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Regenerating and Developing a National Botanical Garden (NBG) in Khartoum, Sudan: Effect on Urban Landscape and Environmental Sustainability

Landscape Architecture College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
Faculty of Agriculture Science, University of Gezira, Wad Medani 21111, Sudan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(17), 7863;
Submission received: 13 July 2024 / Revised: 1 September 2024 / Accepted: 2 September 2024 / Published: 9 September 2024


This research focuses on the National Botanic Garden in Khartoum, Sudan, proposing tools and methods to assess botanical garden quality from multiple perspectives. It explores the related concepts between national botanical gardens and landscapes, regeneration landscapes and their components such as botanical gardens, their effects on urban regeneration in cities, urban environments, and environmental sustainability. This study aims to: regenerate and develop a National Botanical Garden in the Almogran area of Khartoum, Sudan, and highlight the importance of establishing a national botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan. The study used questionnaires to identify the necessary needs for regeneration, and the opinions of employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry were surveyed about the purposes of: (1) evaluating the garden’s total area and interior design; (2) building regeneration; (3) establishing constructions, such as a library, seed gene bank, tissue culture laboratory, etc.; (4) emphasizing the need for modern technology to enhance quality. The study summarizes five regeneration technology methods: environmental plant restoration, water body restoration, building and facility restoration, reconstruction technology, and resource utilization; (5) botanical gardens were proposed for each climatic region in Sudan, and we studied the effects of establishing a botanical garden for each climate region in Sudan on environmental resilience, the effect of the botanical gardens’ regeneration on gardens within the cities, and effect of a national botanical garden on the urban landscape and environmental sustainability. These findings suggest that the comprehensive regeneration of the National Botanical Garden, integrating it with the urban regeneration of cities, especially urban greening regeneration, is important for enhancing urban landscapes, enhancing environmental resilience, environmental sustainability, climate change, and achieving land development goals, thus helping to address actual requirements and develop sustainable cities.

1. Introduction

The National Botanical Garden (NBG) in the Almogran area of Khartoum, Sudan, has deteriorated rapidly in recent years as one of the components of the city. Strategic urban regeneration policies prioritize the development of the city and the complete regeneration of each part of it to match supply with demand, to implement regeneration projects, or create sustainable communities and places [1,2]. National botanical gardens contribute significantly to the urban landscape of cities, and, since ancient times, humans have engaged in interactive and experimental relationships with landscapes [3]. Urban green regeneration constitutes a fundamental aspect of city regeneration. To comprehensively study urban regeneration, an assessment of both the city and regional conditions is essential. This approach enables a holistic approach to regeneration and aligns with the scholarly contributions initiated by Carlo Forte regarding regional and urban studies. Forte’s work has significantly influenced a broad spectrum of research dedicated to the analysis, evaluation, and management of urban regeneration initiatives [4]. The National Botanical Garden is one of the city’s urban areas and historical urban fabrics, so its regeneration is considered one of the city’s urban regeneration priorities. Within this disciplinary context, various methodological approaches and practical experiences focused on land, urban areas, and historical urban fabrics have developed over time [5,6]. There are intersections between botanical gardens and the urban landscape, consequently, there is a growing necessity for diverse landscape evaluations across various domains, including geomorphological process management [7], landscape conservation [8,9], biodiversity regulation [10], and assessment of agricultural impacts [11]. The regeneration of national botanical gardens and landscapes seeks to regulate and plan human interventions, thereby enhancing the dynamic equilibrium of the landscape. This stability is linked to the gradual evolution of landscapes, while rapid transformations signal instability [12]. Plants play a crucial role in climate change mitigation and the European Green Deal. There is significant interest in plant health regulations, particularly concerning the movement and trade of plants and plant products within the European Union. Botanical gardens, in turn, are instrumental in enforcing these regulations, and a significant impetus in this direction was provided by the recent “green deal” [13,14]. The integration of environmental and ecological concerns into social behaviors and practices has reoriented global monetary policies [15]. This shift, now strongly supported in Europe by substantial economic recovery funding [16,17], aims towards the green-digital transition [15]. The ultimate objective of these supportive actions is the global benefit of cities, epitomizing the house–city–landscape system dimension [18,19]. This system embodies the formal unity and coexistence of dwelling modes, their interaction with urban development, and the regulations that ensure an efficient community. Consequently, numerous initiatives focus on building and energy retrofitting [20], alongside enhancing “public beauty” [21], with the aim of reinforcing the urban community’s identity and promoting social-territorial inclusion. Botanical garden regeneration and urban green regeneration are the backbone of environmental resilience and sustainability. Regarding the characteristics of the current era and urban regeneration theories over the past century, global cities have generally experienced a developmental transition from an emphasis on environmental regeneration and physical reconstruction to incorporating strategic, economic, social, climatic, environmental, and urban governance objectives [22,23]. The study and comprehension of natural or environmental systems are foundational elements in the decision-making process [24]. Lately, the imperative and certainty of sustainability and urban regeneration development have heightened, which is evident in the inclusion of sustainability metrics in urban performance assessments [25]. Extensive research, studies, and debates have focused in international academic circles on the concept, visions, semantics, dynamic mechanisms, imperatives, phase characteristics, principles, stakeholders, objectives, values, planning execution, implementation, sustainable development, and performance of urban regeneration [26,27,28]. Sudan possesses few botanical gardens, notably the National Botanical Garden in Khartoum and several university gardens. However, the National Botanical Garden has not garnered significant attention from specialists and researchers in Sudan. Around the world, there are roughly 2500 registered botanical gardens [29,30]. There is an interesting positive correlation between the number of botanical gardens in a country and the Human Development Index [31]. Given Sudan’s diverse climatic regions, the absence of botanical gardens tailored to each region has detrimental effects on environmental resilience, and Sudan faces numerous environmental challenges [32]. In Africa, the number of botanical gardens is notably fewer than in Europe, America, and Asia, with the BCGI inventory listing only 98 botanical gardens in the African and Indian Ocean regions. South Africa has nine national-status gardens managed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute [33]. Sudan, spanning approximately 1,865,813 square kilometers and exhibiting diverse climates from desert to tropical (see Figure 1), has only one national botanical garden in Khartoum. Despite rapid urbanization, Sudan’s urban growth has lacked emphasis on green building practices, negatively affecting urban landscapes, ecological sustainability, and climate change. While development plans have aimed to promote growth and connectivity, public goals have been hindered by natural and political challenges [34]. Due to the scarcity of national botanical gardens, the expansion of green spaces in Khartoum city has not kept pace with the population growth. As the population continues to increase, the availability of green spaces remains stagnant. This disparity suggests that future social and cultural demands may not be adequately met, as the population grows while the provision of green spaces lags. Accessibility to green spaces is predominantly hindered by their geographical distribution [35]. Comprehensive power and international influence should be at the forefront of the world’s botanical gardens [36]. Botanical gardens, alongside other green spaces, and open spaces within urban environments, are integral components of urban greening efforts, significantly contributing to the enhancement of the urban landscape and overall aesthetics. Botanical gardens are considered public green spaces because they are “windows to biodiversity” and are distinctive and unique [37]. The interest in national botanical gardens by governments aims towards a model that promotes human-centered development, sustainability, multi-faceted co-operation between government, institutions, and society, and ensuring the equitable distribution of opportunities and benefits [38]. Overall, national botanical gardens are essential to urban environments, significantly enhancing urban landscapes, supporting regeneration initiatives, bolstering resilience against environmental challenges, and advancing sustainable development goals. They seamlessly integrate nature with built environments, fulfilling diverse ecological, educational, cultural, and economic roles.

