The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation: The Case of Incheon International Airport
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. CSR
2.2. Trust
2.3. Image
2.4. Satisfaction
2.5. Reputation
3. Methodology
3.1. Research Model
3.2. Data Collection and Data Analysis
4. Data analysis and Results
4.1. Demographic Features
4.2. Reliability and Validity Test
4.3. Discriminant Validity
4.4. Fit Indices
4.5. Hypotheses Test
5. Conclusions and Implications
5.1. Academic Implication
5.2. Managerial Implication
5.3. Limitation
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Construct | Item | Related Studies |
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | Incheon International Airport actively participates in activities that aim to protect and improve the quality of the natural environment. | [58,84] |
Incheon International Airport uses energy and resources efficiently. | [18,85,86] | |
Incheon International Airport is concerned with waste management and recycling. | [72,87,88,89] | |
Incheon International Airport is equipped with facilities for the disabled (menus in braille, round tables in restaurants, etc.). | [65,90,91,92] | |
Incheon International Airport makes an effort to raise funds for social causes. | [18,85,86] | |
Incheon International Airport is committed to improving the welfare of the local community. | [93,94] | |
Incheon International Airport sponsors education related activities for the community. | [43,95] | |
Incheon International Airport makes an effort to contribute to society and the economy by investing and generating profits. | [18,85,86] | |
Incheon International Airport strives to activate the local economy. | [96,97] | |
Incheon International Airport has a large impact on employment. | [95,98,99,100] | |
Trust | Incheon International Airport is very responsive. | [25,36,46] |
Incheon International Airport can be relied on by customers. | ||
I think Incheon International Airport provides reliable information to its consumers. | [46,101,102] | |
Image | I always get a good impression of Incheon International Airport. | [25,27,43] |
Incheon International Airport is widely known by the public. | ||
Incheon International Airport is very professional. | ||
Satisfaction | Incheon International Airport entirely fulfills my needs. | [34,103,104] |
I feel happy after flying to or from Incheon International Airport. | ||
I feel satisfied after using Incheon International Airport. | ||
Reputation | In general, I think Incheon International Airport has a good reputation. | [58,105,106] |
Incheon International Airport is known for giving active support to programs with good social causes. | ||
Incheon International Airport transmits a good sensation. | [18,25,27,28,36,104] |
Division | Frequency | Percentage | |
Gender | Male | 166 | 55.90% |
Female | 131 | 44.10% | |
Age | Less than 20 | 5 | 1.70% |
21~30 | 87 | 29.30% | |
31~40 | 77 | 25.90% | |
41~50 | 69 | 23.20% | |
51~60 | 54 | 18.20% | |
Over 60 | 5 | 1.70% | |
Education | High School (Studying) | 25 | 8.40% |
College (Studying) | 32 | 10.80% | |
University (Studying) | 194 | 65.30% | |
Graduate (Studying) | 46 | 15.50% | |
Occupation | Student | 43 | 14.48% |
Practitioner/Researcher | 58 | 19.53% | |
Sales/Service | 44 | 14.81% | |
Office Worker | 67 | 22.59% | |
Government Official | 31 | 10.44% | |
Freelancer | 11 | 3.70% | |
Housewife | 9 | 3% | |
Others | 34 | 11.45% | |
Purpose | Travel | 240 | 80.80% |
Work/Business | 48 | 16.16% | |
Visiting Relatives | 4 | 1.35% | |
