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Improving Climate Change Awareness through Immersive Virtual Reality Communication: A Case Study

Faculty of Society & Design, Bond University, Robina, QLD 4226, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(17), 12969;
Submission received: 4 April 2023 / Revised: 4 June 2023 / Accepted: 23 August 2023 / Published: 28 August 2023


The gradual pace of climate change means that its awareness plays a particularly important role in encouraging support for its amelioration or adopting adaptive behavior. This case study involves an action research project that engages twelve urban planning-related professionals in the experience of immersive virtual reality (IVR) as a tool to improve awareness of the effects of climate change. Mobile LiDAR technology was used to digitally recreate urban models in which the participants could navigate a simulated inundated urban environment and interact with the virtual objects involved. Feedback from the participants indicated the IVR technology to be a potentially useful educational tool for both professionals and the community, offering unparalleled immersion and interaction for climate change awareness which, based on its unique attributes, could offer insights and understanding of the necessity for building resiliency into our living environments.

1. Introduction

The gradual pace of climate change means that communicating its ramifications can be challenging [1,2,3,4,5]. Community awareness is enhanced by personal accounts of direct experience [3] and visual communication to global audiences [4] of the devastation involved, most notably regarding Australia’s extensive 2019–2020 bushfires and 2022 flooding, together with the increasing frequency of similar catastrophic weather events in countries around the world. However, communication outside these mega-events can be challenging [5,6,7,8], as traditional modes such as 2D graphics do not necessarily have the desired effective impact [9], prompting studies into the role of museums [10], documentary film [11], mass media [12], etc.
One alternative is the use of immersive reality by means of a digitally generated simulation. This encompasses several categories of technologies, mainly virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and can be achieved using head-mounted displays that can completely artificially immerse a participant, in the case of VR, or allow overlaying of cybernated content over the physical environment to provide digitally stimulated embodiment, building personal experiences and potentially raising awareness for specialists and the populace [13]. Starting with some very early ideas on communication with VR from Biocca and Levy [14] and the 1995 ACM SIGCHI Conference, it has already been used to visualize terrestrial ecosystems [15] and marine habitats [5], applied in domains such as psychology [16], and used for education in architecture, engineering, construction [17,18], health sciences, and medicine [19]. Studies investigating the incorporation of virtual urban simulations using VR have demonstrated improvement in public engagement, making urban initiatives more approachable, with improved and sustainable outcomes [20,21,22,23]. Immersive visualization may help raise awareness of the effects of climate change by constructing factual storytelling based on previous facts, such as cyclones, heavy rain, flooding, and sea level rise. Baselines from these historical occurrences may be extended and utilized to create simulations of urban climate change scenarios [24].
This case study develops immersive virtual reality (IVR) as a potential tool to help professionals and the community understand the prospective impacts of climate change on coastal urban environments, which are particularly vulnerable to climate change risk [19]. This was conducted within a participatory action learning and action research framework based on a simulation of a major flooding event in Surfers Paradise, Australia, and informed by qualitative data from 12 expert participants in an IVR experiment paired with a qualitative semi-structured interview.

2. Case Study

2.1. Method

The case study involved the simulation of a major flooding event in Surfers Paradise, Australia’s premier international and national beach resort, located in the City of Gold Coast, Queensland. Like many coastal cities, the Gold Coast is built on floodplains, with 57 km of coastline, 5 rivers, and over 260 km of navigable waterways, which make its lifestyle unique and present significant challenges and opportunities for managing the flooding that is predicted to occur with climate change [25]. Being highly susceptible to flooding, therefore, means that understanding and planning for flood risk plays an important role in the city’s long-term sustainability [26].
A LiDAR scanner, from the iPad Pro, was used to capture and convert the urban infrastructure at Surfers Paradise into 3D assets. These were subsequently utilized in the Unity game engine to construct the IVR simulation. Interactive elements, such as teleportation and the grab action, were then programmed to work alongside the assembled digital environment.
The research methods involved a participatory action learning and action research framework, demonstrated to be appealing during group or individual consultations [27] and able to stimulate rich and diverse conversations [28]. Twelve experts associated with urban planning were invited to participate in the IVR experiment paired with a qualitative-semi structured interview. Due to time constraints, a convenience sample of planning-related experts was assembled from the broader region in which the simulated inundated site is located.

