“... Inconceivable, Unrealistic and Inhumane”. Internet Communication on the Flood Disaster in West Germany of July 2021 between Conspiracy Theories and Moralization—A Neopragmatic Explorative Study
:1. Introduction
2. The Events of 14–17 July 2021, in Western Germany and Their Classification
3. “The Flood and Its Consequences in the West of Germany”—Key Messages of the Video
4. The Theoretical Framework I: Morality and Mass Media
- The progressive differentiation of society, for example, through increasingly specialized approaches to social challenges (e.g., in the form of specialized job profiles);
- the differentiation of morals through the disappearance of overarching moral obligations;
- the differentiation of communication media through the emergence of digital social media.
5. The Theoretical Framework II: Ralf Dahrendorf’s Conflict Theory
- The concrete conflict (as in social conflicts in general) must be recognized by the conflict parties as normal (not as a contradiction to the ideal of a ‘harmonious conflict-free’ society).
- The settlement refers to a concrete object of conflict, as well as to forms and manifestations of the conflict. It does not refer to the social causes of the conflict (this means an attempt to resolve it).
- A high degree of organization of the conflict parties increases the chance of a settlement of the conflict.
- The success of conflict resolution, in turn, depends on the conflict parties’ compliance with rules. This compliance also refers to the mutual recognition of the equal value of the conflict parties as well as the fundamental justification of the world view of the respective other conflict party.
- The ability to regulate a social conflict depends on the existence of an institutional framework. This framework is formed by a third authority that sets binding rules for dealing with conflicts and has the means to end the conflict externally if necessary. This is what Dahrendorf calls [97] (p. 385) “freedom under the protection of the law”. This authority, in turn, is subject to the imputability of responsibility for its decisions, for example, through a rotational review of satisfaction by the electorate [98].
6. The Methodology of the Study
7. Empirical Results
7.1. Interpretive Patterns Drawing Conclusions from the Severe Weather
7.2. Patterns of Far-Reaching, Mostly Negative Interpretations
7.3. Rational and Empathic Patterns of Interpretation
7.4. Interpretative Patterns of the Flood’s Causes
8. Discussion
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kühne, O.; Koegst, L.; Zimmer, M.-L.; Schäffauer, G. “... Inconceivable, Unrealistic and Inhumane”. Internet Communication on the Flood Disaster in West Germany of July 2021 between Conspiracy Theories and Moralization—A Neopragmatic Explorative Study. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011427
Kühne O, Koegst L, Zimmer M-L, Schäffauer G. “... Inconceivable, Unrealistic and Inhumane”. Internet Communication on the Flood Disaster in West Germany of July 2021 between Conspiracy Theories and Moralization—A Neopragmatic Explorative Study. Sustainability. 2021; 13(20):11427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011427
Chicago/Turabian StyleKühne, Olaf, Lara Koegst, Marie-Luise Zimmer, and Greta Schäffauer. 2021. "“... Inconceivable, Unrealistic and Inhumane”. Internet Communication on the Flood Disaster in West Germany of July 2021 between Conspiracy Theories and Moralization—A Neopragmatic Explorative Study" Sustainability 13, no. 20: 11427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011427
APA StyleKühne, O., Koegst, L., Zimmer, M.-L., & Schäffauer, G. (2021). “... Inconceivable, Unrealistic and Inhumane”. Internet Communication on the Flood Disaster in West Germany of July 2021 between Conspiracy Theories and Moralization—A Neopragmatic Explorative Study. Sustainability, 13(20), 11427. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011427