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Artificial Intelligence Integration in Sustainable Business Practices: A Text Mining Analysis of USA Firms

Yavuz Selim Balcıoğlu
Ahmet Alkan Çelik
2 and
Erkut Altındağ
Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Business Administration, Gebze Technical University, 41400 Gebze, Türkiye
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Doğuş University, 34775 Ümraniye, Türkiye
Faculty of Communication, New Media Department, Istanbul Beykent University, 34398 Sarıyer, Türkiye
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(15), 6334;
Submission received: 1 July 2024 / Revised: 18 July 2024 / Accepted: 22 July 2024 / Published: 24 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainability of Businesses)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming sustainable business strategies globally, yet its specific applications within American enterprises remain underexplored. This study examines the integration of AI in sustainability efforts across various industries in the USA from 2014 to 2022. By analyzing 263 sustainability reports from 41 leading Nasdaq-listed firms using advanced text mining techniques, we uncover nuanced insights into how AI is employed to address environmental and social challenges. Our findings reveal a strategic deployment of AI not only to enhance operational efficiency, but also to drive significant environmental improvements, such as optimizing renewable energy usage and mitigating emissions. Additionally, AI’s impact extends to fostering workplace safety, enhancing diversity, and bolstering community initiatives. This research highlights the critical role of AI as a catalyst in advancing sustainable practices, providing a blueprint for other regions and industries aiming to leverage technology for greater sustainability.

1. Introduction

In today’s fast-paced global environment, data-driven decision-making has become essential for enterprises seeking to remain competitive and socially relevant [1,2,3]. Enterprises are not merely economic entities but integral parts of societal systems, impacting and interacting with social, environmental, and economic dimensions. As such, these organizations must adeptly navigate increasingly complex and dynamic ecosystems [4,5]. The pivotal role of data in this endeavor is undisputed, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerging as a key player in enhancing analytical capabilities [6].
Despite the critical role of AI in modern business practices, studies specifically exploring AI’s integration within the framework of sustainability are notably limited [7,8]. As global attention shifts towards sustainability, spurred by escalating environmental and social challenges, there is a burgeoning need to explore how AI technologies can foster sustainable business operations [9,10]. This research seeks to bridge this gap by delving into the integration of AI in promoting ecological, social, and economic sustainability—the tripartite foundation essential for the future viability of society.
American enterprises are increasingly relying on AI to automate complex decision-making processes and to understand intricate systems better [11,12]. This shift is part of a broader transformation that affects various facets of societal operation, including operating systems, transportation modes, and consumer behavior. While AI’s predominance is often associated with technology-centric companies and digital transformation initiatives, its scope extends to enhancing interpersonal communications and augmenting human capabilities in the workplace [13]. However, the deployment of AI is not without its challenges; concerns about job displacement and the transfer of decision-making power from humans to machines are prevalent [14].
This study utilizes text mining to analyze 263 sustainability reports from 41 leading American firms listed on Nasdaq, covering the period from 2014 to 2022. The analysis aims to discern patterns and categories of AI adoption related to sustainability initiatives. Preliminary findings suggest a dual focus in AI deployment: optimization of business processes and enhancement of sustainable practices. This introduction of AI is increasingly recognized as essential not only for operational efficiency but also for addressing broader societal challenges such as environmental sustainability and economic resilience.
AI’s ability to process and structure vast arrays of unstructured data—ranging from textual content to visual and auditory information—with actionable insights is invaluable [15]. These capabilities are leveraged to fortify business analytics and intelligence frameworks, which are fundamental to competitive advantage in the digital age. Moreover, AI offers a triple advantage: it frees up human resources from repetitive tasks, provides deep insights from complex data sets, and harnesses extensive computational power to tackle significant challenges like climate change [16].
This study aims to demonstrate how AI applications can transform traditional business models and contribute to the sustainability agenda. By doing so, it addresses the critical need for holistic and innovative solutions to contemporary environmental issues, eliminating information asymmetries and human biases that often hinder effective decision-making.
The primary goal of this research is to explore and understand the extent and impact of AI integration within sustainable practices across various industries in the USA from 2014 to 2022. The objectives include:
  • To identify how AI technologies are being implemented in different sectors to enhance sustainability outcomes.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of these AI applications in achieving sustainability goals across operational, environmental, and social dimensions.
  • To compare the AI adoption trends and impacts across different industries to understand sector-specific nuances and broader cross-industry implications.

