance at the coastal area compared to navigation routes. Actually, APPs detected at the coastal area mainly come from ship building and boat cleaning at shipyards.

The following paragraph has been incorporated in the revision. This paragraph can now be seen at lines 416-426 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 6: I would further recommend to keep Results and Discussion separated. Would make it more clear, and specifically the manuscript needs a strong revision of the English language.


Response 6: We thank you for this comment which is understandable in its way of presenting the data. We believe that since some hypotheses are also tested into action and some comparisons can directly be made, that discussion would be very difficult to be as stand alone. We have now tried to correct English language mistakes and make the text more friendly to the reader. Please see the amended discussion and results in the revised (non-track changes) version of the manuscript.


Comments 7: 49 Specify biological processes


Response 7: Biodegradation by bacteria, fungi and microalgae.

This can now be seen at lines 49 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 8: 54. All kinds? What kinds?


Response 8: Including invertebrates, planktonic organisms, seabirds, crustaceans, fish, aquatic animal and marine mammals.

This can now be seen at lines 55-56 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 9: 95-107. It's discussion.


Response 9: It was cited as the research background to show the recent research results that tiny MPs of 10-53 um occupy large amounts.


Comments 10: 108-115. There are no hypothesis!! 


Response 10: We thank you for this comment and we also think the hypothesis is necessary. This has now been amended. Based on the above theories, we make the hypothesis that more MPs may accumulate in S-SML and at navigation routes, and most of these MPs may be related to antifouling and marine paint.

This can now be seen at lines 107-109 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 11: 122. Tidal range?


Response 11: We thank you for this comment and the tidal range should also be considered for the experiment design. It should be noted that the water circulation is quite significant at Osaka Bay with a tidal range about 1m every day, as such the abundance of microplastics in the estuary was directly related to the tidal fluctuation [66], for this reason, the estuary was excluded from the sampling sites in this research.

An addition has been made. This can now be seen at lines 132-135 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 12: 136 Specify the sampling design. Different dates and different positions?


Response 12: We thank you for this comment and I will specify it in detail. Considering that the purpose of this study is to investigate the discrepancy of MPs abundance among different marine zones, in total, the sampling sites included 3 sampling zones (Figure1 and Tab.S1); S1, S2 and S3 are located in the coastal area, S4, S5, S6 and S7 are located in shipping navigation routes, and S8 is the center of Osaka Bay. This design can intuitively reflect whether MPs abundance at the navigation routes is significantly higher than that at the coastal area and the bay center.

All water samples were collected from September to June from 2021 to 2023 (Tab.S1 and S2). In order to more accurately reflect the average MPs abundance at each sampling site, one sampling site is usually measured 2-4 times repeatedly. The repeated samplings were conducted on different dates, and it is impossible to ensure that the currents, tides, and meteorological conditions on these different dates are under the same level. In this sense, repeated samplings at the same site can yield results under different sea and meteorological conditions, which can reflect the average MPs abundance with local characteristics of Osaka Bay.

This can now be seen at lines 135-140 and143-150 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 13: 263 Freshwater? From where?


Response 13: We thank you for this comment and the cite is shown as follows and I should describe it in detail. Freshwater inflow from all rivers on land to Seto Inland Sea has been reported to be approximately 14 km3 / year (38â…¹106 m3 / day), [36], 91% of which corresponded to seawater flows through Akashi Strait from Harimanada [37].

This can now be seen at lines 291-294 of the amended manuscript.



Comments 14: 269 Here are some hypothesis?


Response 14: We thank you for this comment and this is the hypothesis. In total, among all sampling sites, MPs abundance in S-SML always showed larger CV values and presented more intense fluctuation than that in bulk water. At the bay center where all seawater circulation can flow through, CV value was 110% in S-SML and 36% in bulk water respectively. Thus, we can formulate a hypothesis that in the highly mobile and easy diffused S-SML, eventuated MPs abundance constantly changes and a large fluctuation is noted in the process of long-distance transportation and migration.

This can now be seen at lines 296-302 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 15: 291 Yes, and why were hydrodynamic characteristics not included here? Stratification, plume front and turbulence? All these parameters are important and the reasons why I'm not convinced about the sampling design.



Response15: We thank you for this comment and it is the point which I have ignored. It should be mentioned that the vertical mixing of plastic particles is probably controlled by wind-induced turbulence and this leads to preferential removal of heavier and smaller plastic particles from the sea surface, so traditional surface measurements may have severely underestimated the total plastic content [67]. However, it has been verified that MPs of 10, 100 and 1000 mm maintain their maximum concentration in the top layer of < 1m [68]. Therefore, in this study, MPs in bulk water under 1 m from sea-surface may reflect the relatively real MPs abundance which had little loss on MPs concentration. In addition, even if the S-SML is disrupted by wind turbulence, it can still be reformed without depletion of organic matter rapidly within 1 min [23] . Therefore, the influence of turbulence on MPs abundance in the S-SML can also be excluded in this study.

