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Determination of the Allelopathic Potential of Cambodia’s Medicinal Plants Using the Dish Pack Method

Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8, Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
Department of Biodiversity, Ministry of Environment, Morodok Techcho (Lot 503) Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh 12301, Cambodia
Aromatic Repos, AHOLA, A2 Soleil Jiyugaoka, 1-21-3, Jiyugaoka, Meguro, Tokyo 152-0035, Japan
National Authority for Preah Vihear, Thomacheat Samdech Techo Hun Sen Village, Sraem Commune, Choam Khsant District, Cheom Ksan 13407, Preah Vihear, Cambodia
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2021, 13(16), 9062;
Submission received: 19 June 2021 / Revised: 5 August 2021 / Accepted: 8 August 2021 / Published: 13 August 2021


Plants produce several chemically diverse bioactive substances that may influence the growth and development of other organisms when released into the environment in a phenomenon called allelopathy. Several of these allelopathic species also have reported medicinal properties. In this study, the potential allelopathic effects of more than a hundred medicinal plants from Cambodia were tested using the dish pack method. The dish pack bioassay method specifically targets volatile allelochemicals. Twenty-five species were found to have significant inhibitory effects on lettuce radicle growth. Eleven different plant families, including Iridaceae (2), Apocynaceae (2), Poaceae (2), Sapindaceae, Araceae, Combretaceae, Orchidaceae, Clusiaceae, Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae and Asparagaceae had the plant species with high inhibitory effects. Allophyllus serrulatus had the highest growth inhibitory effect on lettuce radicles more than 60%, followed by Alocasia macrorrhiza, Iris pallida, Terminalia triptera, Wrightia tomentosa, Cymbidium aloifolium, Garcinia villersiana and Kaempferia parviflora. The candidate species were subjected to further studies to identify the volatile allelochemicals in the volatile constituents.

1. Introduction

Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth and plays a vital role in ecological functions. The integrative use of plant biodiversity is one approach to improve food security and sustainable agriculture. Species combinations, such as multi-cropping, inter-cropping, alley farming, rotations, and cover cropping, also have positive effects on crop productivity and yield stability [1]. Interaction among plant species may include the production and release of bioactive substances that directly or indirectly influence the growth and development of other organisms in a phenomenon known as allelopathy [2]. The definition was later revised to mean any process involving the secondary metabolites produced by plants, microorganisms, viruses and fungi that influence the growth and development of agricultural and biological systems (excluding animals), including positive and negative effects [3]. The secondary metabolites associated with allelopathy released into the environment through volatilization, leaching, root exudation and the decomposition of plant residues in soil are called allelochemicals. These allelochemicals are found in different parts of various plants, such as leaf, root, rhizome, stem, flower, pollen, fruit and seed [4,5]. Allelopathy may play an important role in the biological invasion process in natural ecology. Some plants are not dominant competitors in their natural habitat, yet show strong succession when introduced to new areas [6]. Generally, allelopathy is accepted as a significant ecological factor in determining the structure and composition of plant communities [7].
Despite recent advances in the development of agrochemicals for pest control in modern agriculture, crop yields experience average losses of 35% worldwide. This is mainly due to pests, pathogens and weeds [8]. Weeds are particularly destructive: approximately 30 to 50% of producing crops are destroyed if weeds are not controlled in Asia and other continents [9,10,11]. More than 240 weeds have been found to have allelopathic effects on surrounding plants, whether on the same species (autotoxicity) or on other crops and weed species [12]. However, scientists in many different habitats around the world have demonstrated agrochemical pest control. Numerous allelopathic effects from plant species have been reported. For example, 84 out of 245 plant species in the Sino-Japan floristic region have been shown to cause significant inhibitory activity; of these, 10 species showed the strongest effects [13]. The evaluation of the allelopathic potential of 83 Iranian medicinal plants found more than 80% root growth suppression of lettuce by Peganum harmala, Berberis vulgaris, Artemisia aucheri and Ferulago angulate [14]. The evaluation of allelopathic potential in medicinal plant species used in Ghana found that 75 out of 183 medicinal plant species caused a significant inhibition of lettuce radicle growth through leaf leachates [15]. Identified and isolated bioactive compounds (allelochemicals) from plants are therefore important sources for alternative sustainable and eco-friendly weed control strategies [16], especially given that organic products have increased in popularity over the last decade [17]. The secondary metabolites present in medicinal plants are thought to have relatively strong allelopathic activity. Moreover, analyzing medicinal plants to find new natural compounds is easier than analyzing other plants [2,18,19,20]. Some bioactive substances, including ferulic, coumaric, vanillic, caffeic and chlorogenic acids in medicinal plants have been found to inhibit plant growth [21,22]. By using the sandwich method, the previous study identified more than fifty medicinal plants with allelopathic potentials through leachates [23]. This study, therefore, collected different parts of some medicinal plants from northwestern Cambodia to examine allelopathic effects using the dish pack method under laboratory conditions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Material