2. Domains of AI Adoption in Sustainable Business Practices

Academic discussions on AI and sustainability have explored a variety of applications across multiple sectors, reflecting the diverse potential of AI to address modern and global challenges [10,17]. One prominent example is in the agriculture and food industry, where AI is utilized to manage crop health and optimize resource consumption such as water and fertilizers [18]. This not only reduces the environmental impact of agricultural activities, but also enhances food security by minimizing waste and maximizing yield. Monitoring and managing environmental conditions, like air quality, is another critical application [19,20]. AI technologies are increasingly employed to predict and analyze pollution levels, providing vital data to safeguard public health in urban areas.
In the healthcare sector, AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data rapidly enables better disease diagnosis and patient management, thereby improving health outcomes while optimizing resource use [21,22]. Energy management is yet another domain where AI contributes significantly; it enhances energy efficiency and sustainability through smart grid management and predictive maintenance of energy systems. Moreover, AI plays a transformative role in supply chain management by optimizing logistics and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and warehousing [23].
Transitioning to the USA, these global applications are mirrored and adapted to local challenges [24]. American enterprises leverage AI to enhance efficiency and sustainability across various industries, from agriculture to energy, reflecting a robust integration of AI into key economic sectors [22]. However, the deployment of AI also brings forth ethical considerations and challenges, such as the potential increase in energy consumption due to AI operations, which could counteract the environmental benefits [25]. Balancing these impacts is crucial for realizing the full potential of AI in fostering sustainable business practices within the USA.
In this study, we examine the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within sustainable business practices through the lens of established theoretical frameworks. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provides a foundational basis for understanding how businesses adopt AI technologies. It emphasizes the roles of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which are critical in assessing the willingness of firms to integrate AI into their operations. Concurrently, the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) theory guides our exploration of AI’s impact across economic, social, and environmental dimensions. By employing these frameworks, our research interprets the complex interactions between technological innovations like AI and their sustainability outcomes. This theoretical grounding not only enriches our analysis but also highlights the diverse contributions of AI, thereby offering a comprehensive view of its role in promoting sustainable business practices and addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by modern enterprises.
In the context of our study, we explore key concepts that are central to understanding the nexus between AI and sustainability. Operational efficiency, a primary focus, examines how AI technology streamlines processes to enhance productivity and reduce costs, thereby contributing to sustainable economic practices. Environmental impact reduction is another crucial concept, where we explore AI’s role in minimizing waste and emissions, crucial for adhering to environmental regulations and practices. Social responsibility enhancements consider how AI tools improve workplace safety, promote diversity, and aid in community engagement, reflecting AI’s expanding role in fostering ethical business practices. Additionally, we discuss the ethical considerations of AI deployment, such as privacy concerns and the potential for bias, which are pivotal in understanding the broader implications of integrating AI into business ecosystems. This review not only outlines how these concepts have evolved over time but also how they intersect with practical AI implementations, providing a comprehensive backdrop for analyzing AI’s multifaceted contributions to sustainable business operations.

3. AI as a Business Instrument in American Enterprises

In the USA, AI has become a vital tool for businesses to gather and utilize information, enabling faster and more informed decision-making [26]. AI’s ability to recognize patterns from large datasets allows for businesses to maximize the potential of their data through proactive analytics that enhance operational coordination and strategic planning [27].
American industries, similar to their global counterparts, have been utilizing AI to propel sectors like energy, healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing towards sustainability [8]. For instance, intelligent energy grids supported by AI are optimizing energy distribution and consumption, significantly reducing wastage and enhancing sustainability [28]. The federal emphasis on AI technologies has accelerated their adoption across these key sectors, directing them towards more sustainable practices. However, the expansion of AI capabilities in the USA is accompanied by substantial investments in data collection and storage infrastructure, reflecting a considerable financial commitment [16]. The deployment of AI, while beneficial, also incurs significant costs, which businesses must consider against the potential sustainability gains.
AI’s role extends beyond operational efficiency; it is increasingly crucial in addressing environmental challenges and enhancing competitive advantage [8]. For example, AI applications in the agricultural sector are not only optimizing resource use but also reducing environmental impacts through more precise farming techniques. Similarly, AI-driven demand forecasting in retail and e-commerce has revolutionized how businesses understand and cater to consumer needs, enabling highly targeted marketing and improved customer satisfaction [25]. Ultimately, the integration of AI into sustainable business practices within the USA represents a strategic direction for enterprises to enhance their operational and environmental performance [29].
Yet, the intensive data processing required by AI poses sustainability challenges of its own, such as increased energy consumption and the need for raw materials to build data centers [30]. These factors necessitate a careful evaluation of AI’s net impact on sustainability, considering both its advantages and its environmental costs [10]. Furthermore, the integration of AI in business processes enables automation and reallocation of human resources to more complex tasks, thereby enhancing productivity and fostering a more dynamic workforce [8]. AI in healthcare is used to improve disease diagnosis and patient care, enhancing health outcomes and operational efficiency.
On the societal front, AI assists in managing complex systems such as public transportation and energy grids, contributing to safer and more efficient urban environments [22]. Nonetheless, the widespread adoption of AI raises ethical concerns, such as potential job losses and privacy issues. These concerns necessitate the development and deployment of AI in a transparent and responsible manner [17].
Overall, AI stands as a transformative business instrument in the USA, capable of driving significant advancements in both industry practices and societal welfare [12]. Enterprises are increasingly leveraging AI not only to enhance efficiency and competitiveness but also to address the pressing needs of sustainability and ethical governance [31].
Our study specifically addresses these gaps by exploring how AI technologies are integrated within American enterprises to enhance their sustainability efforts. The existing body of literature primarily focuses on generalized applications of AI across various business operations, with limited deep dives into its specific impacts on sustainability dimensions such as operational efficiency, environmental conservation, and social responsibility within the context of American corporate culture. By providing empirical insights into these areas, our research offers a nuanced understanding of how AI contributes to sustainable business practices in a geographically and economically significant context. This unique contribution not only fills a critical gap in the current research landscape but also sets the groundwork for future studies to explore the strategic deployment of AI in enhancing sustainability across other regions and industries.

