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Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Indicators and Comparisons of Countries through a Hybrid Model of Data Mining and MCDM Methods

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Istanbul, Turkey
Institute of Social Sciences, Quantitative Methods, Istanbul University, 34119 Istanbul, Turkey
School of Business, Quantitative Methods, Istanbul University, 34320 Istanbul, Turkey
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2021, 13(2), 694;
Submission received: 17 November 2020 / Revised: 1 January 2021 / Accepted: 3 January 2021 / Published: 12 January 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Economic and Business Aspects of Sustainability)


Science, technology and innovation (STI) policies are of great importance for countries to reach their sustainable development goals. Numerous global databases have many indicators that measure and compare the performance of STI policies of countries. However, many problems arise regarding how to identify, classify and systematically analyze these indicators in order to measure, monitor and improve the performance of STI. The study includes a literature review on global problems and new trends in STI policies, while mentioning the necessity of an internationally comparable STI indicator set, current STI indicator studies and efforts, and studies for each continent. In light of these, all the indicators selected are introduced in detail. The strengths and weaknesses of the countries in the study in terms of evaluation indicator values are indicated. After determining the indicator weights objectively with the entropy method, 40 countries are compared with TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE I-II, ARAS, COPRAS, MULTIMOORA, ELECTRE, SAW and MAUT methods. In addition, countries that show similarities with each other are evaluated by cluster analysis, which is one of the data mining classification methods. This study offers a new and original approach with MCDM methods on this subject. Considering all the results obtained in the study together, these rankings are compared among themselves and with the rankings specified in the Global Innovation (2019) and Global Competitiveness (2019) indices, and it is seen that the results are consistent. In addition, it is possible to update and publish this study every year with updated data.

1. Introduction

Developments in science and technology and strategies based on innovation have become the basic elements of productivity increase and competition at both country and company level. Science, technology and innovation (STI) are very important for all countries because of their sustainable growth effect and solutions to the energy, food security and climate change. Therefore, STI is a significant topic for both sustainable growth and the achievement of political goals. STI has been on the agenda of both developed countries and developing countries in recent years. Some of the main findings of the 2018 Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, published by the European Commission on 17 December 2018, are shown in Figure 1 [1].
As it can be understood from Figure 1, the biggest difference that separates developed countries from developing countries is the knowledge gap between them. As long as the knowledge gaps are eliminated, it is possible to close the development and income gap. Figure 2 shows some key figures about growth rates based on R&D [1]. With the structural change trends in production brought about by technological developments, companies are now strong as long as they can adapt to global value chains, and also countries have competitive power as long as they have companies with global value chains.
Today, science and technology are rapidly globalizing, open innovation systems and collaborations are becoming widespread, and new technologies increase the speed of knowledge dissemination. In a world where competition is rapidly increasing and STI is the most decisive actor, countries need to shape their policies accordingly. Therefore, STI indicators are very important to evaluate the current status of countries and to compare them with each other in terms of STI. Therefore, large global databases such as OECD (Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation), UNDP (United Nations Development Program), ITU (International Telecom Union), Eurostat, the World Bank and the statistical offices of the countries have many indicators that measure and compare the Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP) of countries. Such efforts produce indicator systems to reveal the state of the capabilities and capacities of nations and update existing ones. STI indicators and regional and international comparisons are considered among the important guides of governments in policy formulation on issues such as economy, welfare, and development. The developing competitive environment increases the need for companies and countries to manage the complexity surrounding the STI policy process. However, many problems arise regarding how to determine the importance of these indicators, how to classify them, and how they should be analyzed systematically in order to measure, monitor, and improve the performance of STIP. Therefore, this is an issue that attracts the attention of experts, policymakers, academics, and investors. Designing strong STI indicators and frameworks that can be used in regional and international comparisons should be seen as a priority for governments to form national and international policies [2,3].
This study includes all the topics that are outside of governments’ policies, whether they are aware of it or not, and that is essential for a sustainable STI policy, by presenting a holistic system approach beyond what countries directly implement with each policy and strategy. Thus, it recommends a sustainable system approach to managers who are decision-makers in policies in order to develop holistic solutions and strategies while working on complex issues that they have to deal with on a global scale. By making use of this STI policy proposal, which consists of multi-dimensional factors, decision-makers can see their strengths and weaknesses, and have the opportunity to see and evaluate the status of their competitors.
In the literature, there are studies that many researchers compare and rank countries in terms of their performance in various subjects with MCDM and multivariate statistical methods. These studies evaluated countries in terms of R&D, innovation, technology, regional development, competitive advantage, trade and macroeconomic indicators. The main criteria used in comparing countries in terms of R&D and STI performance in the literature are as follows [4]: Patent applications made by non-residents (number/year); patent applications made by residents (units/year); trademark applications made directly by non-residents (number/year); trademark applications made directly by residents (number/year); trademark applications made by non-residents (number/year); trademark applications made by residents (number/year); total trademark applications (units/year); number of researchers in R&D (per million people); the ratio of R&D expenditures in GDP (%); high technology export amount (USD); high technology exports (percentage of manufacturing products exports); ICT goods exports (percentage of total goods exports); and the number of articles in scientific and technical journals.
Some similar studies on this subject are as follows. Lin, Shyu [5] used a descriptive analysis with descriptive statistics under the innovation policy framework proposed by Rothwell and Zegveld. This study also informed a comparative policy analysis across China and Taiwan. Chaurasia and Bhikajee [6] aimed to analyze India’s economic growth performance, STI investment and health improvements in comparison with Brazil, China and Singapore. Sun and Cao [7] analyzed the dynamics of China’s science, technology and innovation (STI) work, emphasizing the importance of studying science, technology and innovation (STI) activities in China in understanding international competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy. Erdin and Özkaya [8] assessed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries in terms of the criteria of sustainable development index. They used the TOPSIS method to compare and rank them. Salam, Hafeez [9] compared low-middle-income countries while evaluating the dynamic relationship between technology adaptation, innovation, human capital and economy. Blažek and Kadlec [10] examined the interrelationships and problems between the knowledge bases, R&D structure and innovation performance of European regions, and made regional assessments about their situations. Canbolat, Chelst [11] used the MAUT method to evaluate Mexico, Czech Republic, Poland, South Korea and South Africa in terms of global competitiveness and survival, research and development, government regulations and economic factors for establishing a production facility on a global level. They tried to decide which country was more suitable. Kang, Jang [12] compared the national innovation system between the US, Japan and Finland to improve the Korean Deliberation Organization for national science and technology policy.
Manyuchi [13] studied the use of innovation indicators in South Africa’s science, technology and innovation policy making and introduced the institutions that support them. Özbek and Demirkol [14] assessed the European countries using AHP, ARAS, COPRAS, and GRA (Gray Relational Analysis) methods with macroeconomic indicators. The best performing country in the evaluation was Germany, while Greece was in the last place in the ranking.
In the first revision meeting of the OECD’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy index, two common issues agreed upon by the delegates and committee members working on this issue are the inability to be sure of the method to analyze the indicators in the most accurate way and whether collecting information only with surveys produces a result consistent with the facts. Therefore, this study aims to create an appropriate comparison framework by taking advantage of the most up-to-date existing STI policy indices and to compare countries using these indicator values with multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM) and cluster analysis. Thus, a comprehensive MCDM approach is presented to the STI policy comparisons and evaluations, which has not been done yet in the field. Therefore, the study is expected to add an important novelty to the literature.
In the study, the weights of the indicators are determined with the Entropy method, which is one of the MCDM methods. Then 40 countries whose all indicator values are available are compared with TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE I-II, ARAS, COPRAS, ELECTRE, SAW, MAUT, and MULTIMOORA methods. In addition, countries that show similarities with each other are evaluated by cluster analysis, which is one of the data mining classification methods. The selected countries are evaluated within the framework of 10 dimensions and 115 criteria. These criteria were determined as a result of the evaluation of the OECD, the World Bank, the Global Competitiveness Index, and the Global Innovation Indices, which conduct studies and publish reports on science, technology, and innovation. Criteria, indicators, descriptive information about indicators and sources from which data are obtained (SCImago [15], Indexmundi [16], OECD and Group [17], Unesco [18], WorldBank [19], TradingEconomics [20], Schwab [21], Dutta, Lanvin [22], ITU [23], IMF [24], ILO [25] and Numbeo [26]) are shown in Appendix A.
The rest of the study is organized as follows: Section 2 explains the proposed methods. Section 3 presents the obtained results. Section 4 presents the discussion, and Section 5 presents the conclusion.

2. Methodology and Data

All the data obtained have been verified in more than one source and evaluated by comparing them among themselves. The sources and values of all indicators used in the application are included in the appendices of the study.
While the list of the evaluated countries with some descriptive information is presented in Table 1, the definitions of indicators and dimensions is included in Appendix A.
In this study, the Entropy method is proposed in order to avoid subjective evaluations while weighting of indicators to be used in the evaluation of STI policy performance. After determining the indicator weights, the data of the indicators of the countries are analyzed with TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE I-II, ARAS, COPRAS, MULTIMOORA, SAW, MAUT and ELECTRE methods and the performances of 40 countries are evaluated and are compared with each other. Also, the countries classified by using the data mining cluster analysis. All results are evaluated among themselves for consistency.
Existing multi-criteria decision-making approaches can cause confusion of users from time to time due to the complex calculation steps and the solutions they produce. Each of these methods has its own strengths and weaknesses. Due to these differences in the structures of MCDM approaches, the problem of obtaining different rankings with different methods arises in the evaluation of the same problem, also known as inconsistent problem ordering. This is the biggest criticism of these techniques. The main reasons for the occurrence of these differences are as follows: use of different weights, using a different approach to determine the best alternative, the effort to measure goals, and using parameters that may affect the result differently. Currently, there is no specific standard rule for the application of multi-criteria assessment methods and the interpretation of the results obtained. Table 2 was created by the author based on Brauers and Zavadskas [27].
The methodology used in this study combines two approaches to estimate STI performances of selected countries. These approaches are Clustering method and MCDM methods. The proposed methodology in this study includes three phases as stated: Data understanding and collection from indexes; Data preprocessing; Modeling and data analyzing.
Data preparation and data normalization were included in data preprocessing phase. In the data preparation step, some uncompleted data have been omitted. Next, a normalization process is required to put the fields into comparable scales. This process is due to the different scales of STI inputs. In this paper, a min-max approach was used which recalled all record values in the range between 0 to 1. Then, weights of STI variables were calculated by Entropy method and the normalized data of STI have been weighted by these weights. Then, based on weighted STI values countries were clustered by K means clustering. Finally, the clusters of countries were ranked using MCDM methods. Afterwards, the clusters formed in the clustering analysis and the rankings obtained from the MCDM results are evaluated together and the results are compared. When a similar analysis is made for the countries that are not included here, by considering the countries in the study, it can be determined to which cluster a country belongs. Research framework of the study is shown in Figure 3.

