Applying Soil Health Indicators to Encourage Sustainable Soil Use: The Transition from Scientific Study to Practical Application
:1. Introduction
2. Ecosystem Services and the Soil Food Web
3. Measuring and Monitoring Soil Condition to Preserve Ecosystem Services
4. Measuring an Indicator Rather than the Actual Ecosystem Service
5. Considerations for the practical Use of Soil Health Indicators.
- “African soil crisis threatens food security” (2014) [58]
- “Careless farming adding to floods” (2014) [59];
- “EU pesticide bans could hit UK crops” (2014) [60];
- “UK faces significant shortage of farmland” (2014) [61];
- “Members of Parliament sound alarm over neglected soils” (2016) [62];
- “Nature loss linked to farming intensity” (2016) [63];
- “Prince of Wales joins soil boosting project” (2016) [64];
- “Scottish research finds soil crucial to climate change fight” (2016) [65];
- “Farm subsidies must be earned” (2017) [66];
- “Bread’s environmental costs are counted” (2017) [67];
6. Biological Indicator of Soil Quality (BISQ) in The Netherlands
- Soil biological indicators: earthworms, enchytraeids, nematodes, microarthropods, fungi, bacteria, N mineralisation, C mineralisation, and root mass (grassland only).
- Abiotic soil indicators: soil type and texture, penetration resistance, bulk density, organic matter parameters including labile fractions, pH, nutrients.
- System indicators: land use, vegetation, agricultural management (crop, rotation, tillage, fertilization, crop protection (pesticides), traffic) and groundwater level.
- If costs are a major aspect for the soil monitoring, these can only be reduced by reducing the number of indicators.
7. A Soil Health Test as a Practical Tool for Scottish Growers
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Measure | Overview | Score | Target range |
Potentially Mineralisable N | 28.7 mg kg−1 | >21 mg kg−1 | |
Organic Matter (LOI) | 5.96 % | >9.5 % | |
pH | 6.1 | 6.5–7.5 | |
Extractable Phosphorus | 4.39 mg L−1 | 4.5–13.5 mg L−1 | |
Extractable Potassium | 87.9 mg L−1 | >76 mg L−1 | |
Extractable Magnesium | 154 mg L−1 | 61–1000 mg L−1 | |
Extractable Calcium | 1500 mg L−1 | >3000 mg L−1 | |
Extractable Sodium | 11.2 mg L−1 | >50 mg L−1 | |
Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure | 2.75 | <2.4 | |
Earthworm count | 6.25 per 20cm−2 | >8 |
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Griffiths, B.S.; Faber, J.; Bloem, J. Applying Soil Health Indicators to Encourage Sustainable Soil Use: The Transition from Scientific Study to Practical Application. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3021.
Griffiths BS, Faber J, Bloem J. Applying Soil Health Indicators to Encourage Sustainable Soil Use: The Transition from Scientific Study to Practical Application. Sustainability. 2018; 10(9):3021.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGriffiths, Bryan S., Jack Faber, and Jaap Bloem. 2018. "Applying Soil Health Indicators to Encourage Sustainable Soil Use: The Transition from Scientific Study to Practical Application" Sustainability 10, no. 9: 3021.
APA StyleGriffiths, B. S., Faber, J., & Bloem, J. (2018). Applying Soil Health Indicators to Encourage Sustainable Soil Use: The Transition from Scientific Study to Practical Application. Sustainability, 10(9), 3021.