All the collected medicinal plant samples were oven-dried at 60 °C for 3 h at target areas and transferred to the Laboratory of the Department of International Environment and Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan to test their allelopathic activities. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was used as a test plant material in bioassay due to its reliability in germination and its susceptibility to inhibitory and stimulatory chemicals [24].

2.2. Dish Pack Method

The dish pack method was adopted for the analysis of volatile allelochemicals of plant species. Most importantly, it allowed us to obtain very quick results, as shown in Figure 1 [25]. Therefore, it was applied to screen all collected medicinal plant species with possibly volatile substances that could influence (promote or inhibit) the growth of lettuce. Multi-well plastic dishes with six wells (36 mm × 18 mm each) were used in this experiment. The distances from the centre of the source well (where the plant sample was placed) to the centre of other wells were 41, 58, 82 and 92 mm. The source well was filled with 200 mg of oven-dried plant materials. Filter papers were laid in the other wells, then 0.75 mL of distilled water was added to each well that contained filter paper. The control treatment did not contain any plant sample in the source well. Seven lettuce seeds were placed on the filter paper in each well. The multi-well dishes were tightly sealed using cellophane tape to avoid desiccation and the loss of volatile compounds. To exclude light, aluminium foil was wrapped around the dishes and placed in an incubator (NTS Model MI-25S) at 25 °C for three days. With three replications, the radicle and hypocotyl lengths of lettuces were measured and recorded; they were then compared to the lettuce in the control during analysis. The degree of inhibition was estimated by the relationship between lettuce seedling growth inhibition and its distance from the source well.

2.3. Statistic Analysis

The treatment tested was arranged in a complete randomized design with three replicates. Statistical analysis of the experimental data was conducted with Microsoft Excel 2010. The means, standard deviations (SDs), and SD variances (SDVs) were also evaluated.
I n h i b i t o r y = 100 ( A v e r a g e   l e n g t h   o f   t r e a t m e n t   r a d i c l e / h y p o c o t y l ) ( A v e r a g e   l e n g t h   o f   c o n t r o l   r a d i c l e / h y p o c o t y l ) × 100 .

3. Results

The inhibition effects on the radicle and hypocotyl of lettuce seedlings from 195 medicinal plants using the dish pack bioassay method are shown in Table 1. The allelopathic effects of the collected medicinal plants were presented either as the promotion or inhibition of lettuce growth on the radicle and hypocotyl, which ranged from −19.2% to 68.6% and −30.2% to 67.3%, respectively. The negative value for the lettuce radicle growth indicates the stimulatory effects compared to the control. The study found several strong candidate species: 25 species from different plant families showed a significant inhibition of lettuce radicle growth among the tested plants. These species came from 11 different families, including Iridaceae (two), Apocynaceae (two), Poaceae (two), Sapindaceae, Araceae, Combretaceae, Orchidaceae, Clusiaceae, Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae and Asparagaceae. However, only Allophyllus serrulatus inhibited more than 60% on lettuce radicle growth among the tested plants. Radicle growth inhibition in the range of 20–30% occurred in seven species: Alocasia macrorrhiza, Iris pallida, Terminalia triptera, Wrightia tomentosa, Garcinia villersiana, Cymbidium aloifolium and Kaempferia parviflora. Ten further species, Harrisonia perforate, Eleutherine bulbosa, Imperata cylindrica, Peliosanthes teta, Willughbeia edulis, Eleusine indica, Spatholobus parviflorous, Asplenium nidus, Drynaria quercifolia and Croton oblongifolius demonstrated lettuce radicle inhibitory effects of between 15 and 20%. The lowest effects on lettuce radicle growth were Kaempferia galanga, Afzelia xylocarpa, Zingiber purpureum, Careya sphaerica, Congea tomentosa, Pseuderanthemum latifolium and Ventilago cristata.

