ICT Supported Urban Sustainability by Example of Silesian Metropolis
:1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
- Research gap identification: The ICT Application in Smart Sustainable Cities
- Collecting material (Scopus, Web of Science, norms, standards, reports, strategies, best practices, etc.)
- The literature review and best practices of ICT in urban sustainability development
- The case study of Silesian Metropolis
- MEAM concept in ArchiMate 3.0 framework
- The holistic view of SMEAM concept for sustainable Silesian Metropolis development
- ICT implementation examples in SMEAM
3. Urban Sustainability Literature Review and ICT Application Development in Sustainable Smart Metropolises
- Percentage of the labor force employed in the ICT sector;
- Number of computers, laptops, tablets, or other digital learning devices available per 1000 students;
- Number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high education degrees per 100,000 population;
- Percentage of payments to the city that are paid electronically based on electronic invoices;
- Annual number of online visits to the municipal open data portal per 100,000 citizens;
- Percentage of city services requested online;
- Average downtime of the city’s ICT infrastructure;
- Percentage of the city’s population having online access to healthcare providers;
- Percentage of households with smart energy or water meters;
- Percentage of public recreation services that can be booked online;
- Percentage of the city area covered by digital surveillance camera;
- Percentage of waste containers equipped with telemetering;
- Number of online bookings for cultural events per 100,000 citizens;
- Number of e-book titles per 100,000 population;
- Percentage of the city population with access to fast broadband;
- Percentage of city area not covered by telecommunication connectivity;
- Percentage of city streets covered by real time online traffic alerts and information;
- Percentage of public transport lines equipped with publicly accessible real-time information system;
- Percentage of public parking spaces equipped with e-payment systems;
- Percentage of public transport routes with municipally provided and managed Internet connectivity for commuters;
- Percentage of the city’s land area covered by an online food-supplier mapping system.
- Mobile services and mobile apps;
- The Dark Web and cyber-criminal attacks;
- Internet of Things;
- The Cloud computing and tradeoffs between planned performance and digital defense;
- Industrial Control Systems, fires, industrial accidents;
- Meteorological and surveillance satellites;
- Cybersecurity for military systems, where special capabilities and processes are necessary;
- Diagnostic systems to discover cyber vulnerabilities.
- Natural Resources and Energy;
- Transport and Mobility;
- Buildings;
- Living;
- Government;
- Economy and People.
4. The ICT-Based Urban Sustainable Development—The Case Study of Silesian Metropolis (Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin)
- Shaping the spatial order;
- Stimulating the social and economic development of the union;
- Conducting logistic activities in the context of the public collective transport system, including the organization of metropolitan passenger transport;
- Cooperation with entities responsible for the route of national and provincial roads passing through the area of the Metropolis;
- Conducting promotional activities of the union and its area.
- An action plan for the Silesian Metropolis has also been developed. The following goals were defined in the document titled Strategic Action Program for the Metropolis GZM until 2022 [63].
- Shaping the spatial and ecological order—increasing the importance of green areas, rational water management, integration of waste management (“circular economy”) and reduction of electricity consumption; the goal is to increase the importance of ecology in the Metropolis;
- Development of urban mobility and sustainable urban mobility—integration of entities organizing public transport, optimization of connections, launching bus lines towards the airport and integration of the tariff and ticket offer, as well as the purchase of emission-free buses and the creation of the Metropolitan Bike system;
- Socio-economic development—subsidies from the Silesian Metropolis Solidarity Fund, the beneficiaries of which are the municipalities belonging to it, testing and popularizing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and conducting a senior policy;
- Promotion of the Metropolis and its area—building a brand and metropolitan awareness, including promoting the advantages of member communes and the entire area, as well as cooperation with other metropolises in the world and participation in international events;
- Institutional development—for example, the establishment of the Metropolitan Socio-Economic Observatory, a platform for good practices or an internal management system.