2.2. Procedure

The combined experiment and interview were administered at a participant’s place of convenience, with respective consent forms signed prior to each session. The lead researcher, present during all sessions, advised participants to choose a quiet meeting location to avoid potential disruptions. Participants were briefed about the research, and instructions were provided about the IVR experience. Additionally, 15–20 min were allocated for participants to become acquainted with the hardware.
The interview questions are reproduced in Appendix A Figure A1. Due to availability constraints and participants’ preferences, Experts 4 and 5 were interviewed in one group session, as were Experts 10, 11, and 12. This offered some focus group benefits by stimulating further discussion between those participants. Each group session consisted of a mix of senior and junior staff, and each participant appeared to express their views freely, irrespective of their hierarchical position. Nevertheless, the presence of power disparity effects cannot be discounted.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the sequence of micro to macro tasks undertaken by the lead researcher before the interview sessions. The VR experiment and the interview session lasted between 12–45 min, with no time restriction for exploring the virtual environment (Figure 2). Each participant had one trial at the experiment and was vocally assisted as and when they required guidance. When participants felt ready to come out of immersion, the VR headset was removed, and the interview started shortly after. The open-ended questions allowed the participants to comment freely on the immersive experience and the VR medium. At the session’s end, participants were debriefed and provided the opportunity to ask any questions.

2.3. Results

This section presents a summary of the transcribed interview responses of the 12 experts. Table 1 summarizes the experts’ responses under three key categories: Experts’ Emotions, Potential Application of VR, and Pros and Cons of VR. For more details on the transcriptions, please see the Supplementary Materials Section.
The strongest message from the expert interviews was that VR is an excellent potential tool to educate about climate change and its impacts. The experts concurred that they would readily adopt immersive technology regardless of their specific areas of expertise.

2.4. Discussion

2.4.1. VR Educational Connotation

Some participants (E3, E4, E8, E9, and E12) wanted to further explore building interiors and the beachfront esplanade due to their growing investigative interest within the impacted environment (Figure 2). Notably, the ‘grab’ interaction with the koala elicited metaphorical associations and provided a sense of security (E7). Some (E7 and E11) even expressed sadness when they ‘lost’ the virtual koala in the flood waters (Figure 3). The dynamic nature of the water simulation was appreciated (E5 and E9) as it provided a sense of motion and danger that many do not associate with flood events.
As such, the first author had to vocally guide the experts to ensure they undertook all the required segments of the experience, which included reminding participants that they could use the controller’s novel button layout and look around the simulated flooded precinct. The VR experience was thought to be game-like (E3). However, E7 indicated that as it was based on an actual environment with real infrastructure, it allowed the experience to go beyond that of a game:
“… I suppose you could ultimately use it to illustrate the initial 1974 flood. What does an extra meter look like, add another meter, and then you probably get to see climate change dynamics coming in then. However, even just seeing one more meter means very little. But if you can say, that’s the top window, and that’s why I think the architecture is really powerful… I liked that it was hooked in real-time and space. I think that’s really important. Because otherwise, it’s just the game. So, I would suggest that wherever you are doing it, you do as you have [and] find a landmark building and drown it: drown the Sydney Harbour Bridge or drown the Opera House or something people care about. I mean, seeing the Sydney Harbour Bridge with water halfway up its structure would really take people’s breath away. Yeah, so I think shock factor. Whereas if you just have random things, it’s not real.”
(E7, as cited in [29]).
E9 stated that VR could reverse the tendency of people to act only after the occurrence of a disaster and enable them to act before it is too late. Experts (E1, E3, E4 E6, E7, and E9) agreed that the offering of VR surpasses that of traditional two-dimensional communication tools and was thus thought to be a powerful educational tool for both professionals (E3 and E9) and the wider community (E5 and E11), with potential applications in infrastructure mapping (E4), planning community consultation (E4, E5, E7, and E9), disaster impact preparation (E2, E4, and E9) and public climate change awareness (E1, E4, E5, and E11), including that of children (E4 and E12). E7 further added that VR is a technology able to communicate information without language, bypassing cultural or geographical barriers.
However, not all participants felt the need to act when faced with the issue of climate change. Even though E6 appreciated the potential demonstrated by her VR experience, she did not want to consider the future impacts of climate change. Subsequently, E9 speculated whether VR could change the perception of climate change skeptics, noting that illustrating repercussions for daily activities, like restricted access to basic products due to closure of shops, could potentially alter people’s point of view.

