A Weighted and Directed Perspective of Global Stock Market Connectedness: A Variance Decomposition and GERGM Framework
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Datasets
2.2. Connectedness Network Construction Based on Generalized Variance Decomposition
2.2.1. The VAR
2.2.2. Generalized Variance Decomposition
2.3. GERGM Construction
2.3.1. GERGM Conceptualization
2.3.2. GERGM Hypotheses
2.3.3. GERGM Variables
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Time-Varying Statistical Characteristics of Connectedness Networks
3.2. Node Centrality and Flow Hierarchy of Connectedness Networks
3.3. Factors Affecting the Weighted Connectedness Networks
- (1)
- Exchange reserve: The exchange reserve receiver has no significant effects since the parameter estimates are not significantly different from zero. However, parameters of exchange reserve senders remain negative consistently in the four periods, and the inhibitory effect of exchange reserve on risk spillover gets stronger as time goes by. Hypothesis 3 is partially supported. As the increased fluctuation in the foreign exchange markets is proved to induce higher volatility spillover in the stock market [10], sufficient exchange reserves can be regarded as a buffer stock to respond to fluctuations in international payments, ensuring that countries can calmly respond to sudden financial crisis and meet the demands for maintaining stable local currency exchange [32].
- (2)
- External debt: Both the external debt sender and receiver effects are negative in subprime crisis. This can be explained by the proposition of Ye and Han [52] that the easier countries having access to international funding during a crisis, the more they can suppress risk contagion. Although there was no statistical significance during the European debt crisis, impacts of external debt on risk contagion in the subsequent recovery period are quite clear, with the external debt receiver effect being negative and the sender effect being positive. One possible explanation is that the European debt crisis exerts a lag effect in the recovery period and both debtor and creditor countries are extremely vulnerable during the subsequent period. When debtor countries have difficulty repaying foreign debts on time, there will be difficult capital turnover occurring in creditor banks, causing credit crunches and payment crises in creditor countries. Hypothesis 4 is corroborated. It is worth noting that our result differs from Zhang et al. [1] who identified a consistently positive effect of government debt on systemic risk in the G20 stock markets network from 2006 to 2017. The difference may be mainly attributable to our model specification, which allows the examination of risk spillover and absorption channels respectively and consequently elicits more detailed findings.
- (3)
- Capital account: In terms of FDI, the parameters of FDI receivers in the subprime crisis and recovery periods are both positive, which can be explained by the “sudden flight” effect proposed by Warnock and Rothenberg [25]. After the crisis breaks out in one country, causing domestic credit contraction and liquidity insufficiency, domestic investors will withdraw their investment funds (such as FDI) from other countries to maintain domestic liquidity and avoid risks. This short-term outflow of large amounts of funds will cause turbulence in other countries’ financial markets, and finally result in global contagion. Therefore, markets of emerging countries that rely heavily on foreign direct investment are more likely to absorb external financial risks and suffer huge economic losses because of the “sudden flight” effect. Besides, one possible explanation of the positive parameter in recovery period is that the European debt crisis exerts a lag effect. The parameters of FDI senders during non-crisis periods are both negative, which may be related to the overall stability of the international economic environment. Under the premise of stable global economic conditions, the more foreign investments one country absorbs, the more stably its economy develops, and the weaker the possibility of risk spillover [53]. All results support Hypothesis 5. Unlike the studies of Zhang et al. [5], which identify a positive link between capital liquidity and systematic risk, our model differentiates between risk absorption and risk spillover while taking into account relational data and network endogeneity which could map the specific condition of FDI influence.In terms of FPI, whether significant or not, the parameters of foreign portfolio receiver and sender are all positive except in the recovery period, implying that FPI significantly amplifies both risk spillover and absorption. Thus, Hypothesis 6 is verified. These results lend support to the cross-market rebalancing theory proposed by Kodres and Pritsker [24]. The rationale is that the higher the FPI of the crisis origin country, the more losses the investor countries will suffer, and the more the investments will be diverted from other countries, such as neighboring or trade-linked countries, for the consideration of portfolio rebalancing [24]. This will consequently amplify the risk spillover of origin countries and risk absorption of closely related countries due to investment readjusting. Albeit different in methodology, our results are parallel to those of Schiavone [54] in the verification of portfolio rebalancing with real data. The additional contribution of our method lies in our disentangling of the FPI channel by phases and spillover ends (recipient or sender).