The text has been rewritten in a better way Please see lines 323-332 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 16: 484 What are the components which explained 63.1% and 36.5% of the variances? Maybe I missed it?


Response16: We thank you for this comment, maybe it is a problem in mathematics and statistics. I will try my best to explain it. The components represent the classification of every analyzed element, the percentage represents the variance contribution of every component to the total variance. Generally speaking, the 63.1% means the accumulated contribution rate of the two principal component, it is a standard that if the accumulated contribution rate are larger than 40% the analysis result of PCA is believable. The 36.5% means the contribution rate from PC1 of PMMA, PA and PE. Compared to PC2 of 26.6%, obviously PC1 of PMMA, PA and PE represented more important pollution source.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

Comments for authors on file

Comments for author File: Comments.pdf

Author Response

For research article



Response to Reviewer 2 Comments


1. Summary



Thank you for providing such valuable advices and Issues of extraordinary significance on our paper. Your questions pointed out the shortcomings of the paper. Based on your corrections, I will provide the following answers and explanations.



2. Questions for General Evaluation

Reviewer’s Evaluation

Response and Revisions

Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references?



Are all the cited references relevant to the research?



Is the research design appropriate?



Are the methods adequately described?

Can be revised as follows


Are the results clearly presented?

Can be revised as follows


Are the conclusions supported by the results?




3. Point-by-point response to Comments and Suggestions for Authors


Comments 1: It should be noted that there are certain rules for processing experimental data and leaving the number of significant digits in calculations. As a rule, instrument errors and errors in arithmetic operations are taken into account. Experimental and calculated data should be given with due allowance for such errors and with the required number of significant digits. Not more, but also not less. I recommend that the authors revise the text, tables and figures and bring the number of significant digits to a uniform format.


Response 1: Thank you for pointing this out. I agree with this comment. I will keep three significant digits for the data. Although MPs abundance is always defined as “items/kg” or “items/L”, if the actual result data is in single digits, compared with data at the same level, the last two decimal places can determine the numerical magnitude. If the actual result data is more than one hundred or one thousand, three significant digits for the data can avoid the complexity of calculating and retaining decimals due to excessive data digits. So I have kept three significant digits for the data among all the text, tables and figures.


Comments 2: And also indicate in the materials and methods section the error/accuracy of the methodology used.  


Response 2: Thank you for pointing this out and this is what I had ignored. I made a new supplementary explanation. 2.6. Error and accuracy All experimental steps were strictly conducted according to previous relevant standards to ensure high accuracy of results, but inevitable errors are still existed. For site 5, the GPS coordinates were 34°35.639’N 135°14.259’E 9/15/2021 and 34°35.602’N 135°14.030’E on 9/5/2022, respectively. The distance between the two GPS coordinates was about 358 m. Because the berths of experimental ship cannot be ensured exactly at the same coordinate of latitude and longitude every sampling time, the slightly differences of actual geographical location for one site at every sampling time are always inevitable. MPs abundance at one site among different sampling times may be affected by tidal range and current. In addition, as all MPs on filter cannot be counted simultaneously, there must be some errors in estimating the total MPs abundance. Moreover, some microparticles that had undergone long-term weathering always showed lower peak at FTIR spectra, which made their matching degree less than 70%. These particles were always resulted as “no-polymers” and excluded from the identification of MPs, this may lead to an underestimation of MPs abundance.

This paragraph can now be seen at lines 228-242 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 3: The «Materials and Methods» section is missing Fig. 1


Response 3: Thank you for pointing this out and I have changed it. The sampling sites included 3 sampling zones (Figure1 and Tab.S1)

This paragraph can now be seen at lines 137 of the amended manuscript.


Comments 4: Table S3 is unreadable because it is given in Japanese.


Response 4: Thank you for pointing this out and I have exchanged it into English. And it can be seen as follows.

Table S3 Parameter of two kinds of selected marine paint and antifouling paints


Paint name


Polymer Type


Paint 1

Sea Blue Acepaint for outer side and superstructures


Dainippon Paint Co., Ltd



Paint 2

CCP Cleaning

Kanae paint Co., Ltd.

Acrylic polymer

Cu Zn


Comments 5: In the reference list, source No,46 is in Japanese.


Response 5: Thank you for pointing this out and I have exchanged it into English. And it can be seen as follows.

46.Tsuboi, M.; Yoshikawa, E.; Arimura, H.; Kozono, S.; Nakamura, N. Silyl (meth)acrylate copolymer-based antifouling marine coating composition (in Japanese). Japan JP2001081147. 2001

This paragraph can now be seen at lines 745-746 of the amended manuscript.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The authors have complied in every detail concerning my comments and suggestions.

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