Chinese High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with CLT Panels
:1. Introduction
2. Rehabilitation Solution
3. Case Study
4. Numerical Model
Analysis on Representative Frames
5. Results
5.1. Dynamic Thermal Simulation
5.2. Structural Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Strength Values | Elastic Modulus | ||||
fm,k | ft,0,k | fc,0,k | Ex | Ey | Ez |
Mpa | Mpa | Mpa | GPa | GPa | GPa |
24 | 14 | 21 | 7.10 | 4.80 | 0.40 |
Shear Modulus | Poisson’s Ratio | ||||
Gxy | Gxz | Gyz | υxy | υxz | υyz |
GPa | GPa | GPa | - | - | - |
0.65 | 0.50 | 0.10 | 0.075 | 0.364 | 0.380 |
HOLD-DOWN_HTT22 | ||||
Kel | Fy | Kpl | Fmax | |
kN/mm | kN | kN/mm | kN | |
shear | 0.91 | 9.76 | 0.13 | 13.89 |
tension | 4.65 | 39.13 | 0.70 | 47.78 |
BRACKET_BMF90 × 48 × 3 × 116 | ||||
Kel | Fy | Kpl | Fmax | |
kN/mm | kN | kN/mm | kN | |
shear | 2.09 | 22.98 | 0.35 | 26.85 |
tension | 2.52 | 19.22 | 0.42 | 23.47 |
Wall configuration | | | |
Dimension | 2950 × 2950 × 85 mm | 2950 × 2950 × 85 mm | 2950 × 2950 × 85 mm |
Vertical Load | 18.5 kN/m | 18.5 kN/m | 9.25 kN/m |
Hold-down | × 2 HTT22 12 nails φ4 × 60 mm | × 2 HTT22 12 nails φ4 × 60 mm | × 2 HTT22 12 nails φ4 × 60 mm |
Brackets | × 2 AE116 90 × 48 × 3 × 116 mm 11 nails φ4 × 60 mm | × 4 AE116 90 × 48 × 3 × 116 mm 11 nails φ4 × 60 mm | × 2 AE116 90 × 48 × 3 × 116 mm 11 nails φ4 × 60 mm |
Results | | | |
As-Built | Post Renovation | |
Indoor volume | 3 368.77 m3 | 3 029.63 m3 |
Indoor floor area | 676.45 m2 | 608.32 m2 |
Wall surface bordering with the outdoor | 358.71 m2 | 352.10 m2 |
Glazed surface bordering with the outdoor | 273.44 m2 | 245.77 m2 |
Number of apartments per floor | 10 | 7 |
Columns −1/4 floor | Columns 5/9 floor | |||||
| | | | |||
Column ID | KZ1 | KZ2 | KZ1 | KZ2 | ||
Long. Rebar | 4ϕ22 + 16ϕ20 | 4ϕ25 + 28ϕ22 | 4ϕ22 + 16ϕ20 | 4ϕ22 + 20ϕ20 | ||
Stirrups | ϕ10 100 | ϕ10 90 | ϕ10 100 | ϕ10 200/200 | ||
Columns 10/14 floor | Columns 15/19 floor | |||||
| | | | | | |
Column ID | KZ1 | KZ2 | KZ1 | KZ2 | ||
Long. Rebar | 4ϕ22 + 16ϕ20 | 4ϕ22 + 22ϕ18 | 8ϕ25 + 6ϕ20 | 18ϕ25 + 6ϕ20 | 8ϕ20 + 6ϕ18 | 14ϕ25 + 6ϕ20 |
Stirrups | ϕ8 100 | ϕ8 100 | ϕ8 100 | ϕ8 100 | ϕ8 90/180 | ϕ8 90/180 |
Existing bare frame F UNIF | D | F | K | ED,S | ES,S | veq,s | |
m | kN | kN/m | KJ | KJ | - | ||
0 | 0 | 1284 | 340.75 | 3.0 | |||
Dsy,Fsy | y | 0.2 | 1300 | 6500.0 | |||
D,F(D) | max | 0.5 | 1450 | 3085.1 | |||
Existing bare frame MODE 1 | D | F | K | ED,S | ES,S | veq,s | |
m | kN | kN/m | KJ | KJ | [-] | ||
0 | 0 | 1153,6 | 331,2 | 2,7 | |||
Dsy,Fsy | y | 0.2 | 900 | 4500.0 | |||
D,F(D) | max | 0.6 | 1150 | 1996.5 | |||
Retrofitted structure F UNIF | D | F | K | ED,S | ES,S | veq,s | |
m | kN | kN/m | KJ | KJ | - | ||
0 | 0 | 1298 | 382.5 | 2.7 | |||
Dsy,Fsy | y | 0.2 | 1420 | 7675.7 | |||
D,F(D) | max | 0.5 | 1700 | 3777.8 | |||
Retrofitted structure MODE 1 | D | F | K | ED,S | ES,S | veq,s | |
m | kN | kN/m | KJ | KJ | - | ||
0 | 0 | 1696 | 483 | 2,8 | |||
Dsy,Fsy | y | 0.2 | 1000 | 5263,2 | |||
D,F(D) | max | 0.7 | 1400 | 2029,0 |
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Contiguglia, C.P.; Pelle, A.; Lai, Z.; Briseghella, B.; Nuti, C. Chinese High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with CLT Panels. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9667.
Contiguglia CP, Pelle A, Lai Z, Briseghella B, Nuti C. Chinese High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with CLT Panels. Sustainability. 2021; 13(17):9667.
Chicago/Turabian StyleContiguglia, Carlotta Pia, Angelo Pelle, Zhichao Lai, Bruno Briseghella, and Camillo Nuti. 2021. "Chinese High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with CLT Panels" Sustainability 13, no. 17: 9667.
APA StyleContiguglia, C. P., Pelle, A., Lai, Z., Briseghella, B., & Nuti, C. (2021). Chinese High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with CLT Panels. Sustainability, 13(17), 9667.