4. Methodology

This study investigates the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for advancing sustainable business practices among American enterprises. Conducted in 2022, this research utilizes a text mining approach to analyze archival data, reflecting the burgeoning interest and recent initiatives in integrating AI within sustainability frameworks in the USA. Given the nascent nature of specific studies focusing on AI’s role in sustainability in the American context, our methods and data collection were tailored to this unique research environment without relying on precedent studies. The empirical data for this study consist of sustainability reports from American enterprises. The sample was derived from the Nasdaq, which lists prominent companies in the USA. We collected 263 sustainability reports from 41 firms, identified through their involvement in significant sustainability initiatives as outlined in their public disclosures from 2014 to 2022. In this research, the selection of 41 firms and their 263 sustainability reports was guided by several criteria aimed at ensuring the study’s relevance, representativeness, and comprehensiveness within the context of American enterprises. The 41 firms were selected to represent a broad spectrum of industries listed on Nasdaq, ensuring that the findings are applicable across various sectors. This diversity is crucial for understanding how AI is applied in different contexts and for different sustainability challenges. The 263 sustainability reports from these firms were chosen based on their availability and accessibility. These reports are publicly available, allowing for a transparent and replicable analysis. They provide comprehensive data on corporate sustainability practices, including specific mentions of AI initiatives, which are essential for this study’s focus. The reports cover a significant period from 2014 to 2022, providing a longitudinal perspective on the adoption and evolution of AI in sustainability practices. This timeframe allows for the study to track trends and developments over time, offering insights into how AI strategies have been integrated and adapted. Focusing on prominent firms listed on Nasdaq ensures that the study examines entities that are likely to be leaders in adopting innovative technologies like AI. These firms not only have the resources to invest in AI but are also often under greater scrutiny regarding their sustainability practices, making them pioneers in integrating advanced technologies for sustainable development. These reports provide comprehensive insights into how these enterprises are integrating AI technologies to enhance their sustainability practices across various dimensions such as environmental impact, energy efficiency, and sustainable supply chain management. The data were subjected to a rigorous text mining process to identify and categorize instances of AI adoption. This process involved extracting key phrases and terms related to AI and sustainability from the text of the reports, followed by an analysis to determine the prevalence and context of AI applications within the sustainability strategies of these firms.
The choice to focus on American enterprises was driven by several strategic considerations:
  • Leadership in AI Development: The United States is at the forefront of AI research and development, with numerous companies integrating AI into their operations at an early stage. This leadership position provides a rich context for understanding the advanced uses of AI across various industries.
  • Transparency and Data Availability: American companies are often subject to stringent reporting requirements, especially those listed on Nasdaq, which ensures a higher transparency level and availability of detailed sustainability reports. This transparency is crucial for conducting a thorough and nuanced analysis of AI applications in sustainability efforts.
  • Diverse Industrial Base: The U.S. market features a diverse array of industries that have adopted AI technologies. Studying these companies allows us exploration of a broad spectrum of AI applications and their impacts across different sectors.
Rationale for Industry Diversity’s decision to include a diverse range of industries in our analysis was driven by several key considerations:
  • One of the primary objectives of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of AI adoption in sustainable practices across the broad spectrum of the American economy. Including enterprises from various sectors allows us the capture of a wide array of AI applications and their impacts, providing a richer, more complete picture of the landscape.
  • While it is true that the relevance and impact of certain sustainability initiatives, such as environmental safety, may vary by industry, our goal is to explore how AI technologies are being leveraged across these variances. This approach enabled us to identify both unique applications within specific sectors and common themes across industries, contributing valuable insights into the versatility and adaptability of AI solutions.
  • Insights gained from one industry can often be adapted or inspire innovation in another. By examining AI applications across different sectors, our study not only highlights sector-specific practices but also facilitates the understanding of how innovative AI-driven solutions can be transferred or adapted for use in other sectors, including those where environmental safety might not initially appear relevant.
We specified the hypotheses being tested in our study to provide a clear framework for our analysis. These hypotheses are as follows:
Hypothesis 1 (H1).
AI adoption significantly enhances operational efficiency within firms, contributing to their sustainability objectives.
Hypothesis 2 (H2).
Enterprises utilizing AI for environmental management achieve more substantial improvements in resource efficiency and waste reduction compared to those that do not.
Hypothesis 3 (H3).
The integration of AI in corporate practices positively influences social sustainability, particularly in the areas of employee safety and community engagement.

4.1. Data

This study seeks to understand the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advancing sustainable business practices among American enterprises. Our research is based on a comprehensive analysis of 263 sustainability reports from 41 prominent American firms listed on Nasdaq, covering the years 2014 to 2022 (Table 1). These reports were selected as they provide a rich dataset reflecting the firms’ engagement with AI technologies in the context of sustainability.
The data collection was driven by the goal of capturing a broad and representative sample of how AI is integrated into sustainable practices across various industries. The firms were selected based on their inclusion in sustainability indices and public disclosures related to sustainability initiatives and AI adoption. This approach was chosen due to the accessibility of such reports and the depth of information they provide regarding corporate sustainability practices.
Given the exploratory nature of this research, a text mining approach was employed to analyze the content of the sustainability reports. This method was particularly suited to our study as it allowed for the efficient extraction and analysis of data related to AI usage from large volumes of text. The text mining process involved identifying keywords and phrases related to AI and sustainability, followed by an analysis of how these terms were contextualized within the report. This provided insights into the scope and nature of AI applications within the sustainability strategies of firms.
Our research faced several limitations typical of archival research. First, the reliance on publicly available reports means that the data may not fully capture all AI initiatives, particularly those considered proprietary or competitive secrets. Additionally, the data from sustainability reports, while rich in information, do not allow for probing deeper into the strategic decision-making processes behind AI implementation, as might be possible with interviews or case studies.
Despite these limitations, the chosen method and data sources were deemed adequate for an initial exploration into the role of AI in sustainable business practices in the USA. The heterogeneity of firms spanning multiple industries enriched our analysis by providing diverse perspectives on AI adoption. This approach facilitates a broad understanding of how American enterprises are leveraging AI technologies to meet their sustainability goals, thereby contributing valuable insights to the field of AI and sustainability research.