2.1. Shannon Entropy and Objective Weights

Two different weight methods are used in MCDM methods, namely objective (objective) and subjective (subjective). Subjective weights are obtained by directly benefiting from the opinions of decision-makers like other MCDM processes. In objective weighting, it makes use of the quantitative features of the criteria. Entropy method, as one of these objective weighting methods, can be applied under conditions where decision matrix values are known [28]. Shannon and Weaver [29] proposed the concept of entropy, a measure of uncertainty in information formulated in terms of probability theory. The concept of entropy is a suitable option for our purpose, as it enables the measurement of relative contrast densities of criteria representing the original information conveyed to the decision-maker [30]. This method has been used in many areas such as spectral analysis [31], language modeling [32], and economics [33].
Shannon has developed an H measure that provides the following properties for all pi in the estimated common probability distribution (P) [34]:
H is a positive continuous function, If all pi are equal ( p i = 1 n ), then H must be a monotonic incremental function of n.
For all n ≥ 2,
H p 1 ,   p 2 ,   ,   p n   = h p 1 + p 2   ,   p 3 ,     ,   p n + p 1 + p 2   H   p 1 p 1 + p 2 ,   p 2 p 1 + p 2
Shannon showed that the only function that meets these properties is as follows:
H S h a n n o n = i p i log p i
Shannon’s entropy method is explained as a weighting calculation method with the following process steps [35,36,37,38]:
Step 1: Creating the Decision Matrix
In the first step of the entropy method, the decision matrix is first created similar to other multi-criteria decision making methods.
X = x 11 x 1 n x m 1 x m n
Step 2: Obtaining the Normalized Decision Matrix
In order to convert the criterion scores into common units, the criteria are normalized according to their benefit or cost characteristics. In this step, Equation (4) is used as follows:
r i j = x i j / max i j i = 1 , , m ; j = 1 , , n r i j = x i j / min i j i = 1 , , m ; j = 1 , , n
In this equation, i = alternatives ; j = criteria ; r i j = normalized   values ; x i j = benefit   values   of   the   i . alternative   for   j .
With the normalization process specified in the second equation, the normalized decision matrix defined by the Equation (5) is formed:
P i j = a i j i = 1 m a i j ;   j
Here, Pij represents normalized values while a is benefit values.
Step 3: Calculate the entropy measure of each indicator using the following equation:
E j = k i = 1 m P i j ln P i j ; j
k = e n t r o p y   c o e f f i c i e n t   { ( ln n ) 1 } ; P i j = n o r m a l i z e d   v a l u e s ; E j = e n t r o p y   v a l u e .
Step 4: (dj) uncertainty value is calculated by Equation (7)
d j = 1 E j ;   j
Step 5: wj weights are calculated as the importance of j criterion by using the Equation (8),
w j = d j j = 1 n d j ;   j
The sum of entropy probability values is always equal to 1.
w 1 + w 2 + w j + + w n = 1

2.2. Ranking of Countries Based on MCDM Methods

In the rest of this section, the steps of the methods used in the study are explained mathematically.

2.2.1. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) Method

TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), proposed by Hwang and Yoon [39] and developed by Lai, Liu [40], is a method that aims to reach the most ideal solution among the available options [41,42]. The positive ideal solution increases the utility metrics while decreasing the cost metrics. The negative ideal solution does the opposite. TOPSIS is generally defined in five steps [43]:
Step 1. First of all, normalization is done to the decision matrix. Using the rij values calculated here, the R matrix is obtained:
r i j = x i j k = 1 m x k j 2 ,   i = 1 , ,   m ; j = 1 , , n
Step 2. By applying the weighting process stated below to the matrix in the first step, the vij matrix is obtained with the vij weighted normal values. wj represents the weight of the J-th criterion or indicator.
v i j = w j r i j ,   j = 1 n w j = 1
Step 3. In this step, positive ideal (A*) and negative ideal (A) solutions are determined:
A = max i   v i j j C b ) , ( min i v i j j C c = v j   j = 1 , 2 , , m
A = min i   v i j j C b ) , ( max i v i j j C c = v j   j = 1 , 2 , , m
When indicator j is a benefit indicator:
v j + = max v i j ,   i = 1 , ,   m ,   v j = min v i j   ,   i = 1 , ,   m
When indicator j is a cost indicator:
v j = max v i j ,   i = 1 , ,   m ,   v j + = min v i j   ,   i = 1 , ,   m
Step 4. The deviations of all alternatives from positive and negative solutions (discrimination criteria) are obtained individually using the following equations using the m-dimensional Euclidean distance:
S i = j = 1 m v i j v j 2 ,   j = 1 , 2 ,   ,   m
S i = j = 1 m v i j v j 2 ,   j = 1 , 2 ,   ,   m
Step 5. In this step, the relative proximity to the ideal solution is determined. The relative proximity of the Ai alternative with respect to A* is defined by the following equation. Then, sort results in descending RCi.
R C i = S i S i + S i ,   i = 1 , ,   m

2.2.2. VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) Multi-Criteria Optimization and Compromise Solution Method

VIKOR is a method proposed by Opricović [44], which aims to reach a compromise order and a consensus result within the framework of determined weights. The term consensus in this definition refers to a consensus of decision makers between options, that is, the determination of a joint decision. The process steps of the VIKOR method are as follows [45]:
Step 1. Calculating the positive ideal solution fi* and negative ideal solution fi. I1 is a benefit indicator, I2 is a cost indicator.
f i = max j f i j | i I 1 ,   min j f i j | i I 2 , i f i = min j f i j | i I 1 ,   max j f i j | i I 2 , i
Step 2. Calculate the Sj and Rj of the scheme. Wi represents the weight of index i.
S j = i n   w i f i f i j f i f i , j  
R j = max i w i f i f i j f i f i ,   j
Step 3. Calculate Q of each scheme.
Q j = v S j S S S + 1 v R j R R R ,   j
S = min j S j ; S =   max j S j ; R = min j R j ; R =   max j R j
While v in the equation of Qj represents the relative importance of the majority of the criteria, namely the maximum group benefit, the value of 1 − v indicates the relative value of the opponents’ minimum regret, ie the weight. By ordering the values of S, R and Q ascending, the order between the alternatives is obtained. In this evaluation process, three rankings are obtained. Two conditions must be met for the result to be valid.
Condition 1 (C1)—(Acceptable advantage):
There must be a distinct difference between the best alternative and the closest alternative. A1 has the smallest Q value i.e., the first best alternative, while A2 is the second best alternative. The acceptable advantage in this case is shown as follows;
Q(A2) − Q(A1) ≥ DQ
DQ = 1/(m − 1) (m is the number of alternatives)
Condition 2 (C2)—(Acceptable stability):
In order to ensure the stability condition for the compromised solution found; A1 alternative with the highest Q value must have received the highest value from at least one of the S and R values.
Step 4. Only after these conditions are met, the alternative with the smallest Q value can be considered as the best option.


PROMETHEE method is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method that enables the analysis of alternatives to be evaluated using preference functions selected according to the criteria. This assessment for alternatives is obtained by performing paired comparisons [46]. PROMETHEE I method, which was introduced for the first time by Mareschal, Brans [47], performs partial ordering, while the PROMETHEE II method performs full ordering. In addition, later Mareschal and Brans [48] proposed the GAIA (Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid) method in 1988, which supports the PROMETHEE method and can obtain graphic presentations. PROMETHEE method consists of 4 steps as follows [49,50,51]:
Step 1. Evaluate the n solutions (a1, a2, …, an) in A under m criteria Ck, and get the decision matrix X = (xik) (i = 1, 2, …, n; k = 1, 2, …, m). When Gk(dij) = 0, there is no difference between scheme ai and scheme aj. When Gk(dij) = 1, scheme ai has definite priority over scheme aj.
G k d i j = P k a i ,   a j 0 , 1
Step 2. Based on the weight (W) provided by the decision maker, a multi-criteria preference ranking index (H) is calculated.
H a i ,   a j = k = 1 m W k P k a i ,   a j
Step 3. The positive and negative directions of the order of Ai’s preference are defined by Φ+(ai) and Φ(ai), respectively.
Φ + a i = j = 1 n H a i , a j   and   Φ a i = j = 1 n H a j , a i
Φ a i = Φ + a i Φ a i
Step 4. The exact ranking of the alternatives is obtained according to the values of Φ(ai).

2.2.4. ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality English) Method

ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality English) method is an MCDM method proposed by Benayoun, Roy [52]. ELECTRE is a method that sorts and selects alternatives according to their paired comparison advantages in terms of each of the evaluation criteria. It has an eight-step process [53]. The steps of the ELECTRE evaluation process are as follows:
Step 1. This process converts the elements of the decision matrix into dimensionless comparable elements by applying Equation (30)
x i j = a i j k = 1 m x a k j 2
Thus, the normalized matrix X is shown as
X = x 11 x 1 n x m 1 x m n
where m presents the number of alternatives, n shows the number of criteria, and xij is the normalized preference measure of the i-th alternative with regard to the j-th criterion.
Step 2. Construction of weighted standard decision matrix (Y): The importance of evaluation factors may be different for each decision-maker. In order to reflect these significant differences to the ELECTRE solution, the Y matrix is calculated. The decision-maker must first determine the weights (wi) of the evaluation factors. 0 ≤ w1, w2, …, wn ≤ 1 and the correlation coefficients of normalized interval numbers are between 0 and 1.
i = 1 n w i = 1
Then the elements in each column of the X matrix are multiplied by the corresponding wi value to form the Y matrix. Therefore, the weighted matrix which is derived from the normalized matrix is shown in Equation (33):
Y i j = w 1 x 11 w n x 1 n w 1 x m 1 w n x m n
Step 3. Determining the set of concordance (Ckl) and discordance (Dkl).
The Y matrix is used to determine the fit sets. The decision points are compared with each other in terms of evaluation factors and the sets are determined by the relationship shown in the formula:
C k l = j y k j y l j
The formula is based on the comparison of the superiority of the row elements relative to each other. The number of concordance sets in a multiple decision problem is ( The kl condition should be provided for k and l indices when creating concordance sets. The number of elements in a set of concordance can be the maximum number of evaluation factors (n).
For example, in order to be able to decide the C concordance set for k = 1 and l = 2, the elements of row 1 and 2 of the Y matrix are mutually compared with each other. When there are four evaluation factors, the C12 concordance set will have, at most, four elements. For instance, if the comparison results of rows 1 and 2 are as follows: y11 > y21, y12 < y22, y13 < y23 and y14 = y24. The condition in formula Equation (5) will fit for the values of j = 1 and j = 4, and the C12 concordance set will be defined as C12 = {1,4}. The ELECTRE method has a discordance set (Dkl) which is complementary to each concordance set (Ckl). In other words, there are as many discordance sets as the number of concordance sets. The discordance set elements consist of j values that do not belong to the complementary concordance set. In the example, concordance set is C12 = {1,4} therefore discordance set is D12 = {2,3}.
Step 4. Construction of concordance (C) and discordance (D) matrix.
The concordance index ckl is the sum of the weights related with the criteria included in the concordance set. ance matrices (D)
Concordance sets are used to create the concordance matrix (C). The matrix C is a mxm matrix and does not have a value for k = l. The elements of the C matrix are calculated by the relationship shown in the formula:
C k l = j C k l w j   f o r   j = 1 ,   2 ,   3 ,   ,   n .
The discordance matrix (D) shows the degree that a particular alternative Ak is worse than a competing alternative Al. The elements of the discordance matrix (D) are calculated by Equation (36):
d k l = max j D k l y k j y l j max j y k j y l j
Moreover, both of these two mxm matrices are not symmetric.
Step 5. Determine the concordance and discordance dominance matrices. The concordance dominance matrix (F) is a mxm matrix and the elements of the matrix are obtained from the comparison of the concordance threshold (c) with the elements (ckl) of the concordance matrix. The concordance threshold value (c) is obtained by the formula
c = 1 m m 1 k = 1 m l = 1 m c k l
m shows the number of decision points in the formula. More specifically, the value of c is equal to the product of the total value of the elements of C matrix and 1 m m 1 .
Based on the threshold value, the elements of the concordance dominance matrix F are decided by
c k l c f k l = 1 ,   c k l < c f k l = 0
it also shows the same decision points on the diagonal of the matrix, so it has no value. In a similar way, the discordance dominance matrix G is described by using a threshold value d, where d could be explained as
d = 1 m m 1 k = 1 m l = 1 m d k l d k l d g k l = 1 ,   d k l < d g k l = 0
Step 6. Construction of the aggregate dominance matrix (E). Here, the E is a mxm matrix depending on the C and D matrices and it consists of 1 or 0 values.
e k l = f k l × g k l
Step 7. Determining the order of importance for decision points. The rows and columns of the E matrix represent the decision points. For example, if the matrix E is calculated as
E = 0 0 1 0 1 1
e 21 = 1 ,   e 31 = 1 ,   a n d   e 32 = 1
This indicates that the second alternative is preferred to the first alternative, the third alternative is preferred to the first alternative, and the third alternative is preferred to the second alternative by using both the concordance and discordance criteria. In this case, if the decision points are expressed with the symbol Ai (i = 1, 2,…, m) the order of importance for the decision points will be in the form of A3, A2, and A1.

