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Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk: Evidence on the Impact on Consumer Credit in Central and Eastern European Countries

Rasa Kanapickienė
Greta Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė
Deimantė Teresienė
Renatas Špicas
1 and
Airidas Neifaltas
Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University, 10222 Vilnius, Lithuania
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, 03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(20), 13219;
Submission received: 31 July 2022 / Revised: 21 September 2022 / Accepted: 27 September 2022 / Published: 14 October 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Economic and Business Aspects of Sustainability)


Although empirical studies show that different types of loans have different risks (moreover, consumer credit risk is higher compared to other types of loans), it is common to study the credit risk of the banking sector as a whole, or of an individual bank’s whole loan portfolio, and the macro-economic factors affecting it (without grouping them by type of loan). Thus, an analysis of the credit risk of the whole loan portfolio (measured by all non-performing loans) is insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the macroeconomic determinants of the consumer loan credit risk and quantitatively assess their impact in Central and Eastern European countries. After the analysis of scientific literature in the field of credit risk determinants, a detailed classification of factors influencing banking credit risk is proposed. The distinguishing feature of the classification is that the factors influencing credit risk are classified at five different levels; twelve groups of general macroeconomic conditions variables were selected as the potential factors of NPLs. This classification can be useful to better understand and investigate the factors influencing banking credit risk for the whole loan portfolio (in the same way as the factors that affect the credit risk of different types of loans, e.g., consumer loans). Using the methods of constant, fixed and random-effects panel analysis, simple OLS, least squares with breakpoints regression analysis and Markov regime-switching models, the impact of the macroeconomic variables from twelve separate groups is evaluated. The data from 11 CEE countries are used, and the period from 2008 to 2020 is covered. The results of this assessment reveal that in the group of CEE countries, such variables as GDP and labour market variables appeared to have contributed to the increase in the share of non-performing consumer loans, while inflation and real estate market variables were related to the decrease in consumer NPLs; at the same time, the impact of variables form other groups appeared to be mixed-nature or insignificant. The results of this research are useful in that they allow the identification of the most important determinants of consumer loan credit risk and thus allow making assumptions about NPL changes due to the changing macroeconomic situation. In the case of Lithuania, this kind of study (assessment of macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk) was conducted for the first time. Consumer loan credit risk assessment is especially relevant in an increasing interest rate environment, and deeper analysis can help banks and other financial institutions to manage credit risk. On the other hand, a better understanding of the main influencing factors of the macroeconomic environment can help central banks and other official institutions take appropriate monetary and fiscal policy decisions to ensure a good credit transmission channel for sustainable economic growth.

1. Introduction

In recent years, especially after the 2008 global financial crisis, as stated in the literature [1,2], much attention has been paid to the identification of factors that influence credit risk. Among these factors, macroeconomic factors are emphasised, and the need for an analysis of their impact on credit risk is demonstrated both in theoretical analyses carried out and in empirical studies conducted. Credit risk assessment is very important in creating sustainable economics. Sustainability issues are very sensitive to funding possibilities, which are at the same time related to credit risk. Because of that, it is essential to analyse the main factors having a significant influence on credit risk to take the right monetary and fiscal decisions, which can help ensure better transmission of credit channels. Credit risk analysis is very relevant during this economic period when the interest rates are increasing. Nowadays, central banks all over the world are increasing interest rates to manage inflation, so at the same time, commercial banks and other financial institutions have a big challenge in managing credit risk.
Firstly, after conducting theoretical credit risk analyses, the researchers emphasise the significance of macroeconomic factors. For example, (i) the importance of macroeconomic factors is presented by using various means of expression: “the macroeconomic environment is the most important factor in the determination of the credit risk” [3] and “the macroeconomic indicators are determinant factors that influence bank credit risk-taking decisions” [4]. (ii) The influence on credit risk is also stated. Castro [3] agrees that “the macroeconomic environment has a strong influence on banking credit risk”. Similarly, Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [5] show that “credit risk exposure is affected by conditions in the macroeconomy”. Melecky and Sulganova [1] suggest that macroeconomic risk factors are a source of systemic risk.
Secondly, the performed empirical analyses also indicate that macroeconomic factors influence banking credit risk. For example, Mileris [4] points out that “favourable macroeconomic conditions coincide with better capabilities in loan repayment”, as well as lower credit risk (i.e., lower probability of default (PD), a lower non-performing loans (NPLs) ratio, etc.). Additionally, conversely, the credit risk increases during economic downturns. Thus, credit risk is related to macroeconomic variables. After analysing empirical research by Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache [6], Wong, Wong, and Leung [7] summarise that “systemic banking distress was associated with a macroeconomic environment of low economic growth, high inflation, and high real interest rates”. Castro [3] concludes that “the economic environment is fundamental to explain the behaviour of the credit risk” and the “banking credit risk is significantly affected by the macroeconomic environment”. Similar results have been obtained by other researchers, e.g., [8,9,10,11,12] and others. Finally, Castro [3] connects emerging banking crises to the changes in the economic environment and proclaims that “most of the banking crisis is preceded by changes in the economic environment that move the economy from a growth cycle to a recession”.
After performing the analysis of conducted empirical research (Jiménez and Saurina [13], Bonfim [14], Nkusu [15] and others), the following conclusions have been drawn by Castro [3]: macroeconomic factors “should be included into the analysis since they have considerable influence on the changes of credit risk”. Therefore, this is likely to be the reason, as the meta-analysis by Melecky and Sulganova [1] and Naili and Lahrichi [16] shows that the literature on credit risk determinants has been increasing, especially in the last decade.
Considering these reasons, researchers and policymakers widely discuss the banking credit risk [16]. Firstly, as noted by Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], empirical studies on credit risk determinants are essential for considering issues in a stable economy. Secondly, having in mind the significance of the bank sector on the economy, a lack of a systematic approach regarding credit risk factors is felt; thus, the issue of the classification of factors influencing the banking credit risk becomes important. Furthermore, on the one hand, results of the meta-analysis conducted by Melecky and Sulganova [1] suggest that, firstly, a limited number of studies are published before the 2008 global financial crisis, and, secondly, “the literature was fast-growing after 2010”. On the other hand, a recent comprehensive literature review by Naili and Lahrichi [16] reveals that despite a large number of studies on determinants of the banking credit risk, “the issue of NPLs remains unsolved”. Therefore, this issue is still relevant.
It also needs to be noted that the majority of previous studies focused on the whole bank loan portfolio banking credit risk that is often measured using NPLs. However, the credit risk of different loans can be specific [13,18]; specifically, consumer loans have the highest NPLs [18], while research analysing separate types of loans is scarce and the level of examination of consumer loan credit risk is insufficient. Hence, such research remains relevant. In this study, we have selected the consumer loan credit risk to investigate. This decision was based on the fact that recently these loans are becoming the object of Fintech; moreover, during periods of uncertainty, the need for consumer loans increases. Thus, it is appropriate to carry out such research and reevaluate the results obtained in previous research. At the moment, credit risk assessment has become especially relevant because of the increasing interest rate environment and the high indebtedness of the household.
As noted above, the macroeconomic indicators are the most important factors that influence banking credit risk. However, the findings from the empirical literature are mixed. On the other hand, macroeconomic variables may impact each type of NPL in a different way. However, the level of examination of this issue is insufficient. These reasons motivate the need for more empirical research on the macroeconomic determinants of the banking credit risk of consumer loans.
It is worth mentioning that the scope of research also differs. Melecky and Sulganova [1] note that the majority of the studies “focus only on one country” and only some of them “use larger panels”. Authors have been discussing the reasons behind this selection and have concluded that “this might be due to limited data availability and problematic international comparison, for instance, because of different definitions of non-performing loans in individual countries” [1].
This research, therefore, attempts to solve this issue by focusing on Central and Eastern European countries. In our opinion, this research is relevant as it analyses new EU countries. In these countries, not many comparative analyses have been carried out or have been carried out in previous periods. Moreover, the research did not deal with separate loan credit risks. In addition, it is appropriate to assess the influence of the challenges of the current year’s economy on the banking credit risk.
In light of what has been said, this research aims to identify the macroeconomic determinants of the consumer loan credit risk in Central and Eastern European countries and to assess the impact of these determinants quantitatively.
In order to reach this aim, the following objectives have been set:
to develop the classifications of factors influencing the banking credit risk and the classification of macroeconomic factors influencing banking credit risk, considering the fact that there is no single approach to classifications of factors influencing the credit risk in theoretical studies and empirical research;
to select macroeconomic factors having an impact on the credit risk in each group, having identified the groups of the factors influencing the banking credit risk (FIBCR); and
to develop the assessment models.
The most important contributions of this research are the following:
(i) In order to investigate the factors influencing credit risk, it is necessary to classify these factors at different levels. An analysis of the classifications of factors influencing credit risk in theoretical studies and empirical research has concluded that there is no single approach. Different trends can be identified, and a new classification is being developed on the basis of these trends. In this study, the classification of factors influencing banking credit risk is developed using a systematic approach.
A distinguishing feature of the classification is that the factors influencing credit risk are classified at five different levels. It is appropriate to underline that, at the second level, macroeconomic factors are often classified only as the factors influencing the systematic credit risk; therefore, we take a deeper approach and divide the factors influencing the systematic credit risk into three groups: (i) macroeconomic factors, (ii) changes in economic policies factors, and (iii) and political changes factors. At the fourth level, we take a deeper approach and classify general macroeconomic conditions factors into twelve groups of the FIBCR; i.e., at this level, factors of (i) four different sectors are distinguished and (ii) eight groups of factors that affect all sectors. This classification may be useful to better understand and investigate the factors influencing banking credit risk for the whole loan portfolio (in the same way as the factors that affect the credit risk of different types of loans, e.g., consumer loans).
(ii) It is very important to mention that in previous studies, only a few commonly mentioned macroeconomic determinants of banking credit risk are analysed, and other potential determinants are left outside the scope of the research. This research focuses on the detailed classification of banking credit risk determinants.
Moreover, this research contributes to the literature in the field in the way that it investigates the determinants of banking credit risk focusing on one loan category—consumer loans. Such detailed analysis of the determinants of consumer loan credit risk has not been conducted in previous studies. In the case of Lithuania, this type of research is conducted for the first time.
In this research, the situation both in the group of CEE countries and in Lithuania separately was analysed and the impact of certain macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk was identified. Using the methods of constant, fixed and random effects panel analysis, simple OLS, least squares with breakpoints regression analysis and Markov regime-switching models, it was revealed that: (i) for CEE countries, GDP and labour market variables appeared to have a risk-increasing effect, while inflation and real estate market variables had a risk-decreasing effect; (ii) in the case of Lithuania, real estate and labour market variables appeared to have a risk-increasing effect while GDP and household sector variables—a risk-decreasing effect on consumer loan credit risk.
Johnson, Boehlje, and Gunderson [19] agree that “if the implications of macroeconomic changes on loan default rates could be more accurately measured, lenders could better forecast future losses and the impact of losses on earnings”. This means that a better understanding of the relationship between credit risk and macroeconomic factors could improve credit risk management in the banking sector. Therefore, the findings of this study can help to understand the causes of credit risk in analysed countries and enable commercial banks to sustain a competitive environment.
The results of this research allow the identification of the most important determinants of consumer loan credit risk making assumptions about NPLs changes due to the changing macroeconomic situation.
Moreover, the assessment of consumer loan credit risk is especially relevant in an increasing interest rate environment. On the one hand, deeper analysis can help banks and other financial institutions to manage credit risk. On the other hand, a better understanding of the main influencing factors of the macroeconomic environment can help central banks and other official institutions take appropriate monetary and fiscal policy decisions to ensure a good credit transmission channel for sustainable economic growth.
This paper consists of the introduction, four main sections, and discussion and implications as well as limitations and future research sections. In Section 2, the macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk are analysed theoretically and the classification of macroeconomic determinants is proposed; in Section 3, the selection of dependent and independent variables and hypotheses is discussed; in Section 4, the data selection and model specification is described, and in Section 5, the results of the quantitative assessment of the impact of macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk are discussed.

2. Classifications of Factors Influencing Banking Credit Risk

To achieve the research aim, which is to identify the macroeconomic determinants of the consumer loan credit risk in Central and Eastern European countries, it is necessary to investigate the factors influencing credit risk and, in particular, to classify these factors at different levels. In this analysis, we do not limit our analysis to banking credit risk alone but also use both country and enterprise credit risk studies. An analysis of the classifications of factors influencing credit risk in theoretical studies and empirical research has led to the conclusion that there is no single approach. Different trends can be identified, and a new classification is being developed on the basis of these trends.
Firstly, the components of credit risk are distinguished. Based on the literature, credit risk is generally classified into two components: (i) systematic credit risk and (ii) unsystematic credit risk. Given this breakdown, according to Castro [3], Mpofu, and Nikolaidou [20], it is appropriate to provide a similar breakdown of the factors influencing the banking credit risk (FIBCR) at the first level. Further, these factors are classified at several levels (see Figure 1).
At the second level, groups of factors that characterise the factors influencing systematic and unsystematic credit risk are distinguished. It should be noted that the opinions of researchers differ. Different authors emphasize various characteristics of credit risk factors as the main characteristics. Further, some examples are provided.
(1) It is possible to distinguish a separate group of authors (e.g., [3,4,11,17,21]) who analyse only macroeconomic factors as the factors influencing credit risk.
A few studies should be mentioned separately. One of these is the study by Liao and Chang [22], which determines macroeconomic factors as economic and financial variables. Another study was performed by Maltritz and Molchanov [10]. According to researchers, (i) “the explanatory variables used in the literature can be divided into several groups”; (ii) “the largest group includes variables describing the country’s macroeconomic conditions. On the other hand, for the study of country credit risk, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] include twenty-eight independent variables that describe (i) the country’s macroeconomic conditions, as well as (ii) “some dimensions of countries’ governance”. However, the authors do not specify which variables belong to which group.
(2) It is possible to distinguish a separate group of authors analysing only bank-specific factors as the factors influencing credit risk. According to Naili and Lahrichi [16], this group includes researchers such as Boyd and De Nicoló [23], Podpiera and Weill [24], Rossi, Schwaiger, and Winkler [25], Haq and Heaney [26], and Zhang et al. [27]. Furthermore, Salas and Saurina [28] identify the bank-specific variables as microeconomic determinants of problem loans.
(3) Another group of researchers (e.g., [8,12,18,28]) distinguish two groups of factors, i.e., they examine the influence of both macroeconomic and bank-specific variables on credit risk. It should be noted that, in the case of firms rather than banks to be researched, the firm-specific factors are distinguished instead of the bank-specific variables group. For example, Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [14] use macroeconomic and firm-specific ratings-related variables to explore how general economic conditions impact corporate defaults and major credit rating changes.
Furthermore, some authors present several different models in one study, e.g., to identify the main determinants of NPLs in the Euro-area banking system for the period 1990–2015, Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] have developed six models that could be divided into three groups: (i) models that use only country-specific variables as macroeconomic factors; (ii) models that use only bank-specific variables, and (iii) models that use both country-specific variables and bank-specific variables.
(4) Ghosh’s [30] theoretical analysis demonstrates that “most studies focus more on macroeconomic and external factors in influencing NPLs, and less on banking industry-specific factors,” which shows the importance of these studies. For this reason, individual researchers (e.g., [31,32]) have distinguished between two groups of factors, i.e., examine the influence of macroeconomic and banking industry-specific variables.
(5) Researchers distinguish three groups of factors, i.e., macroeconomic, bank-specific, and banking industry-specific variables, e.g., Naili and Lahrichi [33].
In summary, it can be stated that it is possible to distinguish between different groups of authors who discuss three groups of the NPLs determinants: macroeconomic, banking industry-specific, and bank-specific determinants; or different combinations of these factors.
The literature also provides a different grouping of factors influencing credit risk. Further, some examples are provided.
(6) In addition to the groups of factors already mentioned, a group of financial market factors is distinguished. According to the findings by Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2], the macroeconomic, bank-specific, and financial market variables affect credit risk that is measured in the flow of new bad loans (in the Italian banking system, 1997–2017). Naceur and Omran [34] and Mileris [4] distinguish four groups of determinants, including financial determinants. However, Mileris [4] uses only macroeconomic determinants in his empirical research and creates a set of independent variables as factors determining the changes in the amount of NPLs and doubtful loans calculated from 9 macroeconomic indicators for 22 EU countries in 2008–2010.
(7) A group of institutional environment factors is combined with other groups of factors. Several examples demonstrate this statement. Melecky and Sulganova [1] point out that several groups of credit risk determinants (i.e., macroeconomic, bank-specific or institutional determinants) can be identified; however, their paper only analyses the macroeconomic determinants of credit risk.
In addition to economic, financial, and bank-specific determinants, Naceur and Omran [34] and Mileris [4] distinguish determinants of the institutional environment.
(8) Research provides even a more comprehensive range of classifications, for example:
According to Castro [3], Mpofu, and Nikolaidou [20], the factors influencing systematic credit risk are divided into three groups (L2 groups in our classification): (i) macroeconomic factors (e.g., growth in GDP, employment rate, stock index, inflation rate, exchange rate movements), (ii) changes in economic policies factors, and (iii) political change factors.
Additionally, at the second level of classification, some researchers (e.g., [4,34,35]) combine factors into internal and external factors. According to Naceur and Omran [34] and Mileris [4], bank-specific determinants are classified as internal variables.
Suppose at the second level of classification, the groups can be classified. In that case, groups presented by the authors at the third level are even more unique; therefore, each classification is discussed separately.
The study by Liao and Chang [22] combines economic and financial variables into the following explanatory factors: (i) the real economy, (ii) inflation, and (iii) housing.
It should be noted that macroeconomic factors are grouped into three groups by Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [5], and Mileris [4] as follows: (i) general macroeconomic conditions factors, (ii) factors of the direction of the economy and (iii) factors of the financial market conditions.
Feldkircher [36] divides macroeconomic determinants into six groups: (i) GDP and investment, (ii) money and inflation, (iii) monetary regime, (iv) trade and trade composition, (v) business environment and labour market, (vi) institutional quality.
After the literary analysis of the country’s credit risk economic determinants, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] state that variables describing the country’s macroeconomic conditions can be divided into the following groups: (i) general economic indicators, (ii) external relations indicators and (iii) variables that describe a country’s debt situation.
To investigate the factors influencing banking credit risk (in the same way as the factors that affect the credit risk of different types of loans, e.g., consumer loans), it is necessary to classify these factors at different levels (see Figure 1). After analysing the classifications of factors influencing credit risk in theoretical studies and empirical research and identifying different trends, we develop the new classification based on abstraction, systematisation, and critical analysis.
Firstly, credit risk is distinguished into two components: (i) systematic credit risk and (ii) unsystematic credit risk. Given this breakdown, it is appropriate to provide a similar breakdown of the factors influencing the banking credit risk (FIBCR). Further, these factors are classified at several levels. At the first level, the factors are classified according to the components of the banking credit risk; i.e., there are two groups of factors: (i) the factors influencing the systematic credit risk and (ii) the factors influencing the unsystematic credit risk.
At the second level, groups of factors which characterise the factors influencing the systematic and unsystematic credit risk are distinguished. In this level of classification, often only macroeconomic factors are classified as the factors influencing the systematic credit risk; therefore, we take a deeper approach and divide factors influencing the systematic credit risk into three groups: (i) macroeconomic factors, (ii) changes in economic policies factors, and (iii) and political changes factors. As stated above, changes in variables in the second group (i.e., in “Changes in economic policies factors”) and the third group (i.e., “Political changes factors”) are difficult to examine; therefore, the researchers mainly “focus on the macroeconomic factors.” Thus, at the second level, five L2 groups of the FIBCR are identified, three of which characterise the factors influencing the systematic credit risk and two of which characterise the factors influencing the unsystematic credit risk (see Figure 1).
On the other hand, at the second level, these factors can be grouped under another heading: (i) external variables and (ii) internal variables. In addition, depending on the research approach, different groupings are possible here; i.e., (i) if we are analysing the credit risk of a specific bank, then banking industry-specific factors will be classified as external variables, but (ii) if we analyse the credit risk of the banking industry, banking industry-specific factors will be classified as internal variables.
After modifying the classifications introduced in the studies of Naceur and Omran [34], Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [5], Mileris [4] (according to Naceur and Omran [34]), Melecky and Sulganova [1], at the third level, macroeconomic factors have been grouped into four L3 groups: (i) general macroeconomic conditions factors, (ii) factors of the direction of the economy, (iii) factors of the financial market conditions, and (iv) institutional environment factors.
At the fourth level, general macroeconomic conditions factors are separated into twelve L4 groups of the FIBCR; i.e., at this level, factors of (i) four different sectors are distinguished, i.e., factors of the business sector, financial sector, general government sector, and household sector, and (ii) eight groups of factors affected all sectors, i.e., economic growth, inflation, money, investment, labour market, real estate market, trade and trade composition, consumption.
Finally, fifth-level (L5) groups of general macroeconomic conditions factors are analysed in Section 3 in the discussion of the independent variables of the research.