4. Discussion

In the Sapindaceae plant family, Allophylus serratus, a large shrub found all over India, showed a stronger inhibition activity through volatile compounds than Litchi chinensis and Schleicheria oleosa. Allophylus serratus is used as an anti-inflammatory and carminative due to its strong pharmacological activity. This plant is also used to treat numerous medical conditions, such as elephantiasis, oedema and bone fractures, as well as several gastrointestinal disorders, including dyspepsia, anorexia and diarrhea [26]. Bioactive substances contained in Allophylus serratus include phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tanning substances, steroids, alkaloids and saponins were reported [27]. Other compounds isolated from Allophylus serratus, such as quercetin, pinitol, luteolin-7-O-d-glucopy-ranoside, rutin and apigenin-4-O-β-d-glucoside. However, only rutin showed an increase in osteoblast mineralization, as assessed by alizarin extraction; its use has been suggested for menopausal osteoporosis [28].
Another interesting species is Alocasia macrorrhiza (common name Elephant Ear Taro), a giant plant with distinctive leaves, which is mostly used for ornamental purposes and belongs to the Araceae family [29]. Elephant Ear Taro is a massive herb formed by a thick erect trunk in large plants and up to 4 m in height; its leaves are held erect with petioles (leaf stalks) that are up to 130 cm long [30]. It has antifungal, antidiuretic, laxative, antitubercular and antioxidant properties; it also features other compounds such as flavonoids, oxalic acid, cyanogenic glycosides, alocasin, cholesterol, amino acids, gallic acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, succinic acid, glucose, fructose, sucrose and beta-lectins [31]. Additionally, 14 compounds have been isolated and identified from giant taro, including 5 new lignan amides, 1 new monoindole alkaloid and 8 known compounds [32].
Iris pallida from the Iridaceae family also showed potential inhibitory effects. Iris contains up to 80 genera and 300 species that are distributed worldwide; it is abundant and diversified in the regions of Southern Africa and Asia. Many of these species are common ornamental plants [33]. Iris pallida, known as the sweet iris, is a perennial herb native to the Dalmatian coast, Croatia; it is mostly cultivated for its essential oils and use in aromatherapy and traditional medicine [34,35]. The rhizomes of Iris pallida found to have strong allelopathic activity contain the isoflavones irigenin, iristectorigenin A, nigericin, nigricanin, irisflorentin, iriskumaonin methyl ether, irilone, iriflogenin and others [23,36,37,38,39]. In total, 16 and 26 volatile components were found from the essential oil of rhizomes and leaves, respectively. Dihydro-β-irone, α-irone, trans-2,6-γ-irone, β-isometilionone; benzophenone and other dominant terpenes, including 4-isobutylphenone, benzophenone, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, neofitadien and squalene were also reported [40]. The bioactive substances, including irones in iris rhizomes could offer commercial potential in the form of iris essential oil [41].
In the Rutaceae family, Harrisonia perforata Merr, known as a prickly shrub, is native to China but widely distributed across Southeast Asia. This plant is nearly upright, growing up to 6 m tall. Several parts of this prickly shrub are gathered from the wild and used locally as medicines to treat some diseases, such as dysentery and cholera, and to relieve itching. It is also reported that its root when dried contains antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties that are used to deal with wound healing and diarrhea [42]. The leaves, fruits, branches and roots of Harrisonia perforate have been reported to contain several chromones, limonoids, triterpenoids and prenylated polyketides, including harrisotone A–E, haperforine A, haperforine E, 12-desacetylhap-erforine A, haperforine C2, haperforine F, haperforine G, Foritin, harrisonol A, peucenin-7-methyl ether, O-methyla-lloptaeroxylin, perforatic acid, eugenin, saikochromone A, greveichromenol and perforamone A–D [43]; β-sitosterol, obacunone, herteropeucenin-7-methyl ether, perforatic acid and harrisonin [44,45,46,47]; and harperforatin, harperfolide and harperamone [48].

