Design Ideas for an Issue-Situation-Based Board Game Involving Multirole Scenarios
:1. Introduction
1.1. Learning about Socio-Scientific Issues
1.2. Role Playing in Learning and Its Possible Disadvantages
1.3. Board Games for Multirole Scenarios
- Multirole simulation: Multirole simulation makes each participant play a role different from others. It simulates multiple opinions to present integrated topics on SSIs in the game. Simulating various roles in the same game allows participants to understand the involvement of their own and others’ roles in the topic. They would also learn how to reach a consensus on SSIs [23].
- Systemic situation: After setting a multirole simulation, we have to design a systemic situation which constructs the science- and society-based systems of SSIs using two features of the board game, namely procedural rules and feedback mechanisms. A systemic situation simulates the systems of the issue into gaming process and the relationships between the affected factors into mechanisms. A complex concept can be simplified and integrated through the design of appropriate rules. Therefore, a systemic situation improves the participants’ knowledge and attitude towards the main contents in an issue by playing the game [24]. The systemic situation would contribute to systemic learning, and then the reflective goal would improve participants’ metacognition in learning.
- Reflective goal: The reflective goal is modified from the goal orientation of the game. The aim of the reflective goal is to engage participants’ personal metacognition to pay attention to the topics, including their own and others’. The goal is comprised of hidden key factors for game continuance, which are affected by the roles played by the participants, such as public benefits, organizational support, and resource maintenance. If a participant is unaware of these key factors and ignores others’ development when they made decisions, everyone loses the game. Losing the game can cause participants to identify the hidden key factors and to modify their behaviors together. Therefore, if learners want to achieve their objectives, they need to employ public thinking and utilize mutually beneficial actions for others.
- Interactions of society: This idea is to create an interactive environment, similar to real society, in which participants could share their opinions with others about public issues. In particular, when the game is about to be lost, it provides an opportunity for players to identify problems and suggest methods for solving them.
1.4. Research Aims
- To develop an educational board game that incorporates four design ideas involving multirole scenarios;
- To evaluate the participants’ opinions on organizations;
- To evaluate the differences in participants’ performance related to different organizations;
- To explore the utility of design ideas for improving participants’ attention on other roles’ topics.
2. Materials
2.1. Water Ark Concepts
2.2. Design and Rules of Water Ark
- 1.
- The multirole simulation simulated the four main organizations involved in WRA based on the people in positions responsible for WR management. For example, the organization responsible for the provision of WR is the government and the organizations related to WR demand are in the industrial sector, the agricultural sector, and public guild. Each organization has individual production levels, activities, or actions that would enhance the organization in question or affect other organizations (Figure 1). For example, the government is in charge of formulating social and economic systems, the agricultural sector is responsible for food production, the industrial sector is responsible for electrical equipment production, and the public guild is responsible for providing clean and drinkable water for public consumption.
- 2.
- A systemic situation is used to construct the WRA system [41,43,44], including WR maintenance, WR provision, WR use and consumption, and the sociological and economic effects of WR. On the basis of the system and learning objectives, Water Ark has four simulated real-world scenarios, [24]:
- Systemic influences: This scenario includes two parts. One part is called “climate influences”, and participants need to draw a climate card and throw a dice. The result corresponds to the mean annual rainfall. The other part is called “system formulation”, and the government should set water prices and taxes for this round.
- Product trading: In this scenario, all organizations should do three activities. First, they take available WR from a common reservoir for resource acquisition. Second, organizations produce products based on human resources, WRs, production costs, and product prices. Third, organizations obtain products or earn money through product trading.
- Technology development: The government and industrial sector improve technology to enhance water utilization.
- National survival: The instructor examines public health. Public health is one of the indicators of organizations for scoring in the game. These indicators are determined by the organizations’ provision of adequate food and clean drinking water.
- 3.
