Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility
:1. Introduction
2. Multiple Crises and Transformation Framework
“managed under orderly control, through incumbent structures, according to tightly disciplined technical knowledges and innovations, towards a particular known (presumptively shared) end. This typically emphasizes integrated multidisciplinary science directed at processes of instrumental management through formal procedures in hierarchical organizations sponsored by the convening power of government.”(p. 62)
“involve more diverse, emergent and unruly political alignments, challenging incumbent structures, subject to incommensurable, tacit and embodied social knowledges and innovations pursuing contending (even unknown) ends. Here there is a much stronger role for subaltern interests, social movements and civil society, conditioning in ambiguous and less visible ways the broader normative and cultural climates in which more explicitly structured procedures are set.”(p. 62)
3. The Founding and Structure of the NPE
3.1. Electric Mobility Defined as Battery-Electric Cars
3.2. Structure and Functioning of the NPE
4. Conflict Dynamics and New Actor Constellations
4.1. A matter of Timing
4.2. A Fundamental Conflict between Hastening and Hindering Ecological Modernization
4.3. Contradicting Conflicts and Reproduction of Power Relations
4.3.1. Struggles over Battery Cell Production in Germany
4.3.2. The Environmental Bonus—A Matter of Will and Timing
4.3.3. Controversies over Charging Infrastructures
5. Change from within the System is Unlikely
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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Richter, I.; Haas, T. Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8043.
Richter I, Haas T. Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility. Sustainability. 2020; 12(19):8043.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRichter, Ina, and Tobias Haas. 2020. "Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility" Sustainability 12, no. 19: 8043.
APA StyleRichter, I., & Haas, T. (2020). Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility. Sustainability, 12(19), 8043.