Education | 1 | 0.34% | |
Others | 4 | 1.35% | |
Number of Visit | Fewer than 2 times | 213 | 71.72% |
3~4 times | 62 | 20.88% | |
5~6 times | 12 | 4.04% | |
7~8 times | 2 | 0.67% | |
9~10 times | 0 | 0% | |
More than 11 times | 8 | 2.69% |
Component | Measurement Variable | Non-Standardized Estimate | Standardized Estimate | S.E | C.R a | SMC | C.R b | a c |
Corporate Social Responsibility | CSR 1 | 0.797 | 0.731 | 0.069 | 11.611 | 0.535 | 0.950 | 0.929 |
CSR 2 | 0.889 | 0.792 | 0.062 | 14.453 | 0.628 | |||
CSR 3 | 0.827 | 0.761 | 0.068 | 12.127 | 0.579 | |||
CSR 4 | 0.801 | 0.707 | 0.063 | 12.767 | 0.500 | |||
CSR 5 | 0.878 | 0.746 | 0.065 | 13.550 | 0.557 | |||
CSR 6 | 0.904 | 0.772 | 0.064 | 14.060 | 0.595 | |||
CSR 7 | 0.945 | 0.795 | 0.065 | 14.446 | 0.632 | |||
CSR 8 | 0.833 | 0.734 | 0.064 | 13.036 | 0.538 | |||
CSR 9 | 0.876 | 0.750 | 0.059 | 14.803 | 0.63 | |||
CSR 10 | 1.000 | 0.780 | - | - | 0.608 | |||
Trust | Trust 1 | 1.075 | 0.788 | 0.058 | 18.387 | 0.621 | 0.922 | 0.875 |
Trust 2 | 1.026 | 0.880 | 0.059 | 17.338 | 0.774 | |||
Trust 3 | 1.000 | 0.796 | - | - | 0.634 | |||
Image | Image 1 | 0.910 | 0.795 | 0.059 | 15.525 | 0.632 | 0.923 | 0.840 |
Image 2 | 0.783 | 0.752 | 0.049 | 15.823 | 0.566 | |||
Image 3 | 1.000 | 0.894 | - | - | 0.799 | |||
Satisfaction | Satisfaction 1 | 0.959 | 0.926 | 0.045 | 21.131 | 0.857 | 0.950 | 0.913 |
Satisfaction 2 | 0.986 | 0.817 | 0.040 | 24.395 | 0.668 | |||
Satisfaction 3 | 1.000 | 0.835 | - | - | 0.697 | |||
Reputation | Reputation 1 | 1.016 | 0.876 | 0.055 | 18.530 | 0.767 | 0.928 | 0.858 |
Reputation 2 | 1.076 | 0.774 | 0.070 | 15.425 | 0.599 | |||
Reputation 3 | 1.000 | 0.839 | - | - | 0.704 |
Variable | A | B | C | D | E |
Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 | ||||
Trust | 0.586 | 1 | |||
Image | 0.675 | 0.951 | 1 | ||
Satisfaction | 0.523 | 0.946 | 0.867 | 1 | |
Reputation | 0.484 | 0.88 | 0.850 | 0.902 | 1 |
Division | Result | Good Fit | Acceptable Fit | Source | |
Absolute fit index | CMIN/DF | 2.808 | 02 | 3 | Karin Schermelleh-Engel (2003) [82] |
RMR | 0.39 | 0 | |||
GFI | 0.868 | ||||
AGFI | 0.816 | 0 | |||
RMSEA | 0.78 | ||||
Incremental fit index | NFI | 0.911 | |||
CFI | 0.940 |
Hypothesis Path | Standardized Estimate | C.R | Result | |
H1 | Corporate Social Responsibility → Trust | 0.681 | 10.273 *** | Supported |
H2 | Trust → Reputation | 0.158 | 3.305 *** | Supported |
H3 | Corporate Social Responsibility → Image | 0.481 | 7.498 *** | Supported |
H4 | Image → Reputation | 0.676 | 11.195 *** | Supported |
H5 | Corporate Social Responsibility → Satisfaction | 0.516 | 8.261 *** | Supported |
H6 | Satisfaction → Reputation | 0.331 | 7.118 *** | Supported |
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Lee, S.; Park, J.-W.; Chung, S. The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation: The Case of Incheon International Airport. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10930.
Lee S, Park J-W, Chung S. The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation: The Case of Incheon International Airport. Sustainability. 2022; 14(17):10930.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, SangRyeong, Jin-Woo Park, and Sukhoon Chung. 2022. "The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation: The Case of Incheon International Airport" Sustainability 14, no. 17: 10930.
APA StyleLee, S., Park, J.-W., & Chung, S. (2022). The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation: The Case of Incheon International Airport. Sustainability, 14(17), 10930.