Chinese and British University Teachers’ Emotional Reactions to Students’ Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
This is a very interesting, well-written paper that offers a comprehensive and insightful analysis of teachers’ emotional experiences, with a particular focus on those interacting/working in different cultural settings. It is, thus, a quite relevant and timely study. The title is informative, the aim is clear and the conceptualisation is thoroughly presented. The variables were defined and measured appropriately and the study methods are valid and reliable. The results are clearly presented, and the analysis and interpretation of the data provide valuable insights that not only contribute to the existing body of knowledge but also expand upon it. Congratulations to the authors on such an engaging, well-achieved piece of research.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
The authors tried to examine Chinese teachers’ and British teachers’ emotional experiences while working in universities in the UK through a mixed methods study, and found university teachers who were originally from China experienced a significantly higher level of anxiety and shame than teachers who were originally from Britain. Moreover, the authors found the appraisal dimension of accountability and self-construals were the key factors influencing teachers’ emotional experiences. The topic is interesting and valuable, the structure is reasonable, and the data analysis method is scientific. Nonetheless, I recommend that the authors make the following changes.
1. Subject selection problem: The age and teaching years of Chinese teachers are quite different from those of British teachers. Although the author has analyzed and reflected on this in the “Methods” and “Limitations and Future Research” section, I think it is still insufficient. The author still has chance to deal with the problem. Specifically, it is suggested that the author can group the subjects according to age and teaching years, and then conduct analysis to investigate whether teachers’ emotional experiences has differences in age and teaching years.
2. Why does the author choose the six emotions (anger, anxiety, hopelessness, shame, sadness and annoyance)? Reasons should be provided.
3. In Table 1, the author presents P values, but in fact, P values and asterisks have the same meaning, so the author only needs to present one. In addition, according to the P-value of shame, should it be marked with three asterisks?
4. In Table 2, country of birth is classified data and emotion is continuous data. Is it appropriate to adopt Pearson’s correlation method to test the relationship between them? In addition, there is “The relationship between teachers' gender and their emotional experience was also tested, but no significant correlation was discovered”, but unfortunately we do not find the figure in the table.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 3 Report
This article employs a mixed methods approach to examine potential differences in emotional experiences between immigrant Chinese teachers and native British teachers. The topic holds the potential to make a valuable contribution to the existing literature. I have a few suggestions that could enhance the manuscript.
In terms of the contextual framework, while there is a scarcity of empirical studies that recognize implicit cultural schemas as dispositional antecedents in the emotional process, it would be beneficial if the authors cite relevant research and provide a concise overview of how these studies have contributed to the current body of knowledge. This would provide readers with a deeper understanding of the significance of the present study.
I would like to highlight that out of the 75 articles listed in the bibliography, only 11 are studies conducted within the last 5 years. Therefore, it would be advisable for the authors to incorporate more recent literature to support their arguments.
Moving on to the methodology, the research design, questions, hypotheses, and methods are clearly presented. However, it would be helpful to provide clarification on the following aspects: (i) Could you explain the rationale behind excluding positive emotions from the questionnaire survey? (ii) Can you elucidate whether the study was submitted to an ethics committee? If not, could you provide a justification for this decision? (iii) Can you provide details on how the question list (interview script) was developed and whether it underwent pilot testing? Additionally, could you provide some examples of the questions used?
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 4 Report
The document represents an interesting topic, however, I suggest that its structure, functional logic and systematization be reviewed; the main observations are:
In the abstract:
“According to appraisal theory” Specify representative theorist who postulated and validated the theory.
“situational and dispositional antecedents” implications of both constructs
compared with local teachers, international teachers may experience different types or intensities of emotions due to their different beliefs and goals when they confront the same disruptive behaviours by students in the classroom. From what base premise do they start to make this assumption?
“The aim of this research is to examine” review scope of the verb examine in correspondence with the implications and scope of the investigation from which the article derives.
“found that university teachers who were originally from China experienced a significantly higher level of anxiety and shame” What do these results show?
What are the main distinguishing features between the two studies mentioned in the abstract?
“emotional acculturation” understood as?
The methodological component is not clear, the approach, method and main techniques used must be specified.
Likewise, some conclusive idea should be pointed out. it is important to structure it from a scientific position where the type of article and the situation under study, the contexts involved in the research, the methodological components, the results, the main conclusions, are more clearly perceived. adjust.
In the introduction: Some constructs such as emotional experiences, teachers’ job satisfaction, teachers’effectiveness and students’ learning motivation, teachers’ emotional well-being and job dissatisfaction, among others must be discussed and argued from the contrast with the review of the literature, evidencing to what extent they form gaps or problematizing axes
There is no clarity about the conceptual, theoretical and methodological implications of the model of emotionality to which it refers.
“teachers’ emotions can influence teaching behaviours, which are central to teachers’ interactions with students and to students’ learning” show implications of this statement
“better understand teachers’ classroom emotional experiences is needed” the idea does not have the same scope as the one presented in the abstract.
“Therefore, for the benefit of both teachers and students, re- search designed to better understand teachers’ classroom emotional experiences is needed. As globalisation increases, many countries have issued policies to facilitate the migration of academics in higher education to improve economic competitiveness” the ideas that seem disjointed with respect to each other are exposed, guarantee the proper sequentiality.
