Environmental Issues As an Indispensable Aspect of Sustainable Leadership
:1. Introduction
Aim of Research
2. Literature Review
2.1. Sustainablility
2.2. Theories of Leadership that Cultivate Sustainability and Environmental and Sustainable Leadership
2.3. Servant Leadership
2.4. Ethical and Authentic Leadership
2.5. The Relationship between the Economy, Environment, and the Society
2.6. Environmental Sustainability in a Literal Ground
2.7. Corporate Greening and Environmental Leadership
2.8. Environmental Leadership
2.9. Research Question
3. Methodology
3.1. Epistemology Positioning
3.2. Research Design
- The literature review provided adequate evidence for data collection;
- The data collected were analyzed using an online software tool;
- The analyzed data encompassed the independence of observations among diverse themes;
- Additional evidence that is independent of this research can validate the data from the content analysis on the solutions found for augmenting environmental sustainability in mediation with leadership.
3.3. Method
3.3.1. Justification for the Methods Used by the Researcher
3.3.2. Content Analysis
3.3.3. Data Collection
3.4. Data Processing with a Content Analysis
3.5. Results
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
- the case of the Information Technology Industry;
- fighting the vicious culture of greenwashing in I.T. products and E-waste;
- ultra-regulatory environment;
- organizational sustainability drivers;
- ethical climate and incentive structure;
- supporting leadership in making of normative professionals;
- drivers of individual-level psychology;
- upscaling the systems of environment communication and decision Information;
- intra-firm communication.
4. Findings: Solutions to Environmental Issues
4.1. Corporate Social Resposibility (CSR)
4.2. The Case of the Information Technology Industry
4.3. Fighting the Vicious Culture of Greenwashing in I.T. Products and E-Waste
4.4. Ultra-Regulatory Environment
4.5. Organizational Sustainability Drivers
4.6. Intra-Firm Communication
4.7. Ethical Climate and Incentive Structure
4.8. Supporting Leadership in the Making of Normative Professionals
4.9. Drivers of Individual-Level Psychology
4.10. Upscaling the Systems of Environment Communication and Decision Information
4.11. Intra-Firm Communication
4.12. Originality/Value
5. Conclusions and Recommendation
5.1. Conclusions
5.2. Limitations
5.3. Implication for Practice
5.4. Recommendation
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Woo, E.-J.; Kang, E. Environmental Issues As an Indispensable Aspect of Sustainable Leadership. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7014. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177014
Woo E-J, Kang E. Environmental Issues As an Indispensable Aspect of Sustainable Leadership. Sustainability. 2020; 12(17):7014. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177014
Chicago/Turabian StyleWoo, Eun-Jung, and Eungoo Kang. 2020. "Environmental Issues As an Indispensable Aspect of Sustainable Leadership" Sustainability 12, no. 17: 7014. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177014
APA StyleWoo, E.-J., & Kang, E. (2020). Environmental Issues As an Indispensable Aspect of Sustainable Leadership. Sustainability, 12(17), 7014. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177014