- Implementation of metropolitan lines and lines operating in the delivery and delivery system;
- Introduction of process management in ZTM (Metropolitan Transport Association);
- Process optimization of the connection network—adapted to the changing the evolving needs of passengers;
- Standardizing the functionality and appearance of stops and ticket machines;
- Purchase of additional ticket machines;
- Creating applications that improve the comfort of using public transport;
- Modernization of the System of the Silesian Public Services Card (ŚKUP);
- Introduction of a metropolitan system of automatic passenger counting in vehicles commissioned by the ZTM;
- Integrated tariff and ticket system in public transport—extension of the Metroticket with new groups entitled to use and new types of tickets;
- Construction of the Metropolitan Railway;
- Metropolitan Bike—implementation of a bicycle rental system on the premises of GZM;
- Construction of velostrads;
- Develop a sustainable urban mobility plan;
- Expansion of the road system of strategic importance for the GZM area (DTŚ north, DTŚ east, Chorzów bypass);
- Development of the GZM Development Strategy for the years 2021–2027 with a perspective until 2035;
- Organization of the celebration of the Metropolis—an innovation festival integrating municipalities and residents;
- A promotional campaign for the Metropolis as a good place to live, work, study, and spend free time;
- Building an International Cooperation Network;
- GZM Data Store (stage II)—launching an open data platform;
- Activities related to the pursuit of an energy self-sufficient metropolis by 2050;
- Integrated municipal waste management in the GZM area;
- Development and implementation of a metropolitan air quality improvement program;
- ELENA program—improving the energy efficiency of multi-family buildings in the GZM.
- Metropolitan Railway conception with study for tram communication in the area of GZM (supplement to WSWKM), and co-financing of rail connections in the Metropolis from 2019;
- Preparation of standards and guidelines for shaping bicycle infrastructure;
- Development of the Study of the System of Bicycle Routes for GZM;
- By bike or on a wheel—purchase of electric bikes for city and commune offices, City Guards and the Police;
- Publication of a guide to encourage residents to reflect on their travel habits;
- Development of the concept of road connections of metropolitan importance;
- Metropolitan Fund for the Support of Science—a project enabling cooperation between universities and the world academics class;
- Signing a cooperation agreement with the Ruhr Metropolis, joint activities for the development of regions;
- Creation of the Metropolitan Socio-Economic Observatory and the InfoGZM portal (successive database building, monitoring of changes, and processes taking place in GZM);
- Electricity Purchasing Group 2019 (73 ordering parties);
- Metropolis on the side of the environment—preparation of educational materials for the inhabitants of the Metropolis on how to prevent drought and small retention;
- Action program to reduce low emissions;
- Metropolitan Solidarity Fund 2018, 2019 equalizing development opportunities for municipalities.
5. Metropolis Ecosystem Architecture Model
- The Business layer covering services, processes, objects, actors;
- The Application layer including software elements and application processes;
- The Technology layer depicting technology services such as processing, storage, and communication networks.
- Development of green areas, rational management of water resources, waste management, electricity consumption;
- Sustainable public transport, zero-emission buses, reconstruction of road network;
- Creating the Data Store as an open data repository on various metropolitan projects;
- Cooperation with similar metropolitan associations in country and abroad;
- Development of internal management system and metropolis strategy.
