Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics—Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Sustainability: A Literature Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Driving Forces behind the Growth of Urban Freight Flow
1.2. Definitions
1.3. Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics (LML)
- Q1—What are the main types of freight LML logistics configurations?
- Q2—What are major challenges causing inefficiency of urban freight LML?
- Q3—What are opportunities for interventions to improve sustainability of urban freight LML?
1.4. Objectives
2. Methodology
2.1. Literature Search
2.2. Analysis Approach
3. Typology and Characteristics of LML
4. Challenges of Freight LML
4.1. Technological Aspect
4.2. Infrastructural and Planning Aspect
4.3. Freight LML and Management Aspect
4.4. Cost Related Challenges
5. Opportunities for Improving the Sustainability Performance of LML
5.1. Opportunities for Improving Environmental Sustainability
5.2. Opportunities for Improving Economic Sustainability
5.3. Opportunities for Improving Societal Sustainability
6. General Discussion and Future Research
6.1. General Discussion
6.1.1. Technological Innovation and Urban Freight LML
6.1.2. Urban Freight LML System and Management
6.1.3. Sustainability of Freight LML
6.2. Future Research
- In the supply chain management, more attention has been given to manufacturing issues than transportation [37]. Especially, LML has become a research topic very recently [17,34]. However, more investigation is required on LML management, e.g., addressing topics such as subcontracting [44] of LML services’ conflicting interests of multiple stakeholders [29,30].
- The typology analysis has resulted in three major potential LML configurations. In depth quantitative analyses could be conducted to identify more sustainable LML options.
- The rapidly growing online shopping, OC business, and their impacts on LML, have potential research stream in near future [6,20]. Such studies can be designed considering goods delivery failure and its management, packaging, delivery scheme, delivery time window, transport distance, warehouse (or retailer) location, ICT infrastructure, vehicle type, and load factor, etc.
- The comparison of conventional and online retailing requires more complex and detailed research works [35]. This type of study could be conducted taking into consideration factors such as geographical variations, urban variation, and goods variation.
- Within rapidly changing urban environments, the awareness of urban residents and authorities increases. This leads to changes of logistics-related policies and regulations. This makes logistics planning and management issues more complex and difficult [7,45]. Therefore, more strategic research of urban freight LML performances are essential.
- Emerging technologies such as 3D printing for localized goods production and UAVs for freight delivery [36] and digitization and automation technologies for logistics management [13] could lead to interesting innovative LML solutions. In this regard, it is important to standardize and define the use of technical terms related to LML. The performance of these innovative LML solutions should be assessed in the future as their application is scaled up.
- Existing studies related to LML focus on one or two aspects of sustainability. Integrated research projects that consider the environmental, economic, and societal aspects are needed to develop sound knowledge base and improve sustainability of LML activities.
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Keyword | Source | Total Hits | <2010 | 2010–2014 | ≥2015 |
Last mile deliver * AND review * | Scopus | 18 | 1 | 3 | 14 |
Last mile deliver * AND review * | Web of science | 18 | 1 | 6 | 11 |
Last mile logistic * AND review * | Scopus | 26 | 1 | 2 | 23 |
Last mile logistic * AND review * | Web of science | 31 | 1 | 4 | 26 |
Last mile deliver * AND Urban logistic * | Scopus | 112 | 4 | 3 | 95 |
Last mile deliver* AND Urban logistic* | Web of science | 115 | 4 | 10 | 101 |
Type of LML Configuration | Illustration | Description |
Type-I (option-1) | | DC Delivery: DCs distribute the parcels directly to consumers home or PPs. [2,32]. |
Type-I (option-2) | | DC Delivery (option-2): DCs distribute parcels only to PPs from where customers pick up their items. |
Type-II (option-1) | | LDC Delivery (option-1): DCs distribute parcels to LDCs from where customers pick up their items. Delivery scheme could be used from DC to LDCs. |
Type-II (option-2) | | LDC Delivery (opition-2): DCs carry parcels to LDCs and then the parcels will be distributed to customers home or PPs [19]. |
Type-III | | PP Delivery: Parcels are carried from LDC to and stored at nearest PPs and then picked up by customers [4,19]. |
Category | Description | Reference |
Technological | Speed and capacity limitations of cargo bicycles and health problems when excess load weight is applied. | [22] |
Emerging new technologies have potential to highly disrupt the existing urban freight LML systems. Example, application of 3D printing and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones | [36] | |
Challenges of goods delivery planning and execution associated to rapidly growing online and OC retailing businesses e.g., difficulty to handle fragmented and many small quantity orders that come from online customers | [3,4,6] | |
Integrating the emerging new technologies such as digitization and automation into LML system design and operation strategies is not easy | [13] | |
Infrastructural | Difficulty to change infrastructures (e.g., road network, loading/unloading facilities) in existing cities to accommodate increasing freight volume and changing distribution systems | [2,37] |
Strict regulations in relation to freight distribution, and limitation of facilities | [35,37] | |
Limitation of space and access in urban areas | [7] | |
New technologies such as electric vehicles and cargo cycles need new infrastructures such as recharging infrastructure and new road network | [22] | |
Impedances due to conditions such as geographical difficulties and historical centers | [22] | |
LML system and management | Difficulty in addressing competing interest of potential actors of urban freight logistics chain regarding services, policies and interventions | [16,21,23,37] |
Problems related to vehicle routing, vehicle utilization and fleet management, inventory and warehousing, as well as order management | [38] | |
Establishing coordination between actors is difficult due to uncertainty and dynamic conditions of freight LML | [39] | |
Lack of understanding on LML and how to design best LML models by some companies | [12] | |
Acquisition of accurate and adequate data on LML operations and related impacts | [20,40] | |
Delivery failure (return) and repeated delivery, especially the return rate is high in case of online shopping | [4,6,14,19] | |
Complex order fulfillment associated to online and OC retailing (e.g., in grocery retailing) | [10] | |
Long time of goods delivery | [4] | |
Possibility of increased transport distance due to online shopping which allows goods to be sourced from anywhere around the Globe | [9,36,40] | |
Increased networking of companies due to application of Industry 4.0 could make logistics solutions of supply chains more complex. | [17] | |
Less acceptance (by customers) of cargo cycles as a suitable mode of transport | [41] | |
Logistics cost | Unmanned Airal Vehicles (UAV) based delivery is more expensive compared to van-based delivery. For instance it needs additional investment cost for facilities such as landing stations for drones. | [36] |
New technologies could lead to the need of new transportation and logistics facility infrastructures of high investment cost. | [21,22] | |
High fleet acquisition and operational cost of electric light vehicles for some firms | [22] | |
High cost associated to online and OC grocery retailing | [10] | |
Rejection (by online retailers) of some delivery orders due to limited LML service capacity | [5] | |
High cost of first and repeated deliveries | [4] |
Item | Delivery Failure Rate (%) |
Books | 3 |
Small electrical items | 5–10 |
Fashion clothing | 20–44 |
Grocery (first time delivery) | 34 |
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Share and Cite
Bosona, T. Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics—Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Sustainability: A Literature Review. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8769. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12218769
Bosona T. Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics—Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Sustainability: A Literature Review. Sustainability. 2020; 12(21):8769. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12218769
Chicago/Turabian StyleBosona, Techane. 2020. "Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics—Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Sustainability: A Literature Review" Sustainability 12, no. 21: 8769. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12218769
APA StyleBosona, T. (2020). Urban Freight Last Mile Logistics—Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Sustainability: A Literature Review. Sustainability, 12(21), 8769. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12218769