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Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations

Department of Sustainable Development and Energy Sources, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico–RSE S.p.A., Via Rubattino 54, 20134 Milan, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2025, 17(2), 694;
Submission received: 18 December 2024 / Revised: 10 January 2025 / Accepted: 15 January 2025 / Published: 17 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Section Energy Sustainability)


Decarbonization strategies aim at increasing renewable energy source (RES) capacity, including new photovoltaic (PV) systems. Utility-scale PV installations are often placed in agricultural areas, resulting in a reduction in agricultural land and affecting the environment. To balance agricultural and energy policies, PV development should not limit agricultural purposes, allowing sustainable exploitation under specific technological and environmental conditions, particularly in areas of actual or potential abandonment. Studying agricultural abandonment is complex due to its multifaceted nature, the lack of a clear definition, and challenges in acquiring cartographic data. This study introduces and compares two methodologies to identify abandoned agricultural areas, aiming to delineate macro-areas of potential abandonment and examine patterns for conversion to energy use, with a focus on Toscana, a region (NUTS-2) in central Italy, which has experienced cropland reduction unrelated to urbanization. The first, simplified approach analyses land cover changes from 2000 to 2018, while the second method provides a more detailed abandonment detection by means of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery from the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. A Random Forest classifier combined with Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) is applied to satellite data to map annual active/non-active croplands. Annual maps are then validated with a trajectory-based approach to detect agricultural land abandonment. This second methodology can help in providing spatially and timely meaning estimates of abandoned agricultural areas to be recovered for energy purposes and promote a sustainable growth of PV systems.

1. Introduction

The achievement of 2030 decarbonization goals and the energy transition towards a more sustainable system involve increasing renewable energy source (RES) capacity [1,2,3]. According to European directives, strategies to support the development of RES require a careful analysis of the integration of renewable energy plants and the environment [4]. Two key elements should be addressed: on the one hand, the availability of resources, and on the other hand, the availability of areas suitable for hosting renewable energy plants while respecting environmental and landscape constraints and considering competitive land uses.
In the case of photovoltaic (PV) plants, the needs for landscape protection and sustainable land use exploitation contrast with the need for finding adequate spaces for utility-scale ground-mounted systems, which are commonly installed in agricultural areas. To minimize the impact on the agricultural vocation of these areas and favour a sustainable development of RESs, national and regional energy policies are favouring the use of agricultural land only under certain technological and environmental conditions [5]. For instance, the use of agricultural land could be regulated either by imposing limits on the size of the PV systems or by favouring advanced agrivoltaic (APV) solutions [6] which can ensure the coexistence of energy production and agricultural activities [7,8]. Agrivoltaic systems offer numerous benefits in terms of sustainability, including soil fertility restoration, climate change resilience, microclimate management, and ecosystem support [9]. Moreover, to balance competitive agricultural and energy policies, an alternative could be to rely on the use of abandoned agricultural areas [10,11].
Agricultural land abandonment is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon of land cover change [12] generally driven by a combination of diverse elements, namely geographic, demographic, socio-economic, agroecological, and environmental factors, or by issues related to poor land management, including land overexploitation and loss of productivity [13,14]. A widely accepted definition of abandoned agricultural land (AAL) was provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The FAO defines as agricultural land a portion of land dedicated to food production for humans [15], and if this condition ceases for a period longer than five years, the land is classified as abandoned [16]. Conventional approaches for identifying AAL were primarily based on in situ data, statistical data, and/or surveys directed to land managers [13]. However, efficiently acquiring information about the presence and dynamics of land abandonment, especially in large areas, is often challenging, requiring significant time and economic and operational resources [12,17].
In the context of geographical data analysis, two main research streams have been identified in the literature about mapping agricultural abandonment. A first group of studies combines multi-temporal land use/land cover maps (e.g., CORINE Land Cover [18]) with other territorial and statistical data to identify the main factors that have influenced or may influence the phenomenon of agricultural land abandonment. From a methodological point of view, abandoned areas are identified by evaluating the transformation of agricultural land into other predominantly natural classes, namely pasture, forest, or areas characterized by shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation, after a time interval of at least five years [19,20,21,22,23,24].
A second group of studies available in the literature develops methodologies for identifying abandoned agricultural areas from satellite images. The most frequently used data are medium spatial resolution images such as Landsat and Sentinel constellations, which are freely available and allow analysing medium-sized areas. The high temporal and spectral resolution combined with the availability of long time series enables monitoring land cover and vegetation dynamics, thus facilitating the identification of abandoned areas even in regions with small agricultural plots (about 5 ha) [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35].
Detecting abandoned agricultural areas using satellite images requires the generation of maps that differentiate between active, fallow, and abandoned agricultural areas [14]. The most common approach involves acquiring a multi-temporal dataset of satellite images and deriving a set of key spectral indices to reconstruct the phenological profile of agricultural cover. This helps distinguish active agricultural areas from fallow and abandoned areas, as different land cover types exhibit distinct phenological profiles [25,36]. For instance, the NDVI profile for abandoned fields tends to remain high for a longer period during the growth phase of the phenological curve compared with active agricultural areas and grasslands, but it is shorter than that of forests [36].
This study exploits and compares both methodologies to identify abandoned agricultural land (AAL), aiming to delineate macro-areas of potential abandonment and examine patterns for conversion to energy use, including new PV installations. The first approach analyses land cover changes from 2000 to 2018, while the second method provides a more detailed abandonment detection by means of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery from the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. The aim of this study is to provide decision makers with information to plan strategic interventions for the sustainable development of areas designated for increasing solar energy production at the local scale. This research is applied to the Italian context, where a few analyses proved increasing trends in agricultural land abandonment [37,38,39,40]. The annual report about land use and land cover change dynamics presented by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) shows an ongoing phenomenon at the national scale, particularly regarding less profitable land such as mountainous areas; however, certain aspects require further investigation, necessitating a more detailed geographical analysis [37,38].
Previous studies examined the phenomenon of rural abandonment through the analysis of land cover changes with various objectives. Ref. [41] examined rural landscape changes from an economic point of view in order to provide elements for an effective land use policy; [21] addressed biodiversity conservation, since land changes had significant impacts on biodiversity loss; [42] investigated possible relationships between increasing fire risk and agricultural land abandonment; [43] developed a methodology to identify relevant factors that can explain rural abandonment. The focus of our research is to investigate the phenomenon of abandoned agricultural land to promote the sustainable development of energy production from PV systems, ensuring environmental protection and supporting agricultural activities. The condition of actual or potential abandonment of agricultural areas, meaning their unsuitability for agronomic purposes, can represent an opportunity for energy exploitation. This allows for the identification of such areas as potentially suitable for hosting new PV installations, thereby fostering a sustainable increase in RES.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