- A reflective goal is the principal idea in Water Ark. Three layouts are employed to promote participants’ reflection as follows:
- Composite score indicators: These indicators are not only scored based on environmental indicators (e.g., water resources and public health) but also on an economic indicator (e.g., an organization’s cash). Each organization competes with others to strive for the highest score. However, the game is terminated if public health drops below a certain level, thereby encouraging players to constantly monitor their situation.
- Interlocking indicators: The indicators are influenced by others in the game. For example, if a player wishes to earn more money, they need water resources for producing, and then the available WR is reduced. Reduced WRs lead to a decline in public health, which in turn can lead to all the participants losing. Consequently, players must constantly evaluate and correct their in-game actions in relation to their effects on indicators.
- Public indicators: Available WR and public health are related to other organizations. The available WR is shared by everyone, and all organizations must consider public health when using the available WR. To achieve high scores, participants must take public conditions into account.
- 4.
- Interactions of society refers to the real operating mode of society. Participants are divided into groups, and teamwork in a group is required to win the game. The game is designed to be open to social and interactive environments in each game event (except climate influences and national survival), such as arguing for water prices and tax rates, asking for productions, and trying for specific benefits. Moreover, groups can compete, negotiate, cooperate, or hold discussions with each other autonomously.
2.3. Playing Process of Water Ark
3. Methods
3.1. Measurements
- WMK test: This test was comprised of 11 multiple-choice questions, which were used to assess participants’ understanding of WR management concepts. The questions referred to the content of the “Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Taiwan” [41]. The 11 items in the WMK test covered four components, i.e., WR maintenance, the provision and demand of WR, water footprints, and the effects of society on WR, such as “Which one requires the most water? (a) 200 g of chicken; (b) 200 g of rice; (c) 200 g of vegetables; (d) 200 g of beef” and “Climate change may increase the risk of water shortage. Which of the following adaptation methods is most appropriate? (a) Build reservoirs to increase water storage capacity. (b) Develop hillside land and look for mountain spring water. (c) Comply with nature, and nature can adjust itself. (d) The nation saves water without wasting”. In the test, participants were asked to choose answers. Students earn one point if they choose the right answer for each item.
- PRWR questionnaire: This questionnaire was comprised of 17 questions developed to evaluate participants’ responsibility for the WR environment (10 items) and willingness to take action on WRs (7 items) [45]. Examples of questions are “Do you care about water sanitation near your home?” and “Would you take the initiative to express your opinions on water and environmental issues and implement your ideas in everyday life?” This questionnaire was answered on a five-point Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree), and the participants were instructed to select an option that reflected their feelings from the five options. The internal consistency reliability score for this questionnaire was 0.85 (Cronbach α).
- PAPB questionnaire: This questionnaire was used to determine whether participants had implemented the actions with public benefits in the board game, to evaluate the PAPB. It consisted of five items, including “In the game, I took action to raise objections when an organization exploited WRs without considering the needs of other organizations.” If any action was taken, participants answered “Yes”; otherwise, they answered “No”, for a total of five questions.
- Self-evaluation questionnaire: The questionnaire consisted of open-ended questions, which were used to obtain participants’ opinions of their own organization after playing Water Ark. In addition, participants were asked to provide their thoughts about design ideas for eliminating the learning gap in multirole scenarios. The code numbers of participants were #GM01–#GM05 for government, #AS06–#AS10 for the agricultural sector, #IS11–#IS15 for the industrial sector, and #PG16–#PG21 for the public guild.
3.2. Procedural and Statistical Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Appropriate Opinions of Participants in Organizations
#GM01: While playing in this game, I understand that the decision made by the government is very critical, it need to take care of everyone.
#GM02: The government must take into account the needs of all other groups. We should allocate resources effectively, otherwise it may cause famine.
#GM03: I think the government should make a reasonable system of water price according to specific real needs, and improve water utilisation and actual benefits
#GM04: I feel that the government has a great influence on policy.
#GM04: Our group has established a reward law: If someone saves water, they can get rewards. Additionally, this policy also encourages the industrial sector to produce the water-saving devices.
