Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary
- Why is smart and sustainable urban electromobility needed, and how can it help in addressing some colossal urban and environmental problems?
- Which technologies, infrastructures and systems are needed for developing smart and sustainable urban electromobility networks?
- When can smart and sustainable urban electromobility become relatively affordable for wider adoption in cities?
- Where are the most suitable locations to trial and operationalize smart and sustainable urban electromobility systems?
- Who are the key stakeholders of smart and sustainable urban electromobility to support the development and uptake?
- What do experts, authorities, service providers, electric vehicle users, and community at large think on smart and sustainable urban electromobility?
- How can the development and adoption of smart and sustainable urban electromobility systems be incentivized and regulated?
- Yigitcanlar, T. Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary.
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- Boguniewicz-Zabłocka, J.; Capodaglio, A. Analysis of Alternatives for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Small Developments of Polish Urban Catchments.
- Gurieff, N.; Green, D.; Koskinen, I.; Lipson, M.; Baldry, M.; Maddocks, A.; Menictas, C.; Noack, J.; Moghtaderi, B.; Doroodchi, E. Healthy Power: Reimagining Hospitals as Sustainable Energy Hubs.
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- Salvia, R.; Egidi, G.; Salvati, L.; Rodrigo-Comino, J.; Quaranta, G. In-Between ‘Smart’ Urban Growth and ‘Sluggish’ Rural Development? Reframing Population Dynamics in Greece, 1940–2019.
- Serrano, I.; Calvet-Mir, L.; Ribera-Fumaz, R.; Díaz, I.; March, H. A Social Network Analysis of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities.
- Song, Y.; Stead, D.; de Jong, M. New Town Development and Sustainable Transition under Urban Entrepreneurialism in China.
- Fieuw, W.; Foth, M.; Caldwell, G. Towards a More-than-Human Approach to Smart and Sustainable Urban Development: Designing for Multispecies Justice.
- Malek, J.; Lim, S.; Yigitcanlar, T. Social Inclusion Indicators for Building Citizen-Centric Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Wijesiri, B.; Bandala, E.; Liu, A.; Goonetilleke, A. A Framework for Stormwater Quality Modelling under the Effects of Climate Change to Enhance Reuse.
- E, J.; Xia, B.; Buys, L.; Yigitcanlar, T. Sustainable Urban Development for Older Australians: Understanding the Formation of Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities in the Greater Brisbane Region.
- Lim, S.; Malek, J.; Yussoff, M.; Yigitcanlar, T. Understanding and Acceptance of Smart City Policies: Practitioners’ Perspectives on the Malaysian Smart City Framework.
- Sabatini-Marques, J.; Yigitcanlar, T.; Schreiner, T.; Wittmann, T.; Sotto, D.; Inkinen, T. Strategizing Smart, Sustainable, and Knowledge-Based Development of Cities: Insights from Florianópolis, Brazil.
- Yigitcanlar, T.; Cugurullo, F. The Sustainability of Artificial Intelligence: An Urbanistic Viewpoint from the Lens of Smart and Sustainable Cities.
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Yigitcanlar, T. Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2264.
Yigitcanlar T. Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary. Sustainability. 2022; 14(4):2264.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYigitcanlar, Tan. 2022. "Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary" Sustainability 14, no. 4: 2264.
APA StyleYigitcanlar, T. (2022). Towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Electromobility: An Editorial Commentary. Sustainability, 14(4), 2264.