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The Influence of Innovative Resources on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of China’s Urban Agglomerations: A System Dynamics Perspective

Lifang Yan
Wenzhong Ye
Hui Long
Qiong Zhang
School of Business, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(14), 6191;
Submission received: 5 July 2024 / Revised: 16 July 2024 / Accepted: 16 July 2024 / Published: 19 July 2024


The sustainable development of urban agglomerations greatly relies on their comprehensive carrying capacity (CCC). As society evolves, innovative resources emerge as core assets and serve as crucial pillars of this capacity. Despite existing CCC studies, the influence of innovative resources remains underexplored. This study analyzes the influence of innovative resources on the CCC of 19 urban agglomerations in China using a system dynamics approach. We find that innovative resources are an important subsystem of CCC. Increasing innovative resources is an effective strategy for enhancing CCC, yet the effects of different types of innovative resources vary. Merely increasing the number of universities and research institutions does not significantly improve the CCC level. Increasing the expenditures of higher education institutions, internal R&D, and the number of patents are effective approaches to enhance CCC. Moreover, these factors can form a virtuous cycle, mutually promoting innovation and CCC development, thus injecting new momentum into the sustainable development of urban agglomerations.

1. Introduction

Owing to the pandemic-induced economic downturn, cities worldwide have been influenced by multiple unexpected domestic and international factors [1]. Future success in building a modern socialist powerhouse requires sustainable urban development [2]. According to statistical data, the world’s urbanization rate reached 60% in 2022, and by 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population is predicted to live in cities [3]. The most common spatial organization in urban areas is urban agglomeration [4], relatively complete urban complexes centered around one or two core cities within a specific region and connected through an integrated transportation network.
Urban agglomerations are the products of urban interactions and carriers for efficient economic system operations [5]. They facilitate the free flow of factors, the large-scale aggregation of resources, geographical division of labor, a reduction in transaction costs for enterprises, and optimization of industrial chains. Urban agglomerations are the lifeblood and new growth poles of urban economic development and the basic units for participating in global competition [6]. For instance, urban agglomerations—such as the West Midlands and Central Scotland in the UK, the Ruhr region in Germany, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China have achieved significant economies of scale [7,8].
Despite their vast potential, urban agglomerations face significant sustainability challenges. With the large-scale influx of people and the rapid expansion of urban scale, the contradiction between the demand for a quality living environment and the relative inadequacy of urban agglomeration development is becoming increasingly apparent. Issues such as the environment [9], transportation [10], ecological quality [11], employment [12], housing [13], and public security have severely hindered the sustainable development of urban agglomerations.
The goal of sustainable development in urban agglomerations is to address multifaceted challenges in the social, economic, and environmental domains [14]. Central to this endeavor is the maximization of the CCC of urban agglomerations, encompassing diverse subsystems. These subsystems include resource-carrying capacity, ecological and environmental resilience, urban infrastructural sustainability, and various social resource capacities. The interplay of various factors, the coordinated growth of cohesive subgroups within agglomerations, and the functional optimization and upgrading of individual cities within these clusters jointly influence these subsystems. Consequently, they form resilient and dynamically adaptive systems that can withstand and respond to changing challenges.
Innovative resources play an important role in CCC. A lack of innovative resources lowers productivity, results in outdated environmental protection technologies, and increases pollution and waste. Nokia, once a giant in mobile phone manufacturing, peaked in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Its core competitiveness lay in hardware manufacturing; however, with the rise of smartphones and the mobile internet, the market’s demand for software and ecosystems has increased daily. Nokia’s insufficient investment and innovation in software and application development meant that it failed to adapt to market changes over time, ultimately causing its decline [15].
Urban agglomerations have extremely significant innovative characteristics, and innovative resources play a pivotal role in enhancing their CCC [16,17]. With distinct innovative attributes, China’s urban agglomerations have gathered numerous scientific research institutions, higher learning institutions, and high-end talents to form a unique innovative ecosystem. Therefore, studying the influence of innovative resources on the CCC of China’s urban agglomerations is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of their carrying capacity status, optimizing innovative resources, and enhancing their overall competitiveness. Through scientific planning and innovation-driven development, countries can better leverage innovative advantages, promote industrial structure upgrading and comprehensive economic and social development, and achieve high-quality and sustainable development of urban agglomerations in the future.
The remaining content of this article is as follows: the first part is a literature review; the second part is the research basis; the third part is the research framework; the fourth part is an analysis of the results; the fifth part is the conclusions and policy implications; the sixth part comprises the appendices, including Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D and Appendix E on the values of CCC and its subsystems and Appendix F on the abbreviations in this paper and their corresponding full forms.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Research on Innovative Resources

Romer’s theory [18] on the role of knowledge in economic growth profoundly reveals the positive influence of knowledge and skills on the economy, establishing a theoretical foundation for studying innovative resources. Subsequently, researchers have established a close link between knowledge-intensive services, innovation, and the effective utilization of innovative resources, emphasizing mutual reinforcement among the three [19]. Moreover, the significant influence of knowledge spillovers on the formation of industrial structures has been widely discussed, with foreign direct investment and industrial clustering recognized as key factors in enhancing the effectiveness of urban innovative resources [20]. Additionally, some scholars have considered innovative resources the core element in analyzing the role of internal spatial integration and coordinated industrial development in the urban agglomerations of the Yangtze River Economic Belt [21]. Furthermore, research has revealed that the rapid convergence of innovation within urban agglomerations is significantly influenced by the spillover of human capital and market interactions, both of which jointly enhance the utilization efficiency of innovative resources [22]. Finally, studies have indicated that the positive spillover effects of regional innovative capital surpass those of innovative talents, highlighting the dominant role of capital resources in driving innovation [23]. In summary, these studies underscore the crucial role of innovative resources in promoting innovation and sustainable urban development and reveal their active roles through aggregation and spillover effects.

2.2. Research on CCC

In 1943, carrying capacity was defined as the maximum density of a population that could be sustained by a given amount of biomass [24]. With rapid economic development in the 1970s, the global population soared, precipitating a continuous decline in per capita arable land. Consequently, the conflict between human activities and the ecological environment has become increasingly prominent. This has prompted scholars to focus on single-element carrying capacities, such as population [25], water [26,27], land, traffic [28], and resources [29,30].
In the 21st century, economic development and industrial structure upgrades have shifted attention beyond mere resources and the environment to encompass a broader range of carrying objects. Concepts such as economic and social carrying capacities have also been proposed. Furthermore, the accelerated urbanization process has comprehensively impacted the carrying capacity of modern urban agglomerations, prompting the emergence of the concept of CCC [31]. Despite the lack of a unified definition among the academic community, studying urban carrying capacity from the perspective of multiple factors—including land and water resources, the environment, ecosystems, urban infrastructure, social resources, economy, population, and transportation—has become a new trend. For instance, some scholars argue that urban CCC should incorporate not only natural environmental and resource factors but also urban energy and ecological factors [32]. To evaluate the CCC of China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt, factors such as ecological environment carrying capacity, transportation carrying capacity, factor market carrying capacity, and industrial economy carrying capacity were included in the evaluation framework [33].
Based on the literature review, we condense the CCC framework into three interdependent subsystems that collectively define a region’s sustainability threshold: economic carrying capacity (ECC), which encapsulates the ability of an economy to sustainably grow while ensuring economic stability, job creation, and the equitable distribution of wealth; public service carrying capacity (PSCC), reflecting the capacity of infrastructure and services, such as healthcare, education, transportation, and governance, to meet the demands of the population without compromising quality or accessibility; and natural resource carrying capacity (NRCC), which assesses the sustainability of a region’s natural resources, including water, land, air, and biodiversity, to support human activities without depletion or irreversible degradation. These three subsystems interplay, reinforcing or constraining each other, ultimately determining the overall CCC of a given region.

2.3. Research on the Influence of Innovative Resources on CCC

The existing literature primarily explores the spatial spillover and regional convergence effects of innovation activities, such as the promotion of economic growth, environmental optimization, and efficiency enhancement [34,35,36]. This finding indirectly validates the beneficial influence of allocating innovative resources on CCC development in urban agglomerations. Additionally, innovative resources exhibit real-time mobility both internally and across urban agglomerations and are utilized in diverse fields, including pollution control [37], transportation [38], communication [39], infrastructure [40], and enterprise production lines [41]. Despite these advancements, scholars have not explored the specific influence of innovative resources on CCC.
Thus, inspired by this gap in the existing research and building upon the foundational frameworks of ECC, PSCC, and NRCC, we propose the inclusion of innovative resource carrying capacity (IRCC) as a fourth, equally essential subsystem within the CCC paradigm. By incorporating IRCC, we aim to explore the specific mechanisms through which innovative resources contribute to CCC development, examining their influence on fostering economic growth with reduced environmental footprints, enhancing public services through technological advancements, and safeguarding natural resources through smart and sustainable utilization practices. Ultimately, this research endeavor seeks to provide a holistic understanding of how the optimization of innovative resources can serve as a strategic tool for advancing the sustainability threshold of urban agglomerations worldwide.
This study is expected to make the following academic contributions: First, we optimize the existing evaluation methods for the CCC index system, and this optimization process particularly focuses on innovative resources and treats them—along with economic, social, and natural resources—as subsystems of CCC. Second, to analyze the influence of changes in innovative resources on the future CCC of urban agglomerations better, we construct a system dynamics model. Finally, this study’s conclusions have rich policy implications, guiding future urban planning and development decisions to achieve more sustainable and efficient urban agglomeration development.

3. Research Basis

3.1. Theoretical Basis of CCC

The intricate interplay and multifaceted influences of NRCC, PSCC, ECC, and IRCC form the cornerstone of CCC in urban agglomerations. Each of these subsystems exerts a profound and interdependent effect on the overall sustainability and resilience of a region, constituting a complex yet harmonious web of factors that drive development. The subsequent paragraphs will explore the specifics of the specific roles and contributions of these individual components, elucidating how natural resources, vital public services, economic dynamics, and innovative resources intertwine to shape and enhance the CCC of urban agglomerations.
Natural resources, such as land, water and environment, constitute the material foundation for urban and social development, and their quantity, quality, and distribution have a direct influence on the CCC of a region [42]. For instance, scarcity of water resources can constrain the development of agriculture and industry, subsequently affecting the overall economic operation.
Vital public services, including healthcare, transportation, parks, and public budgets, improve urban life, strengthen a city’s attractiveness, and ultimately boost its CCC [43].
ECC reflects the economic scale and growth rate. A a region can sustain within a specific period, directly impacting employment, income, and fiscal conditions, providing solid material support for CCC [44].
Innovative resources, encompassing technological talent, research and development funds, and an innovative environment, are core elements driving social and economic progress [45]. Increasing IRCC enhances a region’s innovation and competitiveness, continuously boosting CCC.
In conclusion, NRCC, PSCC, ECC, and IRCC work together to shape a region’s CCC, relying on and enhancing each other. This intricate interplay seeks sustainable development within a dynamic balance.