3. Research Hypotheses

During the study, considering the empirical evidence from previous studies, the macroeconomic determinants of the consumer loan credit risk were identified, and their quantitative impact on the banking credit risk was assessed in Central and Eastern European countries. To achieve the research aim, which is to identify the macroeconomic determinants of the consumer loan credit risk in Central and Eastern European countries, it is necessary to investigate the factors influencing credit risk and, in particular, to classify these factors at different levels. In this analysis, we do not limit our analysis to banking credit risk alone but also use both country and enterprise credit risk studies.
Based on the analysis of the scientific literature and suggested detailed classification of macroeconomic factors influencing banking credit risk, our research methodology was formulated. The study consisted of two stages: dependent variables and independent variables were selected at first, and, secondly, the assessment models were compiled. The selection of dependent and independent variables and the research design are discussed below.

3.1. The Dependent Variables

Based on previous studies (for example, [3,8,11,12,15,20,21,31,35,37,38,39] and others), the non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (NPLs) is selected as a proxy of banking credit risk, i.e., dependent variable (since for CEE countries the data of NPL for consumer loans are not available, the data for retail loans NPLs are used). In addition, to examine the relationship between macroeconomic factors of banking credit risk and credit volumes, an additional dependent variable (volume of loans for consumption) is included in this research (see Table A2, Figure A1).

3.2. The Independent Variables and Development of Hypotheses

Based on the literature analysis, twelve groups of the general macroeconomic conditions factors (hereinafter referred to as macroeconomic variables) were selected as the potential factors of the NPLs as well as NPLs for consumption. Their descriptions and the possible relationships with the NPLs are discussed below.

3.2.1. GDP Variables

Researchers focused on banking credit risk (e.g., [2,3,17,28]) have been discussing that the GDP variables are considered one of the main macroeconomic factors influencing credit risk.
GDP is one of the macroeconomic variables used “to represent the general economic environment” [40]. According to researchers, a growing economy is associated with rising incomes [15], which means that borrowers have a sufficient stream of income to repay their debts [31] and, as a result, financial distress decreases [15]. Consequently, GDP variables are negatively associated with NPLs [15,41]. Additionally, on the contrary, rising NPL is associated with adverse macroeconomic developments.
In scientific papers, researchers present different modifications of GDP used as macroeconomic variables. After analysing the literature, the following variables can be distinguished: (1) GDP [4,10,12,14,20,22,35,42], (2) real GDP [2,30,31,40,42,43], (3) GDP growth [2,3,4,10,16,17,20,30,31,38,42] (it should be noted that in empirical studies this variable is usually adjusted (i.e., GDP growth rate is often used)), (4) real GDP growth [4,30], (5) GDP growth rate [10,14,17,42], (6) real GDP growth rate (%) [3,4,20,30], (7) GDP per capita, [10,12,17,30], (8) GDP per capita growth rate [17,20], (9) real GDP per capita growth rate [10,30].
In this factor group, the following less commonly used factors are identified in scientific papers: (1) GDP gap (output gap) [2,30,42,43], (2) gross national income (GNI) that is measured as the gross national income (GNI) per capita growth rate (e.g., [17]), (3) gross national expenditure (GNE) (e.g., [17]). Only one of the GDP variables was usually used by the previous studies, whereas Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] argue that their study is among the limited studies that analyse different GDP proxies in a single paper. In this study, we will follow the approach of these authors and analyse different GDP proxies in different models to determine which indicator best explains NPLs.
Researchers highlight the link found between GDP indicators and credit risk. However, the authors differ in the level of detail they provide. The level of detail ranges from the abstract presentation, for example, stating that “the level of NPLs is influenced by GDP growth” (Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2] (as cited by Klein [40]) to a detailed presentation, i.e., indicating the direction of the link and/or whether the link is significant. Furthermore, some examples are provided.
The results of correlation analysis indicate the following conclusion. Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2] (as cited by Makri et al. [44]) declare strong correlations between NPLs and GDP. Meanwhile, Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20] (as cited by Ombaba; Viswanadham and Nahid) go into more detail: a negative correlation is stated between NPLs and GDP.
Researchers document a significant impact of GDP variables on credit risk. For example, Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [31], according to Castro [3], state a significant impact of GDP growth on banks’ credit risk. Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43] cite Hoggarth et al. and point out that “real GDP has a significant impact on loan portfolio quality” (the case of the UK).
Researchers document a negative influence of GDP variables on credit risk, e.g., [30,35,45]. Some authors emphasise the length of the impact, e.g., “GDP growth reduce credit risk in the long run” [46], “GDP per capita growth rate was significantly related to credit risk in the short-run” [11].
Researchers document a significant negative influence of GDP variables on credit risk. Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20], based on the studies [8,15,21,37], point out that real GDP growth rate has a significant negative relationship with NPLs. The empirical findings show that GDP variables (GDP per capita growth rate [11], GDP growth rate [17], and real GDP growth rate [20]) have a negative and significant relationship with NPLs.
However, Haniifah’s [38] findings show that GDP growth is insignificant in influencing NPLs (the case of Uganda, 2000–2013).
Within the group of less frequently used factors, research papers highlight the following relationships between factors and credit risk:
The GDP gap (output gap) is distinguished as a significant explanatory variable [2,29]: the probability of default decreases when the GDP gap increases [42]. Moreover, this factor significantly negatively impacts the quality of the loan portfolio [35].
The gross national income (GNI) per capita growth rate has a significant negative impact on NPLs [17].
The effect of gross national expenditure (GNE) on the NPLs level is negative, although not statistically significant [17].
In summary, according to the results obtained by most researchers, GDP variables are expected to have a negative relationship with NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 1 is formulated:
Hypothesis 1 (H1):
GDP variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.2. Inflation Variables

Previous studies addressed to economic factors of credit risk [12,17,30,32,43] show that inflation, as an economic factor, has a strong impact on credit risk, more specifically on NPLs. As Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] state, inflation is a proxy of monetary policy and, in general, measures the increase in the price level. On the one hand, one of the most frequently used measures of inflation is the consumer price index (CPI) which measures prices from the perspective of consumers. In contrast, the producer price index (PPI) measures prices from the perspective of industries.
According to the literature analysis, researchers use (i) the consumer price index (CPI) [2,12,17,22,24,39,42,47,48] and (ii) the producer price index (PPI) [12,22,40,42]. Lastly, it is possible to identify a group of researchers who do not specify measures of inflation [1,2,4,10,11,12,17,19,20,31,33,35,38,42,43,49].
The impact of inflation on NPLs requires further research; therefore, previous empirical findings “are ambiguous” [20,41] and “inflation effect on credit risk is not clear” [1,47].
The findings of studies have been mixed; i.e., the impact of inflation on NPLs reported by researchers is (i) significant negative, e.g., [1,50,51], (ii) negative but statistically insignificant, e.g., [38], (iii) significant-positive, e.g., [20,30], (iv) positive but statistically insignificant, e.g., [17], (v) insignificant, e.g., [12,52,53].
Regarding the household loan portfolio, inflation is a significant indicator of NPLs. However, the findings of studies have been mixed; i.e., the impact of inflation on NPLs can be both (i) significant negative, e.g., Kjosevski, Petkovski, and Naumovska [51] (Macedonia, 2003–2014) and (ii) significant-positive, e.g., Abid, Ouertani, and Zouari-Ghorbel [54] (Tunisia, 2003–2012).
Finally, it is worth distinguishing the GDP deflator as an inflation indicator. Researchers also provide mixed perceptions on the GDP deflator. Harada and Kageyama [40] find this macroeconomic variable to be significant ([40] (as cited by [42])). A few observations will also be made on the other empirical studies mentioned above. Liao and Chang [22] use “two variables contained in the inflation component”, i.e., the consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI). Meanwhile, the GDP deflator is examined as the fundamental economic component of three other components (industrial production, unemployment, and personal income). The study reveals that the GDP deflator significantly and positively impacts the fundamental economic component. Furthermore, it “negatively impacts default intensities and raises survival probabilities”.
To summarise, on the one hand, inflation could have a negative effect on NPLs. Koju, Koju, and Wang [50], Umar and Sun [41], Nor, Ismail, and Abd Rahman [53] explain this relationship as follows: if the nominal interest rate remains unchanged and inflation increases, the value of the loan decreases. Therefore, this makes it easier for borrowers to repay their loans; hence, the default risks of borrowers decrease, and the NPLs decrease.
On the other hand, Mileris [4] argues that usually high inflation rate is associated with high loan interest rates and hence, high bank incomes. However, as the loan interest rates rise, the ability of borrowers to service their loan payments on time decreases (Umar and Sun [41]; Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], Kjosevski and Petkovski [47]). Thus, based on this argument, the inflation rate is assumed to affect NPLs positively.
In this research, the inflation variables are expected to have a negative relationship with NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 2 is formulated:
Hypothesis 2 (H2):
Inflation variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.3. Money Variables

Researchers discuss that the quality changes in bank loan portfolios depend on money supply [4]. Money supply as a determinant of the NPLs is used (i) in the theoretical background for empirical analysis, e.g., by Mileris [4], Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [55], Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [31], Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2], and (ii) in empirical research, e.g., Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [56], Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [31], Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43]. However, the findings of the studies are mixed. Further, some examples are provided. Empirical results by Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43] indicate that the money supply negatively impacts the credit risk of both Romania and Bulgaria. It should be noted that, in the case of Bulgaria, credit risk is measured by the growth rate of the ratio of loss and doubtful loans to total loans (DNPL). The growth rate of the ratio of loss and doubtful loans to total loans (DNPL) is a credit risk proxy in the case of Romania. Nikolaidou and Vogiazas’ [56] findings show that money supply (M2) as a macroeconomic activity factor has had a negative and significant impact on Romania’s credit risk both in the long and the short run over the period of 2001–2010. In this case, the credit risk is measured as the loan loss provisions-to-total loans. Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [31] reveal that money supply (M1, M2, M3) has a decreasing, i.e., negative, effect on the NPLs in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries’ banking systems (M1 for Zambia, M2 for Kenya, South Africa, and Namibia, and M3 for Uganda) in both the long and short run. The findings of Yurdakul [46] suggest that money supply (M2) increases banks’ credit risks (Turkey, 1998–2012); i.e., the impact of money supply on the NPLs is positive but statistically insignificant.
International reserves are another variable discussed by researchers. While analysing the country’s credit risk, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] state that foreign exchange reserves “are often seen as a buffer for shocks in current and capital accounts.” Consequently, they are considered to be an essential determinant of the country’s default risk.
International reserves as a macroeconomic factor are used in various contexts. For example, (i) Feldkircher [36] employs this factor when identifying financial and macroeconomic market conditions helping to explain the distinct response of the countries’ real economies to the global financial crisis. Nonetheless, the authors did not find a direct relationship between reserve accumulation and the severity of the crisis. However, summarising the results, Feldkircher [36] states that “the accumulation of international reserves mitigated the harmful effects of financial stress on the real economy, in particular when domestic funding via credit is abundant.” (ii) Analysing the political and economic determinants of country credit risk in both emerging and developed economies, reserves are used as an external relations indicator by Maltritz and Molchanov [10]. They conclude that the impact of the ratio of foreign exchange reserves to imports on the developing countries’ default risk is significantly negative. (iii) Having analysed determinants of sovereign credit risk, Stolbov [48] concludes that, in the case of analysis, higher foreign reserves reduce the sovereign credit risk; these findings are consistent with the economic theory. However, this effect only occurs in the short run.
In this research, the money variables are expected to have a negative relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 3 is formulated:
Hypothesis 3 (H3):
Money variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.4. Investment Variables

In a theoretical analysis of the economic and political determinants of the country’s credit risk, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] investigated the statistically significant negative effect of the investment ratio on the country’s default risk found in previous studies. It should be noted that the investment ratio is measured as the capital-investment-to-GDP. In empirical research, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] use both the capital investment-to-GDP and the investment freedom factors; however, their empirical research findings show that the effect of these factors on the country’s credit risk is negative but statistically insignificant. Mileris [4] uses the “gross fixed capital formation” factor measured as Capital investment per capita. Based on the above, we propose to identify the following factors in the group of investment factors: (i) gross fixed capital formation (i.e., capital investment per capita), (ii) capital-investment-to-GDP, and (iii) investment freedom.
To conclude, in this research, the investment variables are expected to have a negative relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 4 is formulated:
Hypothesis 4 (H4):
Investment variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.5. Labour Market Variables

Unemployment rate as a determinant of credit risk is distinguished (i) in theoretical analyses, e.g., Melecky and Sulganova [1]; (ii) in the theoretical background for empirical analysis, e.g., [2,4,16,17,20,31] and others; and (iii) in empirical studies, e.g., [2,3,15,17,18,30,32,42,43,44,45,46,51,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63] and others.
Melecky and Sulganova [1] carried out a detailed theoretical study. The authors examined 33 studies that include 92 models and almost 300 estimated parameters, as well as the “five most common macroeconomic” determinants of NPLs ratio, one of which is the unemployment rate. Though this variable is relevant, it “is not included in more than half of the models” considered by researchers. According to Melecky and Sulganova [1], a meta-analysis of empirical literature shows that the studies are dominated by “the positive and statistically significant estimated parameters” of the unemployment rate; furthermore, there is “a relatively larger share” of studies that have insignificant estimates.
Researchers emphasise the relationship between unemployment and credit risk. However, they present different levels of detail. On the one hand, studies can provide an abstract presentation. For example, the results show that the NPLs can be explained mainly by macroeconomic variables, including the unemployment rate [18,59,62,63,64]. On the other hand, studies can provide a detailed presentation, i.e., indicating the direction of the relationship and/or whether the relationship is significant. Some examples are given below.
(1) Researchers document a significant-positive impact of unemployment on credit risk; i.e., credit risk rises when the unemployment rate increases [2,3,15,17,31,43,45,46,52,60,64,65,66].
The positive impact of unemployment on non-performing loans could be explained from two perspectives. From the perspective of employees, the explanation could be the following: the probability of default depends on the current income [18] as unemployment negatively affects the cash flows of households and increases the debt burden [45]; unemployed persons cannot meet their commitments and repay the loans [17,45]; in consequence, this could increase the level of non-performing loans. In addition, it should be noted that an increase in the unemployment rate limits the current and future income of households. From the perspective of enterprises, the explanation could be the following: the rise in unemployment could lead to a decline in the production of enterprises due to the decline in effective demand [45]. It has a negative impact on enterprises’ economic activities and stimulates credit risk [42]. Finally, Kocisova and Pastyrikova [63] expand the perspective to the state level and suggest that if the country does not create jobs, it affects not only “the banking sector in the form of high NPL but also the whole economy”.
(2) Researchers document a significant positive impact of unemployment on credit risk with a time lag. For example, Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [56] present that unemployment significantly positively impacts NPLs with a 10-month lag. According to the study by Sulganova [57], a significant-positive relationship between the unemployment rate and the NPLs is found after a longer period of about two years.
Blanco and Gimeno [67] explain the existence of time lags; i.e., unemployment benefits, personal savings, or financial support from other family members can help unemployed borrowers repay their loans in the short term. Thus, it could take some time before loans granted to unemployed borrowers will be classified as NPLs.
(3) Some studies confirm the negative impact of unemployment on credit risk, e.g., [56]. Likewise, the research of Zheng, Bhowmik, and Sarker [32] suggests that this macroeconomic variable has a negative connection with the NPLs (Bangladesh, 1979–2018) in the long run; however, in the short run, unemployment has a significant-positive relation with the NPLs; i.e., “a 1% increase in unemployment will cause a 2.45% decrease in bad loans”.
(4) Researchers document an insignificant impact of unemployment on credit risk, e.g., [61].
Finally, it should be noted that to estimate unemployment; researchers also use the long-term unemployment rate (e.g., Mileris [4]). Therefore, it is reasonable to assess the impact of this variable in empirical research.
We rely on the provision that increasing unemployment leads to the loss of income for employees, and this contributes to an increase in non-performing loans. It means that the unemployment variables are expected to have a positive relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 5 is formulated:
Hypothesis 5 (H5):
Unemployment variables are significantly positively related to the NPLs.

