Organic versus Conventional Cropping Sustainability: A Comparative System Analysis
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Definition and State of Global Organic Production
1.2. The State of Sustainability in Global Agriculture
2. Sustainability and Organic Production Parameters
2.1. Soil Fertility Management
2.2. Pest Management
2.2.1. Insecticides and Fungicides
2.2.2. Herbicides
2.3. Energy Use and Efficiency
2.3.1. Land and Labor
2.3.2. Direct and Indirect Energy
3. Sustainability of Organic Provisions
3.1. Yield
3.2. Economic Performance
3.3. Nutritional Quality
4. Breeding for Cropping Sustainability
4.1. Breeding for Organic Systems
4.2. Breeding Strategies for Organic Systems
4.3. Biotechnology and Organic Agriculture
5. Conclusions and Trends of Sustainable Organic Production
Conflicts of Interest
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Citation | Major Conclusions |
Drinkwater et al., 1995 [7] | In commercial tomato fields, N mineralization potential was found to be three times greater and inorganic pools were 25% greater in organic than conventional fields after three seasons. |
Organically managed soils have a greater portion of inorganic N present as NH4+ compared to NO3−. | |
Clark et al., 1998 [8] | Organic soils receiving manure application and cover crop incorporation were found to have higher soil organic C, soluble P, exchangeable K, and pH compared to soil from conventional systems. |
Bulluck et al., 2002 [9] | Concentrations of soil Ca, K, Mg, Mn were higher in soils under organic fertility management after two years. |
Mean soil organic matter, total C, and CEC were higher whereas bulk density was reduced in plots with organic fertility amendments. | |
Propagule densities of Trichoderma spp. were greater in soils with organic fertility amendments than synthetic fertilizer. | |
Mader et al., 2002 [10] | The 21-year study revealed increased aggregate stability, as well as earthworm and microbial biomass in soils under organic management compared to conventionally managed soils. |
Dehydrogenase, protease, and phosphatase activities were greater in fields managed organically compared to conventional fields, indicating higher microbial activity. | |
Poudel et al., 2002 [11] | After five seasons, organic systems were found to have 112% greater potentially mineralizable N than conventional systems. |
Twice the amount of soil mineral N was found to be present in the conventional system (44.10 mg kg−1) compared to the organic counterpart (20.19 mg kg−1). | |
N mineralization rates in fields under conventional management were found to be 100% than those under organic management, increasing the risk for N leaching. | |
Sileika and Guzys, 2003 [12] | No differences in N or P leachate were found between field drainage from organic cropping systems receiving manure compared to intensive systems receiving mineral fertilization. |
* Bengtsson et al., 2005 [13] | Meta-analysis revealed that organic practices increased species richness 30% than to conventional system practices. |
Fields under organic management were found to have 50% greater abundance of organisms; birds, predatory insects, soil flora and fauna responded positively to organic fields. | |
Meng et al., 2005 [14] | Organic soils fertilized with manures have greater soil C and N content, lower bulk density, and pore space than conventional soils supplied only mineral fertilizers. |
Pimentel et al., 2005 [15] | Soil C levels in animal and legume-based organic cropping systems were significantly higher than conventional systems, 981, 574, 293 kg ha−1, respectively. |
Soil N increased under organic management, while the conventional system remained unchanged. | |
Kramer et al., 2006 [16] | Soils under organic management had higher organic matter content, microbial biomass C and N, and denitrification potential resulting from the use of organic fertility amendments and cover cropping than mineral fertilizers. |
Nitrate leaching was found to be around 5 times greater in conventional fields than organic, while N2 emissions were greater in organic fields. | |
Torstensson et al., 2006 [17] | Over a 6-year period, leaching loads of N were found to be the smallest in fields using integrated practices, particularly those utilizing cover crops 25 kg N ha−1 year−1. |
P leaching were small in general in all systems, <0.25 kg ha−1 year−1. | |
Soils under organic management showed reduced K leachate compared to conventional systems, 16 and 23 ha−1 year−1, respectively. | |
Tu et al., 2006 [18] | Tomato fields produced using composted plant debris had higher soil microbial respiration, carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) compared to those where synthetic fertilizers were utilized. |