3.2. System Dynamics Methodology

This study employs a system dynamics model to simulate the development trends in innovative resource and CCC in China’s urban agglomerations. System dynamics, founded by Forrester [46], combines system science with computer simulation, focusing on studying the feedback structure and behavior of systems. When dealing with complex systems, it decomposes the system, quantifies the interactive relationships, and simulates system operations, providing guidance for the design of real-world systems.
The advantage of system dynamics modeling lies in its ability to handle complex system problems. First, it is able to accurately quantify the interactive relationships between the system elements. Second, it can comprehensively consider numerous indicators and the utilization of historical data, enhancing the accuracy of its predictions and decision-making. Third, it has powerful data analysis capabilities, supporting multi-dimensional analysis and providing strong support for optimizing resource allocation and enhancing comprehensive carrying capacity. And finally, its approach of treating system movement as fluid motion enables rapid identification and description of complex systems, thus ensuring the efficiency and accuracy of research [47].

4. Research Framework

4.1. Research Scope and Data Sources

The 14th Five-Year Plan [48] proposes 19 urban agglomerations for optimization, growth, and cultivation, and the relevant departments have approved the corresponding core cities for the urban agglomerations. This has played an important role in the development of China’s urban agglomerations. Based on this, 31 core cities from 5 national-level, 8 regional-level, and 6 regional-level urban agglomerations were selected as samples (Figure 1). However, because of a lack of significant data, Hong Kong, the core city of the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, was not included. In addition, this research covers a time span from 2011 to 2040, with 2011–2020 representing historical data and 2021–2040 being predicted data.

4.2. Selection of the Indicators and Calculation Method for Historical CCC Values

The determination of the indicator boundaries is the foundation for evaluating the CCC of urban agglomerations. Owing to the numerous elements and complex relationships in the urban agglomeration system, the selection of indicators should follow the following principles to accurately express multidimensional variables: completeness, comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of the urban agglomeration, and the avoidance of research limitations; relevance, selecting representative and accurate indicators to reflect the evaluation goals and weaknesses; universality, selecting indicators that share common characteristics across all urban agglomerations; and operability, selecting data that are easy to obtain, organize, quantify, and operate to ensure data authenticity and subsequent research feasibility [49].
This study explores the influence of innovative resources on the CCC of urban agglomerations. Innovative resources refer to resources that introduce unprecedented new combinations of production factors and conditions into the production system, which can improve production efficiency and the ecological environment, showcase innovative achievements, and increase marginal returns [50]. Based on the definition of innovative resources and the principles of the indicator selection, the innovative resource-carrying capacity (IRCC) of urban agglomerations primarily encompasses research institutions, talents, funds, and innovative accomplishments. In terms of talent resources, we adopted the following four indicators: the number of college teachers; the number of jobs in scientific research and technology services; the number of jobs in information transmission, software, and information technology services; and R&D employment. In terms of financial resources, we focused on two key indicators, namely higher education funding and internal R&D expenditure. However, the regression analysis revealed that the expenditure of higher education institutions is primarily influenced by the education public budget expenditure and serves as a key determinant of the number of college teachers. To avoid redundant variable calculations, we did not consider higher education funding as an independent indicator when assessing the IRCC. Finally, we adopted the innovation achievement indicator of patent application authorization to measure the innovation capability of the urban agglomerations. In summary, the level of IRCC in urban agglomerations in this study was obtained from the weighted sum of seven innovative resource indicators, including the number of ordinary higher education and research institutes mentioned above.
According to the selection principle for the indicators and the research of scholars [51,52,53], we referred to national and provincial policy norms, as well as industry standards, to construct a CCC evaluation system for urban agglomerations, which includes the four subsystems of IRCC, economic carrying capacity (ECC), public service carrying capacity (PSCC), and natural resource carrying capacity (NRCC). Based on the requirements of system dynamics modeling and data availability, 28 indicators were selected for these four subsystems. Historical data were obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics, the statistical yearbooks of various cities, the China Economic Database, and the EPS Database (Table 1).
The variables involved in the CCC have different definitions and orders of magnitude; therefore, dimensional consistency processing is required before starting to work with the model. The comparison indicates that most variables positively influence CCC, with only industrial sulfur dioxide emissions and industrial smoke and dust emissions exerting a negative influence. The higher the value of the positive influencing variable, the higher the CCC, while the opposite is true for negative influencing variables. To ensure consistency in the direction of influence of the processed data on the load-bearing structure, this study adopted different methods of dimensional consistency treatment for the positive and negative influencing variables. The positively influencing variables were processed using Equation (1), whereas the negatively influencing variables were processed using Equation (2).
α i j = β i j β min β max β min ( i = 1 , 2 , n ; j = 1 , 2 , m )
α i j = β max β i j β max β min ( i = 1 , 2 , n ; j = 1 , 2 , m )
where i is the region serial number; j is the annual serial number; α i j stands for the variables after consistency processing; β i j stands for the raw data; and β m a x and β m i n are the maximum and minimum values in all the raw data corresponding to a single variable, respectively.
Weighting methods for CCC indicators can be divided into subjective and objective weighting methods. The CCC system is complex, and subjective calculations are prone to bias; therefore, selecting a suitable objective weighting method is necessary. Among them, the principal component analysis method highly depends on the main indicators, resulting in an excessive weight of the main indicators. Thus, some factors affecting CCC cannot be reflected. The entropy rule is sensitive to abnormal data, and statistical errors in individual data can interfere with the simulation results. The mean square error method can fully consider the differences and influences between various indicators, accurately compare the differences between regions and the same region at different time points, improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the CCC evaluation, and is a more suitable objective weighting method for this study. The calculation step for this method first involves measuring the internal differences of variables in different regions and years and then calculating the CCC by weighting the contribution rate of variances. The specific calculation process is elucidated in Equations (3)–(6).
Step 1:
A k = 1 l α i j ( k = 1 , 2 , q ; i = 1 , 2 , n ; j = 1 , 2 , m )
where A k stands for the relevant indicators of the CCC and l is the total amount of data covered by each indicator.
Step 2: Calculate the mean square deviation of each indicator D k ; see Equation (4).
D k = 1 l ( α i j A k ) 2 ( k = 1 , 2 , q ; i = 1 , 2 , n ; j = 1 , 2 , m )
Step 3: Calculate the weights of each indicator W k ; see Equation (5).
W k = D k k = 1 q D k
Step 4: Calculate the CCC; see Equation (6).
CCC = W k α i j ( k = 1 , 2 , q ; i = 1 , 2 , n ; j = 1 , 2 , m )
Based on this study’s actual situation, the CCC includes 31 sample cities and 28 evaluation variables over 10 years. Therefore, in Equations (1)–(6), n stands for 31, m stands for 10, q stands for 28, and l stands for 310.
By combining the indicator system and Equations (1)–(6) selected herein, the weights of each criterion and the indicator layers were calculated (Table 1). The weight of each indicator layer for IRCC was approximately 0.03, with the highest weight being the number of ordinary higher education institutions and research institutes (0.0493) and the lowest being the number of patent applications and authorizations (0.0276), with minimal difference in the weight values. This indicates that although a certain degree of imbalance exists in the allocation of innovative resources among cities within Chinese urban agglomerations, different types of innovative resources can still maintain a certain degree of balance overall.
The calculation methods for IRCC, ECC, PSCC, and NRCC are similar to CCC, and they are all derived from the containing indicators. As can be seen in Table 1, four subsystems comprise seven, one, six, and five indicators, respectively, and their values are calculated based on the metrics within each subsystem. The values of IRCC, ECC, PSCC, NRCC, and CCC for the cities included in this study from 2011 to 2020 are detailed in Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D and Appendix E.

4.3. The Simulation Prediction Framework for IRCC and CCC Based on System Dynamics

Current approaches to carrying capacity modeling include synthetic control [62], neural networks [63], and system dynamics [64,65,66]. Synthetic control efficiently integrates linear regressions across cities for policy influence analysis. Neural networks, suitable for complex systems, operate as black boxes that lack transparency. System dynamics, widely recognized for studying regional development, was employed herein to illustrate feedback loops, and our understanding of the system dynamics was enhanced through causal and flow diagrams. Our study outlines the steps involved in constructing a system dynamics model, encompassing the definition of the research scope and data sources, the selection of indices, the calculation of CCC for urban areas, the construction of the system dynamics model, and settings for the scenario simulations. The system dynamics modeling in this study was built using Vensim PLEx32 7.0 software.
Based on Section 4.2, we sorted the causal relationships among the system elements and depicted the future dynamic process of the influence of innovative resources on the CCC of urban agglomerations. A causal relationship diagram was constructed, wherein the parameters are enclosed in sharp brackets < > and indicated in gray, representing shadow variables appearing multiple times (Figure 2).
Upon examining the causal loops associated with innovative resources, we discern that patent applications authorized, education public budget expenditure, and internal R&D expenditure are the originating factors. Firstly, the surge in patent authorization volume augments valid invention patents, thereby enhancing both IRCC and CCC. Similarly, education public budget expenditure accelerates university development, attracting educators and nurturing research talents, which subsequently reinforces IRCC and CCC. Moreover, it fosters digital talents and expands R&D employment, further elevating competitiveness. Meanwhile, internal R&D expenditure in particular drives R&D job growth, nurtures research talents, and encourages the emergence of digital talents, all of which have a positive impact on IRCC and CCC. Furthermore, these pathways collectively illustrate how investments in research, education, and technological advancements fortify a region’s overall competitiveness and capacity.
Table 2 lists eleven causal loops related to innovation resources, all of which are reinforcing loops. This indicates that patent applications authorized, education public budget expenditure, internal R&D expenditure, and public budget expenditure for science and technology will influence valid invention patents, talent cultivation, and university development, thereby exerting an influence on IRCC or PSCC and further enhancing CCC.
Based on the causality analysis, we explored practical issues related to system operation and drew a detailed flowchart (Figure 3). This diagram illustrates the interaction paths between various elements in the system, involving 54 variables. Specifically, there are 3 state variables representing different states or conditions during system operation, 48 auxiliary variables providing the necessary information and support for various components of the system, 2 flow variables measuring the speed and volume of the data flow within the system, and 1 constant-a fixed and unchanging numerical value used to maintain balance during the calculation process.
Based on the above flowchart, a cross-interaction relationship exists between these 54 variables, and parameter equations must be set up for these variables to accurately measure the relationships between the system elements. Owing to the similar approach to the parameter settings and equation selection for different regions, we have only listed the calculation equations and main basis for each parameter in Shanghai. When dealing with parameters related to the three types of control variables (ECC, PSCC, and NRCC), we used historical data regression analysis or references to national development plans. For parameters with significant numerical differences across different regions and years and unclear overall patterns, the function with the highest goodness of fit by region was selected for processing. Owing to the complexity and uncertainty of the elements involved in this study, we optimized the set parameter equations repeatedly through multiple runs and debugging and determined the final parameter settings through simulation (Table 3).
Additionally, the four IRCC parameters of the number of ordinary higher education institutions and research institutes (HEIR), the expenditure of higher education institutions (EHEI), internal R&D expenditure (RDE), and patent application authorization volume (PAAV) have not set equations. This is because the subsequent scenario simulation settings need to directly set equations for these four innovative resources and analyze their future influence on CCC trends.