The two methodologies for mapping AAL were tested at the regional (NUTS-2) scale in Italy. Among the 21 NUTS-2, we selected Toscana as study area (Figure 1). Toscana is located in central Italy and extents for about 23,000 km2. Its territory is, in prevalence, covered by hills (66%), and it is characterised by mild climate. Agricultural land represents around 26% of the regional surface, with an average of 600 km2 cultivated areas in the last five years [44]. Prevalent crops on arable land are mainly wheat and pulses and permanent crops, including vines and olives, many recognized as protected crops in DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) catalogues [45].
A recent analysis based on crop statistics [40] highlighted a significant reduction in arable land in a few Italian regions, and among them, Toscana has the greatest agricultural surface. Furthermore, an earlier European study [39] identified Toscana among the Italian regions at high risk of abandonment of agricultural areas. In that study, published by Eurostat, the risk of abandonment of agricultural land was analysed starting from a set of statistical indicators, including socio-economic indicators, collected between 2006 and 2008 that were combined in a final composite index.

2.2. Land Cover Change Analysis

The first method tested in this study includes identifying AAL with an analysis of changes in land cover classes derived from CLC maps available every six years. Here, the last four versions of the CLC maps were considered, referring to the years 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018. Any variations in land cover classes of each map compared with the previous one were analysed, limited to the agricultural class according to a simplified version of the land cover flow (LCF) methodology proposed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) [46]. A schema of the implemented methodology is reported in Figure 2.

2.2.1. Data Preparation

CORINE Land Cover (CLC) maps represent a detailed and harmonized dataset on land cover and land use in Europe. Those products are provided every six years from the European Environment Agency’s Copernicus Land Monitoring Service [18], and the latest update was made in 2018. In this study, we considered the four most recent maps from 2000 to 2018. CLC data were downloaded in vector format and then cropped to match the extent of the study area. Annual layers were transformed into a spatially uniform dataset by means of a reference grid of regular points with a distance of 100 m. CLC class was then assigned to each point for each of the four years included in the analysis. This simple spatial operation allowed us to convert the CLC maps, originally in polygonal vector format, into a homogeneous grid in which each point was representative of a surface area equal to one hectare. For the scope of this study, CLC dataset was reclassified to aggregate the 44 thematic classes (third level) into 9 groups, roughly matching the LEAC (Land and Ecosystem ACcounts) groups [47,48]. Compared with LEAC taxonomy, we introduced a few modifications to better explore agricultural land abandonment phenomena. Groups considered in this study and their corresponding CLC classes are summarized in Table 1.

