Results from On-The-Ground Efforts to Promote Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon
:1. Introduction
1.1. Beef Production in the Brazilian Amazon
1.2. Dairy Production in the Brazilian Amazon
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Beef Case Study #1—Intensification of Cattle Production Systems with the Use of Mixed Grass-Legume Pastures in Acre
3.2. Beef Case Study #2—Novo Campo Program
3.3. Beef Case Study #3 Do Campo à Mesa
3.4. Beef Case Study #4—Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Beef
3.5. Dairy Case Study #1—Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Dairy
3.6. Dairy Case Study #2—Florestas de Valor
4. Discussion
4.1. Risks of Cattle Intensification
4.2. Barriers to Scaling up Sustainable Cattle Ranching
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- Large-scale knowledge transfer—long-term funding and support is required for farmer-centered agricultural extension services, which increase awareness of high-yielding technologies and support small- and large-holders alike to adopt appropriate farming practices.
- (2)
- Financial support for sustainable cattle ranching—farmers must be incentivized to adopt sustainable ranching practices, both through competitive, sustainable credit lines and through market signals. Rural credit lines should include sustainability criteria, and should help farmers not only increase agricultural production, but also meet the costs of Forest Code compliance. Market signals also matter, and just as some slaughterhouses offer price-premiums for high meat quality, price-premiums for GAP would encourage farmer uptake.
- (3)
- Increase transparency in cattle supply chains—efforts by some slaughterhouses to monitor direct suppliers are a step in the right direction, but do not go far enough. All slaughterhouses should monitor both indirect and direct cattle suppliers, and monitoring efforts should be independently audited and publicly reported, so that deforestation may ultimately be eliminated from cattle supply chains.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Name of Initiative | Lead Organization | Location | Beef or Dairy | Most Important Management Features | Year Project Started | Number of Farms | Hectares of Land under Intensification | Number of Cattle | Mean Farm Size, Hectares (Range) | Forest Code Compliance Required? |
Intensification of beef cattle production systems with the use of mixed grass-legume pastures in Acre | Embrapa | State of Acre | Beef | Vegetative planting of mixed legume-grass pastures, persistent legume supply of symbiotically fixed nitrogen | Pueraria phaseoloides introduced in 1976; | 5400 a | 480,000 a | No data available | No data available | NA |
Arachis pintoi introduced in 1999 | 2000 | 137,600 | ||||||||
Novo Campo Program | ICV | Alta Floresta, Nova Canaã do Norte, Paranaíta e Cotriguaçu (MT) | Beef | Pasture rotation, pasture fertilization, application of GAP | 2012 | 23 | 14,300 | 23,800 | 200 (30–900) | Yes |
Do Campo à Mesa | TNC | São Félix do Xingu (PA) | Beef | Pasture rotation, pasture fertilization, application of GAP | 2013 | 13 | 20,208 | 34,043 | 3077 (100–6900) | Yes |
Silvopastoral system with rotational grazing for beef | Idesam | Apuí (AM) | Beef | Pasture rotation, agroforestry with timber and leguminous trees, improved book-keeping | 2011 | 10 | 236 | 566 b | 570 (53–3020) | Yes |
Silvopastoral system with rotational grazing for dairy | Idesam | Apuí, Manicoré, Novo Aripuanã (AM) | Dairy | Pasture rotation, agroforestry with leguminous trees, improved book-keeping, and drinking water system | 2014 | 11 | 95 | 332 b | 188 (83–340) | Yes |
Florestas de Valor | IMAFLORA | São Félix do Xingu (PA) | Dairy | Rotational grazing, leguminous trees lining fenced plots | 2015 | 6 | 50 | 145 | 83 (25–200) | Yes |
Name of Initiative | Baseline Stocking Rate (AU/ha) | Stocking Rate (AU/ha) | Increase in Stocking Rate over Baseline | Baseline Productivity (@/ha/yr) | Productivity (@/ha/yr) | Average Increase in Productivity | Years to Break Even on Investment | Years to Achieve Max Productivity | Typical Profit/Hectare/Year (R$) | Additional References | |
Intensification of beef cattle production systems with the use of mixed grass-legume pastures in Acre | Mixed grass-Pueraria phaseoloides pastures | 1 * | 1.5 (1–2) | 1.5x | 8 (4–10) * | 10 (4.9–12.5) | 1.3x | 3 (2–4) | 2 (1.5–3) | 149–271 | [39,42,43,44] |
Mixed grass-Arachis pintoi pastures | 2.2 (1.5–3.59) | 2.2x | 12 (13–35) | 1.5x | 4 (3–5) | 3 (2–5) | 296–381 | ||||
Novo Campo Program | 1.22 * | 2.8 (1.5–3.5) | 2.3x | 4.7 * | 10.8 (7–27) | 2.1x | 2.5 (1.5–4) | Data not provided | 602 (173–1140) | [4,38] | |