4.4. Scenario Simulation Settings

To gain a deeper understanding of the long-term influence of innovative resources on CCC, we assume that certain types of innovative resources will be enhanced while the general indicators will continue following their historical trends. We designed five development scenarios to predict the future influence of different types of innovative resources on CCC. Through comparative analysis, we found that increasing expenditure and patent applications effectively enhances the CCC of urban agglomerations. Nevertheless, the excessive expansion of universities and research institutions may hinder CCC’s improvement. Taking Shanghai, Qingdao, and Guangxi as examples, the simulation results obtained through Vensim PLEx32 7.0 software indicate that when the number of ordinary higher education institutions and research institutes increases by 20% while the other indicators remain unchanged according to their current trends, the CCC will decrease by nearly 6%, 7%, and 11%, respectively, by 2040. Consequently, these five innovative resource development scenarios vary in the expenditure levels of higher education institutions (EHEI), internal R&D expenditure (IRDE), and patent application authorization volume (PAAV).
The five scenarios proposed are as follows: Scenario 1, also known as the current scenario, maintains the current status of higher education institutions (EHEI), internal R&D expenditure (IRDE), and patent application authorization volume (PAAV) until 2040. Scenario 2, the 5% scenario, assumes a 5% increase in the development levels of EHEI, IRDE, and PAAV. Scenario 3, the 10% scenario, envisages a 10% increase in these indicators. Similarly, Scenario 4 represents a 15% increase in these three indicators, whereas Scenario 5 assumes a 20% increase.

5. Analysis of the Results

5.1. Analysis of Model Testing Results

The first step was to verify historical data (2011–2020). The simulated and real data for the five criteria layers in Shanghai were compared (Figure 4). From the curve, it can be observed that the trends in the simulated and real values over time are relatively consistent, and the values are also consistent. Among the 50 simulated values, the average error was 3.7%, and only two years had a difference of more than 10% in their economic carrying capacity (11% and 12%, respectively). All the simulated values met the standard of having an average error within 10–15%. Based on historical data testing, evidently, the system dynamics model developed in this study demonstrates an appropriate fit, accurately reflecting the operational principles of the system in a scientifically sound manner.
Step 2 involved extreme condition testing. This testing method sets certain variables in the model as extreme values, observes the changes in the simulation system, and evaluates whether the constructed model conforms to the actual situation. When we set the birth rate and initial variables of Shanghai to 0, the per capita GDP tends toward infinity, as does the economic carrying capacity. This result is logically reasonable.
In summary, the simulation model of the CCC system passed the tests with historical data and extreme conditions. Establishing a system simulation model requires continuous adjustment and optimization based on the historical data of all variables to enable the determined model to be closer to the actual situation naturally.

5.2. Analysis of Historical Data Revealing Innovative Resources’ Influence

To visually demonstrate the relationship between innovative resources and CCC within China’s urban agglomerations, we combined historical data from the 2020 IRCC and CCC values of 31 core cities within 19 urban agglomerations to create a map. This map was created using ArcGis10.7 software and the means of the five-fifths method [70]. IRCC and CCC were ranked according to five levels in sequence from lowest to highest, and distinct colors were used to differentiate between the various levels (Figure 5).
The IRCC and CCC levels exhibited a highly consistent trend. From a statistical perspective, IRCC significantly positively influences CCC, indicating that CCC is also relatively high in regions with higher levels of innovative resources. This observation is consistent with the conclusions of the theoretical model and the problem hypothesis, further confirming this theory’s effectiveness. From a single urban agglomeration perspective, innovative resources are predominantly concentrated in cities within national-level urban agglomerations, such as Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. These urban agglomerations have relatively complete scientific and technological innovation systems and high-quality talent resources and a high level of economic development and a high-quality social environment. Some cities in regional urban agglomerations in the central and western regions, such as the Chengdu–Chongqing economic zone, Central China, and the city of Wuhan in the Middle reaches of the Changjiang River, also performed well in terms of IRCC and CCC; the regional-level urban agglomerations in the northeast and western regions lack innovative resources, possibly attributable to their relatively lagging economic development, talent loss, and a lack of educational and medical resources. Noteworthily, although the West Coast of Taiwan Strait has a relatively high economic development level, its IRCC and CCC are relatively low. The main reasons for this are the small built-up area, the small road area, and fewer people engaged in scientific and technological research and development, precipitating a limited carrying capacity.

5.3. Analysis of the Predicted Data Revealing the Influence of Innovative Resources on CCC

This study comprehensively considered the CCC levels of urban agglomerations and selected data from Shanghai, Qingdao, and Xining from 2011 to 2040 for the next simulation prediction. Shanghai—as the core of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration—has the strongest comprehensive strength and the highest economic share among the national-level urban agglomerations. Qingdao is at the core of the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration, with an important geographical location that connects multiple regions. Xining is the core of the Lanxi urban agglomeration, with an optimized industrial structure adjustment but a low development level, a fragile environment, and prominent problems in small towns. On the premise of passing the requisite tests, this study combined the system flowchart (Figure 3) and parameter equation (Table 3), inputted the variables and equations into the Vensim PLEx32 7.0 software, simulated the dynamic evolution brought about by system operation, and combined it with the actual situation of innovative resources and CCC. After multiple repeated experiments, the simulation time range was set to 2011–2040, with a total duration of 30 years and a step size of 1 year (Figure 6).
Figure 6 depicts the CCC simulation results for Shanghai, Qingdao, and Xining from 2011 to 2040. The corresponding curve exhibits the trend in the CCC over time. From a time trend perspective, irrespective of whether innovative resource optimization is implemented, the numerical value of CCC exhibits an increasing trend year by year. This phenomenon proves that China has entered a new stage of high-quality development, and the coordinated development levels of society, resources, and the economy are continuously improving.
Compared to the current scenario, the optimization of innovative resources in these three cities can result in varying degrees of CCC improvement, which aligns with existing research indicating that innovation activities can improve economic growth, pollution control, transportation, communication, infrastructure, and enterprise operations [34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41]. According to Figure 6a, the simulation results for Shanghai’s CCC in 2040 are as follows: about 2 under the current scenario, about 3 under the scenario of 10% optimization, about 7 under the scenario of 15% optimization, and about 18 under the scenario of 20% optimization. This indicates that optimizing innovative resources is an effective means for Shanghai to improve its CCC; moreover, when the optimization of innovative resources reaches a certain level, it will achieve a qualitative leap in its comprehensive carrying structure. Per Figure 6b, the simulation results for Qingdao’s CCC in 2040 are as follows: about 0.8 under the scenario of no optimization of innovative resources, about 1 under the scenario of 10% optimization, about 1.8 under the scenario of 15% optimization, and about 4.5 under the scenario of 20% optimization. This indicates that although the effect of innovative resource optimization in Qingdao on promoting the CCC is relatively limited compared to that in Shanghai, optimizing innovative resources is still an effective way to improve CCC; especially when the optimization degree reaches 15% or more, the optimization effect is significant. Similarly, the effect of innovative resource optimization on promoting the CCC in Xining, as presented in Figure 6c, is similar to that in Qingdao. At this point, it is evident that optimizing the allocation of innovative resources is an effective means for China’s urban agglomerations to achieve positive changes in their CCC structure.