1.1. Objectives of Research

This research aims to develop the botanical garden from several different aspects as follows:
  • Comprehensive development of the national botanical garden and retaining its historical features;
  • Developing a methodology to determine the requirements and needs of users of the botanical garden in the language of number, measure the extent to which botanical gardens meet the needs and requirements of users, and use a technology system that aims to raise the quality of botanical gardens that contribute to enhancing the urban landscape and environmental sustainability;
  • Highlighting the importance of establishing a botanical garden for each climate region in Sudan and their effects on environmental sustainability.

1.2. Overview of Study Area

The National Botanical Garden in Sudan occupies an oval area of 11 acers in the Almgren area and is the only national botanical garden in Sudan in Khartoum state, (see Figure 2) where trees and shrubs are grown in an outer belt and are arranged according to their ecological distribution in Sudan. They include trees, shrubs, and garden plants from the desert, semi-desert, low-rainfall Savannah, high-rainfall Savannah, mountain, and swamp ecosystems. The inner part is occupied by ornamental plants with a fountain, green house, and plant nursery in the center. The National Botanical Garden is affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Horticultural Sector Administration, Botanical Garden Department, Khartoum state, Sudan. The NBG consists of 10 modules which are listed below: the seed collection unit, the propagation and adaptation unit, the germplasm conservation unit, the classification and codification unit, the exchange with international parks and research centers unit, the training and relationship unit, the ornamental plants, curation, and heritage unit, the herbarium unit, the plants of economic importance unit, the information, and the documentation unit.
In recent decades, remote sensing data have been considered as primary sources of vegetation detection. In this research, some of these techniques were used to detect vegetation change in the National Botanical Garden in Khartoum for a specific period from 2000 to 2020, which is the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The aim of the analysis was to analyze the nature of the changes in the vegetation cover of the garden during the specific time (see Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5). The analysis was based on annual NDVI data from the Google Earth Engine (GEE), which was calculated using a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). This chart was drawn using Python code, and the calculation formula is:
N D V I = N I R Re d / N I R + Re d
The values for the NDVI (from 0.2 to 0.3), representing shrubs and meadows, and shown in the Figure indicating the study area of the NBG from 2000 to 2020, are 0.244–0.273. The annual mean value of NDVI’s Minqin oasis was 0.244 to 0.273, showing a significant upward trend, with an annual growth rate of 0.34% (p < 0.01), and a multi-year mean value of 0.256 (Figure 5). From 2000 to 2005, the Minqin oasis NDVI annual mean value showed a significant upward trend, with an annual growth rate of 0.20% (p < 0.01), and from 2005 to 2010, it showed a significant upward trend, with an annual growth rate of 0.16% (p < 0.01). From 2010 to 2015, it showed a fluctuating decline, with an annual rate of 0.14% (p < 0.01). From 2015 to 2020, it showed a fluctuating decline, with an annual rate of 0.34% (p < 0.01). These values describe the nature of the vegetation in the National Botanical Garden in Khartoum, Sudan, from 2000 to 2020.
The NBG, situated in a tropical region, exhibits climatic characteristics such as temperature, rainfall, hydrology, soil composition, and vegetation as depicted in the accompanying Table 1 (General Administration of Horticultural Production—National Botanical Garden Administration). Following the devastating flood of 1988, the botanical garden experienced significant plant loss. A comprehensive project initiated in 1993 facilitated the replanting and restoration of the garden’s flora and the importation of new types of plants, shown in Figure 6 and Table 2 (source for Table 1 and Table 2, and Figure 6: the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Administration of Horticultural Production—National Botanical Garden Administration).

