Passengers’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Green Initiatives in Aviation
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. European Initiatives towards Sustainability in the Aviation Sector
2.1.1. European Green Deal
2.1.2. Single European Sky
2.1.3. Destination 2050
- Up to 37% in savings due to advancements in aircraft and engine technologies;
- Up to 34% can be saved by using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF);
- Up to 8% in savings due to newly implemented economic measures;
- Up to 6% savings resulting from ATM and flight operations improvements.
2.1.4. Fit for 55
- The revision of the EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System, a carbon market-based measure;
- The ReFuelEU Aviation proposal, a directive promoting the use of sustainable fuels with the targets set for the years 2025 to 2050;
- The revision of the Energy Taxation Directive, which would impose a tax on fuel used for both commercial and private flights;
- The conversion of the Directive on Deployment of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure into a regulation.
2.1.5. Certification of Green Airports
2.1.6. Frequent Flyer Tax
2.2. Initiatives at Airports
2.3. Aircraft Improvements
2.4. Alternative Energy Sources
3. Literature Review
3.1. Theoretical Framework
3.2. Previous Research
4. Methodology
5. Results
5.1. Knowledge
5.2. Attitudes
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Demographical Groups | n | % |
Gender | ||
Male | 224 | 43% |
Female | 290 | 57% |
Age | ||
19–24 | 116 | 23% |
25–30 | 98 | 19% |
31–44 | 110 | 21% |
45–55 | 92 | 18% |
56 + | 98 | 19% |
Highest education | ||
High school | 216 | 42% |
Bachelor’s degree | 48 | 10% |
Master’s degree | 218 | 42% |
PhD. Degree | 32 | 6% |
Frequency of flying | ||
<once a year | 90 | 18% |
Once a year | 228 | 44% |
2–3 times a year | 140 | 27% |
>4 times a year | 56 | 11% |
Statistic | p | ||
RS Knowledge | Mann-Whitney U | 30,711 | 0.37 |
Statistic | p | ||
Willingness materials | Mann-Whitney U | 28,820 | 0.036 |
Willingness fuel | Mann-Whitney U | 25,272 | <0.001 |
Attitudes Materials | Willigness Materials | ||
Attitudes materials | Spearman’s rho | — | |
p-value | — | ||
Willigness materials | Spearman’s rho | 0.399 | — |
p-value | <0.001 | — |
Attitudes Fuel | Willingness Fuel | ||
Attitudes fuel | Spearman’s rho | — | |
p-value | — | ||
Willingness fuel | Spearman’s rho | 0.318 | — |
p-value | <0.001 | — |
Statistic | p | ||
RS Attitudes | Mann-Whitney U | 28,710 | 0.036 |
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Korba, P.; Sekelová, I.; Koščáková, M.; Behúnová, A. Passengers’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Green Initiatives in Aviation. Sustainability 2023, 15, 6187.
Korba P, Sekelová I, Koščáková M, Behúnová A. Passengers’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Green Initiatives in Aviation. Sustainability. 2023; 15(7):6187.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKorba, Peter, Ingrid Sekelová, Martina Koščáková, and Annamária Behúnová. 2023. "Passengers’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Green Initiatives in Aviation" Sustainability 15, no. 7: 6187.
APA StyleKorba, P., Sekelová, I., Koščáková, M., & Behúnová, A. (2023). Passengers’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Green Initiatives in Aviation. Sustainability, 15(7), 6187.