- (4)
- Geographic distance: The constantly negative parameters of geographical distance during the four periods prove the proposition that geographic proximity aggravates risk transmission. This is consistent with the “neighborhood effects” proposed by Haile and Pozo [40]. In particular, this effect is amplified during the crisis periods compared with the non-crisis periods. Hypothesis 7 is supported. Countries in the same region have similar political and economic conditions and are closely linked. The crisis outbreak of a particular country will drag other countries in the same region into the quagmire [41]. The geographic distances from the risk epicenter also determine the likelihood of contagion [55]. Our result is contrary to that of Zhang et al. [5], which does not identify a link between the geographical factor and risk spillover. The difference could be ascribed to the measurement difference of geographic matrix between spatial distance in ours and continent belonging in theirs.
- (5)
- International trade: The parameters of bilateral trade volumes are positive and significant since the European debt crisis period, indicating that trade links can promote the spread of shocks, which partially supports Hypothesis 8. It can be explained that with the deepening of the crisis, the crisis of financial markets is transmitted to the real economy [41], subsequently affecting trading partners and competitor countries through the income effect and price effect [42]. The positive effect of trade on risk contagion confirms the conclusion of Glick and Rose [47]. But it differs from the result of Zhang et al. [1], which indicates that trade has significantly negative effects on systemic risk. This result deviation could be traced to the different treatment of the trade variable. Trade, which is designated as a country attribute variable in the study of Zhang et al. [1], is treated as a relational matrix covariate in our study.
4. Conclusions
4.1. Main Findings
4.2. Policy Implications
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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From Others | |||||
To Others |
Variable Symbol | Configuration | Measurement |
Mutual dyads | | The count of reciprocated ties in the network measured by . |
In2stars | | Sum of flows to nodes measured by , capturing the tendency for other nodes, j and k, to send risks to node i [30]. |
Out2stars | | Sum of flows from nodes measured by , capturing the tendency for node i to send risks to j and k [30]. |
Exchange reserve sender | | Effects of the exchange reserves of countries or regions on risk spillover. |
Exchange reserve receiver | | Effects of the exchange reserves of countries or regions on risk absorption. |
External debt sender | | Effects of the external debt of countries or regions on risk spillover. |
External debt receiver | | Effects of the external debt of countries or regions on risk absorption. |
FDI sender | | Effects of the FDI of countries or regions on risk spillover. |
FDI receiver | | Effects of the FDI of countries or regions on risk absorption. |
Foreign portfolio sender | | Effects of the FPI of countries or regions on risk spillover. |
Foreign portfolio receiver | | Effects of the FPI of countries or regions on risk absorption. |
Geographical distance | geo | Geographical distance matrix, in which the elements are Euclidean distances calculated from the longitudes and latitudes of the national capitals. |
Bilateral trade volume | trade | Bilateral trade volume matrix in which the elements are calculated from the sum of imports and exports between countries or regions. |
Mean Degree | Density | Clustering Coefficient | |
Stabilization Period | 86.262 | 3.7505 | 3.728 |
Subprime Crisis Period | 90.283 | 3.9254 | 3.957 |
European Debt Crisis Period | 86.767 | 3.7725 | 3.790 |
Recovery Period | 85.579 | 3.7208 | 3.726 |
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Share and Cite
Zhang, Y.; Chen, R.; Ma, D. A Weighted and Directed Perspective of Global Stock Market Connectedness: A Variance Decomposition and GERGM Framework. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4605. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114605
Zhang Y, Chen R, Ma D. A Weighted and Directed Perspective of Global Stock Market Connectedness: A Variance Decomposition and GERGM Framework. Sustainability. 2020; 12(11):4605. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114605
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Yizhuo, Rui Chen, and Ding Ma. 2020. "A Weighted and Directed Perspective of Global Stock Market Connectedness: A Variance Decomposition and GERGM Framework" Sustainability 12, no. 11: 4605. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114605
APA StyleZhang, Y., Chen, R., & Ma, D. (2020). A Weighted and Directed Perspective of Global Stock Market Connectedness: A Variance Decomposition and GERGM Framework. Sustainability, 12(11), 4605. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114605