1.3. Literature Review

Around the world, there are roughly 2500 registered botanical gardens [29,30], and most of them are found in temperate climate environments. Botanical gardens are considered historical and heritage monuments and are reliable bodies that demonstrate the extent of people’s interest in plants and the extent and importance of plants to humans. They are considered a metaphor for human relationships with the environment surrounding them [40]. Many approaches have developed that focus on land, urban areas, and historic urban fabrics [6]. The various benefits and purposes of botanical gardens are emphasizing their roles in preserving plant genetic resources, providing botanical knowledge to scientists and the public, cultivating new plant varieties, conducting scientific research, maintaining herbaria and seed banks, and conserving genetic diversity. In Sudan, there exists a botanical garden in Khartoum State covering 11 acres, alongside gardens associated with agricultural colleges at universities. However, other states lack botanical gardens despite Sudan’s environmental diversity and vast territory. According to the BCGI inventory, only 98 botanical gardens are documented across Africa and the Indian Ocean regions [33]. Modern botanical gardens are crucial for addressing climate change and environmental crises by adapting to biological shifts caused by climate change, and for climate change research and new experiments on plant responses to climate change [41,42]. The botanical garden has many benefits for documentation, education, and research. In addition, green and recreational spaces in urban areas serve economic benefits from attracting tourists, hobbyists, and visitors to the area, to spiritual and psychological recovery and well-being, and opportunities to look at artificial lakes and rare flora and fauna. One example is from the Baikal region in Siberia, which preserves local customs, traditions, culture, and community identity [43]. Botanical gardens also provide us with plant diversity that provides humans with the basic needs of life in terms of food, housing, clothing, and treatment. Plants are the basic element of any ecosystem. They work to isolate carbon dioxide emitted by humans, stabilize the soil, facilitate drainage, and surface runoff, and reduce gases [44]. The relationship between plants and humans has been an interconnected and continuous relationship since the beginning of creation, characterized by resources, experience, botany, and the modern uses of plants in cognitive development, scientific research, and studying the relationship between humans and plants, as well as the conservation of plants in their natural habitats, in terms of both ecological and economical sustainability [30,45,46]. The ecosystem and biodiversity are under threat from humans, as is the case with the annual flower exhibition in the National Botanical Garden in Sudan. We find that the area of the botanical garden is 11 acres and receives visitors in huge numbers during the exhibition period. Due to the narrow paths, we find that the plants near the paths are severely affected. There are presentations on assets or habitat destruction or global climate change, for example at the New York Botanic Garden and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew [47], that analyze and deconstruct the complex relationships between human societies and ecosystems [48]. Currently, botanic gardens and related institutions form an intricate global network that facilitates the exchange of knowledge, resources, and living plants. This plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainability where human and plant diversity intersect [25,49,50].
Gardening can also contribute to society, especially for those with special needs, by providing them with job opportunities, as is the case in the Sudanese Horticulture Association, which is interested in training people with special needs. Moreover, the Chelsea Foundation works with Thrive and works on websites, explaining the benefits of gardening, while Growing Charity advocates the benefits of gardening for supporting people with special needs with training and scientific solutions [51]. Teaching children to study living plants and biodiversity by focusing on intellectual, spiritual, and physical educational techniques is a considered educational curriculum that helps children explore [48]. Botanical gardens operate as organizations and have diverse and different effective roles. They are places for artists and writers to contemplate, and for painters to gain inspiration. In turn, they promote integration into the natural environment. They are considered museums of human and natural cultural heritage, and they are banks for preserving genetic assets and genes [52]. They also have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, and recreational importance [31]. Botanical gardens attract several tourists and many local visitors from all over the world [53]. Visitors usually visit botanical gardens with a close friend or colleague. Most garden visitors are accompanied by a partner, spouse, family member, or a group of friends, but a few are with children. Visitors always visit botanical gardens for entertainment, to see the plants, to enjoy the natural beauty of the plants, to breathe fresh air, and to exercise [54]. Moreover, botanical gardens enhance the function of agricultural research bodies and research centers by directing studies in the field of botany, plant physiology, plant anatomy, genetics, and genetic resources related to plants, identifying extinct plant species and threatened plant species, and protecting plant and biological diversity [55]. Botanical gardens have not received enough research attention in Sudan, especially their regeneration and expansion, although there are very few such gardens. We also find that green spaces have received little attention, and some studies have been conducted in the field of urbanization, especially in Khartoum State. This leads to the deterioration of the urban landscape due to the aesthetics and enrichment that botanical gardens and green spaces provide. For the urban landscape through gardening and landscape architecture, and among the studies that have gained the attention of some researchers, we mention that, despite the lack of detailed and modern studies, there is a consensus among most planners, decision makers, administrators, land users, and beneficiaries that degradation is one of the main challenges facing Sudan, and efforts are being made to renew the features and aesthetics of the urban landscape of Khartoum. Some plans have attempted to promote their development and shift centers toward each other. Most studies of the urban landscape have been limited to the riverfront in relation to Khartoum’s geographical location between the two rivers, the White Nile, and the Blue Nile, to develop the riverfront in the city of Khartoum [56], and the sustainable interface for the development of the riverfront and the study of the alternative vision in Khartoum [57]. Moreover, on research related to the livelihood strategy of displaced people in Khartoum through urban and peri-urban agriculture [58], there are some studies that address modern urbanization trends in the greater city of Khartoum and its three cities, namely Khartoum, Khartoum Bahri, and Omdurman [59]. Some studies have been carried out on green spaces, such as mapping and monitoring open green spaces in the Khartoum locality using geographic system methods and geographic information systems [35]. Due to the weakness of urban design, especially the weak co-ordination of green spaces in residential complexes, and the reconsideration of open spaces in Khartoum in relation to the residential fabric [60], the real problem facing the urban landscape in Khartoum is urban growth and the lack of sustainability and quality of the natural landscape due to neglect by the parties responsible for that. Awad discussed sustainable urban growth of neighborhoods—a case study of Riyadh–Khartoum [61]. Some studies have shown many examples of botanical garden locations that are difficult for vulnerable groups in societies to access, despite their importance to these groups. Therefore, we find that community gardening has focused on vulnerable groups and supported them with methods agreed upon in community gardening and co-operation with communities, and among these methods is access to landscapes, natural green spaces, and botanical gardens [62]. The current botanical gardens need and seek a lot of regeneration and development, and easy access for their visitors to the media for their programs and sites. They also seek to provide evidence of their connection to the urban landscape and the urban and aesthetic development of cities as a guide to programs and plans implemented in the future, and as a guide to the identity of visitors and others. Gardens need to ask some important questions—are they adequate in size, are they renovated, are the buildings adequate for the needs of the community and visitors, and are they clear about construction for research? Do they want to change visitors’ attitudes and behavior or enhance visitors’ well-being? The core values and mission must support what the park wants to achieve and what the community wants to achieve [63]. Urban Landscape Regeneration Theory is focusing on botanical gardens as an integral part of the urban environment and the importance of incorporating aesthetics that enrich the urban landscape. Greening is an essential method to control greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas, but a lack of consideration for climatic conditions, traditions, and local cultural norms can lead to conflicts between high costs and low environmental benefits. Basic principles such as landscape ecological vitality level, urban landscape health, and safety in cityscapes are outlined, along with the need for blending landscape boundaries and promoting sustainable development. The hypothesis and theoretical basis for urban landscape regeneration are grounded in environmental awareness, ecological principles, and artistic perception, relying on the traditional understanding of the environment and environmental awareness, environmental restoration [64,65,66], the environmental study of landscapes [67,68], morphology of landscape, ethical principles of ecology, artistic perception, and ecological aesthetics. The genesis and construction of urban landscape ecosystems are delved into, emphasizing the importance of understanding the structure, function, and services provided by urban ecosystems [69]. We highlight the importance of urban eco-system services from different, multiple, and sometimes conflicting value perspectives, each of which may capture a dimension relevant to urban environmental policy [70], including tradeoffs for services and the value of their various dimensions [71]. Botanical gardens are an integral part of the urban landscape, so their safety and security are as important as the safety of the landscape. Urban landscape safety and a comprehensive evaluation index system focus on and highlight the significance of landscape security and the interconnected nature of self-security, environmental security, and human security within the landscape system. Establishing the landscape “Nature-Space-Human System Ecosystem”:
  • The concept of the natural-space-human system ecosystem;
  • The basic elements of the natural-space-human system ecosystem: environmental circle (or domain) and the composition model of the ecological chain;
  • Management and regulation of urban landscape system based on natural-space-human system ecosystem, structural network, functional mechanism, and spatiotemporal distribution.
The regeneration of urban botanical gardens directly influences the city from an aesthetic and environmental perspective. One of the main tasks followed in the processes of expanding and renovating green spaces is to obtain the maximum benefit (in environmental and aesthetic respects) [72], including from existing designed green spaces, as well as from the harmonious and non-contrasting combination of large trees, small shrubs, and flowers with the existing plants. The concept of a “green city” has become widely popular and increasingly popular in the world [73]. This study explores Sustainable Cities Transit-Oriented Development [74], urban regeneration, including city identity in historic contexts [75], and the integration of living heritage with urban landscape and planning [76].

2. Materials and Methods

The objective of this study is to explore the comprehensive regeneration of the National Botanical Garden using modern technology. To obtain exhaustive insights into this dynamic topic, the primary methodological framework consists of a quantitative approach complemented by a meticulously designed questionnaire. This introductory section explains the justification, structure, and implementation of the selected research approach, emphasizing its suitability for the aims of the study.

2.1. Research Design Methods

The present study used quantitative research methods. Quantitative research methods offer a structured and systematic approach to gather empirical data, enabling the rigorous examination of relationships between variables. By employing statistical analysis techniques, this approach facilitates the identification of significant correlations and trends, thereby enhancing the validity and reliability of the findings.

2.1.1. Utilization the Questionnaire

The study questionnaire used was a flexible tool for gathering data directly from participants, allowing for a systematic study of their opinions, attitudes, and experiences related to the comprehensive regeneration of the National Botanical Garden using modern technology.