3.2.6. Real Estate Market Variables

Economists agree that the real estate market usually takes a significant part of the country’s economy. As Liao and Chang [22] state, housing market variables could be used to identify the relationship between the housing bubble and the credit crisis. As mentioned above, in the L4 group of the FIBCR named “real estate market”, we suggest including the following factors: (i) house price index (HPI) and (ii) real estate prices. The assumptions underlying this selection are given below.
House Price Index (HPI) is used as a macroeconomic conditions factor in research [3,15,20,22,42]. The research results by these authors indicate that the house price index significantly negatively affects the default risk [22] or credit risk [3]; i.e., this risk increases when housing prices decrease [3]. The following phenomenon explains this. As housing prices increase, the value of collateral increases [3], the “borrowers face unexpected adverse shocks” [15], and the likelihood of borrower default reduces, as well as the banking credit risk. Conversely, as Liao and Chang [22] discuss, the lower house prices make the process of refinancing mortgage loans more difficult and increase foreclosure and delinquency rates.
In this research, the real estate market variables are expected to have a negative relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 6 is formulated:
Hypothesis 6 (H6):
Real estatemarket variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.7. Trade and Trade Composition Variables

Among the variables describing the country’s macroeconomic conditions, it is appropriate to distinguish the external relations indicator group [10]. In the country credit risk analysis, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] agree that the variables related to the real side of the balance of payment (such as exports, imports, trade balance, or current account) are important. Authors explain this by stating that “(net) capital exports (for debt servicing) are mirrored by real transactions, e.g., (net) exports of goods and services.” These indicators are expected to be significant when researching banking credit risk. Therefore, we consider it to be appropriate to separate the following trade and trade composition variable groups: (1) exports, (2) imports, (3) trade balance, and (4) other factor groups. The reasoning behind this division is presented hereinafter.
Firstly, as Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] explain, a high volume of exports indicates the efficient trade policy expected to improve a country’s economic growth, herewith the borrowers’ financial position. Hence, it indicates that export is negatively linked to the NPL level. The trade openness policy could be proxied by different variables used by researchers: (a) the exports of goods and services per capita [4], (b) the exports of goods and services to GDP [17], or (c) the export growth rate [10].
Secondly, imports could be proxied by different variables used by researchers: (a) the imports of goods and services per capita [4], (b) the imports of goods and services to GDP, or (c) the imports growth rate [10]. Maltritz and Molchanov [10] reveal that the effect of the import growth rate on the country’s default risk is significantly negative in developed countries and, in contrast, positive but statistically insignificant in emerging economies.
Thirdly, in the trade balance group, the following variables are suggested to be included: (a) the current account balance [2,4,17], (b) the trade balance [2], and (c) the trade-balance to GDP [10]. Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] obtain that the impact of the current account is not significant. Maltritz and Molchanov [10] reveal that the effect of the trade-balance-to-GDP variable on the country default risk is mixed; i.e., this effect is positive but statistically insignificant in developed countries—in contrast, it is negative but statistically insignificant in emerging economies.
Finally, the empirical study by Maltritz and Molchanov [10] shows that developed countries’ default risk is significantly and positively influenced by the trade freedom variable; despite this, the effect of this variable is positive but statistically insignificant in emerging economies.
To summarise, the findings of studies have been mixed. Therefore, the trade and trade composition variables are expected to have an insignificant relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 7 is formulated:
Hypothesis 7 (H7):
Trade and trade composition variables are insignificantly related to the NPLs.

3.2.8. Consumption Variables

Within this group, we propose to identify the following factors: (i) consumer confidence index [49] or consumer sentiment index [5] (since the results using these indexes are quite similar, we employ and report on only the consumer confidence index), (ii) retail sales, and (iii) final consumption expenditure of households per capita [4]. On the one hand, as Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [5] state, the change in consumer sentiment as the variable related to macroeconomic conditions is negative and highly significant for corporate transitions into default. On the other hand, Doshi, Jacobs, and Zurita [49] analyse the consumer confidence index as determining the country’s default intensity. Researchers document that the spread decreases as a function of the consumer confidence index; i.e., this influence is significantly negative. These examples reveal that the research was carried out on the level of companies and the country; therefore, analysing the dependence on the bank sector level is engaging and appropriate.
To conclude, in this research, the consumption variables are expected to have a negative relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 8 is formulated:
Hypothesis 8 (H8):
Consumption variables are significantly negatively related to the NPLs.

3.2.9. Business Sector Variables

While the macroeconomic condition factor groups (in our research indicated as L4 groups of the FIBCR) discussed above are quite widely analysed in scientific literature, the following factor groups and separate factors have been analysed in fragments and these factors have not been systemised. Some of the suggested factors were analysed at the country credit risk level or the corporate credit risk level. Thus, it is significant to reveal the impact of these macroeconomic factors at the banking credit risk level.
At the fourth level, the macroeconomic condition factors defining different sectors are divided into four L4 groups of the FIBCR, i.e., (i) business sector, (ii) financial sector, (iii) general government sector, and (iv) household sector factor groups. At the fifth level, two L4 groups defining the separate sectors (specifically, the factor groups of the business sector and general government sector) are distinguished into sub-groups, i.e., the L5 groups of the FIBCR. Hereinafter the aforementioned groups and factors will be discussed in greater detail.
In the business sector, it is worth distinguishing the following sub-groups (i.e., the L5 groups of the FIBCR): (1) general, (2) primary sector and secondary sector, (3) tertiary and quaternary sectors, (4) other. Factors included in the general group are common to the whole business sector. The two other groups are intended for separate sectors of the economy. Factor “business freedom” is allocated to the factor group named “other”. The division of individual factors into L5 groups of the FIBCR can be seen in Figure A1. Hereinafter the separate factors will be discussed in detail.
(a) Fraction of defaulting firms in the economy. Mileris [4] notes that individual default probabilities of companies and default rates (measured as the fraction of defaulting firms in the economy) are greatly correlated as both variables are clearly related to the business cycle. Hence, an increase in the fraction of defaulting firms in the economy can be expected to lead to an increase in the NPLs; i.e., the impact of the fraction of defaulting firms in the economy on the NPLs is positive.
(b) Business indebtedness. After the analysis of the macroeconomic determinants of banking sector distresses, Pesola [68] reveals that high customer indebtedness contributed to the distress in the banking sector. However, in Pesola’s [68] study, the private “indebtedness indicator covers both the corporate and household sectors”. On the other hand, in order to reveal the separate impact of the business sector and household sector, the indebtedness indicator has to be divided into two components: household indebtedness and business indebtedness, which we suggest measuring by the debt-to-equity ratio or business-loans-to-GDP ratio, respectively.
It is expected that the impact of the business sector indebtedness on the NPLs is positive: high indebtedness makes borrowers “more vulnerable to adverse shocks affecting their wealth or income, which raises the chances that they would run into debt servicing problems” [3,15].
(c) Industrial production index. The researchers (e.g., [2,4,35,42,69]) analyse the influence of the industrial production index on credit risk. Results reveal an insignificant effect between this index and the banking credit risk represented by non-performing financing [34].
(d) Industry-value-to-GDP, according to Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], reflects industrial development and, due to the appropriate industrial policy, the economic activities increase while the payment capacity improves. In this way, the purchasing power of the citizens is seen as a significant macroeconomic indicator and could be used as an important predictor of the NPLs ratio.
(e) Construction activity index could be representative of the secondary sector of the economy; therefore, we suggest using this index in the banking credit risk research. Based on the research results [2], the quality of loans in the banking system is not affected by the construction activity index.
(f) Business freedom describes governance practices connected to business freedom. After an empirical analysis, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] reveal that the effect of business freedom on the country’s default risk is mixed; i.e., this effect is positive but statistically insignificant in developed countries; in contrast, it is negative but statistically insignificant in emerging economies.
Mixed findings of studies for different variables were observed. Therefore, the business sector variables are expected to have an insignificant relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 9 is formulated:
Hypothesis 9 (H9):
Business sector variables are insignificantly related to the NPLs.

3.2.10. Financial Sector Variables

In the previous research, the financial sector is described by different variables. Thus, it is expedient to analyse these factors in more detail and then group them. Their grouping is based on the provision that examining interest rates and credit volume is appropriate. Therefore, regarding this sector, we consider it to be worth distinguishing the following sub-groups (i.e., the L5 groups of the FIBCR): (1) interest rates and (2) credit volume.
Interest rate as a determinant of credit risk is distinguished as follows: (i) some researchers [1,16] identify this indicator in the theoretical research; (ii) another part of researchers [2,3,4,12,20,30,34,41,42] analyse this indicator in the theoretical background for empirical research, (iii) while others use it in empirical research (e.g., [3,34,42]).
Studies can provide a detailed presentation, i.e., indicate the direction of the relationship. Some examples are given below. (1) Researchers document a positive impact of the interest rate on the credit risk; i.e., the credit risk rises when the interest rate increases [3,8,12,44]: the increase in the interest rate causes the rise in debt burden [1,15,29,40] and the NPLs increase. (2) Findings of studies demonstrate a negative impact of the interest rate on credit risk (e.g., [42]). Additionally, researchers document a significant negative impact with a time lag (e.g., [57]). (3) Researchers determine an insignificant impact of interest rate on credit risk (e.g., [8,31]). (4) Researchers report mixed effects that depend on determinants included in the models. For example, for Chinese banks (2005–2014), the significant negative relationship between the effective interest rate and the NPLs ratio is reported by a model with macroeconomic determinants for the listed and unlisted banks, i.e., for the whole sample [41]. For the model with macroeconomic and bank-specific determinants, the result is significant-positive.
In scientific papers, researchers present different interest rate modifications used as macroeconomic variables. After analysing the literature, the following variables can be distinguished:
the overnight interest rate. For example, Harada and Kageyama [41] use this variable to investigate the macro aspects of bankruptcies in Japan over the period of 1975–2005.
short-term interest rate. For instance, when investigating the country’s credit risk, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] use the one-year US interest rate to describe the short-term US interest rate. By analysing credit risk determinants in the Romanian and Bulgarian banking systems, Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43] approximate the monetary policy shock by the changes in the short-term interest rate.
long-term interest rate. For example, it is used to assess firms’ default probability in the Eurozone (over the period of 2007–2017). Carvalho, Curto, and Primor [42] use the 10-year treasury bond yield as a macroeconomic determinant. The long-term interest rate is used by Castro [3] to analyse the banking credit risk in the GIPSI (Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy) countries (1997–2011).
the real interest rate. For instance, it is employed to detect the determinants of the NPLs for a sample of 85 banks in Italy, Greece, and Spain (2004–2008); Messai and Jouini [45] include this interest rate in their study. To examine determinants of the NPLs for all commercial banks and savings institutions in the US states (1984–2013), Ghosh [31] employs this interest rate as well. The long-term interest rate and real interest rate are used by Castro [3] to analyse the banking credit risk in the GIPSI countries (1997–2011).
several variables or other variables are used. For example, Umar and Sun [41] use the “effective interest rate”. Carvalho, Curto, and Primor [42] use the “interest rate on loans to non-financial companies (annual average)”. Castro [3] employs the “long-term interest rate”, the “real interest rate” and the “spread between the long and short-term interest rate”. Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2] include three interest rates, i.e., “interest rate on loans granted to households”, “interest rate on loans granted to non-financial companies”, and “interest rate on deposits”. Aver [70] uses thirteen interest rates, five of which are statistically significant.
the variable is not detailed and is defined as an “interest rate”. This approach is widely preferred in theoretical studies (e.g., [1,2,3,4,12,20,31,35,43]).
According to Beck et al. [21], lending interest rates are standard empirical determinants of bank asset quality. Thus, in scientific works, it is consistent to see a group of scientists that specifies the “interest rate” variable and uses the “lending interest rate”.
The findings of the studies on the relationship between lending rates and credit risk have been mixed. (1) Researchers document a positive impact of interest rate on credit risk [11,18,21,32], whereas “in the case of lending interest rates, the channel to non-performing loans is likely to work through a rise of debt service costs of borrowers with variable rate contracts” [21]. (2) On the other hand, the findings of studies document an insignificant impact of the interest rate on credit risk [11,37], whereas “short-term policy rates set by central banks are not fully transmitted to lending interest rates” [21].
Considering the aforementioned information, it is worth distinguishing the following variables in the “interest rates” variable group: (a) overnight interest rate, (b) lending rates, and (c) interest rate on loans to non-financial companies.
Excessive credit growth could be a significant leading indicator of future problems in the financial sector [57], especially in periods of excessive optimism, when financial institutions could grant loans to riskier clients [57]; i.e., the potential NPLs are formed in an expansionary phase of the economic cycle. On the other hand, “excessive credit growth also stimulates aggregate demand”, and “can cause overheating of economy”.
Credit growth is used as a macroeconomic conditions factor both (i) in the theoretical background for empirical analysis (e.g., [2,20,31,36,42]) and (ii) in empirical research (e.g., [3,43]).
When assessing the impact of credit growth on NPLs, it is necessary to assess “from which side of market (either demand or supply) the rising credit growth comes” [57]. On the one hand, if the credit growth is from the supply side; i.e., loan growth is driven by the willingness of banks to lend, “lending increases either through the reduction in lending rates or lowering credit requirements for new loans”. This would negatively affect the quality of bank loans; hence, credit growth has a positive impact on the NPLs. On the other hand, if the credit growth is from the demand side, the willingness of borrowers to borrow “will drive loan rates upwards and lead to tightening of credit standards”, as well as it will reduce the probability of future loan defaults. Hence, a positive relationship between credit growth and asset quality is assumed; therefore, credit growth has a negative impact on the NPLs.
Empirical studies demonstrate the relationship between credit growth and NPLs. However, the findings of studies have been mixed. (1) Researchers document an insignificant impact of credit growth on credit risk [37]. (2) Researchers (e.g., [3,15,21,43,60,71]) document a positive impact of credit growth on the credit risk, specifically on the NPLs., whereas “the more credit expands, the higher the likelihood that the defaults will increase in the future” [20]. (3) Researchers (e.g., [11,72]) document a negative impact of credit growth on the credit risk. This result is explained as follows. Firstly, “the loans borrowed were put into productive activities and in hence earning a return which in turn repays the loans” [11]. On the other hand, banks develop a more active approach to screen loan applicants. (4) Researchers document the impact of credit growth on credit risk with a time lag, e.g., lagged effect is identified by Sulganova [57] and the findings of the study are mixed.
In scientific papers, researchers present different modifications of “credit growth” used as macroeconomic variables. (i) Most authors [3,21,36,37,43,60] use the variable “credit growth”. Sometimes, certain modifications are used, e.g., “cumulative credit growth” [73], “logarithm of total loans” [55], or “domestic credit growth to the private sector by commercial banks” [11]. (ii) Other researchers select the variable “credit growth rate” [67], “loan growth rate” [14], “the growth rate of the private-credit-to-GDP” ratio [37] or “domestic credit to the private sector by banks-to-GDP” [20]. (iii) To identify the “initial macroeconomic and financial market conditions that help explain the distinct response of the real economy of a particular country to the recent global financial crisis”, Feldkircher [36] analyses pre-crisis credit growth as a factor in crisis severity.
Considering the abovementioned information, it is worth distinguishing the following variables in the “credit growth” variable group: (a) credit growth, (b) domestic credit to the private sector, (c) domestic credit to the private-sector-to-GDP, and (d) pre-crisis loan growth.
To summarise, despite the mixed findings of studies on different variables, many studies reveal the positive impact of financial sector variables on credit risk. Therefore, the financial sector variables are expected to have a positive relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 10 is formulated:
Hypothesis 10 (H10):
Financial sector variables are significantly positively related to the NPLs.

