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The Assessment of Green Poverty Reduction Strategies in Ecologically Fragile Areas: A Case Study of Southern Xinjiang in China

College of Economics and Management, Tarim University, Alar 843300, China
College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(15), 6441;
Submission received: 17 June 2024 / Revised: 15 July 2024 / Accepted: 25 July 2024 / Published: 27 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable and Green Economy Transformation)


Green poverty reduction is a strategic choice for China to bring ecological benefits as well as economic and social benefits. This study examines three typical models of green poverty reduction strategies in Southern Xinjiang, which is an ecologically fragile region. The data for calculating the comprehensive benefits of the three models were derived from satellite remote sensing data, regional forestry bureau statistics, and survey data from 2021. The economic benefits are calculated to measure the net profit of a certain type of cover such as the supply of timber, forest products, and crops. The ecological benefits are calculated to measure the improvement in water resource regulation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration, windbreak and sand fixation, biodiversity conservation, and landscape recreation. The social benefits include providing employment opportunities and government subsidy. The comprehensive benefits are a weighted average over individual benefit categories. We found that the comprehensive benefits of the composite forest model, the drought-resistant crop model, and the industrial transformation model are CNY 288 million, CNY 50 million, and CNY 545 million, respectively. The composite forest model and the industrial transformation model have greater ecological benefits, while the drought-resistant crop model has greater economic benefits.

1. Introduction

Balancing poverty reduction and environmental protection has become a global focal point [1]. Poverty reduction is highlighted in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) because poverty not only affects the economy and people’s livelihoods but also impacts social stability and long-term development [2]. However, rapid economic development has caused significant environmental degradation. A sustainable development path that addresses economic, social, and environmental issues at the same time is needed [3].
China has made substantial efforts in poverty reduction [2], significantly contributing to global poverty reduction [4]. By 2020, China had eradicated poverty under the current standards; however, the regional imbalance remains [3]. To achieve rural revitalization, ecological issues need to be addressed along with economic goals [5,6]. The marginal effects of poverty reduction decreases. Therefore, regions with fragile ecosystems have a higher risk of returning to poverty, and require green poverty reduction strategies [7].
The impoverished areas overlap with the ecologically fragile regions in China, which makes green poverty reduction a strategic choice [1,8]. Green poverty reduction strategies view ecological improvement as the sources of economic thrive [9]. Green poverty reduction is reflected in economic, environmental, and social dimensions [9]. The economic, ecological, and profound social benefits generated by green poverty reduction can effectively promote comprehensive development in underdeveloped areas. Green development can achieve multiple benefits, serving as a robust defense for consolidating poverty reduction achievements [10].
Located in China’s northwest region, Xinjiang faces two major challenges as follows: economic poverty and ecological degradation, particularly in Southern Xinjiang (south of the Tianshan Mountains). In underdeveloped areas, ecological resources are difficult to convert into economic advantages, leading to lagging economic development and severe relative poverty, with a constant risk of falling back into poverty [3]. Southern Xinjiang’s ecological environment is extremely fragile, especially in the Hotan and Kashgar regions, which are former contiguous poverty-stricken areas. The harsh ecological conditions and soil salinization result in low agricultural yields.
Breaking the vicious cycle of “ecological and poverty” while balancing poverty reduction and environmental protection has become a crucial issue for the sustainable development of Southern Xinjiang. These deeply impoverished areas possess unique ecological resources and natural landscapes, offering significant potential for developing green industries and implementing green poverty reduction strategies [11]. In the context of green poverty reduction as a new development concept, integrating sustainable development with stable poverty reduction in Southern Xinjiang is essential. It is imperative to adopt a new model that combines green principles with poverty reduction practices. The economic, ecological, and social benefits generated by green poverty reduction can effectively promote comprehensive development in impoverished areas.
Southern Xinjiang is an appropriate place to show the achievements of green poverty reduction given its economic status and environmental conditions. Therefore, we focus on this region to summarize models of green poverty reduction strategies and estimate their impacts. This study highlights the importance of green poverty reduction strategies. It introduces three typical models of green poverty reduction in the study area and evaluates their comprehensive benefits. Additionally, these results provide valuable experience for other ecologically fragile and arid regions and offer decision-making references for guiding underdeveloped areas toward a path of green and sustainable development.
The potential contributions of this study are as follows. First, we perform a comprehensive benefit evaluation. This research provides a detailed quantitative assessment of the comprehensive benefits of three green poverty alleviation models in Southern Xinjiang. The green ecological compound forest model, the drought-resistant economic crop model, and the industrial transformation and upgrading model have comprehensive benefits valued at CNY 288 million, CNY 50 million, and CNY 545 million, respectively. These figures offer solid economic evidence for further promoting green poverty alleviation models. Second, our study highlights the significant ecological benefits of adopting green poverty alleviation models in ecologically fragile areas. Our findings indicate that in Southern Xinjiang’s unique natural geographical conditions, the weight of ecological benefits (0.43) is significantly higher than that of social and economic benefits. Notably, the green ecological compound forest model and the industrial transformation and upgrading model demonstrate substantial ecological benefits. This underscores the importance of ecological protection in developing impoverished areas and presents a successful case of balancing green development and poverty alleviation. Lastly, we emphasize the balanced achievement of economic and social benefits through green poverty alleviation models. Although these efforts started relatively late, the development of green industries, particularly the planting of trees, grasses, and medicinal plants, is gradually revealing the economic and social benefits of the fruit forest and drought-resistant economic crop models. Our research shows that these models not only increase residents’ income but also promote employment, providing a substantial social value.