5. Conclusions

This study presents a preliminary analysis of the potential volatile allelopathic effects of some medicinal plants in Cambodia. The revealed data could help future researchers to isolate and identify volatile allelochemicals to demonstrate bio-herbicides for sustainable weed control. Allophyllus serrulatus, which showed the highest inhibitory effect, was recommended for the further identification and characterization of allelopathic substances.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.S., K.S.A., H.M. and Y.F.; methodology, K.S.A., H.M. and Y.F.; software, Microsoft Office 2016; validation, T.M., K.S.A. and K.E.H.; Resources, A.S. and Y.F.; Funding acquisition, A.S. and Y.F.; data curation, Y.S. and K.E.H.; writing—initial draft preparation, Y.S.; writing—review and editing, Y.S., K.S.A., S.Y. and Y.F.; supervision, T.M. and Y.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan. This work was also partly supported by JST CREST Grant Number JPMJCR17O2 and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26304024.

Data Availability Statement

No new data were created or analyzed in this study.


The authors thank the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), JST CREST and JICE/JDS for providing the scholarship to the first author at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. We also gratefully acknowledge to the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Provincial Department of Environment, Siem Reap Province and the Local Community at Phnom Kulen National Park, Cambodia for supporting and assisting in sample collection and transfer for this research study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Dish pack method, multi-well plastic plate filled with plant sample and lettuce seeds in each well to test plant allelopathy through volatile substances.
Figure 1. Dish pack method, multi-well plastic plate filled with plant sample and lettuce seeds in each well to test plant allelopathy through volatile substances.
Sustainability 13 09062 g001
Table 1. The radicle and hypocotyl inhibition percentages of lettuce seedlings grown using the dish pack method.
Table 1. The radicle and hypocotyl inhibition percentages of lettuce seedlings grown using the dish pack method.
Scientific NamePlant FamiliesPart UsedInhibition Activity (%)Criteria
Average at 41 mm Average for Whole Wells
Allophyllus serrulatus RadlkSapindaceaeLeaf68.667.363.163.1***
Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G.DonAraceaeTuber23.4−5.2220.5−5.62***
Iris pallida Lam.IridaceaeRhizome22.16.7114.37.34***
Terminalia triptera Stap fCombretaceaeStem21.39.2213.7−1.82**
Wrightia tomentosa Roem-SchultApocynaceaeStem21.1915.92.12**
Garcinia villersiana PierreClusiaceaeStem20.41.3216.22.11**
Cymbidium aloifolium (Linn) Swartz.OrchidaceaeLeaf20.414.210.712.4**
Kaempferia parviflora Wall. ex BakerZingiberaceaeRhizome20.28.118.724.12**
Harrisonia perforata Merr.RutaceaeBark19.8−4.72−0.92−4.53**
Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.IridaceaeFlower18.72.4216.75.62**
Imperata cylindrica BeauvPoaceaeLeaf18.**
Peliosanthes teta AndrewAsparagaceaeLeaf17.413.4−0.546.32**
Willughbeia edulis Roxb.ApocynaceaeStem17.29.28.921.83**