3.2.11. General Government Sector Variables

In the previous research, the general government sector is described by employing different variables, e.g., public debt, public-debt-to-GDP, public indebtedness, etc. A deeper analysis revealed that though the factors have different names, their meaning is the same. Thus, it is expedient to analyse these factors in more detail and then group them. Their grouping was based on the provision that it is appropriate to examine public sector finances when analysing public debt and budget. Therefore, regarding this sector, we consider it is worth distinguishing the following sub-groups (i.e., the L5 groups of the FIBCR): (1) public debt, (2) budget, and (3) other.
In previous studies, the public debt was characterised by the following variables: public debt; public-debt-to-GDP, public indebtedness, and debt service payments-to-exports ratio. Further, they will be discussed in greater detail.
(a) Public debt [2,3,17,30,31,44,74]. It should be noted that studies show mixed results. For example, (i) based on the research results [2], in the Italian banking system, the quality of loans is not affected by public debt. (ii) Study by Foglia [74] indicates that the public debt (measured by the gross public debt) has a significant negative impact on the NPLs. This result is unexpected and explained by the author as indicated: “analysis was conducted during the period from 2008 to 2020, i.e., during the recent financial crises that hit the Italian financial system”.
In addition, it is worth noting that researchers sometimes state that they are analysing the public debt but the public-debt-to-GDP ratio is used to measure this variable. For example, (i) Ghosh’s [30] findings show that public debt (measured by the public-debt-to-GDP ratio) significantly increase the NPLs. Additionally, the researcher concludes that “a reduction in the US federal government’s public debt will help lower NPLs”. (ii) In the study by Makri et al. [44], the public debt is proxied by the public debt as a percentage of GDP [3]; i.e., the public debt-to-GDP ratio is used. Researchers find that public debt is significantly and positively related to NPLs. This relationship, as Makri et al. [44] state, shows that “the fiscal problems in Eurozone countries might lead to an important rise of problem loans”. (iii) Bayar [60] investigates the banking sector in emerging economies over the 2000–2013 period and reveals that the public debt (measured by the general government gross-debt-to-GDP ratio) affects the NPLs significantly positively.
(b) Public-debt-to-GDP. A variable defined as the public-debt-to-GDP is used by researchers (e.g., [4,29]). For example, Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [31] empirical study reveal that the effect of the public-debt-to-GDP on the NPLs is negative but statistically insignificant in the Euro-area banking system for the period of 1990–2015.
(c) Public indebtedness. A variable defined as public indebtedness is used by researchers (e.g., [3,20]). For example, Castro [3] concludes that the banking credit risk is significantly affected by credit growth: the credit risk increases when the credit growth increase; i.e., the impact is positive. In this context, as the author explains, the variable “credit growth” includes both private (i.e., business and individual) and public loans. If these loans are analysed separately, the empirical results are the following: (i) the increases in the private indebtedness measured by the total private-loans-to-GDP ratio have the same effect as credit growth; however, (ii) the level or even the changes in the public indebtedness proxied by the government public-debt-to-GDP ratio “have not proved to be relevant to the level of credit risk in the economies”.
(d) Debt service-payments-to-exports. According to the theoretical analysis of Maltritz and Molchanov [10], the debt service ratio (ratio of the debt service payments-to-exports) has a significant but heterogeneous effect on the country default risk as shown by the conducted studies. In the empirical research, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] reveal that the effect of the debt service ratio on the country default risk is mixed. This is also confirmed by the authors’ empirical study; i.e., this effect is positive but statistically insignificant in developed countries; in contrast, it is statistically and significantly negative in emerging economies.
As it can be seen from the presented research, definitions of variables are not well established. Even three variables, i.e., public debt, public-debt-to-GDP, and public indebtedness, can be proxied by the “public-debt-to-GDP” variable.
Regarding the beforementioned information, we consider it is worth distinguishing the following variables in the “public debt” variable group: (a) public debt, (b) public-debt-to-GDP, and (c) debt service payments-to-exports ratio.
In previous studies, the budget was characterised by the following variables: tax on personal income, tax on personal-income-to-GDP, and budget-balance-to-GDP ratio. Below, they will be discussed in more detail.
(a) Tax on personal income measured as a tax on personal-income-to-GDP ratio, as Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] state, is a significant determinant of the NPLs. According to the authors, as a tax on personal income increases, disposable income and ability to repay loans decrease; i.e., the impact of tax on personal-income-to-GDP on the NPLs can be expected to be positive. This finding is also supported by the Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] empirical study.
(b) Budget-balance-to-GDP describes governance practices related to fiscal practices and the tax burden. After an empirical analysis, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] reveal that the effect of the budget-balance-to-GDP on the country default risk is negative but statistically insignificant both in developed countries and in emerging economies. Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] obtain similar results in the Euro-area banking system for the period of 1990–2015.
Considering the beforementioned information, in the “budget” variable group, it is worth distinguishing the following variables: (a) tax on personal-income-to-GDP and (b) budget-balance-to-GDP ratio.
In the “other” variable group, we consider it is worth distinguishing the fiscal freedom variable. This decision is made since fiscal freedom describes governance practices connected to fiscal practices and the tax burden. The significance of this indicator is also shown by the research. For example, after an empirical analysis, Maltritz and Molchanov [10] use this variable as a fiscal risk variable and reveal that the effect of fiscal freedom on the country’s default risk is negative but statistically insignificant both in developed countries and in emerging economies.
To summarise, the findings of studies for different variables have been mixed. Therefore, the general government sector variables are expected to have an insignificant relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 11 is formulated:
Hypothesis 11 (H11):
General government sector variables are insignificantly related to the NPLs.

3.2.12. Households Sector Variables

Various macro variables connected to the household sector and impacting the NPLs are analysed in scientific works. We suggest adding these variables into one group, i.e., the group of the household sector FIBCR (see Figure A1). The factors of this group will be discussed in greater detail.
Personal Income. After combining various economic and financial variables and establishing three explanatory factors, i.e., the real economy, inflation, and housing, Liao and Chang [22] conclude that the real economic factor has a significant negative effect on the default risk, while the personal income, a variable that is part of the real economic factor, is significantly positive.
Personal income growth. For example, Liao and Chang [22] distinguish this indicator in the theoretical background for empirical analysis. The authors claim that studies (e.g., Duffie et al. [75]) propose that corporate default and bankruptcy can be better understood by using macroeconomic indicators, one of which is personal income growth.
Real personal income growth rate is also distinguished in the theoretical background for empirical analysis (e.g., [30,31,41,60]). With regard to regional economic factors, in empirical research, Ghosh [30] finds that a higher real personal income growth rate reduces the NPLs; i.e., this variable has a negative impact on the NPLs.
Some researchers do not use personal income but only part of the income, i.e., wages and salaries. More precisely, Kjosevski, Petkovski, and Naumovska [51] reveal that the net increase in salaries has a negative impact on the growth of NPLs. In this research, it is suggested to use wages and salaries per employee, as it seems to be a more informative indicator.
Final consumption expenditure of households per capita [4]. This indicator is not widely used. It might be because of its calculation since, as the World Bank states, “many of the estimates are based on household surveys, which tend to be one-year studies with limited coverage”.
Tax on personal income and the tax on personal-income-to-GDP. Tax on personal income is distinguished in the theoretical background for empirical analysis by Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2]. However, they do not use it in their empirical research. This factor (measured by the tax on personal-income-to-GDP ratio) is empirically tested by Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29]. The researchers highlight the importance of their study as it is the first empirical study to examine the role of a tax on personal income. Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] reveal that the tax on personal-income-to-GDP has a significant and positive influence on the NPLs; i.e., as the tax on personal income increases, disposable income and the ability to repay loans decrease.
As stated in Section 3.2.9, after the analysis of the macroeconomic determinants of banking sector distresses, Pesola [68] reveals that high customer indebtedness contributed to the distress in the banking sector. However, in Pesola’s [68] study, the private „indebtedness indicator covers both the corporate and household sectors”. Castro [3] describes “private indebtedness” in a similar manner. Moreover, this researcher finds that private indebtedness has a significantly positive impact on NPLs. On the other hand, if we want to show the separate impact of the business sector and household sector, the indebtedness indicator has to be decomposed into two components: business indebtedness and household indebtedness, which we suggest measuring by the household-loans-to-GDP ratio. It is expected that the impact of household indebtedness on the NPLs is positive. As in the case of business indebtedness, this assumption is based on the following explanation: high indebtedness makes borrowers “more vulnerable to adverse shocks affecting their wealth or income, which raises the chances that they would run into debt servicing problems” [3,15].
Interest debt burden is important to loan default [2,15,41,67]. For example, Blanco and Gimeno [67] explain the dynamic behaviour of default ratios in Spain for household sector loans; i.e., the increase in the interest debt burden affects the default ratios significantly and positively.
Considering that previous studies show mixed results for the different household sector variables, we conclude that, in this study, these variables are expected to have an insignificant relationship with the NPLs. Based on these arguments, Hypothesis 12 is formulated:
Hypothesis 12 (H12):
Household sector variables are insignificantly related to the NPLs.

4. Data and Methodology

4.1. Data Selection

Seeking to achieve the main goal of this research, i.e., to identify the macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk and to assess the impact of these determinants quantitatively, the group of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, as they are defined by OECD (2000)—i.e., Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—is selected for further research. According to OECD (2000) classification, Albania is also included in the CEE countries group; however, taking into account the fact that Albania is not a member of the European Union and the resulting problems of data availability and uniformity, it was decided not to include this country in further research. The entire group of countries is analysed using the panel data approach (annual data). For a more detailed view, one of the countries, Lithuania, is analysed separately, using simple ordinary least squares regression, least squares with breakpoints regression and the Markov Regime Switching model approach (quarterly data). The choice of the case of Lithuania for more detailed analysis is limited by the availability of higher frequency data (in the case of the rest of the countries, only annual NPLs data are available).
In this research, the longest possible data series (in terms of non-performing loans data) including the most recent available data was used, which is: (i) year 2008–2020 for panel estimation of the group of CEE countries (11 countries * 13 years—143 panel observations), and (ii) 2005 1st quarter–2021 1st quarter for the detailed analysis of the case of Lithuania (65 observations) (in both cases the data of non-performing loans for consumption is limited to these periods).
Regarding the independent variables, it should be noted that after the analysis of scientific literature, sixty-five potential determinants of consumer loan credit risk (from previously discussed groups at different levels) were selected. Taking into account that it is necessary to investigate the factors influencing credit risk and, in particular, to classify these factors at different levels. In this analysis, we do not limit our analysis to banking credit risk alone but also use both country and enterprise credit risk studies. After assessing data availability, 44 independent variables were first selected for further research. These variables, their symbols, measurement units and data sources are provided in Table A2. The data provided by Eurostat, ECB, OECD, Worldbank, and other institutions, are used. The data collected are organised and analysed using Eviews and SPSS software packages.
As a starting point, the stationarity of the variables in Table A2 is checked using the unit root tests: (i), the Levin, Lin and Chu t* test for panel data of the group of CEE countries, and (ii) the Augmented-Dickey–Fuller test for the data of Lithuania. The results of the unit root tests are provided in Table A3 (since non-stationary variables are excluded from further research, only stationary variables are presented in Table A3). The stationarity at first and/or at second difference has been evaluated when necessary.
As the results in Table A3 reveal, for the group of CEE countries 39 out of 44 variables appeared to be stationary, and for Lithuania 33 out of 45 variables appeared to be stationary. These variables are used for further research (variables are differenced, when necessary, see Table A3). The descriptive statistics of selected variables are provided in Table A4 and Table A5. Further, the research methods used are discussed.

4.2. Model Specification

Pursuing the main purpose of this research, a study consisting of several steps is conducted. Here, these steps are discussed in detail.
Step 1. Assessment of the impact of selected macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk in the group of CEE countries. Taking into account the narrowness of the data sets (13 observations for each country), it can be stated that the traditional regression technique applied for each CEE country separately would not deliver reliable results. However, panel data models are quite suitable for checking whether the variations of macroeconomic variables affect changes in consumer loan credit risk and quantitatively express this impact. When assessing the determinants of credit risk, the panel approach was used by De Bock and Demyanets [37], Beck, Jakubik and Piloiu [21], Espinoza and Prasad [8], Nkusu [15], Castro [3], Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20] and others. In this research, both fixed and dynamic effects are taken into consideration, and the bivariate simple OLS panel data models with constant, fixed and random effects are formed and evaluated. At first, the models with constant are constructed (Equation (1)).
Y i t = α + β X i t + u i t
i = 1, 2, …, N and t = 1, 2, …, T;
N = number of cross-sections (countries);
T = number of periods (years);
Y i t —dependent variable;
α —intercept;
β —coefficient;
X i t —independent variable;
u i t —error term.
After that the models are checked for fixed and random effects: fixed effects and random effects models are constructed (Equations (2) and (3) and statistical tests (F test and Hausman test) are used to identify the most appropriate models.
Y i t = α i + β X i t + u i t
α i —intercept.
Y i t = α i + β X i t + u i i + v i
u i i + v i —error term.
The selected models allow us to make conclusions regarding the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables and consumer loan credit risk.
Step 2. Assessment of the impact of selected macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania. Since in the case of Lithuania, not only annual but also quarterly data, as well as a longer data series, are available, the possibilities of applying the different research methods for the assessment of the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables and consumer loan credit risk are wider. Thus this relationship is evaluated using three different methods:
Simple OLS regression. As a starting point, similarly to Washington [11], Haniifah [38] and others who have used the simple OLS regression technique to identify the determinants of credit risk, the impact of selected macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk is assessed using bivariate simple OLS regression models, which are constructed for each pair of dependent and independent variables in Table A2.
Least squares with breakpoints regression. When assessing the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables and consumer loan credit risk, the existence of the structural breaks is also taken into account in this research. Thus, linear bivariate regression is also conducted using least squares with breakpoints method. Structural breaks are estimated according to the Bai-Perron procedure.
Markov regime–switching model. Finally, it is also taken into account that the period selected for this research includes both relatively stable and crisis periods. As it is stated by Danielsson [76] and Haldane [77], the statistical properties of data during stable periods differ from those during stable periods. Thus, following Davig and Leeper [78] and Karoglou, Mouratidis and Vogiazas [43], endogenous breaks are assumed and coefficients of the models are allowed to change across different regimes. A Markov regime-switching model (MRS SVAR) is employed since it “allows for the data generating a process to exhibit completely different dynamics across a predefined number of regimes” [43]. The existence of two different regimes is predetermined in this research.
In addition, the decision to apply the above-mentioned methods that adhere to the main aim of this research is based on the following reasons: (i) in the case of the CEE group countries, the choice of method was based on a rather limited data series (panel data models combine time series and cross-sectional data), in this way allowing the researchers to reach a sufficient number of observations; (ii) in the case of Lithuania: (a) simple OLS regression model was chosen as the primary model allowing to make assumptions about the existence of a statistically significant relationship in the overall assessment of the entire analysed period; (b) a long enough research period, covering both periods of economic boom and crisis, implies the possibility of the existence of structural breaks, i.e., sudden changes in a relationship between chosen variables or in a time series, and the model with breakpoints was therefore applied to take into account those changes; (c) given the cyclicality observed in some macroeconomic variables, the Markov regime-switching model has been chosen to assess the relationship across different recurent phases, i.e., regimes.
Further the results of the research are discussed.

5. Results

In this part, the results of the research are discussed. The results of the assessment of the impact of selected macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk in the group of CEE countries are provided in Table A6. From these results, it can be observed that 12 out of 39 selected macroeconomic variables appeared to have a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk. Further the results are discussed separately for each of the 12 groups of macroeconomic variables.
The results of the assessment of the impact of selected macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk in the case of Lithuania are provided in Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9. From these results, it can be noticed that:
according to simple OLS regression models, 9 out of 33 selected macroeconomic variables appeared to have a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk;
according to Least Squares with Breakpoints regression models, 18 out of 33 selected macroeconomic variables appeared to have a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk in at least one of the selected periods;
according to Markov Regime Switching models, 15 out of 33 selected macroeconomic variables appeared to have a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk under one of two different regimes.
Further the results are discussed separately for each of the 12 groups of macroeconomic variables.

5.1. GDP Variables

GDP variables are very important indicators in the risk measuring process, especially in credit risk assessment. Many authors have focused on GDP variables trying to identify the impact on credit risk but have got quite different results. In our research, we not only use real GDP growth, but also focus on other GDP variables.
CEE countries. As can be seen from Table A6, two of the analysed GDP factors (GDP growth and real GDP growth) appeared to have a statistically significant positive impact on credit risk in the group of CEE countries, while others have not demonstrated a statistically significant effect. In practice, banks tend to take more credit risk when the economy is growing, which definitely increases credit risk in the long run. In a growing economic environment, banks are more positive, and risk-takers and the household is more focused on consumption and risk-taking, not thinking much about future income possibilities. From a practical point of view, we can stress that GDP growth can affect credit risk differently in different time horizons. Still, it is challenging to determine because of data frequency.
Our results differ from the results by Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20], Espinoza and Prasad [8], Nkusu [15], De Bock and Demyanets [37], and Beck, Jakubik, and Piloiu [21] which revealed a significant negative relationship between real GDP growth and NPLs, as well as from the results by Castro [3] which states that increasing GDP growth decreases the credit risk. The results for the group of CEE countries also differ from the results of Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29], Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2], Carvalho, Curto, and Primor [42] (as cited by Bruneau et al. [79]), Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29], Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], stating the existence of a significant relationship between NPL and such variables as GDP gap (output gap), gross national income (GNI) per capita growth or gross national expenditure (GNE). Thus, in the case of CEE countries, Hypothesis 1 (H1) cannot be supported.
Lithuania. In the case of Lithuania, the results are a bit different: (i) simple OLS regression models showed a statistically significant negative relationship between consumer credit risk and real GDP, GDP growth, real GDP growth and gross national income (Table A7); (ii) least squares with breakpoints regression models revealed a statistically significant negative relationship between consumer credit risk and real GDP, GDP growth, real GDP growth and gross national income during the period of 2005Q2–2011Q2 (Table A8); and (iii) Markov regime-switching models indicated a statistically significant negative relationship between consumer credit risk and real GDP, real GDP growth and gross national income under Regime 1 (Table A9). These results coincide with the results by (i) Priyadi et al. [35] stating negative GDP on NPF; (ii) Nikolaidou and Vogiazas [31] stating a negative relationship between GDP growth and credit risk; (iii) Espinoza and Prasad [8], Nkusu [15], De Bock and Demyanets [37], and Beck, Jakubik, and Piloiu [21] revealing a significant negative relationship between real GDP growth and NPL; (iv) Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] indicating a significant negative impact of GNI per capita growth rate on the NPLs. So, in the case of Lithuania, Hypothesis 1 (H1) is supported by the results of this research.
Moreover, it can be mentioned that results also revealed: (i) no significant relationships between loans for consumption and GDP variables in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); and (ii) a significant positive relationship between loans for consumption and gross national income (confirmed by all three methods) (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14. Despite statistical results, we must keep in mind that in practice, it is very important to pay attention to the time frame.