6. Conclusions and Policy Implications

The CCC of urban agglomerations is influenced by the synergistic effects of multiple factors that form a complex system coupled with multiple factors, which contains a large number of linear and nonlinear relationships. This comprehensive study employs a multifaceted strategy, integrating system dynamics modeling for dynamic simulations, a literature analysis for theoretical grounding, theoretical insights for conceptual clarity, and statistical analysis for empirical validation. Its goal is to thoroughly apply the CCC evaluation framework, incorporating data calculation and predictive simulations while emphasizing the optimization of innovative resources. By harmoniously combining these methodologies, this study endeavors to gain a deeper understanding of how augmenting innovative resources can propel sustainable urban development and bolster the resilience of urban agglomerations, fostering long-term prosperity and adaptability. Specifically, the research underscores a correlation between the CCC framework and the improvement of innovative resources within urban agglomerations (Table 4).
Based on the conclusions drawn from the research, we propose the following policy implications. The central government should strengthen the top-level design of innovative resource allocation between and within urban agglomerations and focus on regional urban agglomerations with scarce resources. National-level urban agglomerations should promote the sharing and exchange of innovative resources and contribute to their leading global position. Less developed areas should optimize their resource allocation structures and take advantage of strategic opportunities to overcome and solve urban problems.
In the context of the diminishing comparative advantage of traditional resources, the comparative advantage of innovative resources is becoming an important driving factor in reshaping the CCC structures and enhancing the carrying capacity of global urban agglomerations. National-level urban agglomerations should strengthen policy guidance and their technological drive; deepen the industrial chain; and enhance high-end, intelligent, and green development. Resource-based regional urban agglomerations must optimize industrial innovation ecology, reduce resource development pressure, and help achieve carbon goals. Manufacturing-led urban clusters must promote industrial transformation and shift toward knowledge-intensive industries. During the cultivation period, regional urban agglomerations should accurately match innovative human resources, introduce professional talents, enhance the attractiveness of high-level talents, and assist in the technological self-reliance and modernization of industrial system construction.
The government and society should increase expenditure on universities and research institutes and optimize innovative resources. The government should increase the budget for the education sector, establish special expenditures for higher education, and encourage social donations. Technology-oriented enterprises should set clear research expenditure goals; establish scientific budgeting, approval, and performance evaluation mechanisms; improve utilization efficiency; and seek external financial support.
Simply increasing the number of universities and research institutes cannot effectively improve innovative resources, which may precipitate resource dispersion and inefficient utilization. Innovative talents form the core element, and human capital with heterogeneous skills achieves market equilibrium through agglomeration effects. It is necessary to encourage risk-taking; tolerate failure; and solve the problems of examination-oriented education, a lack of innovation, and talent loss abroad.
Effective invention patents are the key to enhancing the CCC of urban agglomerations, and it is necessary to establish a patent application support mechanism and a patent reward system and improve intellectual property laws and regulations. Simultaneously, policy design should encourage high-quality innovation and guide enterprises to engage in high-risk but promising innovations.
A virtuous cycle exists between higher education funding, internal research funding within enterprises, and effective invention patents. Funding from investment promotes scientific research optimization and improves resource quality and internal investment to support innovation and R&D within an enterprise. Innovative achievements bring economic returns through patent protection, attract investment and cooperation, further increase funding investment, and form a virtuous cycle.
However, this study aims to contribute to the field by exploring the role of innovative resources in enhancing the CCC of urban agglomerations. By analyzing the influence of innovation on various aspects of urban development, it lays the groundwork for future research in this domain. While further research is needed to delve into the synergies between innovative resources and three subsystems, economic carrying capacity (ECC), public service carrying capacity (PSCC), and natural resource carrying capacity (NRCC), this study has not extensively explored the interconnections among these subsystems. The aim is to gain a holistic understanding of urban agglomerations’ carrying capacity, which is essential for realizing their modernized and sustainable development.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.Y. and W.Y.; methodology, L.Y.; software, L.Y.; validation, L.Y., H.L. and Q.Z.; formal analysis, L.Y.; investigation, L.Y.; resources, W.Y.; data curation, L.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, L.Y. and H.L.; writing—review and editing, L.Y.; visualization, L.Y. and H.L.; supervision, L.Y. and Q.Z.; project administration, H.L.; funding acquisition, W.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China [grant number 20BGL299] and Postgraduate Scientific Research Innovation Project of Hunan Province [grant number CX2024].

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. The values of IRCC from 2011 to 2020.
Table A1. The values of IRCC from 2011 to 2020.
2011Dalian0.025 Hangzhou0.043 Qingdao0.016 Xi’an0.059
2012Dalian0.025 Hangzhou0.045 Qingdao0.017 Xi’an0.060
2013Dalian0.028 Hangzhou0.046 Qingdao0.018 Xi’an0.065
2014Dalian0.029 Hangzhou0.048 Qingdao0.019 Xi’an0.065
2015Dalian0.028 Hangzhou0.050 Qingdao0.020 Xi’an0.067
2016Dalian0.029 Hangzhou0.053 Qingdao0.022 Xi’an0.068
2017Dalian0.029 Hangzhou0.055 Qingdao0.024 Xi’an0.071
2018Dalian0.031 Hangzhou0.058 Qingdao0.026 Xi’an0.073
2019Dalian0.032 Hangzhou0.062 Qingdao0.028 Xi’an0.075
2020Dalian0.035 Hangzhou0.050 Qingdao0.031 Xi’an0.075
2011Beijing0.149 Harbin0.040 Shanghai0.073 Xining0.004
2012Beijing0.158 Harbin0.039 Shanghai0.074 Xining0.004
2013Beijing0.168 Harbin0.040 Shanghai0.094 Xining0.004
2014Beijing0.172 Harbin0.040 Shanghai0.091 Xining0.005
2015Beijing0.179 Harbin0.041 Shanghai0.094 Xining0.005
2016Beijing0.187 Harbin0.041 Shanghai0.094 Xining0.006
2017Beijing0.195 Harbin0.041 Shanghai0.098 Xining0.006
2018Beijing0.204 Harbin0.041 Shanghai0.103 Xining0.007
2019Beijing0.217 Harbin0.041 Shanghai0.111 Xining0.007
2020Beijing0.226 Harbin0.042 Shanghai0.123 Xining0.007
2011Changchun0.030 Hohhot0.013 Shenyang0.037 Yinchuan0.009
2012Changchun0.032 Hohhot0.013 Shenyang0.041 Yinchuan0.009
2013Changchun0.032 Hohhot0.014 Shenyang0.043 Yinchuan0.010
2014Changchun0.033 Hohhot0.014 Shenyang0.043 Yinchuan0.010
2015Changchun0.034 Hohhot0.015 Shenyang0.044 Yinchuan0.010
2016Changchun0.036 Hohhot0.015 Shenyang0.044 Yinchuan0.011
2017Changchun0.038 Hohhot0.015 Shenyang0.045 Yinchuan0.012
2018Changchun0.039 Hohhot0.015 Shenyang0.048 Yinchuan0.012
2019Changchun0.040 Hohhot0.015 Shenyang0.049 Yinchuan0.013
2020Changchun0.042 Hohhot0.016 Shenyang0.051 Yinchuan0.013
2011Changsha0.040 Jinan0.035 Shenzhen0.031 Zhengzhou0.043
2012Changsha0.041 Jinan0.036 Shenzhen0.038 Zhengzhou0.045
2013Changsha0.042 Jinan0.040 Shenzhen0.042 Zhengzhou0.050
2014Changsha0.043 Jinan0.039 Shenzhen0.042 Zhengzhou0.057
2015Changsha0.044 Jinan0.040 Shenzhen0.047 Zhengzhou0.058
2016Changsha0.045 Jinan0.041 Shenzhen0.054 Zhengzhou0.058
2017Changsha0.046 Jinan0.041 Shenzhen0.062 Zhengzhou0.061
2018Changsha0.048 Jinan0.042 Shenzhen0.080 Zhengzhou0.065
2019Changsha0.050 Jinan0.045 Shenzhen0.088 Zhengzhou0.072
2020Changsha0.053 Jinan0.046 Shenzhen0.104 Zhengzhou0.080
2011Chengdu0.050 Kunming0.031 Taiyuan0.030
2012Chengdu0.056 Kunming0.032 Taiyuan0.030
2013Chengdu0.065 Kunming0.033 Taiyuan0.031
2014Chengdu0.066 Kunming0.033 Taiyuan0.031
2015Chengdu0.063 Kunming0.034 Taiyuan0.032
2016Chengdu0.065 Kunming0.035 Taiyuan0.032
2017Chengdu0.067 Kunming0.036 Taiyuan0.032
2018Chengdu0.072 Kunming0.037 Taiyuan0.034
2019Chengdu0.074 Kunming0.037 Taiyuan0.035
2020Chengdu0.078 Kunming0.037 Taiyuan0.035
2011Chongqing0.050 Lanzhou0.017 Tianjin0.050
2012Chongqing0.053 Lanzhou0.018 Tianjin0.054
2013Chongqing0.060 Lanzhou0.019 Tianjin0.057
2014Chongqing0.061 Lanzhou0.021 Tianjin0.059
2015Chongqing0.061 Lanzhou0.021 Tianjin0.062
2016Chongqing0.066 Lanzhou0.022 Tianjin0.064
2017Chongqing0.069 Lanzhou0.024 Tianjin0.063
2018Chongqing0.072 Lanzhou0.027 Tianjin0.064
2019Chongqing0.075 Lanzhou0.024 Tianjin0.066
2020Chongqing0.086 Lanzhou0.024 Tianjin0.068
2011Fuzhou0.038 Nanchang0.041 Urumqi0.010
2012Fuzhou0.044 Nanchang0.041 Urumqi0.011
2013Fuzhou0.046 Nanchang0.041 Urumqi0.013
2014Fuzhou0.051 Nanchang0.043 Urumqi0.014
2015Fuzhou0.054 Nanchang0.042 Urumqi0.014
2016Fuzhou0.058 Nanchang0.042 Urumqi0.014
2017Fuzhou0.060 Nanchang0.043 Urumqi0.015
2018Fuzhou0.069 Nanchang0.044 Urumqi0.015
2019Fuzhou0.076 Nanchang0.045 Urumqi0.017
2020Fuzhou0.084 Nanchang0.045 Urumqi0.017
2011Guangzhou0.083 Nanjing0.049 Wuhan0.077
2012Guangzhou0.086 Nanjing0.052 Wuhan0.079
2013Guangzhou0.094 Nanjing0.057 Wuhan0.080
2014Guangzhou0.097 Nanjing0.058 Wuhan0.081
2015Guangzhou0.103 Nanjing0.060 Wuhan0.083
2016Guangzhou0.105 Nanjing0.062 Wuhan0.084
2017Guangzhou0.112 Nanjing0.065 Wuhan0.085
2018Guangzhou0.116 Nanjing0.074 Wuhan0.089
2019Guangzhou0.121 Nanjing0.080 Wuhan0.091
2020Guangzhou0.132 Nanjing0.084 Wuhan0.094
2011Guiyang0.031 Nanning0.019 Xiamen0.013
2012Guiyang0.031 Nanning0.019 Xiamen0.014
2013Guiyang0.032 Nanning0.020 Xiamen0.015
2014Guiyang0.033 Nanning0.021 Xiamen0.017
2015Guiyang0.034 Nanning0.022 Xiamen0.017
2016Guiyang0.034 Nanning0.022 Xiamen0.018
2017Guiyang0.035 Nanning0.024 Xiamen0.020
2018Guiyang0.036 Nanning0.025 Xiamen0.020
2019Guiyang0.037 Nanning0.025 Xiamen0.021
2020Guiyang0.038 Nanning0.027 Xiamen0.022