- Standardization of visual identification of vehicles;
- Expansion of the Dynamic Passenger Information System (SDIP II) with new 462 electronic boards and a new dispatching system;
- Improving the quality of services provided directly by operators subject to the ZTM;
- Construction, reconstruction and renovation of bus shelters—development of standards for models of bus shelters in the area of the Metropolis, preparation of procedures for a joint purchase of new shelters, arrangements with municipalities;
- eMagazyn—electronic ticket warehouse for sale in mobile applications;
- Implementation of a mobile application for travel planning and presentation of passenger information;
- Trams—a project aimed at improving tram communication (analysis of the causes of delays, shortening the travel time);
- Automatic passenger counting system—proceedings for the delivery of software, with the possibility of connecting 160 vehicles already equipped with counting gates;
- Integrated tariff and ticket system—ongoing tariff update, preparation of assumptions for the new tariff in connection with the modification of the ŚKUP system;
- Metropolitan Railway: starting work on the preliminary feasibility study (WSWKM), submission of 15 applications to the Kolej Plus Program (6 cable and 9 points) with municipalities;
- Metropolitan bike: the concept of a bicycle rental system;
- Velostrady—concepts for the course of the fast bicycle route on the sections: Katowice–the cities of the Dąbrowski Basin, Katowice–Bytom, and Katowice Tychy;
- Mobile Metropolis—analysis project and improving urban mobility (diagnosis, testing the habits of the inhabitants of the Metropolis);
- Introduction of a uniform standard for the maintenance of Drogowa Trasa Średnicowa (DTŚ);
- Central European Drone Demonstrator—creating a new branch of development for science and business, testing new possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles;
- Senior-friendly metropolis—activities for a coherent social policy towards the elderly;
- Young People Make Metropolis—a project involving pupils and students in work on the development directions of GZM;
- Implementation of international projects allowing for the exchange of experiences, good practices and mutual promotion;
- GZM Data Store (stage I)—creating a platform, inventorying data sets in communes;
- Electricity Purchasing Group 2020–2021 (113 ordering parties)—Gas Purchasing Group 2020–2021 (25 ordering parties);
- Installation of Thermal Waste Conversion;
- Pioneers into Practise program—energy self-sufficiency of GZM until 2050, implemented jointly with the Polish Academy of Sciences and EIT Climate-KIC;
- Metropolitan Solidarity Fund 2020.
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
- Integration of the previous three public transport organizers (KZK GOP, MZKP Tarnowskie Góry, MZK Tychy);
- Launch of airport bus lines between the main cities of the Metropolis and the Katowice International Airport in Pyrzowice;
- Implementation of a free ticket for children and youth up to 16 years of age;
- Launch of the Traffic Management Center;
- Launching the ŚKUP mobile application;
- Implementation of the ŚKUP system in vehicles in the Tychy area with the launch of payment for tickets with a contactless card (solution awarded with an award in the Smart City Competition);
- Shipment of ŚKUP cards to the passenger’s/customer’s home;
- Metroticket—introduction of a joint monthly ticket for public transport (bus, tram, trolleybus) and Koleje Śląskie trains.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Authors | Findings | CN * |
1 | Larin et al. [8] | The organization of high-speed passenger transportation in metropolises is substantiated. Authors proposed to use the tube-type high-speed rail lines system that provides synchronous and balanced air exchange during the train movement. | 0 |
2 | Kramarz & Przybylska, [9] | Authors focused on the analysis of the impact of multimodal freight transport on sustainable development of the cities in the Silesian Metropolis. Authors identified factors that should be included in city strategy for sustainable development. | 0 |
3 | Matusiewicz et al. [10] | The sustainable urban freight transport in Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot metropolis in Poland is a challenge. Authors present their survey results. They argue that the collected opinions are important for the sustainable urban logistics plans in many European cities. | 5 |
4 | Huang & Wey, [11] | Authors explore and summarize the design criteria of Green Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) for the next-generation metropolis. The applied research methodology covers literature review and gathering expert opinions. Authors have used Fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDT), Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP), and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The research approach is recommended as an initial reference for improving the planning and design of sustainable transportation environment. | 7 |
No | Authors | Findings | CN * |
1 | Medeiros et al. [12] | Authors investigated the way in which urban planning policies helped to renew the waterfront areas in the Lisbon metropolis. This initiative changed industrial and harbor areas into leisure, ecological, and touristic places. | 2 |
2 | Shah et al. [13] | Authors presented an eco-efficiency analysis of eco-industrial development projects at the industrial park level and at the regional level. The analytical reports concern reduction of waste generation and energy use related to the technological improvements and urban-industrial symbiosis. | 20 |