5.2. Inflation Variables

CEE countries. As it can be seen from Table A6, three out of four inflation variables appeared to be statistically significantly related to the credit risk variable, and the impact of these variables (consumer price index (CPI), percentage change in CPI, and GDP deflator) is negative (i.e., risk decreasing). It is necessary to admit that this conclusion is correct only when assessing the rate of inflation itself: (i) this effect is observed since we have had very low inflation in the euro area for a long time—in the recent situation then the observed increase in inflation was still below 2%, credit risk is declining; (ii) however, this conclusion cannot be generalized, cause when inflation is at historic highs, the effect will be just contrary. These results are consistent with the results of Washington [11], Koju, Koju, and Wang [50], and Kjosevski, Petkovski, and Naumovska [51] which revealed a significant negative relationship between inflation and NPL. Additionally, the results are similar to those stating that the GDP deflator has a significant impact on NPL (for example, Harada and Kageyama [40] (as cited by Carvalho, Curto, and Primor [42] and Liao and Chang [22]) who stated that GDP deflator “negatively impacts default”. However, these results differ from the results of Ghosh [30] and Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20] which state that this relationship is significantly positive. Thus, in the case of CEE countries, Hypothesis 2 (H2) is supported.
Lithuania. The results for Lithuania have not revealed a statistically significant impact of inflation variables on consumer credit risk (i.e., impact appeared to be both positive and negative, but statistically insignificant) (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). These results are similar to the results of Haniifah (2015), [17], Radivojević et al. [80], Abusharbeh [12], Nor, Ismail, and Abd Rahman [53]. Thus, in the case of Lithuania, Hypothesis 2 (H2) is supported as well.
The research also indicates that: (i) there is no statistically significant relationship between loans for consumption and inflation variables in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); (ii) simple OLS model showed the significant positive impact of producer price index on loans for consumption (Table A11). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.3. Money Variables

As it can be seen from the results in Table A6, Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9, none of the money variables has demonstrated a statistically significant impact on consumer credit risk (in most cases, the impact is negative but statistically insignificant) both for the group of CEE countries and for Lithuania. This result differs from the results obtained by Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43], Nikolaidou and Vogiazas’ [56] which identified a statistically significant impact of money supply on credit risk, as well as from results obtained by Yurdakul [46] indicating a positive but statistically insignificant impact. The results of this research also contradict the results obtained by Maltritz and Molchanov [10] and Stolbov [48] concluding that increasing international reserves reduces the risk. Thus Hypothesis 3 (H3) cannot be supported both for the group of CEE countries and Lithuania.
The research also indicates that: (i) there is no statistically significant relationship between money variables and loans for consumption variables in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); (ii) one of three methods (least squares with breakpoints) revealed a positive impact of money supply and negative impact of international reserves, but only during period 2008Q4–2011Q4 (Table A12). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.4. Investment Variables

CEE countries. According to the results (Table A6), none of the investment variables has demonstrated a statistically significant impact on consumer credit risk in the group of CEE countries (impact is negative but statistically insignificant). This result is similar to that obtained by Maltritz and Molchanov [10] who found that the effect of capital-investment-to-GDP on a country’s credit risk is negative but statistically insignificant. Since the results do not provide evidence of statistically significant impact, Hypothesis 4 (H4) cannot be supported for the group of CEE countries.
Lithuania. The results are different in the case of Lithuania: (i) the least squares with breakpoints regression models revealed the statistically significant and negative impact of gross fixed capital formation and capital investment variables impact on consumer loan credit risk in the period of 2005Q2–2011Q2 (Table A8); (ii) while Markov regime-switching model revealed the mixed-nature impact of gross fixed capital formation under different regimes (Table A9). This allows us to partially support Hypothesis 4 (H4) in the case of Lithuania.
The research also indicates that: (i) all three methods indicate the existence of a statistically significant positive relationship between investment variables and loans for consumption in Lithuania (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.5. Labour Market Variables

CEE countries. As it can be noticed from Table A6, (i) the long-term unemployment rate demonstrates a statistically significant positive (risk-increasing) effect on consumer loan credit risk in the group of CEE countries, (ii) while the effect of the unemployment rate appeared to be statistically insignificant. These results differ from the results of (i) Kumar et al. [58], Zheng, Bhowmik, and Sarker [31], which confirm the negative impact of unemployment on credit risk; and (ii) Feng [61] who states that the impact is statistically insignificant. However, the results of this research support the results of Nkusu [17], Bayar [60], Szarowska (2014) (11 CEE countries), [62], Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], Kocisova and Pastyrikova [63], Castro [3], Messai and Jouini [45], Karoglou, Mouratidis, and Vogiazas [43], stating the positive impact of unemployment on credit risk. Thus, in the case of the group of CEE countries, Hypothesis 5 (H5) is supported.
Lithuania. In the case of Lithuania, the results are similar: (i) two of three methods revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between long-term unemployment and consumer loan credit risk; (ii) while all three methods have confirmed the same relationship between the unemployment rate and consumer loan credit risk (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). These results are consistent with Yurdakul [46], Ghosh [30], Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2], Kjosevski, Petkovski, and Naumovska [51]. Thus, in the case of Lithuania Hypothesis 5 (H5) is supported.
The research also indicates that: (i) a statistically significant negative relationship between the unemployment rate and loans for consumption in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); and (ii) mixed-nature effect of unemployment variables on loans for consumption in Lithuania (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.
From a practical point of view, we should add some reflections on unemployment and credit risk volatility. When unemployment increases, people tend to take loans at the beginning of such an environment, especially for consumption. Banks still have no strict credit risk management rules at the beginning; central banks support economics and encourage the banking sector to support the economy by the credit transmission channel, which means that credit risk is increasing. Later, when the unemployment growth rate increases, the existing loan portfolio credit risk level also increases. However, banks tend not to take credit risk anymore and apply a strict credit risk management framework. Finally, we can make conclusions that, in any way, from a practical point of view, the increasing unemployment rate increases credit risk at a different pace in different time frames.

5.6. Real Estate Market Variables

CEE countries. As is seen in Table A6, the real estate market variable—housing price index—proved to have a statistically significant negative (risk-decreasing) effect on consumer loan credit risk in the group of CEE countries. These results are similar to those of (i) Liao and Chang [22] indicating a negative effect on default risk; and (ii) Castro [3] indicating a negative effect of housing prices on credit risk [3]. Thus, in the case of the group of CEE countries, Hypothesis 6 (H6) is supported.
Lithuania. Results for Lithuania are different: the impact of the housing prices index on consumer loan credit risk appeared to be statistically significantly positive at least in one of the periods (2011Q2–2021Q1) and at least under one of two regimes (Table A8 and Table A9). This contradicts the results of Liao and Chang [22] and Castro [3]. Thus, in the case of CEE countries, Hypothesis 6 (H6) cannot be supported.
Additionally, it should be mentioned that in most cases the relationship between the housing price index and loans for consumption has proven to be statistically insignificant (Table A10, Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.7. Trade and Trade Composition Variables

CEE countries. Only one out of eight trade and trade composition variables—current account balance—was statistically significantly related to this risk in the case of the group of CEE countries (Table A6), while exports and imports variables, as well as trade balance variable, appeared to have no statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk. These results differ from the results obtained by (i) Mileris [4], Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2], and Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], who reveal that the current account variable has no statistically significant relationship with credit risk; and (ii) Koju, Koju, and Wang [17] who states that export is significantly negatively related to the NPL level. However, this is similar to Maltritz and Molchanov [10], according to whom the impact of exports and imports growth rates appeared to be negative but statistically insignificant. To sum up, in the case of CEE countries, Hypothesis 7 (H7) is supported by the results of this research.
Lithuania. In the case of Lithuania: (i) OLS regression models have not revealed a statistically significant impact of any of the trade and trade composition variables (Table A7); while (ii) contrary to the case of CEE countries, the Markov regime-switching method revealed the statistically significant positive impact of current account balance under one of two different regimes (Table A9); and (iii) least squares with breakpoints regression showed the statistically significant negative impact of exports per capita, exports growth rate and import-to-GDP variables (Table A8). To sum up, the results in the case of Lithuania appear to be mixed and this does not allow either support or reject Hypothesis 7 (H7).
Moreover, it can be mentioned, that results also revealed: (i) a significant positive relationship between loans for consumption and exports-to-GDP and trade balance variables in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); and (ii) in most cases, no significant relationship between loans for consumption and trade and trade composition variables in Lithuania (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.8. Consumption Variables

CEE countries. It can be seen (Table A6) that the consumer confidence index appeared to have a statistically significant negative effect on consumer credit risk—the increase in consumer confidence is related to the decrease in risk. This result is similar to (i) Figlewski, Frydman, and Liang [5] revealing the negative relationship between the change in consumer sentiment and corporate default; and (ii) Doshi, Jacobs, and Zurita [49] stating the negative relationship between consumer confidence index and countries default intensity. At the same time, the final consumption expenditure of households has not demonstrated a statistically significant effect in the case of the CEE countries. To sum up, in the case of CEE countries, Hypothesis 8 (H8) is at least partially supported by the results of this research.
Lithuania. Contrary to the results of the group of CEE countries, in the case of Lithuania: (i) final consumption expenditure of households has demonstrated a statistically significant negative effect on consumer loan credit risk at least in one period and under one regime (all three methods) which support the results of Mileris [4] stating that the increase in final consumption expenditure of households is related to the decrease in NPLs (ii) while consumer confidence index appeared to have no statistically significant effect (all three methods) (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). To sum up, in the case of Lithuania, Hypothesis 8 (H8) is at least partially supported by the results of this research.
The research also indicates (in most of the models) an insignificant impact of consumption variables on loans for consumption in both CEE countries and Lithuania (Table A10, Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.9. Business Sector Variables

CEE countries. The results in Table A6 reveal that the industry-value-to-GDP variable has a statistically significant positive impact on consumer loan credit risk. This differs from the results of Koju, Koju, and Wang [17], stating the significant negative effect of industry-value-to-GDP on the NPLs.
Moreover, the results of the research also show that the industrial production index and business freedom variable appeared to have no statistically significant impact. These results are similar to the results obtained by: (i) Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [4] and Priyadi et al. [35] who indicated the insignificant effect of the industrial production index on banking credit risk; and (ii) Maltritz and Molchanov [10] who stated that the relationship between business freedom and country default risk is insignificant. Since only one of three business sector variables has demonstrated a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk, it can be stated that, in the case of the group of CEE countries, Hypothesis 9 (H9) is supported.
Lithuania. None of the business sector variables has demonstrated a statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk (all three methods) (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). Thus, in the case of Lithuania, Hypothesis 9 (H9) is supported.
Moreover, it can be mentioned that the results also revealed: (i) a significant positive relationship between industrial production index and loans for consumption (Table A10) in the group of CEE countries. The results also show the mixed-nature effect on the industrial production index on loans for consumption in Lithuania (insignificant, significant positive, significant negative in different periods according to models using least squares with breakpoints) (Table A12). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.10. Financial Sector Variables

CEE countries. The ratio of domestic credit to the private-sector-to-GDP showed statistically significantly positive, i.e., risk-increasing impact (Table A6). This result is consistent with Mpofu and Nikolaidou [20] who confirmed that domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP significantly positively affects NPLs. At the same time, credit growth and domestic credit to private sector variables appeared to have no statistically significant impact on consumer loan credit risk (Table A6). This result differs from the results obtained by: (i) Nkusu [15], Castro [3], Beck, Jakubik, and Piloiu [21], Karoglou, Mouratidis and Vogiazas [43], Bayar [60], Tatarici, Kubinschi, and Barnea [71] that revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between credit growth and NPLs; and (ii) Washington [11] and Agic and Gacic [72] who documented the negative impact of credit growth on credit risk. Since at least one of the financial sector variables proved to have a positive effect on consumer loan credit risk, in the case of the group of CEE countries, Hypothesis 10 (H10) can be supported at least partially.
Lithuania. Slightly different results are received for Lithuania: (i) domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP appeared to have no statistically significant effect on NPLs; (ii) while credit growth variable showed a statistically negative impact; and (iii) domestic credit to the private sector—mixed-nature (both positive and negative in different periods/under different regimes) (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). According to that, it can be stated that in the case of Lithuania, Hypothesis 10 (H10) cannot be supported.
The research also indicates: (i) a statistically insignificant relationship between domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP and loans for consumption in the group of CEE countries (Table A10); and (ii) mixed results for credit growth variable (Table A10, Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.11. General Government Sector Variables

CEE countries. As can be seen from Table A6, one out of four general government sector variables—budget-balance-to-GDP—demonstrated a statistically significant positive (risk-increasing) effect on consumer loan credit risk. This differs from the results of the research conducted by Maltritz and Molchanov [10], Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] according to which the impact of the budget-balance-to-GDP variable on country default and banking system risks is insignificant.
However, the effect of public debt, public-debt-to-GDP and private-to-public indebtedness variables appeared to be statistically insignificant. These results differ from results obtained by: (i) Foglia [74], who indicated a negative significant impact of public debt; and (ii) Makri et al. [44], Ghosh [30] and Bayar [60] who found that the public-debt-to-GDP is significantly and positively related to the NPLs.
On the other hand, these results are similar to (i) Gila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou [2] who stated that the quality of loans is not affected by the public debt; (ii) Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] who revealed the insignificant effect of public-debt-to-GDP on the NPLs; and (iii) Castro [3] who indicated that public indebtedness does not affect the credit risk significantly. Since three out of four general government sector variables have demonstrated no significant effect on consumer loan credit quality, it can be stated that Hypothesis 11 (H11) can be supported in the case of the group of CEE countries.
Lithuania. In the case of Lithuania: (i) public debt to GDP demonstrated a statistically insignificant relationship with consumer loan credit risk; and, contrary to the case of CEE countries, (ii) the significant negative relationship between public debt and NPLs can be observed; (iii) while the effect of budget-balance-to-GDP and private to public indebtedness variables appeared to be of mixed nature (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9). Thus, in the case of Lithuania Hypothesis 11 (H11) cannot be supported.
In addition to that, it is worth mentioning that: (i) there is a significant negative relationship between public-debt-to-GDP and loans for consumption in Lithuania (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13); and (ii) a significant positive relation of budget-balance-to-GDP and public-to-private indebtedness with loans for consumption in Lithuania (Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.

5.12. Household Sector Variables

The results provided in Table A6, Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9 reveal that tax on personal-income-to-GDP has no statistically significant impact either in the group of CEE countries or in Lithuania. These results differ from Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike [29] who indicated a significant and positive influence of tax on personal-income-to-GDP on the NPLs. On the other hand, the wages and salaries per capita variable has a statistically significant negative (risk-decreasing) effect on consumer loan credit risk both in the group of CEE countries and Lithuania which is consistent with the results of Kjosevski, Petkovski, and Naumovska [51] stating that increase in wages and salaries decreased the growth of NPLs. Thus, the results do not allow either support or reject Hypothesis 12 (H12) both for the CEE countries and Lithuania.
Moreover, it can also be stated that tax on personal-income-to-GDP has no statistically significant impact on loans for consumption in CEE countries and Lithuania (Table A10, Table A11, Table A12 and Table A13). These results are summarized in Table A14.
The results of all estimations of macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in the group of CEE countries and Lithuania are summarised in Table A15.
Taking into account what was discussed, it can be summarized that in the case of the group of CEE countries: (i) such variables as GDP and labour market variables appeared to have a risk-increasing effect (i.e., positively affect the consumer loan credit risk); (ii) while variables such as inflation and real estate market variables proved to have a risk decreasing effect (i.e., negatively affect (decrease) consumer loan credit risk); at the same time (iii) the impact of variables from other groups appeared to be of a mixed nature or insignificant (Table A6). In the case of Lithuania: (i) real estate and labour market variables appeared to have a risk-increasing effect (i.e., positively affect the consumer loan credit risk); (ii) GDP and household sector variables proved to have a risk-decreasing effect (i.e., negatively affect (decrease) consumer loan credit risk); at the same time (iii) the impact of variables from other groups appeared to be of a mixed nature or insignificant (Table A7, Table A8 and Table A9).
The results summarized in Table A15 also allow stating that the impact of macroeconomic determinants on the consumer loan credit risk differs depending on the country (countries group) analysed. Moreover, in the case of Lithuania, different methods demonstrate at least partially different results. At first glance, these results may appear to be hardly consistent; however, the differences are determined by the characteristics of applied methods. The simple OLS regression models evaluate the impact of macroeconomic determinants on consumer loan credit risk in the overall assessment of the entire analysed period but do not take into account the possible changes in nature of this impact. When the analysed period is long enough and covers periods different macroeconomic circumstances (for example, periods of economic boom and crisis), the results may not fully reflect the relationships under consideration. On the other hand, the models with breakpoints and the Markov regime-switching models take into account those changes and assess the relationship across different circumstances or regimes; in this case, the results show that the impact changes as the macroeconomic situation changes: under certain circumstances, it is positive, under other circumstances it is negative or vice versa.
To summarise, it could be stated that the novelty of this research is related to the proposed deeper classification of credit risk factors. Moreover, it is also worth mentioning that, in the case of Lithuania, this kind of study (assessment of macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk) was conducted for the first time.

6. Discussion and Implications

In order to investigate the factors influencing credit risk, it is necessary to classify these factors at different levels. An analysis of the classifications of factors influencing credit risk in theoretical studies and empirical research has concluded that there is no single approach. Different trends can be identified, and a new classification is being developed on the basis of these trends. In this study, the classifications of factors influencing banking credit risk and the classification of macroeconomic factors influencing banking credit risk were developed using a systematic approach.
These factors are classified at five different levels. At the first level, credit risk is distinguished into two components: systematic credit risk and unsystematic credit risk.
At the second level, groups of factors which characterise the factors influencing the systematic and unsystematic credit risk are distinguished. At the second level, macroeconomic factors are often classified only as the factors influencing the systematic credit risk; therefore, we take a deeper approach and divide factors influencing the systematic credit risk into three groups: (i) macroeconomic factors, (ii) changes in economic policies factors, and (iii) and political changes factors.
At the fourth level, we take a deeper approach and general macroeconomic conditions factors are separated into twelve groups of the FIBCR; i.e., at this level, factors of (i) four different sectors are distinguished, i.e., factors of the business sector, financial sector, general government sector, and household sector, and (ii) eight groups of factors affected all sectors, i.e., economic growth, inflation, money, investment, labour market, real estate market, trade and trade composition, consumption. In addition, the four groups at this level are further detailed at the fifth level.
This classification can be useful to better understand and investigate the factors influencing banking credit risk for the whole loan portfolio (in the same way as the factors that affect the credit risk of different types of loans, e.g., consumer loans).
The research results revealed the statistically significant effect of specific macroeconomic consumer loan credit risk determinants from different groups at different levels. In the case of CEE countries, economic growth variables (GDP growth, real GDP growth) and labour market variables (long-term unemployment rate) appeared to have a positive (risk-increasing) impact. On the other hand, inflation variables (GDP deflator, consumer price index, percentage change in CPI) and real estate market variables (house price index)—a negative (risk decreasing) impact on consumer loan credit risk.
Among other things, the research results also allow us to make certain assumptions about the appropriateness of the methods applied. In the case of CEE countries, the panel models with dynamic effects proved to be the most appropriate when determining the relationship between the macroeconomic variables and consumer loan credit risk. This indicates the existence of some differences between the countries analysed (the countries are not homogeneous in terms of our study), which raises the need to analyse the situation in each country separately.
In the case of Lithuania, the highest expectations could be related to the structural breaks and Markov regime-switching models as these models allowed taking into account possible changes in the relationship between variables over a long period of time including both relatively stable and crisis periods. It can therefore be argued that recent methods provide more information about the macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk and the nature of their impact.
The analysis of the case of Lithuania revealed the following results: (i) real estate (house price index) and labour markets (unemployment rate, long-term unemployment rate) variables appeared to have positive (risk-increasing effect), (ii) while GDP (real GDP, GDP growth, real GDP growth, gross national income) and household sector (wages and salaries) variables proved to have negative (risk-decreasing) effect.
The contribution of this study is related to the proposed deeper classification of credit risk factors. This classification reveals that the Tertiary and quaternary sectors (business sector) groups lack the quantifying determinants.
It is worth mentioning that, in the case of Lithuania, this kind of study (assessment of macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk) was conducted for the first time. Moreover, in previous studies only a few commonly mentioned macroeconomic determinants of banking credit risk are analysed, leaving other potential determinants outside the scope of the research. This research focuses on the detailed classification of banking credit risk determinants, and, when assessing the impact of macroeconomic variables on consumer loan credit risk, analyses the wide set of different proxies classified into different groups of factors influencing consumer loan credit risk. This allows choosing the best-performing (best explaining the changes in NPLs) determinants in each group.

