2.2.1. Objective of the Proposed Approach
The main objective of this research work is to create an OOSC in Tunisia that ensures the prudent use of natural resources, protects the global ecosystem, and generates economic prosperity and balanced social development. In this regard, the methods for cultivating olive trees and producing olive oil, as well as the methods for managing the use of olive by-products must be considered with total respect for the environment, while ensuring economic profitability and social well-being, that means, directed to a sustainable supply chain.
As previously mentioned, several researchers, such as [
32], have argued that to ensure sustainability of the OOSC the focus must be especially on the agricultural production phase and olive oil transformation phase. Hence, the idea of concentrating, in this article, on these two phases and also the by-products processing phase since it is closely linked by the two mentioned phases. Note that transport and distribution and marketing phases are eliminated from this study, since they are almost common for all scenarios of the comparative study.
In fact, the final goal of this research work is to propose a better configuration of the OOSC in Tunisia which meets the SD requirement as much as possible, that means, to offer a sustainable OOSC configuration that aims to ensure, as much as possible, economic profitability, environment respect, and social well-being.
Therefore, the proposed approach is based on a comparative study of the different Tunisian scenarios existing for the agricultural production phase and for the olive oil processing phase and, consequently, also for the by-product processing phase. To do this we apply the fuzzy TOPSIS method following a survey carried out in order to identify the best performing scenario for each phase from a SD perspective among the different possible scenarios.
Figure 1 illustrates the flowchart of the proposed approach.
2.2.2. Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic makes a link between numerical modeling and symbolic modeling [
33]. Its fundamental concept is to use linguistic terms, instead of numerical values, to model the uncertainties of human judgments. This means that, for example, for the selection of suppliers, performance or weights of supplier criteria or best scenario evaluations are made using linguistic variables. In fact, fuzzy logic helps decision makers avoid assigning precise numbers by allowing them to make judgments using linguistic terms.
Fuzzy sets are characterized by a membership function
x) which measures the degree to which an element belongs to the fuzzy set and assigns each element a value between 0 and 1 which can be represented as:
However, for a fuzzy set , X is the universe of discourse for which each element is assigned the value between 0 and 1.
Membership functions can have different forms, however, in the literature, trapezoidal or triangular fuzzy numbers are the most frequently used. These membership functions, therefore, make it possible to represent fuzzy sets graphically. Therefore, for this article, the triangular fuzzy number approach is applied because it is widely adopted in the literature.
Thereby, a triangular fuzzy number
defined on ℝ represented by a triplet (
c). Then, the membership function
x) of triangular fuzzy number
is given as follows:
= (
) and
= (
) two fuzzy numbers. The distance between them is given by the following equation:
The concept of linguistic variables plays an essential role in fuzzy logic field. Thus, a linguistic variable, as the name suggests, is a variable defined on the basis of words or phrases instead of numbers.
In fuzzy logic, conversion scales are applied to transform linguistic terms into fuzzy numbers. In this article, a scale from 1 to 9 is applied to evaluate criteria and alternatives.
Table 1 presents the linguistic variables and fuzzy evaluations for alternatives and criteria. The triangular fuzzy number values chosen for the linguistic variables take into account the fuzziness and the distance between the variables, as expressed by Equations (1) and (2). According to Sodhi and Prabhakar [
34], the intervals are chosen in order to have a uniform representation from 1 to 9 for the fuzzy triangular numbers used for the five linguistic ratings. For instance, one can also choose (4,5,6) instead of (1,1,3) to represent very low if one wishes so, however in that case, the “1 to 9” ratings would begin from 4 instead of 1. The normalization step takes care of such shifting of the rating scale. The common practice in the literature is to start the ratings scales from 1.
2.2.3. Fuzzy TOPSIS Method
Fuzzy TOPSIS is a multi-criteria evaluation method, which can be used to evaluate multiple alternatives against selected criteria. Its basic concept is that the chosen alternative must have the shortest distance to the fuzzy positive ideal solution, and the furthest distance to the fuzzy negative ideal solution (which degrades all criteria).