Microbial biomass and activity were higher in soil under cultivation of organic tomatoes compared to conventional. | |
Cotton gin trash and straw mulch improved microbial biomass, activity, and potential N availability compared to conventional fertility practices. | |
van Diepeningen et al., 2006 [19] | Significantly lower levels of nitrate and total soluble N were found in soils under organic management compared to conventional. |
Organic soil showed greater species richness of soil bacteria and nematodes compared to conventional soils. | |
Yao et al., 2006 [20] | Soils under continuous cropping had reduced total C and N compared to those utilizing rotational practices. |
Soil microbial diversity was significantly greater in rotational cucumber crops compared to continuous cropping. | |
Fließbach et al., 2007 [21] | Conventionally managed soils had 25% reduction in microbial biomass compared to organic systems. |
Dehydrogenase activity was ~40% higher in organically managed soils. | |
Annual applications of manure-compost resulted in 12% higher soil C content than the conventional fertilization method. | |
Liu et al., 2007 [22] | Soils from organic and sustainable farms had improved soil health as indicated by several physical, chemical, and biological factors, as well as reduced disease incidence. |
Ca, Mg, Mn, P, Zn, and Cu were greater in soils under organic production. | |
Populations of fungi and thermophiles were significantly higher in soils from organic than conventional fields. | |
Soil bacterial functional diversity indices were higher in soils from organic farms. | |
Birkhofer et al., 2008 [23] | Systems receiving farmyard manure had a greater abundance of soil microbes (fungi and bacteria), bacterivorous nematodes, earthworms, and spiders than conventional systems. |
Bacterial and fungal phospholipid-derived fatty acid (PLFA) markers increased roughly 17% in fields receiving organic forms of fertilization compared to mineral fertilizer. | |
Evanylo et al., 2008 [24] | Soil organic C, total N, and available P increased 60%, 68%, 225%, respectively, with the addition of compost in organic vegetable cropping systems compared to the conventional counterpart. |
Compost additions contributed the lowest amounts of all combined forms of N to the runoff load. | |
* Mondelaers et al., 2009 [25] | A meta-analysis concluded that soils in organic systems had higher organic matter content. |
Organic fertility practices positively influenced natural biodiversity organisms in the soil and landscape. | |
Scores representing nitrate and phosphorus leaching and greenhouse gas emissions from organic farms were better than conventional farms. | |
* Tuomisto et al., 2012 [26] | Soil organic matter content was 7% greater in organic than conventional farms. |
Nitrogen leaching per unit of area was 31% lower from organic farming compared to conventional farming. | |
Hilton et al., 2013 [27] | Direct comparison of crop rotations to monocultures, revealed that oilseed rape rotations had a significant effect on the microbial community structure and abundance in the rhizosphere. |
Specifically, crop rotation affected fungal populations more so than the bacterial community in the soil. | |
Populations of fungal pathogens affecting cabbage and tomato were reduced in fields where rotations were employed compared to continuous monocultures. | |
* McDaniel et al., 2014 [28] | Adding at least one or more crops in rotation to a monoculture significantly improved both microbial biomass C and N, 21% and 26%, respectively. |
Hartmann et al., 2015 [29] | Organic fields were characterized by ribosomal pyrosequencing with increased species richness, including distinct groups of soil microbes associated with the breakdown of complex organic compounds. |
Firmicute bacteria (Bacillus and Thermobacillus) were found to be the only phylum in which all operational taxonomic units responded exclusively to systems receiving fertilization from farmyard manures. | |
Henneron et al., 2015 [6] | Organic systems had a greater abundance of the three ecological groups of the Lumbricidae family of earthworms (anecic, endogeic, and epigeic) than conventional operations. |
Soil bacteria significantly increased under organic management (1.35 × 1010 gene copies g−1 soil) compared to the conventional system (1.04 × 1010 gene copies g−1 soil). | |
van Bruggen et al., 2015 [30] | Increased microbial activity was found in soils associated with organic fertilization methods compared to conventional practices. |
Disease severity of corky root in lettuce was significantly greater under conventional compared to organic management, 59% and 5%, respectively. | |
Agegnehu et al., 2016 [31] | Compost and biochar significantly improved exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg in Nitisol soils of South Africa after one season of application compared to mineral fertilizers at multiple application rates. |
