Historical Ecology in Brazil: A Systematic Mapping of Scientific Articles (1998–2021)
:1. Introduction
“Historical Ecology traces the ongoing dialectical relations between human acts and acts of nature, made manifest in the landscape. Practices are maintained or modified, decisions are made, and ideas are given shape; a landscape retains the physical evidence of these mental activities. Past and present human use of the Earth must be understood in order to frame effective environmental policies for the future” [14] (p. 9).
2. Methods
- We searched for articles containing the words “Historical Ecology” and “Brazil” in the three selected languages. We did not set any data limit. The search engines that we consulted were Scopus, Scielo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. To our surprise, Scielo did not find any work, while Web of Science showed only one (which also appeared in Google Scholar results). Therefore, Scopus and Google Scholar were our main sources of data. The results for Portuguese and Spanish were the same; the spelling difference is only one accent.
- We excluded all publications different from scientific articles. This was especially difficult with Google Scholar because its filters did not separate the publication types correctly. We found out that Google Scholar has an error when reaching page 99; this problem has already been reported [66]; yet, it provided much information that we could not access with the other search engines.
- We downloaded all the articles selected up to this point. We then excluded the articles containing the words “Historical Ecology” and “Brazil” (in Portuguese, Spanish or English) only in the references, but not in the main text.
- After that, we excluded those articles which (a) used Brazil only as an example, that appeared only once in a list of countries, or that the main research was conducted somewhere else; (b) referred to Historical Ecology as a field related to evolutionary ecology [2]. After these four stages of filters, we had 118 articles to review in-depth.
2.1. Variable Design and Analyses
2.2. Limitations
3. Results
3.1. Whom
3.1.1. Authors
3.1.2. Journals
3.1.3. Languages
3.2. When
3.2.1. Years of Publication
3.2.2. Historical Periods Studied
3.3. Where
3.3.1. Studied Biome and Affiliations Per Biome
3.3.2. Spatial Scale of the Study
3.4. What
3.4.1. Keywords
3.4.2. Species
3.5. How
4. Discussion
4.1. Authors
4.2. Affiliations
4.3. Practical Work
4.4. Fields of Study
4.5. Journals
4.6. The Beginnings of Historical Ecology
4.7. Temporal Scales
4.8. Biomes
4.9. Spatial Scales
4.10. Ethnic Diversity
4.11. Study of Species
4.12. Methodologies
5. Conclusions
5.1. Achievements
- The generation of a large body of knowledge of anthropogenic dark-earth and the anthropogenic forests/landscape domestication in the Amazon. This could be used as a solid scientific argument to demonstrate how indigenous populations have historically shaped the Amazon forest, harboring rich biocultural diversity. There is still much to be done regarding the conservation of its biocultural patrimony.
- Historical Ecology in Brazil has grown in diverse research topics, methodologies, departments, national and international institutions in the last two decades.
5.2. Research Gaps and Opportunities
- Historical Ecology research brings a perspective that valorizes the environmental and cultural importance of landscapes. This approach could be helpful to make better management decisions, for example, in environmental restoration, and become a more policy-driven applied science.
- In terms of the spatial gap, more research is needed in the Pantanal, Caatinga, Pampa, and Cerrado biomes. Research in these biomes is crucial because they are reservoirs of unique biodiversity and provide particular environmental services on the local and regional scales. This implies the need to strengthen institutions and research groups promoting cross-disciplinary research located in these biomes.
- More research is needed focusing on animal species. This would require social scientists to work with experts in zoology, biology, ecology, and vice versa. Other life kingdoms should also be explored.
- Special attention should be paid to marine environments, especially the interface between the land and the ocean, which is key to understanding the dynamics of the Brazilian population in the coastal Atlantic Forest.
- Given Brazil’s dimensions, diversity, and accessibility, there is a need for generous funding for conducting in situ fieldwork research, both with national funds and with international collaborations, given the biocultural importance of all Brazilian biomes not only for the country but also at a global level. Cooperation with neighboring countries for research in biomes such as Amazon, Pampa, and Pantanal is necessary, as demonstrated in the Pampa region.