4.2. Analysis

The analysis of 263 sustainability reports from 41 leading American firms listed on Nasdaq employed a qualitative content analysis approach. This method, ideal for exploring complex and multidimensional topics such as AI in sustainability practices, was selected to discern the patterns, themes, and depth of AI integration within these enterprises.
Analytical Approach: Given the exploratory nature of this research, the analysis combined abductive and inductive reasoning. Abductive reasoning allowed for a theory-informed exploration, linking AI adoption insights to sustainability practices while remaining open to the emerging patterns and themes that the data presented. Inductive reasoning complemented this by building broader generalizations from specific observations within the data, without the constraint of existing theories.
Data Handling and Preliminary Steps: Initially, the sustainability reports were reviewed to segregate qualitative data concerning AI initiatives. This involved scanning the reports for mentions of AI technologies, such as machine learning, data analytics, and automated systems, which are pertinent to enhancing sustainability outcomes. Each instance was recorded, providing a rich dataset of how AI is conceptualized and implemented across different sectors and firms.
Phase 1: Data Reduction: The first phase of the analysis involved data reduction. Irrelevant information was filtered out, focusing solely on passages directly referencing AI. This was achieved using advanced text mining tools in Python designed to detect and extract specific phrases and keywords such as “Artificial Intelligence”, “machine learning”, “data analytics”, and sector-specific AI applications like “smart grids” or “automated resource management”.
Phase 2: Clustering: Following data reduction, the next step was clustering. Observations were grouped based on similarities in AI applications such as operational efficiency, customer engagement, and environmental management. This step helped in identifying common themes across different firms and sectors, highlighting the widespread or unique applications of AI technologies. Specifically, we used the K-means clustering algorithm, a method well-suited for handling high-dimensional data such as text. This approach allowed us categorization of the content of the sustainability reports into coherent clusters that represent common themes related to the adoption and impact of AI technologies on sustainability practices within these companies. These themes included operational efficiency, environmental impact reduction, and enhancements in social responsibility, among others. In our study, we employed the Elbow Method, a common technique used to determine the number of clusters in a dataset by identifying the point where the addition of another cluster does not offer significant improvement to the results. This involves plotting the explained variation as a function of the number of clusters and picking the elbow of the curve as the number of clusters to use.
Phase 3: Abstraction and Conceptualization: In the final phase, the clustered data were abstracted further to form conceptual categories that reflect overarching themes in AI adoption. These categories were then aligned with sustainability goals, examining how AI contributes to specific sustainability outcomes such as reduced energy consumption, improved resource management, or enhanced corporate governance.
The text mining and content analysis were primarily conducted using Python 3.9.19, leveraging its comprehensive library designed for natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning [32]. We utilized several well-established tools and techniques to ensure rigorous and insightful analysis:
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK): Tasks utilized for foundational text processing include tokenization, stemming, and tagging, which are essential for preparing data for deeper analysis [33].
Scikit-learn: Employed for its robust machine learning algorithms, particularly for clustering and classification tasks that help identify patterns and groupings within the data [34].
Pandas and NumPy: These libraries are integral for data manipulation and numerical analysis, allowing for efficient handling and structuring of large datasets essential for text mining.
Gensim: Chosen for its capabilities in model building and training, especially suited for tasks involving topic modeling and document similarity analysis, which are critical for uncovering thematic structures within sustainability reports [35].
To provide context and benchmark our methodological choices, we compared these tools with alternatives such as spaCy for NLP tasks and TensorFlow for more complex machine learning models [36]. While spaCy offers high-speed processing for certain NLP tasks, NLTK was selected for its extensive resource availability and ease of integration with other Python libraries. Similarly, while TensorFlow provides advanced deep learning functionality, Scikit-learn was chosen for its simplicity and effectiveness in handling, clustering and classification tasks typically required in text mining studies [37].

Advanced Algorithms Employed

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency): Applied to evaluate the relevance of terms within the documents, emphasizing keywords critical for understanding sustainability practices within the report [38].
K-means clustering: Used to segment text into clusters based on thematic similarities, facilitating a structured analysis of recurring topics across sustainability reports.
This detailed approach not only aligns with established practices in text mining but also ensures that our analysis is reproducible and comparable with other studies in the field, enhancing the credibility and utility of our findings.
Validation and Replication: To strengthen the validity of the findings, the extracted texts were analyzed iteratively, with continuous cross-checking with new data until no additional themes emerged. This process ensured comprehensive coverage and consistency in the data analysis, with each piece of data being scrutinized for its contribution to understanding AI’s role in sustainability.
Documentation: Observations and findings were systematically recorded in a structured format using Microsoft Excel 365, which facilitated the organization and categorization of data. This also supported the subsequent stages of analysis, where data were synthesized into coherent themes and insights about AI adoption in American enterprises.
By employing these methods, the study aimed to uncover nuanced insights into the strategic deployment of AI technologies within the sustainability frameworks of American enterprises, contributing valuable perspectives to the discourse on technology and sustainable business practices.