* Venter et al., 2016 [32] | Soil under higher diversity of crops in rotation had greater microbial diversity (+15%) and richness (+3%) compared to monocultures. |
Maharjan et al., 2017 [33] | Microbial biomass and total organic C and N contents were significantly higher in organic topsoil compared with conventional farming systems. |
Enzyme activity, except for xylanase and acid phosphatase, were also higher in soil from organic systems. | |
Tian et al., 2017 [34] | A 35-year fertilization study revealed soil organic matter was higher after long-term manure applications. |
The abundance of soil bacteria and fungi were greater after applications of manure compared to mineral fertilizers. |
Citation | Major Conclusions |
Phelan et al., 1995 [39] | Higher levels of European corn borer (ECB) oviposition on corn plants were found in conventional soil than organic. |
Soil-fertility history was strongly correlated with acceptability of corn plants to ECB. | |
Barberi et al., 1998 [40] | Weed seedbank size was greater under the organic system compared to the conventional, 100,761 and 27,601 seeds m−2, respectively. |
Amaranthus retroflexus and Solanum nigrum were characteristic of the organic system. | |
Clark et al., 1999 [41] | Weed abundance was highest in organic than conventional systems. |
Weed biomass at harvest was similar in both systems for three out of four seasons. | |
Letourneau and Goldstein, 2001 [42] | Arthropod damage to leaves and fruit were similar in commercial tomatoes produced under organic and conventional management. |
Higher abundance of natural enemies and greater species richness of all functional arthropod groups in organic systems than conventional. | |
Abbasi et al., 2002 [43] | Anthracnose was reduced in organic fields with a high rate of cannery compost applied than conventional systems. |
Populations of bacterial spot were lower in organic than conventional systems. | |
Baker et al., 2002 [44] | Across eight fruits and 12 vegetables, 73% of the conventionally grown produce tested positive for pesticide residue compared to 23% of the organic samples. |
More than half of the conventionally produced foods tested positive for more than one pesticide. | |
Bulluck and Ristaino, 2002 [9] | Disease incidence level of Sclerotium rolfsii was 67% in soils receiving synthetic fertilizers while 3% and 12% for soils treated with composted cotton-gin trash and manure, respectively. |
Fusarium spp. decreased with time in soils amended with manure and were higher at harvest in soil receiving synthetic fertilizer. | |
Bulluck et al., 2002 [45] | Propagule densities of Phytophthora spp. and Pythium spp. were lower in soil with organic than synthetic fertility amendments. |
Poudel et al., 2002 [11] | Greater weed pressure was found in organic than conventional systems in both tomato and corn fields. |
Organic tomato systems cost $571 ha−1 for weed management while conventional systems cost $420 ha−1. | |
Moonen and Barberi, 2004 [46] | Seedbank density was five times greater in systems using no-till and cover crops compared to conventional tillage practices. |
The seedbank of soil under conventional tillage consisted of 6% monocot seeds and for 70% of annual species while no-till contained 25% and 41%, respectively. | |
* Bengtsson et al., 2005 [13] | Organic system management increased species richness of birds, insects, and weeds. |
Birds, predatory insects, and soil organisms were found to be 50% more abundant in organic than conventional systems. | |
Pimentel et al., 2005 [15] | The herbicides atrazine and metolachlor were detected in water leachate collected from conventional systems. |
In fields where corn followed corn and atrazine was applied two years in a row, the leachate had atrazine exceeding 3 ppb. | |
Liu et al., 2007 [22] | The final incidence of Southern blight was significantly lower in soils from organic than conventional farms. |
Liu et al., 2007 [47] | Incidence of Southern blight was significantly reduced in tomato crops produced using organic fertility amendments compared to mineral fertilizer, 9.7% and 13.7%, respectively. |
The rate of disease progression was also reduced under with the use of organic fertility amendments compared to synthetic fertilizer. | |
Abouziera et al., 2008 [48] | Weed biomass was reduced using organic management compared to glyphosate. |
Black plastic mulch of 150 or 200 μm thickness resulted in the greatest weed control. | |
Birkhofer et al., 2008 [23] | Bacterivorous nematodes and earthworms were most abundant in fields receiving organic fertility amendments compared to mineral fertilizer applications. |
