A Framework for Assessing Benefits of Implemented Nature-Based Solutions
:1. Introduction
2. Proposed Framework Overview
2.1. Framework Steps
2.1.1. Step 1: Selection of Benefit Categories
2.1.2. Step 2: Selection of Indicators
2.1.3. Step 3: Calculation of Indicator Values
- Percent change equation: the difference between Area A and Area B for indicator X.For positive effect, indicator: X = 100 × (A − B) ÷ AFor negative effect, indicator: X = 100 × (B − A) ÷ B
- 2
- Some indicator equations must be developed on an individual basis, these are in the category of Equation 3. These indicators may be evaluated by comparison between the NBS variable (A) and expected values, literature, other case study areas, and other methods.
2.1.4. Step 4: Calculation of NBS Grade
2.1.5. Step 5: Recommendations
3. Framework Application: Rangsit, Thailand
3.1. Case Study Areas
3.2. Framework Application to Rangsit Case Study Areas
3.2.1. Involvement of Stakeholders
3.2.2. Step 1: Selection of Benefit Categories
3.2.3. Step 2: Selection of Indicators
3.2.4. Step 3: Calculation of Indicator Values
3.2.5. Step 4: Calculation of NBS Grade
3.2.6. Step 5: Recommendations
4. Discussion
- Researchers who want to study the impacts from NBS on climate change;
- Water managers and planners who wish to promote, upscale, and implement NBS;
- Decision makers who may want to allocate budget for NBS construction, expansion, maintenance, and monitoring;
- Farmers who may want to improve, maintain, and expand their NBS to optimize the economic benefits;
- All stakeholders who would like to understand the full benefits of NBS.
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Equation | Related Indicators | |
Equation (1): positive effects | Connectivity GWR Biodiversity Habitat provision Carbon storage Cultural and spiritual | Community interaction and development Aesthetics/property value Agriculture Economic Green jobs |
Equation (2): negative effects | Historical flood mitigation Coastal flood mitigation Resilience to drought Resilience to flood Irrigation costs | Air quality Water quality Climate control Landslide risk reduction Noise quality |
Equation (3): comparison of indicator values with the literature or case studies | Research Infiltration Recreational | Education Quality of life Social safety |
Indicator Value | Score |
<20 | 1 |
20–40 | 2 |
40–60 | 3 |
60–80 | 4 |
>80 | 5 |
NBS Grade | Description | Grade Number |
Very poor | The NBS do not provide any benefits; re-evaluation is necessary. | 0–1 |
Poor | The NBS are providing very few benefits; improvements may be required; re-evaluation may be necessary. | 1–2 |
Good | The NBS are providing some added benefits; some improvements may be required. | 2–3 |
Very good | The NBS are providing added benefits; minor improvements may be required. | 3–4 |
Excellent | The NBS are adding at least 80% more benefits; continue with regular maintenance. | 4–5 |
Indicator | Reasons for Selection | Data Source |
W1: Local flood mitigation W2: Downstream flood mitigation | Occurrence of past flood event (2016). Hydrodynamic model for Rangsit was available. | World Bank database (rainfall) |
W3: Historical flood mitigation | Occurrence of past flood event (2011). | 2011 Flood map |