2. Literature Review

Scholars have explored various aspects of green poverty reduction strategies, which emphasize the achievement of poverty reduction while protecting the ecological environment [12]. Studies have evaluated the impact of ecosystem services on poverty alleviation [13], the environmental and poverty reduction effects of payments for ecosystem services [14,15], and the economic effects of adopting green revolution technologies [16]. Literatures have concluded that green poverty reduction strategies can protect Earth’s life-support systems and reduce poverty [17].
Initially, Chinese scholars noted the relationship between ecological environment and poverty, attributing the primary cause of poverty to the vicious cycle created by the mutual constraints of ecological fragility and economic underdevelopment [18]. Based on this understanding, they shifted their focus to actively seeking a new approach that integrates environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and development, known as “participatory green poverty reduction” [19]. With the release of the “China Green Poverty Reduction Index Report (2014) [20]”, the concept of green poverty reduction was officially introduced for the first time. In recent years, the issue of improving living standards while maintaining ecological stability has garnered increasing attention, leading to a more refined understanding of the concept and connotation of green poverty reduction [11]. In the context of global sustainable development, China’s current and future poverty reduction strategies inevitably need to combine “green development” with “poverty reduction” [21]. The prevalence of overall poverty in the “three regions and three prefectures” ethnic areas and the depth of poverty among specific ethnic groups remain prominent. In the “post-poverty alleviation era”, it is essential to adhere to the principle of “green development and ecological poverty reduction” [22]. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has progressively improved many important policies and institutional safeguards, established a “green poverty reduction” mechanism [23], explored various new pathways for green poverty reduction [24,25,26], summarized models [27,28], and showcased practical cases [29,30,31].
In China, research on comprehensive benefits began with studies on natural resource accounting conducted by the Development Research Center of the State Council and the World Resources Institute, with support from the Ford Foundation in 1988. Li et al. (2016) evaluated the value of Populus euphratica using methodologies from both the humanities and natural sciences, providing more accurate assessments of its direct and indirect use values [32]. Xue and Li (2018) conducted a comprehensive benefits evaluation of farmland [33]. Chen (2020) applied the equivalent method to measure the comprehensive benefits of farmland [34]. Zhang (2021) used the entropy weight method to develop a three-level indicator system that includes economic, ecological, and social benefits to evaluate the comprehensive benefits of ecological enterprises in desert areas [35]. Zhu (2016) employed the market value method, the cost substitution method, and the emergy theory to calculate the comprehensive benefits of desertification control in Ningxia [36]. Jiang (2017) assessed the benefits of desertification control in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, categorizing the comprehensive benefits into economic, ecological, and social levels [37]. Zhai (2017) conducted a comprehensive benefits evaluation of ecological forest construction in Makit County, Aksu, located in the Taklamakan Desert [38].
In summary, existing research typically evaluates comprehensive benefits from economic, ecological, and social perspectives, using methods such as the market value method, the opportunity cost method, the contingent valuation method, the replacement cost method, the entropy weight method, the equivalent method, and the emergy method. Considering the regional characteristics of the study area and the varying poverty alleviation mechanisms of each model, this study selects three typical green poverty alleviation models in Southern Xinjiang. By incorporating experimental data from natural sciences and commonly used scientific evaluation methods, this study aims to develop a comprehensive evaluation system to more accurately assess the overall benefits. The goal is to provide primary data for policy formulation and the construction of corresponding institutional mechanisms for the sustainable development of Southern Xinjiang. Scholars have conducted extensive foundational research and exploration on the concept, implementation pathways, and practical models of green poverty reduction, laying a theoretical foundation for this study. However, there is limited research on green poverty reduction models in ecologically fragile areas, and most evaluations focus on ecological and economic benefits, with few studies addressing social benefits and comprehensive benefits. This gap provides an opportunity for further expansion in this research.