Mineral fertilizers were harmful to enchytraeids and Diptera larvae, while aphids benefited. | |
Liu et al., 2008 [49] | Final disease incidence of Phytophthora capsici was greater in soils with rye-vetch green manure compared to other organic fertility amendments and synthetic fertilizer. |
Krauss et al., 2010 [50] | Weed density, cover, and biomass were 2–5 times greater in soils with reduced than conventional tillage. |
Vakali et al., 2011 [51] | Weed biomass increased with non-inversion than inversion tillage practices in barley fields, however in rye fields, tillage practice was insignificant. |
* Baranski et al., 2014 [52] | Occurrence of pesticide residues were 4 times higher in conventional crops, and contained greater Cd concentrations. |
Conventional fruits had a greater frequency of residue detection than conventional vegetables, 75% and 32% respectively, compared to the organic crops types where contamination was similar among groups, 11%. | |
Birkhofer et al., 2014 [53] | The bird family Columbidae, the ground beetle subfamily Pterostichinae, and butterfly subfamilies Heliconiinae and Polyommatinae were more species-rich in locations under organic compared to conventional systems. |
Murrell and Cullen, 2014 [54] | European corn borer larvae development time was slower on crops receiving organic systems compared to crops from conventional and hybrid systems. |
Plant tissues differed in S, Fe, and Cu content due to fertility amendments. | |
* Tuck et al., 2014 [55] | Meta-analysis found that arthropods, birds, and microbes showed significant positive response to organic farming. |
Organic production practices increase biodiversity by 33% relative to conventional practices. | |
Clifton et al., 2015 [56] | Greater occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi was found in organically farmed soils, however differences between seasons were recorded. |
Abundance of Metarhizium anisopliae colony forming units (CFU) in organic was significantly higher than conventional systems. | |
Herbicide and fungicide application did not significantly reduce the number of viable conidia of Metarhizium spp. | |
Feber et al., 2015 [57] | 77% more individuals and 36% more hunting spider species were collected from organic systems. |
No difference in populations of web-building spiders were found between systems. |
Citation | Major Conclusions |
Pimentel et al., 2005 [15] | Organic system required 35% more labor than conventional systems. |
Significantly less energy was used to produce corn in organic than conventional systems, 3.6 and 5.2 million kcal ha−1, respectively. | |
The required energy input of soybean production was similar between systems: 2.2 million kcal ha−1. | |
Hoeppner et al., 2006 [76] | Total energy consumption was 2.5 times greater under conventional compared to organic system management. |
The use of N fertilizer accounted for roughly 47% of the total energy consumption in conventional systems, however this depended on the rotation. | |
Energy output was significantly higher from wheat and flax produced in conventional systems compared to organic. | |
Energy efficiency was 40% greater in organic systems due to the lower energy output. | |
Pimentel, 2006 [77] | 31% less total energy input was needed for corn produced organic compared to conventional production systems. |
Direct energy consumption for corn was similar between systems for fossil fuels (89 L diesel and 40 L gasoline) and electricity (13 kWh ha−1). | |
The differences in indirect energy consumption between systems was attributed to the use of commercial fertilizer nutrients and pesticides. | |
Wood et al., 2006 [78] | Organic production had reduced indirect energy use than conventional production due to large exclusion of off-farm products such as mineral fertilizer and pesticides. |
Employment intensity for organic horticultural crops was greater compared to conventional system, while livestock operations can be lower. | |
* Mondelaers et al., 2009 [25] | Organic systems had 83% land use efficiency compared to conventional operations. |
* Tuomisto et al., 2012 [26] | Organic farming requires 84% more land than conventional operations. |
Organic systems energy consumption was 21% lower than conventional systems. | |
High energy inputs of conventional farming were mainly due to manufacturing and transportation of mineral fertilizers, especially N. | |
Pergola et al., 2013 [79] | Total energy used was higher in conventional orange and lemon production than organic systems, 39% and 51%, respectively. |
Direct energy consumption was greater in lemon produced under organic practices than conventional, but similar for organic and conventional oranges. | |
Conventional citrus crops consumed greater indirect energy, largely due to production and transportation of fertilizer and pest control, than organic systems. | |