#GM05: Because the group of industry may spend a lot of water to make money, we should set higher water prices to prevent them from wasting water.
#AS06: Water consumption in agriculture is so much.
#AS07: Agriculture can produce food to determine public’s survival.
#AS08: For the agriculture, the type of weather we faced is really important.
#AS09: In fact, the responsibility of agriculture is food supplying, but its products are really dependent on the weather.
#IS11: I think the products produced by industrial sector are actually very important to people.
#IS12: In the game, we thought that the action of industrial sector was to making money by sell products.
#IS13: If we produced and sell products successfully, we can get a lot of money.
#PG16: The main responsibility for us is to provide human resources to other groups in order to produce goods. It needs to be distributed the human resources properly.
#PG17: The group of public guild is responsible for providing human resources, and the amount of them will affect the production of each organization.
#PG18: The group of public guild has to think about how to maximize the public benefits.
4.2. Positive Performance of Participants
#AS08: In addition to the development of economy, we cannot ignore the importance of water. We should think carefully about how to maintain a balance between the economy and water resources so that water resources can be used sustainable.
#AS09: Because the water footprint of food is large in Taiwan, the government should promote advanced water-saving technologies and support water-saving agriculture actively.
#PG18: I will more cherish about the water resources and start to care about the water-related issues.
#PG20: I will tell my friends and family about the correct concept of using water resources I learned in the course, so that water resources can be sustainable.
#IS11: I think we can start from our behaviours and affect the people around us, to create the "Butterfly effect".
#PG16: I will carry out what I have learned into action in the future.
#PG20: In the real life, the concept of water is important. We have to reduce the water wasting and stop people to do the action in water wasting.
4.3. Nonsignificant Differences of Participants’ Performance Between Different Organizations
5. Discussion
5.1. Issue Situations for Opinions on Forming Roles
#PG17: While I began to engage in the situation, I had understood more about the topic of the role I played.
#IS11: We noticed that this game situation was like real world. We should be careful to produce products which people will be willing to buy, to increase our income.
#AS08: The price of water is very influential to us. Our organization is an important role for the production of food but need a lot of water, so we decided to talk with government about the price of water.
#PG16: After discussing with the members of our group, we think about that if we want public to survive, we need to ask other groups to do the strategies about water saving together.
5.2. Game Features for Improving Participants’ Performance
#GM04: The development of technology and facilities can help us save public and water in the game. Because of it, we understand the relationships between some action and water resource adaptation.
#PG21: If we earn the money more, we can buy more water-saving equipment. If we consume water less, the others can develop well. There are relationships between economy and water resource.
#IS12: Water Ark created a situation which engaged me to recognise the role’s position I played. Additionally, it made me reflect about the topic of this role and his decisions what I made in game.
#PG17: When we keep the public health successfully, we started notice it is important to save water. We also realised that we should have the responsibility to do the action for saving water
#GM04: Through playing the role in this game, I realized that everyone will be affected by WRs. We should actively solve WR problems in real life.
#IS14: Through the discussing and communicating about water resource issues in this game, I started to care about the sustainability of water resources and reflect on my activities.
#PG16: Through playing this game, it made me reflect on caring about the environment we lived, and I will lead my friends in the implementation of the preservation of the environment.
#PG17: I could recognize the positions of different roles through the game experience and decision making, and paid attention to the perspective of other roles.
#PG19: Through the role-playing experience of this activity, I had learned the correct actions what we should do in the water resource issue. I will implement is in the future.
5.3. Four Design Ideas for Promoting Participants’ Attention for Other Roles’ Topics
#GM02: After realising the importance of public health, we began to pay attention to each organization and focus on the overall topics, such as consuming their own resources to help industrial sector to save the public, and buying water-saving equipment for agriculture organization.
#GM03: In a round, when we increased the taxation of industrial sector, the industrial organization protested to us that they always donated their remaining water to other organizations and had no water to produce goods to earn the money. The objections by them against us prompted me to reflect that we should be able to know what they had done.