W4: Water storage and reuse | Dimensions of the furrows, storage capacity, and furrow water use information were available. | Previous research [22] Farmer interviews |
W5: Irrigation cost | Irrigation costs were available. | Farmer and government expert (irrigation department) interviews |
W6: Resiliency to drought | Incomes in drought and non-drought years were available. | Farmer interviews |
W7: Connectivity | Aerial images were available. | Google Earth |
W8: GWR | Rainfall data and groundwater monitoring well level data were available. Declining groundwater level was a concern in Thailand. | World Bank database (rainfall) Government expert interview (groundwater resources) |
W9: Water quality | Water sampling locations, and TSS and turbidity measuring equipment were available. | In-situ sampling |
N1: Infiltration | Test locations and infiltration rings were available. | In-situ sampling |
N2: Biodiversity | Species information was available. | Farmer and municipality interviews |
N3: Soil quality | Soil sampling locations and a testing laboratory were available. | In-situ sampling |
N4: Fertilizer reduction N5: Air quality | Fertilizer use and carbon emission information were available. | Farmer interviews |
P1: Cultural and spiritual P2: Education and research | Number of events were available. | Farmer and municipality interviews |
P3: Economic P4: Agricultural | Annual incomes and expenses information were available. | Farmer interviews |
Cross-Section | A. Top Canal Bank (m) | B. Max Water Level (No Storage) (m) | C. Height Difference (m) A–B | D. Max Water Level (with Storage) (m) | E. Height Difference (m) A–D | Flood Height Reduction (m) C–E |
K10-1 | 3.828 | 5.246 | −1.418 * | 5.031 | −1.203 * | −0.215 |
K10-2 | 3.593 | 5.246 | −1.653 * | 5.03 | −1.437 * | −0.216 |
K10-3 | 3.6 | 5.246 | −1.646 * | 5.03 | −1.43 * | −0.216 |
K10-4 | 3.767 | 5.246 | −1.479 * | 5.03 | −1.263 * | −0.216 |
K10-5 | 3.136 | 5.246 | −2.11 * | 5.03 | −1.894 * | −0.216 |
Average flood height reduction due to the addition of storage: | −0.216 | |||||
D (height of maximum damage from depth-damage curve) = 0.5 m Hst (flood height reduction with NBS storage) = 0.216 m | ||||||
W1 = 100 [1 − (D − Hst) ÷ D] = 100 [1 − (0.5 − 0.216) ÷ 0.5] = 43 |
Cross-Section | A. Top Canal Bank (m) | B. Max Water Level (No Storage) (m) | C. Height Difference (m) A–B | D. Max Water Level (with Storage) (m) | E. Height Difference (m) A–D | Flood Height Reduction (m) C–E |
K1-1 | 3.684 | 3.392 | 0.292 | 3.392 | 0.292 | 0 |
K1-2 | 3.684 | 3.286 | 0.398 | 3.286 | 0.398 | 0 |
K1-3 | 2.319 | 3.004 | −0.685 * | 3.004 | −0.685 * | 0 |
K1-4 | 2.834 | 1.971 | 0.863 | 1.971 | 0.863 | 0 |
K1-5 | 1.836 | 1.499 | 0.337 | 1.499 | 0.337 | 0 |
Average flood height reduction due to the addition of storage: | 0 | |||||
D (height of maximum damage from depth-damage curve) = 0.5 m Hst (flood height reduction with NBS storage) = 0 m W2 = 100 [1 − (D − Hst) ÷ D] = 100 [1 − (0.5 − 0) ÷ 0.5] = 0 |
Farm | Irrigation Cost and Units | Farm Size (Rai) | Irrigation Cost (Baht/year/Rai) |
A-3 | 350 Baht/week | 18 | 1011 |
A-4 | 1750 Baht/month | 18 | 1167 |
Average Area A farms (A): | 1089 | ||
B-1 | 12,000 Baht/year | 36 | 333 |