5. Findings

The detailed analysis of 263 sustainability reports from 41 American enterprises revealed significant insights into how AI is being integrated into sustainable business practices. The findings highlight three main categories of AI utilization: operational sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.
Operational Sustainability: AI’s role in operational sustainability emerged as a predominant theme across the analyzed firms. This category includes AI-driven optimizations that enhance efficiency and reduce resource wastage. For example, many manufacturing companies are using AI to optimize energy consumption and automate production processes, which not only cuts costs but also minimizes environmental impact. This aligns with global trends where AI is leveraged to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
Environmental Sustainability: Environmental sustainability is another critical area where AI applications were frequently noted. Companies in sectors such as energy and manufacturing reported using AI to monitor and manage their environmental impacts. AI technologies help in predicting emissions, managing waste, and even in the development of renewable energy sources. For instance, several firms in the energy sector are using AI to optimize the distribution and consumption of renewable energy, significantly enhancing their sustainability profiles.
Social Responsibility: In terms of social responsibility, AI is utilized to improve workplace safety and enhance employee welfare. AI-driven systems are employed to monitor work environments in real time, predicting and preventing potential accidents. Furthermore, AI is increasingly used in HR processes to ensure fairness in hiring and to monitor employee satisfaction and well-being, thereby contributing to a more socially sustainable business environment.
Documentation and Analysis Cycles: The findings were systematically documented and categorized into a detailed table to provide a clear overview of AI applications across different dimensions of sustainability (Table 2). The research process involved three cycles of data collection and analysis. This iterative approach was necessary due to the staggered release of the latest annual reports, which contained updated and relevant data up to the year 2022. The continuous collection and analysis allowed for an in-depth understanding of the evolving role of AI in these enterprises.
Impact of AI on Sustainability Dimensions: The analysis indicated that 25 out of the 41 enterprises explicitly integrate AI with the aim of addressing one or more dimensions of sustainability. A notable trend was the focus on operational and environmental sustainability, which were more frequently addressed compared to social responsibility. This suggests a strong alignment of AI initiatives with core business strategies that focus on efficiency and compliance with environmental regulations.

5.1. Operational Sustainability

The analysis revealed that operational sustainability is the primary area where AI technologies are actively integrated by American enterprises. AI’s role in enhancing operational efficiency is evident across several sectors, underpinning efforts to not only streamline processes but also to achieve significant cost reductions and energy efficiency. One of the most common applications of AI within operational sustainability is in the automation of routine and repetitive tasks. This includes everything from automated customer service systems to chatbots in the service sector to advanced robotics on manufacturing lines. These AI solutions free up human resources for more complex tasks and reduce the likelihood of errors, thus increasing overall efficiency. AI is instrumental in improving resource management. For instance, AI systems in manufacturing and production industries optimize the use of raw materials, minimize waste, and enhance the energy efficiency of operations. These systems analyze vast amounts of operational data in real time, making adjustments to processes instantaneously to maximize output while minimizing input.
AI technologies are deployed to revolutionize supply chain management. Through predictive analytics and machine learning, AI helps forecast demand more accurately, optimize inventory levels, and enhance logistics planning. This not only ensures a smoother supply chain but also reduces the costs associated with overstocking or understocking. Another significant application of AI in operational sustainability is in predictive maintenance. AI-driven systems monitor the condition of equipment and predict failures before they occur, scheduling maintenance only when necessary. This proactive approach prevents downtime, extends the lifespan of machinery, and reduces the costs associated with unplanned maintenance. In sectors such as manufacturing and utilities, AI is used to enhance energy efficiency. Smart grids powered by AI optimize the distribution and consumption of electricity. In manufacturing, AI systems adjust machine operation based on energy consumption patterns to minimize energy waste without compromising output. AI enhances decision-making by providing managers and executives with insights derived from complex data analyses. This capability allows for businesses to make informed decisions quickly, adapt to market changes more agilely, and maintain competitive advantages in their respective industries. Operational sustainability represents a critical area where American enterprises are leveraging AI to make significant advancements. By integrating AI into their core operations, these firms not only achieve greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness but also contribute to broader environmental sustainability goals by reducing waste and energy consumption. As depicted in Figure 1, the extent of AI integration in operational sustainability among American enterprises showcases a diverse range of applications, highlighting the technology’s pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency and environmental management across various sectors.

5.2. Environmental Sustainability

The examination of sustainability reports from American enterprises revealed a significant integration of AI technologies aimed at improving environmental sustainability. AI applications are extensively utilized to optimize energy usage, reduce emissions, and improve waste management, reflecting a deep commitment to preserving ecological systems. AI technologies play a crucial role in optimizing energy consumption within various sectors. Intelligent energy management systems, enabled by AI, are used to balance energy grids efficiently. These systems often purchase energy during off-peak hours when it is cheaper and store it for later use, thereby reducing energy costs and minimizing CO2 emissions. In the industrial sector, AI helps in scheduling the operation of heavy machinery during off-peak electricity times to exploit lower rates and reduce peak load stress on the grid.
In the real estate sector, AI-powered systems are employed to regulate building conditions such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. These systems analyze data from sensors to maintain optimal indoor environments, reducing energy consumption and enhancing occupant comfort. Such applications not only decrease operational costs but also contribute to significant energy savings over time. AI is also leveraged to improve waste management processes. In the retail sector, AI systems help manage inventory more efficiently, reducing product wastage through better tracking of expiration dates and stock levels. In manufacturing, AI is used to optimize material usage, ensuring minimal waste production. These applications are crucial in sectors where material costs contribute significantly to operational expenses. In heavy industries, such as oil refining and manufacturing, AI enables more efficient use of materials and energy. For instance, AI algorithms optimize the production processes to maximize the yield of raw materials and minimize by-product waste. This not only helps in reducing environmental impact but also boosts profitability by improving resource efficiency.
AI applications are increasingly used for environmental monitoring, where they track emissions and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. By predicting potential compliance issues, companies can proactively address them, avoiding fines and helping to maintain their public image as responsible corporate citizens. AI is instrumental in the energy sector, particularly in integrating and managing renewable energy sources. AI systems optimize the operation of wind and solar power installations, predicting the output and thereby integrating a higher percentage of renewable energy into the grid. This is essential for reducing the carbon footprint of energy production. AI’s role in enhancing environmental sustainability is marked by its ability to make operations more efficient, reduce waste, and effectively manage energy consumption. As American enterprises continue to face global environmental challenges, AI presents itself as a valuable tool in aligning corporate operations with sustainable environmental practices. Figure 2 illustrates the widespread integration of AI in environmental sustainability initiatives within American enterprises, demonstrating how these technologies are utilized to address critical environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.

