In this section, we introduce a model of implementing freight service over a crowding rail transit line. Transit user type is indexed by , where i for passenger and j for freight. The model of passenger crowding with only passenger service is firstly explained, followed by a model of freight loading congestion at the same departure station.
2.1. Passenger Service
Consider a single rail transit line connects the origin and the destination stations without intermediate stops. There are
trains with the same capacity
s operating over the line. As per a timetable, train
k is scheduled to leave at
. The travel time
T between the two stations is constant. A fixed number,
, of identical commuters take the line from home to work, and no other transportation modes are available. The situation is illustrated in
Figure 1. The timetable information is fully available to the commuters, and the crowding costs
on train
k, in terms of the discomfort of staying in a restricted space, are the same among boarded passengers
, i.e., no merit from early arrival in order to secure a more preferable place in the train. Then on each of train
k, user incurs a crowding disutility
. The boarding time is assumed independent of the number of boarding passengers, and is normalized to zero without loss of generality.
The limited capacity of a single train, from which the crowding cost stems, also entails scheduling cost for users. The dynamics of scheduling cost, introduced by Vickrey [
18], is modeled with the assumption that the utility of one’s activity depends on the time spent on each place: Home and work. The total utility
u gained by a user taking train
k, usually has the following form:
are the utility rate or Marginal Utility of Time (MUT) at time
t when an individual being at home or at workplace, respectively. The constant
denotes the start time of a day and
the end time of work. Both function
h and
w are often assumed to be positive on their domains, and function
h is non-increasing while
w to be increasing, i.e.,
. The assumption is in line with the intuition that a trip to work is more beneficial to an individual than staying at home. Over the time of day being considered, the utility rate at work strictly increases from less to higher than the utility rate at home, before intersecting
w at some time
. If there is a train scheduled to depart at
with unlimited capacity, and travel time
T is zero, all users would choose to take this train to arrive at the work place and achieve the maximum utility
. Therefore
is usually referred as the preferred arrival time (PAT). The scheduling cost of user
i taking train
k is therefore defined by
When the train capacity is limited, and travel time is not zero, only users take the train departing at the the optimal departure time
achieve the minimum scheduling cost, when they equalize the utility rate at home
and that at the workplace
, as illustrated in
Figure 2. In general, they suffer combined travel cost
, where
is the number of users boarded on the same train
k. To simplify notations,
is written
, and
is written
In literature of departure time choice, two types of scheduling preferences have been utilized to represent the most common specifications for
h and
w, namely: Linear MUT and constant-step MUT (also known as
preferences). Linear MUT preferences were introduced by Vickrey [
18]. They have the formulation as follows:
, with the assumption that
. The functions
h and
w intersect at the preferred arrival time
. The
preferences were firstly introduced by Vickrey [
13], and later restated by Tseng and Verhoef [
19] by a constant function for
h and a step function for
, where
is the indicator function with
x is true, and
otherwise. Later in this subsection, we discuss the effect of scheduling preferences on welfare gain and the optimal service start time.