7. Limitations and Future Research

Discussing the limitations of this research it is worth mentioning that despite the fact that academic literature indicates the non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio as a proxy of consumer loan credit risk, for CEE countries, the data of NPL for consumer loans are not available. Thus the data for retail loans NPLs were used.
Moreover, due to the problem of data availability, for CEE countries, it was not possible to apply the structural breaks and Markov regime-switching models as models allowing taking into account possible changes in the relationship between variables over a long period of time under different economic circumstances or regimes. These models were applied only to the case of Lithuania.
It is important to notice that this study, for the most part, was based on indicators analysed in studies examining the credit risk of the banking sector in relation to total lending. Due to data availability issues and other reasons, the number of studies analysing the credit risk of consumer loans separately is very low. Hence, the analysis of all NPLs (without grouping them by type of loan) is insufficient; it is necessary to separately study the credit risk of corporate, housing, and consumer loans (non-performing loans).
The impact of variables from other macroeconomic variables groups appeared to be mixed-nature or insignificant which requires further analysis. Regarding the analysis of the CEE countries, it can be stated that in some cases the analysis of the annual data did not allow for unambiguous identification of the impact of both the financial and pandemic-induced crisis; therefore, it would be appropriate to assess this impact using quarterly data (if this becomes possible).
As this study focuses on the credit risk of the banking sector, but the credit services provided by the fintech sector are becoming increasingly important, the fintech credit sector should also be examined in the future.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.K., G.K.-S., D.T. and R.Š.; methodology, R.K., G.K.-S., D.T. and R.Š.; validation, R.K., G.K.-S. and D.T.; formal analysis, G.K.-S.; investigation, R.K. and G.K.-S.; data curation, G.K.-S.; writing—original draft preparation, R.K. and G.K.-S.; writing—review and editing, R.K., G.K.-S. and D.T., visualization, G.K.-S., R.Š. and A.N.; supervision, R.K., G.K.-S. and D.T.; project administration, R.K.; funding acquisition, R.K., G.K.-S., D.T. and R.Š. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research has received funding from European Regional Development Fund (project No 13.1.1-LMT-K-718-05-0010) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Funded as European Union’s measure in response to COVID-19 pandemic.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Classifications of macroeconomic factors influencing banking credit risk. N Newly proposed factor. * Factor could also be classified as (i) a factor of direction of the economy or (ii) an institutional environment factor. ** Factor could also be classified as a factor of financial market conditions.
Figure A1. Classifications of macroeconomic factors influencing banking credit risk. N Newly proposed factor. * Factor could also be classified as (i) a factor of direction of the economy or (ii) an institutional environment factor. ** Factor could also be classified as a factor of financial market conditions.
Sustainability 14 13219 g0a1
Table A1. Theoretical and empirical research of GDP variables.
Table A1. Theoretical and empirical research of GDP variables.
Variables Theoretical ResearchEmpirical Research
Authors (Secondary)Authors (Primary Source)
Directional impact: negative
GDPMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20] Ombaba, 2013,
Viswanadham and Nahid, 2015
GDPUmar and Sun, 2018 [41]Ghosh, 2015 [30];
Louzis et al., 2012 [18];
Espinoza and Prasad, 2010 [8]
GDPPriyadi et al., 2021 [31]Firmansyah, 2014
Real GDP rateNikolaidou and Vogiazas, 2017 [33]Ghosh, 2015 [30]
GDP growthGila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou, 2018 [2]Yurdakul, 2014 [46]
GDP growthGila-Gourgoura and Nikolaidou, 2018 [2]Messai and Jouini, 2013 [45]
GDP growthMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20] De Bock and Demynanets, 2012 [37]
GDP growth rate Koju, Koju, and Wang, 2020 [17]
GDP growth rateKoju, Koju, and Wang, 2020 [17]Salas and Saurina, 2002 [28];
Škarica, 2014; Fofack, 2005 [13]
Real GDP growth rate Castro, 2013 [3]
Real GDP growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Beck et al., 2015 [21]
Real GDP growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Castro, 2013 [3]
Real GDP growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Nkusu, 2011 [15]
Real GDP growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Espinoza and Prasad, 2010 [8]
Real GDP growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]
GDP per capitaAbusharbeh, 2020 [12]Nkusu, 2011 [15],
Vouldis and Louzis, 2017 [51]
GDP per capita growth rateMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Washington, 2014 [11]
GDP per capital growth rateWashington, 2014 [11]Thiagarajan et al., 2011;
Derbali, 2011; Ali and Daly, 2010 [21]
GDP gap (output gap)Carvalho, Curto and Primor, 2020 [42]Bruneau et al., 2012 [79]
GDP gap (output gap) Dimitrios, Helen, and Mike, 2016 [29]
Gross national income (GNI) per capita growth rate Koju, Koju, and Wang, 2020 [17]
Directional impact: insignificant
GDP growthMpofu and Nikolaidou, 2018 [20]Haniifah, 2015 [38]Haniifah, 2015 [38]
National expenditure as a percentage of GDP Koju, Koju, and Wang, 2020 [17]
Table A2. Research variables, symbols and data sources.
Table A2. Research variables, symbols and data sources.
SymbolVariableMeasurement UnitData Source
Dependent variables
Y1Non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loansPer cent Bank of Lithuania, Deloitte (for CEE countries)
Y2Total loans for consumptionMln. Eur.ECB Statistical Data Warehouse
X1GDPMln. Eur.ECB Statistical Data Warehouse
X2Real GDPMln. of Chained 2010 Eur.FRED Economic Data
X3GDP growthPer cent Own calculations
X4Real GDP growth ratePer cent Own calculations
X5GDP per capita Eur. per capitaOECD Statistics
X6GDP GAP (Output gap)Per cent OECD Statistics
X7Gross national incomePer cent of GDPWorldbank Data
X8Gross national expenditurePer cent of GDPCEIC Data Global Database
X9GPD deflatorPer cent CEIC Data Global Database
X10Consumer price index (CPI)Per cent Eurostat
X11Percentage change of CPIPer cent Own calculations
X12Producer price index (PPI)Per cent OECD Statistics
X13Money supply (M2)Growth rate, per centCEIC Data Global Database
X14International reservesPer cent of GDPCEIC Data Global Database
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capitaPercentage changeOwn calculations based on Eurostat
X16Capital investmentPer cent of GDPThe Global Economy
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment ratePer centOECD Statistics
X18Unemployment ratePer cent Eurostat
Real estate market
X19House price indexIndex (points, annual average)Eurostat
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capitaPercentage changeOwn calculations based on Eurostat
X21Exports of goods and services to GDPPer centEurostat
X22Exports growth ratePer cent Own calculations based on Eurostat
X23Imports of goods and services per capitaPercentage changeOwn calculations based on Eurostat
X24Imports of goods and services to GDPPer centEurostat
X25Imports growth ratePer cent Own calculations based on Eurostat
X26Current account balancePer cent Worldbank Data
X27Trade-balance-to-GDPPer cent Own calculations based on CEIC Data Global Database
X28Trade freedomIndex (points)The Heritage Foundation
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)Index (points)Eurostat
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capitaPercentage changeOwn calculations based on OECD Statistics and Eurostat
Business sector
X31Industrial production indexPer centOECD Statistics
X32Industry-value-to-GDPPer centWorldbank Data
X33Business FreedomIndex (points)The Heritage Foundation
Financial sector
X34Overnight interest ratePer cent OECD Statistics
X35Credit growthPercentage changeCEIC Data Global Database
X36Domestic credit to the private sectorMln. Eur. ECB Statistical Data Warehouse
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDPPer cent Worldbank Data
X38Interest rates on loans to non-financial companiesPer cent OECD Statistics
General government sector
X39Public debtMln. Eur.Eurostat
X40Public-debt-to-GDPPer centEurostat
X41Budget-balance-to-GDPPer centEurostat
X42Private-to-public indebtednessPer cent Own calculations based on Eurostat
Households sector
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capitaEur.Own calculations based on OECD Statistics and Eurostat
X43Tax on personal-income-to-GDPPer cent Eurostat
X44Wages and salaries per employeeEur.OECD Statistics
Source: compiled by the authors.
Table A3. Results of the unit-root (Levin, Lin and Chu and Augmented-Dickey–Fuller) tests.
Table A3. Results of the unit-root (Levin, Lin and Chu and Augmented-Dickey–Fuller) tests.
(Levin, Lin and Chu t*)
(Augmented Dickey–Fuller)
Dependent variables
Y1Non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans−4.2590.000 ** −5.1730.000 **1st diff
Y2Total loans for consumption−6.6260.000 ** −5.7140.000 **1st diff
X2Real GDP−5.3210.000 **1st diff−6.8950.000 **2nd diff.
X3GDP growth−9.3540.000 **2nd diff.−6.5180.000 **
X4Real GDP growth−7.4320.000 **2nd diff.−6.5420.000 **
X6GDP gap (Output gap)−7.0180.000 ** ---
X7Gross national income−8.7600.000 ** −6.5040.000 **
X8Gross national expenditure−6.8690.000 ** ---
X9GDP deflator−3.8740.000 **1st diff.−5.5090.000 **1st diff.
X10Consumer price index (CPI)−6.8630.000 **2nd diff.−9.6880.000 **2nd diff.
X11Percentage change of CPI−9.9990.000 ** −10.8350.000 **1st diff
X12Producer price index (PPI)−2.5590.005 ** −6.0150.000 **1st diff.
X13Money supply (M2)−2.3840.009 ** −6.2240.000 **1st diff.
X14International reserves−11.5710.000 ** −10.0560.000 **1st diff
X15Gross fixed capital formation−10.9150.000 ** −4.8120.000 **
X16Capital investment−14.2190.000 ** −3.4590.012 *
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate−7.2430.000 **1st diff.−3.5570.009 **1st diff.
X18Unemployment rate−4.3090.000 ** −3.9190.003 **1st diff.
Real estate market
X19House price index−6.2760.000 **1st diff.−3.6570.007 **1st diff.
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita−14.6750.000 ** −6.2390.000 **
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP−2.1630.015 * −7.6570.000 **1st diff.
X22Exports growth rate−14.8220.000 ** −6.2950.000 **
X23Imports of goods and services per capita−14.0240.000 ** −6.6780.000 **
X24Imports of goods and services-to-GDP−2.7860.003 ** −7.4960.000 **1st diff.
X25Imports growth rate−14.0130.000 ** −6.6740.000 **
X26Current account balance−5.7730.000 ** −3.1070.031 *1st diff.
X27Trade-balance-to-GDP−4.9050.000 ** −9.4150.000 **1st diff.
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−2.2910.000 ** −5.0790.000 **1st diff.
X30Final consumption expenditure per capita−9.7860.000 **1st diff.−6.6630.000 **
Business sector
X31Industrial production index−5.9690.000 ** −6.0320.000 **1st diff.
X32Industry-value-to-GDP−3.1540.001 ** ---
X33Business Freedom−6.5310.000 **1st diff.---
Financial sector
X35Credit growth−10.0800.000 ** −3.3420.017 *
X36Domestic credit to the private sector−2.3190.010 *1st diff.−3.6780.007 **1st diff.
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP−5.9290.000 ** ---
General government sector
X39Public debt−4.6070.000 **1st diff.−7.6390.000 **1st diff.
X40Public debt/GDP−5.7480.000 ** −7.3260.000 **1st diff.
X41Budget-balance-to-GDP−9.3390.000 **1st diff.−12.1900.000 **1st diff.
X42Private-to-public indebtedness−19.1910.000 ** −2.9160.049 *1st diff.
Households sector
X43Tax on personal-income-to-GDP−10.0060.000 **1st diff.---
X44Wages and salaries per employee−8.6790.000 **1st diff.−4.8080.000 **1st diff.
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: 1st diff.—variable is stationary at first difference; 2nd diff.—variable is stationary at second difference; **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level; -—variable is non-stationary neither at first nor at second difference.
Table A4. Descriptive statistics variables of panel data models for the group of CEE countries.
Table A4. Descriptive statistics variables of panel data models for the group of CEE countries.
SymbolVariableMeanMedianMaximumMinimumStd. Dev.SkewnessKurtosisJarque-BeraProbabilitySumSum Sq. Dev.Observations
Dependent variables
Y1Non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans6.1275.20019.2000.3004.0551.1044.02127.4120.000680.1001809.279111
Y2Total loans for consumption7724.7994443.00048,122.00437.00010,037.432.2107.603235.9470.0001,073,7471.39 × 1010139
X2Real GDP3330.078308.45066,325.00−66,815.0013,228.890.37014.688662.9960.000386,289.02.01 × 1010116
X3GDP growth−0.812−0.16916.268−15.0156.095−0.1513.0160.3370.844−71.5103232.72088
X4Real GDP growth−1.074−0.7006.300−12.2003.805−0.5692.8715.4150.066−106.4001418.88799
X6GDP GAP (Output gap)−1.589−1.8009.500−11.8003.7490.2484.32710.5390.005−200.1761757.663126
X7Gross national income2.0042.80314.752−12.6353.842−0.8655.03741.4010.000278.6702037.848139
X8Gross national expenditure98.95698.784119.74990.7144.8340.9614.99145.6150.00014,150.713317.932143
X9GDP deflator2.3962.04014.512−9.3702.6630.6878.953205.3570.000316.273929.101132
X10Consumer price index (CPI)1.9212.0005.890−1.6401.6750.0472.2463.4350.179274.830398.829143
X11Percentage change of CPI2.3342.14915.402−1.5442.5481.8379.008295.5920.000333.773922.2449143
X12Producer price index100.229100.000118.40083.9485.5310.0834.2086.4450.03910,423.873150.890104
X13Money supply (M2)39.77048.00075.0003.30023.253−0.6481.84419.3510.0006124.60082,732.84154
X14International reserves−0.777−0.3637.796−21.8144.113−1.3807.692176.6000.000−111.2042403.342143
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita3.1433.83341.347−45.47413.300−0.7695.60353.3430.000440.14924,604.25140
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate−0.943−0.90019.190−19.0446.1860.4634.52517.3990.0001−123.5674975.246131
X18Unemployment rate5.4647.35019.700−50.10011.535−3.11613.765863.9810.000732.2017,699.01134
Real estate market
X19House price index3.6643.70043.200−45.28011.088−0.7239.344245.2750.000509.30216,966.93139
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita6.9536.81940.417−25.31211.710−0.2753.6854.8600.0881049.91220,569.32151
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP64.81365.61996.28826.02317.426−0.2502.0187.7890.0209981.33546,465.34154
X22Exports growth rate6.5826.58039.663−25.98011.490−0.33503.7466.3290.042994.02119,803.78151
X23Imports of goods and services per capita5.8826.40233.542−35.72113.203−0.6604.21920.3330.000888.31326,150.44151
X24Imports of goods and services/-to-63.79166.04694.49932.44914.762−0.1192.0825.7710.0589823.84833,343.60154
X25Imports growth rate5.5196.36533.17−36.29613.025−0.7134.32923.9470.000833.48425,449.51151
X26Current account balance7.5607.26633.069−10.5405.4250.8666.804111.4040.0001156.8134473.509153
X27Trade balance/GDP18.55118.50166.6930.01714.3610.8463.94924.0410.0002838.37331,349.01153
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−16.867−15.1503.9000−50.10012.610−0.4682.4137.730.01−2563.80024,011.28152
X30Final consumption expenditure per capita51.04290.6484116.450−6259.7501341.354−0.8748.898208.2170.0006737.6112.36 × 108132
Business sector
X31Industrial production index113.951114.526124.468103.0595.1590−0.1992.4040.6840.7103646.436825.08932
X33Business Freedom−0.397−0.70010.400−9.4003.0300.6224.65325.50050.000−56.7001304.028143
Financial sector
X35Credit growth4827.3336.21567,838.00−14.74015,515.782.99110.287570.5390.000743,409.23.68 × 1010154
X36Domestic credit to private sector1991.087667.50022,432.00−10,747.004867.8402.2119.089325.6980.000274,770.03.25 × 109138
X37Domestic to private-sector-to-GDP53.13550.288101.38824.73514.5990.6883.68313.6760.0017385.81129,414.82139
General government sector
X39Public debt3611.9301493.05047,431.30−19,610.306990.0632.73216.4541142.2860.000469,550.96.30 × 109130
X42Private-to-public indebtedness3.6711.91832.8650.9484.7043.34216.1131317.9760.000536.063208.787146
Household sector
X43Tax on personal-income-to-GDP0.00820.0003.100−2.4000.4590.77923.1642283.6360.0001.10028.001134
X44Wages and salaries per employee238.506249.64201080.078−1291.876360.262−0.8565.24147.4050.00034,106.3518,430,085143
Source: compiled by the authors.
Table A5. Descriptive statistics of variables of regression models for Lithuania.
Table A5. Descriptive statistics of variables of regression models for Lithuania.
SymbolVariableMeanMedianMaximumMinimumStd. Dev.SkewnessKurtosisJarque-BeraProbabilitySumSum Sq. Dev.Observations
Dependent variables
Y1Non–performing loans for consumption–to–total loans7.9736.34525.0601.3706.5700.7142.3696.5070.038510.3302719.94067
Y2Total loans for consumption8.7507.500153.000−248.00055.746−1.0998.410396.6430.000595.00020,8210.868
X2Real GDP60.08081.000366.600−1028.700175.067−4.32926.1391704.0060.0004025.4002,022,80062
X3GDP growth−0.013−0.04211.538−12.0652.6550.34515.452434.2150.000−0.913465.54862
X4Real GDP growth0.7790.9503.900−12.9002.111−4.45428.3972052.4770.00053.000298.81162
X7Gross national income1.8512.0897.788−12.5342.844−2.08711.895265.5150.000122.204525.82562
X9GDP deflator0.051−0.0107.070−5.0301.9940.2894.6008.0800.0173.450262.54962
X10Consumer price index (CPI)0.109−0.0303.350−3.2501.0550.2154.4246.1800.0457.36073.49961
X11Percentage change of CPI0.086−0.0272.577−3.6001.066−0.1414.2954.9830.0825.85376.14362
X12Producer price index0.5420.8997.700−16.2004.325−1.3245.76840.9820.00036.3661234.69768
X13Money supply (M2)−0.1350.36525.988−27.7955.602−0.35016.868538.3030.000−9.0592071.62767
X14Foreign exchange reserves−0.1210.0424.492−15.2862.372−3.76826.2841672.1620.000−8.140371.39867
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita1.8642.41020.297−22.1248.070−0.4003.9814.4800.106124.9014299.27267
X16Capital investment20.66119.33535.03910.2715.7850.4972.6053.2440.1971404.9702242.33267
Labour market
X17Long−term unemployment rate−0.041−0.1001.800−1.1000.5210.8124.74515.8690.000−2.80017.92267
