Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Land Cover Change Analysis
2.2.1. Data Preparation
2.2.2. Land Cover Flow Analysis
2.3. Satellite Image-Based Analysis
2.3.1. Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing
2.3.2. Retrieving Training Samples
- Cropland: active agricultural areas, namely areas subject to continuous agricultural activities (e.g., ploughing, sowing, harvesting, etc.);
- Herbaceous vegetation: permanent grasslands, temporary grasslands, natural pastures, fallow meadows, herbaceous crops;
- Woody vegetation: woods, forests, and permanent crops including vineyards, olive groves, and orchards;
- Non-vegetated land: natural areas without vegetation, such as bare rock, bare soil, sand, etc.;
- Urban land: urban areas dominated by constructions such as houses and industries;
- Inland water: inland water bodies such as lakes, rivers, swamps, or quarry lakes.
2.3.3. Object-Based Image Analysis
2.3.4. Random Forest Classification
2.3.5. Mapping Abandoned Agricultural Land
2.4. Suitable Areas for PV Installations
2.5. Maps Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Abandoned Agricultural Land Maps
3.2. Photovoltaic Potential Scenarios
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Land Cover Groups | CLC Classes | |
Code | Description | |
A | Artificial surfaces | 1. * |
ARA | Arable land | 2.1 * |
PER | Permanent crops | 2.2 *; 2.4.1 |
PRS | Pastures | 2.3 |
PMF | Complex cultivation patterns | 2.4.2; 2.4.4 |
AGF | Agriculture with significant natural vegetation | 2.4.3 |
FOR | Forests | 3.1 * |
OPEN | Shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation, open spaces withlittle or no vegetation | 3.2 *; 3.3 * |
WAT | Wetland and water bodies | 4. *; 5. * |
Starting Class | Final Class | ||||||||
A | ARA | PER | PRS | PMF | AGF | FOR | OPEN | WAT | |
ARA | LCF2 * | - | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 |
PER | LCF2 * | LCF4 | - | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 |
PRS | LCF2 * | LCF4 | LCF4 | - | LCF4 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 |
PMF | LCF2 * | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF4 | - | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 |
AGF | LCF2 * | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF4 | LCF4 | - | LCF6 | LCF6 | LCF6 |
Suitable AAL [ha] | ||
Until 2018 | After 2018 | |
Land cover change analysis | 11,300 | - |
Satellite image-based analysis | 11,800 | 10,300 |
Scenario | Potential Capacity [MW] |
1—Suitable AAL * | 12,291 |
2—Suitable AAL free of environmental constraints * | 5131 |
3—Suitable AAL free of environmental constraints around industrial areas and motorways ** | 1339 |
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Ronchetti, G.; Aiello, M. Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability 2025, 17, 694. https://doi.org/10.3390/su17020694
Ronchetti G, Aiello M. Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability. 2025; 17(2):694. https://doi.org/10.3390/su17020694
Chicago/Turabian StyleRonchetti, Giulia, and Martina Aiello. 2025. "Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations" Sustainability 17, no. 2: 694. https://doi.org/10.3390/su17020694
APA StyleRonchetti, G., & Aiello, M. (2025). Potential of Abandoned Agricultural Lands for New Photovoltaic Installations. Sustainability, 17(2), 694. https://doi.org/10.3390/su17020694