Triantaphyllou and Lin [
19] initially proposed the fuzzy TOPSIS method as part of integrating fuzzy logic into a set of multi-criteria decision methods, among them the TOPSIS method. Subsequently, for the theoretical development of fuzzy TOPSIS, Chen [
35] proposed the fuzzy version of the TOPSIS method in the context of group decision making using fuzzy triangular numbers. Since Chen’s contribution in 2000, more development of this method has attracted the attention of researchers in theory and practice. Thus, this method is widely used in several fields of study including the food supply chain. For instance, fuzzy TOPSIS was used in several fields in the literature such as financial performance evaluation [
36], supplier selection [
38], optimal site selection [
40], renewable energy infrastructure [
41], quality management [
42], construction and infrastructure [
44], and maintenance planning [
45], etc.
Cappelletti and al. [
15] analyzed combinations of agricultural techniques and olive oil extraction processes from a sustainable development perspective and identified the best alternative by applying the fuzzy TOPSIS method. Kozarevic and Puska [
7] carried out a study, in which the objective was to show an innovative way to process the collected data and to measure the practices and performances of supply chain using the fuzzy TOPSIS method. The methodology was applied for companies in the food industry to measure the influence of an independent variable of supply chain practice on the dependent variable of supply chain performance.
According to the above literature review, all the evaluations, as well as the weights are defined by linguistic variables in the fuzzy TOPSIS method. The method consists of the following six steps:
- Step 1
Construction of the collective preference fuzzy decision matrix
This collective preference is obtained by aggregating the stakeholders’ opinions. Suppose that we have p decision makers or stakeholders, where each decision maker k {1, …, p} gives an appreciation matrix of a set of objects in linguistic form. An object can be a location, a scenario, a supplier, etc. After transforming the matrix from linguistic form to fuzzy form, we seek to obtain an aggregate matrix of all p opinions.
In fact, if the fuzzy evaluation of the
kth decision maker, about the
ith alternative on the
jth criterion, let
ijk = (
cijk), where
i = 1, 2, …,
m and
j = 1, 2, …,
n, then, to calculate the aggregate fuzzy evaluations
ij for the case of the triangular fuzzy numbers of each alternatives
i with respect to each criterion
j are given by
ij = (
cij), we use the following formulas:
Suppose we have
m alternatives A
i (
i = 1, 2, …,
m) which have to be evaluated using
n criteria C
j (
j = 1, 2, …,
n) the corresponding evaluation matrix is given in
Table 2.
W = (1, 2, n) represents the weights vector of different criteria.
ij and j are triangular fuzzy numbers with ij = (aij, bij, cij) and j = (wj1, wj2, wj3).
ij represents the appreciation of each alternative Ai with respect to each criterion Cj and j represents the weight of criterion Cj.
- Step 2
Normalization of the fuzzy decision matrix
The normalized values of the triangular fuzzy numbers belong to [0, 1]. The normalized fuzzy decision matrix is given in the general case by the following formula:
However, for triangular fuzzy numbers ij = (ij, ij, ij) the normalized values are calculated as follows:
For benefit criteria,
= max {
For cost criteria,
aj− = min {
- Step 3
The weighting of the normalized fuzzy decision matrix
Taking into account the different weights for each criterion, the weighted normalized fuzzy decision matrix is calculated by multiplying the importance weights of the criteria by the normalized values.
These normalized values of the decision matrix
are defined as follows:
the fuzzy weight for the criterion C
- Step 4
Calculation of fuzzy positive ideal solution and fuzzy negative ideal solution
The fuzzy positive ideal solution (FPIS) noted
A+ and the fuzzy negative ideal solution (FNIS) noted
A− are composed, respectively, of the best performance values and the worst performance values of the alternatives. They are defined as follows:
- Step 5
The calculation of the distances of each alternative compared to FPIS and FNIS
These distances are calculated as follows:
However, distance between two triangular fuzzy numbers is defined as already mentioned in Equation (2).
- Step 6
Calculation of proximity coefficients and classification of alternatives
The closeness coefficient (
CCi) of each alternative
Ai represents the distance to the fuzzy positive ideal solution
A+ and to the fuzzy negative ideal solution,
A− simultaneously. It is given by:
An alternative Ai with a proximity coefficient (CCi) close to 1, indicates that this alternative is close to FPIS and far from FNIS. Indeed, the ranking of alternatives is realized in descending order of CCi. The alternative which has the greatest CCi will be the most adequate or satisfactory choice.