Technologies Empowered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): An Industry 4.0 Landscape
:1. Introduction
- In this study, the significance of the ESG data and reporting for sustainability is detailed and presented with concepts and terminology.
- The integration of IoT, AI, blockchain, and big data for ESG are discussed with architecture to provide an opportunity to investors for effective planning before the investment.
- The article discusses the vital recommendations that can be implemented for future work.
2. Overview of ESG and Sustainability
2.1. Terminology of ESG
2.2. ESG Investing
2.3. ESG for Sustainability
3. Technology Intervention for ESG
3.1. IoT for ESG
3.2. Blockchain for ESG
3.3. AI for ESG
3.4. Big Data for ESG
4. Discussion and Recommendations
- According to previous research, there is a lack of consistency in ESG, and the standards of various dimensions are measured by various database metrics for an organization [74]. This is due to the majority of evaluation systems being based on expert scoring, there is some subjectivity. Simultaneously, the database lacks applicability and feasibility due to differences in industry backgrounds and national systems [75]. A consistent and developed ESG evaluation framework provides the premise for the investigation of corporate sustainable development [76,77]. The integration of AI and big data technologies can empower to implementation effective ESG evaluation system that maintains uniformity in its evaluation due to its intelligent algorithms and data analysis [78,79].
- Blockchain technology has proved its capability in terms of transparency, immutability, and security based on hash cryptographic algorithms. Generally, during the processing of supply chain tracking energy trading, monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, financial transactions, etc., the data generated by the respective devices need to be protected by blockchain for obtaining standard data concerning the environment of the particular nation. The distributed ledger and different consensus mechanisms in the blockchain empower allow the parties to visualize the data and standards that followed during the collection of data for ESG evaluation [80,81]. A recent study proposed a blockchain-enabled design for obtaining generic ESG data in the field of energy, in which a carboncoin is assigned to tokenize energy producers’ right to emit carbon [56]. The study also concluded that using ESG data and on-chain assets, blockchain-based carbon markets can be built more comprehensively, but at the expense of lower performance. Along with this study, another study [39] leveraged the IoT, and blockchain technologies to enable corporate crowdsourcing for environmental data and improve the security, credibility, and transparency of the ESG reporting process.
- There are many issues around ESG data, as three dimensions such as environment, social, and governance are merely different due to their nature [82]. In the scenario of environmental data, they are more quantitative with better standardized. However, natural calamities and pandemics are unpredictable. The social and governance data are unstandardized and qualitative as they emphasize more on the social sciences. Social and governance parameters are different for every nation [83,84]. The implementation of the same kind of approach for ESG data collection merely causes a challenge in terms of accuracy [85,86]. To overcome these challenges, deep learning and natural language processing can be adopted to minimize noise during obtaining the unstructured data present in public companies such as regulatory filing, government studies, and industry publications [87,88]. A study evaluated governance and social datasets utilizing NLP algorithms to introduce a simple method for predicting a specialized firm’s ESG rankings [89].
- Currently, IoT is generating a large amount of data, in which the majority of the data is stored in a cloud server [62,90]. The storage of large amounts of data indeed increases the burning of carbon per year, and it affects the climate. However, the evolution of the digital twin has provided an opportunity to use IoT data for minimizing carbon emissions and simultaneously strengthening the management of an organization. Moreover, the digital twins identify which data need to be collected, stored, and applied for the organization to form ESG data [91,92]. Along with this, it also identifies which IoT data is missing and suggests the appropriate sensors which can be deployed sustainably. The implementation of a digital twin with IoT is costly because it necessitates highly skilled employees such as data scientists and software engineers.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref | Objective | Purpose of Blockchain | Sector |
[50] | Proposed blockchain-based framework and token-based mechanism to aid in the ESG-based sustainability assessment of companies. | Transparency, data authentication & consistency | Supply chain |
[39] | Leveraging the IoT and blockchain technologies to address the greenwashing in firms and actualize intelligent and trustable ESG reporting. | Security, transparency, and creditability | Apparel industry |
[53] | Cross-validating ESG disclosures from businesses along the whole value chain using a blockchain-based Life Cycle Assessment system | Life Cycle Assessment | Tesla’s electric vehicles |
[54] | An innovative system for assimilating ESG with financial data and reporting in real-time using blockchain, as well as automating assurance service utilizing smart contracts | Credibility, transparency, and traceability | Peer-2-Peer Energy Trading |
[55] | A pilot study is carried out to conclude the significance of distributed ledger technology | Agile, transparent, and automated data collection | Asset Management Firms |
[56] | Carboncoin is a blockchain investment that tokenizes energy producers’ privilege to generate carbon. | On-chain assets | carbon trading |
[57] | A framework of the environmental smart reporting system is being established relying on blockchain and IoT technologies to automate the acquisition of environmental data and create reporting quite credibly | The authenticity of the data | NA |
Ref | Objective | Purpose of AI | AI Model |
[57] | An unsupervised network is implemented for anomaly detection and indexing data with an authenticity rate. | Data authenticity | Artificial neural network |
[67] | AI ESG protocol is implemented for evaluating and disclosing the sustainability impact | Valuation and risk assessments | NA |
[68] | A framework for evaluating and disclosing ESG | Sustainability-related impacts of AI | NA |
[69] | Using machine learning to provide deep insight into the impact of ESG on firm performance | Firm’s operational | Machine Learning techniques |
[70] | Heterogeneous ensemble model using fundamental data to anticipate ESG ratings | ESG rating | Feedforward neural networks, Gradient boosted trees (XGBoost) & Categorical gradient boosted trees (CatBoost). |
[71] | Assessing structural balance sheet to check its effect on ESG score | Traded stocks | Random Forest algorithm |
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Saxena, A.; Singh, R.; Gehlot, A.; Akram, S.V.; Twala, B.; Singh, A.; Montero, E.C.; Priyadarshi, N. Technologies Empowered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): An Industry 4.0 Landscape. Sustainability 2023, 15, 309.
Saxena A, Singh R, Gehlot A, Akram SV, Twala B, Singh A, Montero EC, Priyadarshi N. Technologies Empowered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): An Industry 4.0 Landscape. Sustainability. 2023; 15(1):309.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaxena, Archana, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Shaik Vaseem Akram, Bhekisipho Twala, Aman Singh, Elisabeth Caro Montero, and Neeraj Priyadarshi. 2023. "Technologies Empowered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): An Industry 4.0 Landscape" Sustainability 15, no. 1: 309.
APA StyleSaxena, A., Singh, R., Gehlot, A., Akram, S. V., Twala, B., Singh, A., Montero, E. C., & Priyadarshi, N. (2023). Technologies Empowered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): An Industry 4.0 Landscape. Sustainability, 15(1), 309.