A Predictive Approach to Identify Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and Evaluate the Relative Safety Effects of Design Alternatives
:1. Introduction
- Predict crash frequency along with roadway segments, intersections, and interchanges;
- Identify sites in a road network or facility that have safety issues;
- Assess the relative safety effects of design alternatives or improvements;
- Evaluate the safety and cost-effectiveness of roadway design.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection
- Horizontal alignment;
- Vertical alignment;
- Road cross-section (i.e., lane, shoulder section, cross slope, and surface type);
- Traffic data (i.e., annual average daily traffic (AADT));
- General highway information (i.e., area type, functional class, and terrain);
- Roadside cross-section (i.e., driveway density and roadside hazard rating (RHR));
- Design speed.
2.2. CPM Evaluation
2.3. Identifying Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and the Possible Design Alternatives
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Identifying Hazardous Road Segments
3.2. Engineering Mitigations
3.2.1. First-Ranked Hazardous Segment
- The preceding two curves with a small tangent in between were changed to one circular curve and designed with adequate spiral curve length, which also helped to increase the radius of the next curve (the first hazardous segment) by providing an appropriate deflection angle within the existing road.
- Increasing the radius from 100 m to 394 m and moving the PI to obtain the existing road.
- Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m.
- Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m.
3.2.2. Second-Ranked Hazardous Segment
- As illustrated in Figure 4, providing the policy minimum within the existing road alignment is difficult due to the short tangent between curves and their small curve length. Thus, engineering mitigation or design changes made here include removing a curve at the second hazardous segment and increasing the 14th hazardous curve radius from 98 m to 200 m. Since there is a bridge on the 14th hazardous segment, the centerline was carefully passed on the bridge by adjusting the PIs (points of intersection) and curve radius.
- Additionally, the preceding curve radius was increased from 150 m to 200 m.
- Adequate superelevation and SSD were provided.
3.2.3. Third-Ranked Hazardous Segment
- The radius of a curve found at the 3rd hazardous road segment was increased to 150 m (from 67.5 m), and the preceding curve radius was increased to 200 m (from 163.2 m). Their PIs were also adjusted to align on the existing road.
- Even if the radius of both curves were increased to the maximum by keeping in mind not to shift from the existing road, the minimum ERA policy for curve radius would not be not provided. However, the recommended superelevation based on the selected design speed and curve radius was provided for both curves.
- Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m.
- Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m.
3.2.4. Fourth-Ranked Hazardous Segment
- Modifying the alignment as shown in Figure 5 may be challenging owing to the short tangent between curves and their small curve length. The mitigation used in this study was to eliminate the next curve found at the 10th hazardous section in order to modify the sharp curve with a high crash rate. The radius of this sharp curve (the curve at the 4th hazardous segment) was increased to 120 m from 64.5 m as a result of this action.
- Furthermore, adequate superelevation and curve widening were provided.
- Indeed, the new alignment was somewhat shifted from that of the existing road so that a benefit/cost ratio analysis needs to be executed to assess the feasibility of this mitigation or alternative design. However, there is no agreed-upon or standardized crash cost in Ethiopia, which needs a detailed study. It is recommended in this paper that the feasibility of all the design alternatives or mitigations must be carried out in the future framework.
- Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m.
- Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.75 m.