2.1.2. Subjects of the Study

Employees working at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests’ General Directorate of Horticultural Production, Ornamental Plants Department, and National Botanical Garden section, and other administration in the ministry, made up the demographic for this study. The sample size was 500 participants (using a random sampling formula). The sample comprised employees.

2.1.3. Sampling Technique

The study’s approach utilized random sampling as the sampling strategy. This technique assures that the sample is representative of the larger population of interest, which improves the findings’ generalizability to the broader context of Comprehensive regeneration of the national botanical garden using modern technology. The research used random sampling to reduce sample biases and improve the validity of study results.

2.1.4. Sample Characteristics

The questionnaire contained information and questions about the comprehensive renovation of the National Botanical Garden in Al-Moqran, Khartoum, and its impact on public gardens and parks in cities, and its impact on the environment and environmental sustainability. It included the total area, a proposal to preserve the historical landmark and create a new national botanical garden, while at the same time creating a new garden with a larger area. The regeneration of the national botanical garden included the regeneration of the design, the regeneration of the internal parts and sections, the regeneration of old plants and the collection of plants from different regions in Sudan, the design of the regeneration of the fields, the regeneration of some specific landmarks including fountains, the water wheel, folklore, the heritage area, and Jabalia. It was proposed to demolish the existing buildings and create new ones, rebuild the garden fence and the main gate, apply the technology system for regeneration, propose a library, a tissue culture laboratory, a laboratory, and a gene bank for seeds, and propose international sections. A total of 583 copies were distributed, and the study was able to obtain 500 valid questionnaires. Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 and Table 3 below describe the demographics of the participants for study.

2.1.5. Data Collection Procedures

The design of the questionnaire was based on 20 questions and was created by the researchers to gather data. The questionnaire was designed to capture participants’ perceptions and experiences. The questionnaire was available in the English language and was administered using Google Forms. The questionnaire utilized a Likert scale to measure participants’ responses. The Likert scale consists of a series of statements related to different aspects, and participants were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement on a 5-point scale: “totally Agree”, “Agree”, “Neutral”, “Disagree”, or “totally Disagree” (see Table 4). Care was taken to ensure that the questions were clear, relevant, and aligned with the research objectives. The questionnaire underwent a pilot testing phase to assess its reliability.

3. Results

The data for this study were analyzed using SPSS 25 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software, which has powerful analytical capabilities for exploring and interpreting acquired data. Descriptive statistics contained measures of central tendency, such as the mean, that provide information about the usual or average values of sections. Measures of dispersion, such as standard deviation, were also used to analyze the variability or spread of data points around the mean. This study used descriptive statistics in SPSS 25 to offer a thorough grasp of the primary variables under inquiry, establishing the framework for further inferential analyses and interpretation of research findings. To verify the validity of the questionnaire and determine the extent to which it achieved the study objectives, the questionnaire was presented to three university professors in Sudan in the field of urban environment, three experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and National Forests in Khartoum, and two former directors of the National Botanical Garden in Al-Mogran. The investigation and suggestions presented to visitors at the annual and international flower exhibition organized at the National Botanical Garden were also used to meet the requirements of visitors in developing the botanical garden. The final questionnaire was distributed in January, February, and March 2023 to employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests in Khartoum. A Likert scale interval was used, as shown in Table 5.
The results were designed to explore the comprehensive regeneration of the National Botanical Garden using modern technology through an online questionnaire that had been distributed through WhatsApp and emails to the participants. The questionnaire consisted of 17 questions. The correlation was significant at (0.01 **) for all propositions, except 2, 4, and 11. From the previous results, the whole questionnaire was significant, except 2, 4, and 11 were cancelled, and we will explain why participants disagreed with these three: question 2 discussed if total area for the NBG was big, which is not true because it is 11 acres. It contradicts statement 1. question 4 discussed expanding the NBG, but this contradicts the laws of land ownership in Sudan because it is a freehold property. question 11 dis-cussed preserving and restoring old buildings because the buildings are very old and destructible. The study discussed the 17 statements in which respondents gave their consent in detail. For reliability, the researcher used Cronbach’s Alpha, and the results of the whole questionnaire are in Table 6 and Table 7.
The first section included two statements (see Table 8). Figure 12: Statement (1)—the total area was very small compared to botanical gardens, and, together, these percentages demonstrate a significant majority of participants acknowledging the small size of the garden in comparison to others, indicating that the prevailing perception among participants is one of agreement regarding the garden’s relatively limited area. Figure 1: Statement (2) suggests a proposition to retain the National Botanical Garden (NBG) as a historical garden while simultaneously creating a new garden with a larger area. These percentages represent a significant majority of participants supporting the idea of maintaining the NBG as a historical garden, while also creating a new, larger garden (see Figure 1).
Reliability and validity of the questionnaire for validity; the researcher used the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the results were as follows: for the first section “Total area of the botanical garden”. Propositions 1–4 serve as exemplary examples of the section. See Table 9 and Appendix A Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4 and Table A5.
The second section included five statements, as shown in Table 10. Figure 13: Statement (3) in the questionnaire pertains to the regeneration design for the National Botanical Garden (NBG). These percentages demonstrate a substantial majority of participants supporting the concept of a regeneration design for the NBG, reflecting a significant degree of consensus among participants regarding the proposed regeneration design.
Figure 13: Statement (4) in the questionnaire focuses on the regeneration of specific parts and sections within the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Together, these percentages demonstrate a substantial majority of participants supporting the concept of regenerating parts and sections of the NBG, with the statement suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants. Figure 13: Statement (5) in the questionnaire focuses on the regeneration of aging plants and collecting plants from different regions in Sudan for the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Most participants supported the concept of regenerating aging plants within the NBG, with the statement suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants. Figure 13: Statement (6) in the questionnaire focuses on the regeneration of field design within the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Most participants supported the concept of regeneration of field design within the National Botanical Garden (NBG), with the statement suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants.
Figure 13: Statement (7) in the questionnaire addresses the regeneration of specific features within the National Botanical Garden (NBG), including fountains, a waterwheel, folklore, heritage area and Jabaliya. Most participants supporting the concept of regeneration of specific features within the National Botanical Garden (NBG) with the statement suggests that the proposal resonated positively with most participants. Figure 14 shows some sections of the botanical garden. The correlation is significant at (0.01**) for all the propositions. From the previous results, the whole Section 1 in the questionnaire is significant. For the second section “Regeneration design of the NBG”, propositions 5–7 serve as exemplary examples of the section (see Table 11) and Appendix A Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4 and Table A5.
The third section included two statements. Table 12, Figure 15: Statement (8) in the questionnaire suggests demolishing existing buildings within the National Botanical Garden (NBG) and creating new ones. Most participants supported the concept of demolishing existing buildings within the National Botanical Garden (NBG) and creating new ones. The proposal resonated positively with most participants. Figure 16 shows the shape of the buildings for (NBG).
Figure 14: Statement (9) in the questionnaire proposes rebuilding the garden fence and the main gate of the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Most participants supported the concept of regenerating and rebuilding the garden fence and the main gate of the National Botanical Garden, with the statement suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants. Overall, participants supported these projects, recognizing their importance in upgrading the garden’s infrastructure and creating a welcoming environment for visitors.
The high level of agreement, as reflected in the mean score and distribution of responses, indicates that participants recognize the importance of modernizing and improving the infrastructure of the garden to better serve its visitors and fulfill its mission. Correlation is significant at (0.01**) for all the propositions. From the previous results, the whole of Section 2 in the questionnaire is significant. For the third section, “Regeneration of buildings, labor office, director office and residential building”, propositions 10–12 serve as exemplary examples of the section (see Table 13) and Appendix A Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4 and Table A5.
The fourth section included four statements. Table 14, Figure 17: Statement (10) in the questionnaire suggested and discussed the applied technology system such as the implementation of ecological plant-based remediation technology, regeneration techniques for buildings and engineering facilities, natural hydrological processes technology, sustainable water management, and eco-friendly recycling technology for the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Figure 17: Statement (11) in the questionnaire suggested the establishment of a library, tissue culture, laboratory, and seed gene bank for the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Figure 17: Statement (12) in the questionnaire suggested the establishment of a meeting hall, restaurant, and mosque for the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Figure 17: Statement (13) in the questionnaire suggested the establishment of international sections within the National Botanical Garden (NBG). For Section 4, see Figure 17. Most participants supported the concept of applying the technology system and constructing the proposed structures within the NBG, with the statement suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants due to the importance of these buildings for botanical gardens. These additions offer numerous benefits, such as providing essential resources for botanical research and education, preserving genetic diversity, and supporting conservation efforts.
For the fourth section “Proposal for important constructions and proposal to use and applying modern technologies system in (NBG), propositions 13–16 serve as exemplary examples of the section. The correlation is significant at (0.01**) for all the propositions. From the previous results, the whole of Section 4 in the questionnaire is significant. See Table 15 and Appendix A Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4 and Table A5.
The fifth section included four statements. Table 16: Statement (14) in the questionnaire discussed a botanical garden that had been proposed for each climatic region in Sudan because Sudan is characterized by different climatic regions.
Figure 18: Statement (15) in the questionnaire discussed the effect of establishing a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan on environmental resilience. Figure 18: Statement (16) in the questionnaire discussed the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration (NBG) on gardens within the cities. Figure 18: Statement (17) in the questionnaire discussed effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration (NBG) on the urban landscape and environmental sustainability. Most participants supported the concept of technology within the NBG, with the section suggesting that the proposal resonated positively with most participants.
The fifth section included four statements, discussed a botanical garden proposed for each climatic region in Sudan, discussed the effect of establishing a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan on environmental resilience, discussed the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration (NBG) on gardens within the cities, and discussed the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration (NBG) on the urban landscape and environmental sustainability. Propositions 17–20 serve as exemplary examples of the section. The correlation is significant at (0.01**) for all the propositions. From the previous results, all of Section 5 in the questionnaire is significant (see Table 17) and Appendix A Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4 and Table A5.
Section 5 highlights widespread support among respondents for establishing a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan (NBG), the effect of establishing a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan on environmental resilience, the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on gardens within the city, and the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on the urban landscape, and environmental sustainability. Participants recognize the importance of creating a botanic garden for each climatic region and its effect on environmental resilience and the impact of botanic garden regeneration on inner city gardens, urban landscapes, and environmental sustainability.