2.2.2. Land Cover Flow Analysis

Land cover changes are land transformations that occur over time. In CLC maps, these transformations are represented as one-to-one changes between subsequent maps. Each transformation process is described in relation to original and new class according to the land cover flow (LCF) scheme [46].
In this study, we analysed only LCFs that started from any agricultural land cover, namely, “Urban residential sprawl” (i.e., LCF2), “Sprawl of economic sites and infrastructures” (i.e., LCF3), “Agriculture internal conversions” (i.e., LCF4), and “Withdrawal of farming” (i.e., LCF6), as reported in Table 2. Within this scheme, LCF6 corresponds to agricultural land abandonment.
First, land cover flows were analysed independently in each time span (i.e., 2006 vs. 2000, 2012 vs. 2006, 2018 vs. 2012), and then, results were aggregated, accounting for only LCF6 occurring at least once. Finally, to avoid double counting (e.g., a flow from ARA to AGF followed by a flow from AGF to OPEN), as well as to remove early detection of land abandonment (e.g., a flow from AGF to OPEN followed by a flow from OPEN to ARA), all flows were validated by checking the final land cover assigned in the latest available map, namely, CLC 2018.

2.3. Satellite Image-Based Analysis

The second method tested in this study included identifying AAL by mapping the evolution of agricultural areas through satellite imagery time series. The Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) dataset provided by NASA [49] was used with time series of more than 10 years ranging from 2013 to 2023. Following the approach suggested by [50], agricultural lands were first detected on an annual basis, and then, abandoned and active lands were distinguished by means of a trajectory-based analysis. Results were given not at the pixel but at the field scale, as agriculture borders were extracted with an Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). The full methodology is represented in Figure 3.

2.3.1. Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing

In this study, HLS data with a spatial resolution equal to 30 m were used to map agricultural land abandonment. This dataset allowed us to reach adequate spatial details given that on average in Italy, agricultural fields are small in size and fragmented in the territory, and to cover a long time series, starting from 2013. HLS images were downloaded from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) [51] via the NASA Earthdata Search [52], including 6 spectral bands and Fmask with QA flags. The whole study area was divided into 10 tiles, namely T32TNN, T32TNQ, T32TNP, T32TPM, T32TPN, T32TPP, T32TPQ, T32TQM, T32TQN, T32TQP. For each tile, we considered all available images from 2013 to 2023, setting cloud coverage less than 30%. More than 6000 images were downloaded and processed. HLS product provided surface reflectance values, so we applied QA flags to remove pixels classified as cloud, cloud shadow, and snow, and then derived spectral indices by combining the reflectance bands. Six indices were considered in this study (Table 3), resulting in the most outperforming from the literature review [25,36,53].
Interpolation algorithm was employed to smooth and gap-fill image time series, including both spectral bands and spectral indices series. Finally, as suggested by [25,53], the whole dataset was synthetized by computing summary metrics, namely minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation, 20th percentile, and 80th percentile, and all tiles were mosaicked to cover the study area. The final dataset consisted of 924 images (7 metrics × (6 bands + 6 indices) × 11 years) (Figure 3, block 1). All the pre-processing elaborations were performed in OSGeoLive Linux Virtual Machine [54] with GDAL and PKTOOLS libraries [55,56].
Table 3. Spectral indices used in this study.
Table 3. Spectral indices used in this study.
IndexDescriptionEquation 1,2References
BSIBare Soil Index R e d + S W I R 2 ( N I R + B l u e ) R e d + S W I R 2 + ( N I R + B l u e ) [57]
NBRNormalized Burn Ratio N I R S W I R 2 N I R + S W I R 2 [58]
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index N I R R e d N I R + R e d [59]
BrightnessTasselled Cap Band 1 a B l u e + b G r e e n + c R e d + d N I R + e S W I R 1 + f S W I R 2 [60,61]
GreennessTasselled Cap Band 2 a B l u e + b G r e e n + c R e d + d N I R + e S W I R 1 + f S W I R 2 [60,61]
WetnessTasselled Cap Band 3 a B l u e + b G r e e n + c R e d + d N I R + e S W I R 1 + f S W I R 2 [60,61]
1 Blue, Green, Red, NIR, SWIR1, and SWIR2 represent spectral bands. 2 a–f are coefficients as defined in [60,61].