3.2.5. The Remaining Identified Hazardous Road Segments
3.3. Relative Safety Performance Evaluation of Design Alternatives
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Roads | Functional Class | Road No. | Length (km) | Average Feature Road AADT (vpd) | Design Class | Surface Type |
Addis Ababa–Chacha (AA–Ch) | Trunk Road | A2-1 | 95.05 | 3128 | DC7 | Paved |
Addis Ababa–Dillela (AA–D) | Trunk Road | A5-1 | 83.96 | 7198 | DC7 | Paved |
Addis Ababa–Modjo (AA–M) | Trunk Road | A1-1 | 57.80 | 19,540 | DC8 | Paved |
Facility Type | CMF | CMF Description |
Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Roadway Segments | CMF1r | Lane Width |
CMF2r | Shoulder Width and Type | |
CMF3r | Horizontal Curves: Length, Radius, and Presence or Absence of Spiral Transitions | |
CMF4r | Horizontal Curves: Superelevation | |
CMF5r | Grades | |
CMF6r | Driveway Density | |
CMF7r | Centerline Rumble Strips | |
CMF8r | Passing Lanes | |
CMF9r | Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes | |
CMF10r | Roadside Design | |
CMF11r | Lighting | |
CMF12r | Automated Speed Enforcement |
Rank | Highway | Title | Start Location (Station, m) | End Location (Station, m) | Predicted Travel Crash Rate (Crashes/Million veh-km) | Length (m) |
1 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 4 + 853.484 | 4 + 855.420 | 4.84 | 9.09 |
Simple Curve | 4 + 855.420 | 4 + 860.634 | 4.84 | |||
Spiral Curve | 4 + 860.634 | 4 + 862.570 | 4.84 | |||
2 | AA–Ch | Simple Curve | 9 + 933.489 | 9 + 971.900 | 2.79 | 38.41 |
3 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 7 + 017.218 | 7 + 024.745 | 2.5 | 86.98 |
Simple Curve | 7 + 024.745 | 7 + 096.671 | 2.5 | |||
Spiral Curve | 7 + 096.671 | 7 + 104.199 | 2.5 | |||
4 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 11 + 972.179 | 11 + 979.389 | 2.29 | 111.92 |
Simple Curve | 11 + 979.389 | 12 + 076.889 | 2.33 | |||
Spiral Curve | 12 + 076.889 | 12 + 084.098 | 2.38 | |||
5 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 14 + 725.232 | 14 + 738.581 | 2.1 | 86.62 |
Simple Curve | 14 + 738.581 | 14 + 798.507 | 2.1 | |||
Spiral Curve | 14 + 798.507 | 14 + 811.856 | 2.1 | |||
6 | AA–D | Simple Curve | 9 + 650.000 | 9 + 650.380 | 2.01 | 14.21 |
Spiral Curve | 9 + 650.380 | 9 + 664.208 | 2.01 | |||
7 | AA–Ch | Simple Curve | 29 + 008.489 | 29 + 043.274 | 2 | 34.78 |
8 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 11 + 346.228 | 11 + 356.950 | 1.91 | 99.26 |
Simple Curve | 11 + 356.950 | 11 + 434.762 | 1.91 | |||
Spiral Curve | 11 + 434.762 | 11 + 445.484 | 1.91 | |||
9 | AA–Ch | Simple Curve | 42 + 500.015 | 42 + 613.424 | 1.81 | 113.27 |
10 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 12 + 124.150 | 12 + 137.565 | 1.73 | 87.24 |
Simple Curve | 12 + 137.565 | 12 + 197.977 | 1.73 | |||
Spiral Curve | 12 + 197.977 | 12 + 211.392 | 1.73 | |||
11 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 10 + 108.127 | 10 + 119.643 | 1.62 | 132.70 |
Simple Curve | 10 + 119.643 | 10 + 229.309 | 1.64 | |||
Spiral Curve | 10 + 229.309 | 10 + 240.825 | 1.64 | |||
12 | AA–Ch | Simple Curve | 39 + 549.882 | 39 + 608.489 | 1.59 | 58.61 |
13 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 15 + 643.704 | 15 + 658.617 | 1.55 | 94.85 |
Simple Curve | 15 + 658.617 | 15 + 723.639 | 1.55 | |||
Spiral Curve | 15 + 723.639 | 15 + 738.552 | 1.64 | |||
14 | AA–Ch | Simple Curve | 10 + 016.518 | 10 + 204.330 | 1.54 | 187.81 |
15 | AA–D | Spiral Curve | 6 + 831.965 | 6 + 850.095 | 1.54 | 90.97 |
Simple Curve | 6 + 850.095 | 6 + 904.803 | 1.42 | |||