Human labor was similar between systems for both orange and lemon, averaging 53,900 MJ ha−1. | |
Conventional citrus production had a greater reliance on non-renewable energy than organic systems, 3.8 and 2.4 million MJ ha−1, respectively. | |
dal Ferro et al., 2017 [80] | Total energy input was reduced in organic systems compared to conventional, 12,966 and 20,968 MJ ha−1 y−1. |
Fertilization accounted for 53.7% of the energy consumed by conventional compared to organic production, 15.5%. | |
Mechanical operations required more energy in organic systems compared to conventional. | |
Productivity of the energy invested was greater in organic (4.53) than conventional operations (4.28). | |
Kamali et al., 2017 [81] | Organic systems used ~30% less energy per ton of soybeans compared to conventional systems. |
Organic systems had higher employment compared to conventional systems, requiring 3.98 and 0.27 h ha−1 day−1, respectively. | |
Lin et al., 2017 [82] | Higher indirect energy inputs in conventional compared to organic systems were due to the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. |
Direct energy consumption was greater among the organic systems due to the higher diesel usage. |
Citation | Major Conclusions |
Clark et al., 1999 [87] | All crops (tomato, bean, safflower, wheat, oats, corn), except safflower demonstrated significant yield differences between organic and conventional systems in at least some years. |
Organic tomato and corn yields were lower in five of the eight years of the study. | |
Yield of bean, wheat, and oats differed less often and tended to vary based on seasonal environmental conditions. | |
Entz et al., 2001 [88] | Grain (wheat, oat, and barley) yields on organic farms were 77%, 73%, and 74%, respectively, of those of conventional farms. |
Buckwheat and fall rye yields were similar between systems (97% and 104%, respectively) of conventional yields. | |
Mader et al., 2002 [10] | Organic potato yields were 58–66% of those in conventional plots, mainly due to nutrient deficiencies and pathogen pressure. |
By the third rotation, organic winter wheat yields had reached 90% of those of conventional fields, with gradual yield improvement over time. | |
Poudel et al., 2002 [11] | Tomato yield had significant farming system x year interactions. |
Differences in yield gap between organic and conventional systems were eliminated by the third season. | |
In seasons with unexpected production issues (poor emergence, extreme growing stress), organic tomatoes had 16% greater yield than conventional. | |
Pimentel et al., 2005 [15] | During the first five years (in a 22-year study), corn grain yields were higher from conventional than organic system, 4483 and 5903 kg ha−1. |
After the transitional period (Years 1–5), corn grain yield was similar between systems, 6451 kg ha−1, during seasons with normal rainfall. | |
Under normal rainfall, soybean yields were similar between systems. | |
In seasons under drought conditions, corn and soybean yields were lower in conventional than organic systems, −31% and −50%, respectively. | |
Badgley et al., 2007 [89] | Modeled organic global food supply data, based on the current agricultural land use, showed that organic system management can produce enough food on a global basis per capita. |
Gopinath et al., 2008 [90] | Fields receiving mineral fertilizer produced more wheat ears per area than manure and compost applications. |
Wheat produced using mineral fertilizer developed more grains per ear than those receiving organic fertility amendments. | |
The yield gap between conventional and organic fields narrowed by the second season. | |
Cavigelli et al., 2009 [91] | Corn yield from organic systems increased with increasing crop rotation, ranging 41–24% less than conventional corn yield. |
Soybean yield was 19% lower in organic than conventional systems. | |
Wheat yield was similar between systems, averaging 4.09 t ha−1. | |
Ri1hi et al., 2009 [92] | Conventional systems produced greater marketable yield of tomato fruit than organic systems, 55.62 and 34.63 t ha−1, respectively. |
* de Ponti et al., 2012 [93] | On average, organic yields were 80% of those from conventional operations. |
The relative yield of pre-2004 data was statistically similar to 2004–2010 data, indicating the relative yield performance of organic agriculture had not substantially changed. | |
* Seufert et al., 2012 [94] | Across several crops, yields from organic systems were on average 25% lower than conventional. |
Organic fruits and oilseed crops demonstrated slightly reduced yields compared to the conventional counterparts, −3% and −11%, respectively. | |