5.3. Social Responsibility

The analysis of AI integration within American enterprises reveals a growing emphasis on leveraging technology to foster social responsibility. This includes initiatives aimed at enhancing employee welfare, promoting inclusivity, and supporting community well-being through the use of AI. AI technologies are increasingly employed to enhance workplace safety and improve working conditions. For instance, AI-powered monitoring systems in manufacturing plants and heavy industries detect potential hazards and ensure that employees are not exposed to risky conditions. These systems can predict equipment failures or hazardous situations, thereby preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of the workforce. AI is also utilized to promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace. AI-driven HR tools analyze recruitment data to identify biases and help organizations implement hiring practices that promote a diverse workforce. Additionally, AI-enabled training platforms provide personalized learning experiences, ensuring all employees have the opportunity to develop their skills irrespective of their background or learning pace.
AI applications contribute to enhancing the overall employee experience by automating routine tasks, thus freeing up time for employees to engage in more meaningful and creative work. This not only boosts job satisfaction but also enhances productivity. AI-driven analytics tools help in understanding employee needs and feedback, allowing for management to make informed decisions that improve workplace culture and employee retention.
Beyond internal operations, AI is used to support broader community initiatives. For example, AI applications analyze social and economic data to identify community needs, enabling companies to tailor their CSR activities more effectively. This helps in addressing real community issues, thus strengthening the social fabric and enhancing the company’s role as a responsible community stakeholder. In terms of governance, AI systems provide sophisticated tools for monitoring compliance and ethical standards within organizations. These systems can detect anomalies in financial transactions or operations that may indicate unethical practices, ensuring that companies maintain high standards of integrity and transparency. Table 3 provides a comprehensive overview of the categories of AI adoption across the 25 analyzed enterprises, highlighting their engagement in Operational Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, and Social Responsibility. Figure 3 presents a detailed view of how AI is integrated into social responsibility efforts across American enterprises, highlighting its role in enhancing workplace safety, employee engagement, and community relations.
AI-driven platforms are increasingly recognized for their potential to support mental health in the workplace. By analyzing behavior patterns and engagement levels, these platforms can identify signs of stress or burnout among employees, prompting timely interventions. Such initiatives not only contribute to the health of employees but also promote a supportive work environment. The integration of AI in promoting social responsibility within American enterprises highlights a commitment to using technology not just for economic gain but also for enhancing societal well-being. By addressing employee welfare, community engagement, and ethical governance, these enterprises leverage AI to build a sustainable and inclusive future.

6. Discussion and Conclusions

The aim of this study was to explore the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within American enterprises and assess their impact on various dimensions of sustainability: operational, environmental, and social. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on how AI can be harnessed to not only enhance business efficiency but also to foster broader sustainable practices. Our findings reveal that the most significant adoption of AI within the sampled enterprises focuses on operational sustainability. This involves using AI to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and reduce operational costs—essential aspects of maintaining competitive advantage in today’s business landscape. The prevalence of AI in this domain aligns with global trends where businesses leverage technology to optimize resource usage and automate routine tasks [31].
Human Resource Management and AI Integration: The integration of AI in HRM processes represents a significant transformation within these enterprises, offering profound implications for employee management and organizational culture. AI-driven analytics and automation tools are now central to recruiting, onboarding, performance management, and employee engagement. For instance, AI systems are used to analyze job applications and CVs to identify the best candidates more efficiently, reducing bias and increasing diversity in hiring practices. Furthermore, AI facilitates personalized training and development programs, which are aligned with both individual career aspirations and organizational goals, thus enhancing workforce capabilities and retention.
Environmental sustainability has also been a critical area of focus. Enterprises are increasingly deploying AI to manage their energy consumption, reduce emissions, and optimize waste management. This is particularly pertinent given the pressing global need to address environmental challenges and the growing regulatory pressures on businesses to reduce their ecological footprint [8]. While operational and environmental applications are predominant, AI’s role in enhancing social responsibility is emerging as a vital area of investment. AI technologies are used to improve workplace safety, enhance employee wellbeing, and foster inclusivity. These initiatives not only contribute to a better working environment but also enhance the enterprises’ reputation as socially responsible entities [39]. In the context of HRM, AI’s capabilities extend to enhancing the work–life balance by optimizing work schedules, predicting workload patterns, and mitigating burnout risks among employees.
The extent and nature of AI adoption in American enterprises suggest a strong alignment with global trends, yet it also highlights unique regional challenges and opportunities. For instance, while AI adoption rates for operational sustainability are high, the integration of AI in addressing social sustainability issues remains relatively limited. This may reflect broader economic or cultural factors that influence the prioritization of sustainability initiatives. This study, while comprehensive, is not without limitations. The reliance on publicly available sustainability reports may not fully capture the depth and breadth of AI initiatives, particularly those that firms may deem proprietary or competitive. Future research could expand by incorporating qualitative methods, such as interviews or case studies, to gain deeper insights into the strategic decisions behind AI adoption and its impact on sustainability. Overall, this research underscores the potential of AI as a transformative tool for sustainability. As American enterprises continue to navigate the complexities of integrating AI, the insights garnered from this study provide valuable benchmarks and guidance for other regions and industries looking to harness AI for sustainable development.

