Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments
:1. Introduction
1.1. Literature Review
- The large body of multiphase flow studies, particularly relative permeability in oil/water and gas/liquid systems, provides a good starting point for understanding CO2/brine systems;
- As the fluid properties of the CO2/water system are very different from those of the oil/water system, and because of the fundamentally empirical nature of the relative permeability concept, studies are needed to establish similarities and differences between multiphase flow oil/water and CO2/brine systems;
- Potential and unresolved influences of flow rate, capillary number, and small-scale heterogeneity on relative permeability in CO2/brine systems need to be investigated;
- The end effect is an important factor that could lead experimental error. If we want to investigate the flow rate dependence on relative permeability curves, the end effect must be carefully understood and compensated for;
- Based on recent studies of heterogeneity, the effect of heterogeneity may be the reason for the observed dependence of relative permeability on flow rate;
- As the experiments to measure the influence of heterogeneity on relative permeability are time consuming, numerical simulations can be used to simulate, understand, and interpret laboratory experiments of multiphase flow in typical reservoir rocks.
1.2. Summary of the Previous Work
1.3. General Rule of Thumb for Reliable Relative Permeability Measurements
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Simulation
2.2. Boundary Conditions
2.3. Simulated Synthetic Relative Permeability Data Sets
3. Results
3.1. Relative Permeability Calculated When ΔPw = ΔPCO2
3.1.1. Homogeneous Cores (σlnk’ = 0)
3.1.2. Heterogeneous Core (High Contrast Model, σlnk’ = 0.96)
3.2. Relative Permeability Calculated by Using Corrected Pressure Drops
3.3. Sensitivity Studies for Different Core Properties
3.3.1. Effects of Heterogeneity
3.3.2. Effects of Core Length (15.24–45.72 cm)
3.3.3. Effects of Interfacial Tension (7.49–67.41 mN/m)
3.3.4. Effects of Gravity
4. Discussion
4.1. Observations from the Numerical and Semi-Analytical Models
4.2. Conditions for Reliable Effective Relative Permeability Measurements
- (i)
- If the core is known as relatively homogeneous (τ ~ 1 and SBLHete ~ SBL)
- (ii)
- If the core is very heterogeneous,
4.3. Permeability Heterogeneity Parameter τ
4.4. Initial Guess of Critical Flow Rate
4.5. Practical Application
- Conduct steady-state drainage core-flooding experiment with initial injection rate qc,max (Equation (35)).
- can be calculated based on the design of experiment.
- Equation (25) would give the lower bound of =.
- Change the initial rate up and down, and measure the corresponding core pressure drop of CO2 () and average CO2 saturation for each injection rate.
- could be obtained once saturation becomes constant.
- The permeability heterogeneity parameter τ could be obtained based on Equation (31).
5. Conclusions
- Despite the presence of heterogeneity, it is possible to obtain the accurate effective relative permeability measurements for heterogeneous cores. The incomplete fluid displacement is primarily due to the heterogeneity and unfavorable mobility ratio, not gravity segregation, but with a sufficiently high flow rate, these effects can be overcome.
- The critical flowrate for making these accurate measurements was identified based on the properties of the core, and most notably on heterogeneity (Equations (22) and (28)). Increasing the flow rate results in minimizing the saturation gradient caused by the combined effects of capillary, viscous, and gravity forces; hence, the relative permeability approaches the maximum value asymptotically and stabilizes when the uniform saturation is achieved.
- The simulation results shown here indicate that the flow-rate dependent saturation occurs not only in the heterogeneous core, but also in homogeneous cores. In addition, we show that the capillary heterogeneity will increase the flow-rate dependency.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
A | cross-section area of the core [m2] | f | fractional flow |
H | height of the core [m] | g | acceleration [m/s2] |
L | length of the core [m] | k | average permeability [md] |
Rl | aspect ratio, L/H | kr | relative permeability |
NB | Bond number, ΔρgH/pc* | q | volumetric flow rate [mL/min] |
Ncv | capillary number, nLpc*/H2μg ut | p | pressure [Pa] |
Ngv | gravity number, ΔρgL/Hμg ut | pc* | characteristic capillary pressure [Pa] |
Δρ | density difference between CO2 and brine [kg/m3] | u | Darcy velocity [m/s] |
μ | viscosity [cp] | θ | contact angle, 0° |
φ | porosity | τ | heterogeneity parameter |
σ | CO2–brine interfacial tension [N/m] or standard deviation | ||
ΔP | pressure difference between the average inlet and the outlet slice values |
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σlnk’ | Porosity | Permeability (md) | Capillary Pressure (Pa) | Input Relative Permeability | |
Homogeneous Model | 0 | φi = φmean | ki = kmean | Measured Pc Curve | power-law functions |
Kozeny–Carman Model | 0.27 | φi | φi3/(1 − φi)2 | power-law functions | |
High Contrast Model | 0.96 | φi | exp(64φi4) | power-law functions |
Inlet Slice | Rock Slices (29 Slices) | Outlet Slice |
φmean, | φi, | φmean, |
kmean: Anisotropic | ki: Isotropic | kmean: Isotropic |
(kz = ky = 100kx) | Dirichlet boundary condition | |
Pc = Pc,mean | dPc/dx = 0 |
Degree of Heterogeneity σlnk’ | Injection Flow Rate q, mL/min | qcritical, mL/min | Regime | |
Homo | 0 | 0.5 | 0.24 | Viscous-dominated |
Random 2 | 0.254 | 0.5 | 0.25 | Viscous-dominated |
KC | 0.275 | 1.2 | 0.37 | Viscous-dominated |
HC | 0.96 | 2.6 | 0.97 | Viscous-dominated |
Random 3 | 1.42 | 6 | 1.19 | Viscous-dominated |
SBL/ SBLHete | krCO2(SBL)/ krCO2(SBLHete) | qcritical [mL/min] from the Simulation Results | |
Homogeneous core | 0.324 | 0.0554 | around 0.3 |
High contrast model | 0.30 | 0.0483 | around 1.2 |
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Kuo, C.-W.; Benson, S.M. Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments. Sustainability 2021, 13, 2744.
Kuo C-W, Benson SM. Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments. Sustainability. 2021; 13(5):2744.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKuo, Chia-Wei, and Sally M. Benson. 2021. "Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments" Sustainability 13, no. 5: 2744.
APA StyleKuo, C.-W., & Benson, S. M. (2021). Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments. Sustainability, 13(5), 2744.