4. Discussion

The analysis of the first section’s results regarding the NBG reveals interesting insights into participants’ perceptions of its size and future development. For the first statement, respondents overwhelmingly agreed that the total area of the NBG is relatively small compared to other botanical gardens. The high mean score and most responses falling into the “Totally Agree” and “Agree” categories suggest a strong consensus among participants regarding this perception. This finding aligns with the observation of the researchers, who found that the area of the botanical garden was 11 acres, and it received visitors in huge numbers during the exhibition period. Due to the narrow paths, we found that the plants near the paths were severely affected. Regarding the second statement, participants generally supported the idea of keeping the NBG as a historical garden while creating a new garden with a larger area. Most respondents expressed agreement with this proposal, indicating a consensus among participants that values both the preservation of the NBG’s historical significance and the expansion of botanical endeavors. This finding resonates with the research by [5,6,40] who mentioned that botanical gardens are considered historical and heritage monuments and are reliable bodies that demonstrate the extent of people’s interest in plants and the extent and importance of plants to humans. So, the results of the first section reflect a prevailing sentiment among participants that the NBG is relatively small compared to other botanical gardens, and that there is support for maintaining its historical significance while also embracing growth and innovation. The limited area of the National Botanical Garden in Sudan, coupled with the absence of additional national botanical gardens, constrains the accommodation of extensive plant collections. Establishing a larger botanical garden has become imperative, given its substantial benefits for environmental sustainability and climate resilience. The analysis of the second section results provides valuable insights into participants’ perspectives on various aspects of regeneration within the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Starting with Statement 3, which focused on the regeneration design for the NBG, participants expressed strong support for this proposal, as indicated by the high mean score and most responses falling into the agreement categories, with botanical garden regeneration boosting a city’s urban regeneration [1,2,21,26]. Moving on to Statement 4, which addressed the regeneration of parts and sections within the NBG, participants again showed significant support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, reflecting a consensus among participants that valued both the preservation of the NBG’s historical significance and the targeted improvement of specific areas. In Statement 5, regarding the regeneration of aging plants and collecting plants from different regions in Sudan within the NBG, participants expressed strong agreement with the proposal. This aligns with principles of botanical conservation and sustainability, as rejuvenating aging specimens helps maintain biodiversity and ecological resilience within the garden. The results are consistent with research emphasizing the importance of proactive plant management and conservation efforts [40,49]. Statement 6 focused on the regeneration of field design within the NBG. Participants demonstrated widespread support for this proposal, recognizing the value of creating attractive, functional, and sustainable outdoor environments. Finally, in statement 7, which addressed the regeneration of specific features such as fountains [77], a waterwheel, and Jabaliya within the NBG, participants showed strong agreement with the proposal. This reflects a shared appreciation for preserving and enhancing elements of the garden’s landscape. The results are consistent with studies emphasizing the significance of cultural heritage and aesthetic features in botanical garden management [40,52]. The regeneration of the NBG significantly enhances the aesthetic appeal and urban greening of cities, contributing to overall urban renewal. As a primary source of new plants for both private and public sectors, the National Botanical Garden plays a pivotal role in this transformation. The analysis of the third section’s results provides valuable insights into participants’ perspectives on infrastructure improvements within the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Starting with Statement 8, which suggested demolishing existing buildings within the NBG and creating new ones, participants expressed strong support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, reflecting a consensus among participants that values the modernization and improvement of the garden’s infrastructure. Moving on to Statement 9, which proposed rebuilding the garden fence and main gate of the NBG, participants again showed significant support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, suggesting that participants recognized the importance of enhancing the garden’s physical infrastructure and creating a welcoming entrance for visitors. The results are consistent with studies emphasizing the significance of cultural heritage and aesthetic features in botanical garden management [2,4,31,40]. In conclusion, the analysis of Section 3 reveals consistent support among participants for infrastructure improvement initiatives within the NBG. These findings underscore the importance of balancing heritage preservation, visitor experiences, and operational efficiency in botanical garden management, as reflected in both scholarly research and participant perspectives. The aging buildings within the botanical garden pose safety risks to workers and visitors, undermining its value as a historical landmark and educational hub. This deterioration also impacts its role as a venue for international events, such as the annual flower exhibition organized by the Sudanese Horticulture Association and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. To safeguard the garden’s plant collections and assets, the establishment of a secure perimeter fence and gate is essential.
The analysis of the fourth section results provided valuable insights into participants’ perspectives on various proposals for enhancing the National Botanical Garden (NBG). Starting with statement 10, which suggested and discussed the applied technology system, such as the implementation of ecological plant-based remediation technology [78,79], regeneration techniques for buildings, engineering facilities [80], natural hydrological processes technology, sustainable water management [81,82,83], and eco-friendly recycling technology [84] for the National Botanical Garden (NBG), participants expressed strong support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, reflecting a consensus among participants that values the importance of these facilities in advancing the garden’s research and conservation efforts. Moving on to Statement 11, which suggested the establishment of a library [85,86,87], tissue culture laboratory, and seed gene bank [88] for the NBG, participants again showed significant support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, indicating that participants recognized the potential of this facility to enhance the garden’s capabilities in plant propagation, research, and conservation. In Statement 12, which proposed and suggested the establishment of a meeting hall, restaurant, and mosque for the National Botanical Garden (NBG) to meet the requirements of visitors and to achieve comfort and luxury, most responses indicated agreement, suggesting that participants recognized the value of these facilities in enhancing visitor experiences and promoting inclusivity within the garden. This finding aligns with research emphasizing the importance of visitor amenities and cultural diversity in botanical garden management [43].
Lastly, in Statement 13, which suggested establishing international sections within the NBG, participants showed significant support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, indicating that participants valued the opportunity to explore and learn about plant diversity from different regions of the world within the garden. This finding aligns with research highlighting the educational and conservation value of international plant collections in botanical gardens [52]. In conclusion, the analysis of Section 4 reveals widespread support among participants for proposals aimed at integrating modern technology for regeneration in the NBG. The absence of essential facilities, such as a library, seed gene bank, and tissue culture laboratory, has hindered the garden’s objectives. Additionally, the lack of visitor amenities, including a cafeteria, mosque, and meeting hall, has negatively impacted its usability. Many responses highlight the necessity of maintaining and enhancing the garden’s physical infrastructure, underscoring the recognition of its importance [57,61].