2.2.5. COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assesment) Method

COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) is an MCDM method used to evaluate and rank the alternatives [54]. The evaluation steps of the approach are briefly listed below [55,56,57]:
Variables used in the COPRAS method; Ai: i-th alternative I = 1, 2, …., m; Cj: j-th criterion j = 1, 2, …., n; wj: significance weight of the j-th criterion j = 1, 2, …, n; xij: j-th level of evaluation criterion j = 1, 2, …, n.
Step 1. The decision matrix formed by the xij values is obtained.
D = A 1 A 2 A 3 . A m x 11 x 12 x 13 . x 1 n x 21 x 22 x 23 . x 2 n x 31 x 32 x 33 . x 3 n . . . . . x m 1 x m 2 x m 3 . x m n
Step 2. Normalized values are obtained by dividing each value in the decision matrix by the sum of the column to which it belongs.
X i j = x i j i = 1 m x i j ,   j = 1 ,   2 ,   ,   n
Step 3. The weighted normalized decision matrix D ‘consisting of dij elements calculated by multiplying the weight value (wj) of each evaluation criterion with the normalized decision matrix values is obtained.
D = d i j = x i j × w j
Step 4. The sum of the weighted normalized decision matrix values of the benefit and cost criteria is calculated. Si+ represents the sum of values in the i weighted normalized decision matrix of the utility criteria, while Si represents the total value of the cost criteria. The formulas for calculating these values are shown in Equations (44) and (45).
S i + = j = 1 k d i j ,   j = 1 ,   2 ,   ,   k
S i = j = k + 1 n d i j ,   j = k + 1 , k + 2 ,   ,   n
Step 5. In this step, the relative importance value (Qi) of each alternative is calculated.
Q i = S i + + i = 1 m S i S i × i = 1 m 1 S i
Step 6. The highest relative priority value is determined.
Q m a x = m a x Q i ,   i = 1 ,   2 ,   ,   n
Step 7. The performance index (Pi) value of each alternative is obtained.
P i = Q i Q m a x × % 100
Performance index value (Pi) which is equal to 100 is determined as the best alternative in terms of alternative evaluation criteria. The COPRAS ranking table is obtained by ranking the performance index value of each alternative in descending order.

2.2.6. ARAS (A New Additive Ratio Assessment) Method

A New Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) is a method suggested by Zavadskas and Turskis [58] in order to solve MCDM problems. The ARAS method compares the utility function value of each alternative with the utility function value of the optimal alternative [59]. The process of the ARAS method consists of 4 steps [58]. The first three steps of the method are the same as the COPRAS method. In the last step of the ARAS method, the optimality function value of each alternative is calculated, and thus it is possible to evaluate the alternatives.
Si represents the optimality function value of the i-th alternative. It is equal to the sum of all criterion values for each alternative.
S i = j = 1 n x ^ i j ,   i = 0 ,   1 ,   ,   m
The alternative with the largest Si value is defined as the most efficient alternative. Also in this step, Ki utility degrees are obtained by dividing each Si value by S0 optimal function value.
K i = S i S 0 ,   i = 0 ,   1 ,   ,   m
The relative efficiency of the utility function values (Ki) of each alternative is determined with Ki, which takes values in the range of [0,1]. An ARAS ranking table from the best alternative to the worst ranked alternative in terms of criteria is obtained by ordering the Ki values in descending order.

2.2.7. Multimoora (The Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis) Method

The MOORA method was developed and proposed by [60]. In the literature, there are many MOORA methods, including MOORA-Ratio Method, MOORA Reference Point Approach, MOORA-Significance Coefficient, The full multiplicative form of MOORA, and MULTIMOORA method [61].
MOORA-Ratio Method. In the ratio method, the initial decision matrix values of the alternatives are normalized based on each criterion. As stated in the formula below, each data is divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the values in the criteria to which it belongs. In this process; xij: the value of alternative j in terms of criterion i; j = 1, 2,…, m; m is the number of alternatives included in the analysis; i = 1, 2,…, n; n is the number of criteria included in the analysis; xij*: represents the normalized value of alternative j in terms of i criterion [62].
X i j = x i j i = 1 m x i j 2
According to the optimization approach of the method, normalized values are summed up in maximization, subtracted in minimization as expressed in the formula [62];
y j = i = 1 g x i j i = g + 1 i = n x i j
i = 1, 2,..., g, values are utility criteria whose values are desired to be large; If i = g + 1, g + 2,..., n are the (cost) criteria whose values are desired to be small. j = 1, 2,..., m shows alternatives. yj*; It is the total ranking value of alternative j. While ranking the alternatives by using these values, the alternative with the highest value is determined as the best alternative. On the other hand, the alternative with the lowest yj* value is determined as the worst alternative in terms of evaluation criteria [62].
Reference Point Approach. In the MOORA Reference point approach, the best available criterion values for each criterion are determined and these values are used as reference points in the evaluation. r represents the reference value of the ith criterion. dij represents the distance from the reference point of the criterion to which each weighted normalized value calculated in the previous analysis belongs. The deviations of the normalized values given in the decision matrix from the reference series are calculated according to the formulation given in the equation. Then, the maximum values of these distances for each criterion are determined. The alternative with the smallest of these largest values is determined as the best alternative in terms of the criteria evaluated. Meanwhile, the final evaluation score of the ith alternative is represented by Pi [62].
d i j = r i x i j
P i = Min i ( Max r i x i j | ) j
The full multiplicative form of MOORA. Brauers and Zavadskas describe this approach for MOORA analysis in the following Equation [63]:
U i = A i B i
A i = j = 1 g x i j ,   B i = j = g + 1 n x i j
Ui represents the degree of use of the ith alternative. As seen in the equation, the product of the values of the benefit criteria of the relevant alternative forms the numerator, while the product of the values of the cost criteria forms the denominator [63].
Multi-MOORA Approach. Multi-MOORA is a new MOORA approach proposed by Brauers and Zavadskas in 2010. Multi-MOORA is a method in which the MOORA ratio, reference point and full multiplicative approaches are evaluated by making a dominance comparison [27].
Absolute dominance means achieving the same rank in all MOORA approaches applied. The Multi-MOORA order, which can be an example of the concept of absolute dominance, is (1-1-1).
In general dominance expression, it is expressed as the dominance of two of the three approaches applied. Assuming an order such as a < b < c < d: (d-a-a) to (c-b-b); it is possible to evaluate that (a-d-a) has a general dominance over (b-c-b) and (a-a-d) over (b-b-c) [64].

2.2.8. SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method

This MCDM method proposed by Churchman and Ackoff [65] is also known as the Weighted Sum Model in the literature [66]. Compared to many other MCDM methods, it is a frequently preferred method because it has a simpler calculation process [67]. The equations used in the SAW approach are as follows [68,69,70]:
Step 1. Normalizing decision matrix values
Normalization process differs depending on whether the criteria are benefit (maximization) or cost (minimization) criteria. The formulas applied in this step are listed below [66]:
r i j = x i j max X i j   i = 1 ,   ,   m ; j = 1 ,   ,   n   f o r   b e n e f i t   c r i t e r i a min X i j x i j                   i = 1 ,   ,   m ; j = 1 ,   ,   n   f o r   c o s t c r i t e r i a
Step 2. Determination of preference values for each alternative.
The total preference value (Sj) for each alternative is calculated by multiplying the criteria weight for each criterion with the normalized values of the relevant criterion obtained in the first step.
S j = j = 1 m w j r i j                   i = 1 ,   ,   m
wij: Weight of the relevant criterion.
The large value indicates that the relevant alternative should be preferred more. The relative value (Sj%) of each alternative is obtained by proportioning the Sj value of the relevant alternative to the total Sj of all alternatives.
S j % = S j j = 1 n S j
The alternative with the largest Sj% value is the first alternative in the SAW ranking table and is identified as the best alternative among alternatives.

2.2.9. MAUT (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) Method

Multi-attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) approach is one of the MCDM methods that enables the determination of the best alternative in terms of criteria by allowing qualitative and quantitative criteria to be evaluated together [71,72]. The operation process of the MAUT approach consists of two steps [73]. In the first step, the decision matrix elements are normalized.
Step 1. In the normalization process, the values of each criterion are first converted so that the best value is one (1) and the worst value is zero (0). Thus, all values must be in the range [0, 1]. This transformation is done using the following Equation [73]:
u i x i = x x i x i + x i
Definitions of variables in this formula are shown below:
  • x i + : The largest value of the relevant criterion.
  • x i : The smallest value of the relevant criterion.
  • x : Current value of the cell under calculation.
Step 2. In the second step after normalization process, the utility values of each alternative are calculated. The formula used in the calculation of these benefit values and the definitions of the variables used are given below [73]:
U x = 1 m ( u i x i × w i )
  • U(x): Benefit value of the relevant alternative.
  • ui(xi): The utility value of the alternative in terms of the relevant criteria.
  • Wi: weight value of the relevant criterion.