Do Campo à Mesa | 0.87 (0–2.81) | 1.06 (0.27–3.05) | 1.2x | 4.5 (0.9–10.5) | 5.87 (1.42–19.2) | 1.3x | 8.5 (7–12) | ~6 | 432 (−546–1103) | [37] | |
Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Beef | 0.60 (0.45–0.7) | 2.4 (2.0–2.7) | 4.0x | 5.5 (4–7) | 15 (12–20) | 2.7x | 5 (4–6) | 5 | ~263 | - |
Name of Initiative | Baseline Stocking Rate (AU/ha) | Stocking Rate (AU/ha) | Increase in Stocking Rate over Baseline | Baseline Productivity (L/ha/yr) | Productivity (L/ha/yr) | Increase in Productivity Over Baseline | Baseline Productivity (L/cow/yr) | Productivity (L/cow/yr) | Increase in Productivity over Baseline | Years to Break Even on Investment | Years to Achieve Max Productivity | Typical profit/ha/yr (R$) |
Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Dairy | 0.75 (0.5–1.08) | 3.5 (2.4–6.3) | 4.7x | ~1192 | 5794 (2969–9037) | 4.9x | 1551 (760–1825) | 1954 (1642–2482) | 1.26x | 2.6 (1.8–6.8) | 6 (5–7) | 4425 (2176–8092) |
Florestas de Valor | 1.1 (0.9–1.2) * | 3.1 (2.5–3.7) | 2.8x | Data not provided | ~3190 | Data not provided | ~760 | ~1100 | 1.4x | 4 (3–5) | 3 (2–4) | Data not provided |
Name of Initiative | Organizations Involved | Ranching Systems | Cost of Intensification (R$/ha) | Cost of Pasture Maintenance (R$/ha/yr) | Cost of Technical Assistance (R$/property/yr) | |
Improvement of Degraded Pasture | Improvement of Conventional Pasture | |||||
Intensification of beef cattle production systems with the use of mixed grass-legume pastures in Acre | Embrapa Acre, Federação de Agricultura do Estado do AcreFundo de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária do Estado do Acre, & Associação para o Fomento à Pesquisa de Melhoramento de Forrageiras | Cow-calf, calf raising & fattening, full cycle | Semi-mechanized conventional planting: 2011. Mechanized conventional planting: 1461–1920. Mechanized no-till planting: 1347–1806 | ~100 | Data not collected | |
Novo Campo Program | ICV, International Institute for Sustainability (IIS), Embrapa, Solidariedad, Sindicatos Rurais de Alta Floresta e Cotriguaçu, JBS, McDonalds, Arcos Dourados, IMAFLORA, Althelia Ecosphere, Terras, GTPS, Fundo Vale, Norad, & the Moore Foundation | Calf raising & fattening | 3500 (3000–4000) | 2000 (1500–2000) | 1800 (1500–2000) | 8000 (6000–12000) |
Do Campo à Mesa | TNC, Marfrig, Walmart, GTPS, & the Moore foundation | Calf raising & fattening | 1890 (1750–1897) | 1468 (1318–1571) | ~680 | Data not collected |
Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Beef | Idesam, Centro para Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuária (CIPAV), Via Verde Consultoria Agropecuária, Fundo Vale, & Viveiro Santa Luzia | Cow-calf, calf raising & fattening | 2666 (2412–3021) | All farms had degraded pasture | ~216.25 | ~5480 |
Silvopastoral System with Rotational Grazing for Dairy | Idesam, CIPAV, & Via Verde Consultoria Agropecuária, Fundo Vale, & Viveiro Santa Luzia | Cow-calf | 5355 (4900–6866) | All farms had degraded pasture | ~275 | ~5480 |
Florestas de Valor | IMAFLORA, CAMPPAX (Cooperativa Alternativa Mista do Alto Xingu), ADAFAX (Associação Desenvolvimento da Agricultura Familiar do Alto Xingu), CFA (Casa Familiar Rural de São Felix do Xingu), Petrobras, Fundo Vale, & Fundo Amazônia | Cow-calf | ~2500 | All farms had degraded pasture | 2000 (1200–2560) | 2500 (2000–3000) |
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Zu Ermgassen, E.K.H.J.; Alcântara, M.P.d.; Balmford, A.; Barioni, L.; Neto, F.B.; Bettarello, M.M.F.; Brito, G.D.; Carrero, G.C.; Florence, E.D.A.S.; Garcia, E.; et al. Results from On-The-Ground Efforts to Promote Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1301.
Zu Ermgassen EKHJ, Alcântara MPd, Balmford A, Barioni L, Neto FB, Bettarello MMF, Brito GD, Carrero GC, Florence EDAS, Garcia E, et al. Results from On-The-Ground Efforts to Promote Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon. Sustainability. 2018; 10(4):1301.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZu Ermgassen, Erasmus K.H.J., Melquesedek Pereira de Alcântara, Andrew Balmford, Luis Barioni, Francisco Beduschi Neto, Murilo M. F. Bettarello, Genivaldo De Brito, Gabriel C. Carrero, Eduardo De A.S. Florence, Edenise Garcia, and et al. 2018. "Results from On-The-Ground Efforts to Promote Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon" Sustainability 10, no. 4: 1301.
APA StyleZu Ermgassen, E. K. H. J., Alcântara, M. P. d., Balmford, A., Barioni, L., Neto, F. B., Bettarello, M. M. F., Brito, G. D., Carrero, G. C., Florence, E. D. A. S., Garcia, E., Gonçalves, E. T., Da Luz, C. T., Mallman, G. M., Strassburg, B. B. N., Valentim, J. F., & Latawiec, A. (2018). Results from On-The-Ground Efforts to Promote Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon. Sustainability, 10(4), 1301.