2.3.2. Retrieving Training Samples

The extraction of training samples is a necessary step for image classification, as the extracted samples constitute the reference dataset for properly training the algorithm to distinguish between the different classes. For this study, the following six land cover classes were considered (Figure 3, block 2a):
  • Cropland: active agricultural areas, namely areas subject to continuous agricultural activities (e.g., ploughing, sowing, harvesting, etc.);
  • Herbaceous vegetation: permanent grasslands, temporary grasslands, natural pastures, fallow meadows, herbaceous crops;
  • Woody vegetation: woods, forests, and permanent crops including vineyards, olive groves, and orchards;
  • Non-vegetated land: natural areas without vegetation, such as bare rock, bare soil, sand, etc.;
  • Urban land: urban areas dominated by constructions such as houses and industries;
  • Inland water: inland water bodies such as lakes, rivers, swamps, or quarry lakes.
Following the approach presented in [53], training samples were retrieved in two steps. First, for each class, 100 time-stable samples were identified through visual interpretation of images, selecting points where the land cover remained unchanged throughout the entire analysis period. These points constituted the training set for an initial classification of the study area with a three-year periodicity using the Random Forest algorithm, resulting in land cover maps for the years 2014, 2017, 2020, and 2022. In the second step, these maps were used to automatically and randomly extract 3000 time-stable samples for each of the 6 classes, which were used as input for a second annual classification (described in Section 2.3.4).

2.3.3. Object-Based Image Analysis

Segmentation of agricultural areas was carried out using an image analysis technique known as Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA), developed in the eCognition™ software (v 10.4) [62]. For this purpose, six images from HLS dataset acquired on the dates 16 June 2013, 3 August 2013, 30 June 2018, 20 August 2018, 16 March 2023, and 23 August 2023 were used. The selection of these images was driven by the need to create cloud-free multi-temporal mosaics covering the entire study area, taking into account the seasonal variability of agricultural fields. This approach allowed for the creation of temporally homogeneous objects by using multi-temporal data as inputs for object-based segmentation [50]. To improve segmentation results, a new synthetic band was generated, herein named multi-temporal canny, obtained by the arithmetic sum of new bands derived from applying a Canny edge detection filter to the near-infrared spectral bands for each date [63].
An algorithm called multiresolution segmentation [64] was used to delineate agricultural areas (Figure 3, block 2b). Starting from a single pixel in the image, this algorithm iteratively merges spatially adjacent objects based on spectral and shape homogeneity criteria until a desired scale is reached. Scale is determined by spatial resolution of the satellite images and size of the objects of interest, while homogeneity ensures greater compactness in both shape and spectral content of the objects [50]. The segmentation algorithm was applied equally to all 36 available spectral bands (6 bands for 6 images) and to the band obtained from the application of the multi-temporal Canny filter, setting a scale parameter of 60 and shape and compactness parameters equal to 0.5 and 0.8, respectively. These values were chosen through a trial-and-error procedure, visually verifying on the images the coherence between the obtained objects and agricultural fields, both in areas of intensive cultivation characterized by very regular field shapes and in areas of greater variability. Segmentation was performed only within the agricultural areas belonging to class 2 (i.e., Utilized Agricultural Areas) of both the 2012 and 2018 CLC maps. Resulting objects were further aggregated into a single multi-temporal map. Figure 4 shows an example of the segmentation result of the described procedure to one of the HLS images used in this study.

2.3.4. Random Forest Classification

The time-stable samples extracted through the procedure described in Section 2.3.2 represented the training/validation set to generate annual land cover maps of the study area from 2013 to 2023. More specifically, 75% of the samples constituted the training set for the classifier, while the remaining 25% was used for validation purposes. Annual land cover maps were obtained through a Random Forest classifier [65] based on the metrics dataset extracted from satellite images (Section 2.3.1). Accuracy scores exceeded 90% for each annual classification, being the lower value calculated for the map of year 2013.
To simplify the interpretation of the classification, these maps were converted from pixel resolution to field resolution by applying the predefined field boundaries (Section 2.3.3) and assigning the predominant class (i.e., majority) to each field-representing object (Figure 3, block 3).

2.3.5. Mapping Abandoned Agricultural Land

Mapping of abandoned agricultural areas was carried out by combining the annual land cover maps and analysing class changes in consecutive years (Figure 3, block 4). First, non-agricultural objects were excluded, namely, fields never classified in the cropland class in any maps. Then, to minimize errors caused by single-year misclassifications, if an object was classified differently in only one out of eleven maps, its classification was adjusted to align with the most frequently observed class over the analysed time period. Finally, abandoned land map was obtained through a trajectory-based analysis as suggested in [50]. A field initially belonging to class cropland transitioned into any other class for at least five consecutive years was addressed as an AAL. This approach assessed the temporal evolution of field classes, allowing us to distinguish between fallow land and abandonment. It ensured that time-stable training samples were more representative for annual land cover classification and enabled the identification of the specific year in which abandonment occurred [53]. Consequently, only abandonment events that occurred before 2020 were included in the final map, while transitions after 2020 were categorized as provisional abandonment, requiring further analysis in subsequent years for confirmation.

