Built Environment’s Sustainability: The Design of the Gypso|TechA of the University of Perugia
:1. Introduction
1.1. Contemporary Threats in the Complexity of Built Environment
- art crimes and vandalism;
- negligence and rudeness of visitors;
- lack of maintenance and site-specific prevention strategies;
- harmful impact of war;
- ageing of materials and of the type of artifacts;
- climate change impacts;
- earthquake damaging of monumental constructions.
1.2. The Plaster Cast Gallery of the University of Perugia
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Historical Investigations
2.1.1. Palazzo Murena
2.1.2. The Bursary
2.2. Actual State of the Bursary
2.2.1. Architectural Survey
2.2.2. In Situ Investigations and Structural Peculiarities
- visual inspections over the masonries;
- videoendoscopic investigations on load-bearing walls and vaults;
- single and double flat-jack tests;
- tests on mortar samples;
- geophysical tests with georadar.
- masonry in solid brick and lime mortar;
- masonry in rough-hewn stone elements (found only in few parts of the building).
- presence on the level of the second floor of in falso masonries, load-bearing walls built without a direct path to the ground and weighing directly on the underlying brick vaults;
- an excess of partition walls, load-bearing and non-load-bearing, of modest thickness increasing the seismic mass of the structures and arranged, in addition, without a specific functional and distributive purpose;
- presence of a widespread crack pattern with local collapses on the third floor;
- a steel roof—marked also by the presence of a concrete curb—represents an extremely rigid and heavy plane, resulting burdensome for the lower structures which instead are more flexible;
- a crawl space, used as an archive, entails the concentration of a considerable load.
2.2.3. Seismic Safety
3. Project and Sustainable Design
3.1. Architectural Conversion in Gypso|TechA
3.1.1. “Build in the Built”
3.1.2. Architectural-Functional Design of the Museum Space
3.2. The Restoration Plan
3.2.1. Interventions with Ecological FRCM
- good mechanical properties in the face of low thickness and little weight;
- easy installation modalities ensuring the continuation of the buildings’ functions;
- use of inorganic mortar, less aggressive than the epoxy resins, that permits a better transpiration to masonry and contributes to the reversibility;
- reversibility of the intervention and chance to recycle, considering the opportunity to use natural origin nets and matrices.
3.2.2. Existing Condition against Restoration Plan
- Construction on the current parcel, calculating the costs associated with the demolition of the actual building and the disposal of rubble, actually a waste harmful to the environment;
- Building in a new area to purchase similar to the actual one, increasing land consumption, and considering consequently the realization of flooring, enclosures, urbanization works, electricity and water connections.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Index for Limit States | Actual State | After Restoration | Index Increase |
αSLO | 0.29 | 0.47 | 62% |
αSLD | 0.34 | 0.56 | 65% |
αSLV | 0.18 | 0.60 | 230% |
αSLC | 0.21 | 0.65 | 210% |
Interventions | Costs | |
Demolitions | Walls | 19–20 k€ |
Partition walls | 5–6 k€ | |
Decks | 45–50 k€ | |
Vaults | FRCM Reinforcement | 80–85 k€ |
Hoops and masonry joint | 4–5 k€ | |
Walls’ thickening | 12–15 € | |
Walls’ reinforcement in FRCM | 130–140 k€ | |
Steel structure | Columns | 3–6 k€ |
Decks | 42–45 k€ | |
Hoops and masonry joints | 11–12 k€ | |
FRCM Curbs and joints (e.g., through stones) | 10–15 k€ | |
Roof | 30–35 k€ | |
Steel stair | 8–11 k€ | |
Elevator | 30–35 k€ | |
Total amount of work | ~480 k€ |
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Share and Cite
Belardi, P.; Gusella, V.; Liberotti, R.; Sorignani, C. Built Environment’s Sustainability: The Design of the Gypso|TechA of the University of Perugia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116857
Belardi P, Gusella V, Liberotti R, Sorignani C. Built Environment’s Sustainability: The Design of the Gypso|TechA of the University of Perugia. Sustainability. 2022; 14(11):6857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116857
Chicago/Turabian StyleBelardi, Paolo, Vittorio Gusella, Riccardo Liberotti, and Camilla Sorignani. 2022. "Built Environment’s Sustainability: The Design of the Gypso|TechA of the University of Perugia" Sustainability 14, no. 11: 6857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116857
APA StyleBelardi, P., Gusella, V., Liberotti, R., & Sorignani, C. (2022). Built Environment’s Sustainability: The Design of the Gypso|TechA of the University of Perugia. Sustainability, 14(11), 6857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116857