X18Unemployment rate−0.040−0.1002.600−1.6000.8731.0764.26417.4000.000−2.70050.30167
Real estate market
X19House price index1.4081.58010.570−24.5704.754−2.59315.803500.9410.00088.7601401.41067
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita2.8563.34717.965−17.7766.691−0.6694.80614.3180.001194.2562999.82868
X21Exports of goods and services–to–GDP0.3550.30011.300−13.8004.098−0.5275.58821.8140.00023.8001108.44667
X22Exports growth rate2.6053.10218.089−17.8086.621−0.6764.88515.2640.000177.1472937.84768
X23Imports of goods and services per capita2.8132.41022.725−21.8767.959−0.5325.55621.7320.000191.3274244.32768
X24Imports of goods and services–to–GDP0.4680.9008.700−9.9000003.483520−0.5854.3178.6630.01331.400800.90467
X25Imports growth rate2.5592.13922.855−21.9067.850−0.5855.64523.7040.000174.0274128.78468
X26Current account balance0.0890.64911.224−11.3694.160−0.1933.53471.2160.5446.0281142.58967
X27Trade balance–to–GDP−0.014−0.0752.364−1.7290.7600.2453.3811.0800.582−0.94738.13167
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−0.0430.1722.145−4.7081.291−1.0414.71520.6080.000−2.896111.68968
X30Final consumption expenditure per capita1.6931.7729.057−12.2492.938−2.05711.644259.7000.000115.136578.55667
Business sector
X31Industrial production index0.0001.15011.767−73.3739.913−6.03445.5885551.6930.0000.0006584.23568
Financial sector
X35Credit growth11.4454.72669.580−10.49019.8361.3904.04425.0060.000778.31426,364.2168
X36Domestic credit–to–private sector391.209328.9053002.100−1467.260834.5460.5023.8084.5750.10125,819.8045,270,41966
General government sector
X39Public debt332.631224.5504262.220−5261.3401126.062−1.04612.371257.4010.00022,286.3183,689,02467
X40Public debt–to–GDP0.401−0.1008.300−3.5002.1741.1344.84423.1510.00026.100302.48967
X41Budget balance–to–GDP0.0030.05015.300−13.9003.0140.44617.757601.0680.0000.200590.61967
X42Private–to–public indebtedness−0.011−0.0081.091−1.0730.312−0.2917.10648.0190.000−0.7506.45967
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per capita76.12184.000279.000−497.000111.531−2.11312.221282.9800.0005024.000808,555.067
Source: compiled by the authors.
Table A6. Results of panel regression analysis for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in CEE countries (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
Table A6. Results of panel regression analysis for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in CEE countries (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
General Macroeconomic Conditions Factors
SymbolVariableCoefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.F TestHausman TestModel
X2Real GDP5.25 × 10−80.0030.9980.001950.0000.992Random effects
X3GDP growth0.1813.5010.001 **0.062850.0000.399Random effects
X4Real GDP growth0.2292.7130.008 **0.058930.0000.017Fixed effects
X6GDP gap (Output gap)−0.130−1.0140.3130.011940.0000.968Random effects
X7Gross national income0.0240.2310.4630.0011070.0000.469Random effects
X8Gross national expenditure0.0650.5830.5610.0031110.0000.444Random effects
X9GDP deflator−0.857−6.0470.000 **0.0031080.0000.005Fixed effects
X10Consumer price index (CPI)−0.516−2.8170.005 **0.0691080.0000.283Random effects
X11Percentage change of CPI−0.397−2.4260.017 *0.0511110.0000.131Random effects
X12Producer price index (PPI)−0.147−1.8670.0660.042820.0000.582Random effects
X13Money supply (M2) growth rate−0.012−0.7470.4560.0051110.0000.032Fixed effects
X14International reserves−0.021−0.1640.8690.00021110.0000.776Random effects
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita−0.057−1.7710.0770.0311010.0000.879Random effects
X16Capital investment−0.247−1.8120.0730.0291110.0000.745Random effects
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate0.1352.4190.017 *0.0491060.0000.072Random effects
X18Unemployment rate−0.0001−0.0220.9830.0011050.0000.136Random effects
Real estate market
X19House price index−0.233−5.7870.000 **0.0241060.0000.191Random effects
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita0.0531.6490.1020.0241110.0000.536Random effects
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP−0.032−0.7870.4330.0061110.0000.398Random effects
X22Exports growth rate0.0531.6140.4310.0241110.0000.802Random effects
X23Imports of goods and services per capita0.0190.6010.5490.0041110.0000.294Random effects
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP−0.035−0.7180.4750.0041110.0000.379Random effects
X25Imports growth rate0.0180.5610.5760.0021110.0000.591Random effects
X26Current account balance−0.197−3.6570.000 **0.1101110.0000.810Random effects
X27Trade-balance-to-GDP0.0260.8380.4030.1421110.0000.013Fixed effects
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−0.094−3.5990.001 **0.1071100.0000.177Random effects
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capita−0.0003−1.5460.4650.0031080.0000.384Random effects
Business sector
X31Industrial production index (CCI)−0.068−1.6240.1150.083320.0000.754Random effects
X32Industry-value-to-GDP0.8854.0400.000 **0.0321110.0000.002Fixed effects
X33Business Freedom0.1391.4240.1570.0191080.0000.144Random effects
Financial sector
X35Credit growth−0.0001−1.6870.0970.1661110.0000.016Fixed effects
X36Domestic credit to private sector−0.0001−1.3790.1710.0181080.0000.947Random effects
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP0.1915.3910.000 **0.0031110.0000.011Fixed effects
General government sector
X39Public debt−7.76 × 10−6−0.2380.8120.002960.0000.503Random effects
X40Public-debt-to-GDP0.0581.8420.0680.1091110.0000.750Random effects
X41Budget-balance-to-GDP0.2983.1090.002 **0.0811080.0000.039Fixed effects
X42Private-to-public indebtedness0.0770.3460.7300.0011110.0000.025Fixed effects
Household sector
X43Tax on personal-income-to-GDP−0.783−1.1290.2630.0121080.0000.139Random effects
X44Wages and salaries per employee−0.002−2.1590.033 *0.1491080.0000.011Fixed effects
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A7. Results of ordinary least squares regression models for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
Table A7. Results of ordinary least squares regression models for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
SymbolVariableCoefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.
X2Real GDP−0.003−2.9810.004 **0.12962
X3GDP growth−0.232−2.9020.005 **0.12362
X4Real GDP growth−0.232−2.9110.005 **0.12462
X7Gross national income−0.143−2.2230.029 *0.07662
X9GDP deflator−0.074−0.7950.4290.01062
X10Consumer price index (CPI)0.0450.2330.8170.00161
X11Percentage change of CPI0.0420.2340.8160.00162
X12Producer price index−0.026−0.6090.5450.00662
X13Money supply (M2)0.0020.0550.9560.00162
X14International reserves−0.077−1.0180.3130.01762
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita−0.032−1.4300.1580.03362
X16Capital investment−0.011−0.3470.7300.00262
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate0.9092.6890.009 **0.10862
X18Unemployment rate0.8024.3690.000 **0.24162
Real estate market
X19House price index−0.023−0.5790.5640.00561
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita−0.019−0.7230.4720.00962
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP−0.013−0.2910.7720.00162
X22Exports growth rate−0.019−0.7290.4680.00962
X23Imports of goods and services per capita−0.021−0.9190.3610.01362
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP0.0030.0540.9580.00162
X25Imports growth rate−0.022−0.9360.3530.01462
X26Current account balance0.0280.6350.5280.00762
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−0.123−0.8570.3950.01262
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capita−0.158−2.6350.011 *0.10362
Business sector
X31Industrial production index−0.041−0.8550.3860.01262
Financial sector
X35Credit growth0.0130.1450.8850.00162
X36Domestic credit to the private sector−0.0002−1.1520.2540.02262
General government sector
X39Public debt9.54 × 10−50.5880.5590.00562
X42Private-to-public indebtedness−1.286−2.3230.023 *0.08362
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per capita−0.003−2.2980.025 *0.08162
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A8. Results of Least Squares with Breakpoints regression models for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
Table A8. Results of Least Squares with Breakpoints regression models for macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
SymbolVariablePeriods According to Breaks (Bai-Perron)Coefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.
X2Real GDP2005Q2–2011Q2−0.003−2.7790.007 **0.37425
X3GDP growth2005Q2–2011Q2−0.217−2.8270.006 **0.38025
X4Real GDP growth2005Q2–2011Q2−0.217−2.8240.007 **0.38025
X7Gross national income2005Q2–2011Q2−0.211−3.4430.001 **0.39925
X9GDP deflator2005Q2–2008Q3−0.048−0.2830.7780.43215
X10Consumer price index (CPI)2005Q2–2008Q30.0770.1380.8900.43211
X11Percentage change of CPI2005Q2–2008Q30.0610.1460.8850.43212
X12Producer price index2005Q2–2008Q4−0.040−0.7870.4350.54515
X13Money supply (M2)2005Q2–2008Q4−0.079−1.0620.2930.41615
X14International reserves2005Q2–2008Q3−0.069−0.3540.7240.46514
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita2005Q2–2011Q2−0.053−2.2830.026 *0.33725
X16Capital investment2005Q2–2011Q2−0.101−3.0240.004 **0.37425
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate2005Q2–2008Q30.2270.3040.7620.47914
X18Unemployment rate2005Q2–2011Q20.4792.4890.016 *0.43425
2011Q3–2021Q11.0583.2080.002 **37
Real estate market
X19House price index2005Q2–2008Q4−0.014−0.4220.6740.49115
2011Q3–2021Q10.1952.4870.016 *36
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita2005Q2–2008Q4−0.013−0.3590.7210.45915
2009Q1–2011Q2−0.089−2.0350.047 *10
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP2005Q2–2008Q4−0.042−0.7130.4790.45415
X22Exports growth rate2005Q2–2008Q4−0.012−0.3490.7280.47515
2009Q1–2011Q2−0.091−2.0070.049 *10
X23Imports of goods and services per capita2005Q2–2008Q4−0.028−0.8640.3910.45215
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP2005Q2–2008Q4−0.007−0.0980.9230.45615
2009Q1–2011Q2−0.286−2.0330.047 *10
X25Imports growth rate2005Q2–2008Q4−0.028−0.8610.3930.45115
X26Current account balance2005Q2–2008Q30.0530.6900.4830.43214
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)2005Q2–2008Q4−0.229−1.2860.7070.44415
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capita2005Q2–2011Q2−0.197−3.1720.002 **0.40925
Business sector
X32Industrial production index2005Q2–2008Q30.0290.3930.6960.42714
Financial sector
X35Credit growth2005Q2–2011Q2−0.030−3.3610.001 **0.39925
X36Domestic credit to the private sector2005Q2–2011Q2−0.001−4.0380.000 **0.55525
2011Q3–2013Q30.0033.6610.001 **9
2013Q4–2021Q1−6.17 × 10−5−0.1590.87428
General government sector
X39Public debt2005Q2–2008Q3−0.001−0.2320.8170.56214
2011Q3–2017Q4−0.001−3.1240.003 **24
X41Budget balance to GDP2005Q2–2008Q3−0.088−0.3920.6970.65414
2011Q3–2018Q10.2054.8790.000 **25
2018Q2–2021Q1−0.239−2.1220.039 *12
X42Private-to-public indebtedness2005Q2–2011Q2−1.487−3.7060.001 **0.58325
2011Q3–2017Q412.2944.5350.000 **24
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per employee2005Q2–2011Q2−0.005−2.4570.017 *0.34625
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A9. Results of Markov Regime Switching models for or macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
Table A9. Results of Markov Regime Switching models for or macroeconomic determinants of consumer loan credit risk in Lithuania (non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1)).
X2Real GDPRegime 1−0.002−1.0420.298−101.6561.824
Regime 2−0.003−2.5110.012 *
X3GDP growthRegime 1−0.126−1.3790.167−101.3491.649
Regime 2−0.096−0.6990.484
X4Real GDP growthRegime 1−0.215−2.6870.007 **−101.4711.853
Regime 2−0.201−1.2080.227
X7Gross national incomeRegime 11.2882.3560.019 *−97.5091.555
Regime 2−0.161−3.0990.002 **
X9GDP deflatorRegime 1−0.078−0.7670.425−102.3681.661
Regime 20.0070.0560.966
X10Consumer price index (CPI)Regime 10.2430.3380.735129.6791.327
Regime 2−0.065−0.3230.747
X11Percentage change of CPIRegime 10.0650.3290.742105.6171.585
Regime 20.1480.6530.513
X12Producer price indexRegime 1−0.030−0.5730.566−102.1251.643
Regime 2−0.045−0.8930.371
X13Money supply (M2) Regime 10.0190.6480.517106.3991.620
Regime 2−0.052−0.6790.496
X14International reservesRegime 1−0.146−0.5160.605−101.5411.619
Regime 2−0.089−1.3850.296
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capitaRegime 10.8218.1730.000 **−88.4151.771
Regime 2−0.051−3.4580.001 **
X16Capital investmentRegime 1−0.082−1.2960.195−101.5421.727
Regime 20.0260.6950.487
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rateRegime 17.1137.0340.000 **−96.8671.861
Regime 20.4011.4680.142
X18Unemployment rateRegime 12.5383.5170.000 **−94.4011.657
Regime 20.6494.0730.000 **
Real estate market
X19House price indexRegime 1−0.034−1.0860.277−100.0141.253
Regime 21.7932.2450.025 *
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capitaRegime 1−0.005−0.1660.689−101.5981.624
Regime 2−0.049−1.4190.156
X21Exports of goods and service to GDPRegime 1−0.008−0.1710.864−102.3101.607
Regime 2−0.056−0.8480.396
X22Exports growth rateRegime 1−0.051−1.4090.159−101.6231.631
Regime 2−0.003−0.1090.913
X23Imports of goods and services per capitaRegime 1−0.035−1.2160.224104.8991.617
Regime 2−0.002−0.0770.938
X24Imports of goods and service to GDPRegime 1−0.091−0.9890.323−102.1031.610
Regime 2−0.019−0.3680.713
X25Imports growth rateRegime 1−0.036−1.2110.226−101.9091.622
Regime 2−0.001−0.0130.989
X26Current account balanceRegime 1−0.016−0.6140.538−91.2072.205
Regime 22.15010.0040.000 **
X27Trade-balance-to-GDPRegime 10.3980.9550.339−102.0721.599
Regime 2−0.121−0.5010.616
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)Regime 1−0.064−0.3450.729−102.2321.662
Regime 2−0.096−0.4530.651
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capitaRegime 1−0.196−3.0370.002 **−100.0811.909
Regime 2−0.141−1.6370.102
Business sector
X31Industrial production indexRegime 1−0.011−0.1290.897−102.6811.638
Regime 2−0.012−0.2510.802
Financial sector
X35Credit growthRegime 1−0.030−2.7560.006 **−100.3281.709
Regime 20.0141.2690.204
X36Domestic credit to the private sectorRegime 1−0.001−3.5210.000 **−97.3051.888
Regime 20.0012.6910.007 **
General government sector
X39Public debtRegime 1−0.0022.8520.004 **−100.1391.449
Regime 20.0011.8030.071
X40Public-debt-to-GDPRegime 10.0530.6410.522−102.4681.605
Regime 2−0.041−0.2200.826
X41Budget-balance-to-GDPRegime 10.7009.3560.000 **−92.4081.131
Regime 2−0.018−0.3720.710
X42Private-to-public indebtednessRegime 1−1.554−3.7810.000 **−94.9151.535
Regime 215.5753.0550.002 **
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per employeeRegime 1−0.003−2.0300.042 *−106.7871.487
Regime 20.0070.5040.614
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A10. Results of panel regression analysis for total loans for consumption (Y2) in CEE countries.
Table A10. Results of panel regression analysis for total loans for consumption (Y2) in CEE countries.
General Macroeconomic Conditions Factors
SymbolVariableCoefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.F TestHausman TestModel
X2Real GDP−0.003−0.1590.8730.0781150.0000.007Fixed effects
X3GDP growth−34.926−0.9510.3440.011880.0000.808Random effects
X4Real GDP growth−69.884−1.2050.2310.015990.0000.583Random effects
X6GDP gal (Output gap)24.4120.3280.7440.0011150.0000.098Random effects
X7Gross national income−30.648−0.5150.6070.0021350.0000.128Random effects
X8Gross national expenditure−103.971−1.6940.0930.0211390.0000.886Random effects
X9GDP deflator117.4111.0950.3090.0081300.0000.593Random effects
X10Consumer price index (CPI)232.0071.7420.0840.0231300.0000.337Random effects
X11Percentage change of CPI107.5021.1160.2670.0091390.0000.485Random effects
X12Producer price index (PPI)5.3790.0970.9230.0011020.0000.831Random effects
X13Money supply (M2) 10.4891.1150.2670.0091390.0000.668Random effects
X14International reserves72.5881.1770.2410.0091390.0000.081Random effects
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita−15.089−0.8420.4010.0061280.0000.558Random effects
X16Capital investment−83.957−1.1440.2550.0091390.0000.829Random effects
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate−44.346−1.3660.1740.0151280.0000.898Random effects
X18Unemployment rate−141.013−4.7270.000 **0.1571230.0000.136Random effects
Real estate market
X19House price index23.4050.9770.3300.0081270.0000.804Random effects
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita−6.201−0.3070.7590.0011370.0000.700Random effects
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP62.8021.9840.049 *0.0271390.0000.104Random effects
X22Exports growth rate−7.218−0.3510.7260.0011370.0000.479Random effects
X23Imports of goods and services per capita−13.067−0.7180.4740.0041370.0000.865Random effects
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP55.3321.3720.1720.0131390.0000.072Random effects
X25Imports growth rate−14.075−0.7610.4480.0041370.0000.610Random effects
X26Current account balance−29.053−0.6620.5090.0031390.0000.086Random effects
X27Trade-balance-to-GDP75.7902.7660.007 **0.0531390.0000.773Random effects
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−7.698−0.3820.7030.0011380.0000.368Random effects
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capita0.2061.2310.2210.0121300.0000.362Random effects
Business sector
X31Industrial production index104.2142.2110.035 *0.144320.0000.880Random effects
X32Industry-value-to-GDP58.4290.5790.5630.0021390.0000.294Random effects
X33Business Freedom−62.287−0.9460.3460.0071300.0000.251Random effects
Financial sector
X35Credit growth0.2142.9040.049 *0.0581390.0000.439Random effects
X36Domestic credit to the private sector−0.013−0.2010.8410.0021280.0000.000Fixed effects
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDP32.6831.4930.1380.0171370.0000.214Random effects
General government sector
X39Public debt0.0541.5540.1230.0351180.0000.000Fixed effects
X40Public-debt-to-GDP−15.164−0.6190.5370.0031390.0000.560Random effects
X41Budget-balance-to-GDP−70.621−0.9780.3290.0071300.0000.680Random effects
X42Private-to-public indebtedness44.6810.4830.6300.0021390.0000.348Random effects
Household sector
X43Tax on personal income to GDP29.2910.0660.9470.0011300.0000.522Random effects
X44Wages and salaries per employee0.3670.5680.5710.0021300.0000.137Random effects