- The overview presented by whom, when, where, what, and how research has been conducted in Historical Ecology in Brazil. It showed a great diversity of authors, institutions, journals, study sites, periods of study, research topics, and methodologies. The further development of Historical Ecology research in Brazil, valorizing the achievements and considering the research gaps and opportunities, can provide solid scientific evidence to support informed actions towards the urgent need for better conservation and management of the biocultural patrimony in all biomes.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Affiliation | Abbreviation | City, State 1 | Biome |
Universidade do Estado da Bahia | UNEB | Alagoinhas, BA | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Sagrado Coração | UNISAGRADO | Bauru, SP | Atlantic Forest and Cerrado |
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi | Belém, PA | Amazon | |
Universidade Federal do Pará | UFPA | Belém, PA | Amazon |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | UFMG | Belo Horizonte, MG | Atlantic Forest and Cerrado |
Intituto Socioambiental | Boa Vista, RR | Amazon | |
Universidade de Brasília | UnB | Brasília, DF | Cerrado |
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | UFCG | Campina Grande, PB | Caatinga |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas | Unicamp | Campinas, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul | UFMS | Campo Grande, MS | Cerrado |
Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó | Unochapecó | Chapecó, SC | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade do Estado da Bahia | UNEB | Conceição do Coité, BA | Caatinga |
Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense | UNESC | Criciúma, SC | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal do Paraná | UFPR | Curitiba, PR | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | UFSC | Florianópolis, SC | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de Ceará | UFC | Fortaleza, CE | Caatinga |
Universidade Federal de Goiás | UFG | Goiânia, GO | Cerrado |
Universidade Federal de Rondônia | UNIR | Guajará-Mirim, RO | Amazon |
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz | UESC | Ilhéus, BA | Atlantic Forest |
C&T Assessoria e Consultoria Ambiental | Itapetininga, SP | Atlantic Forest | |
Universidade Federal de Sergipe | UFS | Laranjeiras, SE | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de Alagoas | UFAL | Maceió, AL | Atlantic Forest |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia | INPA | Manaus, AM | Amazon |
Universidade Federal do Amazonas | UFAM | Manaus, AM | Amazon |
Universidade Estadual de Maringa | UEM | Maringá, PR | Atlantic Forest |
Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios–Polo Regional do Vale do Paraíba | APTA - Polo Regional do Vale do Paraíba | Pindamonhangaba, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz / Universidade de São Paulo | ESALQ/USP | Piracicaba, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | UFRGS | Porto Alegre, RS | Pampa |
Instituto Bioma Brasil | Recife, PE | Atlantic Forest | |
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | UFRPE | Recife, PE | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade de São Paulo | USP | Registro, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Secretaria de Gestão Administrativa do Estado do Acre | Rio Branco, AC | Amazon | |
Universidade Federal do Acre | UFAC | Rio Branco, AC | Amazon |
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Solos | Embrapa Solos | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Fundación Oswaldo Cruz | Fiocruz | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Instituto de Pesquisas do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | JBRJ | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Instituto Estadual do Ambiente | INEA | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro | PUC-Rio | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest | |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria | UFSM | Santa Maria, RS | Pampa |
Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará | UFOPA | Santarém, PA | Amazon |
Universidade de Santa Cecília | UniSanta | Santos, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de São Paulo | Unifesp | Santos, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal de São Carlos | UFSCar | São Carlos, SP | Atlantic Forest and Cerrado |
Escola Indígena Baniwa e Coripaco Pamáali | São Gabriel da Cachoeira, AM | Amazon | |
Instituto Socioambiental | São Gabriel da Cachoeira, AM | Amazon | |
Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei | UFSJ | São João Del-Rei, MG | Atlantic Forest |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais | INPE | São José dos Campos, SP | Atlantic Forest |
BirdLife/SAVE Brasil | São Paulo, SP | Atlantic Forest | |
Itaiti Consultoria Ambiental | São Paulo, SP | Atlantic Forest | |
Universidade de São Paulo | USP | São Paulo, SP | Atlantic Forest |
Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade | Sena Madureira, AC | Amazon | |
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária–Embrapa Agrobiologia | Embrapa Agrobiologia | Seropédica, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro | UFRRJ | Seropédica, RJ | Atlantic Forest |
Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo | Sorocaba, SP | Atlantic Forest | |
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá | Tefé, AM | Amazon | |
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | UFES | Vitória, ES | Atlantic Forest |
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Lazos-Ruíz, A.E.; Rodrigues, A.F.; Sales, G.P.d.S.; Brasil, L.S.C.d.A.; Fraga, J.S.; D’Orey, M.; Solórzano, A.; Oliveira, R.R.d. Historical Ecology in Brazil: A Systematic Mapping of Scientific Articles (1998–2021). Sustainability 2021, 13, 11526. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011526
Lazos-Ruíz AE, Rodrigues AF, Sales GPdS, Brasil LSCdA, Fraga JS, D’Orey M, Solórzano A, Oliveira RRd. Historical Ecology in Brazil: A Systematic Mapping of Scientific Articles (1998–2021). Sustainability. 2021; 13(20):11526. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011526
Chicago/Turabian StyleLazos-Ruíz, Adi Estela, Aline Furtado Rodrigues, Gabriel Paes da Silva Sales, Lucas Santa Cruz de Assis Brasil, Joana Stingel Fraga, Martim D’Orey, Alexandro Solórzano, and Rogério Ribeiro de Oliveira. 2021. "Historical Ecology in Brazil: A Systematic Mapping of Scientific Articles (1998–2021)" Sustainability 13, no. 20: 11526. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011526