#AS08: In the first round, we ignored that the needs of public health are supported from all of organizations. Because we only make our own profit, the public health declined rapidly. These circumstances caused all organizations to begin to comprehend the other organizations’ topics and discuss with others.
#AS09: Because the water footprint of food is large in Taiwan, the government should promote advanced water-saving technologies and support water-saving agriculture actively. Hence, we proposed opinions on the government’s taxation.
#IS11: I think the products produced by industrial sector are actually very important to people. Therefore, we ask public guild what kind of equipment they needed before we producing.
#PG18: We noticed that the agricultural sector needs a lot of water to produce food for public, but they lacked funds to purchase water-saving equipment. Therefore, we spent our money to buy the equipment for them.
#PG19: Our group took a lot of water resource, so the other groups’ water is too less to do some methods for public. Finally, we were aware to the operation after we losing the score of public health.
#AS10: All of us realised own responsibility on public health. For example, our group need to produce enough food for public; the Government should give us the preferential price of water; the industrial sector also provided us water-saving devices; the public guild made the priority for us to get worker.
#IS14: The wrong decision led the public health to decline rapidly, which made us realise that water resources are limited. Additionally, we should give public good quality of life and show solicitude for other organizations.
#PG16: The main responsibility for us is to provide human resources to other groups in order to produce goods. It needs to be distributed the human resources properly.
#PG20: The responsibility of our group is taking care of public. However, the workers we dispatched to Agricultural sector is too little to produce food. It caused all of us decreasing the score of public health. This experience let me notice the importance of communicating with other organizations.
6. Conclusions and Implications
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Design Ideas | Board Game Features | SSI Environment | The Design Idea for SSI Learning |
1. Multirole simulation | Role-play simulations | Multiple opinions |
2. Systemic situation |
| Science and system |
3. Reflective goal | Goal orientation | Public problem solving |
4. Interactions of society | Player interactions | Society and public |
Learning Objectives | Contents |
WMK | The participants should understand the WR management in WRA, such as WR maintenance, provision and demand of WR, water footprints, and the effects of society on WRs. |
PRWR | The participants should have personal responsibility for the WR environment and willingness to act on WRA, such as caring about water sanitation and expressing opinions on water issue. |
PAPB | The participants should realize the relationship between the WRA issue and the public, and have personal action of public and water benefits. For example, they take actions to raise objections about the action which harmed public. |
Game Scenarios | Game Events | Learning Objectives | The Topics of Each Organization | |||
GM | AS | IS | PG | |||
Systemic influences | Climate Influences |
| v | v | v | v |
System Formulation |
| v | ||||
Product trading | Resource Acquisition |
| v | v | v | v |
Production of Products |
| v | v | v | ||
Product Trading |
| v | v | v | ||
Technology development | Technology Development |