2.3. K-Means Clustering Algorithm

K-means algorithm was developed by MacQueen [74] which aims to find the cluster centers, (c1,..., cK), in order to minimize the sum of the squared distances (Distortion, D) of each data point (xi) to its nearest cluster centre (ck), as shown in Equation below where d is some distance function. Typically, d is chosen as the Euclidean distance. The steps of K-means algorithm are shown as follows [75]:
Initialize K centre locations (c1, ..., cK).
Assign each xi to its nearest cluster centre ck.
Update each cluster centre ck as the mean of all xi that have been assigned as closest to it.
Calculate D = i = 1 n [ min k = 1 k d ( x i , c i ) ] 2 .
If the value of D has converged, then return (c1,..., cK); else go to Step 2.

3. Results

Figure 4 shows the weights of the criteria of the STI framework obtained by the Entropy method. As a result of entropy calculations, while the criterion with the highest importance is the management criterion with a value of 14.583%, the dimensions that follow this dimension in order are the development of human capital: education (13.743%); financial and market sophistication (12.538%); economy (11.785%); R&D investment and research workforce (11.53%); energy, mining and green technology infrastructure (9.828%); information and communication technology (ICT) (7.775%); creative outputs (7.337%); institutions (7.32%); scientific publications and citations (3.561%).
If evaluated specifically in terms of indicators, Table 3 shows the order of entropy importance weights of STI indicators in descending order. The most important indicator is the intensity of local competition (1.038%). This is followed by ICT and business model creation (1.037%), trade, competition and market scale (1.037%), business environment (1.036%), market coverage (1.036%), PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) scales in reading, mathematics and science (1.035%), ICT and organizational modeling (1.035%), foreign market size (1.035%), government online service (1.034%), e-participation (1.034%), scientists and engineers (1.033%) and accessibility to the latest technologies (1.033%).
When the administration, which is determined as the biggest weighted criterion with the entropy weighting, is evaluated, the government officials and politicians who perform poorly in this criterion should make government spending effective, increase transparency in government policies, to be fair in the decisions they make. Because the countries with the worst scores in the analyses performed have very low values in these indicators.
In the SAW analysis, Relative values (Sj%) are calculated for each country. The ranking table of the SAW method is obtained by ordering these values in descending order. The country with the greatest value is the best country in terms of STI criteria. Relative values and rankings are shown in Table 4. While Switzerland is the best country in the ranking, the other countries in the top five are Sweden, Singapore, Finland, and the United States of America. On the other hand, the five worst-performing countries are South Africa, Mexico, Greece, Turkey, and Brazil, respectively.
In the TOPSIS analysis, TOPSIS ideal (Si*), negative ideal (Si) and relative proximity to Ideal solution (Ci*) values for each country were calculated, and they are shown in Table 5.
Table 6 presents the TOPSIS ranking of countries in terms of STI performances. According to the ranking obtained as a result of TOPSIS analysis, While Switzerland is the best country in the ranking, the other countries in the top five are Singapore, Sweden, Finland and the USA, respectively. On the other hand, the five worst-performing countries, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Mexico and Brazil.
In the VIKOR analysis, the weighted and normalized Manhattan distance (Si), the weighted and normalized Chebyshev distance (Ri), and the compromise value (Qi) for each alternative (country) have been calculated. These values are shown in Table 7 below.
Then, calculations are made by considering five different maximum group utility (v) values. Here, 1 − v also represents a minimum of individual regret. While applying these strategies, there may be a compromise problem with the value of v = 0.5, where v = (n + 1)/2n (v + 0.5 (n − 1)/n = 1). Because the first criterion related to R is also included in S. S* and S values represent the maximum and minimum values in the Si column, while the R* and R- values show the maximum and minimum values in the Ri column. The rankings obtained according to each Qi value calculated for five different v values are shown in Table 8.
In the VIKOR analysis, acceptable advantage (1st Condition) and acceptable stability (2nd Condition) conditions are provided only for v = 1. The country rankings were obtained by ranking the Qi values calculated according to this value in ascending order.
In the ARAS method, the priority values (Si) and benefit values (Ki) of all countries were calculated, and they are shown in Table 9. When the percentage value (% Ki) of the utility value is ordered in descending order, a table is obtained indicating the order from the best country to the worst country in terms of STI. According to the ranking in Table 9, the top five countries in terms of STI are Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, and the United States, respectively. The five countries with the worst scores are the Russian Federation, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, and Brazil.
Ranking of the countries according to the calculated COPRAS benefit degrees is presented in Table 10. According to the ranking, the country with the highest benefit rating is Switzerland. Other countries in the top five of the ranking are Sweden, Singapore, Finland, and the United States, respectively. The five countries with the worst performance score are the Russian Federation, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, and Brazil.
Visual PROMETHEE, an easily applicable program, was preferred in the application of PROMETHEE analysis. The program is an important multi-criteria decision support program designed for the implementation of the PROMETHEE method.
The weights used in the analysis are the weights obtained from the entropy analysis. In the PROMETHEE method, if there is no priority among the criteria for decision makers, the first type, namely the usual preference function, is preferred. Therefore, the preference function for all criteria has been determined as the first type (ordinary) function in order to make an evaluation using only the determined Entropy weights, regardless of subjective evaluations (without prioritizing certain value ranges for any criterion). In the analysis, when the ordinary type preference function is preferred, the values part of the parameters q (indifference value), p (absolute preference threshold) and s (intermediate value or standard deviation between p and q) are left blank.
A partial ranking of countries in terms of STI criteria is obtained with the PROMETHEE I method. When the results of PROMETHEE I analysis obtained from the Visual PROMETHEE program are evaluated, it is seen that Switzerland is more dominant than other countries. Sweden and Netherlands follow this country in dominance of other countries, respectively. The final and complete ranking is obtained with the PROMETHEE II method.
The PROMETHEE II method, obtained through the program, performs the full ranking process between countries with the net superiority value (Phi) calculated by using negative (Phi−) and positive superiority (Phi+) values. These PROMETHEE II results show positive advantage value, negative advantage value, net superiority value and the ranking of countries. According to this analysis, Switzerland ranks first among other countries as the country with the highest net Phi value in terms of STI criteria. The top five countries following Switzerland are Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Singapore and Denmark. According to the PROMETHEE II analysis, the total performance scores of the countries are shown in Table 11.
In Figure 5, the representation of PROMETHEE II analysis on GAIA plane is presented.
Alternatives (countries) in the GAIA plane are shown as points, and criteria as vectors. Also, the Decision Stick is indicated by π on the GAIA plane. The distribution of the countries to be listed in the GAIA plane is given in Figure 6. Among the countries that are tried to be listed, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland are in the direction of the best compromise solution because they are in the direction of the decision stick. Mexico, Brazil and Turkey which are situated in the opposite direction of Switzerland are the countries in the worst position in the analysis. It can be said that countries located close to each other and clustered together on the GAIA plane have similar profiles in terms of STI criteria. Similarly, it can be said that the differences are large between countries that are far apart from each other on the plane. When evaluating in terms of criteria, criteria in the same direction are defined as compatible with each other, while criteria in the opposite direction are considered as opposite criteria. Based on the criteria on the GAIA plane and the positions of the countries, it is possible that decision makers may increase the number of comments made above. Showing the single criteria net flows of the countries together reveals the profiles of the countries. Countries that are close to each other in the plane are presented as examples in Figure 6 to show profile graphics in terms of criteria. It is seen that countries that are close to each other have similar profile graphics.
The ranking of countries according to the MOORA ratio approach in terms of STI criteria is included in the Table 12. A ranking table is obtained from the best ranking country to the worst by ranking the yi* values obtained in the previous stage in descending order. According to the ranking, the country with the best condition in terms of STI criteria is Switzerland. The countries that rank among the top five countries and follow Switzerland are Sweden, Singapore, Finland and the United States, respectively. On the other hand, the last five countries are South Africa, Turkey, Greece, Mexico and Brazil.
The final ranking of the countries obtained with the MOORA reference point analysis is shown in the Table 13. According to the MOORA reference point approach, the country with the best score in terms of STI is Switzerland. Along with Switzerland, the top five countries are Portugal, South Korea, Germany and the Czech Republic, respectively. The last five countries on the list are Singapore, Indonesia, Israel, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
According to the full multiplicative form of MOORA approach, the ranking of the countries and their scores are shown in Table 14.
According to the ranking, the country with the best value in terms of STI is Switzerland. Other countries in the top five are Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom, respectively. The five countries with the worst score are Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Mexico and Qatar. Table 15 presents the MULTIMOORA ranking obtained using the three MOORA methods.
In the ELECTRE method, firstly, the consistency matrix is obtained. After creating the consistency matrix, the inconsistency matrix is created. Then, the necessary evaluation matrix values for all cells are obtained. In the last step, the dominance values are calculated by collecting the row and column values of each country using the evaluation table. Finally, the values obtained by calculating the row and column difference for each country are listed in descending order. Thus, ELECTRE ranking of countries is obtained [76]. All of these values and the order are presented in Table 16.
According to the ranking, the country with the best value in terms of STI is Switzerland. Other countries in the top five are Sweden, the USA, Singapore and the United Kingdom, respectively. The five countries with the worst score are Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia and Brazil.
In the MAUT method, the country with the highest benefit value is the best country in terms of STI criteria. Therefore, country rankings obtained as a result of the MAUT analysis are the same as the rankings of the SAW analysis. Benefit values and country rankings of MAUT analysis are shown in Table 17, which was created by using Table 4.
In the cluster analysis, the dendrogram structure of the countries was reached by analyzing the data belonging to 115 criteria and 10 dimensions by hierarchical clustering analysis which is one of the data mining classification methods. The dendrogram is shown in Figure 7.
With the evaluation of the dendrogram, it was decided to divide the countries into 3 groups with k-means clusters analysis. In this way, we have the opportunity to see countries that are similar in terms of evaluation criteria. Table 18 shows the number of cases in each cluster.
Table 19 presents the cluster memberships of countries according to K-means clusters analysis.
Table 20 lists the results of ranking using TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, ARAS, COPRAS, SAW and MAUT. Although there are some differences in the rankings of MCDM methods, the rankings show significant consistency in general. MOORA reference point and full multiplicative form of MOORA are used to obtain MULTIMOORA ordering. Therefore, only the MOORA ratio and MULTIMOORA rankings are taken into account among the MOORA rankings.
Table 21 shows the rankings according to the Global Innovation and Global Competitiveness Indices. When the rankings in Table 20 and Table 21 are evaluated together, it is seen that the rankings are quite consistent.
Country comparisons and evaluations show that economic growth and the spread of a wealth system based on knowledge, transparency in management, sustainable infrastructure in technology and human resources education create significant differences between countries. The countries at the end of the rankings have very low values in these indicators.
Switzerland ranks first in the rankings for all methods. Sweden ranks second in all rankings except TOPSIS ranking, third in TOPSIS ranking. Singapore is in the top three in all rankings except PROMETHEE II and ELECTRE. It is in the fifth place in the PROMETHEE II ranking.
According to the evaluation results in terms of the performance of STI indicators, the countries in the top ten by achieving the best performance scores are Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, USA, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and Ireland, respectively. When the countries with low performance scores are evaluated, Brazil ranked last in the rankings obtained from TOPSIS, VIKOR, ARAS, COPRAS, SAW, MAUT and ELECTRE methods; In the PROMETHEE II ranking, it is second to last.
Mexico ranks last in the MOORA ratio approach, MULTIMOORA and PROMETHEE II rankings. When evaluating poor performing countries in general, South Africa, Greece, Turkey, Mexico and Brazil are at the last five in almost all rankings.
Also, the countries in the last ten order show significant consistency. According to the analyses made, countries in the last ten places are India, Thailand, Hungary, Indonesia, South Africa, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Mexico and Brazil. While the order of the ARAS and COPRAS methods is exactly the same, the order of the SAW and MAUT methods is exactly the same. In general, when all the rankings of all methods are evaluated, the country rankings are similar.
The countries with lower scores in the analysis and at the bottom of the lists have very low values in indicators that evaluate the trade volume, innovative policies to improve market share, competitive advantage, industrialization intensity, technological development of production processes, and the added value of all sectors, especially industry, technology exports and intellectual property rights. According to the values of indicators, in these countries, the private sector does not make the expected investment in terms of R&D. Most of the investments made by commercial enterprises also consist of public incentives. Therefore, it is suggested that companies should increase their R&D expenditures.