2.4. Suitable Areas for PV Installations

For the purposes of this study, regardless of the methodology, areas classified as abandoned should be evaluated for their suitability for new ground-mounted photovoltaic installations according to their degree of naturalization or urbanization. As an example, areas that have transitioned into advanced natural states (e.g., forests) should be excluded from the analysis, as they could be included in plans for re-naturalization or reforestation. Conversely, areas that have undergone urbanization should be considered only for rooftop solar installations.
To determine suitability for PV installations, both AAL maps were compared with the most recent land cover classification: CLC 2018 for the land cover change analysis and the 2023 map for the satellite image-based analysis. In the first methodology, abandoned points were set as suitable for PV installations if they belonged to the AGF or OPEN classes in the CLC map 2018 and unsuitable otherwise. A conservative approach was adopted, including the AGF class with the OPEN class among the suitable areas, as CLC maps do not provide detailed quantification of the degree of forestation within each class. In the second methodology, abandoned fields were set as suitable for PV installations if they were categorized as herbaceous or non-vegetated land in the land cover classification map for the final year of the time series (2023). Fields in all other classes were set as unsuitable.

2.5. Maps Assessment

Due to the complexity of the phenomenon of agricultural abandonment, there are no sufficiently up-to-date data available that could be used as a quantitative validation of the results obtained from both methodologies. For this reason, an exclusively qualitative validation was carried out for certain critical areas, using aerial orthophotos provided as web map services (WMSs) by the territorial office of Regione Toscana [66,67].
As previously mentioned, this study has a broader scope than merely mapping areas of agricultural abandonment. Specifically, it aims to assess the contribution that the identified areas can give in terms of energy potential and compare that with the regional RES growth targets for 2030 as defined by the Ministerial Decree of 21 June 2024 [68]. This was achieved by converting the area extensions into achievable potential expressed in megawatts (MW) by means of the existing area to power relationship (Equation (1)):
P = A/Coeff,
where P is the capacity in MW, A is the available area (expressed in km2), and Coeff is a coefficient representing the average ratio between area and capacity of installed plants (ranging from 0.011 to 0.018 km2 × MW−1).
The Decree also establishes criteria for identifying areas and sites that can be considered suitable for the installation of renewable energy plants without compromising the natural integrity of the territory. This involves excluding areas subject to environmental constraints (e.g., within the Natura 2000 network); areas under high levels of hydraulic and hydrogeological risk; mountainous regions; and areas adjacent to rivers, inland water, and coastal zones. In addition, the Decree defines that, unless advanced agrivoltaic projects are proposed, ground-mounted PV plants can be installed in agricultural areas only under specific conditions, which include a buffer zone of 500 m around industrial facilities or a buffer zone of 300 m around highways. All these guidelines are intended to ensure the achievement of decarbonization targets while minimizing impacts on the environment, territory, and landscape [68].
Thus, in line with the Ministerial Decree, the analysis presented in this study focused on regulated areas, providing scenarios of power capacity while intersecting detected AALs with the eligibility criteria. Environmental and natural constraints were downloaded from the GeoDB ETA webpage [69], a national database which aggregates various geographic data related to the energy system. The OpenStreetMap database [70] was used to retrieve industrial areas and highways, extracting features corresponding to industrial land use and motorway classifications, respectively.

3. Results

3.1. Abandoned Agricultural Land Maps

According to land cover change analysis, Toscana experienced a decrease in the total agricultural area between 2000 and 2006, mainly caused by urbanization, so that the AAL phenomenon was almost absent. Nevertheless, between 2006 and 2018, the phenomenon was most pronounced, and approximately 19,000 hectares were mapped as abandoned. Among these, 11,200 hectares were classified as suitable for PV installations. Those areas mostly derived from transformations of ARA, PRS, and PMF classes into more natural land, including AGF and OPEN classes. The geographical distribution of suitable AALs detected through land cover change analysis is represented in Figure 5a.
According to satellite image-based analysis, the AAL phenomenon widely covered the study area over the last 11 years, and approximately 22,000 hectares were mapped as abandoned and suitable for PV installations (Figure 5b). All these areas were classified as abandoned due to a transition that occurred before the year 2020. Around 40,000 additional hectares were marked as in a possible state of abandonment (i.e., fewer than 5 consecutive years), but these areas should be confirmed with further analysis and will not be considered for estimating PV potential.
By comparing the two maps, it is evident that the second methodology identifies a greater extent of areas classified as abandoned compared with the first. Moreover, these areas tend to be more evenly distributed across the study region. In contrast, AALs identified by the first methodology are more clustered, resulting in larger macro-areas of abandonment.
The extents of suitable AAL obtained from the two methodologies are reported in Table 4. As the land cover change analysis time span is limited to 2018, results are provided for both periods preceding and following 2018.
Although results of the two methodologies appear comparable in terms of total hectares (before 2018), from a geographical perspective, the areas identified as abandoned do not overlap. Checking the aerial orthophotos, the methodology based on land cover change analysis seems to identify AAL mainly associated with pastures, which are usually areas where morphology makes the installation of photovoltaic systems particularly challenging. The methodology based on satellite image analysis, instead, is tailored to cropland abandonment. In addition, the satellite images used in this study offer further advantages. On the one hand, they enable the analysis to be extended to time intervals beyond 2018, thus providing a more up-to-date result (Figure 6).
On the other hand, they ensure higher spatial detail compared with land cover maps, allowing, in most cases, the identification of abandonment status at the scale of individual agricultural fields. Examples are shown in Figure 7.
From a visual inspection of the aerial orthophotos, most of the abandoned areas identified using the satellite image-based analysis are accurate, as shown in Figure 8a. Nonetheless, some errors are present in the mapping (Figure 8b), primarily attributable to inaccuracies in the Random Forest classification or in the delineation of agricultural fields. These include cases where large objects were identified, making it challenging to correctly assign the predominant class of the object through majority aggregation.

