Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing Constitutes Sustainable Agriculture in European Cultural Landscapes
:1. Introduction
2. The Need to Focus on Conservation in Farmland
3. Sparing at Small Scales Creates Sharing at a Landscape Scale
4. Land Sharing Might Overcome Implementation Mismatches
5. Agriculture in a Global System Context
6. The Myth of Intensification for Food Security
7. Land Sharing as a Normative Choice
8. Which Contribution Does “Sharing” Offer for Sustainable Agriculture?
- (1)
- We need to be aware about the limited possibilities that arise out of a theoretical framework such as the land-sparing option. Few managers in agriculture are actually aware of the scheme, and are empowered to act on it.
- (2)
- Scientists and conservationists need to sufficiently consider the context and scales of various organisms, habitats, and ecosystems. Biodiversity and ecosystem function research is starting to understand the contextual complexity of these interactions, yet this has rarely been included in the land sparing versus land sharing literature.
- (3)
- Beyond land use and biodiversity, inputs and outputs should be considered in order to arrive at a more holistic analysis, including a clearer understanding of social and ecological spillover effects.
- (4)
- Instead of being a submissive part of a growth-focused argument of an ultimately failing economical narrative, we propose that by focusing on deep shifts in mindsets of people [80], we can aid a societal change that overcomes our disconnection from the biophysical system.
- (5)
- We cannot retreat to claiming that there is a global objective answer to the sparing–sharing question. Thus, we need to be aware of our normative goals that oppose agricultural production and nature conservation. Scientific results, for better or worse, will be used as part of a normative agenda.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Loos, J.; Von Wehrden, H. Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing Constitutes Sustainable Agriculture in European Cultural Landscapes. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1395.
Loos J, Von Wehrden H. Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing Constitutes Sustainable Agriculture in European Cultural Landscapes. Sustainability. 2018; 10(5):1395.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLoos, Jacqueline, and Henrik Von Wehrden. 2018. "Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing Constitutes Sustainable Agriculture in European Cultural Landscapes" Sustainability 10, no. 5: 1395.
APA StyleLoos, J., & Von Wehrden, H. (2018). Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing Constitutes Sustainable Agriculture in European Cultural Landscapes. Sustainability, 10(5), 1395.