2.4.2. Emotive Responses

Part of the aim of the VR experience was to investigate the drive for climate change awareness using emotional aspects. Consequently, all participants experienced a certain level of wonderment. This initial experience of stupefaction was potentially largely associated with the novel use of the technology, where participants were still getting used to the VR logistics. Following the initial acclimatization stage, participants (E7 and E9) expressed their experience of fear, apprehension, and concern after settling in. In addition to these reactions, E4 felt a cold sensation due to the presence of water and even felt like she was about to drown. However, when participants were on a stationary surface, there was a sense of safety (E7). The additional presence of the koala toy even brought comfort (E7 and E12) in the scene of desolation. However, it is to be noted that some experts expressed no emotions; rather, they were more inquisitive (E1, E8, E11, and E12) about the technology and the proposed experience. This is potentially related to their familiarity with VR experiences.

2.4.3. Urban Digital Mimicry

Nevertheless, the VR experience seemed to have contributed to the perception of climate change impact, with some participants (E2, E4, E7, and E8) even evoking memories and recounts of previous local flood events following VR exposure. Participants (E10 and E11) liked the fragmented aesthetics of the virtual setting, and others thought that the visuals evoked a sense of urban decay (E8), fitting for this specific experiment’s storytelling. This limitation was due to the likely compression and inability of the iPad Pro’s LiDAR sensor to capture reflective and transparent surfaces, resulting in fractured meshes. Ultimately, participants believed that as long as there was sufficient visual fidelity to deliver the core message about climate change, high-end visuals were considered unnecessary.
On top of their visual purpose, the ability of the LiDAR scans to retain scale served additional uses. Some experts used the simulated architectural elements, such as doorways, as baselines to gauge the water level (E1, E5, and E7). Different perspectives of the VR experience, such as aerial views, could add to the experience and provide different vistas (E9).

2.4.4. Technology

The visual components were essential enablers of the VR simulation. It was interesting to see participants extrapolating connotations of the aesthetics, the optimized fragmented LiDAR models, to that of a severely climate-affected urban future. Despite the disintegrated aesthetics supporting this specific experiment (Figure 2 and Figure 3), such low resolution might not be appropriate for other experiments where textural accuracy is required. The use of the virtual architectures as flood level reference by experts (E5, E7, and E9) showed promise in LiDAR’s capability in replicating scale digital models. Furthermore, the simulated flood water’s dynamic nature evoked distinctive feelings of submersion, cold sensation, and sea sickness (E6 and E8). Tapping into such emotions can potentially trigger awareness of climate change impacts at a personal level.
Moreover, the inclusion of animals inadvertently added a fascinating dimension to the experience. We tend to focus more on the human aspect during a natural calamity, and the presence of metaphorical koalas and the ever-present seagulls brought forth distinct allegories of climate change impacts on fauna (E7).
Following the experiential interviews, it was gratifying to learn that some experts decided to investigate using VR in their workflow as a tool for generating climate change awareness.

3. General Discussion

3.1. VR Educational Connotation

This case study aimed to develop IVR as an educational tool to illustrate the potential effects of climate change on a digitally replicated urban environment, and to contribute to improving climate change awareness through action-based research involving an experiment and acquiring knowledgeable insights from experts. The results of the experiential interview found that all experts agreed that VR had the potential to be a practical tool to raise awareness of the future impacts of climate change.
All participants thought positively of the VR experience, with the interaction and locomotion within the virtual space being key focuses of interest. However, participants would have liked to navigate and interact further within the VR setting. This is consistent with research undertaken by others [6,30]. Enhancements proposed to the flood simulation (E1, E9, and E12) were the addition of real-time visualization, using markers or metrics, to provide an enhanced qualitative understanding of the situation [18]. Additionally, proposals to include contrasting scenarios (E5 and E11) before and after flooding can help further the understanding of such flood occurrences. However, similar to how photomontages can be used to mislead people, E8 and E11 cautioned against the deviation of VR use to such purposes. This is in line with research by Jamei et al. [17].
Consistent with research by Ashtari and colleagues [29], the simulated VR environment provided participants total control within the VR environment, both navigational and interactive; as a result, their virtual decisions were a challenge to predict. Interestingly, this was inconsistent with the analysis in KITATUS [31], which reported that the shared similarities between VR and video games could subconsciously result in negative connotations. However, E8 thought additional skills are required to use VR for training and research [32].