With travel cost defined, we are ready to introduce the departure time choice behavior in user equilibrium (UE). An extensive exposition of trip-timing decision in rail transit context is due to de Palma et al. [
16]. Here we present mainly the result for better understanding the remaining text. Let the superscript
e denote the no-fare user equilibrium. When no fare applied by the operator, users distribute themselves across trains by trading-off between scheduling cost
and crowding cost
. When the equilibrium state established, the private travel cost of user on train
k equals to the equilibrium cost
Since the crowding cost function depends on passengers’ preferences, the shape of
can differ between cities and user groups. To simplify the matters, the crowding cost throughout the text is assumed to be a linear function of boarded passengers on trains
k, i.e.,
. (See de Palma et al. [
16] for the effects of crowding cost function specification.) Define
as the average scheduling cost between train
k. Using the identity
can be derived by solving Equation (
When the total number demand of passenger trip
is inelastic, transit operator is not able to restrict transit usage by applying a uniform fares regime. The marginal social cost of a trip,
, is derived by differentiating the total equilibrium cost,
, with respect to
Then elastic demand (as assumed in
Section 4) can be regulated to the efficient level by an fare equal to the average marginal external cost:
where the superscript “
u” denotes the optimal uniform fare regime. Then the total travel cost net of the fare in optimal uniform fare regime is:
If the operator is allowed to charge train-dependent fare, users can then be distributed optimally between trains to minimize total travel cost. Let superscript
o denote the social optimal (SO) fare regime, and the fare minimizes total travel cost is called SO-fare. Instead of a sum of equilibrium cost, the total travel cost is now given as
. Treating
as the constraint of minimizing
, the first order conditions gives that the marginal social cost of using each train
equals to the marginal social cost of a trip
Jointly solving Equations (
8) and (
9) for
Then the marginal external cost of usage, or the SO-fare is derived as
Given Equations (
10) and (
11), total revenue from the SO-fare is
By comparing Equations (
6) and (
12), it is easy to see that
is the variable part of revenue collecting from the time-varying SO-fare. Following de Palma et al. [
16], we call it variable revenue. Now the total travel cost net of the SO-fare can be written as
where the first two terms are the total travel cost in UE,
; therefore,
gives the welfare gain from imposing SO-fare
, defined as the difference of total travel cost between UE and SO fare regimes, i.e.,
. Note that
is only a function of
when all the trains are occupied. Since the train with the highest schedule delay cost has the lowest usage, the condition of minimum
for all the trains are used in UE, and SO can be found by making Equations (
3) and (
10), respectively, positive for
Next we show how scheduling preferences affect the way that the optimal service time
change with the number of trains
. For a given
, a public operator chooses a start time of the service that minimizes total travel cost. Assuming that the headway between trains is a constant
h, it is straightforward to find the start time by differentiating
with respect to the departure time of first train
. With
solved, the optimal value
are also decided. The results are summarized along with the specifications of scheduling preferences in
Table 1. The superscript
i is omitted in the table for conciseness. Here
m is treated as a continuous variable. The sign of approximately equal is used when some terms do not vary with
m or are relatively small as
m is large and thus are ignored in the presented results.
Note that varies approximately with the fifth power of in linear MUT. To see the reason, we consider an example where the passengers are being redistributed between only two trains, 1 and 2, with respective schedule delay cost and , where . The user distribution of SO pattern can be achieved by moving passengers from the over-used train 1 to train 2. Then the change of crowding cost due to the redistribution on train 1 is , and that on train 2 is . Then change of total scheduling delay costs is . The welfare gain or the change in total travel costs by redistributing passengers between two trains is then . Note that for linear MUT is proportional to , then the average difference in schedule delay cost is also proportional to . Therefore the welfare gain varies with . By contrast, is proportional to in constant-step MUT, then the welfare gain varies with . In addition, there are approximately pairs trains between which passenger can be redistributed, the total welfare gain varies approximately with and , respectively.
2.2. Freight Service
This subsection describes our model of freight loading congestion at the origin station. We base our analysis on the works of pure bottleneck congestion [
17], by extending the road bottleneck model to the case where congestion occurs at the departure station used by parcel carriers.
The freight users usually have a preferred arrival time, similar to passengers, from which arises the schedule delay cost. Then the schedule delay cost of freight users can be interpreted in a natural way where early arrivals require the carrier to collect a particular amount of parcels within a shorter time and thus have higher input factors (either labor or capital), while late arrivals simply reduce the possible amount of parcels to be delivered in the subsequent working hours.
