Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty
:1. Introduction
2. Research Hypothesis
3. Method
3.1. Study Area
3.2. Questionnaire Survey
3.3. Statistical Method
4. Empirical Results
4.1. Profile of Respondents
4.2. Coefficient and Effective
4.3. Factor Analysis Results
4.4. Factor Analysis Results
4.4.1. Model Specification and Goodness-of-Fit Criteria
4.4.2. Hypothesis Test
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Dimension | Factor | Acronyms |
Risk Sources | Impacts on habitats and behaviors of fishes (HBF) | HBF |
Impacts on marine physical environments (MPE) | MPE | |
Extreme weather events (EWE) | EWE | |
Production Uncertainties | Production expectations (PE) | PE |
Production outcomes (PO) | PO | |
Management Measures | Risk control (RC) | RC |
Risk avoidance (RA) | RA | |
Resilience enhancement (RE) | RE | |
Input reduction (IR) | IR |
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Aspect | Code | Variable | Reference |
Risk Perceptions | A1 | Changes in spawning ground of commercial fish species | [8,22,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] |
A2 | Changes in season of commercially important fish species | ||
A3 | Changes in fishing depth of commercial fish species | ||
A4 | Decrease in annual total catch | ||
A5 | Changes in fishing area of commercially important fish species | ||
A6 | Increase in frequency and intensity of heavy rains | ||
A7 | Increase in frequency and intensity of typhoons | ||
A8 | Increase in frequency and intensity of cold-water intrusions | ||
A9 | Changes in direction of currents | ||
A10 | Changes in ocean turbidity and water color | ||
A11 | Changes in intensity and position of upwelling | ||
Production Uncertainties | B1 | More time needed for operations due to uncertain conditions in fishing grounds | [25,26,28,30,34,35,36,37] |
B2 | More time needed to find fish caused by the movement of fishing grounds | ||
B3 | Decrease in fishing days caused by extreme weather events | ||
B4 | Increased chances of equipment and hull damage caused by extreme weather events | ||
B5 | Increased chances of fishing gear loss and damage caused by extreme weather events | ||
B6 | Increase in the number of bycatch (non-target species) | ||
B7 | Increased fishing effort due to fishing harvests decreasing | ||
B8 | Changes in composition of fishing harvests | ||
B9 | The total catch is not as expected | ||
B10 | Difficulty in deciding when to go fishing due to uncertainties of fishing season and location | ||
B11 | Sizes and numbers of fish are not as expected, and lead to lower prices | ||
Management Measures | C1 | Deployment of Artificial reefs | [12,20,22,30,35,37,38,39,40,41,42] |
C2 | Planning and zoning protected areas | ||
C3 | Prohibiting the use of destructive fishing methods (i.e., trawling, Taiwanese purse seine) in particular waters | ||
C4 | Restricting the eligibility of renewal of licenses for fishing vessels that have had illegal records | ||
C5 | Implementing and improving the suspension of fishing activities | ||
