The Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing
:1. Introduction
- How does relational capital affect explicit and tacit knowledge sharing and organizational performance in the supply chain?
- What are the roles of explicit and tacit knowledge sharing in the impacts of relational capital on organizational performance in the supply chain?
2. Literature Review
2.1. Relational Capital in Supply Chain
2.2. Relationship among Relational Capital, Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance
2.2.1. Effect of Relational Capital on Knowledge Sharing
2.2.2. Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance
2.2.3. Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Organizational Performance
2.2.4. Gaps Identified in Existing Literature
- Relational capital is an important factor for the sustainable development of social relations, and knowledge sharing is an important factor for creating and maintaining sustainable competitive advantages of the supply chain. The previous studies have emphasized the impact of relational capital on knowledge sharing in the supply chain. However, few studies consider the explicit and tacit characteristics of knowledge and analyze the influence of relational capital on both explicit and tacit knowledge sharing in the supply chain.
- Many previous studies indicate organizational performance is an important economic indicator to measure sustainable development, and relational capital is conducive to organizational performance in the supply chain. However, some studies indicate that relational social capital has no significant effect on sustainable organizational performance [47]. For the study of their relationship, the views of existing research are not completely consistent.
- The previous studies have focused on the direct impact among relational capital, knowledge sharing and organizational performance in the supply chain, and also analyzed the mediating roles of knowledge sharing. However, there were few studies on the integrated influence of these factors in the supply chain and the roles of explicit and tacit knowledge sharing between relational capital and organizational performance in supply chain.
2.3. SEM
3. Hypotheses Development
3.1. Relational Capital and Organizational Performance
3.2. Relational Capital and Knowledge Sharing
3.3. Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance
4. Empirical Analysis
4.1. Sample and Data Collection
4.2. Measurements
4.2.1. Relational Capital
4.2.2. Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing
4.2.3. Organizational Performance
4.2.4. Control Variables
4.3. Reliability and Validity
4.4. Hypotheses and Mediating Effect Testing
4.4.1. Hypotheses Testing
4.4.2. Mediating Effect Testing
5. Discussion
5.1. Effect of Relational Capital on Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing
5.2. Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance
5.3. Effect of Explicit and Tacit knowledge Sharing on Organizational Performance
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Number of Firms | Percentage (%) |
Firm Age (years) | ||
<5 | 45 | 15.1 |
6–10 | 69 | 23.1 |
11–15 | 71 | 23.7 |
16–20 | 66 | 22.1 |
>20 | 48 | 16.1 |
Number of employees | ||
<100 | 47 | 15.7 |
100–500 | 96 | 32.1 |
501–1000 | 87 | 29.1 |
>1000 | 69 | 23.1 |
Annual turnover (million RMB Yuan) | ||
<10 | 36 | 12.0 |
10–50 | 31 | 10.4 |
51–100 | 68 | 22.7 |
101–300 | 78 | 26.1 |
301–1000 | 34 | 11.4 |
>1000 | 52 | 17.4 |
Total assets (million RMB Yuan) | ||
<40 | 35 | 11.7 |
41–100 | 77 | 25.8 |
101–400 | 98 | 32.8 |
>400 | 89 | 29.8 |
Construct | Item | Source |
Relational capital (RC) | RC1. Our firm have a high degree of trust with other members of the supply chain | Lazzarotti et al. [66], Yu et al. [37] and Wu et al. [34] |
RC2. Other members of the supply chain will honor their commitments | ||
RC3. Other members of the supply chain will communicate with us when the market environment changes | ||
Explicit knowledge sharing (EKS) | EKS1. Our firm shares our innovation work reports to other members of the supply chain | Le et al. [16], Lei et al. [17] |
EKS2. Our firm shares our technical documents to other members of the supply chain | ||
EKS3. Our firm shares our manuals and methodologies to other members of the supply chain | ||
Tacit knowledge sharing (TKS) | TKS1. Our firm frequently shares work experience with other members of the supply chain | Ganguly et al. [42], Lei et al. [17] |
TKS2. Our firm frequently shares know-how with other members of the supply chain | ||
TKS3. Our firm frequently shares ideas from innovation work with other members of the supply chain | ||
Organizational performance (OP) | OP1. Our firm provides reliable delivery to our customers | Arora et al. [67], Gorane and Kant [68] and Ul Haq [69] |
OP2. Our firm’s average market share growth over the past three years | ||
OP3. Our company’s profit growth over the past three years |
Construct | Item | Cronbach’s Alpha | Factor Loading | Composite Reliability | AVE |
Relational capital | RC1 | 0.945 | 0.886 | 0.900 | 0.751 |
RC2 | 0.876 | ||||
RC3 | 0.837 | ||||
Explicit knowledge sharing | EKS1 | 0.917 | 0.913 | 0.918 | 0.789 |
EKS2 | 0.899 | ||||
EKS3 | 0.852 | ||||
Tacit knowledge sharing | TKS1 | 0.859 | 0.857 | 0.866 | 0.683 |
TKS2 | 0.815 | ||||
TKS3 | 0.806 | ||||
Organizational performance | OP1 | 0.850 | 0.860 | 0.868 | 0.688 |
OP2 | 0.814 | ||||
OP3 | 0.813 |
Fix Index | Scores | Recommended Value |
x2/df | 3.48 | ≤2 a; ≤5 b |
GFI | 0.922 | ≥0.90 a; ≥0.80 b |
RMSEA | 0.091 | ≤0.08 a; ≤0.10 b |
NFI | 0.943 | ≥0.90 a; |
AGFI | 0.867 | ≥0.90 a; ≥0.80 b |
CFI | 0.959 | ≥0.90 a; |
Hypotheses | Path | Estimate | Standard Error | Critical Ratio | p | Result |
H1 | OP←RC | 0.095 | 0.126 | 0.749 | 0.454 | Not supported |
H2 | EKS←RC | 0.650 | 0.099 | 6.547 | *** | Supported |
H3 | TKS←RC | 0.701 | 0.086 | 8.151 | *** | Supported |
H4 | OP←EKS | 0.224 | 0.060 | 3.726 | *** | Supported |
H5 | OP←TKS | 0.387 | 0.093 | 4.145 | *** | Supported |
IV | M | DV | IV→DV | IV→M | IV + M→DV | Mediating | |
IV→DV | M→DV | ||||||
RC | EKS | OP | 0.596 *** | 0.510 *** | 0.304 * | 0.304 *** | Partial |
TKS | 0.534 *** | 0.681 *** | 0.162 | 0.491 *** | Full |
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Qiao, S.; Wang, Q. The Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10635.
Qiao S, Wang Q. The Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing. Sustainability. 2021; 13(19):10635.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQiao, Shi, and Qiankun Wang. 2021. "The Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing" Sustainability 13, no. 19: 10635.
APA StyleQiao, S., & Wang, Q. (2021). The Effect of Relational Capital on Organizational Performance in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Sharing. Sustainability, 13(19), 10635.