4. Discussion

The most important limitation of this study is the absence of a comprehensive database that would enable all countries or a significant majority to be evaluated together. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to determine common indicators and to create a common database. The novelty of the study is that it both tries to show the current situation of 40 countries with relevant indicators and proposes an integrated decision support system to improve this situation.
STI policy indicators include many different areas and are in conflict with each other. This feature shows that multi-criteria decision-making methods should be used in this field. The starting point of this study is the need for the STI policy framework and the need to use new methods in this field. Using MCDM methods and data mining cluster analysis together in this field is a novelty proposed by the study. In general, countries are tried to be evaluated with descriptive statistical methods in studies on a similar subject. It is seen that the results obtained by analyzing the 40 countries determined with 10 criteria and 115 criteria using 10 MCDM methods and cluster analysis are generally consistent. Subjective assessment is not used in any of the calculation processes of these MCDM methods.
When all these results are evaluated together, the results obtained from this study, which was carried out by taking into account more indicators and dimensions, are consistent with the results of the indices that conduct global research and evaluate with their own methodologies.
The PROMETHEE method is a little more advantageous than other methods in terms of visually evaluating both the similarities of countries and similar and different country groups in terms of indicator values. Also, the Multi-MOORA method gets a ranking based on the rankings made by three MOORA methods. Therefore it stands out a bit more than other methods in terms of reliability. In the overall assessment, the rankings of all methods are quite consistent.
Since MCDM methods such as the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) are based on subjective evaluations, very different results can be obtained in different analyses for the same indicators. If even the criterion weights are determined by subjective evaluations, the results obtained by the same methods for the same indicators will be different. In this study, the MCDM methods and cluster analysis were used, with the criteria being objectively weighted and not requiring any subjective evaluation, and only processing and evaluating the criteria values. In other words, the evaluations were carried out in a completely objective framework. Due to the computational differences that the methods have, there are some differences in the rankings obtained. However, when the results obtained from all methods are generally evaluated, the results are consistent with each other and the other global evaluation rankings.
Determining and comparing the most developed countries in terms of STI, has been discussed in many studies. In the Introduction section of the study, MCDM studies carried out on this or similar subjects in the last five years were examined. Considering the number of studies, the methods they used, and their applications, it is seen that the application of this study brings a novelty to the field with its scope, methods, and the number of countries it includes. As a future study proposal, different methods may be applied to solve this problem and the outputs may be compared with this article. Also, it is recommended to repeat this study in the following years in order to see the performance of these countries in terms of STI policies.

5. Conclusions

The article evaluates 40 countries, mostly European, based on 115 indicators related to (STI) science, technology and innovation. In addition, while the article aims to demonstrate the current status of these countries, it also aims to offer an integrated decision support framework in order to contribute to this field. Indicators used in the application of study include very important topics in terms of sustainable economy and development of countries. The fact that a country has a bad score in terms of STI also means that the stability and sustainability of that country’s productivity, development, market share, and employment are under threat.
With the evaluation of the dendrogram in cluster analysis, it was decided to divide the countries into 3 groups with k-means clusters analysis. In this way, we have the opportunity to see countries that are similar in terms of evaluation criteria. When the countries in the obtained clusters are evaluated, it is seen that the countries with similar scores in the rankings obtained by MCDM methods are together. Consequently, it is observed that the results of the clustering analysis from the data mining classification method with the MCDM rankings show quite consistency.
Among the top ten countries in the overall assessment in Table 20, only Ireland is not among the top ten countries in the list of the Global Innovation Index. Ireland ranks twelfth on this list. Switzerland and Sweden are again in the first two places of these rankings, and they show consistency with the results of the study. When we compare the Global Competitiveness Index with our analyses results, all countries in the top ten, except Ireland, are among the top ten countries in this index. Japan, which is in the top ten in this index, generally ranks 11th or 12th when the results of the MCDM methods are evaluated. When the countries that show poor performance in terms of STI indicators are evaluated according to the results of the study with the rankings of these methods, all of the ten countries with the worst performance, except Hungary, are also in the last ten in the Global Innovation Index. According to the list of the Global Competitiveness Index, all of these countries except Thailand are among the last ten countries. Slovakia, which is among the last ten countries in the list instead of Thailand, is ranked 11th from the last in the results of the study, while Thailand is ranked 11th from the last in the index ranking.
It is seen that Northern European countries such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland and Norway come to the fore in the rankings based on STI indicators. These countries are generally among the top ten countries in all rankings. Therefore, this region seems to be ahead of other regions in terms of STI performance and policies in the global sense. Also, Switzerland is the leading country in the rankings. The Netherlands and Germany are other European countries that rank in the top ten. In general, the countries in the top ten and not in the European continent are the United States of America and Singapore.
When the results of the study and other global indices are evaluated, it can be said that the European continent is ahead of other regions in terms of STI policies and performances. These countries have very high values compared to other countries, based on the following indicator values used in the study and normalized by compressing between 0–1: the quality of the education system, competitive advantage, environmental performance, innovation capacity, ICT and business model creation, GDP per capita, R&D expenditure of companies, access and use of ICT, regulatory environment, patent applications, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, participation and accountability, employment in information-intensive services, university-industry cooperation in research and development, accessibility to the latest technologies, R&D expenditures of the first three global companies, quality of mathematics and science education, economic cluster development.
When the last ten countries of the rankings are evaluated, there is no specific region or continent that stands out. However, in the rankings, the same countries are generally in the last rows. These countries are India, Thailand, Hungary, Indonesia, South Africa, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Mexico and Brazil. These countries have very low values in terms of these following indicators used in the study and normalized by compressing between 0–1: creative goods export, unemployment, researchers, total gross R&D expenditure, innovation, competitive advantage, high technology exports, renewable energy consumption, international scientific cooperation, internet access in schools, ICT and business model creation, ICT services export, investment, average monthly net income, participation and accountability, political stability, patent applications, added value of the manufacturing sector, high technology and medium high technology production, university-industry cooperation in R&D, and quality of scientific research institutions. Furthermore, these countries perform very low performance in terms of education. These countries have insufficient education expenditures per student; students obtained low PISA scores in reading, mathematics and science; they do not have the necessary trained workforce in the field of science and engineering; it is observed that the education system and universities’ quality evaluations at the global level cannot meet the necessary criteria and get low scores.
Almost all of the countries at the bottom of the rankings perform poorly on issues such as GDP per capita, real GDP growth, average monthly net income, unemployment, and female labour force participation. Consequently, these countries should produce policies that will give priority to the fields of administration, development of human capital: education, finance and market development, R&D investment and research workforce, which are the criteria with the largest entropy weight in the study. The results of the study shows that societies and management approaches should be more inclusive. The study also covers sustainable environment and renewable energy issues with 16 indicators in the dimension of ‘energy, mining and green technology infrastructure’. It emphasizes the need for a sustainable productivity and efficiency policy by addressing education, creative sectors and R&D. Thus, it has the vision to shape the future with its assessment dimensions.