| v | v | ||
National survival | National Survival |
| v | v | v | v |
Time | Content | Tool |
30 min | Pretest |
30 min | Game rules describing | Game rules describing |
120 min | First activity of Water Ark | Board game: Water Ark
120 min | Second activity of Water Ark | Board game: Water Ark
30 min | Posttest |
Variables | Mean (SD) | CAFR | t | p-Value | Observed Power | Effect Size | |
WR maintenance | Posttest | 2.52 (0.68) | 85% | 0.94 | 0.358 | 0.07 | 0.24 |
Pretest | 2.33 (0.91) | 78% | |||||
Provision and demand of WR | Posttest | 2.24 (0.77) | 75% | 3.20 | 0.004 | 0.50 | 0.71 |
Pretest | 1.71 (0.72) | 57% | |||||
Effect of society and economy of WR | Posttest | 1.38 (0.67) | 69% | 0.81 | 0.428 | 0.07 | 0.14 |
Pretest | 1.29 (0.64) | 65% | |||||
Water footprints | Posttest | 2.14 (0.48) | 71% | 1.70 | 0.104 | 0.16 | 0.38 |
Pretest | 1.95 (0.50) | 65% | |||||
WR management test | Posttest | 8.29 (1.55) | 75% | 2.89 | 0.009 | 0.42 | 0.65 |
Pretest | 7.29 (1.68) | 66% |
Variables | Mean (SD) | t | p-Value | Observed Power | Effect Size | |
Responsibility for the WR | Posttest | 4.41 (0.39) | 4.21 | 0.000 | 0.67 | 1.53 |
Pretest | 3.76 (0.46) | |||||
Willingness to act WRA | Posttest | 3.99 (0.52) | 4.77 | 0.000 | 0.81 | 0.90 |
Pretest | 3.56 (0.42) |
Variables | Mean (SD) | t | p-Value | Observed Power | Effect Size | |
Actions taken in the game | Posttest | 3.31 (1.04) | 4.05 | 0.000 | 0.44 | 1.10 |
Pretest | 2.14 (1.08) |
Variables | SS | df | MS | F | p | Post hoc |
WR maintenance | ||||||
Organizations | 0.39 | 4 | 0.09 | 0.19 | 0.93 | |
error | 7.72 | 15 | 0.52 | |||
Total | 143.00 | 21 | ||||
Provision and demand of WR | ||||||
Organizations | 1.21 | 4 | 0.30 | 0.59 | 0.68 | |
error | 7.74 | 15 | 0.52 | |||
Total | 117.00 | 21 | ||||
Effect of society and economy of WR | ||||||
Organizations | 1.48 | 4 | 0.37 | 1.57 | 0.23 | GM > AS |
error | 3.53 | 15 | 0.24 | |||
Total | 49.00 | 21 | ||||
Water footprints | ||||||
Organizations | 0.24 | 4 | 0.06 | 0.26 | 0.89 | |
error | 3.40 | 15 | 0.23 | |||
Total | 101.00 | 21 | ||||
WMK test | ||||||
Organizations | 10.34 | 4 | 2.59 | 1.57 | 0.23 | |
error | 24.72 | 15 | 1.65 | |||
Total | 1490.00 | 21 |
Variables | SS | df | MS | F | p | Post hoc |
Responsibility for the WR environment | ||||||
Organizations | 0.43 | 3 | 0.14 | 1.74 | 0.20 | PG > IS |
error | 1.23 | 15 | 0.08 | |||
Total | 340.78 | 20 | ||||
Willingness to act WRA | ||||||
Organizations | 1.79 | 3 | 0.59 | 7.39 | 0.00 | AS > IS; PG > GM; PG > AS; PG > IS |
error | 1.21 | 15 | 0.08 | |||
Total | 327.39 | 20 |
Variables | SS | df | MS | F | p | Post hoc |
Action for public | ||||||
Organizations | 5.14 | 3 | 1.71 | 2.07 | 0.14 | PG > IS |
error | 13.22 | 16 | 0.83 | |||
Total | 256.00 | 21 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Cheng, P.-H.; Yeh, T.-K.; Chao, Y.-K.; Lin, J.; Chang, C.-Y. Design Ideas for an Issue-Situation-Based Board Game Involving Multirole Scenarios. Sustainability 2020, 12, 2139.
Cheng P-H, Yeh T-K, Chao Y-K, Lin J, Chang C-Y. Design Ideas for an Issue-Situation-Based Board Game Involving Multirole Scenarios. Sustainability. 2020; 12(5):2139.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCheng, Ping-Han, Ting-Kuang Yeh, Yen-Kai Chao, Jing Lin, and Chun-Yen Chang. 2020. "Design Ideas for an Issue-Situation-Based Board Game Involving Multirole Scenarios" Sustainability 12, no. 5: 2139.
APA StyleCheng, P.-H., Yeh, T.-K., Chao, Y.-K., Lin, J., & Chang, C.-Y. (2020). Design Ideas for an Issue-Situation-Based Board Game Involving Multirole Scenarios. Sustainability, 12(5), 2139.