Eleusine indica (L) GaertnPoaceaeLeaf171.3413.97.32**
Spatholobus parviflorous Kuntz.FabaceaeStem16.46.9210.90.81*
Asplenium nidus L.AspleniaceaeLeaf15.74.779.147.42*
Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J SmPolypodiaceaeLeaf15.3−5.929.12−5.91*
Croton oblongifolius Roxb.EuphorbiaceaeLeaf15.27.69.326.63*
Kaempferia galanga Linn.ZingiberaceaeRhizome14.817.48.4111.2*
Afzelia xylocarpa (Kurz) Craib.FabaceaeBark14.6−8.97.72−5.31*
Zingiber purpureum Roscoe.ZingiberaceaeRhizome13.919.54.6211.6*
Careya sphaerica Roxb.LecythidaceaeBark12.7−3.1213.43.12*
Congea tomentosa Roxb.LamiaceaeStem12.421.8012.1*
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. HansenAcanthaceaeLeaf12.31.42.33−3.74*
Ventilago cristata PierreRhamnaceaeStem12.3017.61.82*
Sterculia foetida LinnSterculiaceaeStem11.5−28.45.07−19.1
Croton lachnocarpus Benth.EuphorbiaceaeLeaf11.4−5.2119.14.31
Zingiber ottensii ValetonZingiberaceaeRhizome11.457.1−0.9241.6
Ervatamia microphylla Kerr.ApocynaceaeLeaf11.38.85.611.82
Vitex pubescens Vahl.LamiaceaeStem11.
Morinda tomentosa RothRubiaceaeStem1111.56.210.9
Hoya diversifolia BlumeAsclepiadaceaeLeaf10.
Uvaria rufa BlumeAnnonaceaeStem9.815.1−1.937.74
Scoparia dulcis LPlantaginaceaeStem9.426.944.120
Polyalthia evecta (Pierre) Finet et Gagnep.AnnonaceaeStem9.23−4.437.04−2.21
Litchi chinensis SonnSapindaceaeBark9.04−7.712.82−5.91
Artocarpus rigidus BlumeMoraceaeBark8.716.725.220.93
Kalanchoe Integra Kuntze.CrassulaceaeStem8.7−0.9492.24
Hymenocardia punctata Wall. ex Lindl.EuphorbiaceaeStem8.421.153.074.12
Zizyphus cambodiana PierreRhamnaceaeStem8.333.634.62−2.21
Coptosapelta flavescens Korth. RubiaceaeStem8.212.726.74−2.91
Ochna integerrima (Lour) Merr.OchnaceaeStem8.147.31−1.432.72
Curcuma aromatica Salisb.ZingiberaceaeLeaf8.042.332.91−0.82
Sindora siamensis Teysm.FabaceaeBark8.02−0.220.523.51
Suregada multiflora Baill.EuphorbiaceaeStem8−1.649.61−1.83
Diospyros venosa Wall.EbenaceaeStem7.2614.12.123.91
Gnetum montanum Markgr.GnetaceaeStem7.23−2.6−4.04−3.3
Knema globularia Warb.MyristicaceaeStem7.14−7.125.32−4.5
Stephania rotunda Linn.MenispermaceaeTuber7.137.163.2110.2
Microcos paniculata L.MalvaceaeStem7.16.933.326.71
Costus speciosus (Koenig) J.E.Smith.CostaceaeRoot74.7474.12
Amomum xanthioides Wall.ZingiberaceaeStem6.78.46.210
Oroxylum indicum (Linn.) KurzBignoniaceaeBark6.6211.64.434.61
Psydrax pergracilis (Bourd.) RidsdaleRubiaceaeStem6.321.83.13−1.82
Bombax ceiba L.MalvaceaeBark6.217.7520.112.9
Donax grandis RidleyPoaceaeStem5.9411.2−0.216.81
Carallia brachiata (Lour.) MerrRhizophoraceaeBark5.864.548.5411.1
Pouzolzia zeylanica (L) Benn.UrticaceaeStem5.82−9.424.61−6.32
Gomphrena celosioides Mart.AmaranthaceaeFlower5.62−3.61−3.71−11
Crinum latifolium L.AmaryllidaceaeBulb5.488.610.522.73
Strychnos wallichiana Steud. Ex DC.LoganiaceaeStem5.447.32−1.213.52
Melastoma villosum L.MelastomataceaeStem5.33−8.737.21−7.64
Ixora chinensis Lam.RubiaceaeLeaf5.17−
Eupatorium odoratum (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob.AsteraceaeLeaf5.1204.7212.2
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus RoxbDipterocarpaceaeStem4.88−5.723.91−1.82
Licuala spinosa WurmbArecaceaeRoot4.84−30.20.23−15.2
Nepenthes kampotiana LecomteNepenthaceaeFlower4.83−10.63.12−11.1