3.2. Urban Digital Mimicry

Nearly all participants were familiar with the simulated virtual setting captured by the iPad’s LiDAR sensor. The exception was E2, who never visited Cavill Avenue. Key visual triggers [33] were infrastructural, predominantly the tram (E3, E4, E5, E6, E8, and E11), buildings, and the main business logos present (E6, E7, E8, E10, and E11). Even though all acknowledged the location, the aesthetics garnered varied opinions, from being video game-like (E9), “sketchy-looking” (E3), and fragmented (E10) to being realistic (E8). However, the proposal of de Munnik and Lenzholzer [34] to have photorealistic renditions is not appropriate in this scenario as the utilization of real-time graphics, compared to the three-dimensional animation (which the study suggested), is difficult to replicate with the current graphical power of the Oculus Quest VR headset.

3.3. Emotive Responses

The water simulation brought forth varied feelings. Some participants experienced disorientation (E2) [35], slight sea sickness (E8) [30,36,37], imbalance (E4), and submersion (E6). This was potentially due to the novel techniques of motion and the initial stage of getting used to the new maneuvers [38]. However, this did not seem to deter participants, as they requested more interactions to enable further exploration of the impacted urban environment.
Suggestions for uses of further senses were also noted: use of the olfactory system was proposed (E9) to complement the visual immersion. Along with the visuals, sound (E5), water (E7), wind (E9), and fauna movement (E7) were thought to be of equal importance. Even though sensorial limitations bound the current VR headset, future technological advancement and integration could optimize the impact on empathy and awareness, which aligns with the research undertaken by Fauville [5] and Jamei et al. [17].

3.4. Risk Management

VR can be an effective tool for risk management. As part of climate risk mitigation, the idea of using VR as a tool for disaster management (E1, E4, and E9) and as a training tool (E4) [39,40] was discussed. This technology can be especially useful when preparing for house evacuations (E4), with E9 further contributing:
“…there’s a real need for this type of education or this type of exposure in preparing for disasters. So, in the lead-up to disaster events, we encourage people over the start of a storm season to get prepared, get their homes in order, and have all their documents ready. Moreover, it would be excellent if this (VR) would enhance that sort of thing. You can say to people that this is what a flood of this height looks like through your home or in your yard, or this is how wind might affect your structures or blow things in or damage your property. There is very much a case of using that to enhance those sorts of education. There has even been talks about creating apps that allow you to walk around the city and there’ll be digital markers or virtual reality markers that you’d be able to say, this is what it looked like when the fire went through, or this is what it looked like when the flood came through as you walk around.”
(E9, as cited in [41]).
VR applications related to disaster management can help anticipate risks modeled on historical events [24] or projected future events. Additionally, using immersive technologies can benefit management of underground infrastructures, such as sewer systems and piping works (E4). There is a definite value in the use of immersive technologies to visualize future risks and readiness for potential eventualities due to the immersion they offer without physically placing the user in a dangerous situation, as stipulated by Guo et al. [42].

3.5. Personal Views

3.5.1. People

From the experts’ insights, there is little doubt that VR offers enhanced capabilities as a climate change awareness device. As an observer, the experiment was compelling as it provided insight into participants’ willingness to share and converse under VR immersion, juxtaposed with the subsequent interview session. One explanation could be the obstructive nature of the VR headset, which protected the participants from real-world interferences, alleviating some of the potential discomfort associated with one-on-one interviews [43].
However, not all potential participants were welcoming of the VR experiment. Of the four local business staff approached, only one accepted the request. This is likely due to the nature of retail work, limited decision making within the company, or concern about the business activity being impacted if involved in the study. Notably, the local business manager (E6) preferred not to worry about the impact of climate change and hoped that a major weather event such as that simulated would not happen in the future. Such a skeptical outlook is reflected in the study by Berger and Wyss [44]. This made for an interesting discussion piece as the subsequent interview with E9 brought forth an exchange about how people preferred to block future calamities from their minds due to the pleasant distractions of their current lifestyle. Further investigation is needed into whether our comfortable present living conditions are a potential reason for reticence regarding climate change awareness.

3.5.2. Technology

The creation of the VR experience had its shortcomings. A significant portion of the time was spent fine-tuning and optimizing the LiDAR scans [41]. This was to allow smooth integration within the VR experience, given the VR hardware’s graphical constraints. This was crucial to allow participants to have a seamless immersion within the virtual space and avoid discomfort.
An intriguing aspect of the discussion was the persistent belief that the cost of VR systems is excessive (E6, E7, and E9). Since Facebook acquired Oculus, the cost of VR has dramatically dropped and costs much less than a high-end smartphone. This could be one of the reasons VR is still not appealing to the masses, hence the disinterest, and lack of content only accentuates the detachment [45].
The inclusion of animals in future immersive experiences can be an element of significant impact on climate change understanding [46]. When paired with emotions and feelings, these can potentially be key constituents to triggering emotive reactions, capable of inducing consequential behavioral change [46].