3. Overview of Green Poverty Reduction Models

This study focuses on Maigaiti County, the 54th Regiment of the 3rd Division, and the 224th Regiment of the 14th Division in the Kashgar and Hotan regions of Southern Xinjiang (Figure 1). The study area is on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, characterized by sandstorms that occur on average 90 days per year.
The Kashgar and Hotan regions were deeply impoverished. By 2020, the two regions had largely achieved the eradication of absolute poverty. However, in 2023, the disposable income per capita of rural residents in Kashgar and Hotan was CNY 13,222 and CNY 12,433, respectively, which are still lower than the national average for rural residents and the average for rural residents in counties previously with poverty. Although the absolute income remains low, their growth rate surpasses other counties.

3.1. Overview of the Composite Forest Model in Maigaiti County

Maigaiti County, located at 77°28′–79°05′ E and 38°25′–39°22′ N with a total area of 10,900 km2, is only 13 km away from the Taklamakan Desert. It is the only county in China embedded in the desert. The county covers of plains along the Yarkand River, with a Populus euphratica forest on the northeast side and the desert on the east side.
Since 2012, Maigaiti County has embarked on afforestation projects, which has significantly improved the county’s ecological environment, creating a forestry barrier to protect the oasis from sandstorms. Maigaiti County primarily plants Haloxylon ammodendron, Populus euphratica, and Elaeagnus angustifolia for more than 60,000 hectares (Table 1).
The composite forest model in Maigaiti County had planted 27,300 hectares by August 2021. The afforestation project has drawn more than 150 households from nearby towns in the management and maintenance of the forest, creating 270 jobs and generating an average annual income of nearly CNY 40,000 per household. This model successfully integrates environmental management with the improvement of livelihood.

3.2. Overview of the Drought-Resistant Crop Model in the 54th Regiment

The 54th Regiment of the 3rd Division is located between the Taklamakan Desert and the Bugur Desert, at 76°1′57″–77°46′30″ E and 37°27′30″–39°15′ N. The 54th Regiment is severely affected by sandstorms and falls short of water supply. The total land area of the 54th Regiment is 4377 hectares with grass grids (269 hectares) and windbreak forests (429 hectares) planted on the edge. The agricultural land area is 3108 hectares, which mainly has economic crops such as rapeseed (42.89%), apples (18.87%), plums (5.79%), and alfalfa (3.43%).
Cyperus esculentus, also known as tiger nut, is famous for its drought resistance [39]. Its kernels are primarily used in feed and food oil production with a yield of 9000–12,000 kg/hm2, which is significantly higher than that of soybeans, rapeseed, and peanuts [40,41]. Cyperus esculentus contains many nutrients that can be deeply explored and consists of 22.14–44.92% lipids, 3.28–8.45% proteins, 23.21–48.12% starch, 8.26–15.47% fibers, and 1.60–2.60% ashes [42]. It was initially planted in Xinjiang province for desert control [43]. With governmental support, the China Technology Market Association of Tiger Nut Industry Alliance was established to address technical challenges during planting and processing.
Due to the barren soil and severe wind erosion, the yield of current crops is not ideal. Since 2017, attempts to grow new crops have been made including corns. The economic return is poor except for Cyperus esculentus, which thrived in the soil.
In 2017, the Regiment experimented with Cyperus esculentus cultivation for 133 hectares. From mid-April to the end of May 2019, the acreage reached 1000 hectares with a row spacing of 36 cm and plant spacing of 20 cm. By the end of 2019, they harvested approximately 3000 tons of dried nuts and around 14,100 tons of Cyperus esculentus straw. In 2020, they expanded the cultivation area to 1333 hectares, making it the largest Cyperus esculentus producer in China. By 2021, the acreage had increased to 2666 hectares.

3.3. Overview of the Industrial Transformation Model in the 224th Regiment

The 224th Regiment of the 14th Division, located at 79°14′57″–79°22′25″ E and 37°12′29″–37°24′51.5″ N, is surrounded by desert. The total area is approximately 209 km2. The Regiment has a scarce rainfall throughout the year, along with frequent droughts and an average of 11.5 strong wind day per year.
Initially, red dates, also known as Jujube, were primarily planted. In March 2006, the Organic Food Certification Center of the Corps Environmental Science Institute awarded the 224th Regiment the organic certification. However, the single crop variety led to an oversupply of red dates and a significant decline in profit.
Under this situation, the 224th Regiment decided to transform the industrial model by adopting new technology in red date production as well as introducing new crops. In 2019, the 224th Regiment established a standardized red date orchard for 100 hectares, where chemical fertilizers were replaced by organic fertilizers, and biological pest control methods and water-saving technologies were adopted.
Meanwhile, the 224th Regiment has planted apples with red dates and built greenhouses for vegetables and grapes. The Regiment has converted desert into cropland. One of the featured practices is planting wheat in the autumn, which helps to stabilize the sand and plant fruit trees in the following spring such as apples, pears, and peaches, as well as for Chinese herbal medicine. The “wheat + apple + peach” planting sequence has shown significant ecological effects in converting the desert. In recent years, the number of extreme weather days in the area has gradually decreased, and the local microclimate has greatly improved.
The development of the crop and fruit production has created employment opportunities for local residents. The value chain of production, processing, and sales is gradually established. As the economic situation continues to improve, ethnic unity and social stability has also been accomplished.