Appendix B

Table A2. The values of ECC from 2011 to 2020.
Table A2. The values of ECC from 2011 to 2020.
2011Dalian0.059 Hangzhou0.073 Qingdao0.066 Xi’an0.063
2012Dalian0.064 Hangzhou0.078 Qingdao0.074 Xi’an0.071
2013Dalian0.074 Hangzhou0.091 Qingdao0.080 Xi’an0.073
2014Dalian0.056 Hangzhou0.099 Qingdao0.096 Xi’an0.084
2015Dalian0.059 Hangzhou0.108 Qingdao0.105 Xi’an0.086
2016Dalian0.058 Hangzhou0.121 Qingdao0.113 Xi’an0.097
2017Dalian0.088 Hangzhou0.137 Qingdao0.109 Xi’an0.106
2018Dalian0.092 Hangzhou0.143 Qingdao0.117 Xi’an0.105
2019Dalian0.095 Hangzhou0.157 Qingdao0.128 Xi’an0.113
2020Dalian0.098 Hangzhou0.171 Qingdao0.135 Xi’an0.117
2011Beijing0.157 Harbin0.055 Shanghai0.147 Xining0.047
2012Beijing0.168 Harbin0.067 Shanghai0.151 Xining0.053
2013Beijing0.176 Harbin0.072 Shanghai0.173 Xining0.054
2014Beijing0.190 Harbin0.079 Shanghai0.194 Xining0.061
2015Beijing0.198 Harbin0.085 Shanghai0.197 Xining0.063
2016Beijing0.204 Harbin0.093 Shanghai0.216 Xining0.065
2017Beijing0.212 Harbin0.094 Shanghai0.229 Xining0.076
2018Beijing0.223 Harbin0.100 Shanghai0.240 Xining0.096
2019Beijing0.241 Harbin0.112 Shanghai0.252 Xining0.108
2020Beijing0.256 Harbin0.114 Shanghai0.263 Xining0.103
2011Changchun0.033 Hohhot0.099 Shenyang0.066 Yinchuan0.063
2012Changchun0.040 Hohhot0.107 Shenyang0.070 Yinchuan0.067
2013Changchun0.040 Hohhot0.111 Shenyang0.063 Yinchuan0.071
2014Changchun0.039 Hohhot0.120 Shenyang0.067 Yinchuan0.086
2015Changchun0.046 Hohhot0.121 Shenyang0.069 Yinchuan0.095
2016Changchun0.050 Hohhot0.126 Shenyang0.078 Yinchuan0.096
2017Changchun0.057 Hohhot0.124 Shenyang0.085 Yinchuan0.101
2018Changchun0.063 Hohhot0.131 Shenyang0.089 Yinchuan0.109
2019Changchun0.078 Hohhot0.132 Shenyang0.101 Yinchuan0.121
2020Changchun0.080 Hohhot0.140 Shenyang0.107 Yinchuan0.129
2011Changsha0.069 Jinan0.075 Shenzhen0.106 Zhengzhou0.076
2012Changsha0.075 Jinan0.078 Shenzhen0.110 Zhengzhou0.071
2013Changsha0.082 Jinan0.088 Shenzhen0.116 Zhengzhou0.071
2014Changsha0.088 Jinan0.092 Shenzhen0.119 Zhengzhou0.084
2015Changsha0.095 Jinan0.100 Shenzhen0.129 Zhengzhou0.083
2016Changsha0.110 Jinan0.106 Shenzhen0.138 Zhengzhou0.093
2017Changsha0.117 Jinan0.109 Shenzhen0.141 Zhengzhou0.104
2018Changsha0.128 Jinan0.110 Shenzhen0.148 Zhengzhou0.106
2019Changsha0.138 Jinan0.112 Shenzhen0.164 Zhengzhou0.119
2020Changsha0.144 Jinan0.122 Shenzhen0.183 Zhengzhou0.119
2011Chengdu0.062 Kunming0.062 Taiyuan0.046
2012Chengdu0.075 Kunming0.066 Taiyuan0.048
2013Chengdu0.085 Kunming0.074 Taiyuan0.052
2014Chengdu0.088 Kunming0.075 Taiyuan0.066
2015Chengdu0.083 Kunming0.083 Taiyuan0.072
2016Chengdu0.101 Kunming0.085 Taiyuan0.078
2017Chengdu0.098 Kunming0.092 Taiyuan0.078
2018Chengdu0.100 Kunming0.093 Taiyuan0.085
2019Chengdu0.135 Kunming0.118 Taiyuan0.087
2020Chengdu0.137 Kunming0.126 Taiyuan0.092
2011Chongqing0.048 Lanzhou0.040 Tianjin0.074
2012Chongqing0.085 Lanzhou0.039 Tianjin0.092
2013Chongqing0.092 Lanzhou0.047 Tianjin0.102
2014Chongqing0.084 Lanzhou0.062 Tianjin0.113
2015Chongqing0.097 Lanzhou0.071 Tianjin0.118
2016Chongqing0.099 Lanzhou0.079 Tianjin0.131
2017Chongqing0.115 Lanzhou0.080 Tianjin0.125
2018Chongqing0.107 Lanzhou0.092 Tianjin0.132
2019Chongqing0.123 Lanzhou0.093 Tianjin0.136
2020Chongqing0.131 Lanzhou0.099 Tianjin0.143
2011Fuzhou0.066 Nanchang0.027 Urumqi0.069
2012Fuzhou0.071 Nanchang0.041 Urumqi0.080
2013Fuzhou0.078 Nanchang0.044 Urumqi0.066
2014Fuzhou0.081 Nanchang0.049 Urumqi0.078
2015Fuzhou0.090 Nanchang0.051 Urumqi0.092
2016Fuzhou0.096 Nanchang0.057 Urumqi0.098
2017Fuzhou0.094 Nanchang0.063 Urumqi0.102
2018Fuzhou0.101 Nanchang0.072 Urumqi0.108
2019Fuzhou0.102 Nanchang0.084 Urumqi0.119
2020Fuzhou0.117 Nanchang0.091 Urumqi0.116
2011Guangzhou0.101 Nanjing0.071 Wuhan0.059
2012Guangzhou0.111 Nanjing0.083 Wuhan0.063
2013Guangzhou0.122 Nanjing0.081 Wuhan0.064
2014Guangzhou0.129 Nanjing0.092 Wuhan0.071
2015Guangzhou0.132 Nanjing0.100 Wuhan0.078
2016Guangzhou0.141 Nanjing0.110 Wuhan0.088
2017Guangzhou0.151 Nanjing0.115 Wuhan0.084
2018Guangzhou0.162 Nanjing0.125 Wuhan0.091
2019Guangzhou0.182 Nanjing0.139 Wuhan0.107
2020Guangzhou0.184 Nanjing0.152 Wuhan0.112
2011Guiyang0.053 Nanning0.061 Xiamen0.044
2012Guiyang0.056 Nanning0.065 Xiamen0.052
2013Guiyang0.065 Nanning0.061 Xiamen0.058
2014Guiyang0.071 Nanning0.061 Xiamen0.067
2015Guiyang0.079 Nanning0.067 Xiamen0.072
2016Guiyang0.079 Nanning0.064 Xiamen0.081
2017Guiyang0.077 Nanning0.069 Xiamen0.085
2018Guiyang0.084 Nanning0.103 Xiamen0.093
2019Guiyang0.086 Nanning0.107 Xiamen0.103
2020Guiyang0.094 Nanning0.110 Xiamen0.119

Appendix C

Table A3. The values of PSCC from 2011 to 2020.
Table A3. The values of PSCC from 2011 to 2020.
2011Dalian0.022 Hangzhou0.030 Qingdao0.021 Xi’an0.020
2012Dalian0.024 Hangzhou0.034 Qingdao0.026 Xi’an0.024
2013Dalian0.025 Hangzhou0.036 Qingdao0.029 Xi’an0.028
2014Dalian0.026 Hangzhou0.040 Qingdao0.030 Xi’an0.028
2015Dalian0.025 Hangzhou0.047 Qingdao0.031 Xi’an0.031
2016Dalian0.029 Hangzhou0.051 Qingdao0.037 Xi’an0.030
2017Dalian0.032 Hangzhou0.059 Qingdao0.041 Xi’an0.040
2018Dalian0.035 Hangzhou0.065 Qingdao0.046 Xi’an0.043
2019Dalian0.027 Hangzhou0.071 Qingdao0.050 Xi’an0.048
2020Dalian0.030 Hangzhou0.075 Qingdao0.053 Xi’an0.090
2011Beijing0.115 Harbin0.020 Shanghai0.118 Xining0.003
2012Beijing0.136 Harbin0.022 Shanghai0.126 Xining0.004
2013Beijing0.142 Harbin0.024 Shanghai0.129 Xining0.002
2014Beijing0.150 Harbin0.024 Shanghai0.132 Xining0.002
2015Beijing0.170 Harbin0.025 Shanghai0.138 Xining0.002
2016Beijing0.172 Harbin0.027 Shanghai0.152 Xining0.002
2017Beijing0.162 Harbin0.028 Shanghai0.160 Xining0.003
2018Beijing0.197 Harbin0.031 Shanghai0.167 Xining0.004
2019Beijing0.208 Harbin0.032 Shanghai0.133 Xining0.004
2020Beijing0.210 Harbin0.029 Shanghai0.174 Xining0.006
2011Changchun0.023 Hohhot0.006 Shenyang0.032 Yinchuan0.004
2012Changchun0.026 Hohhot0.006 Shenyang0.035 Yinchuan0.004
2013Changchun0.026 Hohhot0.007 Shenyang0.038 Yinchuan0.005
2014Changchun0.026 Hohhot0.007 Shenyang0.038 Yinchuan0.005
2015Changchun0.028 Hohhot0.010 Shenyang0.036 Yinchuan0.007
2016Changchun0.029 Hohhot0.012 Shenyang0.033 Yinchuan0.008
2017Changchun0.026 Hohhot0.013 Shenyang0.037 Yinchuan0.009
2018Changchun0.030 Hohhot0.011 Shenyang0.039 Yinchuan0.009
2019Changchun0.029 Hohhot0.012 Shenyang0.043 Yinchuan0.010
2020Changchun0.035 Hohhot0.012 Shenyang0.044 Yinchuan0.010
2011Changsha0.018 Jinan0.023 Shenzhen0.068 Zhengzhou0.015
2012Changsha0.020 Jinan0.026 Shenzhen0.075 Zhengzhou0.017
2013Changsha0.021 Jinan0.027 Shenzhen0.083 Zhengzhou0.019
2014Changsha0.022 Jinan0.029 Shenzhen0.084 Zhengzhou0.022
2015Changsha0.029 Jinan0.033 Shenzhen0.094 Zhengzhou0.023
2016Changsha0.027 Jinan0.037 Shenzhen0.113 Zhengzhou0.025
2017Changsha0.027 Jinan0.039 Shenzhen0.117 Zhengzhou0.035
2018Changsha0.028 Jinan0.043 Shenzhen0.116 Zhengzhou0.039
2019Changsha0.030 Jinan0.053 Shenzhen0.140 Zhengzhou0.043
2020Changsha0.040 Jinan0.058 Shenzhen0.136 Zhengzhou0.048
2011Chengdu0.032 Kunming0.014 Taiyuan0.013
2012Chengdu0.034 Kunming0.015 Taiyuan0.015
2013Chengdu0.036 Kunming0.014 Taiyuan0.018
2014Chengdu0.038 Kunming0.021 Taiyuan0.019
2015Chengdu0.043 Kunming0.018 Taiyuan0.020
2016Chengdu0.052 Kunming0.021 Taiyuan0.020
2017Chengdu0.057 Kunming0.018 Taiyuan0.022
2018Chengdu0.062 Kunming0.020 Taiyuan0.024
2019Chengdu0.067 Kunming0.022 Taiyuan0.025
2020Chengdu0.077 Kunming0.025 Taiyuan0.026
2011Chongqing0.062 Lanzhou0.008 Tianjin0.052
2012Chongqing0.070 Lanzhou0.009 Tianjin0.059
2013Chongqing0.072 Lanzhou0.008 Tianjin0.057
2014Chongqing0.079 Lanzhou0.010 Tianjin0.062
2015Chongqing0.087 Lanzhou0.012 Tianjin0.078
2016Chongqing0.097 Lanzhou0.014 Tianjin0.081
2017Chongqing0.103 Lanzhou0.014 Tianjin0.082
2018Chongqing0.111 Lanzhou0.016 Tianjin0.085
2019Chongqing0.119 Lanzhou0.017 Tianjin0.091
2020Chongqing0.126 Lanzhou0.017 Tianjin0.093
2011Fuzhou0.009 Nanchang0.007 Urumqi0.010
2012Fuzhou0.010 Nanchang0.010 Urumqi0.011
2013Fuzhou0.010 Nanchang0.011 Urumqi0.013
2014Fuzhou0.011 Nanchang0.012 Urumqi0.014
2015Fuzhou0.012 Nanchang0.014 Urumqi0.014
2016Fuzhou0.014 Nanchang0.012 Urumqi0.015
2017Fuzhou0.019 Nanchang0.015 Urumqi0.015
2018Fuzhou0.021 Nanchang0.016 Urumqi0.016
2019Fuzhou0.023 Nanchang0.016 Urumqi0.023
2020Fuzhou0.025 Nanchang0.018 Urumqi0.024
2011Guangzhou0.064 Nanjing0.042 Wuhan0.033
2012Guangzhou0.071 Nanjing0.047 Wuhan0.038
2013Guangzhou0.075 Nanjing0.052 Wuhan0.038
2014Guangzhou0.078 Nanjing0.055 Wuhan0.042
2015Guangzhou0.094 Nanjing0.061 Wuhan0.041
2016Guangzhou0.103 Nanjing0.064 Wuhan0.047
2017Guangzhou0.110 Nanjing0.067 Wuhan0.057
2018Guangzhou0.129 Nanjing0.072 Wuhan0.064
2019Guangzhou0.145 Nanjing0.079 Wuhan0.069
2020Guangzhou0.148 Nanjing0.083 Wuhan0.079
2011Guiyang0.006 Nanning0.013 Xiamen0.013
2012Guiyang0.009 Nanning0.014 Xiamen0.015
2013Guiyang0.013 Nanning0.016 Xiamen0.014
2014Guiyang0.014 Nanning0.018 Xiamen0.015
2015Guiyang0.013 Nanning0.018 Xiamen0.017
2016Guiyang0.014 Nanning0.020 Xiamen0.016
2017Guiyang0.016 Nanning0.022 Xiamen0.022
2018Guiyang0.018 Nanning0.025 Xiamen0.031
2019Guiyang0.019 Nanning0.027 Xiamen0.033
2020Guiyang0.022 Nanning0.029 Xiamen0.029