3.6. Limitations

Despite the rich data obtained, several shortcomings were nevertheless noted. With the limitations of convenience sampling (arising from the time restrictions under which the research was conducted), only one everyday user of the urban space at Cavill Avenue agreed to participate in the study. Feedback points to previous bad experiences with VR being an obstacle, thereby detracting from local business staff’s willingness to participate. As a result, significant policy implications and recommendations could not be justified based on this exploratory research.
Consequently, more professional diversity, contrasting familiarities with VR, and more participants would have generated more substantial data. Despite the diversity of age and gender of our convenience sample, a greater number of participants would facilitate analysis in relation to further categories (such as age group and gender) and assist in the identification of potential trends. Additionally, the constrained duration of this study reduced the margin for error, not only in the interpretation of data and report writing but also in relation to elements that the study depended on, such as the LiDAR asset generation, VR programming, and interviews. The latter took more time than expected as each interviewee was met at their convenience, which sometimes required hours of traveling time by the lead researcher.
Using the iPad Pro’s built-in LiDAR scans was challenging. Due to the amount of 3D information obtained from the LiDAR scans, the meshes and textures had to be optimized for efficiency. This was essential to allow the VR headset to compute and enable a smooth user experience with the VR simulation. As a result, a considerable amount of time was invested in optimizing the millions of polygons into a usable amount. Additionally, the initial scans failed to capture the textures of the surveyed infrastructures, with models returning with dark meshes. Though subsequent scans resolved the issue, further studies can investigate using professional-grade LiDAR scanners and desktop-powered VR headsets for enhanced visual fidelity.
The VR scene design offered participants the opportunity to teleport onto a rescue boat, replicating a common experience in recent Australian urban floods. This choice of scene design precluded other immersive viewpoints such as being trapped in cars or buildings, but such scenarios could be offered in a future expanded research project to involve such opportunities as risk management and training (e.g., the evacuation of buildings).
Even though hands were simulated in the VR space via the controllers, there was an uncanny condition whereby some participants (E4 and E10) perceived a sensation of absence of their bodies within the digital environment. Future studies can include a virtual body duplication to avoid this oddity. With constant technological advancement, digital interactions can be further enhanced. When maneuvering within the VR space, some experts had issues adapting to the controllers’ buttons, perhaps due to unfamiliarity with gaming locomotion systems. With Oculus Quest’s new update, the built-in camera can now utilize hand tracking, similar to Magic Leap’s technology, but with no additional hardware. Such an implementation can provide a better natural interaction and be more appealing to the broader community.
The use of our other senses in VR can further enhance awareness. During one of the interviews (E9), reference was made to the potential use of the olfactory system within the virtual space. Although the technology has yet to materialize commercially, Ericsson is investigating enhanced communication by an ‘Internet of Senses’ framework within the next decade [47]. This will allow sensorial aspects, such as the detection of digital aroma and flavor enhanced by rapid data transfer, with 5G being the catalyst.
A major limitation of VR is that it is still a niche product. Unless it is widely adopted, dissemination of climate change information via this immersive platform will be limited. One way to promote public endorsement is by enhancing collaboration inside a VR environment (E4). Allowing multi-user access within the same VR realm can be a significant shift towards mass adoption, as it will promote participation and cooperation.
Due to limitations related to such a short-duration research project, the decision was taken to proceed with individual expert interviews, also known as audience segmentation [43]. This practice allowed participants to express their ideas within a comfortable environment freely. However, two interviews were undertaken in small groups, and this provided a contrast with the individual expert interviews. Notably, in both group interviews, one participant was always more actively participating compared to the others in the room, possibly due to the hierarchical differences among the group members. Although focus groups have advantages, time constraints and the experts’ professional commitments demonstrated that segmentation was an efficient way to undertake this experimental interview.
Participants were appreciative, participative, and enthusiastic regarding the educational aspect of VR. There was consensus that, due to its three-dimensional abilities and the interaction it offers, VR has better potential at conveying scientific information regarding climate change to the general public than traditional two-dimensional communication. As such, all experts were ready to embrace and adopt VR technology within their respective fields of work. This section examined the experts’ observations and common outlooks on enabling awareness in VR emerged. These have been categorized as emotions, senses, feelings, fauna, data, landmarks, and mobility (Figure 4).