Author Contributions

G.O.: conceptualization; data curation, methodology; investigation; validation; writing—original draft; writing—review and editing; proofreading. M.T.: conceptualization; methodology; validation; writing—review and editing; supervision; proofreading. C.E.: conceptualization; methodology; supervision; proofreading. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in the data banks specified in Appendix A.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Descriptive information about criteria and indicators and the sources they were obtained.
Table A1. Descriptive information about criteria and indicators and the sources they were obtained.
1Citations per publicationNumber of citations per publicationScientific Publications and CitationsScimago (2019)
2The productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholarH indexScientific Publications and CitationsScimago (2019)
3International scientific collaborationInternational Scientific Collaboration (%)Scientific Publications and CitationsScimago (2019)
4Scientific and technical journal articlesNumber of scientific and technical journal articlesScientific Publications and CitationsIndex Mundi, OECD, World Bank
5The citation impact of scientific productionNumber of citable documentsScientific Publications and CitationsScimago (2019)
6TradeTrade (% of GDP)EconomyIndex Mundi, OECD, World Bank
7Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value addedAgriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)EconomyIndex Mundi, Trading Economics, World Bank
8Services, value addedServices, value added (annual % growth)EconomyIndex Mundi, OECD, World Bank
9Manufacturing, value addedManufacturing, value added (annual % growth)EconomyIndex Mundi, Trading Economics
10Industry (including construction), value addedIndustry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)EconomyOECD, World Bank
11Medium and high-tech industryMedium and high-tech industry (% manufacturing value added), Index ScoreEconomyIndex Mundi (2017), World Bank
12InnovationInnovation ScoreEconomyThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
13Industrialization IntensityIndustrialization Intensity Index, Value, 0–1 (best)EconomyThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
14Production process sophisticationProduction process sophistication, Index Score 1–7 (best)EconomyThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
15Nature of competitive advantageNature of competitive advantage, Index Score 1–7 (best)EconomyThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
16High-technology exports minus re-exportsHigh-technology exports minus re-exports, Index ScoreEconomyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
17High-tech importsHigh-tech imports, Index ScoreEconomyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
18Intellectual property paymentsIntellectual property payments, Index ScoreEconomyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
19GDP per unit of energy useGDP per unit of energy use, Index ScoreEnergy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
20Environmental performance,Environmental performance, Index ScoreEnergy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
21ISO 14001 Environmental certificatesISO 14001 Environmental certificates, Index ScoreEnergy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
22Adjusted savings: energy depletionAdjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureIndex Mundi, World Bank
23Energy intensity level of primary energyEnergy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2011 PPP GDP)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
24Fossil fuel energy consumptionFossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
25Renewable electricity outputRenewable electricity output (% of total electricity output)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
26Renewable energy consumptionRenewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
27Alternative and nuclear energyAlternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
28Ores and metals exportsOres and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
29Fuel importsFuel imports (% of merchandise imports)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
30Energy importsEnergy imports, net (% of energy use)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
31CO2 emissionsCO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
32Total greenhouse gas emissionsTotal greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
33Methane emissionsMethane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
34Nitrous oxide emissionsNitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent)Energy, Mining and Green Technology InfrastructureTrading Economics, World Bank
35School life expectancySchool life expectancy, yearsHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), Trading Economics, World Bank
36Expenditure on educationExpenditure on education, % GDPHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), Trading Economics, World Bank
37Tertiary enrolmentTertiary enrolment, %Human Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), Trading Economics, World Bank, Index Mundi
38PISA scales in reading, maths, & sciencePISA scales in reading, maths, & science, ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), International Money Fund
39Graduates in science & engineeringGraduates in science & engineering, %Human Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
40QS university rankingQS university ranking, average scoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
41Quality of the education systemQuality of the education system, Index ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
42Quality of math and science educationQuality of math and science education, Index ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
43Internet access in schoolsInternet access in schools, Index ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
44Availability of latest technologiesAvailability of latest Technologies, Index ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
45Local availability of specialized training servicesLocal availability of specialized training services Index ScoreHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018)
46Government funding/pupil, secondaryGovernment funding/pupil, secondary, % GDP/capHuman Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), Trading Economics, World Bank
47Government expenditure per student, tertiaryGovernment expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita)Human Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019), Trading Economics, World Bank
48Tertiary inbound mobilityTertiary inbound mobility, %Human Capital Development: EducationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
49ICT accessICT Access, Index ScoreInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
50ICT useICT use, Index ScoreInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
51ICTs & business model creationICTs & business model creation, Index ValueInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
52Laws relating to ICTsLaws relating to ICTs, Index Score, 1–7 (best)Information and Communication TechnologyTrading Economics, World Bank
53ICTs & organizational model creationICTs & organizational model creation, Index ValueInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
54ICT services exportsICT services exports, Index ScoreInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
55ICT services importsICT services imports, Index ScoreInformation and Communication TechnologyThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
56The ICT Development Index (IDI)The ICT Development Index (IDI) ScoreInformation and Communication TechnologyInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU)
57CreditCredit ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
58InvestmentInvestment ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
59Trade, competition, & market scaleTrade, competition, & market scale, Index ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
60Business environmentBusiness environment, Index ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
61Intensity of local competitionIntensity of local competition, Index Score, 1–7 (best)Finance and Market SophisticationTrading Economics, World Bank
62Extent of marketExtent of market, Index ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
63Foreign market sizeForeign market size, Index ScoreFinance and Market SophisticationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
64Labor force participation, femaleLabor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+)Finance and Market SophisticationWorld Bank
65Exports of goods and servicesExports of goods and services (% of GDP)Finance and Market SophisticationThe Global Competitiveness Index (2018), World Bank
66GDP per capitaGDP per capita (current US$)Finance and Market SophisticationTrading Economics, World Bank, Index Mundi
67Real GDP growthReal GDP growth rate (%)Finance and Market SophisticationWorld Bank, International Money Fund (IMF)
68Average monthly net salaryAverage Monthly Net Salary (After Tax, US$)Finance and Market SophisticationNumbeo
69UnemploymentUnemployment, total (% of total labor force)Finance and Market SophisticationInternational Labour Organization (ILO), World Bank
70Efficiency of government spendingEfficiency of government spending, Index ScoreGovernanceThe World Economic Forum (WEF) Report, The Global Competitiveness Index
71Transparency of government policymakingTransparency of government policymaking, Index Score, 1–7 (best)GovernanceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
72Favoritism in decisions of government officialsFavoritism in decisions of government officials, Index Score, 1–7 (best)GovernanceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
73Diversion of public fundsDiversion of public funds, Index Score 1–7 (best)GovernanceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
74Public trust in politiciansPublic trust in politicians, Index Score, 1–7 (best)GovernanceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
75Judicial independenceJudicial independence, Index Score, 1–7 (best)GovernanceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
76Government EffectivenessGovernment Effectiveness Score, Index Score, 2018GovernanceThe World Government Index (WGI)
77Voice and AccountabilityVoice and Accountability, Index Score, 2018GovernanceThe World Government Index (WGI)
78Political Stability and Absence of Violence/TerrorismPolitical Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Index Score, 2018GovernanceThe World Government Index (WGI)
79Government’s online serviceGovernment’s online service, Index ScoreGovernanceThe Global Innovation Index (2019)
80E-participationE-participation, Index ScoreGovernanceThe Global Innovation Index (2019), World Bank
81Effectiveness of law-making bodiesEffectiveness of law-making bodies, Index Score, 1–7 (best)GovernanceWorld Bank
82Political environmentPolitical environment, Index ScoreGovernanceThe Global Innovation Index
83Charges for the use of intellectual property not included elsewhere receiptsCharges for the use of intellectual property not included elsewhere receipts (% of total trade), Index ScoreGovernanceThe Global Innovation Index
84Charges for the use of intellectual property, paymentsCharges for the use of intellectual property, payments (BoP, current US$)GovernanceIndex Mundi, World Bank
85Regulatory environmentRegulatory environment, Index ScoreGovernanceThe Global Innovation Index
86Patent families filed by residentsNumber of patent families filed by residents in at least two offices (per billion PPP$ GDP), Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
87Resident patent applicationsNumber of resident patent applications at national or regional office (per billion PPP$ GDP), Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
88International patent applicationsNumber of international patent applications at the PCT (per billion PPP$ GDP), Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
89Trademark applicationTrademark application count by origin (per billion PPP$ GDP), Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
90Industrial designsIndustrial designs by origin per billion PPP$ GDP, Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
91High-tech and medium-high-tech outputHigh-tech and medium-high-tech output, Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
92Creative goods exportsCreative goods exports, Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
93Cultural & creative services exportsCultural & creative services exports, Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
94Mobile app creationMobile app creation, Index ScoreCreative OutputsThe Global Innovation Index
95Value chain breadthValue chain breadth, Index Score, 1–7 (best)Creative OutputsThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
96University-industry collaboration in R&DUniversity-industry collaboration in R&D, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
97Quality of scientific research institutionsQuality of scientific research institutions, Index Score, 1–7 (best)InstitutionsThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
98Government procurement of advanced technology productsGovernment procurement of advanced technology products, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
99State of cluster developmentState of cluster development, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Innovation Index, World Bank
100Ease of access to loansEase of access to loans, Index Score, 1–7 (best)InstitutionsWorld Bank
101Venture capital availabilityVenture capital availability, Index Score, 1–7 (best)InstitutionsThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
102Venture capital dealsVenture capital deals/bn PPP$ GDP, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Innovation Index
103JV-strategic alliance dealsV-strategic alliance deals/bn PPP$ GDP, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Innovation Index
104Average expenditure on R&D of the top three global companiesAverage expenditure on R&D of the top three global companies mn US$, Index ScoreInstitutionsThe Global Innovation Index
105ResearchersResearchers, FTE/per million population ScoreR&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index
106Gross expenditure on R&DGross expenditure on R&D, ScoreR&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index
107Employment in knowledge-intensive servicesEmployment in knowledge-intensive services (% of workforce)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index, World Bank
108GERD performed by business enterprise,GERD performed by business enterprise, % GDPR&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index, World Bank
109GERD financed by business enterpriseGERD financed by business enterprise, %R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index, World Bank
110Females employed with advanced degreesFemales employed with advanced degrees, %R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Innovation Index, World Bank
111Extent of staff trainingExtent of staff training, Index Score, 1–7 (best)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceWorld Bank
112Country capacity to retain talentCountry capacity to retain talent, Index Score, 1–7 (best)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceWorld Bank
113Capacity for innovationCapacity for innovation, Index Score, 1–7 (best)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
114Company spending on R&DCompany spending on R&D, Index Score, 1–7 (best)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank
115Availability of scientists and engineersAvailability of scientists and engineers, Index Score, 1–7 (best)R&D Investment and Research WorkforceThe Global Competitiveness Index, World Bank


