Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design, Innovation and Technology
:1. Introduction
1.1. Approaches to Environmental Assessment of Buildings
1.2. Contribution of Construction to GHGs
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Methodology
- Analytic structure—in a corporate footprint, this could be constituted by the production centers, and these by sections or departments.
2.2. GHG Scenario of ESNE
2.3. Calculations Criteria
- Estimation of the aircraft fuel burn.
- Calculation of the passengers’ fuel burn based on a passenger/freight factor.
- Seat occupied = total seats × load factor
- CO2 emissions/passenger = (passengers’ fuel burn × 3.16)/seat occupied
- 2018 Guidelines Defra Conversion Factors [39].
- By car: average diesel car 0.178 kg CO2 person/km, one seat occupied;
- average petrol car 0.184 kgCO2 person/km, one seat occupied.
- By bus: regular diesel bus, 0.023 kg CO2 person/km.
- For train and metro, a Renfe/SNCF methodology based on the Ecopassenger calculator was considered [40]:
- By train/Metro: 0.025 kg CO2 person/km (regular Spanish electric mix).
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Factor | Algorithms |
P986 | CO2-e Emissions = E000 × F186 × 0.000001 Total emissions in tCO2-e E000 = consumption of material/service/object of study (UF, Functional unit) 0.000001 = Conversion factor gCO2 to tCO2 F186. Scale factor per general functional unit Value = 8.1000 (gCO2/UF) Source: Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program South End Plant Comments: Appendix 7 Material Plastic Fiber GRP. Functional unit: gr Year: 2012 |
Mode of Transport | Km/Year |
—Without consumption | 44,040 |
Walking | 43,320 |
Bicycle | 720 |
—Railway transport | 304,920 |
Metro | 99,960 |
RENFE suburban trains | 204,760 |
Tramway | 200 |
—Road transport | 314,440 |
Citybus | 31,960 |
Private electric vehicle. (car/bicycle/motorbike) | 35,880 |
Private car diesel | 127,040 |
Private car gasoline | 61,080 |
Private motorbike | 58,480 |
Total | 663,400 |
Mode of Transport | km/Year |
—Road | 57,060 |
Bus | 47,480 |
Diesel car 1 | 9580 |
—Train | 37,400 |
—Air | 565,000 |
Total | 695,460 |
Scope | Chapter | Data | Units |
1 | Fossil fuels (Diesel C) | 11,000 | L |
Leakage Refrigerant gas (R-410A) | 4.3 1 | kg | |
2 | Electricity | 241,572 1 | kWh |
3 | Materials | ||
Textiles | 1439 | kg | |
Wood | 100 | kg | |
Cardboard + paper + books | 11,850 | kg | |
IT equipment | 524 | kg | |
Water | 1628 1 | m 3 | |
HPDE 3D printer | 4.2 2 | kg | |
Furniture | 452 | kg | |
Business and field trips | 695,000 | km/year | |
Land | 94,460 | km/year | |
Employee commuting | 663,400 | km/year | |
Waste | |||
Cardboard + paper | 6500 | kg | |
Light packaging | 2100 | kg | |
Remaining fraction | 4200 | kg |
Scope | CF (kg CO2-e) |
1. Direct emissions and absorptions | 40,526 |
Stationary combustion | 31,548 |
Refrigerant leakage (R-410A) | 8978 |
2. Indirect energy emissions (Electricity consumed) | 72,471 |
3. Other indirect emissions | 142,549 |
Energy not included in direct and indirect | |
WTT transmission and distribution losses 1 | 18,802 |
Products purchased | 34,645 |
Water (natural) | 643 |
Wood/cork/basketry/rubber/plastic products | 158 |
Furniture | 2501 |
Paper, books and cardboard | 11,254 |
Computer, electronic and optical products | 8699 |
Textile products | 11,387 |
Employee commuting | 47,391 |
Train/Metro/Tram | 14,626 |
Road transport | 32,765 |
Urban bus | 2564 |
Private car | |
Diesel | 16,755 |
Petrol | 11,523 |
Electric (incl. bike and skateboard) | 1923 |
Business and field trips | 38,382 |
International and national flights | 29,855 |
Road transport | 7374 |
By bus | 991 |
Private car | 6382 |
Train (AVE) | 1153 |
Waste | 3328 |
Cardboard + paper | 366 |
Light packaging | 252 |
Remaining fraction | 2710 |
Total | 255,548 |
Ratios | Kg CO2-e/m2 | Kg CO2-e/Student | Kg CO2-e/Student·h |
Built-up area: 4000 m2 | |||
Students: 1500 | |||
Scenario 1 | 64 | 170 | 0.28 |
Scenario 2 | 46 | 122 | 0.20 |
Reduction | −28% |
Ratios | kg CO2-e/km | kg CO2-e/Person |
—Travel to work | ||
Private combustion vehicles | 0.788 | 764 |
Public transport | 0.051 | 183 |
—Study and business trips | ||
Private diesel cars | 0.667 | 236 |
Bus | 0.054 | 16 |
Flights | 0.053 | 409 |
Train AVE | 0.031 | 29 |
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Share and Cite
Filippone, G.; Sancho, R.; Labella, S. Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design, Innovation and Technology. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1750.
Filippone G, Sancho R, Labella S. Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design, Innovation and Technology. Sustainability. 2021; 13(4):1750.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFilippone, Guillermo, Rocío Sancho, and Sebastián Labella. 2021. "Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design, Innovation and Technology" Sustainability 13, no. 4: 1750.
APA StyleFilippone, G., Sancho, R., & Labella, S. (2021). Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design, Innovation and Technology. Sustainability, 13(4), 1750.