Implementation of E-Proctoring in Online Teaching: A Study about Motivational Factors
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Quality Management (QM) |
This factor would be the extent of satisfaction when using a new technological tool, but only in terms of whether quality is perceived in its use [34] and whether it provides demonstrable and tangible results [35,36,37] |
Available Information (AI) |
This factor would be the tendency to adopt and use a new technological tool with the available information [38]. |
External Conditioning (EC) |
This factor would be the influence that potential users receive from the environment to use a new technological tool. This influence can be positive or negative, and some examples of these external conditioning factors can be seen in the comments or suggestions of important people for the user and in the help that is found to learn how this new tool works [39,40,41]. |
Trust (T) |
This factor would be the extent of security and privacy that users of a new technological tool expect to have when using it [42,43,44]. |
Perceived Compatibility (PC) |
This factor would be the extent of perception of compatibility of a technological product by the user, based on their values and personality [36,45]. Studies such as Tan and Teo’s [46] confirm that perceived compatibility influences users when adopting and motivating the use of technological products. |
Perceived Usefulness (PU) |
This factor would be the perception that the use of a technological product would increase the performance of its user [47]. Studies such as that of Chiu, Lin, and Tang [48] or that of Nysveen, Pedersen, and Thornbjørnsen [49] confirm that perceived utility influences users when adopting and motivating the use of technological products. All of this depending on whether this use helps to achieve the expected task and whether its use provides advantages over the traditional method [50,51]. |
Attitude (A) |
This factor would be the perception of a user about whether a new technological tool favors the behavior it performs or not [52]. Studies such as that of Ajzen and Fishbein [53] confirm that the attitude influences the behavior of users when adopting and motivating the use of any product. |
Intention (I) |
This factor would be the motivational elements that make a user use a new technological tool or not [48]. Studies such as that of Taylor and Todd [54] or that of Ajzen [52] confirm that intention influences the behavior of users when adopting and motivating the use of any product. |
Variable | Definition | Keywords |
QUALITY MANAGEMENT | The extent of satisfaction when using a new technological tool, but only in terms of whether quality is perceived in its use and whether it provides demonstrable and tangible results. | Quality |
AVAILABLE INFORMATION | The tendency to adopt and use a new technological tool with the available information. | Available information on its use |
EXTERNAL CONDITIONING | The influence that potential users receive from the environment to use a new technological tool. | External influences |
TRUST | The degree of security and privacy that users of a new technological tool expect to have when using it. | Trust |
PERCEIVED COMPATIBILITY | The extent of perception of compatibility of a technological product by the user, based on their values and personality. | Compatibility with your activity |
PERCEIVED USEFULNESS | The perception that the use of a technological product would increase the performance of its user. | Usefulness |
ATTITUDE | The perception of a user about whether a new technological tool favors the behavior it performs or not. | Attitude |
INTENTION | The existence of motivational elements that make a user use a new technological tool or not. | Intention |
Value | Semantic Relation |
1 | Very strong positive |
0.9 | |
0.8 | Strong positive |
0.7 | |
0.6 | Medium positive |
0.5 | |
0.4 | Weak positive |
0.3 | |
0.2 | Very weak positive |
0.1 | |
0 | There is no relationship |
−0.1 | |
−0.2 | Very weak negative |
−0.3 | |
−0.4 | Weak negative |
−0.5 | |
−0.6 | Medium negative |
−0.7 | |
−0.8 | Strong negative |
−0.9 | |
−1 | Very strong negative |
Quality Management (QM) | Available Information (AI) | External Conditioning (EC) | Trust (T) | Perceived Compatibility (PC) | Perceived Usefulness (PU) | Attitude (A) | Intention (I) | |
Quality Management (QM) | 0.70 | 0.70 | 0.90 | 0.70 | 0.30 | 0.90 | 0.90 | |
Available Information (AI) | 0.30 | 0.50 | 0.90 | 0.64 | 0.80 | 0.82 | 0.90 | |
External Conditioning (EC) | 0 | 0.70 | 0.90 | 0.35 | 0.40 | 0.63 | 0.58 | |
Trust (T) | 0.20 | 0.60 | 0.80 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.90 | 0.90 | |
Perceived Compatibility (PC) | 0.60 | 0 | 0.60 | 0.80 | 0.80 | 0.90 | 0.90 | |
Perceived Usefulness (PU) | 0.30 | 0.80 | 0.70 | 0.90 | 0.70 | 0.90 | 0.90 | |
Attitude (A) | 0.40 | 0.70 | 0.70 | 0.80 | 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.72 | |
Intention (I) | 0.25 | 0.70 | 0.70 | 0.80 | 0.50 | 0.34 | 0.64 |
Centrality | Outdegree | Indegree |
Trust (T) | Perceived Usefulness (PU) | Trust (T) |
Attitude (A) | Quality Management (QM) | Intention (I) |
Intention (I) | Available Information (AI) | Attitude (A) |
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González-González, C.S.; Infante-Moro, A.; Infante-Moro, J.C. Implementation of E-Proctoring in Online Teaching: A Study about Motivational Factors. Sustainability 2020, 12, 3488.
González-González CS, Infante-Moro A, Infante-Moro JC. Implementation of E-Proctoring in Online Teaching: A Study about Motivational Factors. Sustainability. 2020; 12(8):3488.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález-González, Carina S., Alfonso Infante-Moro, and Juan C. Infante-Moro. 2020. "Implementation of E-Proctoring in Online Teaching: A Study about Motivational Factors" Sustainability 12, no. 8: 3488.
APA StyleGonzález-González, C. S., Infante-Moro, A., & Infante-Moro, J. C. (2020). Implementation of E-Proctoring in Online Teaching: A Study about Motivational Factors. Sustainability, 12(8), 3488.