parcels shipped by a continuum of small carriers are assumed to be loaded at the same departure station as passengers’, as shown in
Figure 1. The operator utilizes the same type of train as the passenger service, therefore the operating and maintenance cost per train is assumed to be the same as passenger’s. The carriers’ warehouses are assumed to be based on the premises of the station, and no travel time is needed before the parcels are loaded. The time required to load parcels onboard is independent of departure time, and is normalized to zero without loss of generality. The loading service capacity per headway then equals to the train capacity
s, as the loading for a subsequent train cannot be started until the current train leaves. As usual in the freight rail literature (e.g., Kuo et al. [
20]), we assume that the load factor is 1. For a fixed demand of
the total number of occupied trains
is then given as
. When the arrival of parcels within an headway is larger than
s, a queue is generated. Assume that no utility can be generated after the parcels leave the warehouse and start to queue, before arriving at the destination. Queue length is noted
. The travel time for a freight user is:
We first characterize user equilibrium in zero fare. Each carrier decides when to leave the warehouse and join the queue. In doing so, he trades off travel time and schedule delay cost. Throughout the text, we treat travel time cost and scheduling delay cost of a single freight user as the sum of a small batch of parcel that occupies equivalent train carriage capacity of a passenger. The designated capacity per user is usually practically measured by the standing area of a passenger which differs between cities. If trains are always available and freight user can depart at any time, which is analogous to the road case, there is a unique departure pattern in no-fare equilibrium that the user cost on every train is
, and this defines the scheduling behavior of parcel carriers. Following the notation in the passenger case, the scheduling cost on train
k is denoted as
. The equilibrium condition, where all the carriers are indifferent between all the trains, is then given by:
where freight users choose departure times
for different travel time
until all the users have the same travel cost
. Denote
as the (endogenous) departure time of the first occupied train, and
as that of the last occupied train. With the equilibrium departure pattern defined, the parcels on the first train are loaded at
, and leave the station at the same time, incurring zero queuing cost. The same holds for the parcels on the last train. If the first train departs after the equilibrium peak start time
, there exist a mass departure of users waiting to be loaded when the first train leaves at
, or if the last train departs before
, there exists a period of time during which no one joins the queue. Such period lasts until the queue dissipates when the last train leaves at
. This behavior is simply a special case when applying coarse toll on a road bottleneck [
21], where the period when no train is available can be viewed as a period when the toll is so high that no one chooses to depart.
Regardless of the queuing time of freight users on the first or the last trains, the bottleneck is continuously utilized. The duration of the peak period has to be
, the number of parcels
multiplied the headway
h. Following the the notation of passengers, the average scheduling cost of freight users over trains is denoted as
. Then the equilibrium generalized cost
, total schedule delay cost,
, total queuing time cost
, and total travel cost
, are given by
As in the road case, the queue can be eliminated by charging a time-variant fare and achieve the social optimal (SO) departure pattern [
17]. In SO, the first and last user’s departure time does not change. The private cost of a freight user consists only schedule delay cost, then total schedule delay cost now equals to total travel cost. They are given by:
In literature of urban delivery, parcel carrier’s schedule delay cost is often assumed to have constant-step MUT preferences (see Taniguchi and Thomopson [
22], for example). Empirical evidence, however, show the possibility that parcel carrier’s MUT during a delivery tour varies with time of day, especially when unattended delivery facilities are not available. Niels et al. [
23] observes 46 percent first-time failure deliveries when parcels being delivered to a private consumer, while Schocker et al. [
24] reports an improved deliver rate after a second delivery on the same day, resulting in an average first-day delivery rate of 75 percent to 95 percent. Since the presence of a receiver is usually not pre-defined, it is clear that the successful delivery rate can be increased when parcels are delivered in a time that more receivers are available in the designated area. As observed by Cherrett et al. [
25], carriers’ arrival rate increases from 9 am to 11 am, while decreases after 1 pm, in a specific receiver’s location. These observations indicate that carriers’ preferred arrival times, at an aggregate level, are likely to be neither concentrated in a short period of time nor uniformly distributed across time of day, though the reason may not be to improve delivery rate but depends on the types of receivers, land use and road network structure, etc. In the following, section we discuss the effect of scheduling preferences on the optimal timetable with passenger and freight services.