Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodological Framework
3.1. Problem Statement
- (1)
- the scale of the impact on the environment, both existing and overcome through the implementation of the investment project;
- (2)
- objects of adverse effects that the implementation of the investment project is aimed at overcoming;
- (3)
- the environmental situation in the territory of the investment project;
- (4)
- the type of reduced (preventable) environmental impact (Table 3).
3.2. Problem-Solving Method
- (a)
- if the scale of the investment project’s impact on the environment is national (in our notation, this is ), regional (), local () or local (), the implementation of the investment project is aimed at addressing the safety of the population () and the environmental situation in the territory is extremely unfavorable (), then the investment project submitted for financing is given a high level of priority ();
- (b)
- if the implementation of an investment project is aimed at reducing the pollution of groundwater, reducing pollution by solid waste () and the environmental situation in the area is extremely unfavorable () or unfavorable (), then the investment project is considered to be high priority level ();
- (c)
- if the environmental situation in the territory is generally favourable () and the project implementation does not reduce the adverse environmental impact ( or or or ), then the investment project should be attributed a low level of priority ();
- (d)
- if the scale of the project’s impact on the environment is local ), the situation in the territory is generally favourable (), and project implementation prevents noise and vibration (), then the investment project is of average priority ().
4. Results and Discussion
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5. Conclusions
- (a)
- A new approach to the design and environmental analysis of investment projects at the stage of environmental screening, as distinct from the existing inclusion of economic and mathematical models in the chain of analysis of processing semi-structured results of expert assessments. The advantage of the approach is the ability to formally describe and use expert knowledge to evaluate investment projects in terms of the imperatives of economic and environmental development of the region.
- (b)
- A complex of economic and mathematical models of design and investment analysis at the stage of environmental screening, as distinct from the existing application of the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy algebra and fuzzy logic. The advantage of the models is that one has the possibility of quantitative processing of qualitative information, as reflecting the semi-structured knowledge of specialists.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Categories of Investment Projects | Designation from the Model | Criteria for Categories of Investment Projects |
A | Implementation of the investment project may lead to irreversible environmental consequences. | |
B | The implementation of an investment project may lead to adverse environmental impacts (one or more natural components), but these impacts are easily recognizable and can be avoided by applying environmental or countervailing measures. | |
C | The implementation of the investment project will not have an adverse impact on the environment and will not lead to any adverse effects. | |
D | The investment project is not related to industrial production and involves the improvement of the environment. |
Criteria Designation | Characteristics of Criteria |
The implementation of the investment project should lead to the elimination of the sources of environmental impact. | |
The implementation of the investment project should be aimed at solving one of several environmental problems:
| |
The implementation of the investment project should not lead to an adverse impact on the environment due to:
Criteria for Determining the Priority of the Investment Project | Score | ||
SCALE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT () | 1.1 | National: covers the economic regions or territory of several regions. | 7 |
1.2 | Regional: large city, region. | 5 | |
1.3 | Provincial: district, village, rural district. | 3 | |
1.4 | Local: industrial zone of the enterprise. | 2 | |
IMPACT OBJECT () | 2.1 | Public safety: long-term pollution of the environment, causing statistically recorded indicators of deterioration in the health of the population and threat to livelihoods. | 9 |
2.2 | Public health: environmental pollution, which may lead to a deterioration in the health of the population. | 6 | |
2.3 | Individual natural components: water bodies, atmospheric air, soils, forests, etc. | 5 | |
2.4 | Natural resources: minerals, underground and surface waters, flora and fauna. | 3 | |
ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION IN THE PROJECT AREA () | 3.1 | Extremely unfavourable: according to long-term observations, the state of the environment is assessed by environmental authorities as extreme. | 9 |
3.2 | Unfavourable: indicators of the state of the environment or its individual components many times exceed the maximum permissible values. | 5 | |
3.3 | Generally favourable, but there are separate sources of pollution. | 2 | |
4.2 | Surface water pollution, groundwater pollution, pollution by hazardous industrial waste. | 6 | |
4.3 | Soil pollution. | 3 | |
4.4 | Noise, vibration, odours. | 1 |
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Share and Cite
Ziyadin, S.; Streltsova, E.; Borodin, A.; Kiseleva, N.; Yakovenko, I.; Baimukhanbetova, E. Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors. Sustainability 2019, 11, 2544.
Ziyadin S, Streltsova E, Borodin A, Kiseleva N, Yakovenko I, Baimukhanbetova E. Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors. Sustainability. 2019; 11(9):2544.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZiyadin, Sayabek, Elena Streltsova, Alex Borodin, Nataliya Kiseleva, Irina Yakovenko, and Elmira Baimukhanbetova. 2019. "Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors" Sustainability 11, no. 9: 2544.
APA StyleZiyadin, S., Streltsova, E., Borodin, A., Kiseleva, N., Yakovenko, I., & Baimukhanbetova, E. (2019). Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors. Sustainability, 11(9), 2544.