Smilax ovalifolia Roxb.SmilacaceaeStem4.814.8−0.423.64
Cnestis palala (Lour.) Merr.ConnaraceaeLeaf4.677.72−4.51−0.92
Smilax china L.SmilacaceaeStem4.6513.11.6211.2
Dillenia pentagyna RoxbDilleniaceaeStem4.58−12.71.21−7.62
Gonocaryum lobianum (Miers) KurzIcacinaceaeStem4.55−13.82.23−6.74
Physalis angulata L.Solanaceae Root4.520.822.717.42
Irvingia malayana Olive. Ex Benn.IrvingiaceaeBark4.42−4.626.120.4
Dioscorea hispida Dennst.DioscoreaceaeTuber4.168.4407.82
Lagerstroemia calyculata Kurz.LythraceaeBark43.817.246.34
Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.MyrtaceaeBark3.95.64−4.93−0.91
Streblus asper Lour.MoraceaeStem3.81−6.724−2.23
Tinospora crispa (Linn) Miers ex Hook.MenispermaceaeStem3.77−3.13−30.90
Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.)RubiaceaeBark3.46−1.537.61−0.72
Borassus flabellifera LinnArecaceaeRoot3.42−7.317.21−2.81
Cassia alata L.FabaceaeStem3.28−9.2−6.32−0.91
Mangifera duperreana PierreAnacardiaceaeBark3.23−2.1211.610.3
Tetracera scendens (L.) Merr.DilleniaceaeLeaf2.834.343.625.91
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) SW.LygodiaceaeLeaf2.62−4.522−4.12
Blumea balsamifera DC.AsteraceaeLeaf2.4119.67.5214.3
Diospyros decandra LourEbenaceaeBark2.37−
Bauhinia bassacensis PierreFabaceaeStem2.1210.79.736.42
Clerodendrum schmidtii C.B.ClarkeLamiaceaeStem1.977.74−4.11−11.3
Elaeocarpus stipularis BlumeElaeocarpaceaeStem1.92−16.74.62−11.4
Memecylon laevigalum BlumeMelastomataceaeStem1.723.420.416.43
Illigera rhodantha Hance.HernandiaceaeStem1.58−7.62−2−6.73
Phyllanthus amarus Schum.ct Thonn.PhyllanthaceaeStem1.531.1212.24.91
Ficus hispida L.MoraceaeStem1.268.81−0.219
Ancistrocladus tectorius (Lour.) Merr.AncistrocladaceaeStem1.1815.1−0.5410.2
Moringa oleifera LamkMoringaceaeBark1.16−2.92−1.21−0.83
Melodorum fruticosum LourAnnonaceaeStem1.15−1.65−0.322.7
Peltophorum dasyrhachis (Miq.) KurzFabaceaeBark1.1211.7−9.127.31
Prismatomeris tetrandra (Roxb.) K.SchumRubiaceaeStem1.1−4.917.9−8.12
Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Teijsm.-ex-Miq DipterocarpaceaeStem0.824.52−3.21−0.93
Macaranga triloba (Blume) Muell.Arg.EuphorbiaceaeStem0.760.234.12−1.81
Typhonium trilobatum SchottAraceaeStem0.65−2.83−4.31−6.42
Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) SchottAraceaeStem0.544.81−2.121.31
Erythroxylum cambodianum PierreErythroxylaceaeStem0.54−2.54−1.630.52
Spirolobium cambodianum Baill.ApocynaceaeStem0.52−1.221−5.24
Caesalpinia sappan Linn.FabaceaeBark0.3716.3−0.529.73
Melastoma mormale (Kuntze) Merr.MelastomataceaeStem0.332.32111.9
Heliotropium indicum L.BoraginaceaeLeaf0.22−9.44−2.81−8.82
Eurycoma longifolia JackSimaroubaceaeBark0.174.51−2.723.31
Shorea roxburgii G DonDipterocarpaceaeBark0.153.21−0.711.82
Plumbago zeylanica L.PlumbaginaceaeStem02.84−2.243.22
Rauwenhoffia siamensis ScheffAnnonaceaeStem−0.1−9.42−7.2−8.21
Scheffera elliptaca (Blume) Harms.AraliaceaeStem−0.225.351.614.52
Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) DubardSapotaceaeLeaf−0.250.2−1.722.1
Senna siamea LamFabaceaeLeaf−0.27−18.1−2.71−14.2
Fagraea fragrans Roxb.LoganiaceaeStem−0.6314.43.3110.5
Dracaena loureiri (Gagnep.)AsparagaceaeBark−0.6512.51.2111.1
Couroupita guianensis AubertLecythidaceaeFlower−1.42−7.12−3.91.4