C6 | Fishing license buyback program | ||
C7 | Establishing an early-warning system for extreme weather events | ||
C8 | Establishing an immediate notification system for climatic disasters (e.g., typhoon) | ||
C9 | Establishing a weather information station in fishing harbors | ||
C10 | Recording the logbooks and landings of every trip | ||
C11 | Setting the total allowable number of fishing vessels | ||
C12 | Setting the time limit (e.g., closure season) for fishing | ||
C13 | Setting total allowable catches (TACs) for fishing activities | ||
C14 | Organizing fishery management and information seminars regularly for fishers | ||
C15 | Implementing fish stock enhancement | ||
C16 | To assist fishers who have low willingness to fish in the transition to leisure fishing or other industries | ||
C17 | Improving the current operations of fishers’ association | ||
C18 | Sailing at low speed to save on fuel consumption | ||
C19 | Using advanced detection equipment to find fish | ||
C20 | Organizing a production team or self-governance team to conduct fishery co-management | ||
C21 | Cooperate with fishers who operate similar fishing methods to share information about fishing grounds and resources |
Factor | Variable (Factor Loading) | Eigenvalue | Proportion |
Risk Sources | |||
Factor 1: Impacts on habitats and behaviors of fishes (HBF) | A1 (0.78); A2 (0.84); A3 (0.67); A4 (0.68); A5 (0.62) | 4.3 | 39.1 |
Factor 2: Impacts on marine physical environments (MPE) | A9 (0.87); A10 (0.75); A11 (0.78) | 1.6 | 14.9 |
Factor 3: Extreme weather events (EWE) | A6 (0.81); A7 (0.83); A8 (0.73) | 1.2 | 11.4 |
Production Uncertainties | |||
Factor 1: Production expectations (PE) | B1 (0.68); B7 (0.69); B9 (0.84); B11 (0.75) | 3.7 | 46.0 |
Factor 2 Production outcomes (PO) | B4 (0.84); B5 (0.84); B6 (0.68); B8 (0.63) | 1.3 | 15.6 |
Management Measures | |||
Factor 1: Risk control (RC) | C2 (0.77); C3 (0.81); C4 (0.78); C12 (0.66) | 4.2 | 34.6 |
Factor 2: Risk avoidance (RA) | C7 (0.76); C8 (0.83); C9 (0.73) | 1.7 | 14.1 |
Factor 3: Resilience enhancement (RE) | C17 (0.71); C19 (0.76); C20 (0.75) | 1.1 | 9.3 |
Factor 4: Input reduction (IR) | C6 (0.62); C18 (0.83) | 1.0 | 8.5 |
Hypothesis | Path | |
Risk sources influence fishermen’s risk managerial measures | H1 | HBF→PE |
H2 | HBF→PO | |
H3 | MPE→PE | |
H4 | MPE→PO | |
H5 | EWE→PE | |
H6 | EWE→PO | |
Risk sources lead to diversity production uncertainties | H7 | PE→RC |
H8 | PE→AR | |
H9 | PE→RE | |
H10 | PE→IR | |
H11 | PO→RC | |
H12 | PO→AR | |
H13 | PO→RE | |
H14 | PO→IR | |
Production uncertainties influence fishermen’s risk managerial measures | H15 | HBF→RC |
H16 | EWE→RC | |
H17 | MPE→RC | |
H18 | HBF→AR | |
H19 | EWE→AR | |
H20 | MPE→AR | |
H21 | HBF→RE | |
H22 | EWE→RE | |
H23 | MPE→RE | |
H24 | HBF→IR | |
H25 | EWE→IR | |
H26 | MPE→IR | |
Production uncertainty might enhance the effects of risk sources on risk managerial measures. | H27a | HBF→PE→RC |
H27b | HBF→PO→RC | |
H28a | HBF→PE→AR | |
H28b | HBF→PO→AR | |
H29a | HBF→PE→RE | |
H29b | HBF→PO→RE | |