The analysis of the fifth section indicates a consistent trend of strong agreement among participants regarding various proposals for the regeneration of the botanical garden and its reflection on inner-city gardens and its effect on enriching and enhancing the urban landscape and environmental sustainability. Starting with Statement 14, which proposed and discussed a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan, participants expressed significant support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, reflecting a consensus among participants regarding the potential of ecological remediation techniques to address environmental challenges in Sudan [32]. Moving on to Statement 15, which suggested and discussed the effect of establishing a botanical garden for each climate region in Sudan on environmental resilience, participants again showed strong support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, indicating recognition of the importance of restoring natural hydrological functions within the NBG. In Statement 16, which proposed and discussed the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on gardens within the cities, accessibility to green spaces in Khartoum are predominantly hindered by their geographical distribution [35], and participants expressed significant support for this proposal. The concept of a “green city” has become widely popular and increasingly popular in the world [73], and Sustainable Cities Transit-Oriented Development has been explored [74], as has urban regeneration, including city identity in historic contexts [75], and the integration of living heritage with urban landscape and planning [76]. Lastly, in Statement 17, which discussed effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on the urban landscape and environmental sustainability, participants again demonstrated strong support for this proposal. Most responses indicated agreement, demonstrating recognition of the importance of urban landscape regeneration and conservation [18,19,67,68], environmentally responsible practices to enhance the ecosystem [64], and environmental resilience, environmental sustainability, and climate change [42]. This finding aligns with research advocating for sustainable water management and waste reduction strategies in botanical garden operations [40,52,57].

5. Conclusions

In this study, we investigated the opinions of 500 employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and National Forestry in Khartoum city about the comprehensive renovation of the botanical garden to improve its quality and created a comprehensive research model for how to approach the development of botanical gardens according to the needs and requirements of users and to achieve and enhance the well-being of users. The results of the study were verified through a questionnaire and the use of specialized experts. The data were divided into five sections, the first and second sections dealt with the size of the space and comprehensive internal and external regeneration; botanical gardens are characterized by a relatively large area, as in the Singapore botanical garden of 82 hectares (200 acres), the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, London, of 121 ha (300 acres), and the National Botanic Gardens of South Africa site in Kirstenbosch with a very large total area of 1305 acres (528 hectares). The third section dealt with the comprehensive renovation of buildings, the fourth section dealt with a proposal for buildings and structures that must be available in botanical gardens, and the use of some technology systems. The fifth and last section highlighted widespread support among respondents for establishing a botanical garden for each climatic region in Sudan, and the effect of this on environmental resilience, the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on gardens within the city, and the effect of the botanical garden’s regeneration on the urban landscape and environmental sustainability; we found that most participants agreed with this. In terms of social factors, participants from different age groups and job grades showed agreement and homogeneity in their preferences for regeneration and developing a national botanical garden (NBG) to improve the landscape and environmental sustainability. Policymakers should focus on enhancing targeted information dissemination and education efforts, gaining insight into the genuine needs of the public. This approach aims to promote environmental sustainability goals and foster sustainable human settlements, thereby enhancing life satisfaction amidst urban population growth. The results of this study support the findings of the previous literature from a sociological perspective.
The comprehensive renovation of the botanical garden, coupled with the integration of modern technology, will significantly enhance user well-being and benefit residents. This initiative not only contributes to urban regeneration but also positively impacts the urban environment. The renewal of plant life and the introduction of diverse species for distribution among city producers bolster environmental resilience, promote green afforestation, and gradually advance environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation.
Research recommendations
  • Incorporate ecological plant-based remediation approaches into environmental management strategies by collaborating with ecological restoration experts to tailor techniques to specific environmental challenges;
  • Invest in preserving historical and cultural heritage while updating infrastructure to contemporary standards. Engage experts in architecture, engineering, and heritage conservation to ensure projects are technically sound and culturally sensitive;
  • Implement water-saving measures like efficient irrigation systems and rainwater harvesting, alongside waste reduction and recycling initiatives, to minimize the NBG’s ecological footprint;
  • Develop interactive exhibits, educational programs, and international partnerships to engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds, promoting cultural exchange and enriching visitor experiences;
  • Foster ongoing research collaborations with institutions and botanical experts to advance knowledge in botanical conservation, plant propagation, genetic conservation, environmental restoration, and environmental sustainability.
Study Contributions, Constraints, and Future Trajectories:
  • Transformative Approaches: the study lays the groundwork for innovative botanical garden development and urban regeneration in Sudan;
  • Modern Technology and Sustainable Practices: it emphasizes the use of modern technology and sustainable methods for improving infrastructure and environmental resilience;
  • Scalable Model: it proposes establishing botanical gardens in different climatic regions of Sudan, offering a scalable model for nationwide environmental sustainability;
  • Urban Planning Influence: the study’s findings could influence urban planning policies, integrating green spaces into urban landscapes;
  • Promoting Sustainability: it aims to enhance environmental sustainability and improve urban living conditions;
  • Blueprint for Future Projects: the principles and methods could serve as a blueprint for future urban regeneration and biodiversity preservation efforts in Sudan.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.F. and D.X.; methodology, S.F. and D.X.; software, S.F. and Z.F.; validation, A.A., D.T. and X.C.; formal analysis, Z.F., H.B. and L.L.; investigation, S.F. and D.T.; resources, S.F., H.B. and Z.F.; data curation, S.F., L.L. and X.C.; writing—original draft preparation, S.F.; writing—review and editing, A.A. and X.C.; visualization, S.F.; supervision, D.X.; project administration, S.F.; funding acquisition, S.F. and D.X. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Northeast Forestry University, contract number GZ20210193, and “The APC was funded by Research on cooling sensitivity of urban green landscape structure and optimization technology of landscape well-being”.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the authors.