Cleistanthus tomentosus HanceEuphorbiaceaeStem−1.45−8.050.92−4.12
Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth.MimosaceaeStem−1.5713.4−5.8113.6
Fhyllanthus emblica L.EuphorbiaceaeStem−1.63−9.12−0.52−8.53
Alpinia conchigera GrulfZingiberaceaeLeaf−1.72−
Ficus sagitta Vahl.MoraceaeLeaf−1.94−15.5−0.52−6.31
Derris scandens (Roxb.) Benth.FabaceaeStem−2−4.138.62−0.91
Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.)AcanthaceaeLeaf−−1.31
Pandanus capusii MarcPandanaceaeRoot−2.33−13.4−8−15.3
Streptocaulon juventas Merr.ApocynaceaeStem−2.373.310.223.83
Dioscorea bulbifera L.DiscoreaceaeTuber−2.520.44−1.41−2.52
Gnetum latifolium BlumeGnetaceaeStem−2.554.73−7.41−0.44
Entada phaseoloides Merr.FabaceaeFruit−2.63.24−4.51−7.23
Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Mull.Arg.EuphorbiaceaeStem−2.64−4.6−7.92−2.92
Schleicheria oleosa (Lour.) Oken.SapindaceaeStem−2.80.5−11.2−1.91
Elephantopus scaber L.AsteraceaeLeaf−3−13.3−4.12−11.6
Solanum torvum SwartzSolanaceaeStem−3.1105.312.11
Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz) CorreaRutaceaeStem−3.24−7.32−2.53−3.81
Acalypha boehmerioides Miq.EuphorbiaceaeLeaf−3.41−10.2−6.12−11.4
Lagerstroemia floribunda Jack.LythraceaeBark−3.57−5.4−4.31−4.9
Micromelum falcatum (Lour.) TanakRutaceaeStem−3.58−10.4−6.33−10.4
Ficus benjamina L.MoraceaeStem−4.1−33.76.12
Hydnophytum formicarium JackRubiaceaeTuber−4.129.53−6.046.6
Capparis micracantha DC.CapparaceaeStem−4.218.340.236.92
Terminalia corticosa Pierre.CombretaceaeBark−4.242.83−11.8−3.72
Pteridium aquilinum (L) Kuhm.DennstaedtiaceaeLeaf−4.452.62−5.615.32
Sida rhombifolia L.MalvaceaeRoot−4.48−12.9−5.4−7.81
Cananga latifolia Finet et GagnepAnnonaceaeStem−4.511.2−13.31
Parinari anamensis HanceChrysobalanaceaeBark−4.56−1.640.2−0.92
Gardenia philastrei Pierre-ex-Pit.RubiaceaeStem−4.72−4.21−6.91−13.4
Parameria laevigata (Juss.) MoldenkeApocynaceaeBark−4.74−0.72−7.52−3.21
Alstonia scholaris R-BrApocynaceaeBark−5.13.37−5.910.9
Tiliacora triandra DielsMenispermaceaeStem−5.15−3.83−3.81−3.34
Dracaena angustifolia Roxb.AsparagaceaeLeaf−5.32.65−6.74−1.06
Holarrhena curtisii King &GambleApocynaceaeLeaf−5.35−1.44−7.230
Parabarium micranthum (A.DC.) PierreApocynaceaeLeaf−5.41−4.82−1.72−6.51
Dialium cochinchinense PierreFabaceaeBark−5.7113.3−7.725.43
Jasminum nobile C.B.ClarkeOleaceaeStem−5.78−14.3−2.91−2.7
Melaleuca cajuputi PowellMyrtaceaeLeaf−5.79−4.841.310.32
Hymenodictyon excelsum (Roxb) w.RubiaceaeLeaf−5.8−7.113.11−2.81
Derris elliptica (Wall.) Benth.FabaceaeStem−6.217.72−1.625.9
Leea rubra Bl.VitaceaeStem−6.23−8.32−2.11−13.8
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait) HasskMyrtaceaeLeaf−6.2814.2−6.086.31
Brucea javanica (Linn) Merr.SimaroubaceaeStem−6.31−8.33−4.81−10.1
Mimosa pudica Linn.FabaceaeLeaf−6.6−5.640.72−0.7
Lygodium conforme C. Chr.LygodiaceaeLeaf−7.45.421.418.6
Adina cordifolia Hok. FRubiaceaeStem−7.52.81−10.70
Aquilaria crassna Pierr.ThymeleaceaeRoot−7.52−5.62−0.92−2.71
Ficus pumila L.MoraceaeLeaf−7.5512.2−5.727.71
Scleria terrestris (L.) Fassett CyperaceaeLeaf−7.72−25.6−2.61−15.7
Calamus rudentum Lour.ArecaceaeStem−7.82−12.1−0.8−4.04
Neonauclea sessilifolia (Roxb.)Merr.Rubiaceae Bark−7.98.93−4.3−2.51
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L’Hér. ex Vent. UrticaceaeStem−7.9−1.9−10.1−3.2