4. Methodology

4.1. Data Sources

The data for calculating the comprehensive benefits of the three models were derived from satellite remote sensing data, regional forestry bureau statistics, and survey data. The data for this study primarily derives from field surveys conducted between 2018 and 2021, using the situation at the end of 2020 as the calculation period. The field survey data includes the composition and area (hm2) of typical models, the net profits of various agricultural and forestry products (such as yield, average price, costs, and related processing), the number of employment opportunities provided (person-times) and average wages (CNY/person-time), subsidy amounts (CNY), and the number and unit price (CNY/person-time) of landscape tourism visits. Satellite remote sensing data mainly includes the forest coverage rate (%) and area (hm2) of various types of forests in typical model areas. Statistical data from regional forestry bureaus includes the desert area (hm2), water price (CNY/t), vegetation coverage rate (%), soil erosion (t/hm2), number of sandstorm days, their economic losses (CNY), and the composition and area (hm2) of protective forests.

4.2. Calculation of Economic Benefits

Economic benefits encompass both direct and indirect economic gains. Direct economic benefits are reflected in the provision of timber, forest products, and similar resources. The indirect economic benefit is included in the ecological benefit in this study. The green barriers established at the edge of oases effectively regulate the microclimate in local areas, mitigate the impact of extreme weather on surrounding farmland, and enhance the quality and yield of crops. The disaster prevention and mitigation functions of these green barriers produce significant and observable direct and indirect economic benefits.
The green ecological composite forest model in Maigaiti County demonstrates substantial economic benefits from timber forests, providing timber, forest products, and industrial raw materials that can be commercialized. The main tree species in Maigaiti County’s windbreak and sand fixation ecological forests include poplars, Elaeagnus angustifolia, and Euphrates poplars, all of which have high direct economic value. The production of organic matter from these trees can be directly utilized by humans, representing the value of standing timber. Different types of timber, medicinal materials, and other products possess commercial attributes and can circulate in the market. The value of raw products is generally calculated using the market value method, determined by unit area yield and the total area [36]. The prices of timber and medicinal products are calculated based on current market values. The economic benefits of forestry are calculated as follows:
E 1 = T n × S n
where E 1 represents the economic benefits, T n is the net profit of a certain type of timber or medicinal material, and S n denotes the quantity of the product. The subscript n indicates a specific type of product. According to data from the “China Forestry Statistical Yearbook”, the annual average growth rate of timber yield in China is 3.88%, and the forest timber yield multiplier is 60%, thus the parameter 0.6 is included.
In the other two models, the economic benefits are calculated as the total revenue from planting and processing minus the costs of production. In particular, the economic benefits are calculated as follows:
E 2 = P n × S n
where E 2 represents the value of products and P n is the net profit of the n th type of crop, which includes Cyperus esculentus, red dates, pears, walnuts, and apples.

4.3. Calculation of Ecological Benefits

Ecological benefits are often measured by evaluating values such as water conservation, runoff regulation, soil erosion control, nitrogen fixation, oxygen release, environmental purification, climate regulation, and biodiversity maintenance [32,38]. Given that the sample areas in this study are either desert-embedded counties or surrounded by desert, the assessment is based on the “Assessment Criteria of Desert Ecosystem Services in China (LY/T 2006–2012)” (, accessed on 12 July 2024) and relevant research by scholars [32,44,45]. Ecological benefits are calculated to measure the improvement in water resource regulation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration, windbreak and sand fixation, biodiversity conservation, and landscape recreation. Detailed calculation methods are provided in the attachment.

4.4. Calculation of Social Benefits

Existing research often measures social benefits based on increased wage income and labor employment benefits [33,35]. Based on actual survey data, this study calculates social benefits, which include employment opportunities and government subsidies, as follows:
E 3 = A × W + S u b s i d y
where E 3 represents social benefits, A is the number of labor days employed, and W is the average wage per day.   S u b s i d y is the subsidy received from the government.

4.5. Calculation of Comprehensive Benefit

This study employs the commonly used comprehensive index evaluation method to measure overall benefits [36,38]. The comprehensive benefits are a weighted average over individual benefit categories as follows:
B t = ω i × E i
where, B t is the comprehensive benefit, ω i is the weight of each benefit categories, and E i is the ecological, economic, and social benefits previously calculated.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Weight Result

In this study, the yaahp software 10.5 was utilized to calculate the weight for ecological, economic, and social benefits in Southern Xinjiang (Table 2). The ecological benefits are the most important, followed by the social and economic benefits, which reflects the fact that the unique environment in Xinjiang Province requires special focus of ecological outcomes.
Within the ecological benefits, the most important factor is soil conservation, which aligns with the comprehensive benefit evaluation results in the literature [36]. Specifically, the weight of water resource regulation is 0.0887, indicating its critical role in increasing air humidity, enhancing soil water retention capacity, and reducing soil erosion in Southern Xinjiang. The weight of soil conservation is 0.0965, emphasizing the significant role of desert vegetation in wind and sand fixation under Southern Xinjiang’s unique natural geographical conditions. The weight of landscape recreation is the lowest of 0.0467, primarily because tourism has not been well developed around the Taklamakan Desert. However, the value of this function is expected to gradually increase in the future.