3.2. Photovoltaic Potential Scenarios

The potential capacity for new ground-based photovoltaic installations is provided in Table 5. As the land cover change methodology resulted in some limitations, only suitable AALs obtained through the satellite image-based analysis were considered. Capacity was estimated from detected areas using the coefficients defined in Section 2.5. Results are provided for three incremental scenarios: (i) the first scenario includes the whole suitable AAL (Figure 5b); (ii) the second scenario includes suitable AALs free of environmentally sensitive and high-risk areas (Figure 9a); (iii) the third scenario includes the same AALs from scenario 2 but located around industrial areas and motorways (Figure 9b).
The Ministerial Decree of 21 June 2024 [68] distributed national RES electric targets among the Italian regions, assigning 4250 MW to Toscana [71]. According to our estimates, the identified AALs would fully cover the regional target, even using only those areas without environmental constraints (i.e., scenario 2). In these areas, current regulations determine that only agrivoltaic systems can be proposed, while it is possible to install traditional PV systems around industrial and motorway sites. Traditional PV potential, corresponding to scenario 3, would represent 32% of the regional target in Toscana.

4. Discussion

Overall, both methodologies were effective in mapping abandoned agricultural land, but with some differences and a few limitations. The analysis of land cover changes provides a preliminary assessment of agricultural land abandonment in Toscana. Nonetheless, this estimate is subject to certain inaccuracies, primarily due to the spatial resolution and update frequency of the data used. While the land cover maps were sampled using a 100 × 100 m² regular grid, the original map units are larger (minimum size: 25 hectares), making it challenging to detect smaller changes such as areas with sparse woodland. Furthermore, these maps have an update frequency of six years, which exceeds the five-year threshold typically needed to reliably identify abandoned areas. The most recent analysis is based on 2018 data, as updated maps for 2022 or 2023 were unavailable at the time of writing. However, this approach is quicker and more straightforward, as it avoids the need to generate land cover classifications and process large datasets.
In contrast, medium-resolution satellite imagery demands significantly more computational resources compared with land cover change analysis. Nevertheless, it offers a more precise estimation of abandoned agricultural land, and it is tailored to cropland. With a spatial resolution of 30 m, annual updates, and continuous data acquisition, this method enables more detailed and up-to-date analyses, including the potential to retain data from 2022 and 2023. These aspects can be particularly significant if considering the sustainable exploitation of agricultural areas through agrivoltaics technology. Numerous studies in the literature focus on developing methodologies for assessing areas suitable for agrivoltaic systems [72,73]. However, the same authors highlight that the accuracy of their methodologies is affected by the availability of detailed maps of agricultural land cover and crop types, which are often challenging to obtain, particularly at global or national scales. The AAL estimates derived from the proposed satellite-based methodology could serve as an additional input layer in multicriteria analyses, thereby improving the reliability of agrivoltaic land eligibility assessments.
Furthermore, the extent of abandoned agricultural areas mapped using the satellite image-based methodology can be utilized to quantify the installable photovoltaic potential, as demonstrated in Section 3.2. The estimated potential would be sufficient to meet the assigned regional target of 4250 MW, even by utilizing abandoned areas free of environmental constraints (scenario 2), which correspond to 1.5% of the total regional agricultural land. Approximately 80% of these areas would be sufficient to achieve the target while respecting eligibility criteria and regulatory constraints, thereby minimizing the environmental and landscape impacts associated with photovoltaic installations. However, current regulations permit the use of these lands exclusively for advanced agrivoltaic systems, while traditional photovoltaic installations are restricted to areas surrounding industrial sites and highway infrastructure. Based on our estimates (scenario 3), the photovoltaic potential in such degraded areas amounts to 1339 MW. Consequently, the use of abandoned agricultural areas under the assumptions of scenario 3 could cover only 32% of the RES growth target assigned to Toscana. Achieving the full target would therefore require additional installations on other surfaces or the adoption of alternative RES technologies.
The satellite image-based methodology outlined a few limitations, mainly related to errors in land cover classification with Random Forest or in aggregating class from the pixel to the field scale. Pixel misclassifications could be caused by inaccuracies in the design of the RF classifier, including retrieving explanatory input data, training samples, and setting proper algorithm parameters. The land cover classifications here presented resulted in overall accuracies greater than 90%, in line with expectations from the literature review [14,27,35,50]. However, new classifiers could be tested as well as deep learning approaches. Pixel classification errors propagate to field-based classifications, particularly when dealing with large objects. The misclassification of even a small number of pixels can cause confusion in determining the predominant class of an agricultural field, potentially leading to incorrect interpretations of abandonment. To address this issue, refinements in OBIA segmentation would be necessary, even leveraging higher spatial resolution datasets to generate more precise field boundaries and mitigate the effects of misclassifications.
Nevertheless, the proposed methodology proved to be highly effective in identifying areas with photovoltaic potential, highlighting the crucial role that abandoned agricultural lands can play in supporting sustainable land management strategies [24,74,75] such as mitigating food security challenges, addressing climate change, and promoting energy development.
Although our current analysis is limited to the development of photovoltaics, similar strategies could be adopted in the future to explore the sustainable development of other renewable energy sources such as wind and bioenergy. To further this work, it may be worth considering an extension of the methodology to encompass the entire Italian (and/or European) territory, providing national-scale estimates to facilitate a comprehensive analysis of land-use conflicts and their management. Additionally, future developments will focus on assessing the impacts of PV systems not only from a territorial perspective through land-use exploitation analysis, but also from an ecological viewpoint, considering the effects of PV installations on biodiversity and landscapes.

