Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Nuclear Power in South Korea: Current Status and Issues
2.2. Literature Review
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Contingent Valuation Method: The Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Spike Model
3.2. Survey and Data Collection
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Preliminary Survey Results and Willingess-to-Pay Response
4.2. Estimation Results: Public Acceptance for Reducing NPPs
4.3. Cost–Benefit Analysis: Financial Feasibility of Nuclear Power Plants Reduction
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Initial Bid (KRW) | Number of Responses (%) | |||||
Yes-Yes | Yes-No | No-Yes | No-No-Yes | No-No-No | Total | |
2000 | 24 (11.9) | 70 (34.7) | 43 (21.3) | 5 (2.5) | 60 (29.7) | 202 (100) |
3500 | 2 (1.0) | 47 (23.7) | 31 (15.7) | 15 (7.6) | 103 (52.0) | 198 (100) |
Total | 26 (6.5) | 117 (29.3) | 74 (18.5) | 20 (5.0) | 163 (40.8) | 400 (100) |
Model 1 (without Covariates) | Model 2 (with Covariates) | |
Constant | 0.5470 *** (0.0941) | −2.5728 *** (0.9196) |
Bid amount | −0.0005 *** (0.0000) | −0.0006 *** (0.0000) |
Gender | - | −0.1887 (0.1858) |
Age | - | 0.0040 (0.0110) |
Monthly household income | - | −0.0009 (0.0063) |
Education | - | 0.3121 (0.2017) |
Type of alternative power source | - | 0.7844 ** (0.3429) |
Preferred method of payment | - | −0.6947 *** (0.1884) |
Perceived seriousness about climate change | - | 0.4397 *** (0.1370) |
Perceived level of knowledge about nuclear power | - | 0.1792 (0.1175) |
Log likelihood | 577.8588 | 560.7090 |
Spike | 0.3666 *** (0.0218) | 0.2995 *** (0.0640) |
Wald statistics (p-values) | 281.7678 (0.0000) | 21.8896 (0.0000) |
Variables | Definitions | Mean | Standard Deviation |
Gender | Gender of the respondent (0 = male; 1 = female) | 0.50 | 0.50 |
Age | Age of the respondent | 40.38 | 9.78 |
Monthly household income | Monthly household income of the respondent (unit: 100,000 KRW) | 40.65 | 14.69 |
Education | Educational level of the respondent (0 = Less than high school; 1 = More than university) | 0.60 | 0.49 |
Type of alternative power source | Which power sources do you prefer as a substitute for electricity from the 7 NPPs scheduled to be built by 2035? (0 = fossil fuel; 1 = renewables) | 0.90 | 0.30 |
Preferred method of payment | If you have to pay a certain amount of money for replacing nuclear power with other sources, which type of payment method would you prefer? (0 = additional electricity bills; 1 = a new type of taxation) | 0.44 | 0.50 |
Perceived seriousness about climate change | As of now, the problem of climate change is serious. (From strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 5) | 4.37 | 0.66 |
Perceived level of knowledge about nuclear power | I know well enough what nuclear power is.(From strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 5) | 3.42 | 0.82 |
Monthly Mean WTP per Household | Monthly Median WTP per Household | t-Value | 95% Confidence Interval |
KRW 1922.45 (USD 1.80) | KRW 1913.64 (USD 1.79) | 10.52 *** | KRW 1639.23–2237.24 (USD 1.54–2.10) |
Annual Mean WTP per Household | Number of Households (2017) | Annual Economic Benefit by Substituting Nuclear Power in Korea |
KRW 23,069.42 (USD 21.61) | 21.63 million | KRW 498.99 billion (USD 467.40 million) |
Amount of Replaced Nuclear Power Generation | Aggregated Benefit | Replacement with Renewables | Replacement with LNG | |||
Additional Cost | Net Benefit (B-C) | Additional Cost | Net Benefit (B-C) | |||
Seven 1-GW NPPs | 52,122 Gwh | KRW 498.99 billion (USD 467.40 million) | KRW 1790.39 billion (USD 1.68 billion) | KRW −1291.40 billion (USD 1.21 billion) | KRW 1679.37 billion (USD 1.57 billion) | KRW −1180.38 billion (USD 1.11 billion) |
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Woo, J.; Lim, S.; Lee, Y.-G.; Huh, S.-Y. Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3833.
Woo J, Lim S, Lee Y-G, Huh S-Y. Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study. Sustainability. 2018; 10(11):3833.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWoo, JongRoul, Sesil Lim, Yong-Gil Lee, and Sung-Yoon Huh. 2018. "Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study" Sustainability 10, no. 11: 3833.
APA StyleWoo, J., Lim, S., Lee, Y.-G., & Huh, S.-Y. (2018). Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study. Sustainability, 10(11), 3833.