B-2 | 12,000 Baht/year | 9 | 1333 |
B-3 | 24,000 Baht/year | 36 | 670 |
B-4 | 1250 Baht/year | 8.3 | 150 |
Average Area B farms (B): | 622 | ||
W5 = 100 [(B − A) ÷ B] = 100 [(622 − 1089) ÷ 622] = −75 |
Farm | Loss of Income (%) |
A-3 | 0 |
A-4 | 30 |
Average Area A farms (A): 15 | |
B-1 | 50 |
B-2 | 20 |
B-3 | 20 |
B-4 | −67 (gain) |
Average Area B farms (B): 6 | |
W6 = 100 [(B − A) ÷ B] = 100 [(6 − 15) ÷ 6] = −150 |
Area | (1) Length of Canals (km) | (2) Length of Furrows (km) | (3) Area of Sub-District (km2) | Total Length Per Area (km/km2) [(1) + (2)] ÷ (3) |
A | 51.12 | 254.80 | 66.1 | 4.63 (A) |
B | 34.3 | 0 | 26.7 | 1.28 (B) |
W7 = 100 [(A − B) ÷ A] = 100 [(4.63 − 1.28) ÷ 4.63] = 72 |
Parameter | Furrows A-1 to A-4 (A) | K12 Canal (K) | [(Wi,K − Wi,A) ÷ Wi,K] |
Average TDS (ppm) | 453 | 291 | 0.36 |
Average turbidity (NTU) | 86 | 39 | 0.55 |
W9 = average [(Wi,K − Wi,A) ÷ Wi,K] 100 = average (0.36, 0.55) 100 = 45 |
Infiltration Method | Infiltration Rate (mm/hour) | |
Using site parameters (A) | Infiltration rings | 7.5 (average of 6, 9) |
Green Ampt | 10.2 (see Table S7) | |
Literature | 10.0 [33] | |
Average A: | 9.2 | |
Desired infiltration (L) | Literature | 13.3 [34] |
N1 = 100 [1 − {(L − A) ÷ L}] = 100 [1 − {(13.3 − 9.2) ÷ 13.3}] = 69 |
Farm | Sample Type | Total Nitrogen (%) | Total Phosphorus (%) | Total Potassium (%) |
A-3 | Sediment (S) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.25 |
Soil (N) | not detected | 0.6 | 0.22 | |
A-4 | Sediment (S) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.19 |
Soil (N) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.22 | |
Average sediment (S): | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.22 | |
Average soil (N): | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.22 | |
[(Zi,S − Zi,N) ÷ Zi,S]: | 50 | 0 | 0 | |
N3 = average [(Zi,S − Zi,N) ÷ Zi,S]: average (50,0,0) = 17 |
Farm | Farm Area (Rai) | Baht/Year | Kg Fertilizer/Year | Kg Fertilizer/Year/Rai |
A-3 | 18 | 5000 | 250 | 14 |
A-4 | 18 | 30,000 | 1500 | 83 |
Average Area A farms (A): 49 | ||||
B-1 | 36 | 28,800 | 1440 | 40 |
B-2 | 9 | 13,400 | 670 | 74 |
B-3 | 36 | 32,000 | 1600 | 44 |
B-4 | 8.3 | 7470 | 374 | 45 |
Average Area B farms (B): 51 | ||||
N4 = 100 (B − A) ÷ B = 100 (51 − 49) ÷ 52 = 5 |
Farm | Income (Baht/Year/km2) |
A-3 | 27,778 |
A-4 | 22,222 |
Average Area A farms (A): 25,000 | |
B-1 | 4089 |
B-2 | 12,222 |
B-3 | 6667 |
B-4 | 361 |
Average Area B farms (B): 5835 | |
P3 = 100 (A − B) ÷ A = 100 (25,000 − 5835) ÷ 25,000 = 77 |
Location | Income (Baht/Year/km2) | Expenses (Baht/Year/km2) | Productivity (Income/Expenses) |
A-3 | 27,778 | 1667 | 25,000/3611 = 6.9 |
A-4 | 22,222 | 5556 | |
Average A: | 25,000 | 3611 | |
B-1 | 4089 | 4000 | 5835/2848 = 2.0 |
B-2 | 12,222 | 4444 | |
B-3 | 6667 | 2778 | |
B-4 | 361 | 169 | |
Average B: | 5835 | 2848 | |
P4 = 100 (A − B) ÷ A = 100 (6.9 − 2.0) ÷ 6.9 = 70 |
Category | Indicators | Weight |
Safety | Local flood mitigation | 0.45 |
Downstream flood mitigation | ||
Historical flood mitigation | ||
Income | Economic | 0.30 |
Agricultural | ||
Irrigation cost | ||
Resiliency to flood | ||
Environmental improvement | Water storage and reuse | 0.15 |
Connectivity | ||
Infiltration | ||
GWR | ||