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Figure 1. Some of the main findings of the 2018 Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, published by the European Commission on 17 December 2018 [1].
Figure 1. Some of the main findings of the 2018 Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, published by the European Commission on 17 December 2018 [1].
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Figure 2. Some key figures about growth rates based on R&D [1].
Figure 2. Some key figures about growth rates based on R&D [1].
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Figure 3. Research framework.
Figure 3. Research framework.
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Figure 4. Entropy weights of the criteria of the STI framework (%).
Figure 4. Entropy weights of the criteria of the STI framework (%).
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Figure 5. GAIA (Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid) graphic representation of evaluating countries in terms of STI criteria.
Figure 5. GAIA (Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid) graphic representation of evaluating countries in terms of STI criteria.
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Figure 6. United States, United Kingdom, Russian Federation and Turkey’s profile in terms of STI criteria values.
Figure 6. United States, United Kingdom, Russian Federation and Turkey’s profile in terms of STI criteria values.
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Figure 7. Dendrogram chart for evaluated countries.
Figure 7. Dendrogram chart for evaluated countries.
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Table 1. Countries and some descriptive specific features.
Table 1. Countries and some descriptive specific features.
NoCountryIncomeRegionPopulation (mn)GDP PPP$GDP Per Capita, PPP$
1AustraliaHighSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania24.81386.652,375.5
4BrazilUpper middleLatin America and the Caribbean210.93370.616,154.3
5CanadaHighNorthern America371852.549,651.2
6ChinaUpper middleSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania1415.025,313.318,109.8
7Czech RepublicHighEurope10.6396.437,371.0
15IndiaLower middleCentral and Southern Asia1354.110,401.47873.7
16IndonesiaLower middleSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania266.83495.913,229.5
18IsraelHighNorthern Africa and Western Asia8.5336.137,972.0
20JapanHighSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania127.25632.544,227.2
21MalaysiaUpper middleSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania32.0999.830,859.9
22MexicoUpper middleLatin America and The Caribbean130.82575.220,601.7
27QatarHighNorthern Africa and Western Asia2.7356.7130,475.1
28Russian FederationUpper middleEurope144.04179.629,266.9
29SingaporeHighSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania5.8556.2100,344.7
31South AfricaUpper middleSub-Saharan Africa57.4790.913,675.3
32South KoreaHighSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania51.22139.741,350.6
36ThailandUpper middleSouth East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania69.21323.219,476.5
37TurkeyUpper middleEurope82.92314.427,956.1
38United Arab EmiratesHighNorthern Africa and Western Asia9.5732.969,381.7
39United KingdomHighEurope66.63033.745,704.6
40United StatesHighNorthern America326.820,513.062,605.6
Source: Created by author by using the Global Innovation Index (2019) values.
Table 2. Multi-criteria decision making methods and comparisons according to their specific features.
Table 2. Multi-criteria decision making methods and comparisons according to their specific features.
MCDM MethodsCalculation TimeSimplicityMathematical OperationsReliabilityData Type
AHPToo longComplexMaximumWeakMixed
Source: Compiled by the authors, based on Brauers and Zavadskas [27].
Table 3. Entropy weights of STI framework indicators.
Table 3. Entropy weights of STI framework indicators.
C61The intensity of local competition0.01038C37Enrollment in higher education0.00977
C51ICT and business model building0.01037C107Employment in knowledge-intensive services0.00975
C59Trade, competition and market scale0.01036C109R&D studies financed by commercial enterprises0.00974
C60Work environment0.01036C01Citations per publication0.00965
C62Scope of the market0.01036C110Women’s employment0.00965
C38PISA scales in reading, mathematics and science0.01035C23Energy density level of primary energy0.00951
C53ICT and organizational model building0.01035C47State spending per student, at the tertiary level0.00948
C63Foreign market size0.01035C19GDP per unit energy use0.0094
C79Government online service0.01034C17High technology import0.00939
C80E-participation0.01034C40Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) university rank0.00929
C115Scientists and engineers0.01034C104R&D expenses of the top three global companies0.00917
C35Reading time expectation0.01033C02The productivity and impact of a scientist or publication0.00915
C44Accessibility to the latest technologies0.01033C29Fuel import0.0091
C52ICT related laws0.01033C06Trade0.00905
C95Value chain width0.01032C67Real GDP growth0.00902
C111Staff training scope0.01032C55ICT services import0.00897
C43Internet access in schools0.01031C106Total gross R&D expenditure0.00896
C45Local availability of customized education services0.01031C65Exports of goods and services0.00891
C113Innovation capacity0.01031C68Average monthly net income0.00865
C97Quality of scientific research institutions0.0103C105Researchers0.00862
C14Production process development0.0103C08Value-added of the services industry0.00859
C12Innovation0.0103C66GDP per capita0.00847
C49Access to Information and Communication Technologies0.01029C31CO2 emissions0.00846
C64Labour force participation, female0.01029C18Intellectual property payments0.00844
C96University-industry cooperation in R&D0.01029C89Trademark application0.00839
C99Economic cluster development0.01027C76State Activity0.00836
C100Ease of access to credits0.01027C16High technology export except for re-export0.00816
C20Environmental performance0.01026C21ISO 14001 Environmental Certificates0.00811
C56ICT Development Index (IDI)0.01025C69Unemployment0.0081
C71Transparency in government policies0.01025C108R&D studies carried out by commercial enterprises0.00804
C82Political environment0.01025C93Cultural and creative service export0.00779
C98State supply of high-tech products0.01025C77Participation and Accountability0.00747
C42Quality of mathematics and science education0.01023C26Renewable energy consumption0.00734
C85Regulatory environment0.01022C92Creative goods export0.00719
C114R&D expenditures of companies0.01022C25Renewable electric power0.00706
C39Science and engineering graduates0.01021C103Joint venture strategic alliance opportunities0.00703
C50Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)0.0102C54ICT services export0.00699
C81Effectiveness of law-making institutions0.01019C87Patent applications made by the citizens of the country0.00681
C15Competitive advantage0.01018C07Added-value of agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors0.00679
C101Venture capital availability0.01018C09Added-value of the manufacturing sector0.00673
C112Country capacity to retain talent0.01018C30Energy import0.00654
C41Quality of the education system0.01017C27Alternative and nuclear energy0.00637
C46State funding/student, secondary school level0.01015C48Foreign student mobility in higher education0.00636
C75Judicial independence0.01015C88International patent applications0.00602
C36Education expenses0.01014C94Creating a mobile application0.00595
C78Political Stability and Violence/Absence of Terrorism0.0101C86Number of patent families made by nationals of the country0.00559
C58Investment0.01007C90Industrial designs0.00552
C57Credit0.01006C83Intellectual property usage fees not elsewhere classified0.00538
C70Effectiveness of government spending0.01005C28Ore and metal export0.00518
C72Nepotism in government decisions0.01005C102Venture capital agreements0.00461
C13Industrialization intensity0.01002C05The attributional effect of scientific production0.00375
C11The medium and high tech industry0.01C04Scientific and technical journal articles0.00314
C73Diversion of public funds0.00999C84Intellectual property usage fees, payments0.00288
C03International scientific cooperation0.00992C32Total greenhouse gas emissions0.00044
C10Value-added of industry (including construction)0.0099C34Nitrous oxide emissions0.00043
C24Fossil fuel energy consumption0.00985C33Methane emissions0.00013
C74Public trust in politicians0.00981C22Adjusted savings: energy consumption0.0001
C91High technology and medium high technology production0.00979
Table 4. Relative Preference Values (Sj%) and Ranking of Countries According to SAW Analysis.
Table 4. Relative Preference Values (Sj%) and Ranking of Countries According to SAW Analysis.
CountriesRelative Values (Sj%)CountriesRelative Values (Sj%)
Sweden0.034867United Arab Emirates0.025806
United States of America0.033255Portugal0.022326
Netherlands0.032690Czech Republic0.021717
United Kingdom0.032164Spain0.021691
Austria0.028456Russian Federation0.015907
Belgium0.028340South Africa0.015479
South Korea0.027189Brazil0.014239
Table 5. Ideal (Si*), Negative Ideal (Si) and Relative Proximity to Ideal Solution (Ci*) Values.
Table 5. Ideal (Si*), Negative Ideal (Si) and Relative Proximity to Ideal Solution (Ci*) Values.
Czech Republic0.0202907180.0130731210.391835034Qatar0.0216845270.0158163680.421759747
Denmark0.016687340.0178057270.516211765Russian Federation0.0235917920.0098717020.294999141
Germany0.0167850580.0178010460.514687806South Africa0.0234392590.0099573590.298154711
Greece0.0239523750.0100684590.295949799South Korea0.0186438610.0161216110.463724784
Israel0.0190770470.0167778520.467937506United Arab Emirates0.0203106850.0160700650.441718904
Italy0.02174160.0118360490.352497848United Kingdom0.0170181270.0179256530.512985516
Japan0.0180652260.0175043380.492115619United States of America0.0174268850.0194771190.527777934
Table 6. TOPSIS ranking of countries in terms of STI performances.
Table 6. TOPSIS ranking of countries in terms of STI performances.
Sweden0.560760844United Arab Emirates0.441718904
United States of America0.527777934Czech Republic0.391835034
United Kingdom0.512985516Slovakia0.354460623
Canada0.472767332South Africa0.298154711
Israel0.467937506Russian Federation0.294999141
South Korea0.463724784Mexico0.287771323
Table 7. Manhattan distance (Si), the weighted and normalized Chebyshev distance (Ri), and the compromise value (Qi) obtained through VIKOR Analysis.
Table 7. Manhattan distance (Si), the weighted and normalized Chebyshev distance (Ri), and the compromise value (Qi) obtained through VIKOR Analysis.
Manhattan Distance
Weighted and Normalized Chebyshev Distance (Ri)Compromise Value (Qi)
SiRiQi (v = 0)Qi (v = 0.25)Qi (v = 0.5)Qi (v = 0.75)Qi (v = 1)Countries
0.5784470.0103400.9849270.9068750.8288240.7507720.672721Czech Republic
0.6912270.0103700.9962320.9789240.9616160.9443080.927000Russian Federation
0.6995410.0103500.9886950.9779580.9672200.9564820.945745South Africa
0.4722300.0087430.3829940.3955560.4081170.4206790.433240South Korea
0.4990800.0101500.9133290.8084410.7035520.5986640.493776United Arab Emirates
0.3756610.0094240.6399210.5338180.4277160.3216130.215511United Kingdom
0.3544860.0092730.6399210.5829020.4791190.2715520.167769United States of America
Table 8. Ranking of countries according to STI criteria as a result of VIKOR analysis.