Organic cereals and vegetables have significantly lower yields than crops produced conventionally, −26% and −33%, respectively. | |
Better organic performance of perennial over annual crops, and legumes over non-legumes was demonstrated. | |
The yield gap between organic and conventional crops in developing countries is greater than in developed countries, −43% and −25%, respectively. | |
Foster et al., 2013 [95] | Cotton yield from organic systems was 42% lower than conventional during the first rotational cycle, while yields were similar in cycle 2. |
Soybean yields were 7% lower in organic fields than conventional. | |
Wheat yield from organic systems was 37% lower than conventional during the first rotation, but similar thereafter. | |
Lee et al., 2015 [96] | Marketable yield was higher in conventional than organic onion fields, 71.5 and 55.8 t ha−1, respectively. |
Fresh weight of conventional onion (220.2 g/plant) was greater than organic onions (175.6 g/plant). | |
* Ponisio et al., 2015 [86] | Meta-analysis determined that organic yields were 19.2% lower than conventional yields—a smaller yield gap than previously found. |
Multi-cropping and crop rotation used in organic systems reduced the yield gap. | |
* Kniss et al., 2016 [97] | Organic yields were lower than conventional yields for most crops. |
Yields for 9 out of 13 field and forage crops were significantly less under organic management than conventional. | |
Organic hay crops had yields that were similar or greater than conventional hay crops. | |
Organic squash, snap bean, sweet maize, and peach yields were similar to conventional. | |
Suja et al., 2017 [98] | Similar yield performance of taro under organic and conventional practices, 10.61 and 11.12 t ha−1, respectively. |
Yield attributes including cormel number, yield per plant, and weight, and number of mother corms were similar between conventional and organic systems. |
Citation | Major Conclusions |
Cavigelli et al., 2009 [91] | Average total cost of production for each crop tested (corn, soybean, wheat, and alfalfa) was greater for conventional compared to organic systems. |
For wheat, total production costs were 29–51% greater for conventional than organic systems which are reflected in the yield gains. | |
The average price of organic corn, soybean, and wheat was 122% greater than the conventional product. | |
When price premiums are applied, annual returns were greater for organic systems than conventional; without premiums, organic 4+ year rotations and conventional systems were similar. | |
Cumulative net returns were 3–4.5 times greater for organic than the conventional system. | |
Organic systems with a 2-year rotation had the greatest net present value (NPV) and greatest mean return, but also the greatest variability and 7.5 times the risk. | |
Organic systems with a 4+ year rotation had the lowest variability and associated risk. | |
Sandhu et al., 2010 [100] | Total economic value of ecosystem services (biological control, soil formation, mineralization) was higher in organic fields compared to conventional, averaging US $232.00 and $146.00 ha−1 year−1, respectively. |
Economic performance of ecosystem services in conventional fields was severely reduced due to the use of pesticides. | |
Cavigelli et al., 2013 [101] | Net returns for organic systems were greater than conventional systems, US $286 and $78 acre−1, respectively. |
The economic risk was greater for conventional than organic systems with the same rotation length (3 years). | |
Forster et al., 2013 [95] | Conventional farming systems gained higher gross margins, 21%, during the first cycle of the 2-year rotation; however organic gross margins were greater after the second cycle. |
Variable production cost of conventional compared to organic farming systems was higher in cotton, soybean, and wheat, 38%, 66%, and 49%, respectively, due to higher input costs. | |
Labor costs were similar between organic and conventional systems. | |
Pergola et al., 2013 [79] | Total life cycle cost of conventional lemon was greater than organic production, €180,533 and €178,074 ha−1, respectively. |
Production costs for conventional oranges, €154,110 ha−1, were higher compared to organic oranges, €133,159 ha−1. | |
Mohamad et al., 2014 [102] | Initial and future investment of conventional and organic olive operations were similar. |
Soil management costs were higher in organic olives compared to conventional systems. | |
Revenues were higher in the organic than conventional systems due to subsidies and premium price (+25%) applied. | |
NPV of organic systems of the organic system, €16,041€ ha−1, was 6% greater compared to the conventional system, €15,118 ha−1. | |
Internal rate return (IRR) was higher in organic than conventional systems, 3.51% and 3.37%, respectively. | |