5. Conclusions

In achieving the 2030 decarbonization targets, the expansion of renewable energy sources (RESs) must be coordinated with appropriate territorial policies to ensure synergy between the energy system and the environment. For photovoltaic installations, which are often located on agricultural land, sustainable RES development strategies should also prioritize minimizing impacts on the agricultural sector. This study proposes considering the use of abandoned agricultural land (AAL) as high-potential sites for new photovoltaic installations, offering an integrated solution that harmonizes energy, territorial, and agricultural policies. Within this work, two methodologies to identify AAL were tested and compared, aiming to delineate macro-areas of potential abandonment for conversion to energy use at a local scale. The first method identifies AAL with an analysis of changes in land cover classes derived from Corine Land Cover (CLC) maps available every six years. The second method maps the evolution of agricultural areas through satellite imagery time series, namely, the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. Analyses were carried out in a region (NUTS-2) of central Italy (i.e., Toscana).
The obtained results demonstrate that, although the methodology based on land cover change analysis is simpler and more straightforward, the use of satellite imagery provides a more detailed and up-to-date estimate of the extent of abandoned agricultural areas at the local scale. This advantage stems from the high spatial and temporal resolution achievable through the proposed approach. Consequently, this methodology can be effectively employed to estimate the photovoltaic potential that can be sustainably exploited from abandoned agricultural areas. Specifically, it enables the targeted deployment of photovoltaic systems in areas already partially degraded from a naturalistic perspective. Our analysis indicates that suitable AAL, after accounting for environmental constraints, represents 1.5% of the total agricultural area in Toscana. Utilizing approximately 80% of this land would be sufficient to meet the regional renewable energy growth targets for 2030 as defined by the Italian government. In compliance with current regulations, most of these areas should be allocated to agrivoltaic systems, with only a small portion dedicated to traditional photovoltaic installations, corresponding to an estimated capacity of approximately 1300 MW.
In conclusion, the integration of methodologies to identify AAL offers a novel strategy for sustainable energy and territorial planning. A balanced approach that prioritizes the use of compromised or marginal lands, alongside innovative solutions such as agrivoltaic systems, ensures that energy transitions occur with minimal trade-offs. Incorporating these methodologies into territorial energy planning frameworks supports the optimization of land use, enhances environmental conservation, and promotes the sustainable achievement of regional and national renewable energy targets.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.R. and M.A.; methodology, G.R. and M.A.; software, G.R.; validation, G.R. and M.A.; data curation, G.R.; writing—original draft preparation, G.R. and M.A.; writing—review and editing, G.R. and M.A.; visualization, G.R. and M.A.; supervision, M.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work has been financed by the Research Fund for the Italian Electrical System under the Three-Year Research Plan 2022–2024 (DM MITE n. 337, 15/09/2022), in compliance with the Decree of 16 April 2018.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets presented in this article are not readily available because the data are part of an ongoing study. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to the corresponding author.