This research was conducted in the College of Landscape Architecture at Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable remarks and comments to conduct this research.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


NBGNational Botanical Garden
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
GEEGoogle Earth Engine
MODISModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

Appendix A

Table A1. Cronbach’s Alpha for 20 items.
Table A1. Cronbach’s Alpha for 20 items.
Cronbach’s AlphaN of Items
Table A2. Mean of Pearson Correlation-N.
Table A2. Mean of Pearson Correlation-N.
mean1Pearson Correlation0.540 **0.465 **0.444**0.509 **1
Sig. (2-tailed)0.0000.0000.0000.000
** 0.01 showing Significant at significance level 0.01
Table A3. Mean of Pearson Correlation-N.
Table A3. Mean of Pearson Correlation-N.
mean3Pearson Correlation0.570**0.556**0.627**1
Sig. (2-tailed)0.0000.0000.000
** 0.01 showing Significant at significance level 0.01
Table A4. Valid, Mean, and Std. Deviation.
Table A4. Valid, Mean, and Std. Deviation.
Std. Deviation0.8980.880
Table A5. Frequency, Percent, Valid Percent, and Cumulative Percent.
Table A5. Frequency, Percent, Valid Percent, and Cumulative Percent.
FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
Validtotally disagree132.6%2.6%2.6%
totally agree27254.4%54.4%100.0%