5.2. Benefit Estimated Results

5.2.1. Economic Benefits

Based on the composition of the ecological mixed forest (Table 1) and the data on planting years and growth rates of different types of trees obtained from the survey, the comprehensive estimated forest timber yield multiplier is 35%, and the averaged timber price is 600 CNY/m3. The forestry stock in Maigaiti County is estimated to be 481,000 m3, which is worth CNY 101.01 million. In addition, the medicinal herb planted is estimated to have a value of CNY 39,000. Therefore, the economic benefit of the composite forest model in Maigaiti County is CNY 101.05 million.
The economic profit of Cyperus esculentus in the 54th Regiment comes from both straw and nut production. The net profit for straw is 2625 CNY/hm2 and the net profit for the nut is 60,000 CNY/hm2. The processing profit, which primarily involves edible oil, starch, and feed, is approximately 76,500 CNY/hm2. A significant share of the land has not yet reached the optimal yield due to the short production period. The economic benefit of the drought-resistant crop model in the 54th Regiment is estimated to be CNY 102 million.
In 2020, the profit from 10,000 hm2 of red dates in the 224th Regiment reached CNY 772 million. Red dates are processed on-site and other crops are also produced. The market prices are 10 CNY/kg for dried red dates, 6 CNY/kg for pears, 16 CNY/kg for dried walnuts, and 8 CNY/kg for apples. According to yield and market prices, the economic value of red dates in 2020 was calculated to be CNY 772 million, with other products valued at CNY 165 million. The total economic benefit of the industrial transformation model in the 224th Regiment is CNY 937 million.

5.2.2. Ecological Benefits

Considering the differences in soil composition, soil moisture content, and salinity among the three sample areas, this study integrates and utilizes experimental data from 64 sample plots across three regions, provided by the South Xinjiang Ecological Restoration Technology Integration and Demonstration Project Group of Tarim University. The relevant indicators of the physicochemical properties of ecological forest soil were obtained. The average values of the experimental data for different soil layers (0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm) were calculated, with detailed results shown in Table 3.
Using the ecological forest area data from the three regions and the experimental data from Table 3, the substance equivalents and value equivalents were incorporated into the ecological benefit assessment index system in Table 2. The ecological benefit assessment results of the three models are shown in Figure 2.
The ecological benefits of the composite forest model in Maigaiti County are approximately CNY 903.92 million. The highest value is attributed to soil conservation, amounting to CNY 648 million, followed by windbreak and sand fixation, water resource regulation, biodiversity protection, and carbon sequestration. In comparison, the value of landscape recreation is the lowest at CNY 0.42 million. Within the soil conservation value, the values for sediment deposition, reduction of organic matter loss, and fertility loss are CNY 186.2 million, CNY 137.8 million, and CNY 324 million, respectively. This indicates that the ecological forest project in Maigaiti County plays a significant role in soil conservation and windbreak and sand fixation. The improvement in the ecological environment has greatly enhanced the local environment in Maigaiti County, reducing the severity of wind and sand hazards. The number of dusty weather days in Maigaiti County decreased from 40 days in 2014 to 30 days in 2019, and annual rainfall increased from 109.6 mm in 2014 to over 200 mm in 2019.
The ecological benefits of the drought-resistant crop model in the 54th Regiment is approximately CNY 18.54 million. The highest value comes from windbreak and sand fixation (CNY 23 million), followed by soil conservation (CNY 10.2 million) and biodiversity protection (CNY 2 million). The values for water resource regulation, carbon sequestration, and landscape recreation are CNY 1.5 million, CNY 1.7 million, and CNY 0.65 million, respectively. The plantation of Cyperus esculentus in the 54th Regiment provides multiple ecosystem services, mainly including ecological restoration. The acreage of Cyperus esculentus has been increasing tenfold for the past three years, which has gradually improved the local climate and ecological conditions.
The ecological benefits of the industrial transformation model in the 224th Regiment are approximately CNY 470.25 million. The highest value is attributed to soil conservation (CNY 206.5 million), followed by biodiversity protection (CNY 84.9 million), carbon sequestration (CNY 78.6 million), and windbreak and sand fixation (CNY 63.65 million). The values for water resource regulation and landscape recreation are CNY 31.3 million and CNY 5.3 million, respectively.