Appendix D

Table A4. The values of NSCC from 2011 to 2020.
Table A4. The values of NSCC from 2011 to 2020.
2011Dalian0.092 Hangzhou0.128 Qingdao0.126 Xi’an0.125
2012Dalian0.100 Hangzhou0.130 Qingdao0.129 Xi’an0.128
2013Dalian0.102 Hangzhou0.129 Qingdao0.133 Xi’an0.130
2014Dalian0.081 Hangzhou0.130 Qingdao0.133 Xi’an0.132
2015Dalian0.124 Hangzhou0.130 Qingdao0.136 Xi’an0.135
2016Dalian0.130 Hangzhou0.137 Qingdao0.140 Xi’an0.138
2017Dalian0.131 Hangzhou0.140 Qingdao0.142 Xi’an0.142
2018Dalian0.131 Hangzhou0.142 Qingdao0.145 Xi’an0.144
2019Dalian0.137 Hangzhou0.143 Qingdao0.147 Xi’an0.144
2020Dalian0.138 Hangzhou0.144 Qingdao0.147 Xi’an0.145
2011Beijing0.136 Harbin0.051 Shanghai0.130 Xining0.107
2012Beijing0.139 Harbin0.060 Shanghai0.131 Xining0.109
2013Beijing0.144 Harbin0.065 Shanghai0.134 Xining0.111
2014Beijing0.148 Harbin0.064 Shanghai0.137 Xining0.112
2015Beijing0.152 Harbin0.081 Shanghai0.139 Xining0.113
2016Beijing0.158 Harbin0.089 Shanghai0.141 Xining0.115
2017Beijing0.163 Harbin0.098 Shanghai0.142 Xining0.115
2018Beijing0.166 Harbin0.126 Shanghai0.151 Xining0.116
2019Beijing0.168 Harbin0.133 Shanghai0.152 Xining0.117
2020Beijing0.168 Harbin0.117 Shanghai0.153 Xining0.120
2011Changchun0.093 Hohhot0.109 Shenyang0.110 Yinchuan0.118
2012Changchun0.092 Hohhot0.112 Shenyang0.115 Yinchuan0.117
2013Changchun0.098 Hohhot0.115 Shenyang0.122 Yinchuan0.119
2014Changchun0.103 Hohhot0.116 Shenyang0.123 Yinchuan0.121
2015Changchun0.106 Hohhot0.118 Shenyang0.122 Yinchuan0.122
2016Changchun0.113 Hohhot0.118 Shenyang0.123 Yinchuan0.124
2017Changchun0.113 Hohhot0.119 Shenyang0.120 Yinchuan0.126
2018Changchun0.120 Hohhot0.119 Shenyang0.116 Yinchuan0.126
2019Changchun0.125 Hohhot0.119 Shenyang0.112 Yinchuan0.127
2020Changchun0.130 Hohhot0.123 Shenyang0.108 Yinchuan0.127
2011Changsha0.131 Jinan0.122 Shenzhen0.135 Zhengzhou0.082
2012Changsha0.132 Jinan0.124 Shenzhen0.137 Zhengzhou0.087
2013Changsha0.130 Jinan0.126 Shenzhen0.145 Zhengzhou0.090
2014Changsha0.132 Jinan0.128 Shenzhen0.152 Zhengzhou0.089
2015Changsha0.136 Jinan0.130 Shenzhen0.153 Zhengzhou0.088
2016Changsha0.137 Jinan0.133 Shenzhen0.154 Zhengzhou0.098
2017Changsha0.138 Jinan0.135 Shenzhen0.155 Zhengzhou0.103
2018Changsha0.137 Jinan0.138 Shenzhen0.155 Zhengzhou0.106
2019Changsha0.140 Jinan0.146 Shenzhen0.156 Zhengzhou0.111
2020Changsha0.144 Jinan0.150 Shenzhen0.156 Zhengzhou0.121
2011Chengdu0.130 Kunming0.129 Taiyuan0.125
2012Chengdu0.132 Kunming0.130 Taiyuan0.126
2013Chengdu0.131 Kunming0.133 Taiyuan0.127
2014Chengdu0.136 Kunming0.136 Taiyuan0.128
2015Chengdu0.139 Kunming0.134 Taiyuan0.129
2016Chengdu0.147 Kunming0.136 Taiyuan0.129
2017Chengdu0.149 Kunming0.137 Taiyuan0.130
2018Chengdu0.151 Kunming0.137 Taiyuan0.130
2019Chengdu0.153 Kunming0.139 Taiyuan0.131
2020Chengdu0.155 Kunming0.141 Taiyuan0.131
2011Chongqing0.102 Lanzhou0.099 Tianjin0.124
2012Chongqing0.102 Lanzhou0.103 Tianjin0.120
2013Chongqing0.105 Lanzhou0.104 Tianjin0.121
2014Chongqing0.103 Lanzhou0.105 Tianjin0.116
2015Chongqing0.111 Lanzhou0.111 Tianjin0.123
2016Chongqing0.134 Lanzhou0.120 Tianjin0.128
2017Chongqing0.138 Lanzhou0.122 Tianjin0.132
2018Chongqing0.129 Lanzhou0.123 Tianjin0.143
2019Chongqing0.123 Lanzhou0.125 Tianjin0.146
2020Chongqing0.151 Lanzhou0.131 Tianjin0.148
2011Fuzhou0.120 Nanchang0.120 Urumqi0.104
2012Fuzhou0.121 Nanchang0.120 Urumqi0.106
2013Fuzhou0.123 Nanchang0.122 Urumqi0.108
2014Fuzhou0.124 Nanchang0.124 Urumqi0.110
2015Fuzhou0.126 Nanchang0.126 Urumqi0.107
2016Fuzhou0.127 Nanchang0.128 Urumqi0.112
2017Fuzhou0.129 Nanchang0.132 Urumqi0.116
2018Fuzhou0.129 Nanchang0.132 Urumqi0.121
2019Fuzhou0.130 Nanchang0.130 Urumqi0.125
2020Fuzhou0.130 Nanchang0.134 Urumqi0.134
2011Guangzhou0.104 Nanjing0.120 Wuhan0.111
2012Guangzhou0.105 Nanjing0.122 Wuhan0.121
2013Guangzhou0.123 Nanjing0.125 Wuhan0.132
2014Guangzhou0.127 Nanjing0.127 Wuhan0.134
2015Guangzhou0.148 Nanjing0.129 Wuhan0.135
2016Guangzhou0.151 Nanjing0.131 Wuhan0.136
2017Guangzhou0.153 Nanjing0.133 Wuhan0.137
2018Guangzhou0.161 Nanjing0.135 Wuhan0.141
2019Guangzhou0.153 Nanjing0.136 Wuhan0.144
2020Guangzhou0.154 Nanjing0.139 Wuhan0.146
2011Guiyang0.101 Nanning0.101 Xiamen0.131
2012Guiyang0.105 Nanning0.113 Xiamen0.133
2013Guiyang0.109 Nanning0.113 Xiamen0.133
2014Guiyang0.113 Nanning0.116 Xiamen0.134
2015Guiyang0.112 Nanning0.118 Xiamen0.135
2016Guiyang0.116 Nanning0.119 Xiamen0.135
2017Guiyang0.122 Nanning0.123 Xiamen0.136
2018Guiyang0.125 Nanning0.125 Xiamen0.137
2019Guiyang0.127 Nanning0.134 Xiamen0.138
2020Guiyang0.132 Nanning0.131 Xiamen0.138