Diospyros nitida Merr.EbenaceaeStem−80.92−33.81+
Zizyphus oeniplia MillRhamnaceaeStem−8.12−8.42−9.08−5.62+
Cyclea barbata MiersMenispermaceaeLeaf−8.41−5.95−9.11−3.63+
Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f.DilleniaceaeBark−8.44−6.14−9.8−9.43+
Homonoia riparia Lour.EuphorbiaceaeBark−8.498.34−6.322.31+
Colona auriculata (Desv.) CraibTiliaceaeStem−9.71−6.08−11.5−8.6+
Mussaenda cambodiana Pirrl ex PitRubiaceaeStem−9.77−0.62−10.6−6.83+
Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Du RoiPandanaceae Leaf−10−8.34−7.05−10.1+
Cyperus rotundus Linn.CyperaceaeLeaf−10.3−19.2−6.91−15.7+
Aganosma marginata G. DonApocynaceaeStem−10.7−0.92−15.22.61+
Mesua ferrea LCalophyllaceaeLeaf−10.712.5−10.25.92+
Lindernia crustacea (L.) F.Muell.LinderniaceaeStem−10.95.63−1.447.82+
Zanthoxylum rhetsa DC.RutaceaeBark−11.49.56−11.4−7.11+
Walsura villosa Wall. Ex Hiern.MeliaceaeBark−12.4−5.24−9.71−1.32+
Acacia harmandiana (Pierre) Gagnep.FabaceaeBark−12.5−13.1−15.7−4.1++
Ampelocissus matinii PlanchVitaceaeStem−13.10.52−9.91−0.92++
Euphorbia hirta Linn. EuphorbiaceaeLeaf−13.3−20.8−13.5−15.7++
Madhuca butyrospermoides A.Chev.SapotaceaeBark−13.3−2.1−7.94−1.44++
Millingtonia hortensis LinnBignoniaceaeStem−13.4−5.42−9.712.23++
Phyllanthus reticulatus PoirEuphorbiaceaeStem−14.1−14.1−10.5−12.9++
Randia tomentosa Bl.RubiaceaeStem−15.4−3.61−12.41.41++
Anacardium occidentale LinnAnacardiaceaeBark−15.9−14.3−10.1−6.74++
Salacia chinensis Linn.CelastraceaeStem−15.92.54−12.86.72++
Ficus hirta Vahl var roxburghii (Miq).MoraceaeStem−16−1.72−12.8−1.33++
Sterculia lychnophora HanceSterculiaceaeStem−19.2−10.2−12.1−0.42+++
Note: Criteria (*), (**) and (***) refer to radicle elongation shorter than the mean value plus 1.0(SD), 1.5(SD) and 2(SD)—that is, SDV = 12, 17 and 22, respectively. + Criteria (+), (++) and (+++) refer to radicle elongation longer than the mean value minus 1.0(SD), 1.5(SD) and 2(SD)—that is, SDV = −8, −13 and −18, respectively.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sothearith, Y.; Appiah, K.S.; Mardani, H.; Motobayashi, T.; Yoko, S.; Eang Hourt, K.; Sugiyama, A.; Fujii, Y. Determination of the Allelopathic Potential of Cambodia’s Medicinal Plants Using the Dish Pack Method. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9062.

AMA Style

Sothearith Y, Appiah KS, Mardani H, Motobayashi T, Yoko S, Eang Hourt K, Sugiyama A, Fujii Y. Determination of the Allelopathic Potential of Cambodia’s Medicinal Plants Using the Dish Pack Method. Sustainability. 2021; 13(16):9062.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sothearith, Yourk, Kwame Sarpong Appiah, Hossein Mardani, Takashi Motobayashi, Suzuki Yoko, Khou Eang Hourt, Akifumi Sugiyama, and Yoshiharu Fujii. 2021. "Determination of the Allelopathic Potential of Cambodia’s Medicinal Plants Using the Dish Pack Method" Sustainability 13, no. 16: 9062.

APA Style

Sothearith, Y., Appiah, K. S., Mardani, H., Motobayashi, T., Yoko, S., Eang Hourt, K., Sugiyama, A., & Fujii, Y. (2021). Determination of the Allelopathic Potential of Cambodia’s Medicinal Plants Using the Dish Pack Method. Sustainability, 13(16), 9062.

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