Influence of Contextual Variables on Educational Performance: A Study Using Hierarchical Segmentation Trees
:1. Introduction
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- To explore the influence of contextual variables and their interaction on academic achievement obtained in mathematical reasoning (MR) and linguistic communication (LC) skills;
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- To detect profiles of students at risk of school failure.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Sample
2.2. Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable Name | Description | Treatment | Categories |
Gender | Unique dichotomous choice (boy or girl) | 0 = boy 1 = girl | |
ESCS | Amount of resources available in the house, work and studies of both parents, attendance of cultural activities and number of books. | Factorial analysis | |
Hora_acuesta (Bedtime) | Unique polytomous choice of the time students go to bed during the week with 4 options (before 21:00, 09:00–21:30, 9:30–22:00 and after 22:00). | It is grouped into 3 categories, instead of 4, by recoding on the same variables. | 1 = before 9 pm 2 = between 9 pm and 10 pm 3 = after 10 pm |
Cantidad_tareas (Amount of homework) | Unique polytomous choice in which they have to evaluate the number of tasks (4 options). | 1 = few 2 = justified 3 = less 4 = none | |
Tiempo_tareas (Time spent on homework) | Unique polytomous choice in which they have to evaluate the time that the student dedicates to the accomplishment of school tasks (5 options). | It is grouped into 3 categories. | 1 = up to 15 min 2 = 15 to 60 min 3 = more than one hour |
Compromiso_lector (Commitment to reading) | Nominal scale (nothing, little, enough and a lot) for 5 questions (I read with the student, we usually read at home, shared reading or commenting on the reading) that evaluate the commitment to reading. | Average of the scores assigned by the parents and dichotomisation of the variable. | 1 = nothing–little 2 = very much–enough |
N_extraescolares (Number of extracurriculars) | Unique dichotomous choice (yes or no) for 4 types of extracurricular activities (sports, musical, language or other) | Summary of the scores obtained. | 1 = none 2 = from 1 to 2 3 = 3 or more |
Horas_pantallas (Screen consumption hours) | Nominal scale (no time, up to one hour, 1 to 2 h or more than two hours) for two different questions (watching TV or playing on a console) | Average of the scores reached in both questions and dichotomisation of the variable | 1 = up to 1 h 2 = 1–2 h 3 = more than two hours |
Expectativas_FAM (Family expectations) | Unique polytomous choice in which they have to evaluate the degree of studies they think the student will finish from 5 options. Both parents answer. | Average of the scores assigned by the parents and dichotomisation of the variable. | 1 = obligatory education or middle studies 2 = higher education |
ImpliFAM_estudiante (Family involvement with the student) | Nominal scale (never, some days, almost every day, every day) of 5 questions (encourage to study, ask for homework, check homework, ask how the class went and help with homework) that assess their involvement with the student. | Average of the scores reached in the questions and dichotomisation of the variable. | 1 = never–some days 2 = almost every day |
ImpliFAM_colegio (Involvement of families with the school) | Nominal scale (nothing, little, quite and a lot) for 5 questions (attendance at tutorials, participation in school activities, relationship with the school’s parents’ association, relationship with the parent delegates and relationship with the school council) that assess their involvement with the school. | Average of the scores reached in the questions and dichotomisation of the variable. | 1 = nothing–little 2 = very much–enough |
MES_nacimiento (Month of birth) | Open question about the month of birth. | Grouping in two categories. | 1 = first six months 2 = last six months |
Variables | Minimum | Maximum | M | SD | |
Dependent | LCN1 | 129.568 | 613.459 | 507.632 | 94.817 |
MRN1 | 77.0237 | 600.067 | 506.376 | 94.733 | |
Independent | ESCS | −2.86954 | 3.06001 | 0.0836802 | 0.9875545 |
Hora_acuesta (Bedtime) | 1 | 3 | 2.17 | 0.452 | |
Cantidad_tareas (Amount of homework) | 1 | 4 | 2.13 | 0.635 | |
Tiempo_tareas (Time spent on homework) | 1 | 3 | 2.03 | 0.503 | |
Compromiso_lector (Commitment to reading) | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1.4172 | 0.49310 | |
Número_extraescolares (Number of extracurriculars) | 1.00 | 3.00 | 1.9802 | 0.48646 | |
Horas_pantallas (Screen consumption hours) | 1.00 | 3.00 | 1.3561 | 0.54900 | |
Expectativas_familiares (Family expectations) | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1.6857 | 0.46425 | |
ImplicacionFAM_estudiante (Family involvement with the student) | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1.9918 | 0.09042 | |
ImplicacionFAM_colegio (Involvement of families with the school) | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1.6926 | 0.46143 | |
MES_nacimiento (Month of birth) | 1.00 | 2.00 | 1.5046 | 0.49998 |
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García-Jiménez, J.; Rodríguez-Santero, J.; Torres-Gordillo, J.-J. Influence of Contextual Variables on Educational Performance: A Study Using Hierarchical Segmentation Trees. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9933.
García-Jiménez J, Rodríguez-Santero J, Torres-Gordillo J-J. Influence of Contextual Variables on Educational Performance: A Study Using Hierarchical Segmentation Trees. Sustainability. 2020; 12(23):9933.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Jiménez, Jesús, Javier Rodríguez-Santero, and Juan-Jesús Torres-Gordillo. 2020. "Influence of Contextual Variables on Educational Performance: A Study Using Hierarchical Segmentation Trees" Sustainability 12, no. 23: 9933.
APA StyleGarcía-Jiménez, J., Rodríguez-Santero, J., & Torres-Gordillo, J.-J. (2020). Influence of Contextual Variables on Educational Performance: A Study Using Hierarchical Segmentation Trees. Sustainability, 12(23), 9933.