The authors would like to thank the Spatial Ecology team (, for sharing tools and providing courses about geo-computation and machine learning.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Italian regions, including Toscana, which was selected as study area. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
Figure 1. Italian regions, including Toscana, which was selected as study area. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
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Figure 2. Methodology to detect abandoned agricultural land suitable for PV installations through land cover change analysis.
Figure 2. Methodology to detect abandoned agricultural land suitable for PV installations through land cover change analysis.
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Figure 3. Methodology to detect abandoned agricultural land suitable for PV installations through satellite image-based analysis.
Figure 3. Methodology to detect abandoned agricultural land suitable for PV installations through satellite image-based analysis.
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Figure 4. An example of HLS image (false colours composition) and OBIA applied to the same image.
Figure 4. An example of HLS image (false colours composition) and OBIA applied to the same image.
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Figure 5. Map of suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL): (a) areas resulting from land cover change (LCC) analysis; (b) areas resulting from satellite image-based (SI) analysis. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
Figure 5. Map of suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL): (a) areas resulting from land cover change (LCC) analysis; (b) areas resulting from satellite image-based (SI) analysis. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
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Figure 6. Examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) resulting from satellite image-based analysis, where abandonment was detected in 2019. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
Figure 6. Examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) resulting from satellite image-based analysis, where abandonment was detected in 2019. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
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Figure 7. Two examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) detected by the two methodologies: orange points depict areas resulting from land cover change (LCC) analysis, while black polygons depict areas resulting from satellite image-based (SI) analysis. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
Figure 7. Two examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) detected by the two methodologies: orange points depict areas resulting from land cover change (LCC) analysis, while black polygons depict areas resulting from satellite image-based (SI) analysis. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
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Figure 8. Examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) identified using the satellite image-based analysis: (a) true detections; (b) false detections. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
Figure 8. Examples representing suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL) identified using the satellite image-based analysis: (a) true detections; (b) false detections. Basemap: Aerial orthophotos for year 2023, source [66].
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Figure 9. Map of suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL): (a) areas in scenario 2, which includes AALs net of environmental constraints; (b) areas in scenario 3, which includes AALs from scenario 2 located around industrial areas and motorways. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
Figure 9. Map of suitable abandoned agricultural land (AAL): (a) areas in scenario 2, which includes AALs net of environmental constraints; (b) areas in scenario 3, which includes AALs from scenario 2 located around industrial areas and motorways. Basemap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors.
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Table 1. Land cover groups considered in this study and their corresponding CORINE Land Cover (CLC) classes.
Table 1. Land cover groups considered in this study and their corresponding CORINE Land Cover (CLC) classes.
Land Cover GroupsCLC Classes
AArtificial surfaces1. *
ARAArable land2.1 *
PERPermanent crops2.2 *; 2.4.1
PMFComplex cultivation patterns2.4.2; 2.4.4
AGFAgriculture with significant natural vegetation2.4.3
FORForests3.1 *
OPENShrub and/or herbaceous vegetation, open spaces withlittle or no vegetation3.2 *; 3.3 *
WATWetland and water bodies4. *; 5. *
* including all sub-classes.
Table 2. Land cover flows (LCFs) considered in this study. Starting class represents land cover group in map i-1, while final class represents land cover group in map i.
Table 2. Land cover flows (LCFs) considered in this study. Starting class represents land cover group in map i-1, while final class represents land cover group in map i.
Starting ClassFinal Class
* including LCF3.
Table 4. Suitable AAL extents obtained from the two discussed methodologies.
Table 4. Suitable AAL extents obtained from the two discussed methodologies.
Suitable AAL [ha]
Until 2018After 2018
Land cover change analysis11,300-
Satellite image-based analysis11,80010,300
Table 5. Potential capacity (MW) obtained from suitable abandoned agricultural areas derived from satellite image-based analysis under the three scenarios.
Table 5. Potential capacity (MW) obtained from suitable abandoned agricultural areas derived from satellite image-based analysis under the three scenarios.
ScenarioPotential Capacity [MW]
1—Suitable AAL *12,291
2—Suitable AAL free of environmental constraints *5131
3—Suitable AAL free of environmental constraints around industrial areas and motorways **1339
* Area to power coefficient, Coeff = 0.018 km2 × MW−1. ** Area to power coefficient, Coeff = 0.011 km2 × MW−1.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ronchetti, G.; Aiello, M. Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability 2025, 17, 694.

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Ronchetti G, Aiello M. Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability. 2025; 17(2):694.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ronchetti, Giulia, and Martina Aiello. 2025. "Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations" Sustainability 17, no. 2: 694.

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Ronchetti, G., & Aiello, M. (2025). Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability, 17(2), 694.

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