* Crowder and Reganold, 2015 [103] | Organic labor costs were 7% greater than the conventional system. |
When price premiums are not applied, NPV of organic agriculture was lower, −27 to −23%, than those of conventional systems. | |
When premiums are applied, organic systems were 22–35% more profitable than conventional systems. | |
Breakeven premium required to match the economic performance of conventional systems requires premium prices to only be 5–7% greater than price of the conventional product. | |
Total costs, gross returns, benefit/cost ratios, and NPV for organic compared to conventional crops and systems were consistently greater across the 40-year study period. | |
Sgroi et al., 2015 [104] | Gross production value of organic lemon operations was substantially greater than conventional lemon farms, €6138.28 ha−1 and €648.98 ha−1, respectively. |
Production costs were 30% lower in organic compared to conventional lemon management. | |
Testa et al., 2015 [105] | Greater economic convenience in organic lemon production compared to conventional was due to reduced production costs coupled with price premiums. |
Lemon orchards under organic production had a positive net cash flow by year six of stand development in comparison to conventional systems, €789 and €−23 ha−1, respectively. | |
Conventional systems did not record a positive net cash flow until the maturity phase (years 10–42), however they were still significantly lower, €402 ha−1, than the cash flow reported for organic systems during the same time, €1783 ha−1. | |
Bett and Ayieko, 2016 [106] | NPV was greater for low-input organic farming compared to conventional systems in Kenya, Kenyan Shilling (KSh) 22,561 ha−1 (€275 ha−1) and KSh 21,878 ha−1 (€267 ha−1), respectively. |
Kamali et al., 2017 [81] | Organic soybeans were more likely to be profitable than both conventional genetically modified (GM) and non-GM soybean. |
Organic system had a greater mean performance of profitability, 11–15% higher, than conventional systems, but was associated with higher risk. |
Citation | Major Conclusions |
Carbonaro et al., 2002 [109] | Ascorbic and citric acids were higher in organic compared to conventional peaches. |
Greater tocopherol was found in organic pears than those produced under conventional management. | |
Mitchell et al., 2007 [110] | Tomatoes from organic systems had higher concentrations of the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol than those from conventional systems, 79% and 97%, respectively. |
* Dangour et al., 2009 [111] | Nitrogen content was higher in crops from conventional systems than organic. |
Organically produced crops were higher in phosphorus and titratable acidity than conventional samples. | |
Riahi et al., 2009 [92] | Soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and firmness of tomato fruit were affected by the production system, but the effect depended on the cultivar. |
Tomato lycopene and total phenolic contents were similar between organic and conventional production systems. | |
Soltoft et al., 2010 [112] | Higher concentration of the phenolic 5-caffeoylquinic acid was detected in potatoes produced organically. |
Higher concentration of nitrogen was detected in conventional carrot than organic. | |
No differences were found for any of the analyzed polyphenols between carrots or onions in organic and conventional systems. | |
* Brandt et al., 2011 [113] | Organic samples had 12% more secondary metabolites than conventional samples. |
Dry matter of organic products was similar to conventional counterparts. | |
Vitamin C and all groups of secondary metabolites, except carotene and non-defense compounds, were higher in organic than conventional samples. | |
Lombardo et al., 2012 [114] | Potatoes from organic systems had 18% more total phenolics than those from conventional systems. |
Ascorbic acid content of conventionally produced tubers were 23% greater than from organic systems. | |
The nitrate content in organically grown tubers was 34% lower than conventional products. | |
Lower soluble sugars and higher dry matter content were observed in organic potatoes. | |
Better sensory performance after frying (crispness and less browning) was observed in potatoes from organic than conventional systems. | |
Oliveira et al., 2013 [115] | Tomatoes from conventional systems were greater in size (weight and width) than organic fruit. |
Higher soluble solids, total phenolics, citric acid, yellow flavonoids, and total vitamin C were detected in organic compared to conventional tomatoes at harvest. | |
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity was 140% higher in organic than conventional tomatoes at harvest. | |
* Baranski et al., 2014 [52] | Significantly higher antioxidant activity was detected in organic compared to conventional fruit samples. |