Spiral Curve | 6 + 904.803 | 6 + 922.933 | 1.4 |
Title | AADTavg | Length (km) | Length Proportion (%) | Total Predicted Crashes for Evaluation Period | Predicted Total Crash Frequency (Crashes/year) | Average Predicted Crash Rate (Crashes/k m/year) | Average Predicted Travel Crash Rate (Crashes/Million veh-km) |
All Rural Roads Evaluated | |||||||
AA–Ch Road | 3128 | 71.030 | 50.50 | 865.844 | 43.293 | 0.609 | 0.534 |
AA–D Road | 7198 | 69.628 | 49.50 | 1942.450 | 97.122 | 1.395 | 0.531 |
Total | 140.658 | 2808.29 | 140.41 | Mean average per length proportion | |||
0.998 1 | 0.532 2 | ||||||
Hazardous Road Segments | |||||||
AA–Ch Road | 3128 | 0.433 | 34.75 | 17.469 | 0.874 | 2.017 | 1.767 |
AA–D Road | 7198 | 0.813 | 65.25 | 82.511 | 4.126 | 5.073 | 1.931 |
Total | 1.246 | 99.980 | 5.00 | Mean average per length proportion | |||
4.011 3 | 1.874 4 | ||||||
Total coverage | 0.89% | 3.56% | 3.56% | Hazardousness compared to overall | |||
401.80% | 351.96% |
Rank | Road | Station | Measures | Remarks |
5th | AA–D | 14 + 725.23 to 14 + 811.86 | Radius increased to 394 m from 120 m; Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m; Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m. | A minimum radius is provided |
6th | AA–D | 9 + 650 to 9 + 664.21 | Radius increased to 250 m from 120 m; Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m; Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m. | |
7th | AA–Ch | 29 + 008.49 to 29 + 043.27 | Radius increased to 370 m from 300 m; Curve length increased; Increasing curve widening. | The existing curve radius is sufficient but increasing curve length makes the road comfortable. |
8th | AA–D | 11 + 346.23 to 11 + 445.48 | Radius increased to 100 m from 96.5 m; Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m; Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m. | |
9th | AA–Ch | 42 + 500.02 to 42 + 613.42 | The tangent length between curves is increased to 98 m from 22 m by moving the PIs apart keeping the bridge untouched. | There are two circular curves with a short tangent (22 m) between them. Additionally, there is a bridge between these curves, and it is difficult to modify the alignment due to the cost of bridges. |
11th | AA–D | 10 + 108.13 to 10 + 240.83 | Radius increased to 140 m from 103 m; Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m; Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m. | |
12th | AA–Ch | 39 + 549.88 to 39 + 608.49 | The tangent length between curves is increased to 84 m from 41.5 m by moving the PI’s apart keeping the bridge untouched. | There are two circular curves with a short tangent (41.5 m) between them. Additionally, there is a bridge between these curves, and it is difficult to modify the alignment due to the cost of bridges. |
13th | AA–D | 15 + 643.7 to 15 + 738.55 | Radius increased to 250 m from 134 m; Increasing curve widening; Lane width increased to 7.3 m from 7.0 m; Shoulder width increased to 2.0 m from 1.5 m. |
Highway | Title | Start Location (Station, m) | End Location (Station, m) | Predicted Travel Crash Rate (Crashes/Million veh-km) | Length (m) |
1 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 4 + 732.84 | 4 + 797.84 | 0.55 | 229.45 |
Simple Curve | 4 + 797.84 | 4 + 897.29 | 0.55 | ||
Spiral Curve | 4 + 897.29 | 4 + 962.29 | 0.55 | ||
2 (AA–Ch) | Tangent | 9 + 831.72 | 9 + 989.26 | 0.5 | 157.54 |
3 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 6 + 937.56 | 6 + 957.56 | 0.78 | 209.04 |
Simple Curve | 6 + 957.56 | 7 + 126.60 | 0.78 | ||
Spiral Curve | 7 + 126.60 | 7 + 146.60 | 0.78 | ||