6.1. Theoretical Implications

The findings of this research underscore significant theoretical implications concerning the adoption of AI for sustainability within American enterprises, highlighting shifts in practice and broader conceptual frameworks. Initially, the research was set out to examine the extent of AI adoption in sustainability efforts among American enterprises. The results reveal a tangible increase in the adoption of AI technologies aimed at enhancing operational efficiency, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. For example, 25 out of 41 enterprises explicitly integrate AI with a focus on these dimensions. This indicates a growing trend toward utilizing advanced technologies to meet sustainability objectives, reflecting broader global movements towards digital transformation in business practices. The benefits of AI extend beyond improving specific operational tasks to encompass wider business functions, including supply chain management, customer relations, and end-of-life recycling processes [40]. By leveraging AI to administer these varied sectors, enterprises gain a holistic view of their sustainability performance. This comprehensive approach is critical as businesses face increasing pressure to demonstrate sustainable practices not just in isolated segments but across their entire operation [41].
While the ecological impacts of AI are significant, this study also highlights the technology’s role in the social dimensions of sustainability. AI-driven initiatives are improving workplace safety and employee health; they also enhance ethical governance within firms [10]. This broadening of AI’s application scope beyond environmental concerns is crucial for developing sustainable business models that address all pillars of sustainability—social, economic, and environmental [10]. The research aligns with previous studies emphasizing the strategic importance of ecological sustainability for competitive advantage [42]. AI’s capacity to process vast datasets is instrumental in optimizing resource use and reducing environmental footprints [10]. This capability not only addresses immediate operational efficiency but also supports long-term sustainability goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing energy efficiency. As AI systems become more integral to core business functions, the need for ethical AI system auditing and improved data management standards becomes evident. This is particularly important in contexts where AI uses personal or sensitive data. Establishing rigorous standards for privacy, accuracy, and interoperability of data is essential to ensure that AI systems contribute positively to sustainability without compromising ethical norms or stakeholder trust. Finally, the utilization of AI in conducting comprehensive social and environmental impact analyses enables enterprises to assess the full spectrum of their activities’ impacts [6]. This holistic analysis is essential for identifying key areas where sustainability performance can be enhanced and for making informed decisions that align with both corporate and societal goals.

6.2. Managerial Implications

The integration of AI in American enterprises offers profound implications for management practices, particularly in how businesses approach sustainability, efficiency, and workforce management [3]. The key managerial implications from this study are the following. The adoption of robots and automated systems in hazardous environments significantly reduces the risk to human workers. By delegating dangerous or monotonous tasks to machines, companies not only enhance workplace safety but also improve operational precision and reliability. Managers overseeing these systems can focus on strategic oversight from a safe distance, utilizing control facilities that monitor and manage these automated processes efficiently. AI technology facilitates the expansion of business activities into new sectors. As seen in the American enterprises surveyed, industries traditionally not associated with sectors like health or energy are now exploring these areas thanks to the capabilities offered by AI [43]. This strategic diversification, driven by AI, allows for companies to explore new revenue streams and innovate within and beyond their core business areas. The ability to integrate and analyze data from both external and internal sources significantly enhances managerial decision-making. AI-driven analytics can offer insights into market trends, operational efficiency, and employee performance [44]. In HR, for instance, AI tools are not just streamlining recruitment but are also identifying training needs, helping managers proactively maintain and enhance workforce capabilities.
With machines increasingly performing tasks previously carried out by humans, there is a valid concern over potential job displacement [45]. It is imperative for managers to focus on the social implications of AI adoption [46]. Strategies such as employee retraining, skill development, and job reallocation need to be implemented to mitigate adverse impacts and prepare the workforce for a more AI-integrated future [8]. AI technology holds significant promise for improving socioeconomic outcomes in developing regions. By enhancing the efficiency and reach of services, AI can help reduce mortality rates, improve access to essential services, and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This underscores the role of AI not just in developing markets but also as a crucial tool for development in emerging economies. Finally, the adoption of AI necessitates robust governance frameworks to ensure its ethical use, particularly in handling sensitive data and making decisions that affect employees and customers [47]. Managers must ensure that AI systems are transparent, accountable, and aligned with ethical standards to maintain trust and integrity within their operations.

6.3. Societal Implications

The adoption of AI technology in American enterprises has broader implications beyond the confines of individual businesses, affecting various aspects of society at large. These implications touch on ethical considerations, the impact on labor markets, and the potential for societal advancement [48,49]. AI systems, especially those that handle personal data or make autonomous decisions, raise significant ethical concerns [50]. There is a growing need for transparency in how these systems operate and the criteria they use to make decisions [51]. Ensuring that AI systems are fair, unbiased, and transparent is critical to maintaining public trust and avoiding social discord. Enterprises must adopt ethical AI frameworks that are clear to all stakeholders and include mechanisms for accountability and redress [52]. While AI can enhance efficiency and create new opportunities, it also poses risks of job displacement. As AI automates routine and repetitive tasks, there is a potential reduction in the need for human labor in certain sectors [46]. This shift demands proactive measures from both businesses and government to manage the transition, including investment in education and training programs that can prepare the workforce for a more technology-driven economy.
AI has the potential to significantly improve the quality of services provided to communities, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, and public safety [22]. For instance, AI-driven health diagnostics can make medical services more accessible in underserved areas, while AI in education can offer personalized learning experiences that adapt to the needs of individual students [53]. These technologies can help bridge gaps in service provision and enhance the overall quality of life. AI also holds the promise of enhancing social equity by identifying and addressing systemic inequalities [54]. By analyzing patterns in large datasets, AI can help policymakers and businesses understand areas of discrimination and inequity, providing insights that can inform more equitable policies and practices [55]. This is particularly important in sectors like lending, hiring, and law enforcement, where bias can have profound impacts on people’s lives.
AI can be a powerful tool in advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing solutions that promote environmental sustainability, improve health outcomes, and reduce inequalities [6]. Enterprises that align their AI strategies with these goals can contribute to broader societal progress, enhancing their corporate social responsibility profiles. The societal implications of AI necessitate robust governance and regulatory frameworks to ensure that the deployment of these technologies benefits society [56]. This includes creating standards and practices that govern the development, deployment, and use of AI, ensuring that these technologies are used responsibly and do not exacerbate social divides or contribute to societal harm.