5.2.3. Social Benefits

The 27,300 hectares of composite forest in Maigaiti County have provided employment opportunities for 115 impoverished households. The irrigation, pesticide application, and other maintenance tasks required a total of 5160 person-days labor throughout the year, with an average monthly wage of CNY 4000 per person. Therefore, the social benefit is estimated to be CNY 22 million.
In 2020, the Cyperus esculentus acreage in the 54th Regiment was 1333.33 hectares, providing 960 temporary employment opportunities with labor costs approximately CNY 3750 per hectare. The post-harvest processing provided 60 employment positions. The cost of planting Cyperus esculentus is about CNY 24,000 per hectare per person. Thus, the social benefit is estimated to be CNY 6.44 million.
The industrial transformation model in the 224th Regiment employs 500,000 person-days labor annually. The 666.66 hectares of forest have provided 60 households with job opportunities and received a subsidy of CNY 450 per hectare. The social benefit of the 224th Regiment is estimated to be CNY 50 million.

5.2.4. Comprehensive Benefits

According to Formula (4), the comprehensive benefit results of each model are shown in Table 4.
Table 4 shows that the comprehensive benefits of the composite forest model in Maigaiti County amount to CNY 287 million, the comprehensive benefits of the drought-resistant crop model in the 54th Regiment are CNY 50 million, and the comprehensive benefits of the industrial transformation model in the 224th Regiment are CNY 544 million.
As the green poverty alleviation model continues to develop, the vegetation coverage index in the study area has improved, which effectively controlled desertification and improved the ecological environment. Meanwhile, the biodiversity condition also improved. Animals such as wild pheasants and hares are observed more frequently. The development of the three green poverty alleviation models continues to protect the local oasis from strong winds and sandstorms and enhance the comprehensive productivity. The local environment, crop yields, and residents’ incomes increased at the same time. The progress in the study area serves as a role model for other regions in Southern Xinjiang that have harsh environmental conditions and severe poverty.

6. Conclusions and Discussion

6.1. Conclusions

This paper examines three typical green poverty alleviation models in the Kashi and Hotan regions of Southern Xinjiang, China. By developing ecological forests, orchards, and drought-resistant crops, these green industries have not only achieved their poverty reduction goals but also paved a sustainable green pathway. The ecological benefits of these models play a crucial role while also bringing significant economic benefits and employment-driven social benefits. This study reveals the following:
The comprehensive benefits of the composite forest model, the drought-resistant crop model, and the industrial transformation model are CNY 288 million, CNY 50 million, and CNY 545 million, respectively. The ecological benefits mainly come from soil conservation and water resource regulation. The economic benefits are primarily derived from the value of forestry, medicinal plants, forage, and grains and oils. The social benefits are mainly reflected in employment and subsidies.
The unique natural conditions in Southern Xinjiang yields the weight of ecological benefits to be 0.43, which is much higher than the social and economic benefits. The ecological benefits are more significant in the composite forest model and the industrial transformation model, while the economic benefits are more prominent in the drought-resistant crop model. As these models continue to develop, the economic benefits of green industries such as forestry, forage, medicinal plants, and drought-resistant crops will gradually become more promising.
The development of Southern Xinjiang only started recently. The relative poverty in the Kashi and Hotan regions is still an urgent issue. Meanwhile, the environmental protection task is arduous. The conflict between economic development and ecological protection needs to be addressed using green poverty alleviation strategies. How to promote the local economy through green poverty alleviation while meeting the concept of “green development” is a crucial issue for Southern Xinjiang.
To achieve high-quality economic development in Southern Xinjiang, future efforts should be guided by the green development concept and strengthen ecological protection. Harmonizing the contradiction between economic development and ecological protection to achieve a win-win situation will provide industrial support for sustainable poverty alleviation and development. By leveraging ecological advantages to develop high-value, integrated industries and actively cultivating geographical indication products, Southern Xinjiang can capitalize on its unique natural endowments, promote distinctive industries, and develop ecological green organic agriculture. This transformation of ecological product value into economic benefits will aid in rural revitalization in Southern Xinjiang.
In addition, the development of green industries not only raises residents’ awareness of ecological civilization but also boosts their happiness. Field investigations reveal that with the rapid development of various regions in Southern Xinjiang, local residents’ living standards and environmental conditions have significantly improved. Simultaneously, residents’ awareness and concern for the environment have increased, strengthening their sense of belonging to their homeland. Improved living conditions further enhance their happiness. Green industry development also creates employment opportunities, benefiting local people, promoting the integration of military and civilian sectors, ecological construction, and economic development. This initial achievement of ecological benefits for the people, along with economic prosperity, has garnered support and welcome from all ethnic groups, and received praise and recognition from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, local governments, and all sectors of society. It has made new contributions to maintaining social stability in Southern Xinjiang.
Based on our research findings, we propose several economic policy recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of green poverty alleviation strategies. First, we encourage other regions with similar ecological and economic conditions to adopt and adapt the successful green poverty alleviation models from Southern Xinjiang. Second, we recommend that governments provide financial incentives for the development of sustainable agricultural practices and eco-forestry projects. Third, we advocate for increased international cooperation to share best practices and technologies for green poverty alleviation. Fourth, we propose that more resources be allocated to innovative green projects and scalable pilot programs. Finally, we suggest the development of robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess the success of green poverty alleviation initiatives and ensure that they meet their ecological, economic, and social goals.

