Physical-Mechanical Behavior of CDW and Tire Flake Integration in Building Block Manufacturing
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Stone Materials
- -
- Absorption humidity (ASTM C127-15 [37]);
- -
- Specific gravity or saturated relative density (ASTM C127-15 [37]);
- -
- Dry and loose volumetric mass (MVSS) (ASTM C29/C29M-07 [38]);
- -
- Compacted dry volumetric mass (MVSC) (ASTM C29/C29M-07 [38]);
- -
- Granulometry or particle size analysis (ASTM C 136/C 136M-19 [39]).
2.2. Cement
2.3. Water
2.4. Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)
- -
- Absorption humidity (ASTM C127-15 [37]);
- -
- Specific gravity or saturated relative density (ASTM C127-15 [37]);
- -
- Dry and loose volumetric mass (MVSS) (ASTM C29/C29M-07 [38]);
- -
- Compacted dry volumetric mass (MVSC) (ASTM C29/C29M-07 [38]);
- -
- Granulometry or particle size analysis (ASTM C 136/C 136M-19 [39]).
2.5. Tire Flakes
2.6. Mix Design
2.7. Specimen Processing
- -
- Mixing: A motorized blade mixer was used for mixing (Figure 2a,b). The coarse aggregates (gravel and CDW) were added first, followed by fine aggregates (silt and tire flakes); then, the cement was added, and they were dry-mixed until a homogeneous mixture was achieved. Then, the water was incorporated in partial quantities until reaching the total for each mixture and achieving again a homogeneous mixture.
- -
- Filling of molds: Once the adequate consistency of the mixture was obtained, the gate was opened (Figure 2b), and the manufacture of the blocks continued. We placed the mixture inside the molds, and the specimens were manufactured through vibro-compacting (semi-industrial manual equipment of national elaboration, with a single-phase motor at 110 V with 2 HP, including a mold for a block of any model and size; model CK-7571) (Figure 3a–c).
- -
- Storage and curing of specimens: Finally, the specimens were left to dry for three days, outdoors, covered with plastic in order to not lose moisture too quickly. Subsequently, they were taken to cure in the wet sand beds of the materials laboratory “Luis Silva Ruelas” at the UMSNH.
2.8. Tests Performed on the Blocks
2.9. Microscopic Evaluation of Mortars
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Characterization of Aggregates and CDW
3.2. Mechanical Tests on the Blocks
3.2.1. Compressive Strength
3.2.2. Flexural Strength
3.2.3. Static Module of Elasticity
3.3. Physical Tests in the Blocks
3.3.1. MEB Images
3.3.2. Absorption Humidity
3.3.3. Electrical Resistivity (ER)
3.3.4. Unit Cost Analysis of Specimen Manufacturing
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mixtures | Nomenclature | Cement (kg) | Gravel (kg) | Silt (Sand) (kg) | Water (kg) | CDW (kg) | Tire Flakes (kg) | Workability (Inches) |
Control | Control | 12 | 90.8 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CDW 15% | CDW15 | 12 | 77.18 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 13.62 | 0 | 0 |
CDW 30% | CDW30 | 12 | 63.56 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 27.24 | 0 | 0 |
CDW 50% | CDW50 | 12 | 45.4 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 45.4 | 0 | 0 |
CDW 100% | CDW100 | 12 | 0 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 90.8 | 0 | 0 |
Tire flakes 5% | C5 | 12 | 90.8 | 71.54 | 11.7 | 0 | 3.77 | 0 |
Tire flakes 10% | C10 | 12 | 90.8 | 67.77 | 11.7 | 0 | 7.53 | 0 |
Tire flakes 20% | C20 | 12 | 90.8 | 60.24 | 11.7 | 0 | 15.06 | 0 |
CDW 50% + tire flakes 5% | CDW50 + C5 | 12 | 40.86 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 45.4 | 4.54 | 0 |
CDW 50% + tire flakes 10% | CDW50 + C10 | 12 | 36.32 | 75.3 | 11.7 | 45.4 | 9.08 | 0 |
Test | Standard | Specimen Dimensions |
Compression fc | ASTM C140/C140M-21 [43] | Height = 7 cm; width = 13 cm; length = 24 cm |
Flex ff | ASTM C78/C78M-22 [44] | Height = 7 cm; width = 13 cm; length = 24 cm |
Absorption rate | ASTM C566-19 [45] | Height = 7 cm; width = 13 cm; length = 24 cm |
Modulus of elasticity | ASTM C469/C469M-22 [46] | Cylinders: diameter = 10 cm; height 20 cm |
Electrical resistivity | ASTM C1876-19 [47] | Cylinders: diameter = 10 cm; height 20 cm |
Material | Absorption (%) | Density (g/cm3) | MVSS (g/cm3) | MVSV (g/cm3) | Fineness Modulus (%) | Maximum Aggregate Size (Inches) |
Silt (sand) | 10.32 | 2.11 | 1.21 | 1.31 | 2.25 | / |
Gravel | 15.53 | 1.7 | 0.65 | 0.71 | / | 3/8″ |
CDW | 13.12 | 2.04 | 1.05 | 1.13 | / | 3/8″ |
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Arreola-Sanchez, M.; Martinez-Molina, W.; Chavez-Garcia, H.L.; Navarrete-Seras, M.A.; Borrego-Perez, J.A.; Velazquez-Perez, J.A.; Ruiz-Ruiz, R.; Cervantes-Servin, A.I.; Pelagio-Chávez, A.; Alonso-Guzman, E.M. Physical-Mechanical Behavior of CDW and Tire Flake Integration in Building Block Manufacturing. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15418.
Arreola-Sanchez M, Martinez-Molina W, Chavez-Garcia HL, Navarrete-Seras MA, Borrego-Perez JA, Velazquez-Perez JA, Ruiz-Ruiz R, Cervantes-Servin AI, Pelagio-Chávez A, Alonso-Guzman EM. Physical-Mechanical Behavior of CDW and Tire Flake Integration in Building Block Manufacturing. Sustainability. 2023; 15(21):15418.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArreola-Sanchez, Mauricio, Wilfrido Martinez-Molina, Hugo Luis Chavez-Garcia, Marco Antonio Navarrete-Seras, Jorge Alberto Borrego-Perez, Judith Alejandara Velazquez-Perez, Rosalia Ruiz-Ruiz, Adrian Ixcoatl Cervantes-Servin, Adriana Pelagio-Chávez, and Elia Mercedes Alonso-Guzman. 2023. "Physical-Mechanical Behavior of CDW and Tire Flake Integration in Building Block Manufacturing" Sustainability 15, no. 21: 15418.
APA StyleArreola-Sanchez, M., Martinez-Molina, W., Chavez-Garcia, H. L., Navarrete-Seras, M. A., Borrego-Perez, J. A., Velazquez-Perez, J. A., Ruiz-Ruiz, R., Cervantes-Servin, A. I., Pelagio-Chávez, A., & Alonso-Guzman, E. M. (2023). Physical-Mechanical Behavior of CDW and Tire Flake Integration in Building Block Manufacturing. Sustainability, 15(21), 15418.