“appraisal theory when judging an antecedent to an emotion, people’s culturally shaped beliefs and goals can influence their judgements" implications of this assertion. Ensure that the statement of the research question leads to further argumentation, that is, present it in such a way that it does not lead to a yes or no answer.
In the introduction, the objectives of the article, research questions should be evidenced. It is important to infer how this research contributes to the advancement of science, its contributions and social impact, identifying direct and indirect beneficiaries, as well as the relevance of this research within the framework of emerging paradigms that explain the subject studied.
The theoretical and empirical gaps of the situation under study should be evidenced to a greater degree, as well as the descriptors associated with the main variables studied; the variables and their dimensions should be described with greater emphasis. It is necessary to strengthen the citations of recent scientific literature that allow contrasting the descriptors of reality and show the state of knowledge related to the situation under study.
The situation under study, as well as the associated descriptors, the importance and relevance of the topic, the sense of contextualization in the region studied must be strengthened in their description; Likewise, the citation system of recent scientific literature related to the subject should be strengthened (this aspect is really too weak)
It is important to propose a deductive route; it is necessary that the implications of the problem situation be described on a macro, meso and micro plane; situation that must be described in greater depth because it must be better argued; the problem must start from a more general scope, before falling into the variables of the investigation; that is, they should begin by presenting descriptors of the macro; then locate yourself in the meso and micro plane. It is necessary to conceptualize each of the dimensions of the variables worked on, not limiting yourself to identifying them, but explaining and arguing how they are being conceptualized in the scope of your article.
It is suggested to organize a literature review section with the different theoretical sections.
The review of the literature should show the sequentiality of ideas between paragraphs from one section to another to guarantee internal coherence, sudden ruptures are perceived between one section and another.
The review of the literature must show a critical and argumentative apparatus based on the main constructs: emotional experiences, unfamiliar students’ classroom behaviours, emotional adaptation, cultural fit in emotion, emotional acculturation, logistical obstacles and teacher-student relationships,, among others must be discussed and argued from the contrast with the review of the literature, correspondence with objective lops, these constructs represent central axes of sequentiality and discussion in this section.
It is important to review the statement of each section in the literature review in such a way that a sense of totality and completeness is evidenced with the theoretical system that it represents.
It is necessary to strengthen the citation system of recent scientific literature that allows contrasting the theoretical postulates presented.
The titles of each section or section must show a greater scope in correspondence with the theoretical relations and contents treated, for example, the section called. vision needs to be checked.
“Antecedents of Teachers’ Emotions” check this title, it looks unclear.
In the literature review, it is important that researchers strengthen the critical apparatus from their own argumentation and based on their inferences.
In the methodology, is necessary to identify and justify the typology of the article. Is important specify the predominant research approach, as well as the type of design. The methodological component is not clear, the approach, method and main techniques used must be specified, the inclusion criteria of the units of analysis must be specified, it must be specified whether it is a systematic review or which technique was used. Likewise, the information gathering techniques and instruments must be specified; instruments for each of the identified samples; criteria of validity and reliability of the instruments. Likewise, it is necessary to specify the information processing techniques to be obtained. The procedural systematization must be reviewed organize the research stages, in correspondence with the objectives of the article, type of research according to knowledge to be produced and expected products. Provide greater evidence of the operationalization of its variables, main dimensions and indicators that allow measuring the behavior of its fundamental variables.
It is important to describe in detail the aspects referred to for each of the two identified studies, as well as to establish the points of convergence and divergence between both studies, and even generate comparative tables regarding components of the approach, method and research design, that cannot be solidly appreciated.
The relationship between variables, dimensions, indicators and the reagents that make up the instruments is not evident, it is necessary to strengthen the sense of correspondence between these components, as well as the processes of validity and statistical reliability or by triangulation. They must demonstrate the principles of integration and complementarity between the qualitative and quantitative vision of the process, since they declare a mixed-type design.
It is important to argue the degree of representativeness of the analysis worked in correspondence with the sense of totality and completeness of the investigated object, possibilities that the results can be generalized.
Organize a results and discussion section where it is considered a better correspondence with the procedural systematization that is necessary to declare in the methodology, that is, how each component of the design leads to the different sections that are presented in the results. Review the correspondence between the methodological systematization and the systematization of the results, attend to variables, dimensions and indicators and their operationalization.
The discussion section should be strengthened. Organize the results in such a way that they are evident in relation to the objectives; evidence of contrast between the objectives - supporting theory - meaning of the data itself - argument of the researchers.
It is necessary to strengthen the citations of recent scientific literature, citations of contrasting literature must be updated.
A section of conclusions should be presented where is it shown correspondence with the identified objectives; demonstrate possibilities of generalization of the research to contexts with similar characteristics. Conclusions must transcend results.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 5 Report
It is suggested to better explain the influence of "old" emotions, because it is not clear whether the differences between the two groups of participants relate to cultural characteristics, or to the management of the current teaching situation
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Round 2
Reviewer 4 Report
A cordial greeting.
It is evident that the authors applied the suggested adjustments.
Thank you so much.