6.2. Discussion

The typical green poverty alleviation model in this study primarily focuses on red dates, Cyperus esculentus, and Chinese medicinal herbs, all of which have considerable economic value. While these products generate direct economic value, their indirect economic benefits should not be overlooked. These benefits include improvements to the agricultural and residential ecological environment, reduction in the impact of extreme weather on human activities, and enhancements in crop quality and yield. Although the economic benefits of the forestry and fruit industry are higher than those of the ecological mixed forests, it is essential to consider the differences in soil and climate conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to develop appropriate poverty alleviation models tailored to local conditions, taking into account whether prioritizing ecological considerations is necessary for the development of the study area.
The social benefit weight in this study is 0.3 and it might increase in the future. Currently, some reforestation and forest management are carried out through “voluntary labor”. For instance, in Maigaiti County, residents aged 15–65 contribute voluntarily up to 60 days per year to forest maintenance. Future subsidies are expected to provide more income for local households.
This study has certain limitations. First, the data used in these calculations were sourced from various contributors, including project leaders, cultivators, and government officials, which may introduce measurement errors. Second, the assessment of ecological and social benefits is based on literature and not adjusted to local conditions, which might not be accurate. Therefore, the interpretation of these results shall be made with caution. Finally, benefit values and weights vary over time and across different locations. The current results presented are based on data up to the end of 2020, which might not reflect the performance of green poverty alleviation models in the future. Although estimations in this study carry potential uncertainties and should be interpreted with caution, they provide valuable insights for policy-making and future researches.
Field research indicates that the potential social value in Southern Xinjiang is mainly reflected in the rational and objective recognition of the value of ecological products by residents, guided by the government and promoted by enterprises. This leads to a higher acceptance of sand control and desertification prevention measures. Consequently, residents’ perception of the ecological environment deepens, and their willingness to pay for ecological improvements increases. Environmental degradation in some areas of Southern Xinjiang has led to population retreat (“sand advance, people retreat”). However, with social and economic development, ecological improvements, and increased agricultural productivity, residents’ incomes and quality of life improve, leading to a higher demand for a better environment. This strengthens their confidence in protecting and building their habitats. Improvements in the ecological environment benefit residents’ physical and mental health, enhancing their satisfaction and happiness, ultimately promoting harmonious and healthy social development.
The development of green industries not only raises residents’ awareness of ecological civilization but also boosts their happiness index. Field investigations reveal that with the rapid development of various regions in Southern Xinjiang, local residents’ living standards and environmental conditions have significantly improved. Simultaneously, residents’ awareness and concern for the environment have increased, strengthening their sense of belonging to their homeland. Improved living conditions further enhance their happiness index. Green industry development also creates employment opportunities, benefiting local people, promoting the integration of military and civilian sectors, ecological construction, and economic development. This initial achievement of ecological benefits for the people, along with economic prosperity, has garnered support and welcome from all ethnic groups, and received praise and recognition from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, local governments, and all sectors of society.
Our study conducted an in-depth analysis of three green poverty alleviation models in the Southern Xinjiang region of China. We found that these models significantly improve the ecological environment, enhance economic benefits, and promote employment. The successful experiences from these green poverty alleviation models in Southern Xinjiang have important implications for other ecologically fragile and economically impoverished regions worldwide, particularly those facing the dual challenges of environmental degradation and poverty.
Our findings show that by adapting and promoting green poverty alleviation models to local conditions, it is possible to protect the ecological environment while achieving sustainable economic development. We recommend that other regions adopt the successful experiences from Southern Xinjiang, developing agriculture and economic crops suited to their local ecological conditions. This can reduce environmental damage and enhance ecosystem resilience. Furthermore, fostering international cooperation and exchange in green poverty alleviation, especially in sharing successful models and technologies, will help more regions achieve their poverty reduction goals. Our study provides an effective pathway toward achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for poverty alleviation. Promoting green poverty alleviation models can accelerate the process of poverty reduction in impoverished areas, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of global poverty reduction efforts. We urge governments and international organizations to increase policy and financial support for green poverty alleviation projects, encourage innovation and pilot programs, and ensure that these models are promoted and applied globally.
In conclusion, green poverty alleviation models not only provide strong support for sustainable development in Southern Xinjiang but also offer valuable insights and experiences for other poor and ecologically fragile regions worldwide. Through international cooperation and policy support, these models have the potential to be widely adopted globally, contributing to the achievement of global poverty reduction goals and promoting sustainable economic, social, and environmental development.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.C., H.W. and Q.L.; methodology, H.C. and Q.L.; validation, W.C. and Z.X.; formal analysis, H.C. and Q.L.; investigation, H.C. and Z.X.; resources, W.C. and Q.L.; data curation, H.C. and H.W.; writing—original draft preparation, H.C., H.W. and Q.L.; writing—review and editing, H.C. and H.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Social Science Foundation Project of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps “Dual Carbon—Based on the Perspectives of Health and Environment” (NO: 22YB19); This study was also funded by the Philosophy and Social Science Research Youth Project of the Ministry of Education “Green Poverty Reduction: A Study on the Model and Benefit Evaluation of Ecological Poverty Alleviation in Continuous Deep Poverty Areas: A Case Study of Four Regions in Southern Xinjiang with Ecologically Fragile Areas” (NO: 19YJCZH004). This study was also supported by the Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (No: 2024TC092).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Research data can be obtained from the corresponding author through email.