Appendix E

Table A5. The values of CCC from 2011 to 2020.
Table A5. The values of CCC from 2011 to 2020.
2011Dalian0.198 Hangzhou0.273 Qingdao0.229 Xi’an0.268
2012Dalian0.213 Hangzhou0.287 Qingdao0.247 Xi’an0.283
2013Dalian0.229 Hangzhou0.302 Qingdao0.260 Xi’an0.296
2014Dalian0.191 Hangzhou0.317 Qingdao0.278 Xi’an0.308
2015Dalian0.236 Hangzhou0.334 Qingdao0.293 Xi’an0.318
2016Dalian0.246 Hangzhou0.362 Qingdao0.312 Xi’an0.334
2017Dalian0.280 Hangzhou0.391 Qingdao0.317 Xi’an0.359
2018Dalian0.289 Hangzhou0.408 Qingdao0.335 Xi’an0.366
2019Dalian0.292 Hangzhou0.434 Qingdao0.353 Xi’an0.379
2020Dalian0.301 Hangzhou0.441 Qingdao0.366 Xi’an0.427
2011Beijing0.557 Harbin0.166 Shanghai0.467 Xining0.161
2012Beijing0.601 Harbin0.187 Shanghai0.483 Xining0.170
2013Beijing0.630 Harbin0.200 Shanghai0.531 Xining0.172
2014Beijing0.660 Harbin0.207 Shanghai0.554 Xining0.180
2015Beijing0.699 Harbin0.232 Shanghai0.568 Xining0.183
2016Beijing0.721 Harbin0.249 Shanghai0.603 Xining0.188
2017Beijing0.732 Harbin0.261 Shanghai0.628 Xining0.201
2018Beijing0.789 Harbin0.299 Shanghai0.661 Xining0.222
2019Beijing0.834 Harbin0.319 Shanghai0.649 Xining0.236
2020Beijing0.860 Harbin0.301 Shanghai0.713 Xining0.236
2011Changchun0.178 Hohhot0.228 Shenyang0.245 Yinchuan0.195
2012Changchun0.190 Hohhot0.238 Shenyang0.260 Yinchuan0.198
2013Changchun0.196 Hohhot0.247 Shenyang0.265 Yinchuan0.205
2014Changchun0.201 Hohhot0.256 Shenyang0.272 Yinchuan0.222
2015Changchun0.214 Hohhot0.264 Shenyang0.271 Yinchuan0.234
2016Changchun0.228 Hohhot0.270 Shenyang0.279 Yinchuan0.239
2017Changchun0.233 Hohhot0.270 Shenyang0.287 Yinchuan0.248
2018Changchun0.252 Hohhot0.276 Shenyang0.293 Yinchuan0.257
2019Changchun0.272 Hohhot0.278 Shenyang0.305 Yinchuan0.270
2020Changchun0.287 Hohhot0.291 Shenyang0.310 Yinchuan0.279
2011Changsha0.259 Jinan0.255 Shenzhen0.339 Zhengzhou0.215
2012Changsha0.268 Jinan0.264 Shenzhen0.360 Zhengzhou0.220
2013Changsha0.275 Jinan0.281 Shenzhen0.386 Zhengzhou0.230
2014Changsha0.286 Jinan0.288 Shenzhen0.398 Zhengzhou0.252
2015Changsha0.304 Jinan0.302 Shenzhen0.423 Zhengzhou0.252
2016Changsha0.318 Jinan0.317 Shenzhen0.459 Zhengzhou0.274
2017Changsha0.328 Jinan0.324 Shenzhen0.475 Zhengzhou0.303
2018Changsha0.341 Jinan0.333 Shenzhen0.500 Zhengzhou0.316
2019Changsha0.358 Jinan0.356 Shenzhen0.548 Zhengzhou0.346
2020Changsha0.382 Jinan0.376 Shenzhen0.579 Zhengzhou0.367
2011Chengdu0.274 Kunming0.237 Taiyuan0.213
2012Chengdu0.297 Kunming0.242 Taiyuan0.219
2013Chengdu0.318 Kunming0.254 Taiyuan0.227
2014Chengdu0.329 Kunming0.265 Taiyuan0.243
2015Chengdu0.328 Kunming0.270 Taiyuan0.251
2016Chengdu0.365 Kunming0.277 Taiyuan0.259
2017Chengdu0.372 Kunming0.283 Taiyuan0.262
2018Chengdu0.385 Kunming0.287 Taiyuan0.273
2019Chengdu0.429 Kunming0.316 Taiyuan0.277
2020Chengdu0.447 Kunming0.329 Taiyuan0.284
2011Chongqing0.263 Lanzhou0.164 Tianjin0.300
2012Chongqing0.310 Lanzhou0.169 Tianjin0.324
2013Chongqing0.329 Lanzhou0.178 Tianjin0.337
2014Chongqing0.327 Lanzhou0.197 Tianjin0.351
2015Chongqing0.356 Lanzhou0.215 Tianjin0.381
2016Chongqing0.396 Lanzhou0.235 Tianjin0.404
2017Chongqing0.425 Lanzhou0.241 Tianjin0.402
2018Chongqing0.419 Lanzhou0.259 Tianjin0.423
2019Chongqing0.439 Lanzhou0.260 Tianjin0.438
2020Chongqing0.494 Lanzhou0.272 Tianjin0.452
2011Fuzhou0.233 Nanchang0.195 Urumqi0.193
2012Fuzhou0.245 Nanchang0.212 Urumqi0.208
2013Fuzhou0.258 Nanchang0.219 Urumqi0.199
2014Fuzhou0.267 Nanchang0.227 Urumqi0.216
2015Fuzhou0.282 Nanchang0.233 Urumqi0.228
2016Fuzhou0.295 Nanchang0.240 Urumqi0.240
2017Fuzhou0.302 Nanchang0.253 Urumqi0.249
2018Fuzhou0.321 Nanchang0.265 Urumqi0.261
2019Fuzhou0.331 Nanchang0.275 Urumqi0.284
2020Fuzhou0.356 Nanchang0.289 Urumqi0.291
2011Guangzhou0.351 Nanjing0.282 Wuhan0.280
2012Guangzhou0.373 Nanjing0.303 Wuhan0.300
2013Guangzhou0.414 Nanjing0.314 Wuhan0.314
2014Guangzhou0.431 Nanjing0.333 Wuhan0.328
2015Guangzhou0.477 Nanjing0.350 Wuhan0.337
2016Guangzhou0.500 Nanjing0.367 Wuhan0.354
2017Guangzhou0.526 Nanjing0.380 Wuhan0.364
2018Guangzhou0.568 Nanjing0.406 Wuhan0.384
2019Guangzhou0.599 Nanjing0.435 Wuhan0.410
2020Guangzhou0.618 Nanjing0.458 Wuhan0.431
2011Guiyang0.192 Nanning0.195 Xiamen0.201
2012Guiyang0.201 Nanning0.212 Xiamen0.213
2013Guiyang0.219 Nanning0.211 Xiamen0.221
2014Guiyang0.231 Nanning0.217 Xiamen0.233
2015Guiyang0.238 Nanning0.224 Xiamen0.241
2016Guiyang0.243 Nanning0.224 Xiamen0.251
2017Guiyang0.250 Nanning0.237 Xiamen0.263
2018Guiyang0.262 Nanning0.277 Xiamen0.282
2019Guiyang0.269 Nanning0.293 Xiamen0.295
2020Guiyang0.286 Nanning0.298 Xiamen0.308

Appendix F

Table A6. Abbreviations in this paper and their corresponding full forms.
Table A6. Abbreviations in this paper and their corresponding full forms.
AbbreviationsCorresponding Full FormsAbbreviationsCorresponding Full Forms
CCCComprehensive carrying capacityAPLBAttrition of public library books
IRCCInnovative resource carrying capacityNAPLNumber of newly acquired public library books
ECCEconomic carrying capacityNHPHNumber of healthcare personnel in hospitals and health centers
PSCCPublic service carrying capacityHEHealth expenditure
NRCCNatural resource carrying capacityFEFiscal expenditure
GDPGDPEPBEEducation public budget expenditure
TPTotal populationPBSDPublic budget expenditures for science and technology
BRBirth rateBUABuilt-up area
MRMortality rateHTHWHarmless treatment rate of household waste
PSIGThe proportion of the added value of the secondary industry in GDPCTSTCentralized treatment rate of sewage treatment plants
PTIGThe proportion of the added value of the tertiary industry in GDPSDESPer-unit-value sulfur dioxide emissions in secondary industry
DIURDisposable income of urban residentsESDSPer-unit-value smoke and dust emissions in secondary industry
CHRECompleted housing area of real estate development enterprisesNFTHCollege teachers
TPTotal profitESTEmployment in scientific research and technology services
SDBSavings deposit balanceEISIEmployment in information transmission, software, and information technology services
TSWRTotal sales of wholesale and retail goods above quotaNRDPNumber of R&D personnel
ASIEAverage salary of urban on-the-job employeesNVIPThe number of valid invention patents
RAPRoad area proportionRSNPRevenue from the sales of new products
IPGSIncrement of park green space areaMBIMain business income