Higher concentrations of total flavonoids, total phenolic acids, flavanones, stilbenes, flavones, flavonols, kaempferol, and total anthocyanins were found in organic compared to conventional crops. | |
Greater concentrations of xanthophyll and vitamin C were measured in organic crops, while conventional crops were higher in vitamin E. | |
Occurrence of pesticide residue was four times greater on conventional than organic crops. | |
Conventional crops had higher concentrations of total N and Cd. | |
Brazinskiene et al., 2014 [116] | Potatoes from organic and conventional systems had similar dry matter, starch, and phenolic acid content. |
Reganold et al., 2014 [117] | Organic strawberries had a longer shelf-life; the loss in fresh weight was lower than conventional strawberries. |
Organic strawberries were 13.4% smaller than conventional fruits, but had 8.3% more dry matter. | |
Organic strawberries had higher antioxidant activity (8.5%), ascorbic acid (9.7%), and phenolics (10.5%) than conventional berries. | |
Greater P (13.6%) and K (9.1%) were found in conventional strawberries than organic. | |
Consumer-sensory panel found organic “Diamante” strawberries sweeter, with better flavor, appearance, and overall acceptance compared to conventional “Diamante” berries. | |
Vinha et al., 2014 [118] | Organically produced tomatoes contained 17.7% more total soluble solids and 30.2% less hue angle (i.e., more red pigmentation) than conventional fruits. |
Tomato produced from organic systems were higher in ascorbic acid, lycopene, total phenolics, and flavonoids than those from conventional systems, 30%, 20%, 20%, 24%, and 21%, respectively. | |
Bach et al., 2015 [119] | Dry matter content and sugar concentration were similar between organic and conventional carrots. |
No significant differences in sensory quality were found between organic and conventional cropping systems. | |
Cuevas et al., 2015 [120] | Organic plums had 5–10% higher antioxidant capacity than conventional fruit. |
Greater polyphenol and anthocyanin concentrations were detected in organic compared to conventional plums. | |
Plums cultivated in organic orchards had higher total organic acid content than conventional, 1475 and 1409 mg/100g FW, respectively. | |
Organic plums had greater concentrations of malic, succinic, tartaric, and shikimic acids than those from conventional orchards. | |
Karlund et al., 2015 [121] | Chemical composition and sensory qualities of organic and conventional strawberries vary mostly due to the cultivar. |
Lee et al., 2015 [96] | Total phenolics were greater in conventional compared to organic onions, 404.7 and 378.5 mg GAE kg−1, respectively. |
No differences in soluble solid, pyruvic acid, total flavonoids and phenolics were found between organic and conventional onions. | |
Bulb diameter and fresh weight were higher in conventional than organic onion. | |
Valverde et al., 2015 [122] | Total phenolic and flavonoid contents in broccoli were similar between organic and conventional systems. |
Glucosinolate levels were higher in organic than conventional samples. | |
de Pascale et al., 2016 [123] | Titratable acidity was 20% higher in conventional than organic tomatoes. |
Lipophilic antioxidant capacity and carotenoid levels were increased under organic soil fertility management, 25% and 14%, respectively, then conventional. | |
Ren et al., 2017 [124] | Flavonol was 20% greater in organic compared to conventional onions for both varieties tested. |
Levels of quercetin and its glycosides in organic onion samples were consistently greater than conventional onions. | |
The antioxidant activity of organic onions was higher than those from conventional systems. | |
Suja et al., 2017 [98] | Organic taro had higher dry matter, starch, total and reducing sugars than conventional crops, 7.29%, 10.78%, 31.55%, 9.37%, respectively. |
Conventionally produced taro had higher phenol, fiber, and ash content than taro from organic systems, 6.04%, 19.78%, and 20.07%, respectively. |
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Fess, T.L.; Benedito, V.A. Organic versus Conventional Cropping Sustainability: A Comparative System Analysis. Sustainability 2018, 10, 272.
Fess TL, Benedito VA. Organic versus Conventional Cropping Sustainability: A Comparative System Analysis. Sustainability. 2018; 10(1):272.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFess, Tiffany L., and Vagner A. Benedito. 2018. "Organic versus Conventional Cropping Sustainability: A Comparative System Analysis" Sustainability 10, no. 1: 272.
APA StyleFess, T. L., & Benedito, V. A. (2018). Organic versus Conventional Cropping Sustainability: A Comparative System Analysis. Sustainability, 10(1), 272.