Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of the Black Soldier Fly Biological System on Campus
:1. Introduction
- A.
- Establishment of a black soldier fly biological system for reducing campus food waste and creating a circular economy.
- B.
- Integration of the idle roof space of a school building with a black soldier fly biological system to construct an edible landscape.
- C.
- Establishment of an edible landscape for promoting experiential food farmer education, with the aim of increasing the willingness of students to eat vegetables and, consequently, reducing food waste.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Literature Review on Methods and Spaces for Promoting Food Farmer Education
2.2. Theories of Cognition, Attitudes, and Behavior toward the Environment
3. Research Methods
- A.
- Each item was assigned a score from 1 to 10, with a higher score indicating the greater importance of an item.
- B.
- A statistical analysis was performed for each item to calculate its conservative and optimistic values.
- C.
- The triangular fuzzy numbers of the conservative and optimistic values of each item were established.
- D.
- Expert opinions were tested to reach a consensus.
4. Life Cycle and Characteristics of a Black Soldier Fly
- A.
- Biological and ecological characteristics of black soldier flies: Black soldier flies are holometabolous insects, and their life cycle consists of four life stages, namely the egg, larval, pupal, and imaginal stages. The larval stage can be divided into six instars. Prepupae (larvae in the sixth instar) leave their feeding environment and stop feeding and search for dry, shady, and concealed locations to metamorphose into pupae; they prefer crevices and are photophobic. Black soldier flies metamorphose into pupae in cool temperatures and rapidly mature in an environment with a stable temperature (27.8 °C). They emerge from their pupae after 12 days and can grow up to 17 mm in length; thereafter, they complete their larval stage in 21 days. Under stable room temperature, the pupal stage lasts for approximately 9–10 days, but when temperature fluctuations occur (21–28 °C), the prepupae stage can last from 15 to 150 days [39]. Black soldier flies begin reproducing after 28 days if the conditions are suitable, but they may take up to 8 months to do so if the conditions are unsuitable. The length of the pupal stage varies the most, and it can last from 1 week to 6 months. Imagines can reproduce after emergence, and they spawn after 2–3 days. In general, male imagines emerge 1–2 days before female imagines (Figure 3). In addition, black soldier flies have a strong pH tolerance and can feed on diverse foods. Imagines prefer flowers and feed on plant sap and nectar; they usually live in shrubs. Female imagines lay eggs in dry crevices near fresh organic materials when the environmental humidity is between 52% and 61%. Female imagines use their sense of smell to find suitable spawning locations. The mating behaviors of black soldier flies are affected by sunlight, temperature, and humidity. Mating usually occurs at noon under strong sunlight. Under artificial lighting, the mating rate of black soldier flies is only 61% of that observed under natural sunlight [40]. The black soldier fly is not a carrier of pathogens or diseases, and it spends most of its time in adulthood on plants rather than lingering near people or animals [11]. Animal excrement processed by black soldier fly larvae can be used to fertilize plants [41]. The larvae, which are suitable for mass breeding, have the additional benefit of reducing the number of pests, such as houseflies, by inhibiting them from laying eggs [42,43,44].
- B.
- Environmental requirements for artificial farming: Black soldier fly larvae and prepupae have excellent environmental tolerance, and they can survive in environments that contain alcoholic poison, oxidative stress, hypertonic osmotic pressure, low-concentration alcohol, mineral oil, or sodium chloride solutions. Therefore, the large-scale commercial farming of black soldier flies provides several advantages [26]. The water content of artificial feed substantially affects the growth of black soldier flies. Black soldier fly larvae cannot grow when they feed on artificial feed with a water content of 30% or less. A black soldier fly is at its heaviest during the larvae and prepupae stages, and the largest harvest of prepupae is achieved when the larvae and prepupae are fed with artificial feed with a water content of 75% or 80%. However, after larvae have grown into prepupae or have emerged as imagines, artificial feed with a water content of 65% or 70% is more suitable for them [45]. Black soldier fly pupae do not require sunlight because exposure to strong sunlight reduces their emergence rate and increases their death rate. Therefore, sunlight, feed, temperature, and humidity should be controlled during artificial farming.
- C.
- Economic value of black soldier flies: The larvae and prepupae are rich in essential amino acids and minerals. Dried larvae comprise crude protein (42–44%), crude fat (31–35%), ash (11–15%), calcium (4.8–5.1%), and phosphorus (0.60–0.63%). Dried prepupae comprises crude protein (42.1%), fat (34.8%), water and ash (16.1%), crude fiber (7%), and calcium as the main mineral (5%) [29]. In addition to their high nutrition value, black soldier flies can also be used as environmentally friendly materials for inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms. Black soldier fly larva protein can be used as a natural antioxidant or cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide because it exhibits superior thermal stability and high stability in greenhouse environments. It can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and the growth and reproduction of other bacteria, and it has the unique ability to inhibit bacterial activity [46]. Black soldier flies can compete with houseflies because of the advantages that they have as maggots. They can compete with housefly maggots for food and inhibit their growth; black soldier fly larvae can inhibit the growth of 94% of the houseflies found in households. Black soldier fly imagines have a short life span, and they do not carry germs. In addition, their natural population density is low and stable, hence they are not ecological threats; they tend to not enter environments populated by humans and are environmentally safe. Therefore, black soldier flies are highly suitable for use in biological management (e.g., management of organic and food waste). A study demonstrated that biomass energy can be extracted from the dried larvae of black soldier flies [4]. Black soldier flies have various advantages such as a high reproduction rate and a short life cycle relative to biomass energy crops, which have longer life cycles and require larger areas of land to farm. Therefore, the economic, social, and ecological benefits of black soldier flies are noteworthy. A black soldier fly biological management system can efficiently and safely process organic waste, which can pollute human environments, into high value-added insect protein. Each larva can consume 2 kg of food waste within 72 h and convert it into biological protein; this process is conducive to the establishment of a circular economy and sustainable environment [36]. The residual obtained after organic materials are processed by black soldier flies is called frass [47]. Frass contains large amounts of old outer cuticles shed by larvae, and it is a semi-fermented and decomposed nutrient. It can be used in aquatic feed because of nutritional components and rich microbiota. Aquatic feed with 30% frass can improve the growth of fish. Therefore, the black soldier fly food waste management system can be integrated with an aquaponics system. From the perspective of establishing sustainability and a circular economy, the implementation of the black soldier fly biological management system (in a living environment) and the appropriate management mechanisms can reduce the burden of processing disposed food waste. The Livestock Research Institute began studying black soldier flies in 2010, and it discovered that they can rapidly consume large amounts of food and agricultural waste. The Chiayi County Yimi Community College and Minhe Elementary School in Fanlu Township studied the use of black soldier flies and reported excellent results. In particular, they investigated a black soldier fly feeding system and highlighted key points relating to the design of a black soldier fly biological system [48].