4. Conclusions

This study investigated the potential use of IVR and its impact on future awareness of climate change repercussions. This was achieved by a case study digitally recreating a local urban setting, using LiDAR and based on historical climate impacts, simulating the experience of a flood event induced by climate change. Subsequent investigations via open-ended expert interviews showed that VR could positively affect urban planning, disaster management, and education. The study also found key constituents potentially driving empathy in VR, including emotions, senses, feelings, fauna, data, landmarks, and mobility.
However, the study was limited by its restricted duration. There was only a narrow margin for error on essential components on which the research depended. Interview sessions had to be undertaken individually, LiDAR scans initially failed data capture, and the niche nature of VR demanded preliminary training. The lack of professional diversity and quantity of experts was also noted. In addition to improving these aspects, future research would benefit from using fauna as an agency to address human awareness of anthropogenic climate change, as the wildlife dimension is an often-neglected aspect in virtual environments. Further studies can additionally investigate the importance of sensorial characteristics, such as digital olfactory and multi-user technologies, as an influencing agent for climate change perception. The augmentation of GIS tools needs to be investigated to ascertain the extent to which they can provide further idiosyncratic experiences and a personal awareness of climate impact. Similarly, over time, it can be expected that the general increase in public technical knowledge of climate change consequences and the convergence and increased power of technologies can help reduce any possible bias in the present study and potentially provide increased impetus for safeguarding future generations’ habitats.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: (accessed on 23 August 2023), Figure S1: Sequence of tasks performed prior to the interview sessions; Figure S2: Generated assets for the VR experiment; Figure S3: VR simulation setting with areas of interaction highlighted; Figure S4: Awareness enablers in VR; Table S1: Key points raised by the experts.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.D.; Investigation, Y.D.; Writing—review & editing, A.C., D.O., J.B. and M.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Written informed consent was obtained from the subject(s) to publish this paper.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Interview questions.
Figure A1. Interview questions.
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Figure 1. Sequence of tasks performed prior to the interview sessions.
Figure 1. Sequence of tasks performed prior to the interview sessions.
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Figure 2. Examples of generated assets used in the VR experiment.
Figure 2. Examples of generated assets used in the VR experiment.
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Figure 3. VR simulation setting with areas of interaction highlighted.
Figure 3. VR simulation setting with areas of interaction highlighted.
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Figure 4. Awareness enablers in VR.
Figure 4. Awareness enablers in VR.
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Table 1. Key points raised by the experts.
Table 1. Key points raised by the experts.
Key PointsExperts (E) Raising Each Point
Visualizing flood in 3D in a recognizable settingE1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10–E12
Understanding the impacts of climate change, inundationE1, E2, E4, E6
Emotional reaction (e.g., amazement, excitement, intrigued, memory of other floods, fear/anxiety, sense of danger, futility, seasickness, awe)E1–E9
Reaction to wildlife (birds, koalas)E7
It will help the community appreciate climate change risk impactE1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10–E12
Useful for city planning generally and disaster planningE1, E2, E4, E5, E7, E8, E9, E10-E12
Scenario planning, comparisonsE4, E5, E8, E9, E11
3D is more powerful than text, numbers, or 2DE1, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9,
Vulnerable to manipulation, misuse (like photo montages)E8
Visualization needs to be more lifelike (the aesthetic of the VR environment)E1, E8
Sound and movement add realismE4, E7, E9
The playful/ludic aspect encourages engagementE4
Cost, safekeeping, and accessibility of VR headsets for community useE6
Critical to include faunaE7, E12
Still challenging to connect with business focus on metricsE9
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MDPI and ACS Style

Dhunnoo, Y.; Carter, A.; O’Hare, D.; Birt, J.; Skitmore, M. Improving Climate Change Awareness through Immersive Virtual Reality Communication: A Case Study. Sustainability 2023, 15, 12969.

AMA Style

Dhunnoo Y, Carter A, O’Hare D, Birt J, Skitmore M. Improving Climate Change Awareness through Immersive Virtual Reality Communication: A Case Study. Sustainability. 2023; 15(17):12969.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dhunnoo, Yétindranathsingh, Adrian Carter, Daniel O’Hare, James Birt, and Martin Skitmore. 2023. "Improving Climate Change Awareness through Immersive Virtual Reality Communication: A Case Study" Sustainability 15, no. 17: 12969.

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