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A11. Results of ordinary least squares regression models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
Table A11. Results of ordinary least squares regression models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
SymbolVariableCoefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.
X2Real GDP0.0862.2900.025 *0.07567
X3GDP growth7.7092.4910.015 *0.08767
X4Real GDP growth7.6662.4850.016 *0.08767
X7Gross national income8.0563.6180.001 **0.16966
X9GDP deflator2.2350.6530.5160.00767
X10Consumer price index (CPI)1.9370.2940.7690.00167
X11Percentage change of CPI1.2910.2010.8420.00168
X12Producer price index3.1692.0670.043 *0.06267
X13Money supply (M2) −0.096−0.0790.9380.000167
X14International reserves−2.424−0.8440.4010.01167
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita2.0662.5550.013 *0.09167
X16Capital investment6.1136.8170.000 **0.41767
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate−19.786−1.5330.1300.03567
X18Unemployment rate−8.624−1.1100.2710.01867
Real estate market
X19House price index−0.324−0.2120.8330.00163
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita1.6091.6150.1110.03967
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP1.4060.8470.4000.01167
X22Exports growth rate1.7401.7330.0880.04467
X23Imports of goods and services per capita1.4191.6900.0960.04267
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP0.6660.3390.7360.00267
X25Imports growth rate1.5311.8030.0760.04767
X26Current account balance−0.037−0.0230.9820.000167
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)−2.543−0.4790.6330.00368
X30Final consumption expenditure per capita5.9522.6940.009 **0.10067
Business sector
X31Industrial production index−0.679−0.9890.3260.01568
Financial sector
X35Credit growth1.5385.2500.000 **0.29967
X36Domestic credit to the private sector0.0477.9390.000 **0.49666
General government sector
X39Public debt−0.014−2.4480.017 *0.08467
X40Public-debt-to-GDP−6.736−2.1550.035 *0.06865
X41Budget-balance-to-GDP6.2732.8930.005 **0.11666
X42Private-to-public indebtedness95.7725.2130.000 **0.29567
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per employee0.1252.2470.028 *0.07366
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A12. Results of Least Squares with Breakpoints regression models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
Table A12. Results of Least Squares with Breakpoints regression models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
SymbolVariablePeriods According to Breaks (Bai-Perron)Coefficientt-StatisticProb.R Sq.Observ.
X2Real GDP2005Q2–2008Q30.0720.5870.5590.41314
X3GDP growth2005Q2–2008Q34.6110.5050.6150.08714
X4Real GDP growth2005Q2–2008Q34.6290.5040.6160.41014
X7Gross national income2005Q2–2008Q3−1.869−0.2370.8130.43114
2008Q4–2021Q34.6282.2580.028 *52
X9GDP deflator2005Q2–2008Q3−4.144−0.6900.4950.50714
X10Consumer price index (CPI)2005Q3–2008Q313.6010.9100.3660.51113
X11Percentage change of CPI2005Q2–2008Q310.7790.9200.3610.50814
X12Producer price index (PPI)2005Q2–2008Q3−2.320−0.6920.4910.51714
X13Money supply (M2)2005Q2–2008Q3−0.478−0.1520.8790.53614
2008Q4–2011Q45.0322.1240.038 *13
X14International reserves2005Q2–2008Q38.5501.3130.1940.57814
2008Q4–2011Q4−23.782−3.0340.004 **13
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capita2005Q2–2008Q31.0210.6170.5390.51914
X16Capital investment2005Q2–2012Q18.7217.9410.000 **0.51728
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rate2005Q2–2008Q321.5220.8210.4150.54914
2008Q4–2011Q434.5362.3470.022 *13
X18Unemployment rate2005Q2–2008Q3−3.087−0.2620.7940.50414
Real estate market
X19House price index2005Q2–2008Q3−0.311−0.2340.8160.43514
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capita2005Q2–2008Q3−0.243−0.1450.8850.51714
X21Exports of goods and services to GDP2005Q2–2008Q3−1.578−0.4840.6230.51314
X22Exports growth rate2005Q2–2008Q3−0.138−0.0820.9350.51714
X23Imports of goods and services per capita2005Q2–2008Q3−0.927−0.5160.6080.51414
X24Imports of goods and services to GDP2005Q2–2008Q3−0.349−0.1080.9140.51914
X25Imports growth rate2005Q2–2008Q3−0.825−0.4540.6520.51414
X26Current account balance2005Q2–2008Q32.7891.0550.2960.51914
X29Consumer confidence index2005Q2–2008Q3−2.156−0.2460.807 14
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capita2005Q2–2008Q3−2.564−0.3740.7090.40614
Business sector
X31Industrial production index2005Q2–2008Q43.0831.5050.137 15
2009Q1–2011Q412.4642.6680.009 **12
2012Q1–2021Q1−1.038−2.0430.045 *41
Financial sector
X35Credit growth2005Q2–2008Q3−1.299−1.7050.0930.53314
X36Domestic credit to the private sector2005Q2–2008Q30.0030.2100.8340.56714
2008Q4–2021Q30.0455.3070.000 **52
General government sector
X39Public debt2005Q2–2008Q30.0391.1410.2580.63714
2008Q4–2011Q4−0.062−4.5840.000 **13
2008Q4–2011Q4−12.531−2.2980.025 *13
2008Q4–2011Q414.7946.8080.000 **13
X42Private-to-public indebtedness2005Q2–2008Q3−18.513−0.5670.5730.51014
2008Q4–2021Q486.3513.9920.000 **53
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per employee2005Q2–2008Q3−0.113−0.6810.4980.42114
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A13. Results of Markov Regime Switching models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
Table A13. Results of Markov Regime Switching models for total loans for consumption (Y2) in Lithuania.
X2Real GDPRegime 10.0521.5240.127−350.9032.141
Regime 20.1121.0860.277
X3GDP growthRegime 14.2621.4730.141−351.0732.114
Regime 28.0629.3620.389
X4Real GDP growthRegime 18.1040.8690.385−351.0642.116
Regime 24.2571.4720.141
X7Gross national incomeRegime 132.7101.4810.139−342.6031.635
Regime 27.3623.9360.000 **
X9GDP deflatorRegime 12.3290.7530.451−352.0781.997
Regime 2−3.564−0.5980.549
X10Consumer price index (CPI)Regime 1−58.523−0.7750.439−365.2451.359
Regime 21.5770.2690.788
X11Percentage change of CPIRegime 1−1.465−0.2390.811−359.3091.829
Regime 29.8110.7400.459
X12Producer price index (PPI)Regime 11.5601.0710.285−251.7821.999
Regime 2−2.333−0.5980.550
X13Money supply (M2)Regime 1−0.289−0.0450.964−352.3971.932
Regime 20.6110.5800.562
X14International reservesRegime 1−3.542−1.4580.145−350.7611.986
Regime 2−3.565−2.3060.266
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capitaRegime 12.5350.8840.377−351.2122.038
Regime 20.9641.1330.257
X16Capital investmentRegime 15.8158.7520.000 **−327.5101.899
Regime 21.8170.0190.985
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rateRegime 1−31.914−2.9610.003 **−349.8191.602
Regime 2153.1482.2550.024 *
X18Unemployment rateRegime 1171.4374.0060.000 **−351.1731.412
Regime 2−16.327−2.5230.011 *
Real estate market
X19House price indexRegime 1−0.293−0.1890.849−330.8871.999
Regime 24.7571.7820.075
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capitaRegime 10.9501.0050.315−353.0281.951
Regime 2−0.144−0.0660.948
X21Exports of goods and services to GDPRegime 1−9.920−1.5790.114−352.1451.964
Regime 2−1.537−0.4080.683
X22Exports growth rateRegime 1−0.023−0.0640.949−351.9391.949
Regime 21.0381.0860.278
X23Imports of goods and services per capitaRegime 10.8561.1270.259−351.7961.979
Regime 2−0.914−0.4260.670
X24Imports of goods and services to GDPRegime 1−0.166−0.0640.949−352.4951.937
Regime 20.7320.4140.679
X25Imports growth rateRegime 1−0.798−0.3650.716−351.7281.977
Regime 20.9261.2020.229
X26Current account balanceRegime 145.7113.5230.000 **−354.3461.339
Regime 2−0.604−0.4170.677
X27Trade-balance-to-GDPRegime 1−634.462−6.2060.000 **−352.9191.484
Regime 2−10.185−1.4490.147
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)Regime 1−1.977−0.1540.877−359.6061.881
Regime 21.4750.2590.796
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capitaRegime 1−2.522−0.333−0.730−351.4121.976
Regime 22.9501.4250.154
Business sector
X31Industrial production indexRegime 1−0.417−0.6710.502−359.2561.748
Regime 22.1731.3510.177
Financial sector
X35Credit growthRegime 1−46.772−1.9540.051−338.4861.432
Regime 21.4236.0160.000 **
X36Domestic credit to the private sectorRegime 10.17310.7330.000 **−318.3072.426
Regime 20.0389.2710.000 **
General government sector
X39Public debtRegime 10.0390.8890.374−349.3531.928
Regime 2−0.001−2.2920.022 *
X40Public-debt-to-GDPRegime 1−4.488−1.6760.094−340.5292.110
Regime 211.3850.8850.377
X41Budget-balance-to-GDPRegime 11.2990.7170.474−335.6121.426
Regime 220.9638.3720.000 **
X42Private-to-public indebtednessRegime 1889.8573.9740.000 **−339.0372.164
Regime 285.8875.8950.000 **
Households sector
X44Wages and salaries per employeeRegime 10.0951.8010.072−345.8452.050
Regime 2−0.120−0.6780.497
Source: compiled by the authors. Note: **—99% confidence level; *—95% confidence level.
Table A14. Summary of the results for total loans for consumption (Y2).
Table A14. Summary of the results for total loans for consumption (Y2).
SymbolVariableCEE Panel EstimationLithuania Simple RegressionLithuania Regression with Structural BreaksLithuania under Different Regimes
X2Real GDPInsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
X3GDP growthInsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
X4Real GDP growthInsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
X6Output gapInsignificant---
X7Gross national incomeInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positive
Sign. positive/Insig.
X8Gross national expenditureInsignificant---
X9GDP deflatorInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X10Consumer price index (CPI)InsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X11Percentage change of CPIInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X12Producer price index (PPI)InsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
X13Money supply (M2)InsignificantInsignificantSign. positive
X14International reservesInsignificantInsignificantSign. negative
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capitaInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. PositiveInsignificant
X16Capital investmentInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positive
Sign. Positive/Insig.
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rateInsignificantInsignificantSign. positive
Sign. Positive/Sign. negative
X18Unemployment rateSign. negativeInsignificantInsignificantSign. Positive/Sign. negative
Real estate market
X19House price indexInsignificantInsignificant Insignificant
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capitaInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X21Exports of goods and services to GDPSign. Positive InsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X22Exports growth rateInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X23Imports of goods and services to GDPInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X24Imports of goods and services per capitaInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X25Imports growth rateInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X26Current account balanceInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantSign. Positive/Insig.
X27Trade balance to GDPSign. Positive InsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative/Insig.
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)InsignificantInsignificant
X30Final consumption expenditure per capitaInsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
Business sector
X31Industrial production indexSign. PositiveInsignificantSign. positive
(2009Q1–2011Q4)/Sign. Negative (2012Q1–2021Q1)/Insig.
X33Business FreedomInsignificant---
Financial sector
X35Credit growthSign. Positive Sign. PositiveInsignificantSign. Positive/Insig.
X36Domestic credit to the private sectorInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positive
Sign. Positive
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDPInsignificant---
General government sector
X39Public debtInsignificantSign. NegativeSign. negative
Sign. Negative/Insig.
X40Public-debt-to-GDPInsignificantSign. Negative Sign. negative
X41Budget-balance-to-GDPInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positive
Sign. Positive/Insig
X42Private-to-public indebtednessInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positive
Sign. Positive
Households sector
X43Tax on personal income to GDPInsignificant- -
X44Wages and salaries per employeeInsignificantSign. PositiveInsignificantInsignificant
Table A15. Summary of the results for non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1).
Table A15. Summary of the results for non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans ratio (Y1).
Panel Estimation
Ordinary Least Squares Regression
Least Squares with Breakpoints Regression
Markov Regime-Switching Model
Results of Hypothesis Testing
Dependent variable—Y1—Non-performing loans for consumption-to-total loans
X2Real GDPInsignificantSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.H1:
CEE—not supported; Lithuania—supported
X3GDP growthSign. PositiveSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Insignificant
X4Real GDP growthSign. PositiveSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.
X6Output gapInsignificant---
X7Gross national incomeInsignificantSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/
Sign. Positive
X8Gross national expenditureInsignificant---
X9GDP deflatorSign. NegativeInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantH2:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—supported
X10Consumer confidence index (CPI)Sign. NegativeInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X11Percentage change of CPISign. NegativeInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X12Producer price indexInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X13Money supply (M2)InsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantH3:
CEE—not supported; Lithuania—not supported
X14International reservesInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X15Gross fixed capital formation per capitaInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/
Sign. Positive
CEE—not supported; Lithuania—partially supported
X16Capital investmentInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Insignificant
Labour market
X17Long-term unemployment rateSign. PositiveSign. PositiveInsignificantSign. Positive/Insig.H5:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—supported
X18Unemployment rateInsignificantSign. PositiveSign. positiveSign. Positive
Real estate market
X19House price indexSign. negativeInsignificantSign. Positive (2011Q3–2021Q1)/Insig.Sign. Positive/Insig.H6:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—not supported
Trade and trade composition
X20Exports of goods and services per capitaInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2009Q1–2011Q2)/Insig.InsignificantH7:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—neither rejected nor supported
X21Exports of goods and service to GDPInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X22Exports growth rateInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2009Q1–2011Q2)/Insig.Insignificant
X23Imports of goods and services per capitaInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X24Imports of goods and service-ti-GDPInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2009Q1–2011Q2)/Insig.Insignificant
X25Imports growth rateInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificant
X26Current account balanceSign. negativeInsignificantInsignificantSign. Positive/Insig.
X29Consumer confidence index (CCI)Sign. negativeInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantH8:
CEE—partially supported; Lithuania—partially supported
X30Final consumption expenditure of households per capitaInsignificantSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.
Business sector
X31Industrial production indexInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantInsignificantH9:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—supported
X32Industry value/GDPSign. positive---
X33Business FreedomInsignificant---
Financial sector
X34Credit growthInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.H10:
CEE—partially supported; Lithuania—not supported
X36Domestic credit to the private sectorInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/
Sign. Positive (2011Q3–2013Q3)
Sign. Negative/
Sign. Positive
X37Domestic credit to private-sector-to-GDPSign. Positive---
General government sector
X39Public debtInsignificantInsignificantSign. Negative (2011Q3–2017Q4)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.H11:
CEE—supported; Lithuania—not supported
X41Budget-balance-to-GDPSign. NegativeInsignificantSign. Negative (2018Q2–2021Q1)/
Sign. Positive (2011Q3–2018Q1)
Sign. Positive/Insig.
X42Private-to-public indebtednessInsignificantSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/
Sign. Positive (2011Q3–2017Q4)
Sign. Negative/
Sign. Positive
Households sector
X43Tax on personal income to GDPInsignificant---H12:
CEE—neither rejected nor supported; Lithuania—neither rejected nor supported
X44Wages and salaries per employeeSign. negativeSign. NegativeSign. Negative (2005Q2–2011Q2)/Insig.Sign. Negative/Insig.
Source: compiled by the authors.


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Figure 1. Classifications of factors influencing banking credit risk.
Figure 1. Classifications of factors influencing banking credit risk.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kanapickienė, R.; Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, G.; Teresienė, D.; Špicas, R.; Neifaltas, A. Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk: Evidence on the Impact on Consumer Credit in Central and Eastern European Countries. Sustainability 2022, 14, 13219.

AMA Style

Kanapickienė R, Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė G, Teresienė D, Špicas R, Neifaltas A. Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk: Evidence on the Impact on Consumer Credit in Central and Eastern European Countries. Sustainability. 2022; 14(20):13219.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kanapickienė, Rasa, Greta Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, Deimantė Teresienė, Renatas Špicas, and Airidas Neifaltas. 2022. "Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk: Evidence on the Impact on Consumer Credit in Central and Eastern European Countries" Sustainability 14, no. 20: 13219.

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