3 | Gong & Hu, [14] | Authors argue that ecological infrastructure planning is a way of constructing urban ecological grid for metropolises, cities, and towns. According to authors, ecological infrastructure is to ensure fresh air, food, recreation, safety, aesthetics, and education. The article covers an example of Philadelphia ecological storm water infrastructure planning, implementation, and assessment. | 4 |
4 | Toubin et al. [15] | Urban resilience is considered a challenge for metropolises. By example of the City of Paris, authors revealed the short- and long-term impacts, spatial dependencies, and inequalities. Technical networks and urban services providing water, public transportation, etc. are interested in applying the resilience concept. The city auto diagnosis identified the service dependencies and its capacity for operation in case of disturbances. | 18 |
No | Authors | Findings | CN * |
1 | Orttung et al. [17] | Authors highlight urban problems in Arctic cities outside of Russia and the possibilities for the cities to adapt to changes in the global environment and economy. | 2 |
2 | Yin et al. [18] | Flood disaster preparedness is a challenge, which is highlighted as a way to manage the flood risk in Accra Metropolis, Ghana. The research work revealed that income, education, house ownership, and communication among residents as well as individual characteristics have a significant positive impact on preparedness for flood disasters. Authors suggested that effective policies to mitigate flood risk must be communicated to residents. | 0 |
3 | Lu et al. [19] | The efficient use of land and the coordination of stakeholders’ interests in suburban villages are metropolitan challenges. Authors provide practical guidance on how to integrate urban and rural areas. | 0 |
4 | Dhanaraj & Angadi [20] | The availability of geospatial data for generating information databases and models to support local scale decision-making processes is a challenge in developing countries. However, the remote sensing technology is cost-effective and efficient to collect urban data, to integrate them with various geographical information systems, and to build statistical models. | 1 |
5 | Alfasi & Margalit, [21] | The challenge is to remove the obstacles related to planning and regulations that stem from the structure of urban planning organizations and the incompatibilities between them and new technology opportunities. Hence, the timely adaptation of programs and means, communication between urban and governmental bodies, and preparation for frequent coordination and consultation in various combinations are necessary. | 0 |
6 | Henderson & Lawhon, [22] | The challenge is to change the thinking that big cities are less green and less desirable places to live. Authors emphasized the multiplicity of environmental initiatives to point out possibilities for sustainable future. | 0 |
7 | ArastehTaleshmekaill et al. [23] | In Teheran Metropolis, the challenge is the development of renewable energy sources and their application in different sectors to achieve sustainability. Authors focus on the application of specific stimuli and incentives for electricity producers to accelerate the renewable energy usage. | 2 |
8 | Ghalehteimouri et al. [24] | Authors analyze the competitiveness of metropolises in Iran. They indicate that commuting time, traffic, property price, and healthcare are factors in the selection of a living place. They conclude that metropolises’ competitiveness should be a driver to stimulate sustainable development | 0 |
9 | Jesudass et al. [25] | The research work aimed at developing an integrated model for waste management by studying the waste management practices in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Authors proposed a decentralized model of management so that the transportation and huge landfilling is avoided and transportation cost is reduced. | 0 |
10 | Soyinka & Siu, [26] | Authors investigated urban informality, housing insecurity, and social exclusion in Hong Kong and Lagos metropolises. Authors argue that sustainable urban development should be based on economic empowerment, adequate housing strategies, and social and environmental interaction design strategies. | 12 |
ICT Application Domains | |
“Soft” Domains | “Hard” Domains |
Education and culture | Energy grids |
Social inclusion and welfare | Public lighting, natural resources, and water management |
Public administration and (e-) government | Waste management |
Economy | Environment |
Transport, mobility, and logistics | |
Office and residential buildings | |
Healthcare | |
Public security |
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Share and Cite
Pańkowska, M.; Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. ICT Supported Urban Sustainability by Example of Silesian Metropolis. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1586. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031586
Pańkowska M, Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz A. ICT Supported Urban Sustainability by Example of Silesian Metropolis. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1586. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031586
Chicago/Turabian StylePańkowska, Małgorzata, and Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz. 2022. "ICT Supported Urban Sustainability by Example of Silesian Metropolis" Sustainability 14, no. 3: 1586. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031586
APA StylePańkowska, M., & Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. (2022). ICT Supported Urban Sustainability by Example of Silesian Metropolis. Sustainability, 14(3), 1586. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031586