H30a | HBF→PE→IR | |
H30b | HBF→PO→IR | |
H31a | EWE→PE→RC | |
H31b | EWE→PO→RC | |
H32a | EWE→PE→AR | |
H32b | EWE→PO→AR | |
H33a | EWE→PE→RE | |
H33b | EWE→PO→RE | |
H34a | EWE→PE→IR | |
H34b | EWE→PO→IR | |
H35a | MPE→PE→RC | |
H35b | MPE→PO→RC | |
H36a | MPE→PE→AR | |
H36b | MPE→PO→AR | |
H37a | MPE→PE→RE | |
H37b | MPE→PO→RE | |
H38a | MPE→PE→IR | |
H38b | MPE→PO→IR |
Path | Estimate | t-Value | ||
H1 | HBF→PE | 0.35 | 4.00 | *** |
H2 | HBF→PO | 0.29 | 3.45 | *** |
H3 | MPE→PE | 0.24 | 2.48 | * |
H4 | MPE→PO | 0.51 | 5.25 | *** |
H5 | EWE→PE | 0.23 | 2.55 | * |
H6 | EWE→PO | 0.34 | 3.64 | *** |
H7 | PE→RC | 0.66 | 4.69 | *** |
H8 | PE→AR | 0.41 | 3.50 | *** |
H9 | PE→RE | 0.24 | 1.92 | |
H10 | PE→IR | 0.43 | 2.36 | * |
H11 | PO→RC | 0.70 | 2.88 | ** |
H12 | PO→AR | 1.56 | 4.31 | *** |
H13 | PO→RE | 2.16 | 4.08 | *** |
H14 | PO→IR | 1.34 | 3.21 | ** |
H15 | HBF→RC | −0.06 | −0.52 | |
H16 | EWE→RC | −0.47 | −2.83 | ** |
H17 | MPE→RC | −0.30 | −2.32 | * |
H18 | HBF→AR | −0.59 | −3.47 | *** |
H19 | EWE→AR | −0.72 | −3.04 | ** |
H20 | MPE→AR | −0.55 | −2.92 | ** |
H21 | HBF→RE | −0.71 | −3.07 | ** |
H22 | EWE→RE | −1.02 | −3.04 | ** |
H23 | MPE→RE | −0.59 | −2.32 | * |
H24 | HBF→IR | −0.59 | −2.87 | ** |
H25 | EWE→IR | −0.61 | −2.18 | * |
H26 | MPE→IR | −0.65 | −2.91 | ** |
Path | Indirect Effect | Direct Effect | Total Effect | |
H27a | HBF→PE→RC | 0.23 | −0.06 | 0.31 |
H27b | HBF→PO→RC | 0.14 | ||
H28a | HBF→PE→AR | 0.14 | −0.59 | 0.01 |
H28b | HBF→PO→AR | 0.45 | ||
H29a | HBF→PE→RE | 0.08 | −0.71 | 0.01 |
H29b | HBF→PO→RE | 0.63 | ||
H30a | HBF→PE→IR | 0.15 | −0.59 | −0.05 |
H30b | HBF→PO→IR | 0.39 | ||
H31a | EWE→PE→RC | 0.16 | −0.47 | 0.05 |
H31b | EWE→PO→RC | 0.36 | ||
H32a | EWE→PE→AR | 0.10 | −0.72 | 0.17 |
H32b | EWE→PO→AR | 0.8 | ||
H33a | EWE→PE→RE | 0.06 | −1.02 | 0.15 |
H33b | EWE→PO→RE | 1.10 | ||
H34a | EWE→PE→IR | 0.10 | −0.61 | 0.18 |
H34b | EWE→PO→IR | 0.68 | ||
H35a | MPE→PE→RC | 0.15 | −0.30 | 0.09 |
H35b | MPE→PO→RC | 0.24 | ||
H36a | MPE→PE→AR | 0.09 | −0.55 | 0.07 |
H36b | MPE→PO→AR | 0.53 | ||
H37a | MPE→PE→RE | 0.06 | −0.59 | 0.20 |
H37b | MPE→PO→RE | 0.73 | ||
H38a | MPE→PE→IR | 0.10 | −0.65 | −0.10 |
H38b | MPE→PO→IR | 0.46 |
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Share and Cite
Chen, J.-L.; Hsiao, Y.-J.; Yip, K.-K. Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3892. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073892
Chen J-L, Hsiao Y-J, Yip K-K. Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty. Sustainability. 2021; 13(7):3892. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073892
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Jyun-Long, Yao-Jen Hsiao, and Kat-Kau Yip. 2021. "Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty" Sustainability 13, no. 7: 3892. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073892
APA StyleChen, J.-L., Hsiao, Y.-J., & Yip, K.-K. (2021). Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty. Sustainability, 13(7), 3892. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073892