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Figure 1. Level, names, and core cities of 19 urban agglomerations. Note: The urban agglomerations corresponding to the subpictures (as) are as follows: (a) is Pear River Delta, (b) is Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, (c) is Middle Reaches of Changjiang River, (d) is Chengdu Chongqing Economic, (e) is Yantze River Delta, (f) is West Coast of Taiwan Straits, (g) is Central-South of Liaoning, (h) is Central Shanxi, (i) is Shandong peninsula, (j) is Central China, (k) is Beibu Gulf in Guangxi, (l) is North slope of tianshan mountain, (m) is Harbor-Yangtze, (n) is Ningxia along the Yellow River, (o) is Central Guizhou, (p) is Central Yunnan, (q) is Package Hubei Elm, (r) is Lanzhou-Xining, (s) is Jinzhong.
Figure 1. Level, names, and core cities of 19 urban agglomerations. Note: The urban agglomerations corresponding to the subpictures (as) are as follows: (a) is Pear River Delta, (b) is Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, (c) is Middle Reaches of Changjiang River, (d) is Chengdu Chongqing Economic, (e) is Yantze River Delta, (f) is West Coast of Taiwan Straits, (g) is Central-South of Liaoning, (h) is Central Shanxi, (i) is Shandong peninsula, (j) is Central China, (k) is Beibu Gulf in Guangxi, (l) is North slope of tianshan mountain, (m) is Harbor-Yangtze, (n) is Ningxia along the Yellow River, (o) is Central Guizhou, (p) is Central Yunnan, (q) is Package Hubei Elm, (r) is Lanzhou-Xining, (s) is Jinzhong.
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Figure 2. Causal relationship diagram of CCC of urban agglomeration.
Figure 2. Causal relationship diagram of CCC of urban agglomeration.
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Figure 3. Flow chart of CCC system for urban agglomeration.
Figure 3. Flow chart of CCC system for urban agglomeration.
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Figure 4. Comparison between simulated and real data (2011–2020).
Figure 4. Comparison between simulated and real data (2011–2020).
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Figure 5. IRCC and CCC levels of China’s urban agglomerations in 2020.
Figure 5. IRCC and CCC levels of China’s urban agglomerations in 2020.
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Figure 6. IRCC and CCC under different scenarios in past and future for (a) Shanghai, (b) Qingdao, and (c) Xining.
Figure 6. IRCC and CCC under different scenarios in past and future for (a) Shanghai, (b) Qingdao, and (c) Xining.
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Table 1. Multi indicator evaluation system and its weights for the CCC of urban agglomerations.
Table 1. Multi indicator evaluation system and its weights for the CCC of urban agglomerations.
Criterion LayerCriteria WeightsIndicator LayerIndicator WeightBasis for Selection
Innovative resource carrying capacity
0.2464Number of ordinary higher education institutions and research institutes0.0493Research on innovative resources from the perspective of enterprises [54] and city [55]
College teachers0.0376
Employment in scientific research and technology services0.0320
Employment in information transmission, software, and information technology services0.0312
R&D employment numbers0.0381
Internal R&D expenditure0.0306
Patent application authorization volume0.0276
Economic carrying capacity
0.3482Per capita GDP0.0331Indicators of ECC and the impact of economic development on CCC [56,57]
Proportion of the added value of the secondary industry in GDP0.0383
Proportion of the added value of the tertiary industry in GDP0.0365
Proportion of employment in the tertiary industry0.0314
Disposable income of urban residents0.0397
Completed housing area of real estate development enterprises0.036
Total profit0.0348
Savings deposit balance0.0381
Total sales of wholesale and retail goods above quota0.0277
Average salary of urban on-the-job employees0.0326
Public service carrying capacity
0.2398Road area0.0416Evaluation method for urban PSCC [58,59]
Park green space- area0.049
Total collection of books in public libraries0.0448
Number of healthcare personnel in hospitals and health centers0.0304
Education public budget expenditure0.0402
Public budget expenditures for science and technology0.0338
Natural resource carrying capacity (NRCC)0.1769Built-up area0.0456Comprehensive evaluation of resource and environmental carrying capacity [60,61]
Harmless treatment rate of household waste0.0409
Centralized treatment rate of sewage treatment plants0.0267
Industrial sulfur dioxide emissions0.0294
Industrial smoke and dust emissions0.0343
Table 2. Feedback loops for innovative resources.
Table 2. Feedback loops for innovative resources.
Patent applications authorized Loop 1Patent application authorization volume → number of valid invention patents → IRCC → CCC
Education public budget expenditure Loop 1Education public budget expenditure → university construction → college teachers → scientific research talents → IRCC → CCC
Education public budget expenditure Loop 2Education public budget expenditure → digital talents → IRCC → CCC
Education public budget expenditure Loop 3Education public budget expenditure → R&D employment numbers → IRCC → CCC
Education public budget expenditure Loop 4Education public budget expenditure → scientific research talents → IRCC → CCC
Education public budget expenditure Loop 5Education public budget expenditure → PSCC → CCC
Public budget expenditure for science and technology Loop 1Public budget expenditure for science and technology→ digital talents → IRCC → CCC
Public budget expenditure for science and technology Loop 2Public budget expenditure for science and technology→ PSCC → CCC
Internal R&D expenditure Loop 1Internal R&D expenditure → R&D employment numbers → IRCC → CCC
Internal R&D expenditure Loop 2Internal R&D expenditure → scientific research talents → IRCC → CCC
Internal R&D expenditure Loop 3Internal R&D expenditure → digital talents → IRCC → CCC
Table 3. Main parameters equation of the CCC system.
Table 3. Main parameters equation of the CCC system.
GDPGDP108 yuanRamp function14th Five-Year Plan
Total populationTP104 person T P t 1 × ( 1 + B R M R ) + N I P General equation
Birth rateBR 0.07 × p o w e r ( 0.990 , ( T i m e 2018 ) ) Select the function with the highest goodness of fit by region
Mortality rateMRRegional averageThe level within the region is relatively stable.
The proportion of added value of the secondary industry in GDPPSIG% 0.298 × P o w e r ( 0.960 , ( T i m e 2018 ) ) Select the function with the highest goodness of fit by region
The proportion of added value of the tertiary industry in GDPPTIG% 0.699 × P o w e r ( 1.015 , ( T i m e 2018 ) ) Select the function with the highest goodness of fit by region
Disposable income of urban residentsDIURyuan 0.096 × p e r   c a p i t a   G D P + 24984 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Completed housing area of real estate development enterprisesCHRE104 m2After 2020, a 5% decrease annuallyThe positioning of “housing is for living in, not for speculation” in the 14th Five−Year Plan and the current situation for China’s population
Total profitTP108 yuan 36.491 × P S I G + 38.443 × P T I G 36.680 × R D E + 1.173 × R D F E + 0.011 × M B I 3459.031 Linear regression, with independent variables referencing existing literature (Jiang, 2012) [67]
Savings deposit balanceSDB108 yuan 2913.910 × P o w e r ( 1.001 , ( T i m e 2016 ) ) Select the function with the highest goodness of fit by region
Total sales of wholesale and retail goods above quotaTSWR108 yuanThe annual growth rate is 8%14th Five-Year Plan and historical data
Average salary of urban on-the-job employeesASIEyuanThe annual growth rate is 8%14th Five-Year Plan and historical data
Road area proportionRAP Cities with a population under 2 million: 0.115; cities with a population over 2 million: 0.175Referencing existing literature (Wang, 2014) [68]
Increment of park green space areaIPGSkm2Setting multipliers based on regions for population growthReferencing existing literature (Du and Liu, 2022) [69]
Attrition of public library booksAPLB104 copies 0.035 × N A P L t 1 Survey results of multiple libraries
Number of newly acquired public library booksNAPL104 copiesCalculating the average value by regionRegional historical data
Number of healthcare personnel in hospitals and health centersNHPHperson 0.009 × H E + 8723.594 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Health expenditureHE104 yuan I F   T H E N   E L S E ( T i m e < 2020 , 0.060 × F E , 0.070 × F E ) Historical data and IF function by regions
Fiscal expenditureFE104 yuan I F   T H E N   E L S E ( T i m e < 2020 , 0.280 × G D P , 0.300 × G D P ) Historical data and IF function by regions
Education public budget expenditureEPBE104 yuan I F   T H E N   E L S E ( T i m e < 2020 , 0.355 × F E + 120.350 , 0.350 × F E + 399.950 ) Historical data and IF function by regions
Public budget expenditures for science and technologyPBSD104 yuan 0.038 × F E + 9819.421 × P T I G 930830 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Built-up areaBUAkm2 1237.850 + ( T i m e 2016 ) × 12.379 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Harmless treatment rate of household wasteHTHW% I F   T H E N   E L S E ( T i m e > 2016 , 100 , 99 ) Historical data and IF function by regions
Centralized treatment rate of sewage treatment plantsCTST% 92.800 + ( T i m e 2018 ) × 0.100 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Per-unit-value sulfur dioxide emissions in secondary industrySDESton0.98 times the value of the previous yearHistorical data trend
Per-unit-value smoke and dust emissions in secondary industryESDSton0.007The fluctuation range of the data is small, so take the average value
College teachersNFTHperson 0.040 × H E F 0.0001 × H E I R + 124.726 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Employment in scientific research and technology servicesEST104 people ( 0.106 × R D F E + 652.312 × C T + 123.833 × E P B E 28868.510 ) × 0.010 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Employment in information transmission, software, and information technology servicesEISI104 people ( 0.027 × R D F E + 1.083 × A S I E 77132.730 ) × 0.010 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Number of R&D personnelNRDPperson ( 0.027 × R D F E + 1.083 × A S I E 77132.730 ) × 0.010 The results of linear regression based on historical data
The number of valid invention patentsNVIPterm 0.680 × P A A V 134 The results of linear regression based on historical data
Revenue from the sales of new productsRSNP104 yuan 320.458 + 0.560 × N V I P The results of linear regression based on historical data
Main business incomeMBI104 yuan 1.071 + 0.473 × R S N P The results of linear regression based on historical data
Table 4. Research contents indicate that innovative resources have a positive influence on CCC.
Table 4. Research contents indicate that innovative resources have a positive influence on CCC.
Research ContentsTime Frame of the SectionResearch MethodsConclusions
Section 2.3References within the most recent yearsliterature analysisInnovative resources positively influence economic growth, pollution control, transportation, communication, infrastructure, and enterprise operations
Table 3: Main parameters in equations for the CCC system2011–2040Refer to14th Five-Year Plan, historical data, linear regression, existing literature, the highest goodness function, etc.There exists a correlation between the parameters of innovative resources and other parameters related to CCC
Section 5.22020Statistical methodsIRCC significantly positively influences CCC
Section 5.3System dynamicsSystem dynamics methodsOptimizing the allocation of innovative resources is an effective means for China’s urban agglomerations to achieve positive changes in their CCC structure
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MDPI and ACS Style

Yan, L.; Ye, W.; Long, H.; Zhang, Q. The Influence of Innovative Resources on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of China’s Urban Agglomerations: A System Dynamics Perspective. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6191.

AMA Style

Yan L, Ye W, Long H, Zhang Q. The Influence of Innovative Resources on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of China’s Urban Agglomerations: A System Dynamics Perspective. Sustainability. 2024; 16(14):6191.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yan, Lifang, Wenzhong Ye, Hui Long, and Qiong Zhang. 2024. "The Influence of Innovative Resources on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of China’s Urban Agglomerations: A System Dynamics Perspective" Sustainability 16, no. 14: 6191.

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