5. Key Points of Black Soldier Fly Biological System Design
6. Results
- (No.1) Provision of appropriate sunlight exposure and ventilation for insects in each instar.
- (No.3) Provision of a low shrub environment (where imagines can forage and live) and sufficient space (for adult emergence).
- (No.4) Provision of dry organic materials for formation of an oviposition environment.
- (No.13) Provision of appropriate temperature and humidity conditions for each growth stage and a mechanism for reducing food waste fermentation odors.
- (No.16) Control of system for decomposing and circulating microbial species; timely adjustment of pH, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature of hydroponic environment.
- (No.18) Water retention and clean ability requirements of vivarium, monitoring of blockages in a vivarium filter system, and long-term and mild strategies for pest control.
- (No.20) Monitoring of aquaculture density.
- (No.21) Simple system design with low maintenance requirements and low energy consumption that ensures stable power.
- (No.24) Learning of ecological balance concept of energy conservation and waste reduction.
- (No.28) Sense of accomplishment from learning by doing can promote sustainable food farmer education.
- (No.05) Provision of a dedicated and independent environment.
7. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Industry/Process | Waste Gas from Production Process | Waste Gas from Sewage Treatment |
Composting area | ○ | |
Livestock industry (pig/chicken/cattle/deer) | (Solid–liquid separator) ○ | (Anaerobic treatment of waste gas) ○ |
Poultry rendering plants | ○ | ○ |
Fertilizer industry | ○ | ○ |
Landfill sites | ○ | ○ |
Leather factory | ○ | ○ |
Fish trash | ○ | |
Fodder factory | ○ |
Dimension | Black Soldier Fly Biological System | |||
Black Soldier Fly | Aquaponics | |||
Indicator | G | Indicator | G | |
Spatial composition | 1. Provision of appropriate sunlight exposure and ventilation for insects in each instar | 8.36 | 6. Status as an edible landscape | 6.92 |
2. Provision of independent entry and exit moving lines | 7.80 | 7. Status as a space for promoting food farmer education | 7.50 | |
3. Provision of a low shrub environment (where imagines can forage and live) and sufficient space (for adult emergence) | 8.30 | 8. Use of idle space as a recreational environment | 6.99 | |
4. Provision of dry organic materials for formation of an oviposition environment | 8.27 | 9. Use of auxiliary space for cooking lessons | 6.80 | |
5. Provision of a dedicated and independent environment | 8.06 | 10. Establishment of a space with ecological views | 6.86 | |
11. Ability to incorporate green roof design | 7.46 | |||
12. Required establishment of a dedicated space | 7.74 | |||
System and equipment | 13. Provision of appropriate temperature and humidity conditions for each growth stage and a mechanism for reducing food waste fermentation odors | 8.19 | 16. Control of system for decomposing and circulating microbial species; timely adjustment of pH, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature of hydroponic environment | 8.18 |
14. Required use of special customized equipment | 6.88 | 17. Visually appealing vivarium | 6.75 | |
15. Required installation of an anti-escape equipment for insects | 7.54 | 18. Water retention and clean ability requirements of vivarium, monitoring of blockages in vivarium filter system, and long-term and mild strategies for pest control | 8.16 | |
19. Determination of a plant’s suitability for use as a hydroponic plant; proposal for a plant to be used as a hydroponic plant | 7.71 | |||
20. Monitoring of aquaculture density | 8.11 | |||
21. Simple system design with low maintenance requirements and low energy consumption that ensures stable power | 8.10 | |||
22. Required deployment of specialized personnel for assembly process | 6.86 | |||
23. Possibility of integrating a rainwater harvesting system | 7.57 | |||
Environmental education | 24. Learning of ecological balance concept of energy conservation and waste reduction | 8.09 | ||
25. Provision of a straightforward farming experience | 6.94 | |||
26. Implementation of life-oriented ecological education | 7.26 | |||
27. Provision of locally sourced fresh ingredients | 6.93 | |||
28. Sense of accomplishment from learning by doing can promote sustainable food farmer education | 8.08 | |||
29. Required implementation of special course coordination | 6.84 |
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Yang, M.-L. Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of the Black Soldier Fly Biological System on Campus. Sustainability 2022, 14, 4029.
Yang M-L. Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of the Black Soldier Fly Biological System on Campus. Sustainability. 2022; 14(7):4029.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Ming-Ling. 2022. "Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of the Black Soldier Fly Biological System on Campus" Sustainability 14, no. 7: 4029.
APA StyleYang, M.-L. (2022). Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of the Black Soldier Fly Biological System on Campus. Sustainability, 14(7), 4029.