Table 8. Ranking of countries according to STI criteria as a result of VIKOR analysis.
RankingCountriesQi (v = 0)CountriesQi (v = 0.25)CountriesQi (v = 0.5)CountriesQi (v = 0.75)CountriesQi (v = 1)
5Sweden0.224501Canada0.210837Finland0.227228Denmark0.246869United States of America0.167769
6Ireland0.248163China0.720265Canada0.261553United States of America0.271552Netherlands0.192515
7Finland0.320633Czech Republic0.906875Denmark0.277425Austria0.283347United Kingdom0.215511
9South Korea0.382994Finland0.27393United States of America0.375335Singapore0.306629Germany0.22032
12Portugal0.501447Greece0.989673South Korea0.408117United Kingdom0.321613Ireland0.314522
13Norway0.501843Hungary0.958069United Kingdom0.427716Japan0.341747Canada0.362984
16United States of America0.582902Indonesia0.966018Singapore0.507606South Korea0.420679Belgium0.382888
17United Kingdom0.639921Ireland0.264753France0.532265Australia0.444904Israel0.383397
20France0.688793Japan0.472173Portugal0.573766Israel0.537548South Korea0.43324
22Mexico0.763146Mexico0.811225China0.677933United Arab Emirates0.598664United Arab Emirates0.493776
25United Arab Emirates0.913329Poland0.711646United Arab Emirates0.703552China0.635602Portugal0.646084
26Netherlands0.935939Portugal0.537607Poland0.743518Qatar0.698337Czech Republic0.672721
27Brazil0.973622Qatar0.886885Qatar0.792611Czech Republic0.750772Spain0.673866
28Italy0.97739Russian Federation0.978924Thailand0.817334Poland0.775389Italy0.751511
29Qatar0.981158Singapore0.708583Czech Republic0.828824Italy0.807981Poland0.807261
30Czech Republic0.984927Slovakia0.946619Mexico0.859304Thailand0.836095Slovakia0.831696
31Indonesia0.984927South Africa0.977958Italy0.86445Slovakia0.870004India0.850059
32Slovakia0.984927South Korea0.395556Slovakia0.908312India0.88566Thailand0.854855
33South Africa0.988695Spain0.495679India0.921261Hungary0.889281Hungary0.854887
35Hungary0.992463Switzerland0.085669Indonesia0.947109Indonesia0.928201Russian Federation0.927
36Iceland0.992463Thailand0.798574Russian Federation0.961616Russian Federation0.944308South Africa0.945745
37India0.992463Turkey0.986674South Africa0.96722South Africa0.956482Mexico0.955462
38Greece0.996232United Arab Emirates0.808441Greece0.983115Greece0.976557Greece0.969998
39Russian Federation0.996232United Kingdom0.533818Turkey0.984652Turkey0.98263Turkey0.980609
40Israel1United States of America0.479119Brazil0.986811Brazil0.993405Brazil1
Table 9. ARAS optimality function values and country rankings.
Table 9. ARAS optimality function values and country rankings.
SiKi%KiARAS Method Ranking (% Ki)
Optimal Value0.059780693
Canada0.028550.4776347.76United States of America57.09
Czech Republic0.021930.3668936.69Denmark53.40
Denmark0.031920.5339653.40United Kingdom53.22
Israel0.028470.4762547.63South Korea46.25
Netherlands0.032450.5428054.28United Arab Emirates41.70
Poland0.018140.3035230.35Czech Republic36.69
Russian Federation0.015300.2559625.60Italy32.67
South Africa0.015340.2565825.66Poland30.35
South Korea0.027650.4624746.25Hungary29.83
Switzerland0.037780.6319163.19South Africa25.66
Thailand0.017590.2943029.43Russian Federation25.60
United Arab Emirates0.024930.4169741.70Greece24.58
United Kingdom0.031810.5321953.22Mexico24.27
United States of America0.034130.5708957.09Brazil23.62
Table 10. Result matrix of the COPRAS method.
Table 10. Result matrix of the COPRAS method.
CountriesSj+SjRankingCountriesQjBenefit Degree (Nj)
Canada0.02855305United States of America0.03412890.34
Czech Republic0.02193307Denmark0.03192184.50
Denmark0.03192108United Kingdom0.03181584.22
Israel0.028471018South Korea0.02764773.19
Netherlands0.032449023United Arab Emirates0.02492765.99
Poland0.018145025Czech Republic0.02193358.06
Russian Federation0.015302028Italy0.01953251.70
South Africa0.015339031Poland0.01814548.03
South Korea0.027647032Hungary0.01783047.20
Switzerland0.037776035South Africa0.01533940.60
Thailand0.017593036Russian Federation0.01530240.51
United Arab Emirates0.024927038Greece0.01469538.90
United Kingdom0.031815039Mexico0.01451038.41
United States of America0.034128040Brazil0.01411837.37
Table 11. Positive, negative, net superiority values and complete rankings of countries obtained via PROMETHEE II analysis.
Table 11. Positive, negative, net superiority values and complete rankings of countries obtained via PROMETHEE II analysis.
6Denmark0.39340.69060.297226Czech Republic−0.16910.41070.5798
16France0.19730.59180.394536S. Africa−0.43720.27710.7143
20S. Korea0.05120.51940.468240Mexico−0.47540.25410.7295
Table 12. Ranking of countries according to MOORA ratio analysis.
Table 12. Ranking of countries according to MOORA ratio analysis.
Singapore0.192742United Arab Emirates0.137898
United States of America0.183597Czech Republic0.120329
United Kingdom0.174363Italy0.107544
Austria0.155393Russian Federation0.0848
Iceland0.155318South Africa0.084325
South Korea0.15045Mexico0.081051
Table 13. Country rankings according to the MOORA reference point approach.
Table 13. Country rankings according to the MOORA reference point approach.
South Korea0.002223Finland0.003157
Czech Republic0.002283Russian Federation0.003252
Greece0.002652United States of America0.003896
Ireland0.002736South Africa0.003898
United Kingdom0.002979Indonesia0.004622
Italy0.003016United Arab Emirates0.00469
Table 14. Ranking of countries according to the full multiplicative form of MOORA approach.
Table 14. Ranking of countries according to the full multiplicative form of MOORA approach.
Switzerland2.15 × 10−76Singapore2.39 × 10−97
Sweden1.43 × 10−78Poland6.87 × 10−100
Netherlands1.49 × 10−80Hungary3.32 × 10−100
Denmark7.87 × 10−81Portugal3.04 × 10−100
United Kingdom9.88 × 10−82Czech Republic5.97 × 10−101
Germany3.32 × 10−82Malaysia9.79 × 10−105
United States of America3.10 × 10−82Iceland5.69 × 10−106
Finland1.24 × 10−84India3.72 × 10−106
Canada6.07 × 10−86Greece9.88 × 10−108
France1.86 × 10−86Slovakia2.17 × 10−108
Austria1.47 × 10−86China7.75 × 10−111
Ireland1.37 × 10−86Russian Federation1.39 × 10−112
Norway6.37 × 10−87Brazil2.06 × 10−113
Australia1.19 × 10−89Thailand2.20 × 10−114
South Korea3.08 × 10−90South Africa1.86 × 10−115
Israel2.83 × 10−90Turkey1.42 × 10−118
Japan7.13 × 10−91United Arab Emirates1.72 × 10−119
Belgium5.31 × 10−94Indonesia1.72 × 10−130
Spain7.84 × 10−96Mexico9.43 × 10−131
Italy5.59 × 10−97Qatar7.18 × 10−155
Table 15. The MULTIMOORA ranking obtained using the three MOORA methods.
Table 15. The MULTIMOORA ranking obtained using the three MOORA methods.
MOORA Ratio Method Ranking (yj*)MOORA Reference Point
Ranking (max dij)
The Full Multiplicative Form of MOORA (Uj) RankingMULTIMOORARanking
SingaporeSouth KoreaNetherlandsSingapore3
United States of AmericaCzech RepublicUnited KingdomUnited States of America5
NetherlandsSlovakiaUnited States of AmericaNetherlands7
GermanyAustriaCanadaUnited Kingdom9
United KingdomSpainFranceIreland10
FranceBrazilSouth KoreaIsrael15
AustriaFranceIsraelSouth Korea16
South KoreaUnited KingdomJapanAustria17
United Arab EmiratesFinlandHungaryUnited Arab Emirates23
Czech RepublicMexicoPortugalPortugal24
PortugalRussian FederationCzech RepublicCzech Republic25
PolandThailandRussian FederationIndia32
ThailandUnited States of AmericaBrazilThailand33
IndonesiaSouth AfricaThailandIndonesia34
GreeceMalaysiaSouth AfricaGreece35
Russian FederationSingaporeTurkeyRussian Federation36
BrazilIndonesiaUnited Arab EmiratesBrazil37
South AfricaUnited Arab EmiratesMexicoSouth Africa39
yj* represents the total ranking value of alternative j.
Table 16. Dominance table and ELECTRE ranking.
Table 16. Dominance table and ELECTRE ranking.
Dominance on Line (L)Dominance in the Column (C)Difference (L-C)CountriesRankingCountriesScore
A323815Belgium3United States of America30
A5261214Canada5United Kingdom29
A716106Czech Republic7Japan24
A1422616Iceland14South Korea16
A251257Poland25United Arab Emirates8
A28810−2Russian Federation28Czech Republic6
A3124−2South Africa31Slovakia3
A3220416South Korea32Thailand3
A36633Thailand36Russian Federation−2
A37321Turkey37South Africa−2
A381798United Arab Emirates38Mexico−5
A3931229United Kingdom39Indonesia−9
A4031130United States of America40Brazil−11
Table 17. Ranking and benefit values of countries according to MAUT analysis.
Table 17. Ranking and benefit values of countries according to MAUT analysis.
RankingCountriesMAUT Benefit Values (Ux)RankingCountriesMAUT Benefit Values (Ux)
2Sweden0.67680522United Arab Emirates0.50092
5United States of America0.64551425Portugal0.433367
6Netherlands0.63453826Czech Republic0.421553
7United Kingdom0.62433927Spain0.421045
15Austria0.55236135Russian Federation0.308773
16Belgium0.55010236South Africa0.300459
20South Korea0.5277740Brazil0.276395
Table 18. Number of cases in each cluster.
Table 18. Number of cases in each cluster.
Number of Cases in each Cluster
Table 19. Cluster memberships of countries according to K-means clusters analysis.
Table 19. Cluster memberships of countries according to K-means clusters analysis.
Cluster Membership
Case NumberCountriesClusterDistance
2Czech Republic10.019
5South Africa10.020
13Russian Federation10.016
19United States of America20.021
20United Arab Emirates20.021
21United Kingdom20.014
35South Korea30.024
Table 20. Ranking of countries according to Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods.
Table 20. Ranking of countries according to Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods.
DenmarkUnited KingdomDenmarkDenmarkNetherlands
GermanyDenmarkUnited KingdomUnited KingdomIreland
United KingdomGermanyGermanyGermanyGermany
IrelandNorwayIrelandIrelandUnited Kingdom
IsraelIsraelAustriaAustriaSouth Korea
BelgiumIcelandSouth KoreaSouth KoreaCanada
South KoreaAustraliaBelgiumBelgiumChina
AustraliaSouth KoreaAustraliaAustraliaBelgium
South AfricaRussiaSouth AfricaSouth AfricaGreece
GreeceSouth AfricaRussiaRussiaRussia
MexicoTurkeyMexicoMexicoSouth Africa
USASingaporeUSAUSAUnited Kingdom
NetherlandsUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnited KingdomJapan
United KingdomUSAGermanyGermanyFinland
JapanCanadaFranceFranceSouth Korea
South KoreaFranceBelgiumBelgiumFrance
AustraliaSouth KoreaSouth KoreaSouth KoreaMalaysia
RussiaSouth AfricaSouth AfricaSouth AfricaRussia
BrazilRussiaMexicoMexicoSouth Africa
South AfricaBrazilTurkeyTurkeyIndonesia
Table 21. Ranking of the countries in the study according to the Global Innovation and the Global Competitiveness Indices.
Table 21. Ranking of the countries in the study according to the Global Innovation and the Global Competitiveness Indices.
Global Innovation Index (2019)Global Competitiveness Index (2019)
United KingdomJapan
SingaporeUnited Kingdom
South KoreaSouth Korea
BelgiumUnited Arab Emirates
Czech RepublicIceland
MalaysiaCzech Republic
United Arab EmiratesPortugal
South AfricaSouth Africa
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ozkaya, G.; Timor, M.; Erdin, C. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Indicators and Comparisons of Countries through a Hybrid Model of Data Mining and MCDM Methods. Sustainability 2021, 13, 694.

AMA Style

Ozkaya G, Timor M, Erdin C. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Indicators and Comparisons of Countries through a Hybrid Model of Data Mining and MCDM Methods. Sustainability. 2021; 13(2):694.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ozkaya, Gokhan, Mehpare Timor, and Ceren Erdin. 2021. "Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Indicators and Comparisons of Countries through a Hybrid Model of Data Mining and MCDM Methods" Sustainability 13, no. 2: 694.

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