6.4. Limitations and Further Directions

While this study provides valuable insights into the adoption of AI technologies within American enterprises and their impact on sustainability, it also presents several limitations that point to the need for further research in this area.
The study’s findings are based on the qualitative analysis of 41 enterprises. While informative, the sample size and method limit the generalizability of the results. The enterprises included in the study were primarily large firms, and their practices might not reflect the broader AI adoption patterns across smaller businesses or other sectors within USA. Although the results offer insights relevant to similar emerging economies, they are primarily contextualized within the American economic landscape. The role of AI as a transformative technology in the USA may differ significantly from its impact in more developed or differently structured markets. AI technology is rapidly evolving, with advancements such as deep learning, neural networks, and quantum computing, poised to drastically change data processing capabilities and application scope. Future research will need to continually update and consider these advancements to fully understand the potential and challenges of AI in business.
The legislative landscape surrounding AI is also evolving, with potential restrictions and regulations that could impact how AI is adopted and utilized. Future studies should consider these factors to provide a more comprehensive view of the operational environment for AI within different legal contexts. To enhance the robustness of the findings, future research could employ a mixed-methods approach. Starting with a quantitative survey to map the landscape of AI adoption across a broader range of enterprises could provide a more representative sample. This could be followed by qualitative in-depth interviews to gain deeper insights into specific cases of AI implementation, exploring the nuances of how AI impacts various aspects of sustainability in business practices.
Given the competitive advantage conferred by AI applications, obtaining detailed information about specific AI strategies and outcomes may be challenging. Future studies might face difficulties in accessing sensitive or proprietary data, which is crucial for a thorough analysis. Expanding the geographical scope to include comparisons with enterprises in the European Union or other regions could provide valuable comparative insights that highlight regional differences and similarities in AI adoption for sustainability.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.A. and Y.S.B.; methodology, Y.S.B.; software, Y.S.B.; validation, Y.S.B.; formal analysis, Y.S.B.; investigation, E.A.; resources, Y.S.B.; data curation, Y.S.B.; writing—original draft preparation, A.A.Ç.; writing—review and editing, E.A.; visualization, Y.S.B.; supervision, E.A.; project administration, A.A.Ç.; funding acquisition, A.A.Ç. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are available within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. AI Integration in Operational Sustainability for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by authors).
Figure 1. AI Integration in Operational Sustainability for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by authors).
Sustainability 16 06334 g001
Figure 2. AI Integration in Environmental Sustainability for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by authors).
Figure 2. AI Integration in Environmental Sustainability for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by authors).
Sustainability 16 06334 g002
Figure 3. AI Integration in Social Responsibility for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by author).
Figure 3. AI Integration in Social Responsibility for American Enterprises (Source: Figure by author).
Sustainability 16 06334 g003
Table 1. The Sector Classification of Enterprises (Source: Table by authors).
Table 1. The Sector Classification of Enterprises (Source: Table by authors).
Industry SectorNumber of Enterprises
Banking and Financial Services6
Real Estate3
Technology and IT Services3
Food and Beverage3
Construction and Engineering2
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals2
Transportation and Logistics2
Chemicals and Petrochemicals2
Table 2. The categorization of AI utilization across different dimensions of sustainability (Source: Table by authors).
Table 2. The categorization of AI utilization across different dimensions of sustainability (Source: Table by authors).
Operational SustainabilityAI applications that enhance business efficiency and resource management.
Environmental SustainabilityAI-driven initiatives aimed at reducing ecological footprints and promoting renewable energy use.
Social ResponsibilityAI technologies that ensure safety, equity, and well-being in the workplace.
Table 3. Categories of AI Adoption for Sustainability among American Enterprises (Source: Table by author).
Table 3. Categories of AI Adoption for Sustainability among American Enterprises (Source: Table by author).
EnterpriseOperational SustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial Responsibility
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MDPI and ACS Style

Balcıoğlu, Y.S.; Çelik, A.A.; Altındağ, E. Artificial Intelligence Integration in Sustainable Business Practices: A Text Mining Analysis of USA Firms. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6334.

AMA Style

Balcıoğlu YS, Çelik AA, Altındağ E. Artificial Intelligence Integration in Sustainable Business Practices: A Text Mining Analysis of USA Firms. Sustainability. 2024; 16(15):6334.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Balcıoğlu, Yavuz Selim, Ahmet Alkan Çelik, and Erkut Altındağ. 2024. "Artificial Intelligence Integration in Sustainable Business Practices: A Text Mining Analysis of USA Firms" Sustainability 16, no. 15: 6334.

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