Biodiversity | ||
Soil quality | ||
Fertilizer reduction | ||
Air quality | ||
Water quality | ||
Pastime | Cultural/spiritual | 0.10 |
Education and research |
Indicator | Name | Calculated Value | Score (Using Table 2) | Average Score | Weight | Weighted Average Score (Average Score × Weight) |
W1 | Local flood mitigation | 43 | 3 | 3 | 0.45 | 1.35 |
W2 | {Downstream flood mitigation} | {0} | {0} | |||
W3 | Historical flood mitigation | 44 | 3 | |||
P3 | Economic | 77 | 4 | 4 | 0.3 | 1.2 |
P4 | Agricultural | 70 | 4 | |||
W5 | {Irrigation cost} | {−75} | {1} | |||
W6 | {Resiliency to flood} | {−150} | {1} | |||
W4 | Water storage and reuse | 85 | 5 | 4 | 0.15 | 0.6 |
W7 | Connectivity | 72 | 4 | |||
N1 | Infiltration | 69 | 4 | |||
W8 | GWR | 79 | 4 | |||
N2 | Biodiversity | 75 | 4 | |||
N3 | {Soil quality} | {17} | {1} | |||
N4 | {Fertilizer reduction} | {4} | {1} | |||
N5 | {Air quality} | {1} | {1} | |||
W9 | Water quality | 45 | 3 | |||
P1 | {Cultural/spiritual} | {0} | {0} | 0.5 | ||
P2 | Education and research | 90 | 5 | 5 | 0.1 | |
Furrow grade (sum of weighted scores): | 3.65 |
Indicator | Recommendations |
W1 Flood mitigation: local, rural | Flood preparedness
Implement furrows in other areas |
W2 Flood mitigation: downstream, urban | Increase water storage capacity
W3 Flood mitigation: historical | Improve flood water storage capacity
W4 Water storage and reuse | Increase the storage capacity
Use more efficient irrigation methods |
W5 Irrigation cost | Reduce irrigation costs
W6 Resiliency | Increase drought resiliency
W7 Connectivity | Improve water connectivity
W8 GWR | Improve GWR
W9 Water quality | Improve water quality
N1 Infiltration | Increase infiltration
N2 Biodiversity | Increase biodiversity
N3 Soil quality: nutrients | Improve soil quality
N4 Soil quality: fertilizer use | Reduce fertilizer use
N5 Air quality | Reduce pollutants
P1 Cultural and spiritual | Discuss the benefits of furrows with community members |
P2 Education and research | Continue to promote the use of furrows to others |
P3 Economic: Incomes | Improve crop yield
P4 Agricultural productivity | Improve productivity
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Watkin, L.J.; Ruangpan, L.; Vojinovic, Z.; Weesakul, S.; Torres, A.S. A Framework for Assessing Benefits of Implemented Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6788. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236788
Watkin LJ, Ruangpan L, Vojinovic Z, Weesakul S, Torres AS. A Framework for Assessing Benefits of Implemented Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability. 2019; 11(23):6788. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236788
Chicago/Turabian StyleWatkin, Linda J., Laddaporn Ruangpan, Zoran Vojinovic, Sutat Weesakul, and Arlex Sanchez Torres. 2019. "A Framework for Assessing Benefits of Implemented Nature-Based Solutions" Sustainability 11, no. 23: 6788. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236788
APA StyleWatkin, L. J., Ruangpan, L., Vojinovic, Z., Weesakul, S., & Torres, A. S. (2019). A Framework for Assessing Benefits of Implemented Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability, 11(23), 6788. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236788