4 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 11 + 920.19 | 11 + 950.19 | 0.92 | 186.86 |
Simple Curve | 11 + 950.19 | 12 + 077.05 | 0.92 | ||
Spiral Curve | 12 + 077.05 | 12 + 107.05 | 0.92 | ||
5 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 14 + 596.86 | 14 + 610.21 | 0.54 | 256.42 |
Simple Curve | 14 + 610.21 | 14 + 839.93 | 0.54 | ||
Spiral Curve | 14 + 839.93 | 14 + 853.28 | 0.54 | ||
6 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 9 + 650.00 | 9 + 705.70 | 1.1 | 55.70 |
Simple Curve | 9 + 650.00 | 9 + 650.38 | 2.01 | ||
7 (AA–Ch) | Simple Curve | 29 + 416.37 | 29 + 547.49 | 0.74 | 131.12 |
8 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 11 + 287.18 | 11 + 352.18 | 1.13 | 156.35 |
Simple Curve | 11 + 352.18 | 11 + 378.53 | 1.13 | ||
Spiral Curve | 11 + 378.53 | 11 + 443.53 | 1.13 | ||
9 (AA–Ch) | Simple Curve | 43 + 003.35 | 43 + 120.09 | 1.32 | 116.75 |
10 (AA–D) | Tangent | 12 + 107.05 | 12 + 216.44 | 0.45 | 109.39 |
None | None | None | None | ||
None | None | None | None | ||
11 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 10 + 037.63 | 10 + 102.63 | 0.77 | 229.61 |
Simple Curve | 10 + 102.63 | 10 + 202.24 | 0.84 | ||
Spiral Curve | 10 + 202.24 | 10 + 267.24 | 0.85 | ||
12 (AA–Ch) | Simple Curve | 40 + 011.39 | 40 + 085.37 | 1.14 | 73.98 |
13 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 15 + 561.25 | 15 + 576.16 | 0.69 | 165.11 |
Simple Curve | 15 + 576.16 | 15 + 711.45 | 0.69 | ||
Spiral Curve | 15 + 711.448 | 15 + 726.361 | 0.69 | ||
14 (AA–Ch) | Simple Curve | 9 + 989.261 | 10 + 303.527 | 0.75 | 314.27 |
15 (AA–D) | Spiral Curve | 6 + 793.198 | 6 + 811.328 | 0.95 | 122.37 |
Simple Curve | 6 + 811.328 | 6 + 897.435 | 0.91 | ||
Spiral Curve | 6 + 897.435 | 6 + 915.565 | 0.86 |
Title | Length (km) | Total Predicted Crashes for Evaluation Period | Predicted Total Crash Frequency (Crashes/year) | Predicted Crash Rate | Length (km) |
Existing TOTALHRS | 1.246 | 99.980 | 5.00 | 4.011 | 1.874 |
Re-Designed TOTALHRS | 2.514 | 82.808 | 4.141 | 1.647 | 0.771 |
(Existing)–(Re-Designed) | −1.268 | 17.172 | 0.859 | 2.364 | 1.103 |
Percentage reduction | −101.72% | 17.18% | 17.18% | 58.94% | 58.86% |
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Tola, A.M.; Demissie, T.A.; Saathoff, F.; Gebissa, A. A Predictive Approach to Identify Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and Evaluate the Relative Safety Effects of Design Alternatives. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3026. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053026
Tola AM, Demissie TA, Saathoff F, Gebissa A. A Predictive Approach to Identify Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and Evaluate the Relative Safety Effects of Design Alternatives. Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):3026. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053026
Chicago/Turabian StyleTola, Alamirew Mulugeta, Tamene Adugna Demissie, Fokke Saathoff, and Alemayehu Gebissa. 2022. "A Predictive Approach to Identify Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and Evaluate the Relative Safety Effects of Design Alternatives" Sustainability 14, no. 5: 3026. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053026
APA StyleTola, A. M., Demissie, T. A., Saathoff, F., & Gebissa, A. (2022). A Predictive Approach to Identify Geometrically Hazardous Road Segments and Evaluate the Relative Safety Effects of Design Alternatives. Sustainability, 14(5), 3026. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053026