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Figure 1. Satellite image of the Sudan taken from Wikipedia.
Figure 1. Satellite image of the Sudan taken from Wikipedia.
Sustainability 16 07863 g001
Figure 2. Photo of NBG taken by Hatim Mamon 10 March 2023.
Figure 2. Photo of NBG taken by Hatim Mamon 10 March 2023.
Sustainability 16 07863 g002
Figure 3. NDVI—National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Figure 3. NDVI—National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Sustainability 16 07863 g003
Figure 4. National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Figure 4. National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Sustainability 16 07863 g004
Figure 5. NDVI—National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Figure 5. NDVI—National Botanical Garden, Khartoum, Sudan.
Sustainability 16 07863 g005
Figure 6. Vegetation of NBG (types and quantity) of plants 1983–2023.
Figure 6. Vegetation of NBG (types and quantity) of plants 1983–2023.
Sustainability 16 07863 g006
Figure 7. Gender.
Figure 7. Gender.
Sustainability 16 07863 g007
Figure 8. Age.
Figure 8. Age.
Sustainability 16 07863 g008
Figure 9. Educational level.
Figure 9. Educational level.
Sustainability 16 07863 g009
Figure 10. Marital status.
Figure 10. Marital status.
Sustainability 16 07863 g010
Figure 11. Years of experience.
Figure 11. Years of experience.
Sustainability 16 07863 g011
Figure 12. Percentage (%) for Section 1.
Figure 12. Percentage (%) for Section 1.
Sustainability 16 07863 g012
Figure 13. The percentage (%) for Section 2.
Figure 13. The percentage (%) for Section 2.
Sustainability 16 07863 g013
Figure 14. Design for different sections for (NBG)—all photos taken by author in March 2023.
Figure 14. Design for different sections for (NBG)—all photos taken by author in March 2023.
Sustainability 16 07863 g014
Figure 15. The percentage (%) for Section 3.
Figure 15. The percentage (%) for Section 3.
Sustainability 16 07863 g015
Figure 16. Buildings, main gate, fence, for the (NBG)—photos taken by author March 2023.
Figure 16. Buildings, main gate, fence, for the (NBG)—photos taken by author March 2023.
Sustainability 16 07863 g016
Figure 17. The percentage (%) for Section 4.
Figure 17. The percentage (%) for Section 4.
Sustainability 16 07863 g017
Figure 18. The percentage (%) for Section 5 statements S14–S17.
Figure 18. The percentage (%) for Section 5 statements S14–S17.
Sustainability 16 07863 g018
Table 1. Climate, hydrology, and soil for study area of the NBG.
Table 1. Climate, hydrology, and soil for study area of the NBG.
1. ClimateThe NBG is in the Al-Moqran neighborhood in south Khartoum, which has a tropical climate and is known for its extreme heat as one of the world’s hottest cities. It experiences temperatures soaring above 48 degrees Celsius during mid-summer. The annual average maximum temperature reaches approximately 37.1 degrees Celsius, with six months seeing monthly averages exceeding 38 degrees Celsius. Despite the scorching daytime temperatures, nights in Khartoum witness a significant drop, dipping below 15 degrees Celsius in January, and occasionally plummeting to 6 degrees Celsius during cold air fronts.
2. RainRainfall begins in mid-July and ends in late September and early October, with a total rainfall of 167 mm.
3. Soil It is characterized by silty clay soil, which is suitable for a large percentage of plants, and is sometimes mixed with sand to plant seeds.
4. HydrologyThe irrigation system in the Botanical Garden is through three means:
The first is through a watercourse from the Blue Nile for use in irrigation of the Botanical Garden and the General Administration of Horticultural Production, passing through Nile Street, University Street, and the General Administration of Horticultural Production, and crossing Republic Street until it reaches the National Botanical Garden. The average annual flow of the Blue Nile and its tributaries upstream of the confluence with the White Nile at Khartoum is about 50 km3; the daily flow fluctuates between 10 million m3 in April and 500 million m3 in August (ratio of 1:50).
The second means is through the Khartoum State Water Network.
The third means is through groundwater from the well located in the Botanical Garden. Water quality of the Blue Nile at Khartoum, ranges, and means of each characteristic recorded in the Blue Nile at Khartoum from June 2017 to July 2019 [39].
Table 2. Vegetation: some families of plant for study area of NBG.
Table 2. Vegetation: some families of plant for study area of NBG.
VegetationThese are arranged around the garden according to the ecological classification of Sudan, viz. desert, semi-desert, low-rainfall Savannah, high-rainfall Savannah, mountain, and swamp. (Anacardiaceae family: some trees and seedlings).
Plant familyPlant typesPlant familyPlant typesPlant familyPlant typesPlant familyPlant typesPlant familyPlant types
Table 3. Sample characteristics.
Table 3. Sample characteristics.
Demographic VariablesFrequencyPercentage
50 and more5310.6%
Educational levelPrimary00%
Marital statusSingle17034%
Years of experienceFewer than 5 years14929.8%
5–10 years19238.4%
10–15 years8016%
15–20 years336.6%
More than 20 years469.2%
Table 4. Likert scale.
Table 4. Likert scale.
DegreeTotally DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeTotally Agree
Table 5. Likert scale interval.
Table 5. Likert scale interval.
Acceptance DegreeRange
Totally Disagree1–1.80
Totally Agree4.21–5.00
Table 6. Pearson correlation coefficient for the whole questionnaire.
Table 6. Pearson correlation coefficient for the whole questionnaire.
The PropositionCorrelation CoefficientThe PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
1278 **110.75
20.09120.339 **
3222 **130.332 **
40.67140.269 **
50.365 **150.234 **
60.343 **160.388 **
70.296 **170.333 **
80.368 **180.284 **
90.307 **190.451 **
100.310 **200.257 **
** 0.01 showing Significant corr(x,y) = 0.01
Table 7. Cronbach’s Alpha factor.
Table 7. Cronbach’s Alpha factor.
Cronbach’s AlphaNumber of Prepositions
Table 8. Data revealed showed the means, standard deviations, and percentages for Section 1.
Table 8. Data revealed showed the means, standard deviations, and percentages for Section 1.
Propositions MeanSt. D%The Degree of AcceptanceOrder
  • Statement (1)
4.730.898Totally Agree 54.5%Totally Agree1
Agree 36.4%
Neutral 3.4%
Disagree 3.2%
Totally Disagree 2.6%
Statement (2)
4.360.880Totally Agree 52.6%Totally Agree2
Agree 38.0%
Neutral 4.4%
Disagree 2.4%
Totally Disagree 2.6%
Table 9. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 1.
Table 9. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 1.
The PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
1540 **
2465 **
3444 **
4509 **
** 0.01 showing Significant corr(x,y) = 0.01.
Table 10. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 2.
Table 10. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 2.
Propositions MeanSt. D%Degree of AcceptanceOrder
Statement (3)
4.390.925Totally Agree 58%Totally Agree3
Agree 31.4%
Neutral 5%
Disagree 2.6%
Totally disagree 3%
Statement (4)
4.430.869Totally Agree 58.6%Totally Agree1
Agree 32.6%
Neutral 4.4%
Disagree 1.8%
Totally disagree 2.6%
Statement (5)
4.390.896Totally Agree 55.4%Totally Agree4
Agree 36.2%
Neutral 3%
Disagree 2.4%
Totally disagree 3%
Statement (6)
4.350.928Totally Agree 54.8%Totally Agree5
Agree 34.8%
Neutral 4%
Disagree 3.6%
Totally disagree 2.8%
Statement (7)
4.420.868Totally Agree 57.8% Totally Agree2
Agree 34.0%
Neutral 3.2%
Disagree 2.6%
Totally disagree 2.4%
Table 11. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 2.
Table 11. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 2.
The PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
5525 **
6499 **
7544 **
8568 **
9490 **
** 0.01 showing Significant correlation, corr(x,y) = 0.01
Table 12. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 3.
Table 12. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 3.
Propositions MeanSt. D%The Degree of AcceptanceOrder
Statement (8)
4.410.839Totally Agree 55.6%Totally agree1
Agree 36.2%
Neutral 3.8%
Disagree 2.4%
Totally disagree 2%
Statement (9)
4.360.866Totally Agree 52.8%Totally agree2
Agree 36.6%
Neutral 6.2%
Disagree 2.2%
Totally disagree 2.2%
Table 13. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 3.
Table 13. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 3.
The PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
10570 **
11556 **
12527 **
** 0.01 showing Significant correlation corr(x,y) = 0.01
Table 14. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 4.
Table 14. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 4.
Propositions MeanSt. D%The Degree of AcceptanceOrder
Statement (10)
4.380.887Totally Agree 55%Totally Agree3
Agree 36.4%
Neutral 3.4%
Disagree 2.4%
Totally Disagree 2.8%
Statement (11)
4.400.818Totally Agree 54%Totally Agree2
Agree 37.6%
Neutral 4.6%
Disagree 2%
Totally Disagree 1.8%
Statement (12)
4.370.900Totally Agree 55%Totally Agree4
Agree 34.6%
Neutral 4.8%
Disagree 3.2%
Totally Disagree 2.4%
Statement (13)
4.430.857Totally Agree 58.6%Totally Agree1
Agree 33.2%
Neutral 3.4%
Disagree 2.6%
Totally Disagree 2.2%
Table 15. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 4.
Table 15. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 4.
The PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
13586 **
14535 **
15501 **
16546 **
** 0.01 showing Significant correlation corr(x,y) = 0.01
Table 16. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 5.
Table 16. Data revealed showed the mean, standard deviation, and percentage for Section 5.
Propositions MeanSt. D%The Degree of AcceptanceOrder
Statement (14)
4.410.846Totally Agree 55.8%Totally Agree2
Agree 36%
Neutral 3.8%
Disagree 2.2%
Totally Disagree 2.2%
Statement (15)
4.340.915Totally Agree 52.6%Totally Agree4
Agree 37.8%
Neutral 3.6%
Disagree 3%
Totally disagree 3%
Statement (16)
4.460.884Totally Agree 52.8%Totally Agree1
Agree 38%
Neutral 3.8%
Disagree 2.6%
Totally Disagree 2.6%
Statement (17)
4.370.841Totally Agree 52.4%Totally Agree3
Agree 38.4%
Neutral 5%
Disagree 2.2%
Totally Disagree 2%
Table 17. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 5.
Table 17. Pearson correlation coefficient for Section 5.
The PropositionCorrelation Coefficient
17307 **
18272 **
19819 **
20390 **
** 0.01 showing Significant correlation corr(x,y) = 0.01
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fadelelseed, S.; Xu, D.; Li, L.; Tran, D.; Chen, X.; Alwah, A.; Bai, H.; Farah, Z. Regenerating and Developing a National Botanical Garden (NBG) in Khartoum, Sudan: Effect on Urban Landscape and Environmental Sustainability. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7863.

AMA Style

Fadelelseed S, Xu D, Li L, Tran D, Chen X, Alwah A, Bai H, Farah Z. Regenerating and Developing a National Botanical Garden (NBG) in Khartoum, Sudan: Effect on Urban Landscape and Environmental Sustainability. Sustainability. 2024; 16(17):7863.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fadelelseed, Safa, Dawei Xu, Lianying Li, Ducthien Tran, Xi Chen, Abdulfattah Alwah, He Bai, and Zoheir Farah. 2024. "Regenerating and Developing a National Botanical Garden (NBG) in Khartoum, Sudan: Effect on Urban Landscape and Environmental Sustainability" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7863.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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