The authors extend their sincere appreciation to the researchers.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Geographic locations of the typical models selected for this study. Circles indicate geographic locations and do not represent the size of the land area.
Figure 1. Geographic locations of the typical models selected for this study. Circles indicate geographic locations and do not represent the size of the land area.
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Figure 2. Ecological benefits of the three models (unit: million CNY).
Figure 2. Ecological benefits of the three models (unit: million CNY).
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Table 1. The planted area of Maigaiti County’s composite forest.
Table 1. The planted area of Maigaiti County’s composite forest.
SpeciesArea (Hectares)Survival Rate (%)Biological Characteristics
Poplar226790Sun-loving, deep-rooted, drought tolerate, wind resistant.
Elaeagnus angustifolia + Populus euphratica + Hippophae933360Three species are planted in alternative rows. Elaeagnus angustifolia has extensive horizontal roots, which is resistant to wind, drought, and salinity. Populus euphratica is drought and cold tolerant. Hippophae grows fast.
Haloxylon ammodendron + Xanthoceras sorbifolium1466780Haloxylon ammodendron is planted alternatively with Xanthoceras sorbifolium, which is resilience to poor soil and salinity.
Bamboo willow60075
Others467-Mainly wild grass, with a coverage rate of 10%.
Source: Authors’ survey (2021).
Table 2. Comprehensive benefit evaluation index system and the weight of each index.
Table 2. Comprehensive benefit evaluation index system and the weight of each index.
Overall GoalSystem LayerWeightIndex LayerWeight
Comprehensive benefit evaluation index systemEconomic benefits0.27Direct economic value0.2699
Ecological benefits0.43Water resources regulation0.0887
Soil conservation0.0965
Carbon sequestration0.0743
Windbreak and sand fixation0.0579
Biodiversity protection0.0659
Landscape and recreation0.0467
Social benefits0.30Quantifiable social value0.3000
Table 3. Physicochemical properties of soil in typical models.
Table 3. Physicochemical properties of soil in typical models.
ModelsSoil Moisture Content (%)Bulk Density (g/cm3)Non-Capillary Porosity (%)Capillary Porosity (%)Organic Matter (%)
The Composite Forest Model5.281.5719.1717.810.31
The Drought-Resistant Cash Crop Model6.921.448.1636.540.13
The Industrial Transformation Model4.361.2516.5934.160.39
ModelsTotal Salinity (%)Total Nitrogen (%)Total Phosphorus (%)pH Value
The Composite Forest Model0.520.050.068.49
The Drought-Resistant Cash Crop Model0.
The Industrial Transformation Model0.430.040.047.13
Table 4. Comprehensive benefit evaluation results of typical models (unit: million CNY).
Table 4. Comprehensive benefit evaluation results of typical models (unit: million CNY).
Economic Benefits Ecological Benefits Social BenefitsComprehensive Benefits
The Composite Forest Model1019041287
The Drought-Resistant Cash Crop Model10219550
The Industrial Transformation Model93747050544
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chen, H.; Chao, W.; Xue, Z.; Wei, H.; Li, Q. The Assessment of Green Poverty Reduction Strategies in Ecologically Fragile Areas: A Case Study of Southern Xinjiang in China. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6441.

AMA Style

Chen H, Chao W, Xue Z, Wei H, Li Q. The Assessment of Green Poverty Reduction Strategies in Ecologically Fragile Areas: A Case Study of Southern Xinjiang in China. Sustainability. 2024; 16(15):6441.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Chen, Hongmei, Weipeng Chao, Zhen Xue, Hanlin Wei, and Qing Li. 2024. "The Assessment of Green Poverty Reduction Strategies in Ecologically Fragile Areas: A Case Study of Southern Xinjiang in China" Sustainability 16, no. 15: 6441.

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